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APPROVED {yp�$� S _ TOWN ,o..1 � S g?Ch 1 7%: rte'. WN;.'LER MAY 10, 2021 3 TOWN OF YARMOUTH °e i 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 t n -.1;-,. .=1_0 i& YARMO OLD KING'ST-iTGHl/VAY—'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans, drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS,&SUPPLEM5NTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial ✓ Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: \/New Building Addition _Alterations Reroof Garage Shed _Solar Panels Other: / / 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters J Doors /Trim Other. RECEIVED 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool Other: APR - 8 2021 Please type or print legibly: Y'ARMOU H Address of proposed work: 1 Q e4 ( \A- ©\[\,X C pt y Map/Lot# LD KING'S HIGHWAY Owner(s): ^vY (-p -j cr ii i 3Vt✓1 �� Phone#15? 2 ,�(.vv"01 a'1 All applications must�6e sub tted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approvingsubmI of application. Mailing address: /.�' $�)� I1 II 'h Year built: /I 67 Pt Email: ...--,--- .4cJ) P0/QV11>vv\ ‘.111\. (o r• erred notification method: ✓Phone mail Agent/contractor: 'QlT Phone#: Mailing Address: Email: Preferred notification method: Phone_ Email Description of Proposed Work: Mh 11 blrr-1 bQAA%AA (A.00 -12--- Signed -12- Signed(Owner or agent): :\-------------- -- Date: 3115-1 al : Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. : This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: X Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Datei1/'//K� IReason for Denial: Applicant shall seek OKH approval for any changes Amount c to these plans prior to the change Cash/CK •• ' 5 - being incorporated Into the project. Signed: Rcvd by: Mb, Approved By: 45 Days: Richard Gegenwarth Robert Wilkins Date Signed: Rosemary Nicholls Paula Morrison John Stuart 1 � --"0 APPLICATION#:' �':% -7-C? GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: FOUNDATION: Material: CO in(A--.)2 c Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: SIAll Isle /ve-f-A 1,„-- GUTTERS: Material/Color: / Il ROOF: Material: ��j �} 1-S IIh,kt'PGPitch (7/12 min) 10/13— Height to Ridge: I5 R Color: 10 )1C-V-- SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Ce dF16k' Ref/pi-7 Sides/Rear: ID ft Vtu2_ COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows&doors to be trimmed with: lx 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: :t \.1 Color: uJ DOORS: Qty: a. Material: (4)(Ye( Color: Ot LQ,Y) Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: ` Mat'I: (000C\- Style:11 .-191/q?,Color: are " a fid, 3JUL-sow? WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front:) tlik LeftAt)($)(d9 Right:12AhA. (Rear: Color: I'1I�%axG) aa-- A i1 AXly -- Manufacturer/Series: ,• Material: Grilles (Required): Pattern (6/6,2/1,etc.) )— Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap-In: Between Glass: Permanently Applied: Exterior X Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'l: Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: Decking Mat'l: Color: Railing Mat'l: Style: Color: WALLS/FENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: Mat'l: Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Ude - 111#04 Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: OiJ (�! tyle: k�r 6� Color: Location(s): ti sII 0 V l 1'S /P( voj LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: ll Color: Location(s): Additional information: 2-General nn APPLICATION#:P - >CG' - Ar-4,4,--47,° TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 1F Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 Meetings,Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. c� Applicant/Agent Name (please print): e,4C.(), �J 1►' \ -klA � 11 A Applicant/Agent signature: till\ Date: 3/(ZJ Application#: 9l Ad6 3/2020 O © 1pi ma ( � .. \ \� !