HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarrus recorded general license 3-31-21Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. ma m V r� oM z M Q [Ty Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources — Waterways Program BRP WW 24 p&: 33462 P�_-14 . ,22182 Chapter 91 General License Certification ®-''_31-21i 12 S a 12 a �� Transmittal Number: X286988 A. Certification Information 1. 1 am applying for Certification under: ® the General License for Coastal Structures ❑ the General License for Inland Structures 2. The applicable General License for my structure dated 4/13/15 is recorded at the Barnstable Book 28978, Page 219. Name of Registry of Deeds 3. My structure meets the eligibility requirements of: ® General License Section 1(A) and (B) and ❑ General License Section 3.2 for Great Ponds and navigable rivers/streams B. Applicant Information Deborah and Richard Carrus 8861 Sydney Harbor Circle, Delray Beach, FL 33446 Mailing Address / City / State / Zip Code _ 516-650-7989 rcl30l@yahoo.com Phone Number Email Address uj Mark Burgess, Shorefront Consulting 508-280-8046; shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com NJ Printed Name of Authorized Agent (if any) Contact Information eC. Project Location ir .24,doc•V2018 Printed Name of Property Owner (if different from Applicant) 122 Mayflower Terrace, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Project Street Address / City / State / Zip Code Using Section C in the Instructions, provide the following geographic coordinates: 41 d41 m49.524s 70d10m29.604s Latitude Longitude 120 19 Barnstable Tax Assessors Map/Parcel Number Parcel/Lot Number County Property Recorded at Registry of Deeds: 25515 26 Book Page Or Certificate of Title Number Or Probate Number Type of waterbody, as described on page 6 of the Instructions, the type of water body in which the project site is located (check all that apply): ® Private Tidelands ❑ Great Pond ® Commonwealth Tidelands (seaward of MLW) ❑ Non -tidal Navigable River or Stream (Inland) Dinah's Pond (Bass River) Name of the water body the project site is located on D. Project Plans I have attached plan(s) drawn in accordance with the locations shown and details that meet the list of Requirements for my coastal or inland structure (page 11 of Instructions). ❑ Hand -drawn Plans ® Professional Engineering Plans Number of pages: BRP Vdw 24, General License Certification • Page 1 of 3 Q TJ fn ZQ� Nm W as t E rig C F-=) is .0- �^ Q N a� Z� �U QE a M 0—� Q p V U > U. uL C' O 8 0:, Ing U0) Lu Z U ED d) t Oa -a.. Luo @ U N ZQ� Nm W as t E 0Q0 F-=) Failure to record this Certification within 60 days of the date of approval will render this Certification void. Bk 33962 Pg147 #22182 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources — Waterways Program BRP WW 24 Chapter 91 General License Certification Transmittal Number:Xz-gZg8`3 E. Certification I hereby make application for certification under the General License authorized by the Department and signed by the Governor on April 13, 2015. Upon my signature, I agree to allow the duly authorized representative of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to enter upon the premises of the project site at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection. I hereby certify that the information submitted in this Certification and on the attached plans is true and accurate `to the best of my knowledge, and is in conformance with the eligibility requirements as outlined in Section 1(A) and (B) and Section 3.2 of the General License. And, upon my signature, that I have read the General License and agree to the terms and conditions set forth therein. I hereby certify that any change in use or structural alteration of the project described herein will require that I request recertification in accordance with 310 CMR 9.29(4)(e). I hereby certify that I have sent the required fee to MassDEP, and have attached a copy of the completed fee calculation (Check all that apply): ® Ch.91 Applicant Fee ® Tidewater Displacement Fee ® Tideland Occupation Fee ❑ Great Pond Occupation Fee I hereby certify I have submitted this certification, and provided the opportunity to comment, to the following officials for the municipality in which thg project is located (check all that apply): ❑ . Planning Board ) of 8120 Notification Date ❑ Conservation Commission: if approved, identify 4/30/2020 Date of Order or Determination SE83-2220 DEP File #, if issued ® Board of Selectmen ❑ Mayor and City Council ® Harbormaster ❑ Landowner (if not applicant) ® Zoning Enforcement Officer (for Coastal Structures only) In accordance with 310 CMR 9.29(4)(c) a I 20 in -Tile ks.3fsT j - public notice was published on Date Name of publication Original tures required for all applicants, property owners, authorized agents, and zoning officer (if appli le). hg authorized ogegnt may sign all future application correspondence for applicant or property owner. Original Signature Property Authorized Ager/s Original Signature (if applicable) (For Coastal Structures only) I hereby certify that the project described above and in the attached plans is not in violation of local zoninq ordinances and bylaws. Officer / Title / Date Yarmouth MassDEP �.24 doc,1/2018 BRP ww 24, General Ltwx Cert cation • Page 2 of 4 GENERAL LICENSE CERTIFICATION N0.VL-jA GfQ APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE: nwttk 141, 242,11 N w S�yy.,v.... MAP 1119 PARCEL 58 i N/F LOMBARDI JEAN C/O FANARA JEFFREY B TRS PO BOX 775 . DENNIS, MA 02638 /p/ DEED` BK:15930 PG:309� qg�� T�DAtjAO�'D U�NO a; THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE Bk 33962 Pg148 #22182 FOR REGISTRY OF DEEDS USE ONLY Mq Y,c� wgyR MAP 120 PARCEL 19 DEBORAH D. AND RICHARD CARRUS 8861 SYDNEY HARBOR CIRCLE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33446 DEED BOOK 25515, PAGE 26 DEED INDEXING STANDARDS FOR THE COMMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JANUARY 1, 2008, SECTION 6-4: PLANS AS ATTACHMENTS TO OTHER DOCUMENTS. EAN HI,9H WATER BASS RIVER DINAHS POND LOCUS MAP NOT TO SCALE 4kS8,-Zf0 -MEAN LOW WATER /'/fq (EL= -0.3') SITE PLAN qQV� TO 25 0 25 50 100 ANG DOCK SCALE: 1"=50' DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS = NAVD88 PLAN ACCOMPANYING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PETITION OF: I PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, TO INSTALL, LICENSE AND MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS RIVER), YARMOUTH IN: YARMOUTH AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE KxPPY�Z9�1FL•1:7�F9�1:I�a SHEET 1 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31. 2020 TP \ ��� `.rF� r MAP 120 PAR L T- N/F HULSE LUCY L C / -TRS KNOBCOTTAGE UST ry^ / 159 MAINS 47A STONEHAM, A 02180 DEED BK:2 99 PG:347 EAN HI,9H WATER BASS RIVER DINAHS POND LOCUS MAP NOT TO SCALE 4kS8,-Zf0 -MEAN LOW WATER /'/fq (EL= -0.3') SITE PLAN qQV� TO 25 0 25 50 100 ANG DOCK SCALE: 1"=50' DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS = NAVD88 PLAN ACCOMPANYING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PETITION OF: I PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, TO INSTALL, LICENSE AND MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS RIVER), YARMOUTH IN: YARMOUTH AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE KxPPY�Z9�1FL•1:7�F9�1:I�a SHEET 1 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31. 2020 GENERAL LICENSE CERTIFICATION NO. APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE: l'1 Ill. 74 ZZI i� 3-,PHRAG N81 °57'24"W 56.37' (TIE -LINE) 7^ 410T USN 0 G 'lock Bk 33962 Pg149 #22182 FOR REGISTRY OF DEEDS USE ONLY C HRU V PROPOSED — — _ •. 4'x58' PIER Z h -2- PROPOSED 2"PROPOSED 3'x20' RAMP PROPOSED 8'x16' FLOAT h & MEAN HIGH WATER — I (EL=1.9') DINAR (EL S --2 (2IDAL)pOND AgUNG ')OCk F�O 1N LOW WATER - =-o- it off, — — — 4A SITE PLAN ---�� 10 5 0 10 20 40 aP SCALE: 1"=20' oy�o� DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS = NAVD88 PLAN ACCOMPANYING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THIS PLAN CONFORMS TTHE PETITION OF: PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEED INDEXING STANDARDS FOR THE COMMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, IN: YARMOUTH TO INSTALL, LICENSE AND AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE JANUARY 1, 2008, SECTION 6-4: MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS PLANS AS ATTACHMENTS TO RIVER), YARMOUTH COUNTY OF: BARNSTABLE OTHER DOCUMENTS. SHEET 2 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2020 Bk 33962 Pg150 #22182 GENERAL LICENSE CERTIFICATION NO.")( FOR REGISTRY OF DEEDS USE ONLY APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE: PAAttCW 1Q ZoeI I� PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT EXTEND 80' BEYOI\ SALT MARSH; MATCH LINE LAWN UNMOWED � DECKING IS GRATED \ GRASSES OVER MARSH I \ SHRUBSPROPOSED 4'5±8' 'x58 PIER; DECK PROPOSED STEPS; HEIGHT = 7.