HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-8813-Fire-Rated-Glazing-(Part-of-FSB-08-0002)_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 1
SECTION 08 8813
(Part of Filed Sub-Bid Section 08 0002 - Glass And Glazing)
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this
Section, including but not limited to the following:
1. Fire-protection-rated glazing, for use in fire-rated door assemblies.
2. Other items indicated on Drawings as Work of this Section.
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 01 8113 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and
procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits.
2. Section 05 7313 “Glazed Decorative Metal Railings" for glazing in glazed decorative
metal railings.
3. Section 08 1113 “Hollow Metal Doors And Frames" for fire-rated metal doors and frames.
4. Section 08 1416 “Flush Wood Doors” for factory-glazing flush wood doors with fire-
protection-rated glazing.
5. Section 08 8000 "Glazing" for non-fire-rated glazing.
6. Section 08 8300 "Mirrors."
A. Coordinate glazing channel dimensions to provide necessary bite on glass, minimum edge and
face clearances, and adequate sealant thicknesses, with reasonable tolerances.
A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.”
B. Product Data: For each type of product.
C. Sustainable Design Submittals:
1. Adhesives And Sealants: Provide manufacturers' or third-party certification of testing to
and compliance with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard
method v1.2-2017, that includes the following information:
a. The exposure scenario used to determine compliance.
b. The range of total VOCs after 14 days, measured as specified in the CDPH
Standard Method v1.2:
1) 0.5 mg/m^3 or less;
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Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 2
2) Between 0.5 and 5.0 mg/m^3; or
3) 5.0 mg/m^3 or more.
c. Laboratory accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025.
d. Claims of compliance for wet-applied products must state the amount applied in
mass per surface area.
e. Provide MSDS or other manufacturer documentation with disclosure of VOC
content for all wet-applied products.
f. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with IEQc2 information for
adhesives/sealants installed within the waterproofing membrane.
D. Glass Samples: For each type of glass product; 12 inches square.
E. Glazing Schedule: List glass types and thicknesses for each size opening and location. Use
same designations indicated on Drawings.
A. Qualification Data: For Installer.
B. Product Certificates: For each type of glass and glazing product.
C. Sample Warranties: For special warranties.
A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs glass installers for this Project who are
certified under the NGA's Certified Glass Installer Program.
A. Protect glazing materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Prevent
damage to glass and glazing materials from condensation, temperature changes, direct
exposure to sun, or other causes.
A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install fire-resistant glazing until spaces are
enclosed and weathertight and temporary HVAC system is operating and maintaining ambient
temperature conditions at occupancy levels during remainder of construction period.
A. Manufacturer's Special Warranty for Laminated Glass: Manufacturer agrees to replace
laminated-glass units that deteriorate within specified warranty period. Deterioration of
laminated glass is defined as defects developed from normal use that are not attributed to glass
breakage or to maintaining and cleaning laminated glass contrary to manufacturer's written
instructions. Defects include edge separation, delamination materially obstructing vision
through glass, and blemishes exceeding those allowed by referenced laminated-glass standard.
1. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 3
B. Manufacturer's Special Warranty for Tempered Glazing Units with Clear Intumescent Interlayer:
Manufacturer agrees to replace units that deteriorate within specified warranty period.
Deterioration of tempered glazing units with clear intumenscent interlayer is defined as failure of
hermetic seal under normal use that is not attributed to glass breakage or to maintaining and
cleaning glass contrary to manufacturer's written instructions. Evidence of failure is air bubbles
within units, or obstruction of vision by contamination or deterioration of intumescent interlayer.
1. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion.
A. Source Limitations for Glass: For each glass type, obtain from single source from single
B. Source Limitations for Glazing Accessories: For each product and installation method, obtain
from single source from single manufacturer.
A. Adhesives And Sealants: For field applications that are inside the weatherproofing membrane:
Adhesives/sealants must be tested and determined compliant in accordance with California
Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.2-2017, using the applicable
exposure scenario. The default scenario is the private office scenario.
1. All adhesives/sealants wet-applied on site must meet the applicable chemical content
requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1168, October 6, 2017, Adhesive and Sealant
Applications, as analyzed by the methods specified in Rule 1168. The provisions of
SCAQMD Rule 1168 do not apply to adhesives and sealants subject to state or federal
consumer product VOC regulations.
A. Installed glazing systems shall withstand normal thermal movement and impact loads (where
applicable) without failure, including loss or glass breakage attributable to defective
manufacture, fabrication, or installation; deterioration of glazing materials; or other defects in
A. Glazing Publications: Comply with published recommendations of glass product manufacturers
and organization below unless more stringent requirements are indicated. See these
publications for glazing terms not otherwise defined in this Section or in referenced standards.
