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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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SECTION 32 8410
A. OWNER: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School
B. ENGINEER: Aqueous Consultants, Andover, MA
C. CONTRACTOR: Entity awarded to perform work in this SPECIFICATIONS
D. SPECIFICATIONS: Document below which outlines construction, testing, and reporting
requirements of irrigation well construction
E. DRAWINGS: Plans issued by ENGINEER showing locations of proposed well system
F. TARGET YIELD: Desired water production based on irrigation system demand equal to
sustainable yield of 65 gpm or greater.
A. OWNER seeks to supply well water for irrigation at athletic fields located at Dennis Yarmouth
Integrated Middle School in Yarmouth, MA.
B. SPECIFICATIONS below are intended to outline construction and testing for one (1) permanent
production well in two (2) sequential phases:
1. Phase A: Permanent 8-inch Irrigation Well with Target Yield of 65 gpm or greater
(developed to maximum extent)
2. Phase B: Installation of 3-Phase Well Pump and Motor within Well Casing
C. Proposed well shall be accessed and drilled, generally where shown on DRAWINGS.
D. Proposed wells shall extend to depth as determined by current available data from Massachusetts
GIS Database and by Phase test drilling program.
A. Construct, develop, and test irrigation wells and install well pump system to supply irrigation
system to full extent and intention of SPECIFICATIONS.
B. Coordinate work of SPECIFICATIONS with other underground utilities and with trades
responsible for their installation and oversight. Contact DIG SAFE or 811 within 72 hours of all
drilling work.
C. Each Phase cannot begin without written authorization from OWNER and ENGINEER. Data
obtained from each Phase is required for design by ENGINEER for each subsequent Phase. All
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design provided in DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS are a general expectation and standard
for installation work and may require modification as information becomes available in each
A. Phase A – Permanent Irrigation Well
1. Review Test Well data from Specifications section 02 3213.13.
2. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services (development and testing) required
for construction of one (1) permanent 8-inch irrigation well in unconsolidated formation to
best attain TARGET YIELD.
3. Permanent Irrigation Well Construction Consists of:
a. Drilling Operation
b. Installing Steel Casing
c. Installing Stainless Steel Well Screen (per ENGINEER’S review)
d. Developing Well through Gravel Filter Pack
e. Testing for Yield and Drawdown
f. Protection of Aquifer Quality
4. Permanent Irrigation Well Construction Consists of:
a. Town of Yarmouth Board of Health Permit (CONTRACTOR to Obtain)
b. Well Boring Soil Logs
c. Approved Material Submittals
d. Yield and Drawdown Pumping Data
e. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Well
Completion Form
f. CONTRACTOR’s Well Certification
B. Phase B – Irrigation Well Pump Installation
1. CONTRACTOR shall await written order (via e-mail) to proceed with Phase B work after
Phase A data analysis by ENGINEER. ENGINEER shall provide final design of Phase B
after review of completed Phase A work.
2. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services required for installation of a single (1)
irrigation well pump and liquid level sensor probes to supply proposed irrigation system
with requisite flow and pressure.
3. Irrigation well pump installation consists of:
a. Submitting all product to be installed for well pump prior to installation for approval
b. Installing well pump and discharge pipe to proper well depth (provided by
ENGINEER after Phase B Drawdown Testing)
c. Installing liquid level sensing equipment to shut down pump on low water level
d. Installing pitless adapter unit to well casing
e. Installing horizontal discharge pipe from well casing below frost (48 inches)
f. Installing well pump power wire with pullbox at grade for connection to Irrigation
Pump System (see Section 328420).
A. Upon finalized design from ENGINEER after Phase A, CONTRACTOR may submit Change Order
to OWNER for materials and equipment if an increase in pumping rate and/or horsepower over
those estimated in SPECIFICATIONS and Base Bid Worksheet is required. CONTRACTOR shall
not order any equipment under Phase B until all submittals are approved by ENGINEER.
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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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B. Location of proposed work shall be as shown on DRAWINGS and as directed by OWNER and
C. DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS must be interpreted and are intended to complement each
other. CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install all parts, which may be required by DRAWINGS
and omitted by SPECIFICATIONS, or vice versa, just as though required by both. Should there
appear to be discrepancies or question of intent, refer matter to OWNER and ENGINEER through
written Request for Information (RFI). OWNER’s interpretations and decisions shall be final,
conclusive, and binding.
