HomeMy WebLinkAbout32-14-00-Unit-Pavers_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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Section 32 14 00
A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and
Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to work
of this section.
B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this
1. Section 31 00 00 – Earth Moving
2. Section 03 30 00 – Cast In Place Concrete
3. Section 04 43 10 – Granite Cut Stone
4. Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements: Listing of Emissions and VOC
5. Section 01 74 19 - Construction Waste Management and Disposal: Proce-
dural and administrative requirements for construction and demolition recy-
6. Section 01 81 13 - Sustainable Design Requirements: Special administra-
tive and procedure requirements related to Owner’s LEED v4 for Schools
Building Design + Construction (BD+C) goals of Certification.
7. Section 01 81 13a - LEED v4 Materials Reporting Form: Materials Track-
ing for Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits
A. The scope of work includes providing all materials, equipment and labor necessary
to complete the work as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.
B. This Section includes the following:
1. Unit Paver Type A at Crosswalks
2. Unit Paver Type B at Crosswalks
A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Division 01 for all
manufactured/fabricated items. All submittals must be prior to fabrication and/or
field installation work.
1. Shop drawings shall include plans, details, elevations and specifications
and shall indicate profiles, sizes, dimensions, connection attachments, size
and type of fasteners, accessories, and color and finish as indicated in
these specifications and the plans.
2. Submit manufacturers printed product literature, specifications and data
3. Clearly indicate on the shop drawings any deviations from the plans and
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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B. Submit Contractor Qualifications as required under Quality Assurance section
stated herein.
C. Submit warranty information of all manufactured/fabricated items as required under
Warranty section stated herein.
D. Submit samples of all materials listed in Part 2 herein showing texture, finish and
range of colors of all materials. Samples will establish the standard by which
materials provided will be judged.
E. Submit drawings and instructions of manufacturers/fabricators installation
F. Submit material test reports from a qualified testing agency indicating and inter-
preting test results for compliance with requirements indicated herein, based on
comprehensive testing of current materials.
G. Submit list of materials used in constructing mockups including generic product
names together with manufacturers, manufacturers' product names, sources of
supply, and other information as required to identify materials used. Include mix
proportions for mortar and source of aggregates.
1. Submittal is for information only. Neither receipt of list nor approval of
mockups constitutes approval of deviations from the Contract
Documents unless such deviations are specifically brought to the
attention of Landscape Architect and approved in writing.
H. LEED Submittals:
1. Document FSC Certification for all wood products that contribute to credit
achievement by providing the following:
a. Itemized vendor invoices for FSC-certified products.
b. Chain-of-Custody (COC) certificates. Every entity that
processes or trades FSC-certified material before it is shipped to the
project site must have FSC CoC certification. On-site installers of
FSC-certified products must have CoC certification only if they
modify the products off the project site.
2. Complete “LEED Materials Documentation Sheet” with MRc3 Option 2
information for wood products installed in the building.
3. Provide manufacturers’ product documentation that includes recycled
content claims for the products contributing towards compliance. Claims
must conform to the definition in ISO 14021-1999, Environmental Labels
and 4. Declarations, Self-Declared Environmental Claims.
4. Complete "LEED Materials Documentation Sheet" with MRc3 Option 2
information for products with recycled content installed in the building.
A. Paving Mock-ups: The Contractor shall fabricate in the field one sample using all
unit pavers specified including specified base material for approval by the Land-
scape Architect. Mockups shall be sized to meet mock up detail in Plans. The
sample shall set quality standards for materials and execution and demonstrate
the final surface finish, texture, each joint type and color that will be provided uni-
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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formly throughout the project. If the sample is approved, it may become part of
the final work and shall be the basis of workmanship for all other unit paver work.
A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of unit paver, joint material, and setting
material from one source with resources to provide materials and products of
consistent quality in appearance and physical properties.
B. Preconstruction Compatibility and Adhesion Testing: Submit to latex-additive
manufacturer, for testing indicated below, samples of paving materials that will
contact or affect mortar and grout that contain latex additives.
1. Use manufacturer's standard test methods to determine whether mortar and
grout materials will obtain optimum adhesion with, and will be non staining to,
installed pavers and other materials constituting paver installation.
A. Installer of the Work of this Section is required to attend pre-installation
conference specified under this Specification.
B. Contractor shall request in writing an on-site meeting with the Owner’s
Representative, the General Contractor and Site Contractor, the Landscape
Architect and the Civil Engineer to review the scope of work prior to any work
taking place to review the site conditions. Any deficiencies in the site conditions
shall be remedied by the Contractor and approved by the Owner prior to
commencing any work.
