HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-3543-Polished-Concrete-Finishing_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
03 3543 - 1
SECTION 03 3543
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Section Includes:
1. Polished concrete finishing.
2. Concrete for polished finishing, including formwork, reinforcement, concrete materials,
mixture design, placement procedures, initial finishing, and curing is specified in
Section 03 3000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete."
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 01 8113 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and
procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits.
2. Section 03 3000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for concrete not designated as polished
3. Section 03 3515 “Clear Concrete Floor Sealer.”
4. Section 09 0007 “Painting” for paints and coatings.
A. Terminology: As defined by Concrete Polishing Association of America.
A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site.
1. Before submitting design mixtures, review concrete design mixture and examine
procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials. Require representatives of each
entity directly concerned with polished concrete to attend, including the following:
a. Contractor's superintendent.
b. Independent testing agency responsible for concrete design mixtures.
c. Ready-mix concrete manufacturer.
d. Cast-in-place concrete subcontractor.
e. Polished concrete finishing Subcontractor, including supervisor.
f. Technical representative of liquid applied product manufacturers.
g. Walkway auditor.
2. Minimum Agenda: Polisher shall demonstrate understanding of work required by
reviewing and discussing procedures for, but not limited to the following:
a. Tour mock-up and representative areas of required work, discuss and evaluate for
compliance with Contract Documents, including substrate conditions, surface
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
03 3543 - 2
preparations, sequence of procedures, and other preparatory work performed by
other installers.
b. Review Contract Document requirements.
c. Review approved submittals.
d. Review cold- and hot-weather concreting procedures, curing procedures,
construction joints, concrete repair procedures, concrete finishing, and protection
of polished concrete. Review procedures, including, but are not limited to:
1) Details of the polishing process to include.
2) Application of liquid applied products.
3) Protecting concrete floor surfaces until polishing work begins.
4) Protecting polished concrete floors after polishing work is completed.
3. Reports: Record discussions, including decisions and agreements reached, and furnish
copy of record to each party attending.
A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.”
B. Product Data: For each type of product.
C. Sustainable Design Submittals:
1. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Provide manufacturers’ product
documentation for each product having an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
a. Documentation should confirm EPD conforms with ISO 14205 EN 15804 or ISO
b. EPD shall have at least Cradle to Gate scope.
c. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc2 information for each
product having an EPD.
2. Health Product Declaration (HPD): Provide manufacturers’ product documentation for
each product having a publically available material inventory down to at least 0.1 percent
or 1000 ppm.
a. Documentation should be in the form of one of the following:
1) A publically available inventory of all ingredients identified by name and
Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number (CASRN).
2) A published, complete Health Product Declaration in compliance with the
Health Product Declaration open Standard.
3) Material Health Certificate or Cradle to Cradle Certification under standard
version 3 or later with a Material Health Achievement level at the Bronze
level or higher.
4) A Declare product label indicating that all ingredients have been evaluated
and disclosed down to 1000 ppm.
5) Cradle to Cradle Material Health Certificate at the Bronze Level or higher.
b. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc2 information for each
product having an EPD.
3. Paints And Coatings: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to and
compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard method
v1.2-2017 that includes the following information:
a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance.
b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH
Standard Method v1.2:
1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less;
2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or
3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
03 3543 - 3
c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025.
d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in
mass per surface area.
e. Provide MSDS or other manufacturer documentation with disclosure of VOC
content for all wet-applied products.
f. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for
paints/coatings installed within the waterproofing membrane.
4. Flooring Systems: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to and
compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard method
v1.2-2017 that includes the following information:
a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance.
b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH
Standard Method v1.2:
1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less;
2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or
3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more.
c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025.
d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in
mass per surface area.
e. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for
flooring systems installed within the waterproofing membrane.
D. Polishing Schedule: Submit plan showing polished concrete surfaces and schedule of polishing
operations for each area of polished concrete before start of polishing operations. Include
locations of all joints, including construction joints.
E. Samples for Verification: For each type of finish.
A. Qualification Data: For Installer.
B. Material Certificates: For each of the following, signed by manufacturers:
1. Repair materials.
2. Liquid floor treatments.
C. Static Coefficient of Friction Test Reports: Reports of testing specified in PART 3 “Field Quality
Control” Article.
A. Maintenance Data: For polished concrete finish to include in maintenance manual.
1. Include manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance of installed work, including methods
and frequency recommended for maintaining optimum condition under anticipated use.
2. Include precautions against cleaning products and methods which may be detrimental to
finishes and performance.
A. Installer Qualifications:
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
03 3543 - 4
1. Manufacturer’s Certification: Provide letter of certification from concrete finish
manufacturer stating that installer is a certified applicator of special concrete finishes, and
is familiar with proper procedures and installation requirements required by manufacturer.
