HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-5113-Metal-Pan-Stairs-(Part-of-FSB-05-0001)_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 1
SECTION 05 5113
(Part of Filed Sub-Bid Section 05 0001 - Miscellaneous And Ornamental Iron)
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this
Section, including but not limited to the following:
1. Preassembled steel stairs with concrete-filled treads.
2. Other items indicated on Drawings as Work of this Section.
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 01 8113 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and
procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits.
2. Section 03 3000 "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for concrete fill for stair treads and platforms.
3. Section 05 5213 "Pipe and Tube Railings" for exterior non-ornamental railings fabricated
from pipes and tubes.
4. Section 05 7100 “Decorative Metal Stairs” for interior decorative metal stairs with precast
concrete treads and risers.
5. Section 05 7300 “Decorative Metal Railings” for interior ornamental railings fabricated
from steel bars and tubes.
6. Section 05 7500 “Decorative Formed Metal” for perforated aluminum intake grilles at
recessed base for mechanical units.
7. Section 09 0007 "Painting" for field-applied top coats for metal pan stairs.
A. Coordinate selection of shop primers with topcoats to be applied over them. Comply with paint
and coating manufacturers' written instructions to ensure that shop primers and topcoats are
compatible with one another.
B. Coordinate installation of anchorages for metal stairs.
1. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including
sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be
embedded in concrete or masonry.
2. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation.
C. Coordinate locations of hanger rods and struts with other work so they do not encroach on
required stair width and are within fire-resistance-rated stair enclosure.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 2
A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.”
B. Product Data: For metal pan stairs and the following:
1. Shop primer products.
C. Sustainable Design Submittals:
1. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Provide manufacturers’ product
documentation for each product having an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).
a. Documentation should confirm EPD conforms with ISO 14205 EN 15804 or ISO
b. EPD shall have at least Cradle to Gate scope.
c. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc2 information for each
product having an EPD.
2. Recycled Content: Provide manufacturers’ product documentation that includes recycled
content claims for the products contributing towards compliance. Claims must conform to
the definition in ISO 14021-1999, Environmental Labels and Declarations, Self-Declared
Environmental Claims.
a. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc3 Option 2 information
for products with recycled content installed in the building.
D. Shop Drawings:
1. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work.
2. Indicate sizes of metal sections, thickness of metals, profiles, holes, and field joints.
3. Include plan at each level.
E. Delegated-Design Submittal: For stairs, including analysis data signed and sealed by the
qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation.
A. Qualification Data: For professional engineer's experience with providing delegated-design
engineering services of the kind indicated, including documentation that engineer is licensed in
the State in which Project is located.
B. Welding certificates.
C. Paint Compatibility Certificates: From manufacturers of topcoats applied over shop primers,
certifying that shop primers are compatible with topcoats.
A. Installer Qualifications: Fabricator of products.
B. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following:
1. AWS D1.1/D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel."
2. AWS D1.3/D1.3M, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel."
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 3
A. Store materials to permit easy access for inspection and identification.
1. Keep steel members off ground and spaced by using pallets, dunnage, or other supports
and spacers.
2. Protect steel members and packaged materials from corrosion and deterioration.
3. Do not store materials on structure in a manner that might cause distortion, damage, or
overload to members or supporting structures.
a. Repair or replace damaged materials or structures as directed.
A. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Provide products with Third Party Environmental
Product Declaration (EPD) whenever available.
B. Recycled Content: Provide products with the maximum recycled content possible. Minimum
recycled content 20 percent.
A. Delegated Design: Engage a qualified professional engineer, as defined in Section 01 4000
"Quality Requirements," to design stairs, including attachment to building construction.
B. Structural Performance of Stairs: Metal stairs shall withstand the effects of gravity loads and
the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated:
1. Uniform Load: 100 lbf/sq. ft.
2. Concentrated Load: 300 lbf applied on an area of 4 sq. in.
3. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently.
4. Stair Framing: Capable of withstanding stresses resulting from railing loads in addition to
loads specified above.
5. Limit deflection of treads, platforms, and framing members to L/360 or 1/4 inch,
whichever is less.
C. Seismic Performance of Stairs: Metal stairs shall withstand the effects of earthquake motions
determined according to ASCE/SEI 7.
1. Component Importance Factor: 1.5.
A. Metal Surfaces: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces unless otherwise indicated. For
components exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials without seam marks,
roller marks, rolled trade names, or blemishes.
B. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M.
1. Recycled Content: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer
recycled content not less than 25 percent.
C. Uncoated, Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, structural steel, Grade 25, unless
another grade is required by design loads; exposed.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 4
1. Recycled Content: Postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of preconsumer
recycled content not less than 25 percent.
A. General: Provide zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633 or
ASTM F 1941/F 1941M, Class Fe/Zn 5.
1. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required.
B. Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon-head bolts, ASTM A 307, Grade A; with hex nuts,
ASTM A 563; and, where indicated, flat washers.
C. Anchor Bolts: ASTM F 1554, Grade 36, of dimensions indicated; with nuts, ASTM A 563; and,
where indicated, flat washers.