D. All materials to be incorporated in proposed well system shall be new and without flaws or defects
and of quality and performance meeting requirements of SPECIFICATIONS. All material
overages at completion of installation are property of CONTRACTOR and shall be removed from
E. Work shall be constructed and finished in every respect in good, skillful, and substantial manner,
to full intent and meaning of DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS. All parts necessary for proper
and complete execution of work, whether same may have been specifically mentioned or not, or
indicated on DRAWINGS, shall be done or furnished in manner corresponding with rest of work
as if same were specifically herein described.
A. CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing services and equipment to install and test wells,
1. Portable power supply
2. Temporary mechanical equipment (e.g., rigs, pumps, air compressors, etc.)
3. Valves, pipes, orifices, etc.
4. Metering equipment
5. Drawdown level monitoring equipment
6. Town of Yarmouth Irrigation Well Permit
A. Work described herein shall comply with all ordinances and regulations of authorities having
jurisdiction, including all applicable local (Yarmouth Board of Health), state (MassDEP), and
federal regulations.
B. Obtain and pay for all additional permits, tests, and certifications required for execution of work
in SPECIFICATIONS (including Town of Yarmouth Board of Health Well Permit).
C. Furnish copies of permits, certifications, and approval notices to OWNER and ENGINEER prior
to requesting final payment.
A. Prospective CONTRACTORs shall fully inform themselves of site existing conditions before
submitting bid by visiting site beforehand and shall be fully responsible for carrying out all work
required, executing this SPECIFICATIONS fully and properly. No claim for extra compensation
or extension of time will be allowed due to actual conditions inconsistent with those assumed,
unless approved by OWNER and ENGINEER.
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B. For bidding purposes, well depth(s) shall be assumed at 100 feet. Well depth(s) in excess or less
than 150 feet required to obtain TARGET YIELD shall be paid for or credited (respectively) on
“per foot” unit price basis (see Base Bid Worksheet).
C. CONTRACTOR shall construct well as shown on DRAWINGS as directed by ENGINEER and
OWNER. Any proposed changes to well locations shall be coordinated with ENGINEER and/or
OWNER and documented prior to approval.
D. Access to land immediately surrounding proposed well construction site shall be granted with
sufficient working space for equipment operations.
E. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with OWNER and ENGINEER to inform and be informed of any
hazards or obstructions which may affect location of wells, such as, but not limited to:
1. Structures
2. Overhead and buried power lines
3. Buried cables
4. Buried pipes
5. Any known underground obstructions or contaminant not readily visible shall be identified
F. Avoid local depressions and low points that may collect or convey surface runoff.
A. Store and handle all materials in compliance with manufacturers’ instructions.
B. Protect all existing structures and equipment from possible damage. CONTRACTOR shall be
held responsible for and pay for all unnecessary damage to property caused by employees or
subcontractors. Repair work of such damage shall be coordinated with OWNER.
C. Minimize on-site storage and coordinate with OWNER.
A. CONTRACTOR shall obtain for OWNER standard written manufacturers’ guarantees of all
materials furnished under this SPECIFICATIONS where such guarantees are offered in published
product data.
B. All manufacturers’ guarantees shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, other liabilities, which
CONTRACTOR may have by law.
C. Should any problems develop within warranty period because of inferior or faulty materials or
workmanship, they shall be corrected to satisfaction of ENGINEER at no additional expense to
D. Written warranty showing date of completion (OWNER’s Acceptance Date) and period of warranty
(minimum one year for well and pump installation) shall be supplied to OWNER upon completion
of project by CONTRACTOR and approval by ENGINEER.
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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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A. Attend Pre-Bid and Pre-Construction meetings on-site to discuss project, construction sequence,
observe access points and site restrictions.
B. Pre-construction meeting shall take place with Owner’s staff, Owner, Engineer, and awarded
CONTRACTOR to outline construction sequence, delineated access, limitations, schedule,
construction and testing procedures, and timeframe.
C. Review all Drawings and Specifications pertaining to proposed test well locations. Coordinate
with Owner to identify and/or mark out potential underground infrastructure and hazards. If
necessary, call 1-888-DIG-SAFE to verify and mark underground utilities in immediate vicinity.
E. Coordinate work closely with ENGINEER and OWNER always to avoid misunderstandings and
to bring project to completion efficiently.
F. Coordinate work with any approved subcontractors and other trades site.
G. Any questions of design intent or issues in the field shall be brought to ENGINEER’s attention
immediately for resolution.
A. SPECIFICATIONS outline general construction and testing plan for large-diameter permanent
well for irrigation water production at TARGET YIELD (65 gpm).
A. Installer
1. Firm that has least five (5) years of experience in work of size and type required by
SPECIFICATIONS and which is acceptable to OWNER.
2. Persons supervising and constructing proposed work of this SPECIFICATIONS shall be
personally experienced in well construction and shall have been regularly employed by
company engaged in well construction for three (3) years minimum.
