HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-1111-Project-Phasing-Requirements_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 SECTION 01 1111 PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS 1 of 5 SECTION 01 1111 PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. All of the Contract Documents, including General Conditions, Supplemental Conditions, and other Division 1 – General Requirements, apply to the work of this section. B. This section contains general information that applies to all work performed under the Contract and is inherently made a part of each specification section. 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND A. As part of the Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District’s continuing commitment to K- 12 education the District has decided to construct a new Intermediate Middle School to replace the aging infrastructure at the Mattacheese and Wixon schools. The new building is to be constructed adjacent the existing Station Avenue Elementary school, this school will be fully operational during the construction process and will continue to serve grades K thru 4. The building site is also part of a campus that includes the Dennis Yarmouth Regional High School and the District Administrative building. B. Adjustments to the academic calendar are constrained by state regulations and by labor contracts, and further adjustments of the school calendar are not possible. C. Because of the factors noted above, the characteristics of the environment in which the Work must be carried out are as follows: adherence to pre-established schedules, minimum disruption of the Owner’s use consistent with the Work being performed and prosecution and control of the Work in such a fashion that the irregularities common to all construction projects can be handled by all parties concerned in a reasonable and timely way. It is crucial that the General Contractor and all sub contractors understand that the communities entire grade 8 to 12 and a 1/2 of the K to 4 population will be occupying the site during construction. Also, the District Administrative services are fully conducted on the site and access needs to be maintained for the community. D. In order to minimize disruption of the educational process and to enhance the safety of the users, operations of the Contractor are to be separated from those of the school to the maximum extent possible. Toward that end, the Work is divided into designated Phases of the Work, which are to be made available to the Contractors. 1.3 PHASES A. Phases of the Work include: 1. Areas of contractor occupation which include the work areas necessary to support and complete the work, these areas are to be completely separated from the Owners occupied areas, there shall be no interaction between the GC or any sub- contractors with any students on the campus. Any individual interacting with any student may be subject to immediate dismissal from the site. B. Lines of Demarcation: Graphic indications of demarcation shown on the Drawings between areas are diagrammatic only. It is the intention to show the general line of Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 SECTION 01 1111 PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS 2 of 5 separation between operations the actual line of fencing shall be coordinated on the field and approved by the town and the designer. D. Minor Departures: It is recognized that requirements set forth herein with regard to Owner access, emergency exits, temporary separations, and the detailed requirements of construction sequencing and operations may require minor departures from the strict separations as defined herein. Such departures shall be presented to the Architect and the Owner’s Project Manager for approval. 1. Incidental Operations: It is recognized that incidental operations for the benefit of the Work could reasonably occur at times when the school is not in use. These will be permitted subject to the requirements stated elsewhere herein, and provided they do not compromise the Owner’ use or safety and the Contractor can provide adequate protection for such work. 2. Corrective Work: It is recognized that, subsequent to having achieved completion of a construction milestone date in any Phase of the Work, the Contractor may have the need to return to that Phase to perform corrective work, and that said Phase will have been occupied by the Owner by that time. In such cases, the requirements of Section 01 1145 – Owner Occupancy Requirements shall prevail. 3. Continuity of Services: The Contractor shall coordinate and be responsible for all existing and new utilities and services to be kept fully operational and uninterrupted, in areas occupied by the Owner, as per the requirements of Section 01 1145 – Owner Occupancy Requirements. E. Maintain Fire Department Access: The Contractor is responsible to maintain a minimum fire truck access through all construction areas. Additionally the Contractor must maintain fire truck access around the areas of the building occupied by the Owner. Minor departures must be approved by the Yarmouth Fire Department. 1.4 PROJECT TIMETABLE A. Phases of the Work will be made available to the Contractor upon the Execution of the contract by the Owner, but no sooner than the dates indicated in the construction phasing drawings. B. Start Dates Contingent on Prior Progress: Start dates for those Phases of the Work which do not start upon Contractor’s receipt of the Notice to Proceed are predicated on the Contractor’s having maintained adequate progress, or achieved completion of construction milestone dates, in prior Phases. Should the Contractor fail, in the opinion of the Architect, to maintain adequate progress in prior Phases, or to achieve completion of construction milestone dates of prior Phases within their Contract Time, then the availability of any Phase shall not be deemed just cause for a time extension, and the Contract Times for those ensuing Phases shall remain the same. C. Seasonal Exemptions: It is recognized that some Phases have construction milestone dates which may conflict with seasonal requirements specified elsewhere herein for certain site products or operations. Where such conflicts occur, those seasonal items of work will be exempted from the required completion dates, and will be treated as punch list items at Substantial Completion. D. Calendar for the Academic Year: The calendar for the 2020 / 2021 Academic year is attached as appendix to this section. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 SECTION 01 1111 PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS 3 of 5 1.5 HOURS OF OPERATION A. The Contractor acknowledges the stringent requirements of the Owner with respect to the completion of construction milestone dates for various Phases of the Work and Site, and recognizes that the construction schedule may require at times that work proceed on an accelerated basis, including double-shifts. The Contractor further acknowledges that requirements related to items such as safety, service to Owner occupied areas, or Contractor access to Owner occupied areas may mandate that some operations be performed only after school hours. The Contractor and All Filed Sub-Contractors therefore agree that the Work of his/her own forces and his/her Subcontractors, including all Sub-Subcontractors, shall be performed on an overtime and/or double-shift basis if and to the extent necessary in order that the construction schedule be met. B. Neither overtime nor double-shift work shall be grounds for any claims for compensation to the Contractor or to any Subcontractor. If the nature of overtime or double-shift work requires that the Owner provide personnel to operate the facility at times when they would not normally be present, such personnel costs shall be born or reimbursed by the Contractor. C. None of the requirements herein shall be construed as relieving the Contractor of his responsibility to conduct his operations in conformance with local ordinances or requirements established by the Commonwealth. D. The Contractor will be responsible for coordination with Town or Easton with regard to extension of work hours. a. All work of this project is anticipated as first shift work (7AM to 3PM) daily. 1.6 DAMAGES A. It is the express understanding of the Owner and the Contractor that the time for performance on various Phases of the Work is directly related to the school year and school calendar. Specifically, the various Contract Times are related to the dates for the opening of school after various school vacations, and to the Owner’s move-in time needed prior to those opening dates. B. If the Contractor fails to achieve completion of a construction milestone date of a Phase of the Work within its Contract Time, the Owner may be required to make alternative arrangements for equivalent classroom space for whatever phase of the school year affected, and/or perform his move-in on an accelerated basis, and will thereby incur administrative, professional, rental, storage, moving, transportation, and other costs which would not be incurred if the construction phasing schedule had been met. A delay of even one or two days could create a condition requiring expenditure of substantial sums of money relative to these items and, therefore, the Owner’s damages are not at the outset strictly related to the actual length of the loss of use of the facility or phases thereof. C. If the Contractor fails to achieve a completion of a construction milestone date of a Phase of the Work within its Contract Time, the Contractor shall pay the Owner Damages in accordance with the contract documents. Such payment to the Owner may, at the Owner’s option, be effected by the issuing of a Change Order deducting the amount of the Owner’s claim from payments then or thereafter due the Contractor; if the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 SECTION 01 1111 PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS 4 of 5 1.7 USE AND OCCUPANCY BY OWNER PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION MILESTONE DATES A. Prior to the completion of construction milestone dates stipulated above, the Owner shall have the right to occupancy and use of completed areas of any Phase of the Work provided the Owner’s partial occupancy and use of such Phases, in the opinion of the Architect and the Owner’s Representative does not unduly interfere with the Contractor’s operations. The time for occupancy, the location and extent of the areas to be occupied shall be determined by the Architect and the Owner’s Project Manager. B. If Phases of the Work have not been completed by the construction milestone dates stipulated above, the Owner, at his election, may occupy any uncompleted phases of the building, site segments, or parts thereof, which are completed to such a degree as will make the use of those areas, however incomplete, functionally, educationally or financially preferable to the use of other temporary arrangements. C. The Owner will, prior to any such partial occupancy, give written notice thereof to the Contractor and such occupancy shall be subject to the following provisions: D. The Owner shall secure endorsement from the Contractor’s Insurance carrier and written consent of the surety, if any, permitting the occupancy during the remaining period of construction, which endorsement from the insurance carrier and written consent of the surety shall not be unreasonably withheld. E. Use and occupancy prior to acceptance shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to maintain Contractor’s Liability Insurance as required in the General Conditions, until the Project is completed and accepted by the Owner. F. Notwithstanding any partial occupancy, the one-year guarantee period called for in the Contract Documents shall not commence until the Substantial Completion of all work of the Phase(s), being the entire work of the project. G. No partial occupancy by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor from the obligation of performing any work required by the Contract past the Contract Time constitute a waiver of any of the Owner’s rights. H. Certain phases of Project Closeout procedures, including cleaning may be requested for such phases contemplated for partial occupancy and the Contractor shall, upon request, perform these or the Owner will have the Work performed and deduct his costs from the project by change order. The Contractor shall not be relieved of maintenance costs due to his own operations on the phases of the building so partially occupied prior to Substantial Completion. However, he shall not be held responsible for wear and tear, damage or cleaning which can be clearly demonstrated as to be resulting from such partial occupancy. I. In the event of such occupancy the Contractor shall conform his work to the reasonable convenience of the Owner, whatever measures are necessary, on a temporary or a permanent basis, to ensure that the Owner is provided with adequate heat, ventilation, light, power, and water services in such partially occupied areas. 1.8 SEPARATION OF USES Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 SECTION 01 1111 PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS 5 of 5 A. Before beginning any Phase of the Work, and as operations merit, provide temporary Fencing as described in Section 01 5000 – Temporary Facilities and Controls. END OF SECTION (THIS PAGE IS BLANK)