HomeMy WebLinkAboutDYIMS PE Site report 20210722 Architect: Perkins Eastman DPC Distribution: Commodore PMA Consultants Sandra Cashen Mark Grylls File ARCHITECT’S SITE OBSERVATION REPORT DATE OF VISIT: 07/22/2021 PROJECT: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School 286 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, MA 02664 DATE OF ISSUE: 07/23/2021 PROJECT NO: 71011 WEATHER CONDITIONS: SUNNY, 70s ARCHITECT: Perkins Eastman, DPC 20 Ashburton Street 8th floor Boston, MA The purpose of the Site Observation Report is to record general observations of the work in progress at the time of the Architect’s visit. WORK IN PROGRESS: 1) Ongoing work on installation of vibratory stone columns 2) Excavation for sanitary manholes 3) Excavation and subgrade prep for foundation walls and piers at Area C 4) Preparing forms and setting rebar for footings, walls, and piers at Area D 5) Ongoing layout work by survey crew on layout 6) Road grading and general site prep at parking area 7) Topsoil Stripping at future Station Avenue soccer field FIELD OBSERVATIONS: PE visited the site to review ongoing progress with the site work and foundations. 1) RBO was in the process of excavation for grease trap and manhole for sanitary line east of column line 2) CNC was in the process of installing VSCs at the east side of Area B, with the intention of finishing all but the last 300 or so during this week. 3) RBO has prepared the footing line along column lines C1/C2 as well as along column line E, where footing formwork has been started. 4) At various times on Thursday RBO was excavating and preparing the subgrade and base for the footing line along column line H (south side of area C), as well as interior footings at Area C, and commencing work at the west link connecting from C back toward Area B. 5) Marguerite is installing rebar along line D and at adjacent interior piers for a pier and wall pour scheduled for next week, as well as setting forms and rebar for footings along column line E (at north side of area C) as well as interior footings in area C. 6) Marguerite was also stripping wall forms from the walls placed on 7-19 on the north east side of Area D. All of the interior column footings for Area D have been either been placed or are formed and prepared for placement. According to Ryan DiRico of Commodore, the plan is to complete foundations for Area D at the end of the month. 7) RBO has infilled at UGI-1 at the main parking area and is working on sugrade. Infill is also complete at UGI 6 and UGI 7. (see photo) 8) Commodore said that they are in the process of installing controls for anchor bolts at each pier in Area D 9) Brennan’s survey crew was onsite doing ongoing work on layout for VSCs and foundation walls/footings. 10) Commodore stated that next Friday they are planning on having some trees removed as necessitated by the correction of the limit of work fence along the west edge of the site. PE asked Commodore to preserve if possible the substantial oak tree that is immediately behind the abutting property at 19 Heywood Avenue. REPORT BY: ABH Page 2 of 3 PROGRESS PHOTOS EXCAVATION FOR GREASE TRAP AND MANHOLES INFILL AND GRADING ABOVE UGI NO. 1 STRIPPING FOUNDATION WALLS PLACED ON 7-19 TYING REBAR FOR WALL / PIER PLACEMENT ON LINE D FOOTING FORMS ON COLUMN LINE E (AREA C NORTH) PLACED FOOTINGS AND FORMS AT D-C ‘LINK’ REPORT BY: ABH Page 3 of 3 TYING PIER REBAR INTERIOR FOOTINGS ON LINE B (AREA D NE) FORMWORK FOR WALL PLACEMENT ON LINES