HomeMy WebLinkAbout31-2500-Erosion-And-Sedimentation-Control_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 1 of 6 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. Control measures to prevent all erosion, siltation and sedimentation of wetlands, waterways, construction areas, adjacent areas and off-site areas, including the Preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) consistent with the Contractors means, and methods, general approach to construction, phasing requirements, and storage and stockpile areas. 2. Control measures shall be accomplished adjacent to or in the following work areas: a. Soil stockpiles and on-site storage and staging areas. b. Cut and fill slopes and other stripped and graded areas. c. Constructed and existing swales and ditches. d. Retention ponds. e. At edge of wetlands areas, if applicable, as shown on Drawings. 3. Additional means of protection shall be provided by the Contractor as required for continued or unforeseen erosion problems, at no additional cost to the Town of Yarmouth. 4. Periodic maintenance of all sediment control structures shall be provided to ensure intended purpose is accomplished. Sediment control measures shall be in working condition at the end of each day. 5. After any significant rainfall, sediment control structures shall be inspected for integrity. Any damaged device shall be corrected immediately. B. Alternates: Not Applicable. C. Items To Be Installed Only: Not Applicable. D. Items To Be Furnished Only: Not Applicable. E. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and will be performed under the designated Sections. The following description of work is included for reference only and shall not be presumed to be complete: 1. Section 31 2000 - EARTH MOVING for soil materials, excavating, backfilling, and grading for the building, structures, slabs on grade, walls and foundations. 2. Section 31 1000 - SITE CLEARING for protection of existing tress and other vegetation to remain. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 2 of 6 3. Section 31 0000 - EARTH WORK for soil materials, excavating, backfilling, and site grading and removal of site utilities. 4. Provision of waste management: Section 017419, Construction of Waste Management Plan. 5. Provision of General LEED requirements and forms: 018113 Sustainable Design Requirements. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. When applicable, comply with the requirements of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan prepared for the NPDES permit, which are incorporated herein by reference, and all other applicable requirements of governing authorities having jurisdiction. The specifications and drawings are not represented as being comprehensive, but rather convey the intent to provide complete slope protection and erosion control for both the project site and adjacent property. 1. Provide temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways, according to a sediment and erosion control plan specific to the site, that complies with EPA 832/R-92-005 or requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, whichever is more stringent. 2. Regulatory Order of Conditions ((Attach to the end of this Section, when applicable)) B. Erosion control measures shall be established at the beginning of construction and maintained during the entire period of construction. On-site areas which are subject to severe erosion, and off-site areas which are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion and/or sedimentation, are to be identified and receive special attention. C. All land-disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted to minimize the size of the area to be exposed at any one time, and the length of time of exposure. D. Surface water runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas should be controlled to reduce erosion and sediment loss during the period of exposure. E. When the increase in the peak rates and velocity of storm water runoff resulting from a land- disturbing activity is sufficient to cause accelerated erosion of the receiving stream bed, provide measures to control both the velocity and rate of release so as to minimize accelerated erosion and increased sedimentation of the stream. F. All land-disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted so as to minimize off-site sedimentation damage. G. The Contractor is responsible for cleaning out and disposing of all sediment once the storage capacity of the sediment facility is reduced by one-half. H. Inspect, repair, and maintain erosion and sedimentation control measures during construction until permanent vegetation has been established. I. Remove erosion and sedimentation controls and restore and stabilize areas disturbed during removal. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 3 of 6 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Straw Bales: Wire or nylon bound bales of straw, oriented around sides, rather than over and under. B. Straw wattles shall be made of straw of oats, wheat, barley, rye, or natural straw inside a flexible and durable tubular netting with metal clips or knotted ends and shall be utilized to control sediment runoff during construction activities. The minimum size for the straw wattles is 12-inch diameter. Furnish oak wood stakes 2 inch x 2 inch x 4 feet long or 1/2 inch x 4 feet long rebar with safety caps. C. Stakes: Stakes for bales shall be one of the following materials: Wood stakes of sound hardwood 2 by 2 inches in size or steel reinforcing bars of at least No. 4 size. Lengths shall be approximately three feet. D. Siltation Fence: Fabricated or prefabricated unit consisting of the following filter fabric properties: 1. Grab Tensile Strength 90 ASTM D1682 2. Elongation at Failure (%) 50 ASTM D1682 3. Mullen Burst Strength (PSI) 190 ASTM D3786 4. Puncture Strength (lbs) 70 ASTM D751 (modified) 5. Slurry Flow Rate (gal/min/sf) 0.5 Virginia DOT VTM-51 6. Equivalent Opening Size 40-80 US Std Sieve CW-02215 7. Ultraviolet Radiation Stability (%) 90 ASTM G26 E. Fencing: Steel posts shall be standard 6 foot long metal stamped drive stakes commonly used to support snow fences. Fencing shall be new four foot height wood lath snow fencing. Provide suitable steel staples or heavy nylon cord for securing filter cloth to support system. F. Protective Measures: As temporary coverings on ground areas subject to erosion, provide one of the following protective measures, and as directed by the Architect with concurrence of the Town of Yarmouth: 1. Hay or straw temporary mulch, 100 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 2. Wood fiber cellulose temporary mulch, 35 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 3. Tackafier for anchoring mulch or straw shall be a non-petroleum based liquid bonding agent specifically made for anchoring hay or straw. 