3. Furnish to ENGINEER names and addresses of four (4) similar projects with persons or
entities installing and testing wells over past three (3) years (see Bid Sheet).
B. Disinfection
1. Conform to provisions of AWWA Standards A-100 and C-654 except where modified
2. Always maintain copy of these standards on-site.
C. Applicable requirements of accepted Standards and Codes shall apply to Work of
1. American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM)
2. National Sanitary Foundation (NSF)
3. American Water Works Association (AWWA)
4. American Society of Agricultural and Biological ENGINEERs (ASABE)
5. National Groundwater Association (NGWA)
6. MassDEP
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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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7. Town of Yarmouth Board of Health
A. CONTRACTOR shall provide three (3) copies on all proposed equipment to be installed to
OWNER for approval by ENGINEER.
B. No well installation shall commence until all product sheets are received and approved.
C. Product data shall contain size, manufacturer, weight, description, etc.
D. Equipment to be submitted, but not limited to, includes:
1. Well Casing
2. Well Screen
3. Sanitary Well Seal
4. Drive Shoe (if required)
5. Filter Pack (if required)
6. Miscellaneous Materials
A. Upon completion of work and prior to application for acceptance and final payment, minimum of
three (3) three-ring binders titled IRRIGATION WELL AS-BUILT DATA FOR DENNIS
YARMOUTH INTERMEDIATE MIDDLE SCHOOL shall be submitted to OWNER for approval
which includes:
1. Well Installation Logs and Data (both Test and Permanent Wells)
2. Yield Test Data (as specified herein)
3. Approved Submittals for all products used in well construction
4. Manufacturers’ guarantees (if applicable)
B. As-Built Report Binders shall be completed and submitted within seven (7) days of final well
installation. Other trades and SPECIFICATIONS require this final data to begin additional phases
of this project.
1. Use only new materials conforming to standard(s) applicable to each type, as specified
and approved by ENGINEER. Provide listed manufacturer’s products specified, unless
approved equals are specified.
2. For warranty purposes, equipment shall be supplied from authorized distributors of various
1. Well casing shall be Schedule 40 seamless steel pipe rated for well casing as per AWWA
2. Casing shall be nominally 8-inch diameter with thickness of ¼-inch.
3. Steel pipe shall conform to ASTM A-53, A-106, A-120, and API-5L as manufactured by
U.S. Steel or approved equal.
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Perkins Eastman DPC, Project #71011
32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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1. Continuous-slot well screen shall be made entirely of stainless steel with triangular-shaped
wire wrapped around an array of rods joined by resistance welding.
2. Screen length shall be 10 feet in length and span between approximately 140 feet and 150
feet below ground surface (BGS). Final screen length and depth BGS shall be determined
by ENGINEER after boring logs are conducted and analyzed.
3. Nominal screen size shall be sized to fit within nominal well casing size (8 inches).
Generally, a telescoping screen with 7-inch diameter is acceptable. Screen may be welded
to casing or sealed to casing by sand-tight neoprene K-packer. Submit well packer
proposed for use (if required) with other equipment submittals. LEAD PACKERS WILL
4. Final screen slot size shall be verified upon sieve analysis and/or inspection of cuttings on-
site. Slot size will be selected to permit 60% of aquifer material to pass through screen.
Laboratory sieve analysis shall provide D60 in inches (particle diameter where 60% of
sample is finer) for soil sample taken within screen depth from test well program. Provide
methodology of how screen size was determined—consult with ENGINEER.
5. Well screen shall be as manufactured by Johnson Screens, Roscoe Moss Company, or
approved equal.
1. Sanitary well seal shall be installed at top of well. Well seal shall utilize two 3/16-inch
stainless steel plates with 3/4-inch expansion seal.
2. Well seal shall have hole for pump pull pipe and one for electrical wiring.
3. Sanitary seal shall be minimum 8 inches (nominal to match well casing).
1. Pitless adapter unit shall be of steel construction as self-contained, prefabricated unit to fit
with existing 8-inch steel well casing.
2. Pitless adapter unit shall have stainless steel O-ring and spool seats.
3. Pitless adapter unit shall have vented top and neoprene gasket as part of watertight well
4. Pitless adapter unit shall have torque arrestors to prevent spool rotation.
5. Pitless adapter unit shall have an integral electrical junction box.
6. Pitless adapter unit shall be as manufactured by MAASS Midwest, Campbell
Manufacturing, or approved equal.
