HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOA - Callery Darling Conservation Area - Folderif-,@> Re uest for a Determination of �� :_ Applicability: NAH j2.' ti Town of Yarmouth Callery Dariinqq Conservation Area jMap 148 Lots Z, ��n Z oq a m m S' Notice of Intent: m z f�A Propose gradin and construction of a retaining wall within a �','i riparian zone and buffer zone to a bor- daring vegetated wetland. rz"av MA Raise foundation of a sing9le TamilV n and propose moduror block YARMOUTH/CC/PUBLIC HEARINGS 3/6/14 TOWNLEGAL LYARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION TheYarmouth Conservation Commission will conduct public hear. tn s pursuant to the Massachusetts Section 4Act, an'd the Town of pYarmoWi March 6a 2074 at'thehYarmouth Town Offices 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA beginning at x;00 P.M. for the following matters: t; O R O Cl: M I a f Re uest for a Determination of Applicability: Town of Yarmouth Callery Dariinqq Conservation Area jMap 148 Lots Z, rl 5.1 vide & 5.2) Control vegetation and pro- ongoing maintenance Notice of Intent: W Ff NSTAR 102 Union Street INSTAR ROW 8346 (Map 115 Loi 62.1) Yarmouth, f�A Propose gradin and construction of a retaining wall within a �','i riparian zone and buffer zone to a bor- daring vegetated wetland. Andres & Adriana Limarino, 59 Lakeland Avenue, South Yarmouth, MA Raise foundation of a sing9le TamilV n and propose moduror block walldwe wall witghin a buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetland. Plans and applications for the. above ® may be examined in the Yarmouth Conservation Commission Office, 1146 Route y28 South YYarmouth, MA. the' hoursof 8:45..mrland4pptp men Ed Hoopes, Chairman' Yarmouth Conservation Commission e13W8e Th 2 The Registerr 2/27/14 t; O R O Cl: M I a f