HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-3213.13-Test-Wells-For-Irrigation-System_Rev_0Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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SECTION 02 3213.13
A. SITE: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
B. OWNER: Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District
C. ENGINEER: Aqueous Consultants, Andover, MA
D. SPECIFICATIONS: Document below which outlines construction, testing, and reporting
requirements of well construction
E. DRAWINGS: Plans issued by ENGINEER showing locations of proposed well system
F. MOST FAVORABLE AQUIFER MATERIAL (MFAM) – Stratum of unconsolidated material below
static groundwater determined from test well drilling to be best for screen placement. Identify
Most Favorable Aquifer Material encountered for well screen and develop to maximum extent
practicable for yield.
G. TARGET YIELD: Desired water production based on irrigation system demand equal to
sustainable yield of 65 gpm or greater. Goal is to maximize yield.
A. OWNER seeks to supply well water for athletic field irrigation at proposed Dennis Yarmouth
Intermediate Middle School in Yarmouth, MA.
B. SPECIFICATIONS below are intended to outline construction and testing for four (4) test wells
prior to SITE preparation and demolition of SITE.
C. Drill proposed test wells generally where shown on DRAWINGS.
D. Proposed wells are assumed to extend to depth as determined by current available data from
Massachusetts GIS Database and test drilling program.
E. Later phases of constructions require results of test well program described in SPECIFICATIONS
(See Section 32 8410 –Irrigation Well Construction).
A. Construct, sample, develop, and test wells to full extent and intent of SPECIFICATIONS.
B. Coordinate work of SPECIFICATIONS with other underground utilities and with trades
responsible for their installation and oversight. Contact DIG SAFE or 811 within 72 hours of all
drilling work.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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C. Subcontract the following services:
1. Underground Utility Location Service via Electromagnetic (EM) Locating and mark
underground services in field.
A. 2-Inch Test Wells
1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services required for construction of four (4)
preliminary 2-inch test wells in unconsolidated formation.
2. Test Well Construction Consists of:
a. Drilling, Driving, and/or Washing Operation
b. Soil Logging through Borehole
c. PVC Casing Installation
d. Screen Installation in MFAM
e. Soil Sample Retrieval of MFAM
f. Developing Test Well Sufficiently for Yield Testing
g. Yield Testing with Temporary Pumping Equipment
h. Water Quality Sample Retrieval During Yield Testing
i. Protecting Aquifer Water Quality
j. Compiling Report for ENGINEER including:
1.) Laboratory Grain-Size Analysis of Retrieved Sample
2.) Laboratory Water Quality Analysis of Retrieved Sample
3.) Well Boring Soil Logs
4.) Yield Estimation
5.) DCR Well Completion Form
6.) Well Certification
A. DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS must be interpreted and are intended to complement each
B. Furnish and install all parts, which may be required by DRAWINGS and omitted by
SPECIFICATIONS, or vice versa, just as though required by both.
C. Refer all apparent discrepancies or questions of intent to OWNER and ENGINEER through
written Request for Information (RFI). OWNER’s interpretations are final, conclusive, and binding.
D. Provide new materials for proposed test wells without flaws or defects and of quality and
performance meeting requirements of SPECIFICATIONS.
E. Remove all material overages at completion of installation from SITE.
F. Construct and complete test wells in every respect in good, skillful, and substantial manner, to full
intent and meaning of DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS in order to estimate probability of
achieving TARGET YIELD.
G. Furnish all parts necessary for proper and complete execution of work, whether specifically
mentioned or not, or indicated on DRAWINGS.
H. Retest wells at no additional cost to OWNER for information omitted or obtained incorrectly as
determined by ENGINEER.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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A. Provide services and equipment to install and test wells, namely:
1. Portable power supply
2. Temporary mechanical equipment (e.g., rigs, pumps, air compressors, etc.)
3. Valves, pipes, orifices, etc.
4. Metering equipment
5. Drawdown level monitoring equipment
6. Town of Yarmouth Irrigation Well Permit
A. Comply with all ordinances and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction, including all
applicable local (Yarmouth Board of Health), state (MassDEP), and federal regulations.
B. Obtain and pay for all additional permits, tests, and certifications required for execution of work
in SPECIFICATIONS (including Town of Yarmouth Board of Health Well Permit).
C. Furnish copies of permits, certifications, and approval notices to OWNER and ENGINEER prior
to requesting final payment.
A. Perform reconnaissance of SITE existing conditions before submitting bid. No claim for extra
compensation or extension of time will be allowed due to actual conditions inconsistent with those
assumed, unless approved by OWNER and ENGINEER.
