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Section 01 56 39
A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and
Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to work
of this section.
B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this
1. Section 31 00 00 – Earth Moving
2. Section 32 92 00 – Soil Preparation for Lawn Establishment
3. Section 32 93 00 – Soil Preparation for Trees and Planting Beds
C. References: The following specifications and standards of the organizations and
documents listed in this paragraph form a part of the specification to the extent
required by the references thereto. In the event that the requirements of the
following referenced standards and specification conflict with this specification
section the requirements of this specification shall prevail. In the event that the
requirements of any of the following referenced standards and specifications
conflict with each other the more stringent requirement shall prevail.
1. ANSI A 300 (Part 5) – Standard Practices for Tree, Shrub and other
Woody Plant Maintenance, most current edition.
2. Pruning practices shall conform with recommendations “Structural
Pruning: A Guide For The Green Industry”; Published by Urban Tree
Foundation, Visalia, California, most current edition.
3. Glossary of Arboricultural Terms, International Society of Arboriculture,
Champaign Illinois, most current edition.
A The scope of work includes all labor, materials, tools, equipment, facilities,
transportation and services necessary for, and incidental to performing all
operations in connection with protection of existing trees and other plants as
shown on the drawings and as specified herein.
1. Provide preconstruction evaluations
2. Provide tree and plant protection fencing.
3. Provide protection of root zones and above ground tree and plants
4. Provide pruning of existing trees and plants.
5. Coordinate with the requirements of Section Soil Preparation for
modifications to the soil within the root zone of existing trees and plants.
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6. Provide protective matting outside of the protection fencing to allow for
construction activities near the fence while protecting roots.
7. Provide all insect and disease control.
8. Provide maintenance of protected trees and plants including irrigation
during the construction period as recommended by the arborist report.
9. Provide maintenance of protected trees and plants including irrigation
during the post construction plant maintenance period.
10. Remove tree protection fencing and other protection around and under
trees and plants.
11. Clean up and disposal of all excess and surplus material.
B. Work includes trimming and protection of trees that are indicated to remain but
interfere with or are in close proximity to new construction, as herein specified.
All tree work shall be performed with the approval of the Landscape Architect
and under the direction of a qualified Arborist, see section 1.3 “Quality
Assurance”, herein.
C. Refer to Demolition Plans, which shows limits of removal of trees, shrubs and
other vegetation interfering with new construction.
D. Refer to Tree Protection Plan for tree protection fencing and notes.
A. Arborist: Contractor shall engage a Massachusetts Certified Arborist who is also
an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist to perform the following work:
1. Remove branches from trees, which are to remain, if required to clear for
new construction.
2. Recommend procedures to compensate for loss of roots, if any, and
perform initial pruning of branches to stimulate root growth where
removed to accommodate new construction.
3. Perform root pruning where construction activities close to the trees will
3. Perform tree repair work for damage incurred by new construction.
4. Remove dead wood, crossing branches and any other trimming on trees
which are to remain, as required by the Landscape Architect.
B. All scaled dimensions on the drawings are approximate. Before proceeding with
any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and
quantities, and shall immediately inform the Owner’s Representative of any
discrepancies between the information on the drawings and the actual
conditions, refraining from doing any work in said areas until given approval to
do so by the Owner’s Representative.
A. QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTAL: For each applicable person expected to
work on the project, provide copies of the qualifications and experience of
the Consulting arborist, proof of an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist
and any required Herbicide/Pesticide license to the Owner’s
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Representative, for review prior to the start of work on this project. Submit
current State certification to the Owner’s Representative.
B. ARBORIST REPORT: Prior to the start of construction, submit, for approval by
the Owner’s Representative, the report of a consulting arborist who is an ISA
Board Certified Master Arborist, which details the following information for all
trees to remain within the area designated on the drawings as the Tree and Plant
Protection Area. The report shall include the following:
1. A description of each tree to remain indicating its genus and species,
condition including any visible damage to the root system or soil within the
root zone, tree diameter at breast height (dbh) and approximate height,
size and any visible disease, insect infestations and or branch and trunk
structural deficiencies.
2. The report shall note all trees or parts of trees, which are considered a
hazard or significant or extreme risk level. Include the International
Society of Arboriculture hazard evaluation sheet for each tree, which may
reasonably be identified as a potential hazard tree.
3. Recommendations as to treatment of all insect, disease and structural
problems encountered.