1. Provide mechanically deposited or hot-dip, zinc-coated anchor bolts.
D. Post-Installed Anchors: Torque-controlled expansion anchors capable of sustaining, without
failure, a load equal to six times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry and four times
the load imposed when installed in concrete, as determined by testing according to
ASTM E 488/E 488M, conducted by a qualified independent testing agency.
1. Material for Interior Locations: Carbon-steel components zinc plated to comply with
ASTM B 633 or ASTM F 1941/F 1941M, Class Fe/Zn 5, unless otherwise indicated.
A. Welding Electrodes: Comply with AWS requirements.
B. Shop Primers: Provide primers that comply with Section 09 0007 "Painting."
A. Provide complete stair assemblies, including metal framing, hangers, struts, clips, brackets,
bearing plates, and other components necessary to support and anchor stairs and platforms on
supporting structure.
1. Join components by welding unless otherwise indicated.
2. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces.
B. Assemble stairs in shop to greatest extent possible.
1. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations.
2. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.
C. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately.
1. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch unless otherwise
2. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces.
D. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or
otherwise impairing work.
E. Form exposed work with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 5
F. Weld connections to comply with the following:
1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion
resistance of base metals.
2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
3. Remove welding flux immediately.
4. Weld exposed corners and seams continuously unless otherwise indicated.
5. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds to comply with NOMMA's "Voluntary Joint
Finish Standards" for Finish #2 - Completely sanded joint with some undercutting and
pinholes okay.
G. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners
where possible.
1. Where exposed fasteners are required, use Phillips flat-head (countersunk) screws or
bolts unless otherwise indicated.
2. Locate joints where least conspicuous.
A. NAAMM Stair Standard: Comply with NAAMM AMP 510, "Metal Stairs Manual," for
Commercial Class, unless more stringent requirements are indicated.
B. Stair Framing:
1. Fabricate stringers of steel plates or steel channels or steel rectangular tubes as
indicated on Drawings.
a. Stringer Size: As required to comply with "Performance Requirements" Article.
b. Provide closures for exposed ends of channel and rectangular tube stringers.
c. Finish: Shop primed.
2. Construct platforms of steel plate or channel or rectangular tube headers and
miscellaneous framing members as required to comply with "Performance Requirements"
a. Provide closures for exposed ends of channel and rectangular tube framing.
b. Finish: Shop primed.
3. Weld stringers to headers; weld framing members to stringers and headers.
4. Where stairs are enclosed by gypsum board assemblies, provide hanger rods or struts to
support landings from floor construction above or below.
a. Locate hanger rods and struts where they do not encroach on required stair width
and are within the fire-resistance-rated stair enclosure.
5. Where masonry walls support metal stairs, provide temporary supporting struts designed
for erecting steel stair components before installing masonry.
C. Metal Pan Stairs: Form risers, subtread pans, and subplatforms to configurations shown from
steel sheet of thickness needed to comply with performance requirements, but not less than
0.067 inch.
1. Steel Sheet: Uncoated, cold-rolled steel sheet.
2. Directly weld metal pans to stringers; locate welds on top of subtreads where they will be
concealed by concrete fill. Do not weld risers to stringers.
3. Shape metal pans to include nosing integral with riser.
4. Provide subplatforms of configuration indicated or, if not indicated, the same as
subtreads. Weld subplatforms to platform framing.
a. Smooth Soffit Construction: Construct subplatforms with flat metal under surfaces
to produce smooth soffits.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 6
D. Perforated Risers: Thickness and construction to match metal pan stairs as described in the
preceding paragraph. Perforations shall be ½ in. round holes, 11/16 in. centers, staggered
pattern with 48 percent open area.
E. Ship's Ladders: Shall be as shown, including channel stringers, 1-1/2 in. O.D. pipe handrail and
standard handrail brackets. Treads shall be 5 by 24 in. steel grating, or as shown, with serrated
or other type of non-skid top by Bustin Products, Irving Subway Grating Co., Reliance Steel
Products or equal as approved.
A. Finish metal stairs after assembly.
B. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated, ferrous-metal surfaces to comply with
SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning."
C. Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal stair components, except those with
galvanized finishes and those to be embedded in concrete or masonry unless otherwise
indicated. Comply with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and
Maintenance Painting of Steel," for shop painting.
A. Verify elevations of floors, bearing surfaces and locations of bearing plates, and other
embedments for compliance with requirements.
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary
for securing metal stairs to in-place construction.
1. Include threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, through-bolts, lag bolts, and
other connectors.
B. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal
stairs. Set units accurately in location, alignment, and elevation, measured from established
lines and levels and free of rack.
C. Install metal stairs by welding stair framing to steel structure or to weld plates cast into concrete
unless otherwise indicated.
D. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete,
masonry, or similar construction.
E. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints.
1. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded
because of shipping size limitations.
2. Comply with requirements for welding in "Fabrication, General" Article.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
05 5113 - 7
F. Place and finish concrete fill for treads and platforms to comply with Section 03 3000 "Cast-in-
Place Concrete."
A. Touchup Painting: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and
abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with same material as used for shop
painting to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-painted surfaces.
1. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum 2.0-mil dry film thickness.