HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-0561-Common-Work-Results-for-Flooring-Preparation_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FLOORING PREPARATION 09 0561 - 1 SECTION 09 0561 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FLOORING PREPARATION (Part of Filed Sub-Bid Section 09 0005 - Resilient Floors [where FSB owns flooring only]) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Section includes requirements for testing and preparing new subfloors for the installation of floor coverings. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 03 3000 "Cast-In-Place Concrete" for concrete slabs on grade and for elevated concrete slabs on metal decking. 2. Division 09 Sections for floor coverings. 1.3 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.” B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data including instructions, recommendations, and restrictions for subfloor treatment materials. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing: General Contractor shall provide and pay for tests and inspections required by this Section, unless the flooring is specified under a Filed Sub-Bid Section. The Trade Contractor responsible for flooring specified under a Filed Sub-Bid Section shall provide and pay for tests and inspections required by that Section. B. Testing Agency: An independent testing agency approved by Owner. C. Test Reports by Testing Agency: 1. Prepare and submit log of all tests and inspections made. 2. Provide a unique identifier (name) for each test. 3. Scaled floor plans showing location of each test dimensioned from building structure. 4. Detail of test procedures including test instruments used. 5. Raw data obtained for each test location. 6. Determination of whether subfloors are acceptable or not acceptable at each test location. 7. Itemize subfloor deficiencies at each test location. 8. Scaled floor plans showing location of each moving, unstable crack and joint. 9. Scaled floor plans showing location of each nonmoving, stable crack and joint. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FLOORING PREPARATION 09 0561 - 2 D. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. Review methods and procedures related to new subfloor preparation including, but not limited to the following: a. Construction schedule. Verify availability of materials, personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. b. Materials, material application and sequencing. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in well-ventilated areas with ambient temperatures continuously maintained at not less than 45 deg F. 1. Maintain containers in clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 2. Remove rags and waste daily. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBFLOOR PATCHING AND UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS A. Provide subfloor patching and underlayment materials which are manufactured, supplied, or approved by each floor finish manufacturer and which are warranted as part of each floor finish manufacturer's warranty. 1. Provide moisture resistant, non-shrinking, Portland-cement based patching and underlayment materials. Gypsum cement materials and blended Portland and gypsum cement materials are prohibited. 2. Provide materials certified by its manufacturer for "on grade" and "below grade" applications. 3. Provide materials with maximum pH of 10 at time of installation. 4. Provide materials which is unaffected by subfloor pH higher than 10. 5. Provide materials with application range from feather edge to thickness required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW SUBFLOORS, GENERAL A. Provide subfloors which comply with each floor finish manufacturer's requirements and recommendations including, without limitation, recommendations for subfloor structural adequacy, flatness, tolerance, texture, cleanliness, moisture vapor, and alkalinity. 3.2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR TRADE CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY A. Concrete Mixes: The following requirement significantly affects subfloor drying time. 1. Concrete Water Cement Ratio: Less than 0.5, including water added when placing concrete. 2. Responsibility: General Contractor. B. Concrete Curing: Cure with moisture retaining curing covers only. 1. Do not wet cure by adding water or moisture unless specified and pre-approved by Architect. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FLOORING PREPARATION 09 0561 - 3 2. Do not use curing compounds or film forming coatings unless specified and pre-approved by Architect. 3. Responsibility: General Contractor. C. Drying: Drying and curing are not the same. After curing concrete for seven days, begin actively managing concrete subfloor drying, as required, to maintain project schedules and meet Contract Completion Dates: 1. Building Enclosed, Permanent HVAC System Not Operational: Provide portable, trailer mounted, forced hot air equipment and temporary ductwork to create conditions which promote drying. Do not use "salamander" type heaters, portable combustion heaters, or other temporary heating devices which may increase interior humidity or increase carbonization of concrete. 2. Building Enclosed, Permanent HVAC System Operational: Operate the system continuously and maintain permanent building interior environmental conditions. 3. Responsibility: General Contractor. D. Concrete Rewetting: Enclose building at the earliest practical time. Protect subfloors from rain, snow, ice, and rewetting from all sources. Required drying time begins only after subfloors are protected from rewetting. 1. Responsibility: General Contractor. E. Vapor Retarder: An underslab vapor retarder is required for all concrete slabs-on-grade. 1. Vapor retarders under slabs-on-grade are specified in Section 03 3300 “Cast-In-Place Concrete.” 2. Do not provide a soil blotter layer between the underslab vapor retarder and the concrete slab. 3. Responsibility: General Contractor. F. Structural Adequacy Inspection: 1. Visually inspect subfloor for structural adequacy. 2. Record subfloor joint and crack locations, sizes, and conditions. 3. Determine if joints and cracks are moving or nonmoving. 