HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-4000-Architectural-Woodwork_Rev_2Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 1 SECTION 06 4000 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Interior standing and running trim. 2. Interior frames and jambs. 3. Stair work, platforms, and benches. 4. Built-in custom bookshelves at Classrooms. 5. Trim for light shelves in Classrooms. 6. Flush wood paneling. 7. Wood-veneer-faced architectural cabinets. 8. Plastic-laminate cabinets. 9. Plastic-laminate countertops. 10. Solid-surfacing-material for Classroom Portals. 11. Wood benches. 12. Wood benches with fabric-covered seat and back cushions. 13. Fabric-covered seat cushions. 14. Closet and utility shelving. 15. Shop finishing of architectural woodwork. B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 8113 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits. 2. Section 05 7100 “Decorative Metal Stairs” for architectural woodwork attached to decorative metal stairs. 3. Section 06 1000 "Rough Carpentry": a. For wood furring, blocking, shims, and hanging strips required for installing woodwork and concealed within other construction before woodwork installation. b. For stair and platform framing, headers, and other rough framing associated with stair work and platforms. 4. Section 05 7500 “Decorative Formed Metal” for perforated aluminum intake grilles at recessed base for mechanical units. 5. Section 08 1416 “Flush Wood Doors” for matching finish of wood doors and architectural woodwork. 6. Section 09 5426 “Suspended Wood Ceilings.” 7. Section 09 6513 “Resilient Base And Accessories” for resilient base applied to base cabinets. 8. Section 09 8433 “Sound-Absorbing Wall Units” for shop-fabricated, fabric-wrapped acoustic wall panel units. 9. Section 09 8447 “Modular Wood Metal Wall Systems” for shop-fabricated, acoustical panel units. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 2 10. Section 12 3661.19 “Recycled Glass Countertops.”12 3653.16 “Solid Phenolic Compact Surfacing Countertops.” 11. Section 12 3661.16 “Solid Surfacing Countertops" for solid surfacing countertops installed on manufactured casework. 12.11. Section 12 3000 "Manufactured Casework" for cabinets of stock design. 13.12. Division 22 Sections "Plumbing" for sinks and plumbing fittings. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Architectural woodwork includes wood furring, blocking, shims, and hanging strips for installing woodwork items unless concealed within other construction before woodwork installation. B. Stair and platform framing, headers, and other rough framing associated with platforms and stair work are specified in Division 06 Section "Rough Carpentry." 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.” B. Product Data: For panel products, high-pressure decorative laminate, adhesive for bonding plastic laminate, solid-surfacing material, fire-retardant-treated materials, cabinet hardware and accessories, and finishing materials and processes. 1. Include data for fire-retardant treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. C. Sustainable Design Submittals: 1. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Provide manufacturers’ product documentation for each product having an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). a. Documentation should confirm EPD conforms with ISO 14205 EN 15804 or ISO 21930. b. EPD shall have at least Cradle to Gate scope. c. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc2 information for each product having an EPD. 2. Recycled Content: Provide manufacturers’ product documentation that includes recycled content claims for the products contributing towards compliance. Claims must conform to the definition in ISO 14021-1999, Environmental Labels and Declarations, Self-Declared Environmental Claims. a. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc3 Option 2 information for products with recycled content installed in the building. 3. Certified Wood: Document FSC Certification for all wood products that contribute to credit achievement by providing the following: a. Itemized vendor invoices for FSC-certified products. b. Chain-of-Custody (COC) certificates. Every entity that processes or trades FSC- certified material before it is shipped to the project site must have FSC CoC certification. On-site installers of FSC-certified products must have CoC certification only if they modify the products off the project site. c. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc3 Option 2 information for wood products installed in the building. 4. Adhesives And Sealants: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to and compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard method v1.2-2017, that includes the following information: a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 3 b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH Standard Method v1.2: 1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less; 2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or 3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more. c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025. d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in mass per surface area. e. Provide MSDS or other manufacturer documentation with disclosure of VOC content for all wet-applied products. f. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for adhesives/sealants installed within the waterproofing membrane. 