A. Store all materials specified herein as to not impact, damage or otherwise corrupt
other work. Contractor shall be responsible for corrective measures as a result
of incorrect storage.
B. Store pavers on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an
enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting, se-
curely tied.
C. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry lo-
cation. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp.
D. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be main-
tained and contamination avoided.
E. Store liquids in tightly closed containers protected from freezing.
F. Store asphalt cement and other bituminous materials in tightly closed containers.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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A. Cold-Weather Protection: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or
coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen subgrade or setting beds. Re-
move and replace unit paver work damaged by frost or freezing.
2.1 Any manufacturer’s names and/or model numbers identified herein are intended to assist
in establishing a general level of quality, configuration, functionality, and appearance re-
quired. This is NOT a proprietary specification and it should be noted that “or equivalent”
applies to all products denoted herein. It is understood that all manufacturers will have
minor variations in configuration, appearance, and product specifications and such minor
variations shall not eliminate such manufacturers as an equivalent. It is the intent of this
specification to encourage open and competitive involvement from multiple manufactur-
ers that are able to supply similar products.
A. Unit Paver Type A shall be a concrete unit paver handling vehicular loads. Size
shall be a nominal 10”x5”x3”. Color shall be similar to Sierra by Unilock. Con-
tractor shall refer to the plans for details of base.
1. Eco Priora as manufactured by Unilock- Basis for Design
B. Unit Paver Type B shall be a granite cobble paver. Color shall be a salt and
pepper medium grain gray similar to Stanstead or Woodbury, or approved equiv-
alent. Size of granite cobbles shall be approximately 4”x9”x5”. Source of stone
can be from salvage facility or quarry that can provide the job quantity. Contrac-
tor shall refer to the plans for details of base.
A. Structural Fill: Shall comply with requirements in Section 31 00 00 – Earth Mov-
B. Concrete Base: Shall comply with 03 30 00 – Cast In Place Concrete
C. Sand for Leveling Course: Sound, sharp, washed, natural sand complying with
gradation requirements in ASTM C 33 for fine aggregate.
D. Geotextile or Filter Fabric: Shall comply with requirements in Section 31 00 00 –
E. Peastone: Shall comply with requirements in Section 31 00 00 – Earthwork.
F. Polymeric Sand for Paver Joints:
1. Polymeric Sand for paving joints 1” or less - manufactured graded sand
(ASTM-C144) with integral clear polymer binders. Portland Cement
binding agent is not acceptable. Color shall be gray.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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2. Polymeric Sand for large paving joints up to 4” – manufactured graded
sand (ASTM-C144) with integral clear polymer binders specifically formu-
lated for natural stone with large joints. Portland Cement binding agent
is not acceptable. Color shall be gray.
3. Color samples shall be approved by Landscape Architect for each type.
A. Edging for pavers shall be a Commercial Grade Heavy Duty Plastic Paver Restraint,
color black. Similar to Sure-Loc #P18PE or approved equivalent.
A. A 4-foot dimension in any direction on the surface shall determine variation from true
plane, or flat surfaces. The maximum variation from true plane shall not exceed
1/8 inch per 12 inches or 1/8 of the specified joint width, whichever is greater.
2.10 LEED Requirements
1. Wood products that are not reused, salvaged, or recycled must be certified to the
standards of the Forest Stewardship Council.
2. Provide products manufactured and extracted within 100 miles of the project site
whenever possible.
A. Perform pre-installation conference as specified in Part 1.
B. Examine areas indicated to receive paving, with Installer present, for compliance
with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting per-
1. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been cor-
2 Where pavers are to be installed over waterproofing, examine waterproofing
installation, with waterproofing Installer present, for protection from paving
operations. Examine areas where waterproofing system is turned up or
flashed against vertical surfaces and horizontal waterproofing. Proceed with
installation only after protection is in place.
A. Remove substances from base surface and/or concrete substrates that could im-
pair mortar bond, including curing and sealing compounds, form oil, and laitance.
B. Clean concrete substrates to remove dirt, dust, debris, and loose particles.
C. Rigid Base: Prepare rigid concrete base per Specification 32 13 13 Site Concrete
Paving. Check all sub base elevations to meet all finish grade requirements.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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D. Flexible Base: Proof-roll prepared subgrade according to requirements in Speci-
fication 31 20 00 Earth Moving to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yield-
ing. Proceed with unit paver installation only after deficient subgrades have been
corrected and are ready to receive setting bed for unit pavers.
