HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Protection Narrative - Yarmouth i FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... i LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... ii 901.2.1.1A.I DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR FIRE PROTECTION OF THE OCCUPANCY AND HAZARDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICALE CODES AND NFPA STANDARDS ............... 1 Building Description: ........................................................................................................... 1 Applicable Laws, Codes and NFPA Standards: ................................................................... 1 Fire Protection Systems Design Responsibility : ................................................................. 2 Fire Protection Systems : .................................................................................................... 2 901.2.1.1A. II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION OF ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ............. 3 Fire Alarm Systems: ............................................................................................................ 3 Fire Sprinkler Systems: ....................................................................................................... 3 901.2.1.1A. III FINAL SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TESTING CRITERIA ....................................... 4 901.2.1.1B. BUILDING AND SITE ACCESS FOR FIRE-FIGHTING AND/OR RESCUE VEHICLE(S) AND PERSONNEL ................................................................................................ 4 Site Access Arrangement: ................................................................................................... 4 901.2.1.1C. FIRE HYDRANT(S) LOCATION AND WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION................ 5 901.2.1.1D. TYPE / DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ......... 5 901.2.1.1E. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CONTROL EQUIPMENT .............................................. 5 901.2.1.1F. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF AUTOMATIC STANDPIPE SYSTEM(S) ................................................................................................................................ 5 901.2.1.1H. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION TYPE(S) AND LOCATION ............................ 5 901.2.1.1I. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF THE FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEM................................................................................................................. 5 901.2.1.1J. FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEM(S) CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR LOCATION ...................................................................................................... 5 901.2.1.1K. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF THE SMOKE CONTROL OR EXHAUST SYSTEM(S) .............................................................................................................. 5 901.2.1.1L. SMOKE CONTROL OR EXHAUST SYSTEM(S) CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATION 6 ii FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com 901.2.1.1M. BUILDING SAFETY SYSTEM FEATURES (AUXILIARY FUNCTION) REQUIRED TO BE INTEGRATED AS PART OF THE FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEM(S) ................ 6 901.2.1.1N. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM(S) ................................................................................................................................ 6 901.2.1.1O. FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATION ............. 6 901.2.1.1P. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM(S) EQUIPMENT ROOM LOCATION ...................... 6 901.2.1.1Q. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM(S) EQUIPMENT INDENTIFICATION AND OPERATION SIGNS .................................................................................................................. 6 901.2.1.1R. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM(S) ALARMS SUPERVISORY SIGNAL TRANSMISSION METHOD AND LOCATION ............................................................................. 6 901.2.1.1S. FIRE COMMAND CENTER LOCATION .................................................................. 6 901.2.1.1T. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ANY EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEM 6 901.2.1.1U. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ANY ALTERNATIVE FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OR PROTECTION ............................................................................ 7 901.2.1.1V. TYPE/ DESPRICTION AND LOCATION OF ANY CARBON MONOXIDE PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................ 7 901.2.1.1W. EMERGENCY RESPONDER RADIO COVERAGE TYPE/LOCATION .................. 7 906 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX A DESIGN DRAWINGS ........................................................................................... 1 1 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS This narrative report outlines the fire protection systems serving the Yarmouth DPW building, located at Buck Island Road in the town of Yarmouth, MA. The narrative is presented in compliance with 901.2.1 of 780 CMR, Massachusetts State building Code, Massachusetts amendments to the IBC Code 2015, Ninth Edition. 