HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-8123-Intumescent-Fire-Protection_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 1 SECTION 07 8123 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coatings (MIFRC). B. Related Requirements: 1. Section 01 8113 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits. 2. Section 05 1200 “Structural Steel Framing.” 3. Section 07 8100 "Applied Fire Protection" for sprayed fire-resistive materials (SFRM). 1.3 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. Review products, design ratings, restrained and unrestrained conditions, thicknesses, and other performance requirements. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.” B. Product Data: For the following: 1. Mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coatings. 2. Substrate primers. 3. Reinforcing fabric. 4. Reinforcing mesh. 5. Topcoat. C. Sustainable Design Submittals: 1. Adhesives And Sealants: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to and compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard method v1.2-2017, that includes the following information: a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance. b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH Standard Method v1.2: 1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less; 2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or 3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more. c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 2 d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in mass per surface area. e. Provide MSDS or other manufacturer documentation with disclosure of VOC content for all wet-applied products. f. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for adhesives/sealants installed within the waterproofing membrane. 2. Paints And Coatings: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to and compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard method v1.2-2017 that includes the following information: a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance. b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH Standard Method v1.2: 1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less; 2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or 3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more. c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025. d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in mass per surface area. e. Provide MSDS or other manufacturer documentation with disclosure of VOC content for all wet-applied products. f. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for paints/coatings installed within the waterproofing membrane. D. Shop Drawings: Framing plans or schedules, or both, indicating the following: 1. Extent of fire protection for each construction and fire-resistance rating. 2. Applicable fire-resistance design designations of a qualified testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Minimum mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-resistance rating of each structural component and assembly. 4. Treatment of mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating after application. E. Samples: For each exposed product and for each color and texture specified, in manufacturer's standard dimensions in size. 1.5 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For Installer. B. Product Certificates: For each type of mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating. C. Evaluation Reports: For mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating, from ICC-ES. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual certified, licensed, or otherwise qualified by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer as experienced and with sufficient trained staff to install manufacturer's products according to specified requirements. B. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Build mockup of each type of fire protection and different substrate as shown on Drawings. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 3 2. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. 3. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. 1.7 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not apply fire protection when ambient or substrate temperature is 50 deg F or lower unless temporary protection and heat are provided to maintain temperature at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after product application. B. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces during and after application of fire protection, providing complete air exchanges according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use natural means or, if they are inadequate, forced-air circulation until fire protection dries thoroughly. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LEED REQUIREMENTS A. Adhesives And Sealants: For field applications that are inside the weatherproofing membrane: Adhesives/sealants must be tested and determined compliant in accordance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the applicable exposure scenario. The default scenario is the private office scenario. 1. All adhesives/sealants wet-applied on site must meet the applicable chemical content requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1168, October 6, 2017, Adhesive and Sealant Applications, as analyzed by the methods specified in Rule 1168. The provisions of SCAQMD Rule 1168 do not apply to adhesives and sealants subject to state or federal consumer product VOC regulations. B. Paints And Coatings: For field applications that are inside the weatherproofing membrane: Paints and Coatings must be tested and determined compliant in accordance with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the applicable exposure scenario. The default scenario if the private office scenario. 1. All paints and coatings wet-applied on site must meet the applicable VOC limits of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2007, Suggested Control Measure (SCM) for Architectural Coatings, or the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113, effective February 5, 2016. 2.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Assemblies: Provide fire protection, including auxiliary materials, according to requirements of each fire-resistance design and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Source Limitations: Obtain fire protection from single source. C. Fire-Resistance Design: Indicated on Drawings, tested according to ASTM E119 or UL 263; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. 1. Steel members are to be considered unrestrained unless specifically noted otherwise. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 4 D. Asbestos: Provide products containing no detectable asbestos. 2.3 MASTIC AND INTUMESCENT FIRE-RESISTIVE COATINGS A. Mastic and Intumescent Fire-Resistive Coating: Manufacturer's standard, [factory-mixed formulation] [or] [factory-mixed, multicomponent system consisting of intumescent base coat and topcoat], and complying with indicated fire-resistance design. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following or equal: a. Albi Manufacturing, Division of StanChem Inc.; Albi Clad TF. b. Carboline Company, subsidiary of RPM International, Fireproofing Products Div.; A/D Firefilm III C. c. Isolatek International; Cafco SprayFilm-WB 3. 2. Application: Designated for "interior general purpose" and "conditioned interior space purpose" use by a qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Thickness: As required for fire-resistance design indicated, measured according to requirements of fire-resistance design. 4. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Comply with ASTM E84; testing by a qualified testing agency. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing agency. a. Flame-Spread Index: 25 or less. b. Smoke-Developed Index: 50 or less. 5. Hardness: Not less than 45, Type D durometer, according to ASTM D2240. 