« /a \\ \) 1pi ma ( � O¥O§ y ><. . _ 3Nn1a0 CIA © f r & § \ � .. �� ƒ \\ ) . >w7 3< d \ ± < %\�32\\ . & > .7§ / w 7/ O¥O§ y ><. . _ 3Nn1a0 CIA © f r & § \ � .. �� ƒ \\ >w7 3< d \ ± < %\�32\\ . & > .7§ / O¥O§ y ><. . _ 3Nn1a0 CIA © f r & § \ � ¥� \ ƒ \\ ¥� \ 'I New Barn Smith Residence 10 Perch Pond Way Yarmouth Port, MA - New 9 Design Down MA 02363 - Jeff &Do, Dennis774 203-8336 General Notes (unless otherwise speelfled) The owner and/Or contractor assumes full responsibility to ensure all construction conforms to 780 CMR 51.09 Massachusetts Residential Code State dition 9the Construction ' Resid M)iall VolumeAFVAnWoodFr me .. Manual 110 MPH Exposure 8 2006, OCA 6 Wood Deck Guide 2018, ING 2018 & latest Massachusetts amendments to the IRC, applicable local codes, laws, bylaws, Ties, regulations and ordinances of the town of Yarmouthport as well as current local best practical - All drawings represent a graphical representation of FOUNDATION RENDERING the project and It's elements depicang Intended locations only.. �SCA N T All labeled dimensions take Precedent over graphical scale shown. All existing contllHon dimensions shall be vedfled In she field and adjusted as necessary in accordance with dri Intent. All executed ' dlmenslons for each particular assembly and location shall be verlFled In accordance with project hill - - All windows, doors, Proprietary Producls/sy#ent fixtures, hardware, etc shall be Installed per respective manufacturer's specifrgNons. 3 1 All training lumber TO be m1ninnion#2 grade Hem Fir r equivalent. All LVL Winter beams to be minimum 1,9e U360 deflection It Installed per marufal 1$ S° 5'-6° specifications. All TII hu relate install tl per CO NOT 1 WAIL manufacturers p IFl tl _-- AMILOONCREY HCS NCREIR ATTAINED 9 pAY5TRENGTH All meeting fo d tl fl II f t structure I E _ _ _ o I r-- 1 I ® �L O 'I AND BOTH TOP $ BOTTOM OF WALL ARE PROPERLYcontinuously, W Por 1 construction shall b Randy tl securely p test d I sat P T 2 x 6 sit W top of 1 SERCUREp weatherproofed, moral and braced, etc. as Required foundation waII iW hotdplod / 3) 1 Ox 48 CI the whole structure Is sound. gall anchor note. 3 3 ill —� ° I p d Nonswite1 va hers t nuts. Max 4yauery 3 I f tattoo, i -_ All exLatin9 madenal to rel to r use In new O'C' constructlan shall be co muously, safely and Securely ( 48Pooth good. 29 #5 R 15i CONT. 1 1 T I stored and/Pr protected until reuse u o notal al O CARRY Vapor Barrier atchInor unless otherwse tinndand hInew 1 1 ABA442(or smJaq ' WAT£OR PROOFING IIS s _ noted, Intgaor exterior finish materels shall : OVfR TDP OF FOOTING _ l match eMsan9 a Ry Ni and detail. INI New Day Design h Il be pOElfled OFany I I I I I - II I III discrepancies, amblgu t es or Inconsiderate. to I e e I GRAINL SPACE ® O 2x4 RET/✓AY 1 I. N . L. N i14C7 2� Z I - _ �------- - SXEETTITI.E: I I I I 3(0 #5 REfi COM o e a VIII '� _ . 1- Foundation Plans I'�I IIII N o III - :_III I_il l III If II P cGBf datOR wallk 6° - fdx g. E ¢ t of boring " . - _. r— _• p ? 48 b logy g d . Appy o i colov grade waterlprod' f5ike or 9 MeM). Dee call A Y S NNISJR SM1 ��A)\\\ N R _ _ _ — a I O FlLL OR NOTE FOOTING SHALL BfAR ON COMPAQfUC s TR0Cf0RAL a: - OR GRAN OF FILA , FRff OF CLAY, PEAT, �'?,eyrppALE V I TOPNATIRAL C VOGNDI5TIT IC M TERIA LOAM, VEGfTAPVf OR MATERIAL _ N - , Drawing set: Permit FOUNDATION PLAN �� TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL it FOOTING style; L DCAtE" I/4"= 1 0' TfD %-1 Date: . 2/ 18/202 I Drawn By: FLOOR FRAME RENDERING SCAIE� N T 5 f LU252 buyers (2) 2"x8 Pr deck (or simhar) ®PT floor beam on doe Ladner I/—\ FLOOR FRAMING PLAN z Foam ng W coi_(fefvrm to rump A-5. 1). Floor to foundation connection; Detail B Sill plate to Foundation assembly; Detail C - Studio $ headers; Detail D - Narrow wall bracing; Detail IF - Corner stud hold down; Detail F - Plate to stud connection: Detail G t. Wall Typi Q Skiing to match e nidus house, house wrap, I/2 COX Plywood, 2"xG" studs Q I G" O.C. Interior fimsh per owner. IE RENDERING Nein Barn Smith Residence 10 Perch Pond Kay Yarmouth Port, MA- New Dog Des;cp Evsun Draw Santlwkfi, MA 02563 Ran h Oros l ands n4-203-8336 General Notes (unless odm iee speclFled) -The owner e/ r contractor assumes pull responslblllty, to ensure all construction forms to 780 CMR 5100 Massachusetts Residential Code (Massachusetts State Building Could 9th Edition Residential Volume), AF&PA Wood Frame Constructed Manual 110 MPH Exposure B 2006, DCA 6 Waatl Deck Guide 2018, IRC 2018 & fated Massachusetts amendments to the IRC, applicable local codes, laws, bylaws, toles, regulations and ordinances of the town 0 Yarmouthport as well as current local bast practices. All credited represent a graphical representation of the project and ii elements depii Intended .locations only. Alllabeledtl stake precandento graphical f Jscale shown.All I tl gecesi n t shalbe verified' [h field tladjusted necessary in acmwamirea with Grew ng intent. All executed dimensions for h protest