HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-2216-Non-Structural-Metal-Framing_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 1
SECTION 09 2216
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Section Includes:
1. Non-load-bearing steel framing systems for interior partitions.
2. Suspension systems for interior ceilings and soffits.
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 01 8113.13 “Sustainable Design Requirements” for general requirements and
procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits.
2. Section 05 4000 "Cold-Formed Metal Framing" for exterior and interior load-bearing and
exterior non-load-bearing wall studs; floor joists; and roof rafters and ceiling joists.
3. Section 06 1000 "Rough Carpentry" for wood blocking and nailers installed within
non-structural metal framing.
4. Section 09 2900 "Gypsum Board."
A. At Contractor’s option, provide either flat metal strap and backing plates as specified in this
Section or wood blocking as specified in Section 06 1000 “Rough Carpentry.” Coordinate the
locations of wood blocking and flat strap and backing plates with other work involved.
A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01 3300 “Submittal Procedures.”
B. Product Data: For each type of product.
C. Sustainable Design Submittals:
1. Recycled Content: Provide manufacturers’ product documentation that includes recycled
content claims for the products contributing towards compliance. Claims must conform to
the definition in ISO 14021-1999, Environmental Labels and Declarations, Self-Declared
Environmental Claims.
a. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc3 Option 2 information
for products with recycled content installed in the building.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 2
A. Product Certificates: For each type of code-compliance certification for studs and tracks.
B. Evaluation Reports: For firestop tracks, post-installed anchors, and power-actuated fasteners,
from ICC-ES or other qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
C. Submit manufacturer's limiting heights tables for non-structural metal studs.
A. Code-Compliance Certification of Studs and Tracks: Provide documentation that framing
members are certified according to the product-certification program of the Certified Steel Stud
Association, the Steel Framing Industry Association, or the Steel Stud Manufacturers
A. Recycled Content: Provide products with the maximum recycled content possible. Minimum
recycled content 20 percent.
A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: For fire-resistance-rated assemblies that incorporate non-
load-bearing steel framing, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in
assembly indicated, according to ASTM E119 by an independent testing agency.
B. STC-Rated Assemblies: For STC-rated assemblies, provide materials and construction
identical to those tested in assembly indicated on Drawings, according to ASTM E90 and
classified according to ASTM E413 by an independent testing agency.
C. Horizontal Deflection: Provide interior non-load-bearing steel stud framing complying with
“STaR Technical Report No. 5421101, Composite Wall Testing of Non-Structural Drywall Studs
for SFIA and SSMA” including research procedures, calculation methods and tables, or Steel
Framing Industry Association (SFIA) "Interior Wall Limiting Heights - Non-Composite" Table,
under conditions indicated and the following requirements:
1. Deflection Limits: Design framing systems without deflections greater than the following:
a. Typical Non-Load-Bearing Steel Framing: Horizontal deflection of 1/240 of the wall
height under a horizontal load of 5 lbf/sq. ft.
b. Non-Load-Bearing Steel Framing (where wall finish is ceramic tile and where wall
cabinets are mounted to metal studs): Horizontal deflection of 1/360 of the wall
height under a horizontal load of 5 lbf/sq. ft.
2. Design Adjustments: Where limiting-heights are exceeded in actual field conditions,
decrease stud spacing or increase base-metal thickness to comply with limiting-heights
D. Design framing systems in accordance with AISI S220, "North American Specification for the
Design of Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Nonstructural Members" and ASTM C645, Section 10,
unless otherwise indicated.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 3
A. Framing Members, General: Comply with ASTM C754 for conditions indicated.
1. Steel Sheet Components: Comply with ASTM C645 requirements for steel unless
otherwise indicated.
2. Protective Coating: ASTM A653/A653M, G40, hot-dip galvanized unless otherwise
a. “Equivalent corrosion resistance” coatings will not be accepted.
B. Studs and Tracks: ASTM C645.
1. Steel Studs and Tracks:
a. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: As required to comply with manufacturer's
limiting heights tables, but not less than 0.0329 inch (nominal 20-gage).
b. Depth: As indicated on Drawings.