D.2/D.1 FOOTING FORMS AND REBAR AT D/D12    Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/15/21, Partly Cloudy – Low 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Thursday, July 15th, 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  2407 14 14 1.5 Routine  2410 14 14 1.5 Routine  2498 14 14 1.5 Routine  2406 14 14 1.5 Routine  2409 14 14 1.5 Routine  2411 6 6 .7 Routine  2412 6 6 .7 Routine  2413 6 6 .7 Routine  2414 6 6 .7 Routine  2415 9 9 1 Routine  2416 14 14 1.5 Routine  2418 14 14 1.5 Routine  2417 14 14 1.5 Routine  2420 14 14 1.5 Routine  2419 14 14 1.5 Routine  2421 14 14 1.5 Routine  2422 6 6 .7 Routine  2448 6 6 .7 Routine  2449 9 9 1 Routine  2450 9 9 1 Routine  2423 6 6 .7 Routine  2451 14 14 14 Routine  2453 14 14 14 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/15/21, Partly Cloudy – Low 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2452 14 14 1.5 Routine  2455* 14 14 1.5 Routine  2454 14 14 1.5 Routine  2456 14 14 1.5 Routine  2424 6 6 .7 Routine  2384 6 6 .7 Routine  2425 6 6 .7 Routine  2385 6 6 .7 Routine  2426 6 6 .7 Routine  2386 6 6 .7 Routine  2427 6 6 .7 Routine  2387 6 6 .7 Routine  2428 6 6 .7 Routine  2388** 6 6 .7 Routine  2429 6 6 .7 Routine  2389 14 14 1.5 Routine  2390 14 14 1.5 Routine  2391 14 14 1.5 Routine  2359 10 10 1 Routine  2392 14 14 1.5 Routine  2393 14 14 1.5 Routine  2430 6 6 .7 Routine  2394 6 6 .7 Routine  2431 6 6 .7 Routine  2395 6 6 .7 Routine  2432 6 6 .7 Routine  2396 6 6 .7 Routine  2433 6 6 .7 Routine  2397 6 6 .7 Routine  2434 6 6 .7 Routine  2398 6 6 .7 Routine  2435 6 6 .7 Routine  2399 6 6 .7 Routine  2436 6 6 .7 Routine  2400 6 6 .7 Routine  2437 6 6 .7 Routine  2401 6 6 .7 Routine  2438 6 6 .7 Routine  2402 6 6 .7 Routine  2471 6 6 .7 Routine  2472 6 6 .7 Routine  2473 10 10 1 Routine  2474 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/15/21, Partly Cloudy – Low 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2475 9 9 1 Routine  2509 6 6 .7 Routine  2510 10 10 1 Routine  2529 9 9 1 Routine  2530 10 10 1 Routine  2527 9 9 1 Routine  2528 9 9 1 Routine  2592 9 9 1 Routine  2591 9 9 1 Routine  2590 9 9 1 Routine  2589 9 9 1 Routine  2556 6 6 .75 Routine  2588 9 9 1 Routine  2587 9 9 1 Routine  2586 9 9 1 Routine  2616 9 9 1 Routine  2615 9 9 1 Routine  2614 9 9 1 Routine  2613 9 9 1 Routine  2612 9 9 1 Routine  2610 9 9 1 Routine  2611 6 6 .7 Routine  2608 6 6 .7 Routine  2609 9 9 1 Routine  2607 9 9 1 Routine  2606 9 9 1 Routine  2605 6 6 .7 Routine  2604 9 9 1 Routine  2603 9 9 1 Routine  2602 6 6 .7 Routine  2601 9 9 1 Routine  2600 9 9 1 Routine  2599 9 9 1 Routine  2598 9 9 1 Routine      * Performance Test, Movement = ¼” ‐  Acceptable    ** Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” ‐ Acceptable  Total Production Piers this day = 100  Total Production Piers to date = 1295     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/15/21, Partly Cloudy – Low 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________      FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Thursday, July 15th, 2021:  AREA D  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.      THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  D/d10‐D/d22 D/d14 F7.0 23.0 Complete  D/d10‐D/d22 D/d16 F7.0 23.0 Complete  D.1/c115‐D.1/c116 D.1/c115 F6.0 23.2 Complete  D.1/c115‐D.1/c116 D.1/c116 F5.0 23.2 Complete  D.3/c115 D.3/c115 F9.0 22.7 Complete  D/d10‐D/d22 D/d20 F9.0 22.7 Complete  D.2/jj‐D.5/jj D.5/jj F5.0 21.2 Complete‐Area C        See Photos:     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/15/21, Partly Cloudy – Low 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________           Survey Pier Layout, whiskers & flags in foreground – look closely!      