HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E037 RECEIVED YARMill 1TH TOWN C:1 ERK - MiN\( 8 2021. yai-imujiri , 4144 TOWN OF YARMOUTH oLDKING's" , ,2-ifrid-w2,6p*I : 0 REC. 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH.MA 02664 4451 , . . Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0838 , . OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Fxelnplion under Sections 6 and i of Chapter' 470 of Acts of 1973 as amended. for the proposed work as described blow and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: , t.... Address of prOposed work i ,' ."-I, ',...1,'r r -,i' 1.-.(4/.,,- i 4:(i i,: '.i.1 I _1'V r'1 i Lilapil ot ill 10 i„ , - , • 4-- i °anon's', ' ' , '.. . ,' , ,.,0 ' ,.1i.l..a.it.i " „„- I d?' ..., Phone 4 • .' . ,,'•- -.. 11 I All applications must be submitted by owner otOaccompinled by letter from owner approving submittal of application - ' • ' , '' •-1,.,) 9 i_j . it--;1 ". - , .i- , 1 -( . ... .,1 1 • Year built •__.-it 1 ,0, , ,,,.11 ;•t -,,,' I ) Mailing ric,In!ss. 1, g Li_ji . ,, .r. _ . . . ., .. , \ Email ' Preferred nOtrhe,alhOrl method I.,je ",, Phone. Lin - - ed • . 1:1-7771: er - -- Afleflifc0ilraCIOr ,' '? : i il7f./I I .'''' ' ' r i Phone a----TT Zr•-• I le I - ' L - )tt .. ' 0.,._. . ,, minion,Address rt, 7 .7, ',. 'f. i,I.--`1,i ' 1 ,:+t l'- 'i I -j. --, -, I-i,i,,- , __Ii , C. Lter1 50A-- 74-c, Email Preferred notticabon method f r I'17 one Email PeaCrIption of Proposed Won(lAddlhonal Pages+nay be attached if necessary): - f - - .- ,-) • - • i .- :.- I, yr...• i'll . ; 'l i .T.: ( r):-1-41,,,,7,A-1 ‘1 e r I hr ile.'1,- • ' ,_ • , - i / . 1 i • - . , -1 qt.-/ 4..rc., . ' afIA 14, i 'Olik 11r ;,•1- • I he- drcl,. tt:i7t,1 A1 f i, . -, . ,- ,,,,. • , , - . • .. ..- • . ' -L. ,. ,' iirt-t, IA'Pu. Li Lie t 1,....-, r 14 t I ,' I)7 ; . • \,, ,L .,-'• ( ( tie iie't= Pr. • Signed tOriner or agent) __ -P.::_,.-`, A ' -f (-• \It- -1/4,----,,, Date c - , 1-1 , Ownericontracioriaoarit lb more Owl a permit may he raotired from the taking unparenent IChedi Other depwimanis.afro) := Thts.cm -ate a,good for one war from approval dale+.1(UVOC.date(.0 01 rahon Mewing remit witithevn data%Mahe Woe F Qr Contralle UN 00111: nasin5111_1201.1 \/ App r uved _Approved with thrinqea Dimmed Amami 3;110'00 Rewson for denial _ -APPROVED cistock itooq2._ _0/12a 3/e 66 b,y Choi(eg;xxicearth V i a a-v-kactost evnoci \. MAY 1 4 2021 — YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Dale Signed _ Signird APPI CATION*12)-E63-3- TOWN OF YARMOUTH p ' � 1146 Roving 28.SOUTH YAR-MOUTH.111A1iSACtIl1SETTS 124644441 Tckphnae(5814 3311-2231 lit 1292 Fax(M S)398 4111.36 OLD KING'S HIGIIWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMII'1 EE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION 'the applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/l cmolitioaii.xemption may not he made within 4.' days of.the filing of such teal ion The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's t lighway Regional i listoric District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings.Ilearings, Time for Making Determinations 'As soon as convenient after such public hearing, hut in any event within forty five t15) days after the.filing of applinition, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing. the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows- y Applicant/Agent Name(plisse print): 'Jegh F I °r' N _�t�4a' � 4 ►9. �gnit o C/4 1 ApplicantlAgentsignature: eigir � l.atc:L 0-0:0(7.1f 17c'1 Appitcacurn#: $.2.1121 IKMi 2WN,WV a .q, "t- •rte I.e 1 G * 1101° 4a - 1. 111. .' ¢F n.. rirHi } fll \ 6 ,,....„4.,,,,...,_ , „7f 1 i , : r. A ; . t Li��MI �4 i ' a , .._... c . Rogers, Grayce From: 'RICHARD GEGENWARTH' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 4:01 PM To: Rogers, Grayce Subject: Re: FW: Certificate of Exemption I approve this proposed deck. Richard On 05/14/2021 2:08 PM Rogers, Grayce <grogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello Richard, I have attached a Certificate of Exemption for your review. Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 From:Joan Perera [mailto:joan.h.perera@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, May 8, 2021 2:26 PM To: Rogers, Grayce<GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc:JOANPERERA<joanperera@aol.com> Subject: Re: Certificate of Exemption Hi Grayce, The application is attached along with a color photo of the house. Please let me know if you need additional information. Thank you! Joan On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 11:58 AM Joan Perera<joan.h.perera@,gmail.com>wrote: Grayce, Thank you for your prompt reply. I will leave the map/lot space empty. Thank you for filling that in. We'll scan the application tomorrow, Saturday. Best, Joan On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 11:06 AM Rogers, Grayce<GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hello, The map and parcel are located on the Town website Assesor's Database. (I can fill in). Also, yes you can scan and send to this email! Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 2