C. Slip-Type Head Joints: Where indicated, provide one of the following:
1. Clip System: Clips designed for use in head-of-wall deflection conditions that provide a
positive attachment of studs to tracks while allowing 1-1/2-inch minimum vertical
2. Double-Runner System: ASTM C 645 top runners, inside runner with 2-inch-deep
flanges in thickness not less than indicated for studs and fastened to studs, and outer
runner sized to friction fit inside runner.
3. Deflection Track: Steel sheet top track manufactured to prevent cracking of finishes
applied to interior partition framing resulting from deflection of structure above; in
thickness not less than indicated for studs and in width to accommodate depth of studs.
D. Firestop Tracks: Top track manufactured to allow partition heads to expand and contract with
movement of structure while maintaining continuity of fire-resistance-rated assembly indicated;
in thickness not less than indicated for studs and in width to accommodate depth of studs.
E. Flat Strap and Backing Plate: Steel sheet for blocking and bracing in length and width
1. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.0329 inch.
2. Minimum Base Metal Thickness at Handrails: 0.042 inch.
F. Cold-Rolled Channel Bridging: Steel, 0.053-inch minimum base-metal thickness, with minimum
1/2-inch-wide flanges.
1. Depth: 1-1/2 inches.
2. Clip Angle: Not less than 1-1/2 by 1-1/2 inches, 0.068-inch thick, galvanized steel.
G. Hat-Shaped, Rigid Furring Channels: ASTM C 645.
1. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.018 inch.
2. Depth: 7/8 inch.
H. Resilient Furring Channels: 1/2-inch-deep, steel sheet members designed to reduce sound
1. Configuration: Asymmetrical or hat shaped.
I. Cold-Rolled Furring Channels: 0.053-inch uncoated-steel thickness, with minimum 1/2-inch-
wide flanges.
1. Depth: 3/4 inch.
2. Furring Brackets: Adjustable, corrugated-edge type of steel sheet with minimum
uncoated-steel thickness of 0.033 inch.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 4
3. Tie Wire: ASTM A 641, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.062-inch-diameter wire, or
double strand of 0.048-inch-diameter wire.
J. Z-Shaped Furring: With slotted or nonslotted web, face flange of 1-1/4 inches, wall attachment
flange of 7/8 inch, minimum uncoated-metal thickness of 0.018 inch, and depth required to fit
insulation thickness indicated.
A. Tie Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.062-inch-diameter wire, or
double strand of 0.048-inch-diameter wire.
B. Wire Hangers: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, 0.16 inch in diameter.
C. Resilient Sound Isolation Clips (for walls and ceilings):
1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Resilient
Sound Isolation Clip (RSIC-1) by PAC International, Inc., Las Vegas, NV, or one of the
following or equal:
a. Kinetics Noise Control, Inc.; Model IsoMax Sound Isolation Clips.
b. Resilmount North America; Resilmount A237R.
c. Pliteq, Inc.; GenieClip RST.
2. Rubber Isolator:
a. Natural organic or man made rubber compounds.
b. Molded to isolate ferrule from clip.
c. Minimum of 12 micro-vibration controlling pedestals at point of contact with framing
d. Manufactured to ASTM D 2000, M2 AA 510 A13, which includes:
1) Hardness, ASTM D 2240, Shore A: 45.
2) Modulus 300 Percent, ASTM D 412, Die C: 5.3 MPa.
3) Tensile Strength, ASTM D 412, Die C: 11.2 MPa.
4) Elongation at Break, ASTM D 573: 454 percent.
3. Clip: Galvanized or aluminum-zinc coated steel, 18 gauge.
4. Ferrule: Zinc-electroplated steel.
5. Projection: 1-5/8 inches from supporting structure, when 7/8-inch drywall furring channels
are used.
D. Carrying Channels: Cold-rolled, commercial-steel sheet with a base-metal thickness of 0.053
inch and minimum 1/2-inch-wide flanges.
1. Depth: 2 inches or as indicated on Drawings.
E. Furring Channels (Furring Members):
1. Cold-Rolled Channels: 0.053-inch uncoated-steel thickness, with minimum 1/2-inch-wide
flanges, 3/4 inch deep.
2. Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645.
a. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.033 inch.
b. Depth: 3-5/8 inches or as indicated on Drawings.
3. Hat-Shaped, Rigid Furring Channels: ASTM C 645, 7/8 inch deep.
a. Minimum Base-Metal Thickness: 0.018 inch.
4. Resilient Furring Channels: 1/2-inch-deep members designed to reduce sound
a. Configuration: Asymmetrical or hat shaped.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 5
F. Grid Suspension System for Gypsum Board Ceilings: ASTM C 645, direct-hung system
composed of main beams and cross-furring members that interlock.
1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be
incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following or equal:
a. Armstrong World Industries, Inc.; Drywall Grid Systems.
b. Chicago Metallic Corporation; Drywall Grid System.
c. USG Corporation; Drywall Suspension System.
A. Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards.
1. Fasteners for Steel Framing: Of type, material, size, corrosion resistance, holding power,
and other properties required to fasten steel members to substrates.
B. Isolation Strip at Exterior Walls: Provide one of the following:
1. Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt: ASTM D226/D226M, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt),
2. Foam Gasket: Adhesive-backed, closed-cell vinyl foam strips that allow fastener
penetration without foam displacement, 1/8 inch thick, in width to suit steel stud size.
A. Examine areas and substrates, with Installer present, and including welded hollow-metal
frames, cast-in anchors, and structural framing, for compliance with requirements and other
conditions affecting performance of the Work.
B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Suspended Assemblies: Coordinate installation of suspension systems with installation of
overhead structure to ensure that inserts and other provisions for anchorages to building
structure have been installed to receive hangers at spacing required to support the Work and
that hangers will develop their full strength.
B. Coordination with Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials:
1. Before sprayed fire-resistive materials are applied, attach offset anchor plates or ceiling
tracks to surfaces indicated to receive sprayed fire-resistive materials. Where offset
anchor plates are required, provide continuous plates fastened to building structure not
more than 24 inches o.c.
2. After sprayed fire-resistive materials are applied, remove them only to extent necessary
for installation of non-load-bearing steel framing. Do not reduce thickness of fire-resistive
materials below that are required for fire-resistance ratings indicated. Protect adjacent
fire-resistive materials from damage.
A. Installation Standard: ASTM C754.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 6
1. Gypsum Board Assemblies: Also comply with requirements in ASTM C840 that apply to
framing installation.
B. Install framing and accessories plumb, square, and true to line, with connections securely
C. Install supplementary framing, and blocking to support fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim,
grab bars, toilet accessories, furnishings, or similar construction.
D. Install bracing at terminations in assemblies.
E. Do not bridge building control and expansion joints with non-load-bearing steel framing
members. Frame both sides of joints independently.
A. Install resilient channels at right angles (perpendicular) to the framing members. Position
resilient channels with the slotted hole(s) directly over the framing member. Attach resilient
channels to the framing members using the screw holes provided in the mounting flange. If no
screw hole is provided or located at the framing member, attach through the mounting flange.
B. For Wall Applications: Attach resilient channels horizontally at 24 inches o.c. with the open side
of the channel facing up. Install the first (lowest) row of resilient channel no more than 2 inches
above the floor. Install the last (highest) row of resilient channel no more than 6 inches below
the ceiling.
C. For Ceiling Applications: For ceiling framing members spaced 24 inches o.c., install resilient
channels 16 inches o.c. For ceiling framing members spaced 16 inches o.c., install resilient
channels 24 inches o.c.
1. Install first and last row of resilient channel at no more than 6 inches from adjacent wall.
(All measurements are to the center face of the resilient channel.)
D. Attach resilient channel to framing with screws only. For steel framing, use Type-S 3/8 inch pan
head screws. For wood framing use Type-W or Type-S screws (minimum 1-1/4 inch long). Do
not use nails. Install screws in the holes provided in the mounting flange. Splice resilient
channels by "nesting" the ends of the resilient channels directly over the framing member and
screwing through the mounting flanges into the framing member. Alternatively, resilient
channels may be butted together over the framing member, leaving a minimum 1/16 inch gap
between resilient channels.