1. NGA Publications: "Laminated Glazing Reference Manual" and "Glazing Manual."
B. Safety Glazing Labeling: Where safety glazing is indicated, permanently mark glazing with
certification label of the SGCC or another certification agency acceptable to authorities having
jurisdiction or manufacturer. Label shall indicate manufacturer's name, type of glass, glass
thickness, and safety glazing standard with which glass complies.
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A. Float Glass: ASTM C1036, Type I, Quality-Q3, Class I (clear) unless otherwise indicated.
B. Ultraclear Float Glass: ASTM C1036, Type I, Quality-Q3, Class I (clear), with visible light
transmission not less than 91 percent.
C. Tempered Float Glass: ASTM C1048, Kind FT (fully tempered), Condition A (uncoated) unless
otherwise indicated, Type I, Class I (clear) unless otherwise indicated, Quality-Q3.
1. Fabrication Process: By horizontal (roller-hearth) process with roll-wave distortion
parallel to bottom edge of glass as installed unless otherwise indicated.
D. Laminated Glass: ASTM C1172. Use materials that have a proven record of no tendency to
bubble, discolor, or lose physical and mechanical properties after fabrication and installation.
1. Construction: Laminate glass with polyvinyl butyral interlayer unless fire-protection or
fire-resistance rating is based on another product.
2. Interlayer Thickness: Provide thickness as needed to comply with requirements.
3. Interlayer Color: Clear unless otherwise indicated.
A. Fire-Protection-Rated Glazing: Listed and labeled by a testing agency acceptable to authorities
having jurisdiction, for fire-protection ratings indicated, based on positive-pressure testing in
accordance with NFPA 257 or UL 9, including hose-stream test, and shall comply with
NFPA 80.
B. Fire-Protection-Rated Glazing Labeling: Permanently mark fire-protection-rated glazing with
certification label of a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Label shall
indicate manufacturer's name; test standard; whether glazing is permitted to be used in doors or
openings; if permitted in openings, whether glazing has passed hose-stream test; whether
glazing meets 450 deg F temperature-rise limitation; and fire-resistance rating in minutes.
C. Fire-Protection-Rated Laminated Glass with Intumescent Interlayer (45-, 60-, 90-, and 120-
Minute Fire-Protection Rating): Laminated glass made from multiple plies of uncoated,
ultraclear float glass; with intumescent interlayers; complying with 16 CFR 1201, Category II.
1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following or
a. Pilkington North America; Pyrostop.
b. Technical Glass Products; Pyrostop.
c. Vetrotech Saint-Gobain; Contraflam.
A. Provide glazing gaskets, glazing sealants, glazing tapes, setting blocks, spacers, edge blocks,
and other glazing accessories that are compatible with glazing products and each other and are
approved by testing agencies that listed and labeled fire-resistant glazing products with which
products are used for applications and fire-protection ratings indicated.
B. Glazing Sealants for Fire-Rated Glazing Products: Neutral-curing silicone glazing sealant
complying with ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 50, Use NT. Comply with sealant and
glass manufacturers' written instructions for selecting glazing sealants suitable for applications
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Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 5
1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following:
a. GE Construction Sealants; Momentive Performance Materials Inc; SilGlaze II
b. The Dow Chemical Company; Dow Corning® 795 Silicone Building Sealant.
c. Tremco Incorporated; Spectrem 2.
2. Colors of Exposed Glazing Sealants: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full
range of industry colors.
C. Back-Bedding Mastic Glazing Tapes: Preformed, butyl-based, 100 percent solids elastomeric
tape; nonstaining and nonmigrating in contact with nonporous surfaces; with or without spacer
rod as recommended in writing by tape and glass manufacturers for application indicated; and
complying with ASTM C1281 and AAMA 800 for products indicated below:
1. AAMA 806.3 tape, for glazing applications in which tape is subject to continuous
2. AAMA 807.3 tape, for glazing applications in which tape is not subject to continuous
A. Provide products of material, size, and shape complying with referenced glazing standard,
recommended in writing by manufacturers of glass and other glazing materials for application
indicated, and with a proven record of compatibility with surfaces contacted in installation.
B. Perimeter Insulation for Fire-Resistance-Rated Glazing: Product that is approved by testing
agency that listed and labeled fire-resistant glazing product with which it is used for application
and fire-protection rating indicated.
A. Fabricate glazing units in sizes required to fit openings indicated for Project, with edge and face
clearances, edge and surface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product
manufacturer and referenced glazing publications, to comply with system performance
A. Examine framing, glazing channels, and stops, with Installer present, for compliance with
manufacturing and installation tolerances, including those for size, squareness, and offsets at
corners, and for compliance with minimum required face and edge clearances.