4. Recommendations for fertilizer treatments, if any.
5. A plan of the site showing the location of all trees included in the report.
6. Submit written certification by registered ISA Board Certified Master
Arborist to the Owner’s Representative that trees indicated to remain have
been protected during the course of construction in accordance with
recognized standards of the industry. Also certify that where damage did
occur trees were promptly and properly treated. Indicate which damaged
trees, if any, are incapable of retaining full growth potential and are
recommended to be removed and replaced.
1. All pruning, branch tie back, tree removal, root pruning, and fertilizing
required by this section shall be performed by or under the direct
supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist.
2. All applications of pesticide or herbicide shall be performed by a person
maintaining a current state license to apply chemical pesticides valid in
the jurisdiction of the project.
D. PRODUCT DATA & MATERIALS: Submit manufacturer product data and
literature describing all products required by this section to the Owner’s
Representative for approval. Provide submittal four weeks before the start of
any work at the site. Submit material samples for all products used under this
A. Contractor shall schedule a pre-construction conference with the Owner’s
Representative at least seven (7) days before beginning work to review any
questions the Contractor may have regarding the work, administrative
procedures during construction and project work schedule.
1. The following Contractors shall attend the preconstruction conference:
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a. General Contractor
b. Consulting Arborist
c. Subcontractor assigned to install Tree and Plant Protection
d. Earthwork Contractor
e. All site utility Contractors that may be required to dig or trench
into the soil
f. Landscape Subcontractor
g. Irrigation Subcontractor
h. Landscape Architect
B. Prior to this meeting, Contractor shall mark all trees and plants to remain and or
be removed as described in this specification for review and approval by the
Owner's Representative.
A. Temporary Protections: Provide construction fencing to protect trees and other
plants, which are to remain, from damage.
B. Protect Root Systems: The contractor shall not store construction materials,
debris or excavated material within drip line (outer perimeter of branches). The
Contractor shall not permit vehicles within drip line, unless noted on the Plans
and stated herein. The Contractor shall restrict foot traffic to prevent excessive
compaction of soil over root systems.
A. DRAINAGE CRUSHED STONE: Selected stone or gravel, graded to pass
criteria established in Section 31 00 00 - Earthwork.
1. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements and
one gallon sample for approval.
B. NEW TOPSOIL: Fertile, friable, surface soil, containing natural loam. Refer to
Section 32 93 00 Soil Preparation for Planting Beds and Section 32 92 00 – Soil
Preparation for Lawn Establishment.
1. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements and
one gallon sample for approval.
C. MULCH: Pine Bark Mulch shall be derived from evergreen tree bark aged to a
minimum of six months and no more than eighteen months. The bark shall be
shredded so that the resulting pieces are no more than ¼ inch thick and no
longer than three inches (3”). The mulch shall be free of stringy material and
shall not contain an excess of fine particles. The mulch shall be brown in color,
free of leaves, twigs, sod, weeds, shavings and other foreign materials which are
injurious to health plant growth.
1. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements and
one gallon sample for approval.
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D. TREE PROTECTION FENCING: Tree fence type is at the discretion of the
Landscape Architect or Owner, refer to Demolition Plans for more information.
1. CHAIN LINK FENCE: 6-foot tall galvanized chain link fence set in metal
frame panels on movable core drilled concrete blocks of sufficient size
to hold the fence erect in areas of existing paving to remain or direct
burial posts, see Demolition Plans for locations along existing tree line.
a. SIGNAGE - Heavy-duty weather-proof signs, 8.5 inches x 11
inches, white colored background with black 2 inch high or larger
letters block letters. The signs shall be attached to the Chain Link
tree protection fence every 50 feet o.c. The tree protection sign
shall read “Tree and Plant Protection Area- Keep Out”.
2. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements for
3. Contractor is responsible for all costs incurred from any additional
protection devices required by the Owner’s Representative due to
negligence, sagging, and total removal of protection devices.
1. Matting for vehicle and work protection shall be heavy duty matting
designed for vehicle loading over tree roots, such as Alturnamats as
manufactured by Alturnamats, Inc. Franklin, PA 16323 or approved
2. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements for
1. Geogrid shall be woven polyester fabric with PVC coating, Uni-axial or
biaxial geogrid, inert to biological degradation, resistant to naturally
occurring chemicals, alkalis, acids.
2. Geogrid shall be Miragrid 2XT as manufactured by Ten Cate Nicolon,
Norcross, GA.
http://www.tencate.com or approved equal.
3. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements for
1. Filter Fabric shall be nonwoven polypropylene fibers, inert to biological
degradation and resistant of naturally occurring chemicals, alkalis and
2. Filter Fabric shall be Mirafi 135 N as manufactured by Ten Cate Nicolon,
Norcross, GA. http://www.tencate.com or approved equal.
3. Submit suppliers product data that product meets the requirements for
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A. Examine the site, tree, plant and soil conditions. Notify the Owner’s
Representative in writing of any conditions that may impact the successful Tree
and Plant Protections that is the intent of this section.
A. The Contractor shall coordinate with all other work that may impact the
completion of the work.
B. Prior to the start of work, prepare a detailed schedule of the work for
coordination with other trades.
C. Coordinate the relocation of any irrigation lines or heads currently present on the
irrigation plans, or the conduits of other utility lines or structures that are in
conflict with tree projection areas. Roots shall not be altered to fit around lines.
Notify the Owner’s Representative of any conflicts encountered.
A. The Tree and Plant Protection Area is defined as all areas indicated on the tree
protection plan. Where no limit of the Tree and Plant Protection area is defined
on the drawings, the limit shall be the drip line (outermost edge of the branch
canopy) of each tree.
A. Prior to the preconstruction meeting, mark trees for removal and protection (see
below), layout the limits of the Tree and Plant Protection Area and then
alignments of required Tree and Plant Protection Fencing and root pruning.
Obtain the Owner’s Representative's approval of the limits of the protection area
and the alignment of all fencing and root pruning.
B. Flag all trees and shrubs to be removed by wrapping orange plastic ribbon
around the trunk and on a prominent branch for each shrub. Obtain the Owner’s
Representative's approval of all trees and shrubs to be removed prior to the start
of tree and shrub removal. After approval, mark all trees and shrubs to be
removed with orange paint in a band completely around the base of the tree or
shrub 4.5 feet above the ground.
C. Flag all trees and shrubs to remain with white plastic ribbon tied completely
around the trunk or each tree and on a prominent branch for each shrub. Obtain
the Owner’s Representative's approval of all trees and shrubs to be remain prior
to the start of tree and shrub removal.
D. Prior to any construction activity at the site including utility work, grading,
storage of materials, or installation of temporary construction facilities, install all
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tree protection measures. Refer to Part 2, 2.1 – Materials.
A. Install Geogrids, Filter Fabric, Matting, or Mulch in areas and depths shown on
the plans and details or as directed by the Owner's Representative. In general it
is the intent of this specification to provide the following levels of protection:
1. All exposed edges along the Tree and Plant Protection Area shall have a
minimum of 5 inches of Mulch.
2. Areas where foot traffic or storage of lightweight materials is anticipated
to be unavoidable provide a layer of Filter Fabric under the 5 inches of
3. Areas where occasional light vehicle traffic is anticipated to be
unavoidable provide a layer of Geogrids under 8 inches of Mulch.
4. Areas where heavy vehicle traffic is unavoidable provide a layer of
Geogrids under 8 - 12 inches of Mulch and a layer of matting over the
B. The Owner's Representative shall approve the appropriate level of protection.
C. In the above requirements, light vehicle is defined as a track skid steer with a
ground pressure of 4 psi or lighter. A heavy vehicle is any vehicle with a tire or
track pressure of greater than 4 psi. Lightweight materials are any packaged
materials that can be physically moved by hand into the location. Bulk materials
such as soil, or aggregate shall never be stored within the Tree and Plant
Protection Area.
A. Protect the Tree and Plant Protection Area at all times from compaction of the
soil; damage of any kind to trunks, bark, branches, leaves and roots of all
plants; and contamination of the soil, bark or leaves with construction materials,
debris, silt, fuels, oils, concrete wash-out and any chemicals substance. Notify
the Owner’s Representative of any spills, compaction or damage and take
corrective action immediately using methods approved by the Owner’s
A. The Contractor shall not engage in any construction activity within the Tree and
Plant Protection Area without the approval of the Owner's Representative
including: operating, moving or storing equipment; storing supplies or materials;
locating temporary facilities including trailers or portable toilets and shall not
permit employees to traverse the area to access adjacent areas of the project or
use the area for lunch or any other work breaks. Permitted activity, if any, within
the Tree and Plant Protection Area maybe indicated on the drawings along with
any required remedial activity as listed below.
