HomeMy WebLinkAboutDYIMS PE Site report 20210714 Architect: Perkins Eastman DPC Distribution: Commodore PMA Consultants Sandra Cashen Mark Grylls File ARCHITECT’S SITE OBSERVATION REPORT DATE OF VISIT: 07/14/2021 PROJECT: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School 286 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, MA 02664 DATE OF ISSUE: 07/15/2021 PROJECT NO: 71011 WEATHER CONDITIONS: overcast, 70s ARCHITECT: Perkins Eastman, DPC 20 Ashburton Street 8th floor Boston, MA The purpose of the Site Observation Report is to record general observations of the work in progress at the time of the Architect’s visit. WORK IN PROGRESS: 1) Ongoing work on underground infiltration structures 2) Setting of electrical, telephone, and communications handholes 3) Installation of Vibratory stone columns 4) Excavation and subgrade prep for for footings and foundation walls 5) Preparing forms and setting rebar for footings, walls, and piers 6) Ongoing work by survey crew on layout (by Brennan) FIELD OBSERVATIONS: PE visited the site to review ongoing progress with the site work and foundations. 1) The water line is in from Station Ave. up to the hydrant. (Per Commodore, the tap into the street main is scheduled to be done next week.) 2) RBO was in the process of setting three electrical, telephone, and communications handholes near the site entry gate (consistent with detail 10/E0/04). 3) CNC was in the process of installing VSCs at the east side of Area C (per the attached report from GPI, 4) At various times on Wednesday RBO was excavating and preparing the subgrade and base for the footing line along column D.1 (west side of area D), as well as along line D on the south side, and commencing work at the west link connecting from D back toward Area C. [According to the attached GPI field report for 7-04, by end of day the footing lines were prepared up to D.5/ii [which is in the link, i.e. area C.] 5) Marguerite is footing setting forms and rebar for interior footings, as well as footings along column line D.24 (at east side of area D). Marguerite has completed the wall rebar setting and the forms for about 70’ of foundation wall at the western end of Line A, from approximately column line D2 to D9, and is ready for the first wall pour, scheduled for 7-15 in the morning. 6) Approximately two thirds of the interior column footings for Area D have been either formed or are formed and poured (see photo) 7) Installation of the retention and infiltration structures by RBO is ongoing at UGI-1 at the main parking area (see photo). 8) At the east access road, According to Commodore, on 7/14 RBO was working on mudding in the inlet pipes at UGI #6 and according to Commodore both of the primary underground infiltration structures at the east roac (UGI #6 and UGI #7) were ready by the end of the day. 9) RBO is in the process of backfilling at the UGIs and preparing the subgrade at the east access road for the installation of gravel. 10) Brennan’s survey crew was onsite doing ongoing work on layout for VSCs and foundation walls/footings. REPORT BY: ABH Page 2 of 3 PROGRESS PHOTOS ELECTRICAL, TELEPHONE & COMM. HANDHOLES SET SETTING CULTEC STRUCTURES AT UGI NO. 1 FOUNDATION WORK AT AREA D LOOKING EAST FOUNDATION WORK AT AREA D LOOKING WEST REPORT BY: ABH Page 3 of 3 SETTING RE-BAR AT PIER A/D21 FOOTING LINE ALONG A FROM D19 – D25 PREPEARD FORMS & REBAR AT FOOTING C/D16 INTERIOR FOOTINGS / FOOTING PREP AT D.18-D.21 FOOTING FORMS AND REBAR AT CORNER D/D24 