± NAVD88 8" RISE, 12" RUN± 10 8 PUBLIC ACCESS 6 AROUND END OF PIER 4 2 MHW= 1.9' 0 MLW= -0.3' -2 -4 LONG GREENHEART OR FIBERGLASS EX. GRADE -6 11PILES (2 TOTAL) 18'± SPAN (TYP) > Ln CD N u7 H: 1"=l' 0 0 PROPOSED 8"-10" DIAM. x 22' LONG GREENHEART OR FIBERGLASS PILES (6 TOTAL) PROFILE A -A (PROPOSED) 5 0 5 10 20 SCALE: I"=10' DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS = NAVD88 THIS PLAN CONFORMS TTHE PLAN ACCOMPANYING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT REQUIREMENTS OF THE PETITION OF: DEED INDEXING STANDARDS FOR THE DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, TO INSTALL, LICENSE AND IN: YARMOUTH AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE COMMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JANUARY 1, 2008, SECTION 6-4: MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS PLANS AS ATTACHMENTS TO RIVER), YARMOUTH COUNTY OF: BARNSTABLE OTHER DOCUMENTS. SHEET 3 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2020 Bk 33962 Pg151 #22182 GENERAL LICENSE CERTIFICATION NO. G'jX 2gle9$$ FOR REGISTRY OF DEEDS USE ONLY APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE: t&ARtW 1411 BEYOND MHW; 83't ALONG CENTERLINE OF DOCK JE MATCH LINE PROPOSED 12" DIAM. x 30' .CK LONG GREENHEART PILES; TOP OF PILE = 12' NAVD (2 TOTAL) PROPOSED 3'x20' RAMP 10 _ 8 PROPOSED 6 8'x 16' FLOAT 4 Q7 Z 12 MHW= 1.9 p ....... .. ............ ..�_VLW=' =0. —2 -4 -6 Ln o o 0 PUT ADDITIONAL FLOTATION AND FLOAT STOPS (FOR 2.75' ON THIS END PROFILE A -A (PROPOSED) 5 0 5 10 20 SCALE: 1"=10' DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS = NAVD88 THIS PLAN CONFORMS TTHE PLAN ACCOMPANYING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT REQUIREMENTS OF THE PETITION OF: DEED INDEXING STANDARDS FOR THE DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, TO INSTALL, LICENSE AND IN: YARMOUTH AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE COMMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JANUARY 1, 2008, SECTION 6-4: MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS PLANS AS ATTACHMENTS TO RIVER), YARMOUTH COUNTY OF: BARNSTABLE OTHER DOCUMENTS. SHEET 4 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2020 GENERAL LICENSE CERTIFICATION NO. O tLX 2uA 88 APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE: IMA&CO 10t, '7.o'z k Bk 33962 Pg152 #22182 FOR REGISTRY OF DEEDS USE ONLY Imo_ 4' 2"x6" RAILING CAP 4"x4" POST BOLTED THROUGH YOKES AND 2"x4" RAILINGS (TYP) VJOISTS (TYP) 2"x12" STRINGERS (6 TOTAL, TYP) 2"X6" DECKING OR (3) 4'x10" W/ 3/4" SPACING (GRATING OVER RS[I) 3/4" THROUGH—BOLTS =1 (TYP) e 3"x10" YOKE; (2) TYP. o P o 0 3"x8" CROSS BRACING, (TYP) THROUGH BOLT WITH DOCK WASHERS (TYP) 8-10" GREENHEART PILE (INSTALL BUTT END DOWN, TYP) OR "PEARSON" FIBERGLASS PILES INSTALL SCREW ANCHOR AT EACH BENT BEYOND MHW TO PREVENT ICE UPLIFT DOCK SECTION B -B ELEVATION DETAIL 1 .5 0 1 2 4 PLAN ACCOMPANYING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THIS PLAN CONFORMS TTHE PETITION OF: PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT REQUIREMENTS OF THH E DEED INDEXING STANDARDS FOR THE COMMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS JANUARY 1, 2008, SECTION 6-4: PLANS AS ATTACHMENTS TO OTHER DOCUMENTS. DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, TO INSTALL, UCENSE AND MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS RIVER), YARMOUTH IN: YARMOUTH AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE COUNTY OF: BARNSTABLE SHEET 5 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2020 GENERAL LICENSE CERTIFICATION NO. lsCX 2$l.'l4'Ji' APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DATE: We J -J 141, 20 L t Bk 33962 Pg153 #22182 FOR REGISTRY OF DEEDS USE ONLY 2"x6" RAILING B CAP (TYP) 5/8" THROUGH 2"x4" RAILING 2"x6" DECKING W/ 3/4" SPACING; OVERLAP 1" (TYP) 2"x12" STRINGERS ° (TYP) 3"x10" YOKE;'3/4" THROUGH n:��B (2) TYP. T WITH DOCK WASHERS (TYP) ,i 3"x8" CROSS BRACING, (TYP) 8-10" GREENHEART OR FIBERGLASS PILES (TYP) B DOCK SECTION A -A ELEVATION DETAIL THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE '.D INDEXING STANDARDS FOR :'0181X1'[0]Ell 7_1A1.KolOFEv' -161:1114210&1 JANUARY 1, 2008, SECTION 6-4 PLANS AS ATTACHMENTS TO OTHER DOCUMENTS. 1 .5 0 1 2 4 1"=2' PLAN ACCOMPANYING PETITION OF: DEBORAH AND RICHARD CARRUS, TO INSTALL, LICENSE AND MAINTAIN A PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN DINAH'S POND (BASS RIVER), YARMOUTH PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED PIER, RAMP, AND FLOAT IN: YARMOUTH AT: #122 MAYFLOWER TERRACE COUNTY OF: BARNSTABLE SHEET 6 OF 6 DATE: AUGUST 31, 2020 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register