B. In the event that construction activity is unavoidable within the Tree and Plant
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Protection Area, notify the Owner’s Representative and submit a detailed written
plan of action for approval. The plan shall include: a statement detailing the
reason for the activity including why other areas are not suited; a description of
the proposed activity; the time period for the activity, and a list of remedial
actions that will reduce the impact on the Tree and Plant Protection Area from
the activity. Remedial actions shall include but shall not be limited to the
1. In general, demolition and excavation within the drip line of trees and
shrubs shall proceed with extreme care either by the use of hand tools,
directional boring and or Air Knife excavation where indicated or with
other low impact equipment that will not cause damage to the tree, roots
or soil.
2. When encountered, exposed roots, 1 inches and larger in diameter shall
be worked around in a manner that does not break the outer layer of the
root surface (bark). These roots shall be covered in Wood Chips and
shall be maintained above permanent wilt point at all times. Roots one
inch and larger in diameter shall not be cut with-out the approval of the
Owner’s Representative. Excavation shall be tunneled under these roots
without cutting them. In the areas where roots are encountered, work
shall be performed and scheduled to close excavations as quickly as
possible over exposed roots.
3. Tree branches that interfere with the construction may be tied back or
pruned to clear only to the point necessary to complete the work. Other
branches shall only be removed when specifically indicated by the
Owner’s Representative. Tying back or trimming of all branches and the
cutting of roots shall be in accordance with accepted arboricultural
practices (ANSI A300, part 8) and be performed under supervision of the
4. Matting: Install temporary matting over the Wood Chips or Mulch to the
extent indicated. Do not permit foot traffic, scaffolding or the storage of
materials within the Tree and Plant Protection Area to occur off of the
temporary matting.
5. Trunk Protection: Protect the trunk of each tree to remain by covering it
with a ring of 8 foot long 2 inch x 6 - inch planks loosely banded onto the
tree with 3 steel bands. Staple the bands to the planks as necessary to
hold them securely in place. Trunk protection must by kept in place no
longer than 12 months. If construction requires work near a particular
tree to continue longer than 12 months, the steel bands shall be
inspected every six months and loosened if they are found to have
become tight.
6. Air Excavation Tool: If excavation for footings or utilities is required
within the Tree and Plant Protection Area, air excavation tool techniques
shall be used where practical or as designed on the drawings.
a. Remove the Wood Chips from an area approximately 18 inches
beyond the limits of the hole or trench to be excavated. Cover
the Wood Chips for a distance of not less than 15 feet around
the limit of the excavation area with Filter Fabric or plastic
sheeting to protect the Wood Chips from silt. Mound the Wood
Chips so that the plastic slopes towards the excavation.
b. Using a sprinkler or soaker hose, apply water slowly to the area
of the excavation for a period of at least 4 hours, approximately
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12 hours prior to the work so that the ground water level is at or
near field capacity at the beginning of the work. For excavations
that go beyond the damp soil, rewet the soil as necessary to
keep soil moisture near field capacity.
c. Using an air excavation tool specifically designed and
manufactured for the intended purpose, and at pressures
recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment, fracture
the existing soil to the shape and the depths required. Work at
rates and using techniques that do not harm tree roots. Air
pressure shall be a maximum of 90-100 psi.
1.) The air excavation tool shall be “Air-Spade” as
manufactured by Concept Engineering Group, Inc.,
Verona, PA (412) 826-8800, or Air Knife as
manufactured by Easy Use Air Tools, Inc. Allison Park,
Pa (866) 328-5723 or approved equal.
d. Using a commercial, high-powered vacuum truck if required,
remove the soil from the excavation produced by the Air Knife
excavation. The vacuum truck should generally operate
simultaneously with the hose operator, such that the soil
produced is picked up from the excavation hole, and the
exposed roots can be observed and not damaged by the
ongoing operation. Do not drive the vacuum truck into the Tree
and Plant Protection Area unless the area is protected from
compaction as approved in advance by the Owner’s
e. Remove all excavated soil and excavated Wood Chips, and
contaminated soil at the end of the excavation.
f. Schedule the work so that foundations or utility work is
completed immediately after the excavation. Do not let the roots
dry out. Mist the roots several times during the day. If the
excavated area must remain open overnight, mist the roots and
cover the excavation with black plastic.
g. Dispose of all soil in a manner that meets local laws and
h. Restore soil within the trench as soon as the work is completed.