INSTALLATION OF VSCs AT EAST END OF AREA C FOOTING LINE PREP BY RBO AT D.1/JJ WALL FORMWORK NEAR A/D.1 (w/ BOX-OUT FOR BRICK SHELF)    Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/7/21, SUNNY, MID 80’S                                                                                                              Caseyville, Il 62232                   _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Wednesday, July 7th, 2021: VSC PIER # PROPOSED DEPTH INSTALLED DEPTH STONE TAKE Cu.Yds. COMMENTS  3144 9 9 1.0 Routine  3145 6 6 .7 Routine  3146 6 6 .7 Routine  3147 6 6 .7 Routine  3148 6 6 .7 Routine  3149 6 6 .7 Routine  3150 6 6 .7 Routine  3151 6 6 .7 Routine  3152 6 6 .7 Routine  3190 9 9 1.0 Routine  3191 9 9 1.0 Routine  3192 6 6 .7 Routine  3113 6 6 .7 Routine  3194 11 11 1.2 Routine  3195 11 11 1.2 Routine  3196 11 11 1.2 Routine  3197 6 6 .7 Routine  3198 6 6 .7 Routine  3199 6 6 .7 Routine  3200 11 11 1.2 Routine  3201 11 11 1.2 Routine  3202 11 11 1.1 Routine  3203 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/7/21, SUNNY, MID 80’S                                                                                                              Caseyville, Il 62232                   _________________________________________________________________________________________________  3204 6 6 .7 Routine  3205 11 11 1.1 Routine  3206 11 11 1.1 Routine  3207 11 11 1.1 Routine  3208 6 6 .7 Routine  3209 6 6 .7 Routine  3210 9 9 1.0 Routine  3211* 9 9 1.0 Routine  3212 14 14 1.5 Routine  3213 14 14 1.5 Routine  3214 14 14 1.5 Routine  3215 14 14 1.5 Routine  3216 14 14 1.5 Routine  3217 6 6 .7 Routine  3218 6 6 .7 Routine  3219 11 11 1.0 Routine  3220 11 11 1.0 Routine  3221 11 11 1.1 Routine  3222 6 6 .7 Routine  3223 6 6 .7 Routine  3224 9 9 1.0 Routine  3225 9 9 1.0 Routine  3226 9 9 1.0 Routine  3032 9 9 1.0 Routine  3008 10 10 1.0 Routine  3020 10 10 1.0 Routine  3019 10 10 1.0 Routine  3031 10 10 1.0 Routine  3021 6 6 .7 Routine  3022 6 6 .7 Routine  3023 10 10 1.0 Routine  3024 10 10 1.0 Routine  3012 10 10 1.0 Routine  3033 6 6 .7 Routine  3034 6 6 .7 Routine  3035 9 9 1.0 Routine  3036 9 9 1.0 Routine  3062 6 6 .7 Routine  3061 9 9 1.0 Routine  3060 9 9 1.0 Routine  3100 6 6 .7 Routine  3063 11 11 1.1 Routine  3064 11 11 1.1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/7/21, SUNNY, MID 80’S                                                                                                              Caseyville, Il 62232                   _________________________________________________________________________________________________  3065 11 11 1.1 Routine  3101 6 6 .7 Routine  3066 9 9 1.0 Routine  3102 6 6 .7 Routine  3067 9 9 1.0 Routine  3103 6 6 .7 Routine  3068 9 9 1.0 Routine  3069 9 9 1.0 Routine  3070 9 9 1.0 Routine  3071 9 9 1.0 Routine  3104 6 6 .75 Routine  3072 9 9 1.0 Routine  3105 6 6 .7 Routine  3073 9 9 1.0 Routine  3074** 9 9 1.0 Routine  3075 9 9 1.0 Routine  3076 9 9 1.0 Routine  3106 6 6 .7 Routine  3077 9 9 1.0 Routine  3107 6 6 .7 Routine  3040 9 9 1.0 Routine  3039 9 9 1.0 Routine  3037 9 9 1.0 Routine  3038 9 9 1.0 Routine  3026 9 9 1.0 Routine  3025 9 9 1.0 Routine  3013 9 9 1.0 Routine  3014 9 9 1.0 Routine  3002 9 9 1.0 Routine  3003 6 6 .7 Routine                 3004  6 6 .7 Routine  3006 9 9 1.0 Routine  3015 6 6 .7 Routine  3016 6 6 .7 Routine  3018 9 9 1.0 Routine  3017 9 9 1.0 Routine  3027 6 6 .7 Routine  3028 6 6 .7 Routine  3029 9 9 1.0 Routine  3030 9 9 1.0 Routine  3043 9 9 1.0 