a ¢ bly and location shall b'fictl in accordance with Project) tent All windows, doom, propH Lary Pledidecowsystems, 1 ffistures, hardware, etc shall be Installed p V respeadve manufacturers smalfficifitions. All f t lumber Wbe minlmum #2 grade Hem -Fir or 9 I le O All LVL Lumber beams t0 be minimum 1.91.9if U360 deflection & l0 t ll d per mannuftectui N specifications, All T]I Those Joists installed per li manufacturers speciffications. _ m All existing foundation, floor, well f elac. strai N N t0 reman for use In new construction shall be continuously, safety and securely O[ ted IIIma fihe tM1 oaf dslashed and braced, tt occurred ran whole struchurne Is found. All adding material to for new ofinstruccon shall becontinuously, safiy and securely N �p BARN Oj stored a0d/M until muse. ureuse. 14 1.61,X21 =6' °' When cute and pat' unless wise newinterior e t ifi N materials Shall match existing In Quality, style, size and datiall. N New Day Design shall be notified of any N clavepancies, ambiguities or Inconsistencies. F U ry SXEETTIILE: (3)2' 10D H ir (4II4HG LUdX Prue too foundation at open nB wenh 4tiG' KD o L Floor Plans (19 1 ZLJ 71, 1011 J 71 01 PLOOR PLAN 5CAIE: 1l4' = i.0' - Ext. window 4 door dimensions from outside face of foundation or frame. - Door manufacturer,type, 5tyle, hardware, screeNstorm, trim, fimsh, colofs, etc. per owner selection. Install per mfgr specs. Permit 1/411 = I r -Or A-1.2 2/18/2021 m By: ' DO R L E ULE' NUMBER BEL Q FLOOR IZ O D EORIPTION HEADR D01 12bbb I1 1 2868E EX 34"X&3° EXT. HINGED -GARAGE DOOR GHD21 2XbX37" 3 DO 8019 1 1 11 6019 LIR EX' 96"X95 1/2" EXT. DOUBLE BARN -GARAGE DOOR OHD11 2XBX701" 3 Permit 1/411 = I r -Or A-1.2 2/18/2021 m By: r� LOFT 5UPPORTFRAME RENDERING 50AIE: N.T5 5'_S' -5' -Pit. O 0. 2"s8' KD at I G'04. M:dspan bli (3) 1 3/4 H 1/2 LVL cal g eam. Post to found.,.on mth 6 xG' KO both adds Doan Below `! p LOPE SUPPORT FRAMING PLAN Wall 51d1 match coal house, house wrap, 1/2" CDX Plywood, 2"xG" studs Q I G" O.C. interior flnlsh per owner. (2' 8 PT d o our won, wet W concrete Per mm 6"xG" PT Q 101 D.C. RIDGE BEAM. 3 SCALE l, 5 New Barn Smith Residence 10 Perch Pond Way Yarmouth Port, MA New ay Design 2 forced pullcatchall MA ozwi )off & Gas Dennis 774-203-8336 Gene2l Notes (unless Otherwise speclfled) The. owner and/Or Contractor assumes full responslbility, to ensure all construction conforms to 780 CMR 51.00 Massachusetts Residential Code (Massachusetts State Building Cade 9th Edition actitlen[ial Volume) AF&PA Wood Fmma Constructed Manual 110 MPH Exposure B 2006, DCA 6 Wood Deck Guide 2018, 11 2018 81atest Massachusetts amendments to the IRC, applicable local codes, laws, bylaws, rules, regulations and Ordinances of the town of Yamlondwit as well as current local best practices. All drawings represent a graphical representation of the project and it's elements depleting Intende l locatlons only. - All labeled dimensions take precedent over graphical scale shown, All edstlng condition dimensions shall be verified In the field and adjustetl as necessary In v Y accordance with drawing intent. All executed dimensions Per each particular assembly and locapion �T-4" stall be venfletl accordance with Project Intent A - Ali windows, doors,I pmprl¢tary products/systems, fxtures, hardware, Or. shall be installed per reattaches manufaWirer's specifications. All framing lumber to be minimum %2 grade Hem -Fr or epuivalent. AN LVL Woman beams tobe minimum. 1.9e 4360 deflection & Installed per manufacturers specifications. All TH Trues Joists Installed per manufacturers specifications. Loit/5tomge Mea All tltigf datlo0 floor, well P t structure 1 - to rearradin far use In new cienstructlanshall be continuously, safely and securely protected, weatherpmoPed: shored and braced, all. as required unit the whole structure is sound.. 4SG P5L Poet AM existing material to remain for use In new i Beam to consWction shall be continuously, t* and securely. !, Ceing Beam.ad \ rored R and/or Protected NImuse. v « �\Y/ Whenctting and patching or unless otherwise noted, newintenp tl exteror finish materials shall match testing) quality, style, size and detail ae -- ---- -__._ _-___-_-___ _- /\ Newby Design shalt be trad of any (2)1314°x91/2" - v dlsv¢pancles, ambiguities or Inconsistencies. LVL Ridge Door +/- 1 V 3" SHEET T(RE: (3) 2 G tu)d H der: 4k6 KP Post - That to door hollow with 4'xG°.