1. Filter Pack
a. Filter pack shall be installed to stabilize well bore and serve as filter if well bore is
not stable/or requires filtration per CONTRACTOR’s recommendation.
b. Aggregate shall be uniformly graded.
c. Filter material in annular space shall be clean silica-based material.
d. Grain size shall be such that D50 of filter pack is six (6) times larger than D50 of aquifer
(to be determined from laboratory sieve analysis).
e. Thickness of filter pack shall be one (1) inch.
f. Pack material shall extend through entire aquifer exposed to well bore.
g. Pack material shall be composed of well-rounded, smooth, water-insoluble, and non-
acid soluble particles.
2. Bentonite Seals
a. Bentonite seal shall be installed to separate filter pack and grout seal if filter pack is
required at minimum of 2 feet in depth.
b. Bentonite, in pourable pellet form, shall be placed in annular space (4 inches thick)
above filter pack through tremie pipe before grout seal is placed.
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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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1. Examine all contract documents applying to SPECIFICATIONS noting any discrepancies
and bringing same to attention of ENGINEER for timely resolution.
2. Make all field measurements necessary for work noting relationship of well work to other
trades (coordinate with OWNER).
3. At all times, protect existing landscaping, paving, structures, walls, footings, etc. from
damage. Any inadvertent damage to work of another trade shall be reported at once.
4. All well yield testing shall be in strict accordance of this SPECIFICATIONS.
5. Well construction, well development, well testing, and test well abandonment shall be in
strict accordance with ASABE EP 400.2T JAN 1994 (R2005) “Design and Constructing
Irrigation Wells”.
6. All equipment and materials shall be placed in well in manner, which meets design
SPECIFICATIONS, unless some good and sufficient reason is encountered during
construction to deviate from design SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, and
OWNER shall mutually agree upon changes. Written record shall be maintained.
1. CONTRACTOR shall construct and develop an 8-inch unconsolidated well. Proposed well
as located on DRAWINGS shall be developed to best produce TARGET YIELD.
2. ENGINEER may be at SITE to observe construction and verify depth of casing and screen
during installation.
3. Borehole shall be round, plumb, straight, and of adequate diameter to permit satisfactory
and proper installation of inlet, well casing, screen, and filter pack material (if required).
4. Well screen shall be handled carefully and placed at correct depths to match sampled
5. When well is to be packed, entire length of inlet screen shall be centered in borehole by
placement of centering guides at vertical intervals of five (5) feet to ensure pack material
will fill entire intake area uniformly. Centering guides shall be placed at 90 degrees apart
6. Well casing shall be plumb and straight such that it shall not deviate from vertical by more
than two-thirds casing diameter per 100 feet of depth.
7. Use drive shoes as required (submit product SPECIFICATIONS to ENGINEER).
8. Well casing shall be cut off minimum of 12 inches above finish grade but no more than 24
9. Horizontal discharge shall be provided four (4) feet below finish grade elevation for purpose
of connecting future irrigation mainline to well discharge.
10. Development of unconsolidated wells shall remove fine material from formation near well
screen, thereby opening passages for water to enter well more freely.
A. All fine material pulled into wells during developing operation (surging and pumping) shall
be removed from well before yield test. Well shall be sufficiently developed to assure no
water turbidity and sand pumping.
B. The ideal development of wells shall be natural (i.e. without filter pack). If, however, well
bore is unstable or additional capacity can be obtained, filter pack is required and well
development will ensue utilizing this additional material.
C. CONTRACTOR shall exercise professional judgment as to amount of time and material
required to develop well to SPECIFICATIONS (Less than 4 NTU for Turbidity).
D. Notify ENGINEER and OWNER once well construction and development has been
completed prior to yield testing.
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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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1. Well bore and drilling equipment shall be disinfected with chlorine solution to destroy any
bacteria introduced during construction and development processes.
2. Chlorine solution shall have minimum of 100 mg/L (100 ppm) available chlorine in solution
when mixed with volume of water in well bore. Well shall then be properly capped for
3. Formation seal shall be provided around well casing made of cement grout, bentonite, or
4. Formation seal placed in an annular space shall prevent seepage of contaminated surface
water down along outside of casing into well (approximately 4 inches thick).
5. Surface sealing shall extend approximately three (3) feet below grade.
6. Finished land surface shall be graded to direct runoff water away from well.
1. Certification that well was constructed in such manner as to satisfy all original design
SPECIFICATIONS shall be given unless SPECIFICATIONS were modified in writing by
prior and mutual agreement.
2. Certification shall include full construction log detailing well depth, screen size and depth,
development method, and GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude). Fill out MassDEP
Well Completion Form legibly and in entirety.