Routine  3042 9 9 1.0 Routine  3041 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/7/21, SUNNY, MID 80’S                                                                                                              Caseyville, Il 62232                   _________________________________________________________________________________________________  3044 9 9 1.0 Routine  3078 9 9 1.0 Routine  3079 9 9 1.0 Routine  3080 14 14 1.5 Routine  3081 14 14 1.5 Routine  3082 14 14 1.5 Routine  3083 14 14 1.5 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 1/16” – Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” – Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 116  Total Production Piers to date = 813    FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Wednesday, July 7th,2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.           Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/7/21, SUNNY, MID 80’S                                                                                                              Caseyville, Il 62232                   _________________________________________________________________________________________________  THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  C.8/d24.8‐D/d24.8 D/d24 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  B/d25‐B/d15 B/d23 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  B/d25‐B/d15 B/d21 F 9.0 22.7 Complete  B/d25‐B/d15 B/d19 F 7.0 22.7 Complete  B/d25‐B/d15 B/d17 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  B/d25‐B/d15 B/d15 F 7.0 23.0 Complete    See Photos:            Installing Pier # 3034           Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/7/21, SUNNY, MID 80’S                                                                                                              Caseyville, Il 62232                   _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Excavating Footing B/d23 – note revealed piers      Final Crushed Stone grading and compaction Footing B/d23     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/8/21, OVERCAST MID 70’S                                                                                                           Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Thursday, July 8th, 2021: VSC PIER # PROPOSED DEPTH INSTALLED DEPTH STONE TAKE Cu.Yds. COMMENTS  3108 6 6 .7 Routine  3084 9 9 1 Routine  3085 9 9 1 Routine  3109 6 6 .7 Routine  3086 9 9 1 Routine  3087 11 11 1.1 Routine  3088 11 11 1.2 Routine  3089 11 11 1.2 Routine  3110 6 6 .7 Routine  3090 9 9 1 Routine  3091 9 9 1 Routine  3111 6 6 .7 Routine  3112 6 6 .7 Routine  3092 9 9 1 Routine  3093 9 9 1 Routine  3093 9 9 1 Routine  3094 9 9 1 Routine  3143 9 9 1 Routine  3142 9 9 1 Routine  3172 9 9 1 Routine  3173 9 9 1 Routine  3174 9 9 1 Routine  3175 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/8/21, OVERCAST MID 70’S                                                                                                           Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  3176 6 6 .7 Routine  3177 6 6 .7 Routine  3178 11 11 1.2 Routine  3179* 11 11 1.2 Routine  3180 11 11 1.2 Routine  3181 6 6 .7 Routine  3182 6 6 .7 Routine  3183 6 6 .7 Routine  3184 14 14 1.5 Routine  3185 14 14 1.5 Routine  3186 14 14 1.5 Routine  3187 14 14 1.5 Routine  3180 14 14 1.5 Routine  3189 6 6 .7 Routine  3121 6 6 .7 Routine  3122 6 6 .7 Routine  3123 6 6 .7 Routine  3153 6 6 .7 Routine  3154 6 6 .75 Routine  3124 6 6 .75 