HomeMy WebLinkAbout32-1640-Granite-Curb_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 16240 GRANITE CURB 1 of 4
32 1640 Granite Curb
A. Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within
DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of
the Specifications.
A. The work includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision to construct the
various types of granite curbing, in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications.
A. Examine Contract Documents for requirements that affect work of this Section. Other
Specification Sections that directly relate to work of this Section include, but are not limited to:
1. Section 014000 - QUALITY REQUIREMENTS; Inspection and testing.
2. Provision of waste management: Section 01 7419 - Construction Recycling Waste
Management Plan.
3. Provision of General LEED requirements and forms: 01 8113 Sustainable Design
4. Section 03 3000 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE; Concrete curb; concrete for base.
5. Section 31 0000 - EARTH MOVING; Establishment of subgrade elevations and courses.
6. Section 32 1216 - ASPHALT PAVING.
A. Comply with applicable requirements of the following standards. Where these standards conflict
with other specified requirements, the most restrictive requirements shall govern.
1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
a. ASTM C 131 Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by
Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine
b. ASTM C 615 Structural Granite
2. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD): Specifications Standard
Specifications for Highway and Bridges
A. Submit complete shop drawings of each curb type and size for Architect's approval.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 16240 GRANITE CURB 2 of 4
A. A sample curb section, full dimension, 6 feet long minimum, shall be fabricated prior to start of
granite curbing. The work will be inspected by the Architect. If the original sample is not
acceptable, the Contractor shall construct additional sample sections until an accepted sample
is obtained. The accepted sections shall become the standard for the entire job, and shall
remain undisturbed until completion of all granite curbing.
A. Unless otherwise indicated, granite curb materials and construction shall conform to the
applicable portions of the following:
1. MHD Specifications Section 500, "Curb and Edging."
A. Granite curb units shall be delivered to the job adequately protected from damage during transit.
B. Curb shall be protected against staining, chipping, and other damage. Cracked, badly chipped,
or stained units will be rejected and shall not be employed in the work.
A. Material for base course shall be Dense Graded Crushed Stone, as specified in Section 310000
A. Granite curb required to complete the work of this Section shall be a structural granite
conforming to ASTM C 615, Class I Engineering Grade, suitable for curbstone use.
1. Curb shall be light grey, free from seams which impair structural integrity, and with
percentage of wear less than 32%, as determined by ASTM C 131.
B. Curb materials shall conform to MHD Specifications Section M9.04.0 and shall meet
requirements specified in the subsection of Division III, Materials of the MHD Specifications:
1. Item:
a. Vertical Granite Curb.
b. Transitional Granite Curb.
c. Flush Granite Curb.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 16240 GRANITE CURB 3 of 4
C. Provide sawn vertical faces on both sides for all curb sizes. Provide thermal finish on exposed
pavement/paver side only.
A. Mortar for pointing joints between curbstones shall be a cement mortar composed of one-part
Portland cement and two parts sand, by volume with sufficient water to form a workable, stiff
A. Concrete for foundation at joints shall conform to Section 03 3000 - CAST-IN-PLACE
A. Areas to receive granite curb will be compacted and brought approximately to subgrade
elevation under Section 310000 - EARTH MOVING before work of this section is performed.
Final fine grading, filling, and compaction of subgrade to receive curbing to form a firm, uniform,
accurate, and unyielding subgrade at required elevations and to required lines, shall be done
under this Section.
B. Existing subgrade material which will not readily compact shall be removed and replaced with
satisfactory materials. Additional materials needed to bring subgrade to required line and grade
and to replace unsuitable material removed shall be material conforming to Section 31 0000 -
C. Subgrade of areas to receive curbing shall be recompacted to bring top 8 inch of material
immediately below gravel base course to a compaction of at least 90% of maximum density, as
determined by ASTM D 1557, Method D. Subgrade compaction shall extend for a distance of at
least 1 ft. beyond curb edge.
D. Excavation required in subgrade shall be completed before fine grading and final compaction of
subgrade are performed. Where excavation must be performed in completed subgrade or
subbase subsequent backfill and compaction shall be performed as specified in Section 31
0000 - EARTH MOVING. Completed subgrade after filling such areas shall be uniformly and
properly graded.
E. Areas being graded or compacted shall be kept shaped and drained during construction. Ruts
greater than or equal to 2 inch deep in subgrade, shall be graded out, reshaped and
recompacted before placing granite curb.
F. Materials shall not be stored or stockpiled on subgrade.
G. Disposal of debris and other material excavated and/or stripped under this section, and material
unsuitable for or in excess of requirements for completing work of this Section shall be legally
disposed of off-site.
Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021
Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011
32 16240 GRANITE CURB 4 of 4
H. Prepared subgrade will be inspected by the Architect. Subgrade shall be approved by the
Architect before installation of aggregate base course. Disturbance to subgrade caused by
inspection procedures shall be repaired under this Section of the specification.
A. Aggregate base course for paving and the spreading, grading, and compaction methods
employed shall conform to Section 31 0000 - EARTH MOVING.
B. Subgrade and base course shall be kept clean and uncontaminated. Less select materials shall
not be permitted to become mixed with gravel. Materials spilled outside pavement lines shall be
removed and area repaired.
C. Portions of subgrade or of construction above which become contaminated, softened, or
dislodged by passing of traffic, or otherwise damaged, shall be cleaned, replaced, and
otherwise repaired to conform to the requirements of Section 31 0000 - EARTH MOVING before
proceeding with next operation.
A. Curb shall be set in aggregate base with continuous concrete haunch foundation, with trench
bottom at minimum 6 inch below bottom of curb. Excavation shall be filled to required level with
base course material as specified above.
B. Vertical face of vertical curb shall be plumb, with curb top parallel to adjacent surface.
C. Curb shall be set accurately to line and grade in continuous haunch. Curb units shall be fitted
together as closely as possible. Curb shall not be field cut.
D. Joints, between curb units shall be carefully filled with a cement mortar, and neatly pointed on
the top and front exposed portions. After pointing, excess mortar shall be cleaned from curb
E. Backfill material on each side of curb shall be as specified for adjacent surface and shall be
thoroughly compacted by means of power tampers. Extreme care shall be taken not to destroy
alignment. Curb sections disturbed during backfilling or otherwise shall be reset to line and
grade, and properly backfilled.