B. For bidding purposes, assume test well depth of 150 feet each. Drill and sample soils until
adequate soils are obtained or until bedrock refusal.
C. Construct test wells as approximately shown on DRAWINGS as directed by ENGINEER and
OWNER. Coordinate all proposed changes with ENGINEER and/or OWNER with documentation
prior to approval.
D. Work within designated spaces provided by OWNER at SITE for drilling operations.
E. Coordinate with OWNER and ENGINEER to inform, through subcontracted EM locating service,
and be informed of any hazards or obstructions which may affect location of wells, such as, but
not limited to:
1. Structures
2. Overhead and buried power lines
3. Buried cables
4. Buried pipes
5. Identify any known underground obstructions or contaminant not readily visible
F. Avoid local depressions and low points that may collect or convey surface runoff.
A. Store and handle all materials in compliance with manufacturer instructions.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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B. Protect all existing structures and equipment from possible damage. Pay for all unnecessary
damage to property caused by employees or subcontractors due to faulty WORK. Coordinate
repair work of such damage with OWNER.
C. Minimize SITE storage and coordinate with OWNER.
A. Attend pre-bid and pre-construction meetings at SITE to discuss project, construction sequence,
observe access points and SITE restrictions.
B. At pre-construction meeting with OWNER and ENGINEER, outline construction sequence,
delineated access, limitations, construction and testing procedures, and timeframe.
C. Coordinate with OWNER to identify and/or mark out potential underground infrastructure and
D. Submit EM Locating service plans as necessary to identify and mark underground electrical
services in immediate area.
E. Coordinate work closely with ENGINEER and OWNER at all times to avoid misunderstandings
and to bring project to completion efficiently.
F. Coordinate work with any approved subcontractors and other trades at SITE.
G. Bring to ENGINEER’s attention any questions of design intent or issues in the field immediately
for resolution.
A. Aquifer Disinfection
1. Conform to provisions of AWWA Standards A-100 and C-654 except where modified
2. Always maintain copy of these standards SITE.
B. Applicable requirements of accepted Standards and Codes applied to SPECIFICATIONS:
1. American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM)
2. National Plumbing Code (NPC)
3. National Sanitary Foundation (NSF)
4. American Water Works Association (AWWA)
5. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
6. National Groundwater Association (NGWA)
7. Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
A. Provide three (3) copies on all proposed equipment to be installed to OWNER for approval by
B. Do not install test wells until all product sheets are received and approved.
C. Product data includes size, manufacturer, weight, and description.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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D. Equipment to be submitted, but not limited to, includes:
1. PVC Well Casing
2. Well Screen
3. Sanitary Well Seal
4. Drive Shoe (if required)
5. Miscellaneous Materials
A. Upon completion of work and prior to application for acceptance and final payment, submit written
materials to OWNER and ENGINEER for approval, including:
1. soil logs through test well boring
2. well installation logs and data
3. testing data (as specified herein)
4. estimate on future well yield (based on data and experience)
5. approved submittals for all products used in test well construction
B. Complete and submit as-built documentation within seven (7) days of final test well installation
and test completion. Other trades require this final data to begin additional phases of
A. 2-Inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe rated for well casing as per AWWA standards.
B. Assume 150 feet of casing for each test well.
C. Provide per unit foot price for drilling beyond 150 feet. Drill to refusal.
A. Install stainless steel screen in MVAM for potential water production.
B. Install 2-inch diameter screens.
C. Do not install lead packers.
D. Approved manufacturers include Johnson Screens, or approved equal.
E. Assume 10 feet of well screen for test well.
A. Make all field measurements necessary to meet SPECIFICATIONS noting relationship of SITE
obstructions (coordinate with OWNER).
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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B. At all times, protect existing landscaping, paving, structures, walls, footings, etc. from damage.
Report any inadvertent damage to property at once.
C. Follow well yield testing procedures as per SPECIFICATIONS, strictly. Data obtained outside
SPECIFICATIONS program is subject to refusal by ENGINEER for retesting.
D. Follow and adhere to ASABE EP 400.2T JAN 1994 (R2005) “Design and Constructing Irrigation
Wells” for well construction, well development, well testing, and test well abandonment.
A. Perform soil logs at test well location. Information to obtain includes, but is not limited to:
1. Depth to groundwater table
2. Soil classifications every 10 feet depth intervals for entire well depth (assume 50 feet for
bidding purposes)
3. Ensure that boulders or other non-bedrock refusal layers are not encountered
4. Retrieve soil samples from proposed well screen depth (undisturbed samples not
necessary). Send retrieved soil samples to laboratory capable of providing full graphical
and tabular grain-size distribution from sieve analysis. Send laboratory sieve results and
boring logs to ENGINEER.