901.2.1.1A.I DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR FIRE PROTECTION OF THE OCCUPANCY AND HAZARDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICALE CODES AND NFPA STANDARDS Building Description: The new Department Public Works building located at Buck Island Road in the town of Yarmouth, MA consists of a non-separated “mixed use” building program. This program consists of three (3) main operational components, an administration wing made up of employee support spaces (locker rooms, lunch/training room, etc.), offices, public service counter, and office support spaces. A double height minimally heated and ventilated vehicle and equipment storage garage and mezzanine and a maintenance area with a wash bay. Use Group: B: Business (accessory Usage) S-1: Moderate Hazard Storage S-2: Low Hazard Storage Type of Construction: IIB Square Footage: 37,000 square feet Maximum Building Height: 29’ Applicable Laws, Codes and NFPA Standards: MGL-C148-S26G Requires sprinklers in commercial use building greater than 7,500 s.f. 780 CMR Massachusetts State Building Code, 9th Edition (IBC 2015 w/Amendments) 521 CMR Massachusetts Accessibility Regulations (MAAB) 527 CMR Massachusetts Electrical & Fire Code (2017 NEC & NFPA 70 w/Amendments) 527 CMR “Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fire Prevention Regulations” 2 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com 780 CMR-903.2 Requires sprinklers in S-1 use groups when in excess of 5,000 s.f. 780 CMR-903.2 Requires sprinklers in B-use groups when in excess of 12,000 s.f. NFPA 10-2013 “Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers” NFPA 13-2013 “Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems” NFPA 24-2010 “Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances” NFPA 25-2011 “Standard for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water Based Fire Protection Systems” NFPA 72-2013 “National Fire Alarm Code” NFPA 241-2004 “Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations”. NFPA 90A “Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems”. Fire Protection Systems are designed in accordance with NFPA 13-2013 and NFPA 72-2013. Fire Protection Systems Design Responsibility: Scott E. Henriques, PE of Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc., Reading, Ma., is the Engineer of record and assumes responsibility for the coordination of the automatic sprinkler system for this project. A set of documents including a partial design and system criteria have been provided, the contractor will prepare the final documents and provide hydraulic calculations. Weston and Sampson shall review and approve the automatic sprinkler system shop drawings and certify the final installation of the system. Robert F. McAleer, PE of Weston & Sampson Engineers Inc, Reading, Ma., is the Electrical Engineer of record and assumes responsibility for the coordination of the fire alarm system for this project. Weston and Sampson shall review and approve the fire alarm shop drawings and certify the final installation of the system. Fire Protection Systems: The building shall be 100% sprinkled this includes all closets and storage areas. The building will be protected with both a Wet Type sprinkler and Dry Type sprinkler systems. The system design includes 6-inch fire water service, wet alarm valve, and dry alarm valve. The admin / office and the maintenance areas shall be protected with a wet system and the vehicle storage and mezzanine areas shall be protected via a dry system. There are no manual suppression systems all systems are automatic. 3 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com The life safety systems have been designed with applicable seismic codes 780 CMR Chapter 16 and NFPA 13-2013. 901.2.1.1A. II SEQUENCE OF OPERATION OF ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS Fire Alarm Systems: Fire Alarm systems shall be multiplex, fully addressable and include initiating devise, signaling devices and all required, batteries, modules, power supplies, relays, wiring, and other equipment required for complete system operation. The fire alarm system will be equipped with a 60-hour standby battery back- up plus 10 minutes alarm. The system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 and include the following: Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP): Control panel shall be tied into 2 dedicated phone lines via a master box mounted on the outside of the building to notify the local fire department. FACP will be located in the electric room (Rm 136) with a remote annunciator panel located at the main entry. Tamper Switches: Sprinkler system monitoring Flow Switches: Sprinkler system monitoring Annunciation: Remote annunciator at main entry Manual Pull Stations: Located at all exit points within the building Smoke Detectors and Heat Detectors: Located in compliance with code Duct Smoke Detectors: All HVAC equipment as required by code Carbon Monoxide Detectors: All areas subject to exposure (alarm only) The existence of a ground fault, short, removal of a detector head, communications failure, failure of any component or wiring that might impair the function of the system, or other related system fault will automatically indicate a trouble notification. Fire Sprinkler Systems: The system consists of a main wet alarm valve, and a dry alarm valve supplying the automatic sprinkler systems. The alarm valves shall include an electric bell, any flow through the system will initiate a main alarm including a signal to the FACP and electric bell. 4 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com The wet pipe sprinkler system shall be a single zone. The sprinkler heads are quick response type. All heads come equipped with heat activated frangible bulbs or fusible links. When exposed to heat above the listed temperature the bulb shall burst and allow the head to open, water to discharge to extinguish the fire and initiate a zone flow alarm at the main alarm valve. The dry pipe sprinkler system shall be a single zone. All heads are quick response type and come equipped with heat activated frangible bulbs or fusible links. When exposed to heat above the listed temperature the bulb shall burst and allow the head to open, air shall discharge opening the dry pipe valve allowing water to flow through the pipe and discharge on to the fire, a zone flow alarm shall be initiated at the main alarm valve. 