� �Read wao<rn Loft y 5upport Plan5 on �p��yayrye N ^y� a� �e OFNNI9 JR Ny ie0Ci0Ml w T-411 71-411 pp Na 13030 �1 RIDGE BEAM PLAN Vpa N 4 SCALP./a°= 1.0 Drawing Set Permit. Scale: Dater 211812021 Drawn By: ' New Barn x Smith Residence 10 Perch Pond Way Yarmouth Port, MA \\' C ... New Dog Design ', ] a -sun Deva, sanawlen, Ma dzs ' Je1F&CM1tl5 Den0199]4QD3-8336 Gene21 Notes (unless otherwise sp¢¢iP¢e) The ownerand/or contractor assumes full responsibility to ensure an construction conforms W 780 CMR 51.80 Massachusetts Residential Lode (Massachusetts State Building Code 9th Edition - Residential V lume), AF&PA Wood Frame Construction " Manual 110 MPH, Exposure B 2006, DCA 6 Wood Deck -- " Guide 2018, [RC 2018 & latest Massachusetts amendmentst the IRC applicable ml codes, laws, D *. ROOF RENDERING bylaws, rules regulations d ordinances life ftow of yaump rt as well as current local best practices. SCA(£: NJ 5 Alldrawingsepresent a of tseleegraphicalng marded Me pmjeo and its elements depltting Intended locations only. - - All labeled dimensions take pra cetlent over graphical scale shown. Ml existing condition dimensions shall be vaefled in the field and adjusted as necessary In (2) 2' a 10' ad Rdge board +I- 11' 3• accordance with flowing intent. All executed dimensions fairh Particularassembly G I tion 2' x 4" 0 Collar Too 10 Q.0 — -!� Overlong on shall be vei in examinedwith priced Intent, _ ---mea---_ —r. ve an o ai ed. sal e m«k ng 4' o.c. — — — — �-- — I I Au vn aows a p pr etary p a Wsystems, at outer woeflM " lute--- 11 If 11 1 es hard mc. shall beinstalled per respective m fct p Ifl N All framing lumber be minimum #2 grade Hem -Fir III - or equivalent. All LVL Lumber beams W be Minimum 19e 4360 reflection & installed per manuffacturea's speclFlcatlons All TH Truss Joists Installed per -III III II manuffecturer's specifications. All (sting foundation, floor, wall, mor, eta structure 2" x 6' KD Rakers i for use in new Panamanian shall be ® i6 -UC 6 IY fly and securely Protected, 2" v G" PT Rakers weatherpref d, shored and braced, etc. as acquired Q G" O.C. until the whole structures sound. I I I (III III All social material to remain for use in new wnstmtt on shall be continuously, safely and securely Accord and/or Protected until reuse. When and oral otherwise noted, new Interiorantl,Medoc finish materials shall new and exterior I h LCM1 existing lin quality, style, size and detail III New Day Design shall be not8led of any - III I I I II 1 discrepancies, ambiguities or Inconsistencies. i III I I III I I . III III SHE TTITLE: u r rid i I -III I Roof Plans -- --------J u w an. s r bate n9 a aeayNdf ROOF FRAMING PLAN ROOF PLAN s xn. 138 138 43a 2 5C a C! g 1a•1 5cAut V4" = I MNALE N _ Drawing set: Permit scal e: - /Lill = framing Nc tc5 (afar to pace. A S 1 .. A� t Date' 1 .T -Raker tO plate wnnedlon; Detail H : 2/ 1512O2 - Ridge band strap; Detail l Dawn ey: El - hest Rid e 15.9' f; 8 troch feein �1 WEST ELEVATION. I � SCAM 1/4 d wine -tun oar /� EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION Z SCALP. v4^ - l.o' 12 2 10 fai r owner. f rdlor per Header 12 at 1-, I —15 `x her door track cover. into, maternlI cover per owner. 'xe'door tram. Matar:al f colo' per - NORTH ELEVATION 4SCAIf:Ir4'-La I"rn4l 12" Indra Matenal4 color per New Barn Smith Residence 10 Perch Pond Way Yarmouth Port, MA New oy Design 7 Evsnn otive, sandwich, MA 02553 Jeff A Cars brands 774-203-8336 [Rh eral Nates (unless Otherwise spedted) e owner and/or contractor assumes full p0nsiblllty to ensure all cianztmRlOn conforms t0 spa CMR 51100 Massachusetts Residential Code ssachusetts State Building Code 9th Edition d tlal Val J AF&PA WOOdFrameC Construction al 110 MPH expos B 2006 DCA 6 Wood D k Guide 2018, IRC 2018 & latest Massachusetts amendmentst the IRC applicable al d laws, bylaws, rules regulations s dred ce Of the town Ya 6thpOrta well current lbetpractices. ll drawings represent a 9raphlwl representation Of played and it's elements Pending Intended Immune only. ll bled dim 1 ns take precedent graphical scale rid d' shown.he field td adjusted as dimensions In shall be cordance with draparing ing Intent All awarded enelDns for each particular assembly and location Shelf b teen accordance a with stated Intent it It ll windows, coo p prietary pem ris, hardw d . shall be install d Per spective manufacturers speUf¢allonA All taming lumber t0 be minimum k2 grade Hem -Flt equivalent All LVL kember hems rob minimum 8e 4360 delle roan &Installed pe i factumps ecifications All DIT 30561 [ II dp r anufacturer pecif N. sAll ex sting f e t fl c wall f, etc. stmdure rema n for struR shall bepop ntinuously, safely and securely p t cted, eatherproofed, Soared and bmcetl Sri as required ntil the whole structure is soundAll existing material W remain far use In new nstruction shall as continuously, sfely and securely toretl and/or yretected until reuse. When cutting and patching Or unless therwise [PIS noted new g In quality, styl See and retell. shall esign'zhall be no" of any s, ambi9ul Joe Or Inconsistencies. SHEEr TfRF — Elevatlons T• Dwing Set re - Notes - Permit -.For all openings: Install continuous ext. metal head fiashmg. 5crovnd rim thinjan n C01 r or equay. scale. - Window manufacturer, type, style, efficiency, kites, hardware, screen: tam, finish, colors, etc. per owner selection. Install per friar specs. All exterior trim material d color per owner. Q/2" FaSca board:. I " x 6", Barn door: 1 11x Window C door: .I"x31/2", Corner Income: 1"x 6.1 5 doo r track cover: I" x per owner I /411 = 11-0II �t'2. Date'. 2/ 18/202 1 Drawn By: JTD , am New Barn Smith Residence Notes: 10 Perch Pond W, Past beams/headers by continual Oad path to z yarrnoUth Fort, M ,maurmg foundation walls and footings. The 30 beam support �q 5 Ice° Lvi, ka structure model presented here is an Ideal representation of 4x6 KD Bean a conbnuore support path. Contnmty can be provlded Fest through a combination of ex,te log flooring, petal squash (3) z 6' KD Pst am , blocks, headers, other beam members and tally columns. mralow blamer, 4x t Feat. New Day Des IM Ensure LVL, F51-, KD Beam/Foet Interconnecting hardware - px6• KD r Eva o 1 s satin or. tehaChra patina oozes -ea meets or exceeds 51mpson 5trong-be speaficalacal and pOete -„ metalled per manufacturers recommendations. "4'x51/21-ur_ccln beam N [es( ss slth pec'fierol tl�p aAf'pom umes The owner al tell door heaAer: PostsGNG'K) d Fecal blllef to a re- can [suRon Ql CMR51.00M eeproseds posleent ssachusetts 5[ t s ildng Code 9th IT idential Vdump,AF&PA Wood Tamnual 110 MPH Exposure B 2006, OCP lulde 201x,112018 & latest MassacF amendments to the IRC, applicable Islas xfrx ' KD rules'nate slaloms Posts e metl cement of Yarmou[hpslrk as well as mrren[loca All dropun95 represent a graphical rep the project and it s elements depicting I eenfo s only.. All labeled dimensions take appeal scale shown. Ali existing nalltioun al vended In Me field and adjusted as . accordance with growing 1nt t All ex dimensions i ith prba hall be sol n accordance war 'UCTURAL STR SUPPORT RENDERING Ai all a ws, d ors proprietary pool scan i t hardware, t hallb Fla 3 sp 5ve manufacturers spa - SCALE N.TS ' All fir mlenlumberbe minimum # All LVL q iv mutual beams or e - onstalled peen Ilea 4360defiAll Trade - T3 JOIE spenficedonsAll Tll tines to els Inst Typical F.wf Cornammour:' manufacturers specifications ON 1(7 KD fees board 2"x6° KD rakers at 16` O C; Tx4" Hurrome,tes@eacM1 All existingfoundation,Floor,well,m ertoe ® rymane, pa In t m'nf use In new raker to 2x6'pate 4 all 51nd _- ctahoal C sIY, felt d u IY Pro[ a -. Ice weaII th iproofd shored andbraced, e 5/B"COX pywood eheatamg d40 festriminsYraml until the whole t ac re is sol water sh eW first 3, 35 our, asphalt all condnuWs ridge all a cru, edge. _ (2) l 3I4' x 5 I/2" LVL Wage Beam. (2) 2" x.10" KD ridge board PII existingmaterial [a sin for ui meal be sa expeasurged Joelrels, and/orall protected stared antl/or prpteRetl until reuse. (2) 31p'x9 IIP" LVL pope Bear„ 4a6' KD Posk Whencoming M patching antes H he't Ride tee Intel and e HOW 15'-10 2"x4" KD @ eacF after. e (3) 2k6 KD d M1 ceder cal ine a match filDe n 9 Ill scale, size s New OaYO s9 shall be y 2 O � �10 I efol I discrepancies, ambiguities or Integral — ' 4"x6. ?l 4"x6" KD Past PwG (3) 2" x 10' KD Door _. SNEEr TIlLE' 12 Header (Nil width. —15 - To IS (3 1 See x 9112"1vi rain ma Sections Str pr of To of Roof Beam (3) ZW Pr 1.4' fact wel IMenor. 4•x6.00 COAL 00 FI Per O Post Foot. . aj. 2"x6" KD can 6'k6° Pf 7StttO w Q 16" O.OI poet ^ q X ENNIS . iP00NPPL w H TO Of 5P 001' - 1St `rl or 3Ip" TEG plywood el c RnnM1 11 per owner. D owner TO Of aCYJn -0.5 -- `\ q, ryo �383P gFP1aS234 ell KD 0 i6 L c . one ae all ng pe , o __ To of Floor Be m 'Essrouat — Foundatlon 2 develop grade. ; Cram Space 'r, (2) Came Pf floor beam. - -- Drawling; sale '- a Frrvndat o+ ,; _-.. Per fnit N Scale: 50UTH SECTION 11 /4" -0 Bottom of Faoti a'r16° 16^ x 46 z Dater �� facing half. Mn. 5CAlE I14' = Ld 2/I5/2021 j�NORTH 5ECTION 466frou pa"n l°"'gr'de' Drawn BY: I�' ) 5CAff:1/4'=nA JTD zxs DaL roP PLATz SIM6� � PSON5Py5P4(2)GA) SIMP50N 1175 or EQUAL 5/6 ANCHOR MOLTS W 3'k4' RATE WAVERS FOUNDATION II STUDSHEADERS - D CALf: N T 5 DBL TOP PLATE. 