2. Experience: Company experienced in performing specified work similar in design,
products, and extent to scope of this Project; with a record of successful in-service
performance; and with sufficient production capability, facilities, and personnel to produce
specified work.
3. Supervision: Maintain competent supervisor who is at Project during all times specified
work is in progress.
4. Use an experienced and approved CSDA certified Surface Refinement Specialist and
adequate number of skilled work people who are trained and experienced in the work
involving concrete polishing and new placement concrete surface texturing.
B. Walkway Auditor: Certified by NFSI to test polished floors for static coefficient of friction
according to NFSI 101-A.
C. Static Coefficient of Friction: Achieve not less than 0.5 for level floor surfaces as determined by
quality control testing according to NFSI 101-A.
D. Field Sample Panels: After approval of verification sample and before casting concrete,
produce field sample panels to demonstrate the approved range of selections made under
Sample submittals. Produce a minimum of three sets of full-scale panels, approximately 48 by
48 inches minimum, to demonstrate the expected range of finish, color, and appearance
1. Locate panels as indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect.
2. Maintain field sample panels during construction in an undisturbed condition as a
standard for judging the completed Work.
3. Demolish and remove field sample panels when directed.
E. Mockups: Before casting concrete, build mockups to verify selections made under Sample
submittals and to demonstrate typical joints, surface finish, tolerances, and standard of
workmanship. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials
indicated for the completed Work:
1. Build mockups in the location and of the size indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by
2. Demonstrate curing, finishing, and protecting of polished concrete.
3. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the
completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion.
A. Delivery: Deliver materials to site in manufacturer’s original, unopened containers and
packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer.
B. Storage: Store materials in clean, dry area indoors in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions. Keep materials from freezing.
C. Handling: Protect materials during handling and application to prevent contamination or
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
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A. Damage and Stain Prevention: Take precautions to prevent damage and staining of concrete
surfaces to be polished.
1. Prohibit vehicle parking over concrete surfaces to be polished.
2. Prohibit pipe cutting operations over concrete surfaces to be polished.
3. Prohibit storage of any items over concrete surfaces to be polished for not less than 28
days after concrete placement.
4. Prohibit ferrous metals storage over concrete surfaces to be polished.
5. Protect from petroleum, oil, hydraulic fluid, or other liquid dripping from equipment
working over concrete surfaces to be polished.
6. Protect from acids and acidic detergents contacting concrete surfaces to be polished.
7. Protect from painting activities over concrete surfaces to be polished.
B. Traffic Control: Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other
construction activities.
C. Environmental Limitations: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for substrate
temperature, ambient temperature, moisture, ventilation, and other conditions affecting liquid
applied product application.
A. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Provide products with Third Party Environmental
Product Declaration (EPD) whenever available.
B. Health Product Declaration (HPD): Provide products with publically available material
inventories whenever available.
C. Paints And Coatings: For field applications that are inside the weatherproofing membrane:
Paints and Coatings must be tested and determined compliant in accordance with California
Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the applicable
exposure scenario. The default scenario if the private office scenario.
1. All paints and coatings wet-applied on site must meet the applicable VOC limits of the
California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2007, Suggested Control Measure (SCM) for
Architectural Coatings, or the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
Rule 1113, effective February 5, 2016.
D. Flooring Systems: Flooring products must be tested and determined compliant in accordance
with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the
applicable exposure scenario. The default scenario if the private office scenario.
A. Penetrating Liquid Floor Treatments for Polished Concrete Finish: Clear, waterborne solution of
inorganic silicate or siliconate materials and proprietary components; odorless; that penetrates,
hardens, and is suitable for polished concrete surfaces.
1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
into the Work include, but are not limited to the following or equal:
a. Advanced Floor Products; Retro Plate 99.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
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b. Ardex Americas; PC 50 Lithium Densifier.
c. Euclid Chemical Company (The), an RPM company; Euco Diamond Hard.
d. QuestMark; DiamondQuest Densifying Impregnator.
e. Vexcon Chemicals, Inc.; Certi-Shine Clear.
A. Patching Compound: Compound composed of 40 percent portland cement, 45 percent
limestone, and 15 percent vinyl acetate copolymer, when mixed with dust salvaged from
grinding process forms a paste that hardens when surface imperfections are filled.
B. Grout Material: Clear modified silica sealant, containing no pore clogging latex, when mixed
with dust salvaged from grinding process forms a paste that reacts with calcium hydroxide in
concrete that hardens when surface imperfections are filled.
C. Protective Cover: Non-woven, puncture and tear resistant, polypropylene fibers laminated with
a multi-ply, textured membrane, not less than 18 mils in thickness.