Routine  3155 6 6 .75 Routine  3125 6 6 .75 Routine  3126 6 6 .75 Routine  3157 6 6 .75 Routine  3127 6 6 .75 Routine  3158 6 6 .75 Routine  3128** 6 6 ,75 Routine  3159 6 6 .75 Routine  3129 6 6 .75 Routine  3160 6 6 .75 Routine  3130 6 6 .75 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = < 1/8” – Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” – Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 54  Total Production Piers to date = 867         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/8/21, OVERCAST MID 70’S                                                                                                           Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________      FOOTING PREPARATION:       THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Thursday, July 8th,2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.      THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  B/d4 – B/d11 B/d11 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  B/d4 – B/d11 B/d8 F 8.0 22.9 Complete  B/d4 – B/d11 B/d6 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  B/d4 – B/d11 B/d4 F 8.0 22.9 Complete      SEE PHOTOS:         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/8/21, OVERCAST MID 70’S                                                                                                           Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Grading and compacting adjacent F7.0 & F8.0 Footings along B Line (typical)                                                       Placine Crushed Stone upon subgrade, F 7.0 Footing on B Line (typical)     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/9/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Friday, July 9th, 2021: VSC PIER # PROPOSED DEPTH INSTALLED DEPTH STONE TAKE Cu.Yds. COMMENTS  3161 6 6 .75 Routine  3131 6 6 .75 Routine  3162 6 6 .75 Routine  3132 6 6 .75 Routine  3163 6 6 .75 Routine  3133 6 6 .75 Routine  3164 6 6 .75 Routine  3134 6 6 .75 Routine  3165 6 6 .75 Routine  3135 6 6 .75 Routine  3166 6 6 .75 Routine  3136 6 6 .75 Routine  3167 6 6 .75 Routine  3137 6 6 .75 Routine  3168 6 6 .75 Routine  3138 6 6 .75 Routine  3169* 6 6 .75 Routine  3139 6 6 .75 Routine  3170 6 6 .75 Routine  3140 6 6 .75 Routine  3171 6 6 .7 Routine  3141 6 6 .7 Routine  2002 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/9/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2001 9 9 1   Routine  2003 9 9 1 Routine  2004 9 9 1 Routine  2009 9 9 1 Routine  2008 9 9 1 Routine  2006 9 9 1 Routine  2007 6 6 .7 Routine  2005 9 9 1 Routine  2013 9 9 1 Routine  2022 6 6 .7 Routine  2014 9 9 1 Routine  2024 9 9 1 Routine  2023 9 9 1 Routine  2020 9 9 1 Routine  2021 9 9 1 Routine  2048 6 8 1 Routine  2047 9 9 1 Routine  2046 9 9 1 Routine  2065 9 9 1 Routine  2066 6 6 .72 Routine  2115 9 9 1 Routine  2116 6 6 .7 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 3/8” – Acceptable  Note: One test performed today due to breakdown.      Total Production Piers this day = 45  Total Production Piers to date = 912                 Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/9/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  FOOTING PREPARATION:       THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Friday, July 9th, 2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.      THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  C / d3 – C / d8 C / d3 F 8.0 22.8 Complete  C / d3 – C / d8 C / d5 F 9.0 22.7 Complete  C / d3 – C / d8 C / d8 F 6.0 23.2 Complete          See Photos:         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/9/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________        Excavating to Subgrade Footing # C / d3    Grading Crushed Stone Footing # C / d5     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/10/21, Overcast, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                         Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Saturday, July 10th, 2021: VSC PIER # PROPOSED DEPTH INSTALLED DEPTH STONE TAKE Cu.Yds. COMMENTS  2114 9 9 1 Routine  2144 6 6 .7 Routine  2050 9 9 1 Routine  2049 9 9 1 Routine  2068 9 9 1 Routine  2067 9 9 1 Routine  2147 10 10 1 Routine  2145 6 6 .7 Routine  2146* 10 10 1 Routine  2118 9 9 1 Routine  2117 9 9 1 Routine  2025 10 10 1 Routine  2026 10 10 1 Routine  2027 10 10 1 Routine  2028 9 9 1 Routine  2029 9 9 1 Routine  2030 10 10 1 Routine  2031 10 10 1 Routine  2032 10 10 1 Routine  2033 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/10/21, Overcast, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                         Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2034 9 9 1 Routine  2035 10 10 1 Routine  2036 10 10 1 Routine  2037 10 10 1 Routine  2038 9 9 1 Routine  2039 9 9 1 Routine  2040 10 10 1 Routine  2041 10 10 1 Routine  2042** 9 9 1 Routine  2043 9 9 1 Routine  2061 10 10 1 Routine  2069 9 9 1 Routine  2070 9 9 1 Routine  2071 9 9 1 Routine  2072 9 9 1 Routine  2073 9 9 1 Routine  2074 9 9 1 Routine  2075 9 9 1 Routine  2076 9 9 1 Routine  2077 9 9 1 Routine  2078 9 9 1 Routine  2079 9 9 1 Routine  2080 9 9 1 Routine  2081 9 9 1 Routine  2082 9 9 1 Routine  2083 9 9 1 Routine  2084 9 9 1 Routine  2085 10 10 1 Routine  2086 10 10 .7 Routine  2060 10 10 1 Routine  2148 6 6 .7 Routine  2149 6 6 .7 Routine  2150 6 6 .75 Routine  2151 6 6 .75 Routine  2152 6 6 .75 Routine  2153 6 6 .75 Routine  2154 6 6 .75 Routine  2155 6 6 .75 Routine  2156 6 6 .75 Routine  2157 6 6 .75 Routine  2127 6 6 .7 Routine  2129 9 9 1 Routine  2158 10 10 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/10/21, Overcast, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                         Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2159 10 10 1 Routine  2130 9 9 1 Routine  2119 6 6 .75 Routine  2120 6 6 .75 Routine  2121 6 6 .75 Routine  2122 6 6 .75 Routine  2123 6 6 .75 Routine  2124 6 6 .75 Routine  2125 6 6 .75 Routine  2126 6 6 .75 Routine  2128 6 6 .75 Routine  2051 6 6 .75 Routine  2052 6 6 .75 Routine  2053 6 6 .75 Routine  2054 6 6 .75 Routine  2055 6 6 .75 Routine  2056 6 6 .75 Routine  2057 6 6 .7 Routine  2058 6 6 .7 Routine  2059 6 6 .7 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” – Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement = 3/8” – Acceptable         Total Production Piers this day = 83  Total Production Piers to date = 995      NO FOOTING PREPARATION THIS DATE      See Photos:       Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/10/21, Overcast, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                         Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Pier # 2117 – Mandrel at design depth                            Pier # 2117 – Filling hopper with Crushed Stone     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/12/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Monday, July 12th, 2021: VSC PIER # PROPOSED DEPTH INSTALLED DEPTH STONE TAKE Cu.Yds. COMMENTS  2011 6 6 .7 Routine  