Lone Pier, East end of “D” Line, (left of center)     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/15/21, Partly Cloudy – Low 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________                        First Pass to expose piers, Footing Location, prior to final Subgrade Elevation and subsequent compaction, (typical)      High CFM air pressure aids in advancing Mandrel to Design Depth, (typical)     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/16/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Friday, July 16th, 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  2581* 6 6 .7 Routine  2597 9 9 1 Routine  2596  9 9 1 Routine  2579 9 9 1 Routine  2595 9 9 1 Routine  2578 6 6 .7 Routine  2593 9 9 1 Routine  2594 9 9 1 Routine  2547 6 6 .7 Routine  2546 6 6 .7 Routine  2577 9 9 1 Routine  3245 6 6 .7 Routine  2576 9 9 1 Routine  2575 9 9 1 Routine  2543 9 9 1 Routine  2544 9 9 1 Routine  2574 9 9 1 Routine  2573 9 9 1 Routine  2572 9 9 1 Routine  2542  6 6 .7 Routine  2571 9 9 1 Routine  2570 9 9 1 Routine  2541 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/16/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2540 9 9 1 Routine  2569 9 9 1 Routine  2568 9 9 1 Routine  2539 6 6 .7 Routine  2538 9 9 1 Routine  2537 9 9 1 Routine  2567 9 9 1 Routine  2566 9 9 1 Routine  2536 6 6 .7 Routine  2565 9 9 1 Routine  2564 9 9 1 Routine  2535 6 6 .7 Routine  2563 9 9 1 Routine  2562 9 9 1 Routine  2490 9 9 1 Routine  2489 9 9 1 Routine  2534  6 6 .7 Routine  2561 9 9 1 Routine  2488 6 6 .7 Routine  2487 9 9 1 Routine  2486 9 9 1 Routine  2485 6 6 .7 Routine  2460 9 9 1 Routine  2533 6 6 .7 Routine  2559 9 9 1 Routine  2558 9 9 1 Routine  2484 6 6 .7 Routine  2557 9 9 1 Routine  2531 9 9 1 Routine  2532 9 9 1 Routine  2483 9 9 1 Routine  2482 9 9 1 Routine  2481 9 9 1 Routine  2480 9 9 1 Routine  2478 14 14 1.5 Routine  2479 14 14 1.5 Routine  2477  14 14 1.5 Routine  2476 14 12 1.5 REFUSAL  2442 6 6 .7 Routine  2443 6 6 .7 Routine  2444 6 6 .7 Routine  2445 6 6 .7 Routine  2446 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/16/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2447 6 6 .7 Routine  2491 6 6 .7 Routine  2492 6 6 .7 Routine  2493 6 6 .7 Routine  2494 6 6 .7 Routine  2495 6 6 .7 Routine  2457 6 6 .7 Routine  2496 6 6 .7 Routine  2458 6 6 .7 Routine  2459 9 9 1 Routine  2460 9 9 1 Routine  2497 6 6 .7 Routine  2498 6 6 .7 Routine  2461   6 6 .7 Routine  2499 6 6 .7 Routine  2462 6 6 .7 Routine  2620 10 10 1 Routine  2619 10 10 1 Routine  2618 10 10 1 Routine  2617 10 10 1 Routine  2463** 6 6 .7 Routine  2464 6 6 .7 Routine  2465 6 6 .7 Routine  2466 6 6 .7 Routine  2467 6 6 .7 Routine  2468 6 6 .7 Routine  2469 6 6 .7 Routine  2470 6 6 .7 Routine  2511 9 9 1 Routine  2512 9 9 1 Routine  2500 6 6 .7 Routine  2548 9 9 1 Routine  2513 9 9 1 Routine  2514   9 9 1 Routine  2501 6 6 .7 Routine  2515 9 9 1 Routine  2549 6 6 .7 Routine  2516 9 9 1 Routine  2517 9 9 1 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” ‐ Acceptable    ** Performance Test, Movement = ¼” – Acceptable     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/16/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________    Total Production Piers this day = 105  Total Production Piers to date = 1400    FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Friday, July 16th, 2021:  AREA C  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.    THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  D.5/ii‐D.9/ii N/A strip 23.2 Complete  D.5/jj‐D.9/jj N/A strip 23.2 Complete  D3/c115‐E/c115 D.7/c115 F5.0 23.2 Complete  D.1/c116‐E/c116 D.7/c116 F5.0 23.2 Complete  E/c2‐E/c6 E/c2 F5.0 23.2 Complete  E/c2‐E/c6 E/c4 F7.0 23.0 Complete      See Photos:                                                                                                Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/16/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________    2   Exposed Piers along c116 Line @ D.4,+/‐, Looking East                                                                                               First Cut, Bldg. C (proper) Northwest Corner     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 7/16/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                  Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Subgrade along “ E “ Line From Corner Looking East      Compacting Crushed Stone “ E “ Line ‐  West End, Looking East     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/19/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Monday, July 19th , 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  2502 6 6 .7 Routine  2550 6 6 .7 Routine  2580 6 6 .7 Routine  2582 6 6 .7 Routine  2583 6 6 .7 Routine  2584 6 6 .7 Routine  2585 6 6 .7 Routine  2503 6 6 .7 Routine  2518 9 9 1 Routine  2551 6 6 .7 Routine  2519 9 9 1 Routine  2504 6 6 .7 Routine  2552 6 6 .7 Routine  2520 9 9 1 Routine  2521 9 9 1 Routine  2505 6 6 .7 Routine  2553 6 6 .7 Routine  2522 9 9 1 Routine  2506* 6 6 .7 Routine  2523  9 9 1 Routine  2554 6 6 .7 Routine  2524 9 9 1 Routine  2555 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/19/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  2525 9 9 1 Routine  2507 6 6 .7 Routine  2526 9 9 1 Routine  2508 6 6 .7 Routine  1250 10 10 1 Routine  1248 6 6 .7 Routine  1247 10 10 1 Routine  1244 10 10 1 Routine  1245 6 6 .7 Routine  1242 10 10 1 Routine  1241 6 6 .7 Routine  1240 10 10 1 Routine  1238 6 6 .7 Routine  1237 10 10 1 Routine  1234 10 10 1 Routine  1235 6 6 .7 Routine  1180  6 6 .7 Routine  1179 6 6 .7 Routine  1178 6 6 .7 Routine  1177 6 6 .7 Routine  1176 6 6 .7 Routine  1175 9 9 1 Routine  1215 9 9 1 Routine  1214 9 9 1 Routine  1281 9 9 1 Routine  1280 9 9 1 Routine  1312 9 9 1 Routine  1332 9 9 1 Routine  1331 9 9 1 Routine  1379 9 9 1 Routine  1425 9 9 1 Routine  1424 9 9 1 Routine  1426 9 9 1 Routine  1470 9 9 1 Routine  1503 9 9 1 Routine  1505 9 9 1 Routine  1504  9 9 1 Routine  1506 6 6 .7 Routine  1548 9 9 1 Routine  1549 9 9 1 Routine  1550 9 9 1 Routine  1551 9 9 1 Routine  1552 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/19/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1553 9 9 1 Routine  1554 9 9 1 Routine  1555 9 9 1 Routine  1563 9 9 1 Routine  1564 9 9 1 Routine  1565 9 9 1 Routine  1566 9 9 1 Routine  1568** 9 9 1 Routine  1567 9 9 1 Routine  1569 9 9 1 Routine  1570 9 9 1 Routine  1571 9 9 1 Routine  1572  9 9 1 Routine  1573 9 9 1 Routine  1574 9 9 1 Routine  1575 9 9 1 Routine  1576 9 9 1 Routine  1577 9 9 1 Routine  1578 9 9 1 Routine  1579 9 9 1 Routine  1580 9 9 1 Routine  1581 9 9 1 Routine  1582 9 9 1 Routine  1583 9 9 1 Routine  1584 9 9 1 Routine  1585 9 9 1 Routine  1586 9 9 1 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” Acceptable    ** Performance Test, Movement = 3/16” Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 94  Total Production Piers to date = 1577             Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/19/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________    FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                              Activity for Monday, July 19th, 2021:  AREA C  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.      THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION  COMMENTS  E/ii‐E/c18 E/ii F 8.0 22.9 Complete  E/ii‐E/c18 E/c8 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  E/ii‐E/c18 E/c9 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  E/ii‐E/c18 E/c12 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  E/ii‐E/c18 E/c14 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  E/ii‐E/c18 E/c16 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  E/ii‐E/c18 E/c18 F 8.0 22.9 Complete               Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/19/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Revealed Piers Location D.7/c14.5      Placing Crushed Stone Location E/c13       Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/19/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________        Compacting Subgrade Location E/c16      Compacting Crushed Stone Location E/c16     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/20/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Tuesday, July 20th, 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  1249 6 6 .7 Routine  1295 10 10 1 Routine  1294 6 6 .7 Routine  1358 6 6 .7 Routine  1357 10 10 1 Routine  1356 6 6 .7 Routine  1355 10 10 1 Routine  1354 10 10 1 Routine  1394 10 10 1 Routine  1393 10 10 1 Routine  1443 10 10 1 Routine  1444 10 10 1 Routine  1487 6 6 .7 Routine  1521 14 14 1.5 Routine  1525 14 14 1.5 Routine  1523* 14 14 1.5 Routine  1524 14 14 1.5 Routine  1522 14 14 1.5 Routine  1626 14 14 1.5 Routine  1520 6 6 .7 Routine  1562 6 6 .7 Routine  1519 11 11 1 Routine  1561 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/20/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1518 11 11 1 Routine  1517 11 11 1 Routine  1516 6 6 .7 Routine  1560 6 6 .7 Routine  1515 6 6 .7 Routine  1559 6 6 .7 Routine  1514 9 9 1 Routine  1513 9 9 1 Routine  1512 6 6 .7 Routine  1558 6 6 .7 Routine  1511 6 6 .7 Routine  1557 6 6 .7 Routine  1510 6 6 .7 Routine  1556 6 6 .7 Routine  1509 6 6 .7 Routine  1508 6 6 .7 Routine  1507  6 6 .7 Routine  1471 6 6 .7 Routine  1427 6 6 .7 Routine  1472 6 6 .7 Routine  1428 6 6 .7 Routine  1473 6 6 .7 Routine  1429 6 6 .7 Routine  1474 9 9 1 Routine  1475 9 9 1 Routine  1430 6 6 .7 Routine  1476 9 9 1 Routine  1477 9 9 1 Routine  1431 9 9 1 Routine  1432 9 9 1 Routine  1478 9 9 1 Routine  1433 9 9 1 Routine  1479 6 6 .7 Routine  1434 6 6 .7 Routine  1480 6 6 .7 Routine  1436 6 6 .7 Routine  1438  10 10 1 Routine  1481 10 10 1 Routine  1482 10 10 1 Routine  1483 10 10 1 Routine  1439 10 10 1 Routine  1484 6 6 1 Routine  1440 6 6 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/20/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1441 9 9 1 Routine  1485 6 6 .7 Routine  1486 6 6 .7 Routine  1442 6 6 .7 Routine  1380 6 6 .7 Routine  1333 6 6 .7 Routine  1381 6 6 .7 Routine  1334 9 9 1 Routine  1335 9 9 1 Routine  1382 6 6 .7 Routine  1336 6 6 .7 Routine  1337 9 9 1 Routine  1338 9 9 1 Routine  1383  6 6 .7 Routine  1384 6 