5. Retrieve water samples from proposed well immediately after estimated yield testing. Send
retrieved water samples to laboratory capable of providing full analysis for constituents
listed. Send laboratory sieve results and boring logs to ENGINEER.
A. Construct and develop four (4) minimum 2-inch unconsolidated test wells. Drill proposed wells
as located approximately on DRAWINGS.
B. Well Casing
1. Provide plumb and straight casing not deviating from vertical by more than two-thirds
casing diameter per 150 feet of depth (in this case 1 inch total).
2. Use drive shoes as required (submit product SPECIFICATIONS to ENGINEER).
3. Cut off well casing minimum of 12 inches above finish grade but no more than 24 inches.
4. Provide temporary pumping equipment for development and yield testing.
5. Drill to refusal and record depth.
5. Well must meet following criteria to constitute valid test well:
a. must be at least 50 - 75 feet deep with
b. static groundwater level within 10 feet of surface grade
C. Well Screen
1. Handle well screen with care and place at correct depths to match sampled formations of
D. Well Development
1. Remove fine material from formation near well screen through development of
unconsolidated wells to open passages for water to enter well more freely and better
estimate yield.
2. Remove all fine material pulled into well during developing operation before yield test.
Clear water without sediment and fine material constitutes sufficiently developed wells.
3. Develop test wells naturally (i.e. without filter pack).
4. Pipe all well development discharge to approved drainage course.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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E. Aquifer Protection
1. Disinfect equipment with chlorine solution to destroy any bacteria introduced during
construction and development processes.
2. Disinfect with chlorine solution with minimum of 100 mg/L (100 ppm) available chlorine in
solution when mixed with volume of water in well bore. Cap well for protection immediately
after disinfection.
3. Provide formation seal around well casing made of cement grout, bentonite, or concrete.
4. Provide formation seal placed in an annular space to prevent seepage of contaminated
surface water down along outside of casing into well (approximately 2 inches thick).
5. Extend surface sealing to approximately five (5) feet below grade.
6. Grade finished land surface to direct runoff water away from test well.
F. Construction Certification
1. Certify that test wells construction satisfies all original SPECIFICATIONS unless
SPECIFICATIONS were modified in writing by prior and mutual agreement.
2. Include full construction log detailing well depth, screen size and depth, development
method, and GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) with certification. Fill out DCR Well
Completion Form legibly and in entirety.
3. Include all modifications of original SPECIFICATIONS in certification.
A. Provide pumping test to estimate drawdown and yield of test well to determine the specific
capacity and potential yield of a permanent 8-inch well (Section 32 8410).
B. Use any standard method for completing the task (air-lift, suction-lift, or jet pumping).
C. Run pumping test for minimum of two (2) hours to make sound estimates on potential yield and
specific capacity. Present findings and recommendations to ENGINEER.
A. Upon completion of well development and yield test, send water sample from pump discharge for
physical, chemical, and bacteriological analysis.
B. Make all necessary arrangements and promptly send samples either to local Health Department
laboratory or to private laboratory that is approved by local Health Department.
C. Conduct water quality analyses in accordance with standards and methods approved by Local
and State Health Departments, as well as United States Environmental Protection Agency. Test
for the following constituents:
1. Arsenic
2. Boron
3. Beryllium
4. Cadmium
5. Calcium
6. Chromium
7. Copper
8. Iron (Total and Dissolved)
9. Lead
10. Magnesium
11. Manganese
12. Mercury
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
02 3213.13 Test Wells for Irrigation
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13. Potassium
14. Sodium
15. Selenium
16. Zinc
17. Chloride
18. Sulfate
19. Nitrate
20. Nitrite
21. Turbidity
22. Total Coliform Bacteria
23. pH
24. Hardness
25. Alkalinity (All Forms)
26. Carbonate
27. Bicarbonate
28. Residual Chlorine
29. Total Dissolved Solids
30. Electrical Conductivity
D. Incomplete analyses are subject to rejection.
A. Ensure well is properly sealed, graded, and capped to ensure aquifer protection.
B. Upon completion of work and acceptance by ENGINEER and OWNER, provide all specified
information in as-built documents.
A. Remove all leftover materials and equipment from SITE upon completion of all installation work
in safe and legal manner.
B. Ensure SITE is clean and free of all debris generated from installation of irrigation test well to
satisfaction of OWNER (replace turf, remove cuttings and spoils, fill in tire ruts and rig