4. Responsibility: General Contractor or Trade Contractor responsible for installing floor finish if floor finish is a Filed Sub-Bid. G. Subfloor Surface Texture: Comply with each finish floor manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. In the absence of requirements or recommendations from the flooring manufacturer, provide the following surface profiles: 1. Areas to Receive Thin Film Coatings and Finish Floor Adhesive: 6 to 10 mils. 2. Areas to Receive High Build Coatings: 10 to 40 mils. 3. Areas to Receive Subfloor Patching and Underlayment Material: 50 mils to 0.125 inch. 4. Responsibility: General Contractor. H. Subfloor Levelness and Flatness: Comply with the finish floor manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. In the absence of requirements or recommendations from the finish floor manufacturer, comply with the following requirements: 1. FF35/FL25 determined by ASTM E 1155 Standard Test Method for Determining FF (Floor Flatness) and FL (Floor Levelness) Numbers. 2. Surface Waviness Index of 0.10 inches determined by ASTM E 1486 Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerance Using Waviness, Wheel Path, and Levelness Criteria. 3. Unshored Structured Slabs: Flatness requirement applies. Levelness requirement does not. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FLOORING PREPARATION 09 0561 - 4 4. Responsibility: General Contractor, except resilient flooring Trade Contractor shall provide minor filling of cracks, holes and depressions in substrates with trowelable leveling and patching compound. I. New Subfloor Cleaning: Comply with each finish floor manufacturer's cleaning instructions and recommendations. 1. Remove curing compounds, sealers, hardeners, films, coatings, paint, drywall joint compound, plaster, oil, grease, solvents, dirt, dust, debris, laitance, mold, mildew, and all foreign materials. 2. Cleaning Method: ASTM D 4259, Standard Practice for Abrading Concrete. 3. Carbonated Concrete Surface: Cleaning may remove the carbonated concrete surface and may expose "fresh" concrete with high pH. Confirm subfloor alkalinity prior to installation of finished floor installation. 4. Responsibility: General Contractor, or Trade Contractor r responsible for installing floor finish if finish flooring is a Filed Sub-Bid. J. Alkalinity Testing and Requirements: 1. Test Procedure: ASTM D 4262 Test Method for pH for Chemically Cleaned or Etched Concrete Surfaces. 2. Number of Tests Required: One for each 1,000 square feet of finished floor area. 3. Test Locations: Uniformly spaced, representative (typical) subfloor conditions, and at least one test for each subfloor type and condition. 4. Cleaning: Test after subfloor cleaning and after allowing the subfloor to re-carbonate. 5. Minimum Test Temperatures: 50 degrees F, both ambient and subfloor temperature. 6. Acceptable pH: Comply with the finish floor manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. In the absence of requirements or recommendations from the finish floor manufacturer, the Contract limit shall be pH 8.5. 7. Responsibility: General Contractor, or the Trade Contractor responsible for installing floor finish if finish floor is a Filed Sub-Bid. K. Subfloor Moisture and Vapor Requirements: Engage an Independent Testing Agency to test and evaluate relative humidity and moisture content of concrete slabs, and to make recommendations for moisture mitigation if required. Testing Agency will comply with ASTM E 1907 Standard Practices for Determining Moisture Related Acceptability of Concrete Floors to Receive Moisture Sensitive Finishes. 1. Moisture Emission Testing: a. Test Procedure 1: ASTM F 1869 Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride. b. Test Procedure 2: ASTM F 2170 Standard Test Method For Determining Relative Humidity In Concrete Floor Slabs Using in situ Probes. c. Minimum Test Temperatures: 50 degrees F, both ambient and subfloor temperature. 2. Vapor Emission And Relative Humidity Testing a. Test Procedure 1 Vapor Emission Limit: Comply with finish floor manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. In the absence of requirements or recommendations from the finish floor manufacturer, the Contract limit shall be maximum of 3.0 pounds of moisture per 1,000 square feet per 24 hours. b. Test Procedure 2 Relative Humidity Limit: Comply with finish floor manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. In the absence of requirements or recommendations from the finish floor manufacturer, the Contract limit shall be maximum relative humidity of 75 percent. 3. Number of Tests Required: Provide one Test Procedure 1 for each 2,000 square feet of floor area and one Test Procedure 2 for each 2,000 square feet of floor area. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR FLOORING PREPARATION 09 0561 - 5 4. Test Locations: Uniformly spaced, representative (typical) subfloor conditions, and at least one test for each subfloor type and condition. 5. Test Preparation: Clean subfloors prior to testing. 6. Responsibility: General Contractor, or the Trade Contractor responsible for installing floor finish if finish floor is a Filed Sub-Bid. 3.3 REMEDIATING NEW SUBFLOORS A. Contract requires providing subfloors which meet certain specified requirements. General Contractor shall provide and pay for subfloor remediation procedures as needed to ensure subfloors comply with specified Contract requirements. 1. Approval: Each subfloor remediation procedure is subject to Architect's pre-approval. 2. Subfloor Structural Remediation: May require epoxy injection, filling, sealing, or other treatment required to meet specified requirements. 3. Subfloor Surface Texture Remediation: May require grinding, scarifying, abrading. 4. Subfloor Levelness and Flatness Remediation: May require grinding, scarifying, abrading, application of subfloor patching and underlayment material, or other treatment. 5. Subfloor Alkalinity Remediation: May require application of subfloor patching and underlayment material, special coatings, or other treatment. 6. Subfloor Moisture and Vapor Remediation: May require application of special coatings, surface applied vapor retarders and cementitious underlayment, surface applied osmotic pressure retarders, or other treatment. 7. Responsibility: General Contractor. END OF SECTION (THIS PAGE IS BLANK)