6. Finish: Rolled, spray-textured finish. a. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 2.4 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Provide auxiliary materials that are compatible with mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating and substrates and are approved by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for use in fire-resistance designs indicated. B. Substrate Primers: Primers approved by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer and complying with required fire-resistance design by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Reinforcing Fabric: Glass- or carbon-fiber fabric of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire-resistance designs indicated; approved and provided by mastic and intumescent fire- resistive coating manufacturer. D. Reinforcing Mesh: Metallic mesh reinforcement of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire-resistance design indicated; approved and provided by mastic and intumescent fire- resistive coating manufacturer. Include pins and attachment. E. Topcoat: Suitable for application over mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating; of type recommended in writing by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer for each fire-resistance design. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 5 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for substrates and other conditions affecting performance of the Work and according to each fire-resistance design. 1. Verify that substrates are free of dirt, oil, grease, release agents, rolling compounds, mill scale, loose scale, incompatible primers, paints, and encapsulants, or other foreign substances capable of impairing bond of fire protection with substrates under conditions of normal use or fire exposure. 2. Verify that objects penetrating fire protection, including clips, hangers, support sleeves, and similar items, are securely attached to substrates. 3. Verify that substrates receiving fire protection are not obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, or other suspended construction that will interfere with fire protection application. B. Conduct tests according to mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer's written instructions to verify that substrates are free of substances capable of interfering with bond. C. Prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance of the Work. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Cover other work subject to damage from fallout or overspray of fire protection materials during application. B. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fire protection. C. Prime substrates where included in fire-resistance design and where recommended in writing by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer unless compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive fire protection. D. For applications visible on completion of Project, repair substrates to remove surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished surface of fire protection. Remove minor projections and fill voids that would telegraph through fire-resistive products after application. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Construct fire protection assemblies that are identical to fire-resistance design indicated and products as specified, tested, and substantiated by test reports; for thickness, primers, topcoats, finishing, and other materials and procedures affecting fire protection Work. B. Comply with mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer's written instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and types of equipment used to mix, convey, and apply fire protection; as applicable to particular conditions of installation and as required to achieve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 6 C. Coordinate application of fire protection with other construction to minimize need to cut or remove fire protection. 1. Do not begin applying fire protection until clips, hangers, supports, sleeves, and other items penetrating fire protection are in place. 2. Defer installing ducts, piping, and other items that would interfere with applying fire protection until application of fire protection is completed. D. Install auxiliary materials as required, as detailed, and according to fire-resistance design and mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer's written instructions for conditions of exposure and intended use. For auxiliary materials, use attachment and anchorage devices of type recommended in writing by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer. E. Spray apply fire protection to maximum extent possible. After the spraying operation in each area, complete the coverage by trowel application or other placement method recommended in writing by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer. F. Extend fire protection in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be protected. G. Install body of fire protection in a single course unless otherwise recommended in writing by mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer. H. Provide a uniform finish complying with description indicated for each type of fire protection material and matching finish approved for required mockups. I. Cure fire protection according to mastic and intumescent fire-resistive coating manufacturer's written instructions. J. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fire protection has been applied, inspected, and tested and corrections have been made to deficient applications. K. Finishes: Where indicated, apply fire protection to produce the following finishes: 1. Rolled, Spray-Textured Finish: Even finish produced by rolling spray-applied finish with a damp paint roller to remove drippings and excessive roughness. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Special Inspections: Owner will engage a qualified special inspector to perform the following special inspections: 1. Test and inspect as required by the IBC, Subsection 17 05.14, "Mastic and Intumescent Fire-Resistant Coatings." B. Perform the tests and inspections of completed Work in successive stages. Do not proceed with application of fire protection for the next area until test results for previously completed applications of fire protection show compliance with requirements. Tested values must equal or exceed values as specified and as indicated and required for approved fire-resistance design. C. Fire protection will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections. 1. Remove and replace fire protection that does not pass tests and inspections, and retest. 2. Apply additional fire protection, per manufacturer's written instructions, where test results indicate insufficient thickness, and retest. D. Prepare test and inspection reports. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 INTUMESCENT FIRE PROTECTION 07 8123 - 7 3.5 CLEANING A. Cleaning: Immediately after completing spraying operations in each containable area of Project, remove material overspray and fallout from surfaces of other construction and clean exposed surfaces to remove evidence of soiling. 3.6 PROTECTION A. Protect fire protection, according to advice of manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes, so fire protection is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. 3.7 REPAIRS A. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fire protection and repair damaged areas and fire protection removed due to work of other trades. B. Repair fire protection damaged by other work before concealing it with other construction. C. Repair fire protection by reapplying it using same method as original installation or using manufacturer's recommended trowel-applied product. END OF SECTION (THIS PAGE IS BLANK)