901.2.1.1A. III FINAL SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TESTING CRITERIA The systems shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 90A, NFPA 72, NFPA 13, NFPA 24, NFPA 25 and as specified in the construction documents. 1) Water supply a) Flushing: Underground / exterior service entrance flushed at a minimum velocity of 10 fps in accordance with NFPA standards 13 and 24. The contractor shall notify the Water and Fire Departments prior to testing the entire new system. 2) Sprinkler System a) Hydrostatic Testing: The interior system will be hydrostatically tested at 200 psi for 2 hours in accordance with NFPA 13, b) Operational Testing: Water flow switches and associated alarm systems will be tested by water flow through the inspector’s test assemblies in accordance with NFPA 13, c) Main Drain Test: A flow test will be performed on the main drain valve and recorded on the Contractor’s test certificate in conformance with NFPA 13, d) Backflow Preventor Flow Test: The double check valve assembly will be flow tested in conformance with NFPA 13, 25.2.5. 901.2.1.1B. BUILDING AND SITE ACCESS FOR FIRE-FIGHTING AND/OR RESCUE VEHICLE(S) AND PERSONNEL Site Access Arrangement: The building provides for department vehicular access to the front of the building and main entry by means of hard surface paving. 5 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com 901.2.1.1C. FIRE HYDRANT(S) LOCATION AND WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION See drawings for location and water supply information. 901.2.1.1D. TYPE / DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS See design drawings for wet, and dry sprinkler system layouts and water supply information. 901.2.1.1E. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CONTROL EQUIPMENT The wet valve and dry valve will be located in the mechanical room in the vehicle and equipment storage area. 901.2.1.1F. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF AUTOMATIC STANDPIPE SYSTEM(S) Not required / Not provided. 901.2.1.1H. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION TYPE(S) AND LOCATION There is one (1) 4” Storz W/30° bend at the front of the building outside the vehicle and equipment storage area. 901.2.1.1I. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF THE FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEM The building will be protected by addressable fire alarm system including the following: The fire alarm system is a fully addressable type. The control panel is addressable fully supervised and connected to the fire department. The system includes an addressable fire alarm control panel, battery charger, addressable manual pull stations, strobe/horns, addressable heat and smoke detectors, addressable tamper and flow switches, alarm signal devices, battery backup, graphic key and remote annunciator. The fire alarm system is designed to be UL listed as a system and ADA, NEC and fire department compliant. 901.2.1.1J. FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEM(S) CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR LOCATION The fire alarm control panel will be located in the main electric room with a remote annunciator located at the main building entrance. 901.2.1.1K. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF THE SMOKE CONTROL OR EXHAUST SYSTEM(S) Not required / Not provided. 6 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com 901.2.1.1L. SMOKE CONTROL OR EXHAUST SYSTEM(S) CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATION Not required / Not provided. 901.2.1.1M. BUILDING SAFETY SYSTEM FEATURES (AUXILIARY FUNCTION) REQUIRED TO BE INTEGRATED AS PART OF THE FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEM(S) Not required / Not provided. 901.2.1.1N. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN LAYOUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM(S) Not required / Not provided. 901.2.1.1O. FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATION Not required / Not provided. 901.2.1.1P. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM(S) EQUIPMENT ROOM LOCATION The automatic wet alarm valve and dry valve are located in the mechanical room in the vehicle and equipment storage area. 901.2.1.1Q. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM(S) EQUIPMENT INDENTIFICATION AND OPERATION SIGNS Specifications outline new markings in accordance with NFPA 13-2013 edition. 901.2.1.1R. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM(S) ALARMS SUPERVISORY SIGNAL TRANSMISSION METHOD AND LOCATION Refer to Fire Alarm Narrative. 901.2.1.1S. FIRE COMMAND CENTER LOCATION The FACP is located in the main electric room with a remote annunciator at the buildings main entrance. 901.2.1.1T. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ANY EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEM Refer to Fire Alarm Narrative. 7 FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com 901.2.1.1U. TYPE/DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ANY ALTERNATIVE FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM OR PROTECTION Not required / Not provided. 901.2.1.1V. TYPE/ DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF ANY CARBON MONOXIDE PROTECTION Carbon monoxide detectors are provided in all areas subject to possible exposure. 901.2.1.1W. EMERGENCY RESPONDER RADIO COVERAGE TYPE/LOCATION An in-building radio system is provided and shall have a downlink and uplink to the Yarmouth Fire Department 906 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The plans include provisions for the fire extinguishers throughout the building spaced accordance with the requirements of NFPA-10. FIRE PROTECTION NARRATIVEYarmouth DPW westonandsampson.com APPENDIX A DESIGN DRAWINGS