112° cvx 5HEATTIN NAn 6E CREMMI NAI -5@3" O.C. NDS @. 16^ 0.C,. 2- 5/8' ANCHOR BOLLS\ I FLAATE w/3'N6' PLATE WA5HER5 9 TODNDATION STUD New Barn Smith Residence 10 Perch Pond Way Yarmouth Fort, MA /��/ NAILS 0 O C.. I New bog Deelya 1M ON 1 HTrs or EQUNALENT E 0 S77M1,MA@563 3¢Ta glrrs Dennisnls fJq-d03-8336 VPVPT Sin4P a L — R TO LARD! General NMes (Heads otbembe specked) - The owner antl/Or cpntrac ar assumes full Rspanslblll[y W ensure all coHetraRlon cnnfon )Bg CM0. 51,00 Massachusetts Residential Cod weafhetproofed shored and braced, etc as requ o (3)IOAxl U2 NAI15 until me. whole structure ssound. IXIEND HEADER EACH 51DE OF STUD -All donating Tramiel t0 remain far use n new. TO RING 5TU0 : eonslTYRion shall be continuously, safely and Sao NAIL TOP PLATE storetl and/or proreeted until reuse. 2 MTM. of Too, When cute g ndpatching or less othenNse RGws Ida rvNE PLATE TO STUD CONNECTIONnoted, new ce exterior d rush mateHaiss / match existing in quality, style, alu and detail. \J SCALE: N.T S / OPENING New Day DISTRICT shall be notified of any discrepancies, ambiguities or IOcomeaenees SHEET TIiIE: RAFTER ® 16" O C (Massachusetts Stale Building Code 9th Singer Residential Volume), AFUA Wood Frame Consl Manual 110 MPH Exposure B 2006, DCA 6 Woo Guide 2018, IRC 2018 A latest Massachusetts amendments to the TRC, applicable local codes, bylaws, rules, regulations and Ordinances of thi 12 GA. ANCHORS m. of msom0uthport as well as current local best p, \ All rawi gs pmsent a graphical repreeenrel \ the pOdd. tl I[ elements deck tl g Intender PILL locations only, - \ CORNER STUD HOLD DOWN All labeled dl nsl ns Mine Precedent r go II F scolle shown. mi existing Conrad n dimensions sCALE. N i s verified in me gold and ayusted as necessary if E accordance with drawing Intent. All executed dimensions for each p rtloular assembly and 1pc shall be verified in affecomandsthpm)eO inter 5PCv5P4 (201 All vvairchned, doom, pireprommy p tl ts/ yste I fixturea. hardware, ctshall be SRI per mapeedive f torer's specification All framing lumber to be minimum02 grade H: Or equivalent. All LVL Lumber beams to be mknlr TOP PIAT! 1.9e U360 deflection & Installed p manufe dur coMUNUOE specifications.All TJI Tru' Jolts' Installed per (y MIIv1Rf OPENINGS OPENING manufacNrers Specifications, All exisfingn fo d Fl etc. stn for o flroof, ro fO t N slag be U tin Ously afely tl surely protected, weafhetproofed shored and braced, etc as requ o (3)IOAxl U2 NAI15 until me. whole structure ssound. IXIEND HEADER EACH 51DE OF STUD -All donating Tramiel t0 remain far use n new. TO RING 5TU0 : eonslTYRion shall be continuously, safely and Sao NAIL TOP PLATE storetl and/or proreeted until reuse. 2 MTM. of Too, When cute g ndpatching or less othenNse RGws Ida rvNE PLATE TO STUD CONNECTIONnoted, new ce exterior d rush mateHaiss / match existing in quality, style, alu and detail. \J SCALE: N.T S / OPENING New Day DISTRICT shall be notified of any discrepancies, ambiguities or IOcomeaenees SHEET TIiIE: RAFTER ® 16" O C FLOOR JOISTS PILL �1 NARROW WALL BRACING. o Framing' Details FIATS E _ SCALE NT.5. °da H2,5 @ FA. BARTER CENTER THE 5TP.AP OVER THE BEAM STA w FA, weriffif TOP PLATE ep)3n I�` pt T. END 33 3 T W Disraycz Enms ls13834. _ - eu6TURnL .. KAETER TO PLATE CONNECTION To all scALE. N.rs RIDGE BEAM Drawing Set r �EATHING NOTE:. - RIDGECOLLAR ARE Pe�mlt WHENCOLIARTAR or NOMINjoi AL) lH Scale: OR 2Rq WM9CHINA LOCATED IN inf LOCATED RIDGE BAND STRAP uwe2Tnlap ofmP ATI sPAcs AND ATTACHED TO RARFRS U51NG �. SCALE: N T.5 (5)1 oe NNE EACH END Date: A-5.1 2/18/2021 Drawn By: JTD 3=°f.Y44 TOWN OF YARMOUTH F x� 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 0 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans,drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 Copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Appl : Indicate type of Building: I Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building Addition la'Iterations - CCR- =i,..11111zr - nShed Solar Panels Other: . 