4. Provide natural (jute, wood excelsior) or man-made (glass fiber) covering with suitable staples or anchors to secure to ground surface. Note that wire stapes and non- biodegradable coverings shall not be used for any area that will be mown turf. 5. Temporary vegetative cover for graded areas shall be undamaged, air dry threshed straw or hay free of undesirable weed seed. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 4 of 6 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 STRAW BALE BARRIERS A. Excavation shall be to the width of the bale and the length of the proposed barrier to a minimum depth of 4 inches. B. Bales shall be placed in a single row, lengthwise on proposed line, with ends of adjacent bales tightly abutting one another. In swales and ditches the barrier shall extend to such a length that the bottoms of the end bales are higher in elevation than the top of the lowest middle bale. C. Staking shall be accomplished to securely anchor bales by driving at least two stakes or rebars through each bale to a minimum depth of 18 inches. D. The gaps between bales shall be filled by wedging straw in the gaps to prevent water from escaping between the bales. E. The excavated soil shall be backfilled against the barrier. Backfill shall conform to ground level on the downhill side and shall be built up to 4 inches on the uphill side. Loose straw shall then be scattered over the area immediately uphill from a straw barrier. F. Inspection shall be frequent, and repair or replacement shall be made promptly as needed. 3.2 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND STONE BERMS A. Stone size: Use ASTM designation C-33, size No. 2 (1-1/2” to 2-1/2”). Use crushed stone. B. Length: As effective, but not less than 50 feet. C. Thickness: Not less than eight inches. D. Width: Not less than full width of all points on ingress or egress, but not less than 25 feet. E. Washing: When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public right-of-way. When washing is required, it shall be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone which drains into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. All sediment shall be prevented from entering any storm drain, ditch, or watercourse through the use of sandbags, gravel boards or other approved methods. F. Maintenance: The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto public rights-or-way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand and repair and/or cleanout of any measures used to trap sediment. All sediment spoiled, dropped, washed, or tracked onto public rights-of-way must be removed immediately. G. Place crushed stone berms in locations required and as directed. Berms shall have side slopes of 1:3 or less. H. Inspect stone berms periodically and replace and/or regrade crushed stone as required. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 5 of 6 3.3 SILT FENCING A. Excavate a 6 inch trench along the upstream side of the desired fence location. B. Drive fence posts a minimum of 1’-6” into the ground. Install fence, well-staked at maximum eight foot intervals in locations as shown on Drawings. Secure fabric to fence and bury fabric end within the six inch deep trench cut. C. Lay lower 12 inches of silt fence into the trench, 6 inches deep and 6 inches wide. Backfill trench and compact. D. Overlap joints in fabric at post to prevent leakage of silt at seam. 3.4 EROSION CONTROL GRASSING A. Grassing shall be applied according to State of Massachusetts Highway Department Standard Specifications. 3.5 INLET PROTECTION A. Install silt fence or straw bales around inlets as specified herein. 3.6 DUST CONTROL A. Throughout the construction period the Contractor shall carry on an active program for the control of fugitive dust within all site construction zones, or areas disturbed as a result of construction. Control methods shall include the following: Apply calcium chloride at a uniform rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) pounds per square yard in areas subject to blowing. For emergency control of dust apply water to affected areas. The source of supply and the method of application for water are the responsibility of the contractor. B. The frequency and methods of application for fugitive dust control shall be as directed by the Architect with concurrence by the Town of Yarmouth. 3.7 TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE COVERINGS (AFTER GROWING SEASON) A. Place temporary covering for erosion and sedimentation control on all areas that have been graded and left exposed after October 30. Contractor shall have the choice to use either or both of the methods described herein. B. Hay or straw shall be anchored in-place by one of the following methods and as approved by the Architect with concurrence by the Town of Yarmouth: Mechanical “crimping” with a tractor drawn device specifically devised to cut mulch into top two inches of soil surface or application of non-petroleum based liquid tackifier, applied at a rate and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for specific mulch material utilized. C. Placement of mesh or blanket matting and anchoring in place shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s printed instructions. D. Inspect protective coverings periodically and reset or replace materials as required. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 31 2500 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 6 of 6 END SECTION