6 .7 Routine  1339 6 6 .7 Routine  1317 11 11 1 Routine  1319 11 11 1 Routine  1318 11 11 1 Routine  1340 10 10 1 Routine  1341 6 6 .7 Routine  1342 10 10 1 Routine  1385 6 6 .7 Routine  1343 10 10 1 Routine  1344 6 6 .7 Routine  1386 10 10 1 Routine  1435 10 10 1 Routine  1387 10 10 1 Routine  1345 10 10 1 Routine  1387 10 10 1 Routine  1345 6 6 .7 Routine  1347 10 10 1 Routine  1388 6 6 .7 Routine  1389  10 10 1 Routine  1348 6 6 .7 Routine  1349 10 10 1 Routine  1390 6 6 .7 Routine  1350 6 6 .7 Routine  1351 10 10 1 Routine  1391 6 6 .7 Routine  1352 10 10 .7 Routine  1353 6 6 .7 Routine  1392 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/20/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1313 6 6 .7 Routine  1314 6 6 .7 Routine  1315 6 6 .7 Routine  1316 6 6 .7 Routine  1320 10 10 1 Routine  1321 6 6 .7 Routine  1322 6 6 .7 Routine  1323 6 6 .7 Routine  1324 6 6 .7 Routine  1325 6 6 .7 Routine  1326 6 6 .7 Routine    * Performance Test, Movement = 3/8” Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 120  Total Production Piers to date = 1697  FOOTING PREPARATION:       THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                                Activity for Tuesday, July 20th, 2021:  AREA C  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/20/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________    THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION   COMMENTS  E/c2‐H/c2 F/c2 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  E/c2‐H/c2 F.4/c2 F 4.0 23.2 Complete  E/c2‐H/c2 G.5/c1 F30.7x5 22.7 Complete  ISOLATED F/c4 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  ISOLATED F/ii F 9.0 22.7 Complete  ISOLATED G/c3 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  ISOLATED G/c5 F 6.0 23.2 Complete    See Photos:        Excavating c2 Line, Looking South from Location E/c2           Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/20/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Preparing Subgrade along same location    Compacting Crushed Stone upon same       Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/21/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Wednesday, July 21st, 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  1327 6 6 .7 Routine  1328 6 6 .7 Routine  1329 6 6 .7 Routine  1296* 6 6 .7 Routine  1330 9 9 1 Routine  1329A 10 10 1 Routine  1296A 10 10 1 Routine  1297 9 9 1 Routine  1298 6 6 .7 Routine  1282 6 6 .7 Routine  1283 6 6 .7 Routine  1284 6 6 .7 Routine  1285 6 6 .7 Routine  1286 6 6 .7 Routine  1287 10 10 1 Routine  1288 6 6 .7 Routine  1289 6 6 .7 Routine  1290 6 6 .7 Routine  1291 6 6 .7 Routine  1292 6 6 .7 Routine  1293 6 6 .7 Routine  1216 6 6 .7 Routine  1217 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/21/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1218 6 6 .7 Routine  1219 9 9 1 Routine  1220 9 9 1 Routine  1222 14 14 1.5 Routine  1221 14 14 1.5 Routine  1223 14 14 1.5 Routine  1224 14 14 1.5 Routine  1225 14 14 1.5 Routine  1226 14 14 1.5 Routine  1228 10 10 1 Routine  1227 10 10 1 Routine  1229 10 10 1 Routine  1230 6 6 .7 Routine  1231 10 10 1 Routine  1232 6 6 .7 Routine  1233 6 6 .7 Routine  1236 6 6 .7 Routine  1239 6 6 .7 Routine  1243 6 6 .7 Routine  1246 6 6 .7 Routine  1251 10 10 1 Routine  1250(A} 10 10 1 Routine  1138 9 9 1 Routine  1136 9 9 1 Routine  1137 9 9 1 Routine  1108 9 9 1 Routine  1109 9 9 1 Routine  1076 9 9 1 Routine  1077 9 9 1 Routine  1013 9 9 1 Routine  1014 9 9 1 Routine  