2) Exterior Painting: IrxlSiding Shutters Ill Doors nTrim IIOther: APR 21 2021 3)Signs/Billboards: n New Sign Change to Existing Sign YARMOUTH 4) Miscellaneous Structures: LiFence Wall IIFlagpole n Pool �O KING'S HIGHWAY Please type or print legibly: /� 9_6(..)Address of proposed work: G STA- G4. L At i,, E Map/Lot# t 15 / ( 3(o Owner(s): A K.)I) e.-1ft ) ct,va. T&.,in -t Ga-rIA to-in to-inPhone#: s oca -36 )- D I7'f All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied byieiter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: B c S+k v t-C L-- LA-03.e- Year built: 1 i ' 8 Email: CA Q. U p0 r I--Ole S f3✓1 . CO Pk. Preferred notification method: El Phone E Email Agent/contractor: �J � _( F Phone#: Mailing Address: Email: Preferred notification method: L,n I Phone I_n _J Email Description of Proposed Work: cru,1�f-T GokA1rE TO L. tvi. b-iS S 1'Acr -- fZE. P&.4c 6.aR66-E Poo.- ( .?*i 1-4- 4 Dbov kWD We edloc.)1 geKout w ,..cloc.>S Fic,A" S,DC- or- 6-i itiEE lie,c is o f Goy v c j e_ w / Vf" s t r J—k r , CI 170':4Z S` r u"`-'1.)4"-^) wot> 5: ), "S `t0) nc,.tcti -.i-.-s4u..g i p.c-4: . ���:�7e.4( ca. ;).ci J Signed(Owner or agent): .mei /1./� Date: 41/I f/21 ➢ Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) ➢ If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. D This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. ➢ All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Dater -07-) Reason for Denial: Amount ``__(). 00 Cash/CK#:Z l9 g5 Signed: Rcvd by:. 45 Days: Date Signed: 1 APPLICATION GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: 85 S+A-IQ g(2 (. L A'(-)c FOUNDATION: Material: N I - Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: b / L-- GUTTERS: Material/Color: ROOF: Material: 6) ( C. Pitch (7/12 min) Height to Ridge: N IC-- Color: 6arii6cHltD C-t4b0(- Liv --.1.-‘,31e7- SIDING: Material/Style: Front: iietckke reek ric,Cs Sides/Rear: N A k COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: k-G4L1 rA t c C Sides/Rear: i s t-r-c. TRIM: All windows&doors to be trimmed with: lx 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: PVC-- 630 (H.:,; ,____ Color: k.k,: }-Q DOORS: Qty: J. Material: Fie $i_siKSf Gro.X3' Color: 1.A- 6-1.-e__ Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: t /� Color: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Mat'l: I`..)/1 Style: Color: WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front: I Left: OA:- Right: 0 Rear: () Color: c�.J k�4-e---- Manufacturer/Series: Him()EY -MI ( " �t e -c�sQ` t5+�� $u� Material: () �..y Grilles (Required : Pattern(6/6,2/1,etc.) 6/6 Grille T e: True Divided Lite: ❑ Snap-In: �] Between Glass:j Per nen y App d: %air f Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: u/4 Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: V,v-y l Style:Paneledouve ed Color: t k L a16kC�`A"`.� SKYLIGHTS: Qty: /lam Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: U( il Decking Mat'l: Color: Railing Mat'l: Style: Color: WALLS/FENCES*(Max 6'height): Height: Mat'I: Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: S-Fi ti Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: l Style: SCG 'C e Color: P;G LP i Location(s): GAF 4- o E N ., po-c LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Color: Location(s): Additional information: E;c;f:-t,.--j ,,v l;,-JeA.,; -Cy c i., c.;eta. ,(-c% be use 62 „L.,f d2„,*-- w11.GL HcdcLes UfLt.r :, v:.__,, cel.. ,) 64)r ) A 11 ofti vd or 6• e p& v-tc€ JkL( 0.-1cc4-At -1,-r5-r1•i Kocktv 1�,t t CO to '� 2-General APPLICATION#: SIGN SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: Year Built: Check one: New Sign I I Addition/Alteration to Existing Sign COLOR CHIPS 1-1 Freestanding 11 Affixed to Building For Affixed Skins: Style of mounting fixture: Color: Size of sign: Material: Lettering: Style Color(s): Please note sign placement on elevation(s)and attach full-color mockup(s)of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For Freestanding Skins: Style of signboard: Material: Size: Color(s): Lettering: Style Color(s): Posts: Material Color(s): Height to crossbar(not to exceed 6'): Single-faced: Double-faced: Please note sign placement on plot plan and attach full-color mockup(s)of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For All Signs: Lighted: El Yes El No Type/placement of lighting: Screening of Lights: Additional information: 2-Sign APPLIOATION#: ,. 'i r.:.... 115.113 �y 115.1 f{t 11a.20 i; -...it -.,.,. s" 115.124 I�, ,� 116.14 `a.99 t T,'- � /` 115.131 �`j: �� t 116.19 t' a \ (' 7' I, e115.114 `\ 1 .