3. Any modifications of original SPECIFICATIONS shall be included in certification.
1. Well shall have three (3) phases of mandatory testing:
a. Step drawdown test (4.5 hours)
b. Constant pumping rate test (48.0 hours)
c. Recovery test (0.5 hours)
2. Prior to commencement of testing, ensure that pump discharge is directed away from
recharge zone surrounding well (coordinate with OWNER or local permitting agencies for
on-site discharge to storm drain system).
3. Step Drawdown Test
a. Set temporary submersible pump inlet no lower than 5 feet above top of well screen
b. Record static water level
c. Begin pumping at 50% of Target Yield (32 gpm +/-)
d. Record drawdown at following intervals:
i. Every minute for first 10 minutes after pumping starts
ii. Once every 10 minutes from 10 minutes to 90 minutes
e. Increase pumping rate to 100% of Target Yield (65 gpm)
f. Record drawdown at following intervals:
i. Every minute for first 10 minutes after pumping starts
ii. Once every 10 minutes from 10 minutes to 90 minutes
g. Increase pumping rate to 150% of Target Yield (100 gpm +/-)
h. Record drawdown at following intervals:
i. Every minute for first 10 minutes after pumping starts
ii. Once every 10 minutes from 10 minutes to 90 minutes
i. Stop step drawdown test and allow well to recover to steady-state conditions.
Record time to recovery.
4. Constant Pumping Rate Test
a. Set temporary submersible pump inlet no lower than top of well screen
b. Record static water level
c. Begin pumping at 100% of required yield
d. Record drawdown at following intervals:
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32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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i. Every minute for first 10 minutes after pumping starts
ii. Once every 10 minutes from 10 minutes to 120 minutes
iii. Once every 30 minutes from 120 minutes to 480 minutes
iv. Once every 60 minutes from 480 minutes to 2880 minutes
e. If yield test is stopped for more than 15 minutes, test must be abandoned and started
from beginning allowing well to recover—THE COST OF TIME AND MATERIALS
5. Recovery Tests
a. At conclusion of constant pumping rate test, immediately begin recording well
recovery depths from time pump is shut off.
b. MINIMUM time for recovery test is 0.5 hours (30 minutes) OR when 95% of well has
recovered, whichever is longer—NO EXCEPTIONS.
c. Record recovered water levels at following intervals:
i. Every minute for first 10 minutes after pumping starts
ii. Once every 5 minutes from 10 minutes to 30 minutes (or until 95% recovery)
6. Data Reports
a. Present drawdown and recovery data in legible (typed notes preferred) report with
time and flow rates reported in corresponding columns for well.
1. Upon completion of yield testing of permanent irrigation well, CONTRACTOR shall take
water sample for physical, chemical, and bacteriological analysis. Sample shall be taken
in presence of OWNER.
2. CONTRACTOR shall make all necessary arrangements and promptly send samples either
to local Health Department laboratory or to private laboratory that is approved by local
Health Department.
3. Water quality analysis shall be conducted in accordance with standards and methods
approved by local and State Health Departments, as well as United States Environmental
Protection Agency. Analysis shall include testing for the following:
a. Arsenic
b. Boron
c. Beryllium
d. Cadmium
e. Calcium
f. Chromium
g. Copper
h. Iron (Total and Dissolved)
i. Lead
j. Magnesium
k. Manganese
l. Mercury
m. Potassium
n. Sodium
o. Selenium
p. Zinc
q. Chloride
r. Sulfate
s. Nitrate
t. Nitrite
u. Turbidity
v. Total Coliform Bacteria
w. pH
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x. Hardness
y. Alkalinity (all forms)
z. Carbonate
aa. Bicarbonate
bb. Residual Chlorine
cc. Total Dissolved Solids
dd. Electrical Conductivity
4. Analysis must report constituents enumerated above. Incomplete analyses will be
1. Upon completion of work and acceptance by ENGINEER and OWNER, CONTRACTOR
shall be responsible for providing all specified information in as-built binder.
2. CONTRACTOR shall guarantee all parts and labor for minimum period of one (1) year from
date of acceptance.
1. Upon completion of all installation work, CONTRACTOR shall remove all leftover materials
and equipment from site in safe and legal manner.
2. CONTRACTOR shall leave site clean and free of all debris generated from installation of
irrigation well.
3.01 WORK
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services required to complete well pump, control,
electrical power, and operational testing indicated in DRAWINGS and SPECIFICATIONS for
pressure-activated irrigation well pump system.
1. Well shall be pumped at 65 gpm maximum at 110 psi (250 feet of head) dynamic pressure
(Final flow and pressure to be provided by ENGINEER after well construction and testing).