5. Paints And Coatings: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to and compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard method v1.2-2017 that includes the following information: a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance. b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH Standard Method v1.2: 1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less; 2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or 3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more. c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025. d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in mass per surface area. e. Provide MSDS or other manufacturer documentation with disclosure of VOC content for all wet-applied products. f. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for paints/coatings installed within the waterproofing membrane. 6. Composite Wood: Provide manufacturers’ product data confirming that the composite wood products in the building have low formaldehyde emissions that meet the California Air Resources Board ATCM for formaldehyde requirements for ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde (ULEF) resins or no added formaldehyde resins. a. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for composite wood products installed within the waterproofing membrane. D. Shop Drawings: Show location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large-scale details, attachment devices, and other components. 1. Show details full size. 2. Show locations and sizes of furring, blocking, and hanging strips, including concealed blocking and reinforcement specified in other Sections. 3. Show locations and sizes of cutouts and holes for plumbing fixtures, faucets, soap dispensers and other items installed in architectural woodwork. E. Samples for Verification: 1. Lumber with or for transparent finish, not less than 5 inches wide by 24 inches long, for each species and cut, finished on 1 side and 1 edge. 2. Veneer-faced panel products with or for transparent finish, 12 by 24 inches, for each species and cut. Include at least one face-veneer seam and finish as specified. 3. Lumber and panel products with shop-applied opaque finish, 50 sq. in. for lumber and 8 by 10 inches for panels, for each finish system and color, with 1/2 of exposed surface finished. 4. Plastic laminates, 8 by 10 inches, for each type, color, pattern, and surface finish, with 1 sample applied to core material and specified edge material applied to 1 edge. 5. Thermoset decorative-panels, 8 by 10 inches, for each type, color, pattern, and surface finish, with edge banding on 1 edge. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 4 6. Solid-surfacing materials, 6 inches square. 7. Corner pieces as follows: a. Cabinet-front frame joints between stiles and rails, as well as exposed end pieces, 18 inches high by 18 inches wide by 6 inches deep. b. Miter joints for standing trim. 8. Exposed cabinet hardware and accessories, one unit for each type and finish. 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For fabricator and Installer. B. Product Certificates: For each type of product. C. Evaluation Reports: For fire-retardant-treated materials, from ICC-ES. 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Quality Standard Compliance Certificates: AWI Quality Certification Program certificates. 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Employs skilled workers who custom fabricate products similar to those required for this Project and whose products have a record of successful in-service performance. 1. Manufacturer's Certification: Licensed participant in AWI's Quality Certification Program. B. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer of products or a licensed participant in AWI's Quality Certification Program. C. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI's "Architectural Woodwork Standards" for grades of architectural woodwork indicated for construction, finishes, installation, and other requirements. 1. Provide AWI Quality Certification Program certificates indicating that woodwork, including installation, complies with requirements of grades specified. a. This Project has been registered with the Architectural Woodwork Institute as AWI/QCP Project Number 20.1303. 2. The Contract Documents contain selections chosen from options in the quality standard and additional requirements beyond those of the quality standard. Comply with such selections and requirements in addition to the quality standard. D. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Where fire-retardant materials or products are indicated, provide materials and products with specified fire-test-response characteristics as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated by UL, ITS, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency in the form of separable paper label or, where required by authorities having jurisdiction, imprint on surfaces of materials that will be concealed from view after installation. E. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 5 F. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 01 3100 "Project Management and Coordination." 1. Prior to delivery of architectural woodwork, review coordination and environmental controls required for proper installation and ambient conditioning in areas to receive woodwork. Proceed with woodwork installation only when required ambient conditions can be maintained. 1.8 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not deliver architectural woodwork until painting and similar operations that could damage architectural woodwork have been completed in installation areas. Store architectural woodwork in installation areas or in areas where environmental conditions comply with requirements specified in "Field Conditions" Article. 