E. Attach gypsum panels to resilient channel ensuring that all attachment points are offset from the
framing beyond. Select screw length to ensure the screw point does not contact the framing
member or other rigid elements concealed within the wall.
A. Install framing system components according to spacings indicated, but not greater than
spacings required by referenced installation standards for assembly types.
1. Single-Layer Application: 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise required by horizontal
deflection performance requirements.
2. Multilayer Application: 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise required by horizontal deflection
performance requirements.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 7
3. Tile Backing Panels: 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise required by horizontal deflection
performance requirements.
B. Where studs are installed directly against exterior masonry walls or dissimilar metals at exterior
walls, install isolation strip between studs and exterior wall.
C. Install studs so flanges within framing system point in same direction.
D. Install tracks at floors and overhead supports. Extend framing full height to structural supports
or substrates above suspended ceilings except where partitions are indicated to terminate at
suspended ceilings. Continue framing around ducts that penetrate partitions above ceiling.
Provide slip-type head tracks and double jamb studs around large penetrations.
1. Slip-Type Head Joints: Where framing extends to overhead structural supports, install to
produce joints at tops of framing systems that prevent axial loading of finished
2. Door Openings: Screw vertical studs at jambs to jamb anchor clips on door frames;
install track section (for cripple studs) at head and secure to jamb studs.
a. Install two studs at each jamb unless otherwise indicated.
b. Install cripple studs at head adjacent to each jamb stud, with a minimum 1/2-inch
clearance from jamb stud to allow for installation of control joint in finished
3. Other Framed Openings: Frame openings other than door openings the same as
required for door openings unless otherwise indicated. Install framing below sills of
openings to match framing required above door heads.
4. Fire-Resistance-Rated Partitions: Install framing to comply with fire-resistance-rated
assembly indicated and support closures and to make partitions continuous from floor to
underside of solid structure.
a. Firestop Track: Where indicated, install to maintain continuity of fire-resistance-
rated assembly indicated.
5. Sound-Rated Partitions: Install framing to comply with sound-rated assembly indicated.
E. Where partition head track is indicated to be anchored to metal decking and partition runs
parallel with flutes in metal decking, provide flat strap backing plate, wide enough to span 2
flutes, for attaching head track to metal decking.
F. Direct Furring:
1. Screw to wood framing.
2. Attach to concrete or masonry with stub nails, screws designed for masonry attachment,
or powder-driven fasteners spaced 24 inches o.c.
G. Sound Isolation Clips and Furring: Install resilient sound isolation clips to framing where
indicated on Drawings
1. Install resilient sound isolation clips and drywall furring channels in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Mechanically fasten resilient sound isolation clips to structure with screws, bolts, or
expansion anchors, dependent upon structure.
3. Fire-Resistive Design Assemblies:
a. Install as specified in UL Fire Resistance Directory, where required.
b. Do not arbitrarily add resilient sound isolation clips to fire-rated assemblies.
4. Space resilient sound isolation clips at maximum of 24 inches by 48 inches on center for
walls and ceilings.
5. Do not exceed Allowable Acoustical Design Load (pull and shear) of 36 pounds per
isolation clip.
6. Stagger isolation clip installation, so the load is supported by all support members.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 8
7. Splicing Drywall Furring Channels:
a. Splice drywall furring channels with minimum of 6-inch laps.
b. Secure laps with 2 framing screws or 18 gauge tie wire double wrapped.
c. Locate splices between resilient sound isolation clips.
d. Do not locate splices on resilient sound isolation clips.
8. Install resilient sound isolation clips on 1 side of the wall assembly, unless otherwise
indicated on Drawings.
9. Flanking Noise:
a. Review installation details to prevent structure-borne flanking noise.
b. Do not allow drywall furring channels or gypsum board to contact foreign materials,
including floors, ceilings, or wall framing members.
10. Ensure the center metal ferrule of the resilient sound isolation clip is in firm contact with
the structural member.
11. Gypsum Board:
a. Install gypsum board in vertical or horizontal position with 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch gap
around perimeter for acoustical sealant application.
b. Install gypsum board in accordance with ASTM C 840.
