HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-A125 RECEWED TOWN OF YARMOUTH JUL 202021 Cl- 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT c... '' wav a'r Mi i CF,4 111141N0 s R APPLICATION FOR3pFC CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below&on plans, drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: _ ]New Building Addition Iterations I Reroof Garage Shed Solar Panels 'Other: /� 2) Exterior Painting: nSidi g j Shutters Doors Trim Other: APPROVED 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sin Change to Existing Sign AUG - 9 2021 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence IWall Li_Flagpole Pool HOther: , _„ H Please type or print legibly: OLD NG'S HIGHWAY Address of proposed work: iJS MA ISI S i. —Lc. .6 Map/Lot# Owner(s): Phone#: QO - 7,_)) y,S) All applications must besubmittedby owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: ,/ _C J )4 i ti j\ b 6 Year built: S Email: D -71A.c o p {j,A_N IA 5i6.0Q_, (d Y) Preferred notification method: Phone mail Agent/contractor: 5(i)(/)q-d A0,),i9 \\'' ) 4f)ØoJ// Phone#:4. Mailing Address: l6 UTO Yu i4 �_ (M�- (�dI VEmail: QS,2 (�,5 1fa m�-S)1AVM0uAkrCa An Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: wo etc-CZve€),. S t >Js lJew Tem ? 0)0 -c��vPA -I,n�c�lcc5N. ._ 116aA -C1-9. 1 - ZS,d'a uTt'��PJ E ,S�,Ny Jfpp..��e -- os-T.-,. - ‘),IV � �r-1 SLyN1. Quck/ )/,1 T'r X- /t - . ,//ri�i nom/ •S/ ,U'• - a l do l 're- - Z"Peel eg -i ,To. Signed(Owner or agent): l_ — Date: 7/x`26 1 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) ➢ If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. > All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: <7 Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Date. ,b 1•\ Reason for Denial: Amountla5. 0 O •i 1 Cash/CK#:392 Ilk/ I /WI �l / Signed: Rcvd by: �. y� � \ 45 Days: ,/ Date Signed:q/C12�� I / 1 APPLICATION#: TOWN OF YARMOUTH XIV 1.A L6.,' JUL 2 p 2021 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT 0...I'. WAY FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below&on plans, drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS,PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: 'New Building I [Addition Alterations Reroof Garage Shed Solar Panels 'Other: 2) Exterior Painting: Sidi g j Shutters n Doors Trim L (Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: LiFence (Wall Flagpole Pool LIOther: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: C/)� MA l S l -[p Map/Lot# Owner(s): Phone#: .O - PCI Th- All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: ,I S A41 IV S\ b Year built: Email: --Sn�/j'1. f? p ,�`�S.c4.�j1(L, (6 VY1 Preferred notification method: Phone mail Agent/contractor: Sji/(/x i7An, \\ ,� Xit • Phone#: �.29v-y/DO Mailing Address: 0- 1> La1-1 ?c4"1 P(/'O iii t1f OrdI( ti Email: ,C6 I eS ++yyN rei 1114,-S\01010 ACii 4" Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Protiosed Work: wo cm-ty � iq>JS mew T-e�l (�k11Z —Cm-/vIkil4CtiorSt4N. .— ZDad — Zc c ) GtTClic PJ C iN7 J�c,A„�Q ?BSS - �v;\1 S�yN. a1tttJ P/ 7'7 - i PP) 0490161?aSTc,. Air Signed(Owner or agent): — Date: 740 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) • If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. > All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Date: Reason for Denial: Amount Cash/CK#: Signed: Rcvd by: 45 Days: Date Signed: 1 APPLICATION#: DATE PROOF CUSTOMER INFO CONTACT INFO 7/19/2021 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 COMPANY: PHONE: CONTACT PERSON. FAX: 11 :13:46 AM E-Mailea l,aIIed REMUIRED STREET: STATE ZIP: EMAIL: File Name:The_Barnstable_ 1 E_&_CARTER_building_sign.fs DESCRIPTION Folder Name:\\Hp-backup\BACKUP\FLEXI_FILES\T\The Barnstable I �a F* 36 111 Existing A ,ler 4%1 Ti l TABLE f"""'...