1.9 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install architectural woodwork until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. B. Field Measurements: Where architectural woodwork is indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication, and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. 1. Locate concealed framing, blocking, and reinforcements that support architectural woodwork by field measurements before being enclosed, and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. 2. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating architectural woodwork without field measurements. Provide allowance for trimming at site, and coordinate construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. 1.10 COORDINATION A. Coordinate sizes and locations of framing, blocking, furring, reinforcements, and other related units of Work specified in other Sections to ensure that architectural woodwork can be supported and installed as indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering architectural woodwork that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following or equal: 1. Mass Cabinets, Inc., Methuen, MA (978) 738-0600. 2. Millwork One, Inc., Cranston, RI (401) 738-6990. 3. South Shore Millwork, Norton, MA (774) 225-6300. 4. Windham Millwork, Windham, ME (207) 892-3238. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 6 B. Source Limitations: Engage a qualified woodworking firm to assume responsibility for production of architectural woodwork with sequence-matched wood veneers, wood paneling and transparent-finished wood doors that are required to be of same species as architectural cabinets. 2.2 LEED REQUIREMENTS A. Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Provide products with Third Party Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) whenever available. B. Recycled Content: Provide products with the maximum recycled content possible. Minimum recycled content 20 percent. C. Certified Wood: Wood products that are not reused, salvaged, or recycled must be certified to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council. 1. Provide products manufactured and extracted within 100 miles of the project site whenever possible. D. Adhesives And Sealants: For field applications that are inside the weatherproofing membrane: Adhesives/sealants must be tested and determined compliant in accordance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the applicable exposure scenario. The default scenario is the private office scenario. 1. All adhesives/sealants wet-applied on site must meet the applicable chemical content requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1168, October 6, 2017, Adhesive and Sealant Applications, as analyzed by the methods specified in Rule 1168. The provisions of SCAQMD Rule 1168 do not apply to adhesives and sealants subject to state or federal consumer product VOC regulations. E. Paints And Coatings: For field applications that are inside the weatherproofing membrane: Paints and Coatings must be tested and determined compliant in accordance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the applicable exposure scenario. The default scenario if the private office scenario. 1. All paints and coatings wet-applied on site must meet the applicable VOC limits of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2007, Suggested Control Measure (SCM) for Architectural Coatings, or the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113, effective February 5, 2016. F. Composite Wood: Composite wood, as defined by the California Air Resources Board, Airborne Toxic Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products Regulation, must be documented to have low formaldehyde emissions that meet the California Air Resources Board ATCM for formaldehyde requirements for ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde (ULEF) resins or no added formaldehyde resins. 2.3 MATERIALS A. Provide materials that comply with requirements of AWI's quality standard for each type of woodwork and quality grade specified, unless otherwise indicated. B. Wood Species and Cut for Transparent Finish: Select white hard maple, plain sawn or sliced. C. Wood Species for Opaque Finish: Any closed-grain hardwood. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 7 D. Wood Products: Comply with the following: 1. Hardboard: AHA A135.4. 2. Medium-Density Fiberboard: ANSI A208.2, Grade MD, made with binder containing no urea formaldehyde. 3. Particleboard: ANSI A208.1, Grade M-2, made with binder containing no urea formaldehyde. 4. Softwood Plywood: DOC PS 1, Medium Density Overlay. 1. Veneer-Faced Panel Products (Hardwood Plywood): HPVA HP-1, made with adhesive containing no urea formaldehyde. E. Thermoset Decorative Panels: Particleboard or medium-density fiberboard finished with thermally fused, melamine-impregnated decorative paper complying with LMA SAT-1. 1. Provide PVC or polyester edge banding complying with LMA EDG-1 on components with exposed or semiexposed edges. F. High-Pressure Decorative Laminate: NEMA LD 3, grades as indicated or, if not indicated, as required by woodwork quality standard. G. Solid-Surfacing Material: Homogeneous solid sheets of filled plastic resin complying with ISSFA-2. 1. Type: Standard type, unless Special Purpose type is indicated. 