A. Do not use unit pavers with chips, cracks, voids, discolorations, and other defects
that might be visible in finished work.
B. Mix pavers from several pallets or cubes, as they are placed, to produce uniform
blend of colors and textures.
C. Cut unit pavers with motor-driven masonry saw equipment to provide clean,
sharp, un-chipped edges. Cut units to provide pattern indicated and to fit adjoin-
ing work neatly. Use full units without cutting where possible. Hammer cutting is
not acceptable. Unit Paver Type C shall be set with joint spacing to not allow for
any longitudinal cuts. End cuts are acceptable to meet running bond pattern. All
cut edges shall be eased for natural look.
D. Tolerances: Do not exceed 1/32-inch unit-to-unit offset from flush (lippage) nor
1/8 inch in 10 feet from level, or indicated slope, for finished surface of paving.
E. Isolation and Control Joints: Where applicable provide control joints in the con-
crete base. Provide Isolation joints around other materials or structures. Refer
to Specification 32 13 12, Section 3.4 Joints.
A. Compact soil subgrade uniformly to at least 95 percent of ASTM D 698 laborato-
ry density.
B. Proof-roll prepared subgrade to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yield-
ing. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or
rutting and replace with compacted backfill.
C. Place pavers on sand leveling course, laid over fully cured concrete base, com-
pact by tamping with plate vibrator, and screed to depth indicated.
D. Where applicable core drill 2” holes in concrete rigid base for drainage as indi-
cated in plans.
E. Place drainage geotextile over drill holes after filling with crushed peastone.
F. Place leveling course and screed to a thickness as indicated on the Plans, taking
care of that moisture content remains constant and density is loose and constant
until pavers are set and compacted.
G. Set pavers with a joint width as indicated on the Plans, being careful not to dis-
turb leveling base. If pavers have spacer bars, place pavers hand tight against
spacer bars. Use string lines to keep straight lines. Fill gaps between units that
exceed 3/8 inch with pieces cut to fit from full-size unit pavers.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 14 00 UNIT PAVERS
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1. When installation is performed with mechanical equipment, use only unit
pavers with spacer bars on sides of each unit.
H. Vibrate pavers into leveling course with a low-amplitude plate vibrator capable of
a 3500- to 5000-lbf compaction force at 80 to 90 Hz. Perform at least three
passes across paving with vibrator. Vibrate under the following conditions:
1. After edge pavers are installed and there is a completed surface or before
surface is exposed to rain.
2. Before ending each day's work, fully compact installed concrete pavers to
within 36 inches of the laying face. Cover pavers that have not been com-
pacted, and leveling course on which pavers have not been placed, with non-
staining plastic sheets to protect them from rain.
I. Spread and broom dry polymeric sand and fill joints immediately after vibrating
pavers into leveling course. Repeat adding and compacting polymeric sand until
joints are completely filled to the chamfer or shoulders of the pavers. Clean pav-
er areas thoroughly remove all excess sand. with leaf blower or similar equip-
ment without removing sand from joints. Wet the paved area lightly on “shower”.
Allow joints to dry for 5 to 10 minutes and re-water up to 3 or 4 times in order to
fully activate the polymeric sand. Jointing shall be done in workable areas to en-
sure completion within a work day.
1. Jointing work shall not occur if rain is in the forecast. Weather shall be clear
for several days. Pavers shall be completely dry prior jointing work.
2. Temperature shall be above 35 degrees F in order for jointing work to com-
3. Clean paved surfaces with a leaf blower or similar equipment to ensure re-
moval of all excess sand from paver surfaces.
4. Joints shall be watered 2/3 depth of joint. Test for water depth by digging out
sand in a small area to check moisture. Replace sand. Overwatering or
washing sand out of the joints are not allowed.
J. Do not allow traffic on installed pavers until sand has been vibrated into joints.
K. Repeat joint-filling process 30 days later.
A. Remove and replace unit pavers that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or oth-
erwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Provide new units to
match adjoining units and install in same manner as original units, with same
joint treatment and with no evidence of replacement.
B. Pointing: When applicable, when tooling of joints, enlarge voids or holes and
completely fill with grout. Point up joints at sealant joints to provide a neat, uni-
form appearance, properly prepared for sealant application.
C. Cleaning: Remove excess sand, dirt, debris, mortar or grout from exposed paver
surfaces; wash and scrub clean.