B. Irrigation well pump shall be regulated by variable frequency drive (VFD) controller (see
Specifications Section 32 8420). Pump shall be controlled independently through control panel
located approximately where shown on Drawings. Final locations of control panels shall be as
directed by OWNER and ENGINEER.
C. Submersible well pump motor shall be 10 horsepower (final horsepower to be determined after
Phase A testing).
A. CONTRACTOR shall provide three (3) copies of product SPECIFICATIONS sheets on all
proposed equipment to be installed to OWNER for approval.
B. No work on well system shall commence until all product sheets are received and approved.
C. Product data shall contain size, manufacturer, weight, and description. Equipment to be included,
but not limited to:
1. Submersible Well Pump
2. Submersible Motor
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3. Check Valve
4. Isolation Valve
5. Quick Coupling Valve
6. Pipe and Fittings
7. Liquid Level Sensor Probes
8. Conduit
9. Wire
10. Miscellaneous Materials
A. CONTRACTOR shall obtain in OWNER's name standard written manufacturer's guarantee of all
materials furnished under this Section where such guarantees are offered in manufacturer's
published product data. These guarantees shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, other liabilities
that CONTRACTOR may have by law.
B. In addition to manufacturers’ guarantees, CONTRACTOR shall warranty pump, both parts and
labor for period of one (1) year from date of acceptance by OWNER.
C. Should any problems develop within warranty period because of inferior or faulty materials or
workmanship, they shall be corrected to satisfaction of ENGINEER at no additional expense to
D. Written warranties showing date of completion and period of warranty shall be supplied upon
completion of project.
A. Notify all town departments and/or public utility owners concerned, of time and location of any
work that may affect them. Cooperate and coordinate with them in protection and/or repairs of
any utilities.
B. Provide and install temporary support, adequate protection and maintenance of all structures,
drains, sewers, and other obstructions encountered. Where grade or alignment is obstructed,
obstruction shall be permanently supported, relocated, removed or reconstructed as directed by
2. Submersible well pump shall have submersible turbines and motor. Pump motor shall
operate at 3450 rpm. Pump shall be 480-Volt, 3-Phase, and 4-Wire (with ground). Motor
shall be manufactured by Franklin Electric or approved equal.
3. Submersible well pump shall deliver:
a. 100 psi (230 feet) at pump outlet to discharge pipe (to be verified with manufacturer’s
pump curve)
b. 80 psi (185 feet) of working pressure at pressure transducer at surface
4. For 8-inch wells, 6-inch submersible pump shall be as manufactured by Goulds, Model
65L10, or approved equal. Submersible pump motor shall be as manufactured by Franklin
Electric (10-hp) or approved equal.
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1. Well pump pull and discharge pipes shall be 3-inch, galvanized seamless steel pipe,
minimum Schedule 40, connect to 3-inch submersible pump discharge.
2. Steel pipe shall conform to ASTM A-53, A-106, A-120, and API-5L as manufactured by
U.S. Steel, or approved equal.
1. Check valve shall be installed on vertical pump discharge drop pipe to keep pipe charged
for following irrigation cycle.
2. Check valve shall be specifically constructed for use with Variable Frequency Drive
systems to prevent chattering and maintain full port flow.
3. Check valve body and spring shall be of 316 stainless steel construction.
4. Sealing surface disc shall have resilient Buna-N-Nitrile Rubber.
5. Pressure loss shall not to exceed 3 psi at full discharge capacity.
6. Check valve shall be as manufactured by Flomatic, model 80S6 VFD 316SS, or approved
1. Valve body shall be of cast brass construction with working pressure of 125 psi. Valve seat
disc-plunger body shall be spring loaded so that valve is normally closed under all
conditions when key is not inserted.
2. Top of valve body receiving key shall be equipped with single slot and smooth face to allow
key to open and close valve slowly with one-half turn. Quick coupling valve shall be
equipped with vinyl cover or rust proof metal cover.
3. Valve body shall be such that coupler seal washer may be removed from top for cleaning
or replacement without disassembling any other parts of valve.
4. Quick coupling valve shall be 1½-inch.
5. Keys shall be single lug with 1½-inch male thread and 1-inch female thread at top.
6. CONTRACTOR shall provide two (2) keys for quick couplers and two (2) 1½-inch x 1-inch
swivel-hose ells. Quick coupling valves, keys, and swivels shall be manufactured by Rain
Bird, Hunter, or approved equal.
7. Quick coupling valves to be installed on 1½-inch brass swing joint, minimum 12-inches in
length with Harco model QCV stabilizer (unless stabilizer is an integral part of quick
coupling valve).
8. Brass swing joints are not prefabricated and shall be assembled with three (3) nipples and
minimum three (3) street elbows.