2012 9 9 1 Routine  2010 9 9 1 Routine  2019 9 9 1 Routine  2018 9 9 1 Routine  2016 9 9 1 Routine  2015 9 9 1 Routine  2017 6 6 .7 Routine  2044 9 9 1 Routine  2045 9 9 1 Routine  2063 6 6 .72 Routine  3001 9 9 1 Routine  2064 9 9 1 Routine  2062 9 9 1 Routine  2089 14 14 1.5 Routine  2091 6 6 .7 Routine  2092 9 9 1 Routine  2088 14 14 1.5 Routine  2087 14 14 1.5 Routine  2090 14 14 1.5 Routine  2093 9 9 1 Routine  2094 9 9 1 Routine  2095 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/12/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2096 9 9 1 Routine  2097 9 9 1 Routine  2098 11 11 1.2 Routine  2099 11 11 1.2 Routine  2100 11 11 1.2 Routine  2101 9 9 1 Routine  2102 9 9 1 Routine  2103 9 9 1 Routine  2104A* 9 9 1 Routine  2105 9 9 1 Routine  2106 9 9 1 Routine  2107 9 9 1 Routine  2108 9 9 1 Routine  2109 9 9 1 Routine  2110 9 9 1 Routine  2111 9 9 1 Routine  2112 9 9 1 Routine  2113 9 9 1 Routine  2131 6 6 .7 Routine  2160 6 6 .7 Routine  2132 6 6 .7 Routine  2161 6 6 .7 Routine  2133 6 6 .7 Routine  2162 6 6 .7 Routine  2163 6 6 .7 Routine  2135 6 6 .7 Routine  2164 6 6 .7 Routine  2134 6 6 .7 Routine  2165 6 6 .7 Routine  2136 6 6 .7 Routine  2166 6 6 .7 Routine  2137 6 6 .7 Routine  2167 6 6 .7 Routine  2138 6 6 .7 Routine  2168 6 6 .7 Routine  2139 6 6 .7 Routine  2169 6 6 .7 Routine  2140 6 6 .7 Routine  2170** 6 6 .7 Routine  2141 6 6 .7 Routine  2171 6 6 .7 Routine  2142 6 6 .7 Routine  2172 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/12/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2143 6 6 .7 Routine  2173 6 6 .7 Routine  2174 6 6 .7 Routine  2175 10 10 1 Routine  2176 6 6 .7 Routine  2177 6 6 .7 Routine  2178 6 6 .7 Routine  2179 6 6 .7 Routine  2180 6 6 .7 Routine  2181 6 6 .7 Routine  2182 6 6 .7 Routine  2183 6 6 .7 Routine  2184 6 6 .7 Routine  2185 6 6 .7 Routine  2186 10 10 1 Routine  2235 6 6 .7 Routine  2236 9 9 1 Routine  2237 9 9 1 Routine  2187 14 14 1.5 Routine  2188 14 14 1.5 Routine  2239 6 6 .7 Routine  2190 14 14 1.5 Routine  2189 14 14 1.5 Routine  2240 6 6 .7 Routine  2191 6 6 .7 Routine  2241 6 6 .7 Routine  2192 11 11 1.1 Routine  2193 11 11 1.2 Routine  2194 11 11 1.2 Routine  2242 6 6 .7 Routine  2195 6 6 .7 Routine  2243 6 6 .7 Routine  2196 6 6 .7 Routine  2197 14 14 1.5 Routine  2198 14 14 1.5 Routine  2244 6 6 .7 Routine  2199 14 14 1.5 Routine  2200 14 14 1.5 Routine  2245 6 6 .7 Routine  2201 6 6 .7 Routine         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/12/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  * Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” – Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement = <1/8” ‐ Acceptable  Total Production Piers this day = 106  Total Production Piers to date = 1018    FOOTING PREPARATION:       THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Monday, July 12th, 2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.  THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  C/d10 – C/d22 C/d10 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  C/d10 – C/d22 C/d14 F 8.0 22.9 Complete  C/d10 – C/d22 C/d16 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  C/d10 – C/d22 C/d18 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  C/d10 – C/d22 C/d20 F 9.0 22.7 Complete  C/d10 – C/d22 C/d22 F 8.0 22.9 Complete  D/d24 – D/d22 D/d22 F 7.9 23.0 Complete         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/12/21, RAIN, Mid – 70’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  See