2. Colors and Patterns: As indicated by manufacturer's designations or, if not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. H. Tempered Float Glass for Cabinet Shelves: ASTM C 1048, Kind FT, Condition A, Type I, Class 1 (clear), Quality-Q3; with exposed edges seamed before tempering, 6 mm thick3/8 inch thick. I. Tackable Fabric Panels: 1. Panel Core: Homasote; N.C.F.R. Homasote panels, natural finish, Class A fire rated. 2. Fabric Facing: As selected by Architect from manufacturer’s full range. J.I. Pegboard: Perforated hardboard, AHA A135.4, 1/4 inch thick. K.J. Metal Trim: 1. Stainless Steel Trim, Directional Satin Finish (No. 4): a. Tubing: ASTM A 554, Grade MT 304. b. Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar: ASTM A 666, Type 304. c. Bars and Shapes: ASTM A 276, Type 304. 2. Extruded Aluminum Trim, Clear Anodized: a. Extruded Bars and Shapes: ASTM B 221, Alloy 6063-T5/T52. b. Plate and Sheet: ASTM B 209, Alloy 5005-H32. L. Manufactured Aluminum Trim: Extruded accessories of profiles and dimensions indicated. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following or equal: a. Fry Reglet Corporation. b. Gordon Inc. c. Pittcon Industries. d. Stockton Products. 2. Basis-of-Design Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products indicated on Drawings by manufacturer's designations. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 8 3. Aluminum: Alloy and temper with not less than the strength and durability properties of ASTM B221, Alloy 6063-T5. 4. Finish: Clear anodized, AAMA 611, AA-M12C22A31, Class II, 0.010 mm or thicker. M.K. Fabric-Covered Cushions: 1. Foam Padding: Molded high-density polyurethane foam padding complying with California Technical Bulletin 117 and requirements of local Fire Codes. 2. Fire Protection Underfabric: Provide Uniguard Flameblocker or equal. 3. Fabric Covering: Woven polyester fabric selected by Architect complying with requirements of local Fire Codes. a. Basis-of-Design Product: As indicated on Drawings or, if not indicated, as selected by Architect. 4. Provide hook-and-loop (VELCRO® Brand or equal) fastener strips for attaching seat cushions to benches. 2.4 FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED MATERIALS A. Where fire-retardant-treated materials are indicated, use materials complying with requirements in this Article, that are acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and with fire-test-response characteristics specified. 1. Do not use treated materials that do not comply with requirements of referenced woodworking standard or that are warped, discolored, or otherwise defective. 2. Use fire-retardant-treatment formulations that do not bleed through or otherwise adversely affect finishes. Do not use colorants to distinguish treated materials from untreated materials. 3. Identify fire-retardant-treated materials with appropriate classification marking of UL, U.S. Testing, Timber Products Inspection, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Fire-Retardant Particleboard: Panels complying with the following requirements, made from softwood particles and fire-retardant chemicals mixed together at time of panel manufacture to achieve flame-spread index of 25 or less and smoke-developed index of 25 or less per ASTM E 84. 1. For panels 3/4 inch thick and less, comply with ANSI A208.1 for Grade M-2 except for the following minimum properties: modulus of rupture, 1600 psi; modulus of elasticity, 300,000 psi; internal bond, 80 psi; and screw-holding capacity on face and edge, 250 and 225 lbf, respectively. 2. For panels 13/16 to 1-1/4 inches thick, comply with ANSI A208.1 for Grade M-1 except for the following minimum properties: modulus of rupture, 1300 psi; modulus of elasticity, 250,000 psi; linear expansion, 0.50 percent; and screw-holding capacity on face and edge, 250 and 175 lbf, respectively. 3. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Duraflake FR" by Weyerhaeuser or equal. C. Fire-Retardant Fiberboard: Medium-density fiberboard panels complying with ANSI A208.2, made from softwood fibers, synthetic resins, and fire-retardant chemicals mixed together at time of panel manufacture to achieve flame-spread index of 25 or less and smoke-developed index of 200 or less per ASTM E 84. 1. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Medite FR" by SierraPine Ltd.; Medite Div. or equal. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 9 2.5 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORIES A. Frameless Concealed Hinges (European Type): BHMA A156.9, B01602, 170 degrees of opening, self-closing. B. Continuous (Piano) Hinges: BHMA A156.9, B51491, stainless steel. C. ADA Compliant Wire Pulls: Back mounted, solid metal, 5 inches long, 2-1/2 inches deep, and 5/16 inch in diameter. D. Adjustable Shelf Standards and Brackets: ANSI/BHMA A156.9. 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide No. 85 Double Slot Heavy Duty Standards and No. 185 Heavy Duty Shelf Brackets by Knape & Vogt, or a comparable product by one of the following or equal: a. Häfele. b. C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. 2. Bracket Sizes: Provide sizes required to support shelving depth indicated. 3. Material and Finish: Zinc-plated steel, white powder-coated finish, unless indicated otherwise. E. Shelf Rests: BHMA A156.9, B04013; metal. 1. Shelf Rests, Plug-In Type: Häfele No. 282.11.761, nickel-plated, or equal. F. Drawer Slides: BHMA A156.9, B05091. 1. Heavy Duty (Grade 1HD-100 and Grade 1HD-200): Side mounted; full-extension type; zinc-plated steel ball-bearing slides. 