HomeMy WebLinkAbout32-92-30-Sodding-For-Athletic-Fields_Rev_1Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 32 92 30 SODDING FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 1 of 4 Section 32 92 30 SODDING FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. B. Provide all materials, equipment and labor necessary to complete the work as indicated on the drawings or as specified herein. C. The principal work of this section includes, but may not be limited to, the following: 1. Application of sod. 2. Watering of sodded areas. 3. Mowing of sodded areas. 4. Acceptance of sod. 5. Disclaimer. 6. Guarantee. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. 31 00 00- Earth Moving 1.3 REFERENCES A. ASPA (American Sod Producers Association) - Guideline Specifications to Sodding. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Subcontract sodding work to a firm specializing in such work unless contractor is fully experienced and qualified. B. Selected installer/ contractor shall employ a person certified by ASBA in the construction of natural grass athletic fields CFB-N. The contractor shall employ and maintain for the term of the contract an ASBA certified natural turf field builder on staff to ensure quality control in all aspects of a project conducted under this solicitation. Failure of the bidder to meet this requirement in its response will be deemed non-responsive. Credentials shall be submitted prior to beginning any work. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Certifications and/or labels of proposed sod composition stating common and scientific names of grasses, percentages by weight, and percentages of purity and germination. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect all products from weather or other damaging or deteriorating conditions. B. Sod, which has been damaged or has deteriorated in transit or storage are not acceptable. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 32 92 30 SODDING FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 2 of 4 C. Lay sod within 36 hours of harvesting. D. Planting Schedule: Prepare a proposed sodding schedule. Schedule dates for each type of landscape work during normal seasons for such work. Sodding: April 1 - June 15 August 15 – October 31 E. Correlate with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance to date of acceptance. Once the schedule is accepted, revise dates only as approved in writing, after documentation of reasons for delays. 1.7 MAINTENANCE A. Maintenance of sodding to be performed by the installer includes: 1. Watering. 2. Regrading and resodding of eroded areas. 3. Patching sparse or bare areas. 4. Mowing. B. Maintain grass areas immediately after placement until grass is accepted. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOD A. Sod shall be locally grown, and exhibiting a dense mat of uniformly thriving grass and root tillers held tightly together by earth. B. The sod shall be good quality, relatively free of any and all diseases, pests and mineral deficiencies and shall conform to the following blended grass mixture; or approve substitute: Type % by Weight Award Kentucky Bluegrass 25% Sudden Impact Kentucky Bluegrass 25% NU Chicago Kentucky Bluegrass 25% Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass 25% C. Thickness of Cut: Sod shall be machine cut at a uniform soil thickness of 1/2 inch, plus or minus 1/4 inch, at the time of cutting. Measurement for thickness shall exclude top growth and thatch. D. Pad Size: Individual pieces of sod shall be cut to the supplier's standard width and length. Maximum allowable deviation from standard widths and lengths shall be plus or minus ½" on width and plus or minus 5% on length. Pads that are broken, torn, or uneven will not be acceptable. E. Strength of Sod Sections: Standard size sections of sod shall be strong enough to support their own weight and retain their size and shape when suspended vertically from a firm grasp on the upper 10% of the section. Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 32 92 30 SODDING FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 3 of 4 F. Moisture: Sod shall not be harvested or transplanted when moisture content (excessively dry or wet) may adversely affect its survival. G. Mowing Height: Before harvesting, the turf shall be mowed uniformly at a height of 1 to ½ inches. 2.2 SOD ACCESSORIES A. Wood Pegs: Softwood sufficient size and length to ensure anchorage of sod on slope. Pegs must be able to penetrate from top of sod to at least two (2) inches into the subsoil. B. Mesh: Interwoven hexagonal plastic mesh 2" size. 2.3 WATER A. Clean, fresh potable water. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 APPLICATION OF SOD A. Time Limitations: Sod shall be harvested, delivered and installed within a period of 36 hours. Sod not transplanted within this period shall be inspected and approved by the inspecting officer or their representative prior to its installation. B. Moistening the Soil: After all grading has been completed, the soil shall be irrigated within 12-24 hours prior to laying the sod. Sod should not be laid on soil that is dry and powdery. C. Starter Strip: The first row of sod shall be laid in a straight line with subsequent rows placed parallel to and tightly against each other. Lateral joints shall be staggered to promote more uniform growth and strength. Care shall be exercised to insure that the sod is not stretched or overlapped and that all joints are butted tight in order to prevent voids which would cause air drying of the roots. D. Cutting of Sod: The Contractor shall cut the sod to the lines indicated on the plans. E. Sloping Surfaces: On sloping areas, where erosion may be a problem, sod shall be laid across the slope with staggered joints and secured by pegging. 3.2 WATERING OF SODDED AREAS A. The landscape contractor or agreed upon party shall be responsible for watering sod immediately after installation to prevent drying during progress of work. It shall then be thoroughly irrigated to a depth sufficient that the underside of the new sod pad and immediately below the sod are thoroughly wet. The general contractor shall be responsible for having adequate water available at the site prior to and during installation of the sod. B. The contractor shall keep all sodded areas watered and in good condition, resodding if and when necessary for the 10 week final acceptance period as outlined in 3.4 D of this specification. C. During this period, water turf as necessary to maintain an adequate supply of moisture within the root zone. An adequate supply of moisture is the equivalent moisture is the equivalent of one (1") inch of absorbed water per week that is delivered at weekly intervals in the form of Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School January 19, 2021 Dennis Yarmouth Regional School District 100% Construction Documents Perkins Eastman DPC, project #71011 32 92 30 SODDING FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 4 of 4 natural rain or is augmented as required by periodic watering. 3.3 MOWING OF SODDED AREAS A. The contractor shall keep all sodded areas maintained in an approved condition for the 10 week final acceptance period, including mowing as outlined in 3.4 D. of this specification. B. Grass height of sodded areas shall be maintained between 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 inches unless otherwise specified. Not more than 1/3 of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial cutting or subsequent cuttings. 3.4 ACCEPTANCE OF SOD A. Provisional approval of the installed sod shall be within 14 days of completion of if sod has begun to take root. B. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to keep records of the date(s) of installation of the Area(s) of sod and to notify the landscape architect upon completion of the 14 day period(s). C. Provisional approval will not be granted until contractor has obtained a written statement from the landscape architect indicating that sod is satisfactory. D. Final acceptance will not be given for a minimum of 10 weeks after provisional approval, during a growing season as outlined in 1.6 D of this specification, and only upon written statement from landscape architect verifying that sod is satisfactory. 3.5 DISCLAIMER A. The landscape contractor shall not be held liable for damages incurred to sod caused by deicing compounds, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicide or other material not applied by him or under his supervision nor for those caused by act of God or vandalism. 3.6 GUARANTEE A. The Contractor shall guarantee work covered by this specification to the extent that all transplanted turfgrass sod shall be uniform in color, leaf texture and shoot density, and be reasonably free of visible imperfections at acceptance. END OF SECTION32 92 30