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Clean glazing channels and other framing members receiving glass immediately before glazing.
Remove coatings not firmly bonded to substrates.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 6
B. Examine glazing units to locate fire side and protected side. Label or mark units as needed so
that fire side and protected side are readily identifiable. Do not use materials that leave visible
marks in the completed Work.
A. Use methods approved by testing agencies that listed and labeled fire-resistant glazing
B. Comply with combined written instructions of manufacturers of glass, sealants, gaskets, and
other glazing materials unless more stringent requirements are indicated, including those in
referenced glazing publications.
C. Protect glass edges from damage during handling and installation. Remove damaged glass
from Project site and legally dispose of off Project site. Damaged glass is glass with edge
damage or other imperfections that, when installed, could weaken glass and impair
performance and appearance.
D. Apply primers to joint surfaces where required for adhesion of sealants, as determined by
preconstruction testing.
E. Install setting blocks in sill rabbets, sized and located to comply with referenced glazing
publications unless otherwise required by glass manufacturer. Set blocks in thin course of
compatible sealant suitable for heel bead.
F. Do not exceed edge pressures stipulated by glass manufacturers for installing glass lites.
G. Provide spacers for glass lites where length plus width is larger than 50 inches.
1. Locate spacers directly opposite each other on both inside and outside faces of glass.
Install correct size and spacing to preserve required face clearances unless gaskets and
glazing tapes are used that have demonstrated ability to maintain required face
clearances and to comply with system performance requirements.
2. Provide 1/8-inch- minimum bite of spacers on glass and use thickness equal to sealant
width. With glazing tape, use thickness slightly less than final compressed thickness of
H. Provide edge blocking where indicated or needed to prevent glass lites from moving sideways
in glazing channel, as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer and in accordance with
requirements in referenced glazing publications.
I. Set glass lites with proper orientation so that coatings face fire side or protected side as
A. Position tapes on fixed stops so that, when compressed by glass, their exposed edges are flush
with or protrude slightly above sightline of stops.
B. Install tapes continuously, but not necessarily in one continuous length. Do not stretch tapes to
make them fit opening.
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Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 7
C. Cover vertical framing joints by applying tapes to heads and sills first and then to jambs. Cover
horizontal framing joints by applying tapes to jambs and then to heads and sills.
D. Place joints in tapes at corners of opening with adjoining lengths butted together, not lapped.
Seal joints in tapes with compatible sealant approved by tape manufacturer.
E. Do not remove release paper from tape until right before each glazing unit is installed.
F. Apply heel bead of elastomeric sealant.
G. Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and press firmly against tape by inserting dense
compression gaskets formed and installed to lock in place against faces of removable stops.
Start gasket applications at corners and work toward centers of openings.
H. Apply cap bead of elastomeric sealant over exposed edge of tape.
A. Cut compression gaskets to lengths recommended by gasket manufacturer to fit openings
exactly, with allowance for stretch during installation.
B. Insert soft compression gasket between glass and frame or fixed stop, so it is securely in place
with joints miter cut and bonded together at corners.
C. Installation with Drive-in Wedge Gaskets: Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and
press firmly against soft compression gasket by inserting dense compression gaskets formed
and installed to lock in place against faces of removable stops. Start gasket applications at
corners and work toward centers of openings.
D. Install gaskets so they protrude past face of glazing stops.
A. Install continuous spacers, or spacers combined with cylindrical sealant backing, between glass
lites and glazing stops to maintain glass face clearances. Secure spacers or spacers and
backings in place and in position to control depth of installed sealant relative to edge clearance
for optimum sealant performance.
B. Force sealants into glazing channels to eliminate voids and to ensure complete wetting or bond
of sealant to glass and channel surfaces.
C. Tool exposed surfaces of sealants to provide a substantial washaway from glass.
A. Immediately after installation, remove nonpermanent labels and clean surfaces.
B. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction
operations. Examine glass surfaces adjacent to or below exterior concrete and other masonry
surfaces at frequent intervals during construction, but not less than once a month, for buildup of
dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, or stains.
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Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
08 8813 - 8
1. If, despite such protection, contaminating substances do contact with glass, remove
substances immediately as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer.
C. Remove and replace glass that is damaged during construction period.
D. Wash glass on both exposed surfaces not more than four days before date scheduled for
inspections that establish date of Substantial Completion. Wash glass as recommended in
writing by glass manufacturer.
A. Glass Type FPGL-1: 45-, 60-, 90-, and 120-minute fire-protection-rated glazing; fire-protection-
rated laminated glass with intumescent interlayers.