\ J ;,-„, r`r 4� % 116.15 I, _"`r 1" ��y�. / 115.123 Oji 115.132 l: 115.136 ✓ ' �, / 11&12 I' / 115.115 : i 'it' / 11u.16 , I J 115.137 "'' ( _ � . 115:933 ''• '.. ,� .. 116.9 ,. I q 11�tr .122 E ` 116.17 ,� i 115.116 f - , 1 • • 415.13a f ! ~ `v�... .� 116.10 �` \--- "\ 416.4& 118.8 \,; ` 116.11 / , \ 115.121 \ 115.135 .,, .. ;' 6 s 115.117 t f � � -_ y Ns - r t ,r' \ „/... /.w \\ \,. j` �,<`:�. 115.139 ,`rr 116.1 `^`.-� \ �, f / ? `. i 118.3 is,„..s lr • V-r Y ` ` . \.N. , j 4\ 11G.6 li ` • • \Z /I !: `i` ,` 115.11$ 115.120 J `, 116.4 ` f 415.94 \ ° ✓/ \ �� 115.140 f / r/ 4I , / \ ', r' I, R �✓ r t, , �. \`\` !/`* /// �, /' 1 1165 f/. ` 116.10 I 'r ,ti / 116 2 •t, ./ ✓ • • f' `\ 115.119 / i ✓' * i / \�� 115.141 `.,ter` _ ✓/ 115,93 i ti / f ! /l 116,101 ` • / , . r `� �` 116.1 ) a'� / 115.142 115.92 • / 115.149 .- 116.102 \. 85 STARBUCK LN YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1 inch = 84 feet IN �2 1 S Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 4/4/2018 r�J4 ,„,o TOWN OF YARMOUTH s 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 ` Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Attached is the Yarmouth Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee's application for a Certificate of Appropriateness (C/A). Deadlines for application submission and corresponding meeting dates can be found on the next page. Please pay close attention to the due dates; they are set to accommodate legal deadlines for The Register, Yarmouth's weekly newspaper, and cannot be waived. Applications must be complete at the time of submission. Please note that agendas may close prior to the deadline at the discretion of the Committee Chairman; OKHC accepts only 12 applications per hearing. If you have any questions concerning these matters, please consult the Office Administrator. Hearing notices will be publicly posted and advertised under legal notices in The Register at least one week prior to the public hearing. The notices will include the property owner's name, address where the work will take place, brief description of the project, and the time and place of the hearing. Applications and supporting materials will be available to abutters and other interested parties at the Old King's Highway office at Town Hall prior to the meeting. Please note: The applicant or contractor/agent is required to attend the hearing to present the application. If no one is able to attend the hearing, please send a letter to the OKH Committee office requesting that the Committee act in the applicant's absence or that the application be tabled to a meeting when a representative is available. In the case of vinyl, aluminum, or other synthetic siding or trim, the agent/contractor MUST attend the hearing. The Yarmouth OKH application fees are listed in the following table (subject to change): Type of Work Residential Commercial New Construction $/7.5-..) $100 Additions/Alterations (e.g. attached garage, dormers, sunroom, deck, /$40 $ 60 windows, solar panels, etc.) (` Miscellaneous site structures (e.g.: detached garages, sheds, fences, $ 25 $ 25 stone walls, etc.) Exterior Painting $ 25 $ 50 Signs $ 25 $ 25 All fees double if the work is started before the applicant has obtained OKH approval. In addition, such work is undertaken at the applicant's risk. If the application is denied at the hearing, the work may be required to be return to its original state; e.g., windows removed, structure repainted, fence taken down, etc. Fees are nonrefundable. Checks or cash are acceptable forms of payment. If requested, written receipts are available. Please make checks payable to the Town of Yarmouth. The Town Collector requires the following information on checks: Personal checks—Name, address, phone number Business checks—Company's name, address, phone number, plus name of signee (printed or legibly written) PLEASE REFER TO ATTACHED APPLICANT'S REPONSIBILITIES & CHECKLIST PAGES FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON THE COMPLETION & SUBMISSION OF THE C/A APPLICATION PACKET. 2020a �o �o C � A a � O 1�p0 �[Ln 06, ID m i o / I � D I / rn C m <L</ c� a � J I z F 1 om _ X01 cb rn L- D �D. 2 ! C- > n r n ? 0 "14 7 1 'I cq �c�r w 5 �2 SO '4 8" W 92.00' m o w 1 �� ���K N 0 M �o o zzzzz o z� m ym rn mFim00 a Z �? m = V / v ,,..,. O cp N > 90-u 90 c oD �m��N 0 � m rn mzrn D N n a �_ -u m �o >i n {� 0 0 p Z m W� CD �* z Z �A ro V o = '< -, o m,