HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-4339-Mockups_Rev_2Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 1
SECTION 01 4339
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Section includes requirements for mockups constructed on Site to demonstrate aesthetic effects
and, where indicated, qualities of materials and execution, and to review construction,
coordination, testing, or operation.
1. Exterior Wall Mockups: Mockups of the exterior envelope erected separately from the
building but on Project site, consisting of multiple products, assemblies, and
2. Room Mockups: Mockups of typical interior spaces complete with wall, floor, and ceiling
finishes, doors, windows, millwork, casework, specialties, furnishings and equipment, and
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 01 8113 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and
procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits.
2. Section 01 4000 “Quality Requirements” for definition of mockups and for administrative
and procedural requirements for quality assurance and quality control.
3. Section 01 4339.13 “In-Place Mockups” for general requirements for in-place mockups
required by individual specification sections, constructed on or in the building, in-place, as
part of the permanent construction, and not intended to be disposable unless rejected as
4. Section 01 7300 “Execution” for cutting and patching requirements for repair and
restoration of construction disturbed by the construction of mockups.
5. Division 02 through 33 Sections for:
a. Specific materials and requirements applicable to individual components of the
b. Requirements for field testing and inspection of mockups to determine compliance
of assemblies with specified requirements.
A. Mockups: Mockups are physical assemblies that are constructed on-site that include Work
specified in more than one Section of the specifications and are specified in Section 01 4339
B. In-Place Mockups: Individual mockups or field samples that consist of Work specified entirely in
one Section of the specifications and are not included in Section 01 4339 “Mockups.”
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 2
C. Exterior Wall Mockups: Full-size physical assemblies that consist of various materials,
products, and assemblies, and are constructed on-site or off-site as temporary freestanding
exterior wall mockups.
1. Construct exterior wall mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals; to
demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution; to review
coordination, testing, or operation; to show interface between dissimilar materials; and to
demonstrate compliance with specified installation tolerances.
2. Mockups are not Samples.
3. Unless otherwise indicated, approved exterior wall mockups establish the standard by
which the Work will be judged.
D. Room Mockups: Mockups of typical interior spaces complete with wall, floor, and ceiling
finishes, doors, windows, millwork, casework, specialties, furnishings and equipment, and
A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site.
1. Meet with Owner, Architect, testing and inspecting agency representative, and installers
of major systems whose Work is included in integrated exterior mockups.
2. Review coordination of equipment and furnishings provided by the Owner for room
3. Review locations and extent of mockups.
4. Review testing procedures to be performed on mockups.
5. Review and finalize schedule for mockups, and verify availability of materials, personnel,
equipment, and facilities needed to complete mockups and testing and maintain schedule
for the Work.
A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.”
B. Shop Drawings: For integrated exterior mockups.
1. Include plans, elevations, sections, and mounting, attachment, and support details.
2. Indicate manufacturer and model number of individual components, subassemblies, and
3. Include site location drawing indicating orientation of mockup.
4. Revise and resubmit Shop Drawings to reflect approved modifications in details and
component interfaces resulting from changes made during testing procedures.
C. Delegated Design Submittal: For temporary structural supports for mockups not attached to
building structure, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional
engineer responsible for their preparation.
B.D. Mock-up Schedule: Within 15 days of the date established for commencement of the Work,
submit a schedule indicating starting date and completion date of each mock-up and field
sample specified in this section.
A. Inspections: Arrange for Architect to review each mockups and obtain required approval before
beginning any Work requiring approved mockups.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 3
B. Build mockups to do the following:
1. Verify selections made under Sample submittals.
2. Demonstrate aesthetic effects.
3. Demonstrate the qualities of products and workmanship.
4. Demonstrate acceptable coordination between components and systems.
5. Perform preconstruction testing, such as window air- and water-leakage testing.
C. Fabrication: Before fabricating or installing portions of the Work requiring mockups, build
mockups for each form of construction and finish required. Use materials and installation
methods as required for the Work.
1. Build mockups of size indicated.
2. Build mockups in location indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect.
3. Employ supervisory personnel who will oversee mockup construction. Employ workers
who will be employed to perform same tasks during the construction at Project.
4. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship.
5. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for
judging the completed Work.