Utilize soil of similar texture to the removed soil and lightly
compact with hand tools. Leave soil mounded over the trench to
a height of approximately 10% of the trench depth to account for
i. Restore any Geogrids, Filter Fabric, Wood Chips or Mulch and
or matting that was previously required for the area.
A. Excavate within drip line of trees only where indicated.
B. Where trenching for utilities is required within drip line, tunnel under or around
roots by hand digging. Do not cut main lateral roots or tap roots; cut only
smaller roots which interfere with installation of new work. Cut roots with sharp
pruning instruments; do not break or chop.
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C. Where excavating for new construction is required within drip line of trees, hand
excavate to minimize damage to root systems. Provide sheeting at excavations
if required. Use narrow tine spading forks and comb soil to expose roots.
1. Relocate roots in backfill areas wherever possible. If large, main lateral
roots are encountered, expose beyond excavation limits, as required, to
bend and relocate without breaking. If encountered immediately adjacent
to location of new construction and relocation is not practical, cut roots
approximately 3" back from new construction
D. Do not allow exposed roots to dry out before permanent backfill is placed;
provide temporary earth cover, or pack with peat moss and wrap with burlap.
Water and maintain in moist condition and temporarily support and protect from
damage until permanently relocated and covered with earth.
E. Prune branches to balance loss to root system caused by damage or cutting of
A. Maintain existing grade within drip line of trees, unless otherwise indicated.
B. Lowering Grades: Where existing grade is above new finish grade shown
around trees, carefully hand excavate within drip line to new finish grade. Cut
roots exposed by excavation or provide permanent protections as recommended
by Arborist.
1. Prune branches to stimulate root growth and to compensate for loss of
roots. Provide subsequent maintenance during the contract period as
recommended by Arborist. Provide Owner with typed instructions for
recommended long-range maintenance procedures to be followed after
completion of construction operations.
C. Raising Grades
1. Minor Fills: Where existing grade is 6" or less below elevation of finish
grade shown, use topsoil fill material specified. Place in single layer and
do not compact; hand grade to required finish elevations.
2. Moderate Fills: Where existing grade is more than 6", but less than 12"
below finish grade elevation, place a layer of drainage fill on existing
grade prior to placing topsoil. Carefully place against trunk of tree
approximately 2" above finish grade elevation and extend not less than
18" from tree trunk on all sides. For balance of area within drip line
perimeter, place drainage fill to an elevation 6" below grade and
complete fill with a layer of topsoil to finish grade elevation. Do not
compact drainage fill or topsoil layers; hand grade to required elevations.
A. Remove all trees indicated by the drawings and specifications, as requiring
removal, in a manner that will not damage adjacent trees or structures or
compacts the soil.
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B. Remove trees that are adjacent to trees or structures to remain, in sections, to
limit the opportunity of damage to adjacent crowns, trunks, ground plane
elements and structures.
C. Do not drop trees with a single cut unless the tree will fall in an area not included
in the Tree and Plant Protection Area. No tree to be removed within 50 feet of
the Tree and Plant Protection Area shall be pushed over or up-rooted using a
piece of grading equipment.
D. Protect adjacent paving, soil, trees, shrubs, ground cover plantings and
understory plants to remain from damage during all tree removal operations, and
from construction operations. Protection shall include the root system, trunk,
limbs, and crown from breakage or scarring, and the soil from compaction.
E. Remove stumps and immediate root plate from existing trees to be removed.
Grind trunk bases and large buttress roots to a depth of the largest buttress root
or at least 18 inches below the top most roots whichever is less and over the
area of three times the diameter of the trunk (DBH).
1. For trees where the stump will fall under new paved areas, grind roots to
a total depth of 18 inches below the existing grade. If the sides of the
stump hole still have greater than approximately 20% wood visible,
continue grinding operation deeper and or wider until the resulting hole
has less than 20% wood. Remove all wood chips produced by the
grinding operation and back fill in 8 inch layers with controlled fill of a
quality acceptable to the site engineer for fill material under structures,
compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density standard proctor. The
Owner’s Representative shall approve each hole at the end of the
grinding operation.
2. In areas where the tree location is to be a planting bed or lawn, remove
all woodchips and backfill stump holes with planting soil as defined in
Specification Section Planting Soil, in maximum of 12 inch layers and
compact to 80 - 85% of the maximum dry density standard proctor.