2. Box Drawer Slides: Grade 1HD-100; for drawers not more than 6 inches high and 24 inches wide. 3. File Drawer Slides: Grade 1HD-200; for drawers more than 6 inches high or 24 inches wide. 4. Pencil Drawer Slides: Grade 1; for drawers not more than 3 inches high and 24 inches wide. 5. Keyboard Slides: Grade 1HD-100; for computer keyboard shelves. G. Steel Slides for Sliding Glass Doors: BHMA A156.9, B87063 or B97063. Ball bearing track system for 6-mm sliding glass doors. 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Knape & Vogt; Sliding Door Track, P992 Roll Ezy (complete assembly) or a comparable product by one of the following or equal: a. Häfele. b. C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. 2. Provide zinc coated steel upper T guides and zinc upper channels, shoes, ball bearing carriers, and lower tracks carriers, tracks. H. Door Locks: BHMA A156.11, E07121. I. Drawer Locks: BHMA A156.11, E07041. J. Grommets for Cable Passage through Countertops: 2-1/2-inch OD, stainless steel grommets and matching caps with slot for wire passage. K. Wire Manager: 1-piece, J-shaped wire manager, 2-1/2 inches high by 1 inch wide by 72 inches long. Color as selected by Architect from manufacturer’s full range. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 10 1. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "WM2 Wire Manager" by Doug Mockett & Company, Inc. or equal. L. Countertop Support Brackets: 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following or equal: a. A&M Hardware. b. Federal Brace, Belmont, NC. c. Rangine Corporation, Millis, MA. 2. Basis-of-Design Products: Rakks Counter Bracket by Rangine Corporation, Millis, MA or equal. a. Model EH-1824 for 30 inch deep tops. b. Model EH-1818 for 24 inch deep tops. c. Model EH-1212 for 18 inch deep tops. d. Model FB-0406 for 6 inch deep tops. M. Concealed Countertop Support Brackets: A&M Hardware; Concealed Brackets, Model EC12 and Model C18 where indicated. N. Bench Brackets: Surface mounted bracket for supporting wood plank bench. 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Model No. EH-1416B Bracket by Rangine Corporation, Millis, MA or a comparable product by one of the following or equal: a. A&M Hardware. b. Federal Brace, Belmont, NC. 2. Construction: Fabricated from aluminum T sections and pre drilled to provided means for anchoring bracket and attaching seat. 3. Size (height by depth): 14-1/4 by 15-3/4 inches. 4. Load capacity per bracket: 450 pounds. N.O. Cabinet Lights: Cabinet lights are specified in Division 26 Sections “Electrical.” Coordinate with electrical Sections, lighting, and reflective ceiling plan Drawings. O. Display Case Strip Lights: LED strip lights, hardwire or plug-together installation, 1 by 1 inch, including 25W power box, 120/240V AC Input, galvanized steel enclosure, hardwire. Provide input wires and jumper wires. 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide V-Line Gen3 Model V3285A, High Output LED Linear Luminaires by i2Systems, Morris, CT or equal. 2. Length: As indicated. 3. Beam Angle: 45 deg. 4. LED Color: Cool White, 5700 deg. K. 5. Location: Indoor rated. P. Exposed Hardware Finishes: For exposed hardware, provide finish that complies with BHMA A156.18 for BHMA finish number indicated. 1. Satin Stainless Steel: BHMA 630. 2. Satin Nickel Plated, Clear Coated: BHMA 646. Q. For concealed hardware, provide manufacturer's standard finish that complies with product class requirements in BHMA A156.9. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 11 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Softwood or hardwood lumber, kiln dried to less than 15 percent moisture content. B. Anchors: Select material, type, size, and finish required for each substrate for secure anchorage. Provide nonferrous-metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts on inside face of exterior walls and elsewhere as required for corrosion resistance. Provide toothed-steel or lead expansion sleeves for drilled-in-place anchors. C. Concealed Panel-Hanger Clips: Interlocking zee-shaped extruded aluminum panel-hanger clips. D. Concealed Access Panel Clips (for HVAC access panels at C/D Stair): 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Fastmount Panel Mounting Systems by Fastmount Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand or equal. 2. Female Clips: Item No. MC-F10. 3. Male Clip: Item No. MC-M5. D.E. Adhesives, General: Adhesives shall not contain urea formaldehyde. E.F. Adhesive for Bonding Plastic Laminate: Unpigmented contact cement. 1. Adhesive for Bonding Edges: Hot-melt adhesive or adhesive specified above for faces. 2.7 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Woodwork Grade: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Custom-grade woodwork complying with referenced quality standard. B. Wood Moisture Content: Comply with requirements of referenced quality standard for wood moisture content in relation to ambient relative humidity during fabrication and in installation areas. C. Fabricate woodwork to dimensions, profiles, and details indicated. Ease edges to radius indicated for the following: 1. Corners of Cabinets and Edges of Solid-Wood (Lumber) Members and Rails: 1/16 inch. D. Complete fabrication, including assembly, finishing, and hardware application, to maximum extent possible before shipment to Project site. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide ample allowance for scribing, trimming, and fitting. 