Photos:    Preparing Subgrade moving Westerly along D Line from D/d23      Excavating to Subgrade, revealing Piers at Footing # D/d22     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/13/21, Overcast – Low 70’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Tuesday, July 13th, 2021: VSC PIER # PROPOSED DEPTH INSTALLED DEPTH STONE TAKE Cu.Yds. COMMENTS  2246 6 6 .7 Routine  2202 6 6 .7 Routine  2203 11 11 1 Routine  2204 11 11 1 Routine  2205* 11 11 1 Routine  2247 6 6 .7 Routine  2206 6 6 .7 Routine  2248 6 6 .7 Routine  2207 11 11 1 Routine  2208 11 11 1 Routine  2209 11 11 1 Routine  2249 6 6 .7 Routine  2210 6 6 .7 Routine  2250 6 6 .7 Routine  2211 11 11 1 Routine  2212 11 11 1 Routine  2213 11 11 1 Routine  2251 6 6 .7 Routine  2215 14 14 1.5 Routine  2214 14 14 1.5 Routine  2216 14 14 1.5 Routine  2217 14 14 1.5 Routine  2218 14 14 1.5 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/13/21, Overcast – Low 70’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2219 14 14 1.5 Routine  2252 6 6 .7 Routine  2220 6 6 .7 Routine  2221 9 9 1 Routine  2255 10 10 1 Routine  2222 9 9 1 Routine  2223 11 11 1 Routine  2224 11 11 1 Routine  2225 11 11 1 Routine  2226 6 6 .7 Routine  2253 6 6 .7 Routine  2254 10 10 1 Routine  2256 6 6 .7 Routine  2257 6 6 .7 Routine  2227 6 6 .7 Routine  2258 6 6 .7 Routine  2228 6 6 .7 Routine  2259 6 6 .7 Routine  2229 6 6 .7 Routine  2260 6 6 .7 Routine  2230 6 6 .7 Routine  2261 6 6 .7 Routine  2231 6 6 .7 Routine  2262 6 6 .7 Routine  2232 6 6 .7 Routine  2263 6 6 .7 Routine  2233 6 6 .7 Routine  2264 6 6 .7 Routine  2234 6 6 .7 Routine  2265 6 6 .7 Routine  2238 10 10  1 Routine  2266 10 10 1 Routine  2268 9 9 1 Routine  2267 9 9 1 Routine  2297 6 6 .7 Routine  2298 10 10 1 Routine  2269 6 6 .7 Routine  2299   6 6 .7 Routine  2300 6 6 .7 Routine  2270 6 6 .7 Routine  2301 14 14 1.5 Routine  2302 14 14 1.5 Routine  2303 14 14 1.5 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/13/21, Overcast – Low 70’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2304** 14 14 1.5 Routine  2271 6 6 .7 Routine  2305 6 6 .7 Routine  2272 6 6 .7 Routine  2306 6 6 .7 Routine  2273 6 6 .7 Routine  2307 9 9 1 Routine  2308 9 9 1 Routine  2274 6 6 .7 Routine  2309 6 6 .7 Routine  2310 14 14 1.5 Routine  2311 14 14 1.5 Routine  2312 14 14 1.5 Routine  2313 14 14 1.5 Routine  2275 6 6 .7 Routine  2276 6 6 .7 Routine  2314 6 6 .7 Routine  2315 6 6 .7 Routine  2277 6 6 .7 Routine  2316 6 6 .7 Routine  2278 6 6 .7 Routine  2317 6 6 .7 Routine  2279 6 6 .7 Routine  2318 6 6 .7 Routine  2280 6 6 .7 Routine  2319 6 6 .7 Routine  2281 6 6 .7 Routine  2320 6 6 .7 Routine  2282 6 6 .7 Routine  2283 14 14 1.5 Routine  2284 14 14 1.5 Routine  2285 14 14 1.5 Routine  2286 14 14 1.5 Routine  2287 14 14 1.5 Routine  2288 6 6 .7 Routine  2289 6 6 .7 Routine  2290 6 6 .7 Routine  2291 6 6 .7 Routine  2292 6 6 .7 Routine  2293 6 6 .7 Routine  2294 6 6 .7 Routine  2295 6 6 .7 Routine  2296 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/13/21, Overcast – Low 70’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________    * Performance Test, Movement = ¼” Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” Acceptable  Total Production Piers this day = 109  Total Production Piers to date = 1127    FOOTING PREPARATION:       THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Tuesday, July 13th, 2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.  THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  A/d2 – B.4/d2    A.5 / d2 F 35.7 x 5.0 22.7 Complete  A/d2 – B.4/d2    B.4 / d2 F 4.0 23.2 Complete  C/d1 – D/d1 C / d1 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  C/d1 – D/d1 D / d1 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  D/d1 – D/d3 D / d3 F 7.0 23.0 Complete         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/14/21, Overcast – Low 80’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Wednesday, July14th, 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  2336 6 6 .7 Routine  2373 6 6 .7 Routine  2374 6 6 .7 Routine  2337 6 6 .7 Routine  2338 6 6 .7 Routine  2375 11 11 1.1 Routine  2376 11 11 1.2 Routine  2377 11 11 1.1 Routine  2378 6 6 .7 Routine  2339 6 6 .7 Routine  2379 6 6 .7 Routine  2340 6 6 .7 Routine  2380 6 6 .7 Routine  2341 6 6 .7 Routine  2380 6 6 .7 Routine  2381 6 6 .7 Routine  2382 6 6 .7 Routine  2342 6 6 .7 Routine  2343 9 9 1 Routine  2344 9 9 1 Routine  2383 6 6 .7 Routine  2345 14 14 1.5 Routine  2346 14 14 1.5 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/14/21, Overcast – Low 80’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2347* 14 14 1.5 Routine  2348 14 14 1.5 Routine  2349 14 14 1.5 Routine  2350 14 14 1.5 Routine  2351 14 14 1.5 Routine  2352 14 14 1.5 Routine  2353 14 14 1.5 Routine  2354 14 14 1.5 Routine  2355 14 14 1.5 Routine  2356 6 6 .7 Routine  2357 6 6 .7 Routine  2321 6 6 .7 Routine  2322 10 10 1 Routine  2358 6 6 .7 Routine  2360 10 10 1 Routine  2361 6 6 .7 Routine  2323 6 6 .7 Routine  2362 6 6 .7 Routine  2324 6 6 .7 Routine  2363 6 6 .7 Routine  2325 6 6 .7 Routine  2364 6 6 .7 Routine  2326 6 6 .7 Routine  2365 6 6 .7 Routine  2327 6 6 .7 Routine  2366 6 6 .7 Routine  2328 6 6 .7 Routine  2367 6 6 .7 Routine  2329 6 6 .7 Routine  2368 6 6 .7 Routine  2330 6 6 .7 Routine  2369 6 6 .7 Routine  2331 6 6 .7 Routine  2370 6 6 .7 Routine  2332 6 6 .7 Routine  2333 10 10 1 Routine  2335 9 9 1 Routine  2334 9 9 1 Routine  2371 10 10 1 Routine  2372 10 10 1 Routine  2405 9 9 1 Routine  2404 9 9 1 Routine  2403 6 9 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/14/21, Overcast – Low 80’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2440 10 10 1 Routine  2439 6 6 .7 Routine  2441 10 10 1 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 1/8”, Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 69  Total Production Piers to date = 1196  FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Wednesday, July 14th, 2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.  THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  D/d3‐D/d10 D/d5 F9.0 22.7 Complete  D.1/ii‐D.1jj D.1/ii F9.0 22.7 Complete  D/d3‐D/d10 D/d10 F6.0 23.2 Compete  D.1/ii‐D.1/jj D.1/jj F6.0 23.2 Complete  D/d3‐D/d10 D/d9 F5.0 23.2 Complete  D.5/ii D.5/ii F5.0 21.2 Complete‐Area C    See Photos:       Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/14/21, Overcast – Low 80’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________       Excavating Footing # D/d5                  Compacting Subgrade Footing # D/d5     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/14/21, Overcast – Low 80’s                                                                                                          Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________        Placing Crushed Stone upon Subgrade Footing # D/d5                                                                                                                           Compacting Crushed Stone Footing # D/d5