1001 9 9 1 Routine  1002 9 9 1 Routine  1003 9 9 1 Routine  1139 6 6 .7 Routine  1140 14 14 1.5 Routine  1141 14 14 1.5 Routine  1142 14 14 1.5 Routine  1143 14 14 1.5 Routine  1144 6 6 .7 Routine  1145 6 6 .7 Routine  1146** 9 9 1 Routine  1147 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/21/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1181 9 9 1 Routine  1182 9 9 1 Routine  1148 6 6 .7 Routine  1183(A) 6 6 .7 Routine  1184 9 9 1 Routine  1149 9 9 1 Routine  1150 9 9 1 Routine  1185 6 6 .7 Routine  1151 9 9 1 Routine  1186 9 9 1 Routine  1187 6 6 .7 Routine  1152 9 9 1 Routine  1188 9 9 1 Routine  1189 6 6 .7 Routine  1153 9 9 1 Routine  1190 9 9 1 Routine  1154 9 9 1 Routine  1191 6 6 .7 Routine  1192 9 9 1 Routine  1155 9 9 1 Routine  1193 6 6 .7 Routine  1156 9 9 1 Routine  1157 9 9 1 Routine  1184 9 9 1 Routine  1158 9 9 1 Routine  1195 9 9 1 Routine  1196 9 9 1 Routine  1161 14 14 1.5 Routine  1199 14 14 1.5 Routine  1200 14 14 1.5 Routine  1160 14 14 1.5 Routine  1159 14 14 1.5 Routine  1163 14 14 1.5 Routine  1162 14 14 1.5 Routine  1197 14 14 1.5 Routine  1198 14 14 1.25 Routine  1201 14 14 1.25 Routine  1255 14 14 1.25 Routine  1252 14 14 1.25 Routine  1256 14 14 1.25 Routine  1258 14 14 1.25 Routine  1253 14 14 1.25 Routine  1202 14 14 1.25 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/21/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  * Performance Test, Movement = <1/8” Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement = 1/8” Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 109  Total Production Piers to date = 1806  FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                            Activity for Wednesday, July 21st, 2021:  AREA C  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.  THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION   COMMENTS  Isolated G/c7 F 8.0 22.9 Complete  Isolated F/c8 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  Elevator Pit F.5/c8.3 8.7 x 6.0 22.2 Complete  Isolated F/c9 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated G/c9 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated F/c12 F 7.0 23.0 Complete    See Photos:           Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/21/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________        First Pass @ Elevator Pit Subgrade four Piers visible                        Compacting Subgrade – Elevator Pit     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/21/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 80’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                         View four completed Footing Pads, Elevator Pit in center      Installing typical Pier, Northwest section of Area “A”     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/22/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  This Report is a summary installation list of installed vibratory stone columns, (VSC), in accordance with Submittal #31 3400-02.0 31 3400 – Aggregate Piers, prepared by CMC Professional Services LLC, 335 E. Geneva Rd #3116, Carol Stream, Il 60188. Glossary of Header Terms: VSC Pier #: Each pier is identified by number according to location plan included in the above referenced Submittal. Proposed Depth: Total VSC depth from working grade to proposed bottom elevation as put forth in design criteria. Installed Depth: The as-built length of pier as constructed from working grade to termination in suitable native, (bearing) soil. Stone