1. Trial fit assemblies at fabrication shop that cannot be shipped completely assembled. Install dowels, screws, bolted connectors, and other fastening devices that can be removed after trial fitting. Verify that various parts fit as intended and check measurements of assemblies against field measurements indicated on Shop Drawings before disassembling for shipment. E. Shop-cut openings to maximum extent possible to receive hardware, appliances, plumbing fixtures, electrical work, and similar items. Locate openings accurately and use templates or roughing-in diagrams to produce accurately sized and shaped openings. Sand edges of cutouts to remove splinters and burrs. 1. Seal edges of openings in countertops with a coat of varnish. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 12 F. Install glass to comply with applicable requirements in Section 08 8000 "Glazing" and in NGA "Glazing Manual." For glass in wood frames, secure glass with removable stops. G. Curved Plywood: Fabricate curved plywood panels, to thickness indicated on Drawings, from 3 ply core construction consisting of 3 plies of hardwood laminated together with grain running perpendicular to each other, with 1/16 inch crossbands and 1/40 inch thick face veneers; totaling 7 plies of material. Run grain of face and back veneers vertical along the contour of the panel. Bond plywood using controlled pressure methods forming a continuously smooth curved panel. Contact cemented or saw-kerfed and bent plywood will not be allowed. 2.8 STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM FOR TRANSPARENT FINISH A. Wood Species and Cut: Select white hard maple, plain sawn or sliced. B. For trim items wider than available lumber, use veneered construction. Do not glue for width. C. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members and kerf backs of other wide, flat members, except for members with ends exposed in finished work. D. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field assembly. E. Assemble moldings in plant to maximum extent possible. Miter corners in plant and prepare for field assembly with bolted fittings designed to pull connections together. 2.9 STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM FOR OPAQUE FINISH A. Wood Species: Any closed-grain hardwood. B. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members and kerf backs of other wide, flat members, except for members with ends exposed in finished work. C. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field assembly. 2.10 FRAMES AND JAMBS FOR TRANSPARENT FINISH A. Wood Species and Cut: Select white hard maple, plain sawn or sliced. B. For frames or jambs wider than available lumber, use veneered construction. Do not glue for width. C. Fire-Rated Frames and Jambs: Products fabricated from fire-retardant particleboard or fire- retardant medium-density fiberboard with veneered, exposed surfaces and listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire ratings indicated, based on testing according to NFPA 252. 1. Fire Rating: 20 minutes. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 13 2.11 FRAMES AND JAMBS FOR OPAQUE FINISH A. Wood Species: Any closed-grain hardwood. 2.12 STAIR WORK AND PLATFORMS A. Wood Species and Cut for Transparent Finish: Select white hard maple, plain sawn or sliced. B. Cut carriages to accurately fit treads and risers. Glue treads to risers, and glue and nail treads and risers to carriages. 1. Fabricate stairs and platforms with treads and risers no more than 1/8 inch from indicated position and no more than 1/16 inch out of position for adjacent treads and risers. 2.13 FLUSH WOOD PANELING A. Grade: Premium. B. Wood Species and Cut: Select white hard maple, plain sliced. 1. Lumber Trim and Edges: At fabricator's option, trim and edges indicated as solid wood (except moldings) may be either lumber or veneered construction compatible with grain and color of veneered panels. C. Matching of Adjacent Veneer Leaves: Slip match. D. Veneer Matching within Panel Face: Center-balance match. E. Panel-Matching Method: Match panels within each separate area by the following method: 1. Premanufactured sets used full width as indicted. F. Vertical Panel-Matching Method: Panel vertical slip match; panels are slip matched from lower panels to upper panels. G. Fire-Retardant-Treated Paneling: Provide panels consisting of wood veneer and fire-retardant particleboard or fire-retardant medium-density fiberboard. Panels shall have flame-spread index of 25 or less and smoke-developed index of 450 or less per ASTM E 84. 2.14 WOOD CABINETS FOR TRANSPARENT FINISH A. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush overlay. B. Wood Species and Cut for Exposed Surfaces: Select white hard maple, plain sawn or sliced. 1. Grain Direction: Vertically for drawer fronts, doors, and fixed panels. 2. Matching of Veneer Leaves: Slip match. 3. Vertical Matching of Veneer Leaves: End match. 4. Veneer Matching within Panel Face: Center-balance match. C. Semiexposed Surfaces: Provide surface materials indicated below: 1. Surfaces Other Than Drawer Bodies: Same species and cut indicated for exposed surfaces. 2. Drawer Sides and Backs: Solid-hardwood lumber, same species indicated for exposed surfaces. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 14 3. Drawer Bottoms: Hardwood plywood. D. Provide dust panels of 1/4-inch plywood or tempered hardboard above compartments and drawers, unless located directly under tops. 2.15 PLASTIC-LAMINATE CABINETS A. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush overlay. B. Laminate Cladding for Exposed Surfaces: High-pressure decorative laminate complying with the following requirements: 1. Horizontal Surfaces Other Than Tops: Grade HGS. 2. Vertical Surfaces: Grade HGS. 3. Edges: PVC edge banding, 0.12 inch (3 mm) thick, matching laminate in color, pattern, and finish. C. Materials for Semiexposed Surfaces: 1. Surfaces Other Than Drawer Bodies: High-pressure decorative laminate, Grade VGS. a. Edges of Plastic-Laminate Shelves: PVC edge banding, 0.12 inch (3 mm) thick, matching laminate in color, pattern, and finish. b. For semiexposed backs of panels with exposed plastic-laminate surfaces, provide surface of high-pressure decorative laminate, Grade VGS. 2. Drawer Sides and Backs: Thermoset decorative panels. 3. Drawer Bottoms: Thermoset decorative panels. 4. Loose (adjustable) Shelves: High pressure decorative laminate, Grade HGS, on both faces with PVC edge banding, 0.12 inch (3 mm) thick, matching laminate in color, pattern, and finish on front and rear edges. D. Concealed Backs of Panels with Exposed Plastic Laminate Surfaces: High-pressure decorative laminate, Grade BKL. E. Colors, Patterns, and Finishes: Provide materials and products that result in colors and textures of exposed laminate surfaces complying with the following requirements: 1. As indicated by laminate manufacturer's designations or, if not indicated, as selected by Architect from laminate manufacturer's full range. F. Provide dust panels of 1/4-inch plywood or tempered hardboard above compartments and drawers, unless located directly under tops. 2.16 PLASTIC-LAMINATE COUNTERTOPS A. Grade: Premium. B. High-Pressure Decorative Laminate Grade: HGS. C. Colors, Patterns, and Finishes: Provide materials and products that result in colors and textures of exposed laminate surfaces complying with the following requirements: 1. As indicated by laminate manufacturer's designations or, if not indicated, as selected by Architect from laminate manufacturer's full range. D. Edge Treatment: Same as laminate cladding on horizontal surfaces. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 15 E. Core Material: Particleboard made with exterior glue or medium-density fiberboard made with exterior glue. F. Core Material at Sinks: Medium-density fiberboard made with exterior glue or exterior-grade plywood. G. Backer Sheet: Provide plastic-laminate backer sheet, Grade BKL, on underside of countertop substrate. 2.17 SOLID-SURFACING-MATERIAL (SSM-01, SSM-02, SSM-03, SSM-04, SSM-10) A. Solid Surface Material: Homogeneous-filled plastic resin complying with ICPA SS-1. 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Krion by Porcelanosa or a comparable product by one of the following or equal: a. Avonite Surfaces. b. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. c. Formica Corporation. d. LG Chemical, Ltd. e. Samsung Chemical USA, Inc. f. Swan Corporation (The). g. Wilsonart International. 2. Type: Provide Standard type unless Special Purpose type is indicated. 3. Solid-Surfacing-Material Thickness: 1/2 inch. 4. Colors, Patterns, and Finishes: As indicated on Drawing AF-0.01, Finish Legend. B. Fabricate in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Comply with solid-surfacing- material manufacturer's written recommendations for adhesives, sealers, fabrication, and finishing. 2.18 CLOSET AND UTILITY SHELVING A. Loose (adjustable) Shelves: Provide the following loose shelves where indicated on Drawings. 1. High-pressure decorative laminate, Grade HGS, on both faces and front and rear edges. a. Substrate: Medium density fiberboard, ANSI A208.2. 2. Lumber Species: Select white hard maple. B. Slotted Shelf Standards and Brackets: ANSI/BHMA A156.9. 1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide No. 85 Double Slot Heavy Duty Standards and No. 185 Heavy Duty Shelf Brackets by Knape & Vogt, or a comparable product by one of the following or equal: a. Häfele. b. C.R. Laurence Co., Inc. 2. Bracket Sizes: Provide sizes required to support shelving depth indicated. 3. Material and Finish: Zinc-plated steel, white powder-coated finish, unless indicated otherwise. C. Clothes Poles and Supports: Provide steel pipe or tubing cut to lengths required, with standard wrought steel flanges (one with open top). 1. Size: 1-5/16 inch O.D. and 0.109 inch minimum wall thickness. a. Finish: Chrome plated, BHMA 652. b. Knape & Vogt No. 770-5 CHR or equal. 2. Flanges: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 16 a. Finish: Chrome plated, BHMA 652. b. Knape & Vogt No. 764 CHR/766 CHR or equal. 3. Center Brackets: Combination shelf and closet pole support wrought steel with manufacturer's standard enamel finish; complying with ANSI A156.16, Type B84051. a. Stanley No. 7046 or equal. b. Provide brackets at not more than 48 inches on centers or not more than 48 inches from wall shelf support. 2.19 FABRIC-COVERED SEAT CUSHIONS A. Fabricate fabric-covered seat cushions to sizes indicated on Drawings. B. Fabricate fabric-covered cushions with molded padding and fire protection underfabric beneath fabric and with fabric covering free of welts, creases, stretch lines, and wrinkles. For each upholstered component, install pile and pattern run in a consistent direction. 1. Provide hook-and-loop (VELCRO® Brand or equal) fastener strips for attaching seat cushions to benches. 