6. Demolish and remove mockups when directed unless otherwise indicated.
D. Notifications:
1. Notify Architect seven days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be
2. Notify Architect 14 days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be tested.
3. Allow seven days for initial review and each re-review of each mockup.
E. Approval: Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting fabrication or construction of
corresponding Work.
1. Unless otherwise indicated, approved mockups establish the standard by which the Work
will be judged.
2. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract
Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations
in writing.
A. Coordinate the scheduling and sequence of activities to accommodate the construction of
mockups with a minimum of delay. Coordinate the construction of mockups to avoid the
necessity of removing and replacing mockups to accommodate other construction.
A. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer, as defined in Section 01 4000
"Quality Requirements," to design support structure for free-standing mockups.
B. Structural Performance:
1. Seismic Performance: Mockups and support structure to withstand the effects of
earthquake motions determined in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7.
2. Wind Loads: As indicated on Drawings.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 4
C. Mockup Testing Performance Requirements: Perform tests using design pressures and
performance criteria indicated for assemblies and products that are specified in other Sections
and incorporated into integrated exterior mockups.
A. Construct integrated exterior mockups according to approved mockup Shop Drawings.
Construct mockups to demonstrate constructability, coordination of trades, and sequencing of
Work; and to ensure materials, components, subassemblies, assemblies, and interfaces
integrate into a system complying with indicated performance and aesthetic requirements.
B. Design and construct foundation and superstructure to support free-standing integrated exterior
C. Build integrated exterior mockups using installers and construction methods that will be used in
completed construction.
D. Use specified products that have been approved by Architect. Coordinate installation of
materials and products specified in individual Specification Sections that include Work included
in integrated exterior mockups.
E. The Work of integrated exterior mockups includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Include masonry veneer with window openings framed with stone trim, complying with
requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 04 2000 “Unit Masonry.”
2. Include metal studs, wood nailers and blocking, sheathing, and air barrier complying with
requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 05 4000 “Cold-Formed Metal Framing.”
b. Section 06 1600 “Sheathing.”
c. Section 06 1000 “Rough Carpentry.”
d. Section 07 2715 “Non-Bituminous Self-Adhering Sheet Air Barriers.”
e. Section 07 2726 “Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers.”
3. Include glazed windows, storefront, and curtain wall complying with requirements of the
following Sections:
a. Section 08 4113 “Aluminum-Framed Entrances And Storefronts.”
b. Section 08 4413 “Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls.”
c. Section 08 5113 “Aluminum Windows.”
d. Section 08 8000 “Glazing.”
4. Include wall cladding complying with requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 07 4213.23 “Metal Composite Material (MCM) Wall Panels.”
b. Section 07 4246 “High-Performance Cementitious Wall Panels.”
5. Include perimeter sealant of windows, storefront, and curtain wall complying with
requirements of Section 07 9200 “Joint Sealants.”
6. Include sealant-filled expansion and control joints in masonry complying with
requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 04 2000 “Unit Masonry.”
b. Section 07 9200 “Joint Sealants.”
F. Photographic Documentation: Document construction of integrated exterior mockups with
photographs in accordance with Section 01 3233 "Photographic Documentation." Provide
photographs showing details of interface of different materials and assemblies.
1. Document testing procedures, including water leakage and other deficiencies.
Photograph modifications to component interfaces intended to correct deficiencies.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 5
G. Provide and document modifications to construction details and interfaces between components
and systems required to properly sequence the Work, or to pass performance testing
requirements. Obtain Architect's approval for modifications.
H. Retain approved mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for
judging the completed Work.
1. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract
Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations
in writing.
2. When directed, demolish and remove mock-ups from Project site.
I. Reconstruct mockups as many as two more times, if required by Architect, for approval.
A. Construct sample room mock-up to verify selections made under sample submittals and to
demonstrate aesthetic effects as well as other qualities of materials and execution. Construct
mock-up to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for final unit of
B. Locate mock-up on site in location indicated or, if not indicated, where directed by Architect.
1. Consult and verify specific requirements with Architect before proceeding with
construction of mockups.
C. Construct room mock-up of typical room as selected by Architect.
1. Include finishes and appliances complying with Contract Documents.
2. Include plumbing fixtures complying with requirements of Division 22 “Plumbing.”
3. Include lighting fixtures complying with requirements of Division 26 “Electrical.”
D. Re-construct mock-up as many as two more times, if required for approval.
A. Products, materials, and installation requirements are specified in each Section of the
specifications referenced under Articles in Part 3 of this Section.