Take: The amount of Crushed Stone used in constructing a given Pier, (expressed in volume), one cubic yard weighs approximately 1.2 Ton. Comments: Note any deviation from standard installation procedures, proposed depths or changes in location of said Pier. Activity for Thursday, July 22nd, 2021: VSC Pier # Proposed Depth Installed Depth Stone Take Cu. Yds. Comments  1257* 14 14 1.25 Routine  1259 14 13 1.25 REFUSAL  1254 14 14 1.25 Routine  1260 14 14 1.25 Routine  1361 14 14 1.2 Routine  1365 14 14 1.25 Routine  1363 14 14 1.2 Routine  1364 14 14 1.2 Routine  1362 14 14 1.2 Routine  1366 14 14 1.2 Routine  1359 10 10 1 Routine  1360 10 10 1 Routine  1395 6 6 .7 Routine  1393A 10 10 1 Routine  1446 6 6 .7 Routine  1445 10 10 1 Routine  1488 6 6 .7 Routine  1527 6 6 .7 Routine  1528 6 6 .7 Routine  1489 6 6 .7 Routine  1529 9 9 1 Routine  1530 9 9 1 Routine  1531 6 6 .7 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/22/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1490 6 6 .7 Routine  1532 6 6 .7 Routine  1491 6 6 .7 Routine  1492** 6 6 .7 Routine  1533 11 11 1 Routine  1534 11 11 1 Routine  1535 11 11 1 Routine  1536 6 6 .7 Routine  1493 6 6 .7 Routine  1537 6 6 .7 Routine  1494 6 6 .7 Routine  1538 6 6 .7 Routine  1495 6 6 .7 Routine  1539 6 6 .7 Routine  1496 6 6 .7 Routine  1540 9 9 1 Routine  1541 9 9 1 Routine  1497 6 6 .7 Routine  1542 6 6 .7 Routine  1498 6 6 .7 Routine  1543 6 6 .7 Routine  1499 6 6 .7 Routine  1544 6 6 .7 Routine  1500 6 6 .7 Routine  1545 9 9 1 Routine  1546 9 9 1 Routine  1502 9 9 1 Routine  1501 9 9 1 Routine  1467 6 6 .7 Routine  1468 9 9 1 Routine  1469 9 9 1 Routine  1421 6 6 .7 Routine  1423 9 9 1 Routine  1422 9 9 1 Routine  1420 6 6 .7 Routine  1377 9 9 1 Routine  1378 9 9 1 Routine  1376 6 6 .7 Routine  1311 9 9 1 Routine  1309 6 6 .7 Routine  1310 9 9 1 Routine  1277 6 6 .7 Routine  1278 9 9 1 Routine     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/22/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  1279 9 9 1 Routine  1213 9 9 1 Routine  1212 6 6 .7 Routine  1174 9 9 1 Routine  1173 6 6 .7 Routine  1135 9 9 1 Routine  * Performance Test, Movement = ¼” Acceptable  ** Performance Test, Movement =< 1/8” Acceptable    Total Production Piers this day = 72  Total Production Piers to date = 1878  FOOTING PREPARATION:     THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                            Activity for Thursday, July 22nd, 2021:  AREA C  Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of a  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can be variable  from location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.  THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION   COMMENTS  H/c1 – H/c3.2 H/c3 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated F/c14 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated F/c16 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  Isolated F/c18 F 8.0 22.7 Complete  Isolated G/c11 F 7.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated G/c13 F 7.0 23.2 Complete  Isolated G/c15 F 9.0 22.7 Complete  Isolated G/c17 F 6.0 23.2 Complete     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.               Date on site: 7/22/21, Partly Cloudy – Mid 70’s                                                                                                 Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Loction F/c14 piers highly visible in the white sand Subgrade    Compacting final lift Location F/c14