A. Field Grinding and Polishing Equipment: Variable speed, multiple head, counter-rotating, walk-
behind machine with not less than 600 pounds of down pressure on grinding or diamond
polishing pads.
B. Edge Grinding and Polishing Equipment: Hand-held or walk-behind machines which produces
same results, without noticeable differences, as field grinding and polishing equipment.
C. Burnishing Equipment: High speed walk-behind or ride-on machines capable of generating
1000 to 2000 revolutions per minute and with sufficient head pressure of not less than 20
pounds to raise floor temperature by 20 degrees F.
D. Metal Bonded Pads: Metal bonded grinding pads with embedded industrial grade diamonds of
varying grits fabricated for mounting on equipment.
E. Resin Bonded Pads: Resin bonded polishing pads with embedded industrial grade diamonds of
varying grits fabricated for mounting on equipment.
F. Burnishing Pads: Burnishing pads for use with high speed burnishing equipment.
A. Acceptance of Surfaces and Conditions:
1. Examine substrates to be polished for compliance with requirements and other conditions
affecting performance.
2. Proceed only when unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner complying
with Contract Documents.
3. Starting work within a particular area will be construed as acceptance of surface
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
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A. Cleaning Concrete Surfaces:
1. Use non-oil based sweeping compound to control airborne dust.
2. Treat oil spots with oil remediation system.
3. Scrub floor with scrubber machine and concrete cleaner and conditioner with appropriate
brushes or pads.
B. Coordinate with joint filling operations. Do not perform wet cleaning within 72 hours prior to joint
filling or per joint filler manufacturer’s recommendations.
C. Do not use stain or scuff removing agents on finished floor surface.
D. Clean floors as specified herein prior to polishing application.
A. Alkalinity:
1. Test Method: Measure pH according to method indicated in ASTM F 710.
2. Acceptable Results: pH between 8 and 10.
B. Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate:
1. Test Method: Perform anhydrous calcium chloride test according to ASTM F 1869.
2. Acceptable Results: Not more than 5 pounds per 1000 square feet in 24 hours.
C. Relative Humidity:
1. Test Method: Perform relative humidity test using in situ probes according to
ASTM F 2170.
2. Acceptable Results: Not more than 75 percent.
A. Polishing: Level 2: Low sheen, 400 grit.
B. Apply polished concrete finish system to cured and prepared slabs to match accepted mockup.
1. Machine grind floor surfaces to receive polished finishes level and smooth and to depth
required to reveal aggregate to match approved mockup.
2. Apply penetrating liquid floor treatment for polished concrete in polishing sequence and
according to manufacturer's written instructions, allowing recommended drying time
between successive coats.
3. Continue polishing with progressively finer-grit diamond polishing pads to gloss level, to
match approved mockup.
4. Control and dispose of waste products produced by grinding and polishing operations.
5. Neutralize and clean polished floor surfaces.
A. Inspect completed polished concrete floor system with Owner, Architect, and Installer.
B. Review procedures with Architect to correct unacceptable areas of completed polished concrete
floor system.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
03 3543 - 8
C. Testing: Test the following from completed polished concrete floor system:
1. Dynamic Coefficient of Friction, ANSI/NFSI B101.3:
a. Walkway Surfaces: Minimum 0.42.
2. Surface Texture Grade Refinement/Reflectance, CSDA ST 115:
a. Compare to approved mock-up for final approval.
b. RA (Roughness Average) 16 – 20 µin Medium Polished.
3. Floor Surface Profiles, ASTM E 1155:
a. Floor Flatness Number (FF): 50 +/- 3.
b. Floor Levelness Number (FL): 45 +/-3.
D. Test Results:
1. Report test results in writing to Owner and Architect within 24 hours after tests.
2. Compare test results from tests performed before and after installation of polished
concrete floor system.
A. Obtain visual observation of Architect and Owner prior to covering floor with protection
B. Protect completed polished concrete floor system from damage until Substantial Completion.
1. Do not allow vehicle and pedestrian traffic on unprotected floor.
2. Do not allow construction materials, equipment, and tools on unprotected floor.
C. Immediately remove mortar splatter, spilled liquids, oil, grease, paint, coatings, and other
surface contaminants which could adversely affect completed polished concrete floor system.
D. Repair damaged areas of completed polished concrete floor system.
E. Prohibit caustic chemicals and materials, acids and acidic detergents to come in contact with
F. Polishing subcontractor shall review and educate facility maintenance staff on proper
maintenance program and schedule in accordance with CSDA ST 115 Ra level.
A. Upon completion of densifier and protector application, dispose of excess material as required
by local agency having jurisdiction.
B. Certified applicator shall remove densifier and protector product containers from job site
immediately upon completion of treatment.