1. Size: 3-Inch, Flared Ends with Curb Stop Key
2. Construction: Brass
3. Ratings: 175 psi Maximum
4. Manufacturer: Mueller, Ford, or Approved Equal.
1. 1-inch Upper Section, 2-inch Lower Section, Length to Match Finish Grade
2. Construction: Cast Iron Base and Lid per ASTM A48, Brass Plug per AWWA C800, Steel
Upper Section
3. Ratings: 300 psi Maximum
4. Features: Arch Pattern, Phosphor Bronze Spring Friction Ring, Plug Style Lid
5. Manufacturer: Ford, EA2-xx-40 style or Approved Equal.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, Project #71011
32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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2. All power wiring from utility pole to control panel disconnect and from control panel to well
head shall be with copper conductors rated not less than 600 VAC and of proper size to
carry full load amperage of motor without exceeding 67% amperage capacity of conductor.
Wire size shall be minimum 10AWG. Wire shall be direct burial cable tray cable, 3-
conductor with ground. Grounding cable sized to National Electric Code requirements shall
be included in liquid-tight container.
3. In-ground wire connections for 480-Volt pump power wire shall be UL Listed, 3M 82A or
approved equal splice kits. All wire splices shall be made in valve boxes or at disconnects.
4. All submersible wires shall be PVC twisted submersible pump cable, 3-conductor with
ground. Wire size shall be minimum AWG10. Wires shall be spliced in watertight, quick
5. Wire shall be manufactured by Centri-Line, Paige Electric Corporation, or approved equal.
6. Cable for pressure transducer shall be proprietary wire by manufacturer, vented and
shielded, with no splicing.
7. All wire paths from control panel to well (Power and Pressure Transducer Cable) shall be
in separate conduit within minimum 18 inches apart.
8. Minimum distance separation between power and sensing wires shall be provided
wherever possible near ground surface to minimize interference.
1. Conduit for wiring beneath non-soil areas shall be PVC, Schedule 40 conduit with solvent-
weld joints, as manufactured by Certainteed, Cresline, JM or equal.
2. Sweep ells shall be standard electrical type PVC Schedule 40 long sweep elbows. Cap
sweep ell with tri-plug with ring for securing nylon pull rope.
3. Conduit for aboveground wiring to control panel or electrical disconnect shall be
galvanized, rigid metallic conduit.
1. Water level controls shall be installed in well to protect pumps from low water. Control unit
shall be installed with VFD control system as part of overall control system. Cutoff shall
open circuit open low water level in well and sensed through pump controller digital input
to shut down pumps until reset.
2. Two probes shall be used (from shallowest to deepest)
a. Low Level Cutoff Probe (Opening Circuit)
b. Reference Probe (Always Submerged)
3. Water level control electrodes shall be 316 Stainless Steel assembled in molded plastic
insulating shielded and suspended in well with submersible suspension wire (length as
required—no splices).
4. Level controls shall be as manufactured by Warrick Conductivity Sensors (Gems), Model
Series 3Y, or approved equal.
5. Low Water Cutoff switch shall be as manufactured by Warrick Conductivity Sensors
(Gems), Series 26N or approved equal.
6. CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient cable length to connect directly to control panel.
7. Well probes shall be wired to pump controller and shall be considered an alarm condition,
which will shut pump off until proper water level recover within well has occurred.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, Project #71011
32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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A. Pump shall be controlled through variable frequency drive and start on drop in pressure. Motor
speed of pump shall vary to maintain constant downstream pressure of 80 psi at pressure
transducer in pump station at surface.
B. After final irrigation zone valve closes, mainline pressure transducer shall sense an increase in
pressure and shut off pump.
C. Well pumps shall be stopped upon low-drawdown level in well as sensed by well level probes
and/or under-current fault. Power shall be cut to pump through cutoff switch—suspending pump
discharge until wells have recovered and cutoff reset.
D. Well pumps shall be stopped upon any other alarm condition specified above.
E. Pressure relief valve shall discharge water to dry well at pressures exceeding 100 psi at surface.
A. Pumps shall be installed in new well per AWWA standards.
B. Install downstream control equipment in valve boxes and polymer handhole as indicated on
C. Install well cap on well casing and hang pump on 2-inch Schedule 40 Steel pipe.
D. Set 7.5-hp pump in well with water inlet 5 feet above final well screen top elevation. Set well level
probes to depths as directed by ENGINEER after Phase A construction.