A. Integrated Exterior Mockup Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to
perform tests and inspections.
1. Testing and inspecting agency will interpret tests and state in each report whether tested
Work complies with or deviates from requirements.
B. Integrated Exterior Mockup Testing Services: Perform the following tests in the following order:
1. Water-Spray Test: Before installation of interior finishes has begun, test areas
designated by Architect in accordance with AAMA 501.2 for evidence of water
a. Perform a minimum of three tests in areas as directed by Architect.
2. Air Leakage: Test in accordance with ASTM E783 at 1.5 times the rate specified in
"Mockup Testing Performance Requirements" Paragraph in "Performance Requirements"
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 6
Article, but not more than 0.09 cfm/sq. ft. at a static-air-pressure differential of 1.57 lbf/sq.
a. Perform a minimum of three tests in areas as directed by Architect.
3. Water Penetration: Test in accordance with ASTM E1105 at a minimum uniform and
cyclic static-air-pressure differential of 0.67 times the static-air-pressure differential
specified for laboratory testing in "Mockup Testing Performance Requirements"
Paragraph in "Performance Requirements" Article, but not less than 6.24 lbf/sq. ft., and
verify no evidence of water penetration.
C. Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to test and
inspect components, assemblies, and installations, including connections, and also to observe
testing for the following systems and assemblies.
1. Curtain wall specified in Section 08 4413 "Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls."
D. Integrated exterior mockup will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections.
E. Prepare test and inspection reports.
A. Construct exterior wall mockups to verify selections made under sample submittals and to
demonstrate aesthetic effects as well as other qualities of materials and execution. Construct
mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for the final Work.
B. Locate exterior wall mockups on-site in location indicated or, if not indicated, where directed by
1. Consult and verify specific requirements with Architect before proceeding with
construction of mock-up.
C. Construct exterior wall mock-up as indicated on Drawings. Products and materials for exterior
wall mock-up include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
1. Include masonry veneer with window openings framed with stone trim, complying with
requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 04 2000 “Unit Masonry.”
2. Include metal studs, wood nailers and blocking, sheathing, and air barrier complying with
requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 05 4000 “Cold-Formed Metal Framing.”
b. Section 06 1600 “Sheathing.”
c. Section 06 1000 “Rough Carpentry.”
d. Section 07 2715 “Non-Bituminous Self-Adhering Sheet Air Barriers.”
e. Section 07 2726 “Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers.”
3. Include glazed windows, storefront, and curtain wall complying with requirements of the
following Sections:
a. Section 08 4113 “Aluminum-Framed Entrances And Storefronts.”
b. Section 08 4413 “Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls.”
c. Section 08 5113 “Aluminum Windows.”
d. Section 08 8000 “Glazing.”
4. Include wall cladding complying with requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 07 4213.23 “Metal Composite Material (MCM) Wall Panels.”
b. Section 07 4246 “High-Performance Cementitious Wall Panels.”
5. Include perimeter sealant of windows, storefront, and curtain wall complying with
requirements of Section 07 9200 “Joint Sealants.”
6. Include sealant-filled expansion and control joints in masonry complying with
requirements of the following Sections:
a. Section 04 2000 “Unit Masonry.”
b. Section 07 9200 “Joint Sealants.”
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021
01 4339 - 7
D. Reconstruct mockups as many as two more times, if required by Architect, for approval.
A. Construct sample room mock-up to verify selections made under sample submittals and to
demonstrate aesthetic effects as well as other qualities of materials and execution. Construct
mock-up to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for final unit of
B. Locate mock-up on site in location indicated or, if not indicated, where directed by Architect.
1. Consult and verify specific requirements with Architect before proceeding with
construction of mockups.
C. Construct room mock-up of typical room as selected by Architect.
1. Include finishes and appliances complying with Contract Documents.
2. Include plumbing fixtures complying with requirements of Division 22 “Plumbing.”
3. Include lighting fixtures complying with requirements of Division 26 “Electrical.”
D. Re-construct mock-up as many as two more times, if required for approval.
A. Clean exposed faces of mockups. Protect mockups from the elements with weather resistant
B. Retain and maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for
judging the completed Work.
1. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract
Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations
in writing.
2. When directed, demolish and remove mockups from Project site.
3. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved room mockups may become part of
the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.