2.20 SHOP FINISHING A. General: Finish architectural woodwork at fabrication shop as specified in this Section. Defer only final touchup, cleaning, and polishing until after installation. B. Preparation for Finishing: Comply with referenced quality standard for sanding, filling countersunk fasteners, sealing concealed surfaces, and similar preparations for finishing architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work. 1. Backpriming: Apply one coat of sealer or primer, compatible with finish coats, to concealed surfaces of woodwork. Apply two coats to back of paneling and to end-grain surfaces. Concealed surfaces of plastic-laminate-clad woodwork do not require backpriming when surfaced with plastic laminate, backing paper, or thermoset decorative panels. C. Transparent Finish: 1. Architectural Woodwork Standards Grade: Premium. 2. Finish: System - 5, Varnish, Conversion. 1. Wash Coat for Closed-Grain Woods: Apply wash-coat sealer to cabinets made from closed-grain wood before staining and finishing. 2. Staining: Match approved sample for color. 3. Sheen: Semigloss, 46-60 gloss units measured on 60-degree gloss meter per ASTM D 523. D. Opaque Finish: 1. Grade: Premium. 2. AWI Finish System: Conversion varnish. 3. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 4. Sheen: Semigloss, 46-60 gloss units measured on 60-degree gloss meter per ASTM D 523. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 17 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Before installation, condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas. B. Before installing architectural woodwork, examine shop-fabricated work for completion and complete work as required, including removal of packing and backpriming. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Grade: Install woodwork to comply with requirements for the same grade specified in Part 2 for fabrication of type of woodwork involved. B. Assemble woodwork and complete fabrication at Project site to comply with requirements for fabrication in Part 2, to extent that it was not completed in the shop. C. Install woodwork level, plumb, true, and straight. Shim as required with concealed shims. Install level and plumb (including tops) to a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 96 inches. D. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, refinish cut surfaces, and repair damaged finish at cuts. E. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built in or directly attached to substrates. Secure with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for complete installation. Use fine finishing nails or finishing screws for exposed fastening, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork and matching final finish if transparent finish is indicated. F. Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number of joints possible, using full-length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to greatest extent possible. Do not use pieces less than 96 inches long, except where shorter single-length pieces are necessary. Scarf running joints and stagger in adjacent and related members. 1. Fill gaps, if any, between top of base and wall with plastic wood filler, sand smooth, and finish same as wood base if finished. 2. Install standing and running trim with no more variation from a straight line than 1/8 inch in 96 inches. G. Paneling: Anchor paneling to supporting substrate with concealed panel-hanger clips. Do not use face fastening, unless covered by trim or otherwise indicated. 1. Install flush paneling with no more than 1/16 inch in 96-inch vertical cup or bow and 1/8 inch in 96-inch horizontal variation from a true plane. H. Stairs and Platforms: Securely anchor carriages to supporting substrates. Install stairs and platforms with treads and risers no more than 1/8 inch from indicated position. I. Cabinets: Install without distortion so doors and drawers fit openings properly and are accurately aligned. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings and to provide unencumbered operation. Complete installation of hardware and accessory items as indicated. 1. Install cabinets with no more than 1/8 inch in 96-inch sag, bow, or other variation from a straight line. 2. Maintain veneer sequence matching of cabinets with transparent finish. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 Addendum No. 8, March 1, 2021 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06 4000 - 18 3. Fasten wall cabinets through back, near top and bottom, at ends and not more than 16 inches o.c. with No. 10 wafer-head screws sized for 1-inch penetration into wood framing, blocking, or hanging strips. J. Countertops: Anchor securely by screwing through corner blocks of base cabinets or other supports into underside of countertop. 1. Align adjacent solid-surfacing-material countertops and form seams to comply with manufacturer's written recommendations using adhesive in color to match countertop. Carefully dress joints smooth, remove surface scratches, and clean entire surface. 2. Install countertops with no more than 1/8 inch in 96-inch sag, bow, or other variation from a straight line. 3. Secure backsplashes to walls with adhesive. For loose, field-installed backsplashes, apply a bead of sealant between bottom of backsplash and countertop. 4. Calk space between backsplash and wall with sealant specified in Section 07 9200 "Joint Sealants." K. Touch up finishing work specified in this Section after installation of woodwork. Fill nail holes with matching filler where exposed. 3.3 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Repair damaged and defective woodwork, where possible, to eliminate functional and visual defects; where not possible to repair, replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. B. Clean, lubricate, and adjust hardware. C. Clean woodwork on exposed and semiexposed surfaces. Touch up shop-applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. END OF SECTION