A. With trencher, excavate straight and true trench 2 inches below pipe invert.
B. Trench Base
1. Pipe shall be laid on undisturbed trench bottom provided suitable base is available:
a. No rocks larger than 1 inch or with sharp edges
b. Otherwise, excavate to 2-inch below pipe invert, install sand or crushed stone base
C. Backfilling
1. First 10 inches
a. No foreign material or debris
b. No rocks larger than 1-inch in diameter
c. No frozen material
d. Carefully place material around pipe and wire and tamp in place
2. Remaining Backfill
a. Placed in maximum 6-inch lifts
b. Tamped to compaction with mechanical equipment
c. Compact backfill in trenches to dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil
d. Match adjacent grades without hills or depressions and repair settling (as required
by 1-Year Guarantee)
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, Project #71011
32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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e. Compaction by truck tires is prohibited
f. Avoid backfilling of pipe in hot weather
D. PVC Pipe Preparation
1. Cut plastic pipe with handsaw or pipe cutter, removing all burrs at cut ends. All pipe cuts
shall be square and true. Bevel cut end as required to conform to manufacturer instructions.
2. Clean spigot ends and/or make all gasket joints as per manufacturer instructions (see
3. Avoid excessive use of lubricant. Do not wipe off any excess lubricant from each
4. Maximum deflection per joint shall not exceed manufacturer limits.
5. Make all solvent-weld joints as per manufacturer instructions and avoid applying excess
primer or solvent. Do not wipe off excess solvent from each connection.
6. Allow welded joints 5 minutes set-up/curing time minimum before moving or handling.
a. Above 80º F: Allow connections to set 24 hours before pulling or applying
b. Below 80º F: Follow manufacturer instructions
c. Provide and install for expansion and contraction as recommended
7. Wire shall run in same trench as mainline and at pipe invert (see Wire Installation)
E. Pipe Cover (over Unpaved Surfaces)
1. PVC Discharge = 24 inches
F. Pipe Protection
1. Prevent foreign material from entering pipe during installation.
2. Open ends of pipe shall be closed by watertight plug or seal when not in use.
3. Securely store pipe when not scheduled for installation.
4. No additional pipe may be installed or backfilled when water enters trench during pipe
installation and may not resume until all water is removed from trench.
5. Pipe shall not be installed when water is in trench, during rainstorms, or when temperature
is below 40º. Pipe installed at temperatures below 40º F shall be removed and replaced at
no cost to OWNER.
6. Pipe shall be snaked in trench to accommodate for expansion and contraction due to
changes in temperature.
G. Coordination and Obstructions
1. Route pipe as necessary to prevent damage to tree roots. Where trenching must occur
near trees, provide proper root pruning and sealing methods to all roots 1-inch and larger.
2. Maintain 6-inch minimum clearance between irrigation lines and lines of other trades. Do
not install sprinkler lines directly above another line of any kind.
3. Maintain 1-inch minimum between lines which cross at angles of 45 to 90 degrees.
4. Exercise care when excavating, trenching and working near existing utilities.
A. Furnish and install valve access box for quick coupling valve, isolation valve, and wire splice.
B. All valve access boxes shall be installed on minimum 4-inch crushed stone base. Finish elevation
of all boxes shall be at grade. All crushed stone to be supplied by CONTRACTOR and installed
before valve box. Crushed stone shall not be poured into previously installed valve boxes.
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Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents
Perkins Eastman DPC, Project #71011
32 8410 Irrigation Well Construction
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A. Electrical wires shall be installed in conduit above and in ground. Sufficient slack for expansion
and contraction shall be maintained. Wiring shall not be installed tightly.
B. Wires and conduits shall have minimum of 24 inches of cover.
C. Electrical service wiring shall be in accordance with all national, state and local codes for 480-
Volt, 3-Phase, and 60-Hz service.
D. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with existing electrical services within the work area.
E. All in-ground and underwater wire connections shall be waterproofed with UL approved splice
F. CONTRACTOR shall provide complete wiring diagram showing wire routing for connections
between pump controller, pressure transducer and panel.
A. Provide and install quick coupling valve immediately downstream of well casing on horizontal
discharge for winterization, where indicated on Drawings.
B. Quick coupling valves to be mounted on 1½-inch brass swing joint with stabilizer.
A. Upon completion of work and acceptance, train OWNER in operation of system (provide
minimum 7 days of written notice in advance of test).
B. Furnish, in addition to Record Drawings and operational manuals, copies of all available
SPECIFICATIONS sheets and catalog sheets to OWNER's personnel responsible for
operation of well pump system.
C. Guarantee all parts and labor for minimum period of one (1) year from date of acceptance.
A. Upon completion of all installation work, remove all leftover materials and equipment from site
in safe and legal manner.
B. Remove all debris resulting from work of this section.