12. Acoustical Sealant:
a. Seal potential air leaks with acoustical sealant to achieve best Field Sound
Transmission Class (FSTC).
b. Seal electrical outlets and penetrations with acoustical sealant.
c. Apply fire-rated acoustical sealant at locations where fire-rated assembly is
13. Putty Pad Sealant: Acoustically seal with putty pads, electrical boxes in walls and ceilings
in which resilient sound isolation clips are used.
H. Z-Shaped Furring Members:
1. Erect insulation, specified in Section 07 2100 "Thermal Insulation," vertically and hold in
place with Z-shaped furring members spaced 24 inches o.c.
2. Except at exterior corners, securely attach narrow flanges of furring members to wall with
concrete stub nails, screws designed for masonry attachment, or powder-driven fasteners
spaced 24 inches o.c.
3. At exterior corners, attach wide flange of furring members to wall with short flange
extending beyond corner; on adjacent wall surface, screw-attach short flange of furring
channel to web of attached channel. At interior corners, space second member no more
than 12 inches from corner and cut insulation to fit.
I. Installation Tolerance: Install each framing member so fastening surfaces vary not more than
1/8 inch from the plane formed by faces of adjacent framing.
A. Install suspension system components according to spacings indicated, but not greater than
spacings required by referenced installation standards for assembly types.
1. Hangers: 48 inches o.c.
2. Carrying Channels (Main Runners): 48 inches o.c.
3. Furring Channels (Furring Members): 16 inches o.c.
B. Isolate suspension systems from building structure where they abut or are penetrated by
building structure to prevent transfer of loading imposed by structural movement.
C. Suspend hangers from building structure as follows:
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 9
1. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling
plenum that are not part of supporting structural or suspension system.
a. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions and offset resulting
horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means.
2. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger
spacings that interfere with locations of hangers required to support standard suspension
system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in the form of
trapezes or equivalent devices.
a. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads
within performance limits established by referenced installation standards.
3. Wire Hangers: Secure by looping and wire tying, either directly to structures or to inserts,
eye screws, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for substrate,
and in a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or otherwise fail.
4. Flat Hangers: Secure to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching
to inserts, eye screws, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for
structure and hanger, and in a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or
otherwise fail.
5. Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck.
6. Do not attach hangers to permanent metal forms. Furnish cast-in-place hanger inserts
that extend through forms.
7. Do not attach hangers to rolled-in hanger tabs of composite steel floor deck.
8. Do not connect or suspend steel framing from ducts, pipes, or conduit.
D. Sound Isolation Clips and Furring for Suspended Ceilings: Install resilient sound isolation clips
to framing for suspended gypsum board ceilings where indicated on Drawings
1. Install resilient sound isolation clips and drywall furring channels in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Install furring channels perpendicular, parallel, or angular to framing members.
3. Space Furring Channels:
a. Maximum of 24 inches on center with:
1) Single layer of 5/8-inch gypsum board.
2) Double layer of 5/8-inch gypsum board, weighing less than 2.25 pounds per
square foot per layer.
3) Single layer of 1/2-inch high-strength gypsum board.
4) Double layer of 1/2-inch high-strength gypsum board.
b. Maximum of 16 inches on center with:
1) Double layer of 5/8-inch gypsum board.
2) Single layer of 1/2-inch regular-strength gypsum board.
3) Double layer of 1/2-inch regular-strength gypsum board.
c. Reduce spacing of furring channels to prevent potential for sagging of gypsum
board or when additional loads are supported by resilient sound isolation clips.
4. Locate resilient sound isolation clips maximum of 8 inches from ends of furring channels.
5. Locate furring channels maximum of 3 inches from parallel wall assemblies.
E. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Wire tie furring channels to supports.
F. Seismic Bracing: Sway-brace suspension systems with hangers used for support.
G. Grid Suspension Systems: Attach perimeter wall track or angle where grid suspension systems
meet vertical surfaces. Mechanically join main beam and cross-furring members to each other
and butt-cut to fit into wall track.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
09 2216 - 10
H. Installation Tolerances: Install suspension systems that are level to within 1/8 inch in 12 feet
measured lengthwise on each member that will receive finishes and transversely between
parallel members that will receive finishes.