A. Within six months of the estimated date of substantial completion, prune all
dead or hazardous branches larger than 2 inch in diameter from all trees to
B. Implement all pruning recommendations found in the arborist report.
C. Prune any low, hanging branches and vines from existing trees and shrubs that
overhang walks, streets and drives, or parking areas as follows:
1. Walks - within 8 feet vertically of the proposed walk elevation.
2. Parking areas - within 12 feet vertically of the proposed parking surface
3. Streets and drives - within 14 feet vertically of the proposed driving
surface elevation.
D. All pruning shall be done in accordance with ANSI A300 (part 1), ISA BMP Tree
Pruning (latest edition, and the "Structural Pruning: A Guide for the Green
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Industry", Edward Gilman, Brian Kempf, Nelda Matheny and Jim Clark, 2013
Urban Tree Foundation, Visalia CA.
E. Perform other pruning task as indicated on the drawings or requested by the
Owner's Representative.
F. Where tree specific disease vectors require, sterilize all pruning tools between
the work in individual trees.
A. The Contractor shall be fully responsible to ensure that adequate water is
provided to all plants to be preserved during the entire construction period.
Adequate water is defined to be maintaining soil moisture above the permanent
wilt point to a depth of 8 inches or greater.
B. The Contractor shall adjust the automatic irrigation system, if available, and
apply additional water, using hoses or water tanks as required.
C. Periodically test the moisture content in the soil within the root zone to determine
the water content.
A. During the construction period, control any plants that seed in and around the
fenced Tree and Plant Protection area at least three times a year.
1. All plants that are not shown on the planting plan or on the Tree and Plant
Protection Plan to remain shall be considered as weeds.
B. At the end of the construction period provide one final weeding of the Tree and
Plant Protection Area.
A. Monitor all plants to remain for disease and insect infestations during the entire
construction period. Provide all disease and insect control required to keep the
plants in a healthy state using the principles of Integrated Plant Management
(IPM). All pesticides shall be applied by a certified pesticide applicator.
A. During tree and plant protection work, keep the site free of trash, pavements
reasonably clean and work area in an orderly condition at the end of each day.
Remove trash and debris in containers from the site no less than once a week.
1. Immediately clean up any spilled or tracked soil, fuel, oil, trash or debris
deposited by the Contractor from all surfaces within the project or on
public right of ways and neighboring property.
B. Once tree protection work is complete, wash all soil from pavements and other
structures. Ensure that Mulch is confined to planting beds.
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C. Make all repairs to grades, ruts, and damage to the work or other work at the
D. Remove and dispose of all excess Mulch, Wood Chips, packaging, and other
material brought to the site by the Contractor.
A. At the end of the construction period or when requested by the Owner’s
Representative remove all fencing, Wood Chips or Mulch, Geogrids and Filter
Fabric, trunk protection and or any other Tree and Plant Protection material.
A. Any trees or plants designated to remain and which are damaged by the
Contractor shall be replaced in kind by the Contractor at their own expense.
Trees shall be replaced with a tree of similar species and of equal size or 6 inch
caliper whichever is less. Shrubs shall be replaced with a plant of similar species
and equal size or the largest size plants reasonably available whichever is less.
Where replacement plants are to be less than the size of the plant that is
damaged, the Owner’s Representative shall approve the size and quality of the
replacement plant.
1. All trees and plants shall be installed per the requirements of
Specification Section Planting.
B. Plants that are damaged shall be considered as requiring replacement or
appraisal in the event that the damage affects more than 25 % of the crown,
25% of the trunk circumference, or root protection area, or the tree is damaged
in such a manner that the tree could develop into a potential hazard. Trees and
shrubs to be replaced shall be removed by the Contractor at his own expense.
1. The Owner's Representative may engage an independent arborist to
assess any tree or plant that appears to have been damaged to
determine their health or condition.
C. Any tree that is determined to be dead, damaged or potentially hazardous by the
Owner’s arborist and upon the request of the Owner’s Representative shall be
immediately removed by the Contractor at no additional expense to the owner.
Tree removal shall include all clean-up of all wood parts and grinding of the
stump to a depth sufficient to plant the replacement tree or plant, removal of all
chips from the stump site and filling the resulting hole with topsoil.
D. Any remedial work on damaged existing plants recommended by the consulting
arborist shall be completed by the Contractor at no cost to the owner. Remedial
work shall include but is not limited to: soil compaction remediation and vertical
mulching, pruning and or cabling, insect and disease control including injections,
compensatory watering and additional mulching.
E. Remedial work may extend up to two years following the completion of
construction to allow for any requirements of multiple applications or the need to
undertake applications at required seasons of the year.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
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