- sign ,, INCE 1833 ; -- FRIEDLINE & CARTER .1> � , ADJUSTMENT, LLC 1 . FRIEDLINE & CARTER 1:211 -..__.r_1 _ 1 �r - —ADJUSTMENT.LLC + I _ . I_ I 1 .r r , -r- L LE ,.--..., , 1 • L , `' ., .w .; ti: ©COPYRIGHT 015 SIGN*A*' , ',Inc. THIS RENDERING IS INTENDED AS A SAMPLE ONLY.COLOR,TEXTURE,MEASUREMENTS,AND ACTUAL APPEARANCE MAY VARY SLIGHTLY FROM COMPLETED WORK AND IS CONSIDERED NORMAL&USUAL. Please check layout(artwork,spelling,dimensions)and fax back with signature.Production I HAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS&HEREBY FULLY UNDERSTAND THE cannot begin until written approval is received.Additional charges will be applied for any changes ` 1Signarama CONTENT OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED that are needed after approval is received.SIGN*A*RAMA is not responsible for any errors in reway tr,y,owyou,hu,neu. AND APPROVE THIS PROJECT TO BEGIN spelling,layout,or dimensions that have been approved by the customer.This proof is for listed CUSTOMER APPROVAL SIGNED BY items only.Any changes or deletions by the customer not shown or charged herein will be billed 12 Whites Path-Suite 6,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 separately.30%DEPOSIT DUE AT TIME OF ORDER(full amount if under$100),balance due Phone:508-398-9100 Fax:508-398-1760 upon time of installation.I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ALL TERMS. INITIAL Email: yerizon.net PRINT: DATE: www.sig narry ama-sma-syarmouth.com THIS ORIGINAL DESIGN AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGN'A'RAMA AND ITS USE IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN.THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN PEk4iSSION OF SIGN'A'RAMA OR THROUGH PURCHASE. 111111-7r, ' DATE 56 in .1 7/19/2021 -1- 11 :11 :52 r11 :11 :52 AM .__ FRIEDLINCARTERci E & ADJUSTMENT, LLC PROOF t VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 1 E-Mailed Called NO PROOF 4 REQUIRED `' '� CUSTOMER INFO :, -'"'-� ,d'._ ' •F ' .104; r r. COMPANY •.-, :4, CONTACT .1111 4 - :.� .. PERSON * ' i •..„,, , ., BARNST .BLE COUNTY STREET: . ..-A CITY: STATE: `. `, ZIP: w r= h MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. PHONE: ,. ' FAX. t� r .., -- — -- . - , EMAIL: _� xItija " FRIEDLINE & CARTER w i'` .1DJlrSTnIFN'1•.CLC 1' ,: �:. ... DESCRIPTION - . . a t , • d File Name:The_Barnstable_FRIEDLINE_&_CARTER_street_sign.fs Folder Name:\\Hp-backup\BACKUP\FLEXI_FILES\T\The Barstable - -. ,-;.-- .. re- ;:' HT2 15_7:44 * ...„ _ .am ;�„a�_-� THIS RENDERING IS INTENDED AS A SAMPLE ONLY.COLOR,TEXTURE,MEASUREMENTS,AND ACTUAL APPEARANCE MAY VARY SLIGHTLY FROM COMPLETED WORK AND IS CONSIDERED NORMAL&USUAL. Please check layout(artwork,spelling,dimensions)and fax back with signature.Production �I &HEREBY FULLY UNDERSTAND THE \ cannot begin until written approval is received.Additional charges will be applied for any changes `�-ISi narama CONTENTHAVEREVIEWED OF WORK THE TO BEABOVE PERFORMEDSPECIFICATIONS that are needed after approval is received.SIGN*A*RAMA is not responsible for any errors in Ir i I,,.way to grow Y.,i, •.. AND APPROVE THIS PROJECT TO BEGIN spelling,layout,or dimensions that have been approved by the customer.This proof is for listed CUSTOMER APPROVAL SIGNED BY: items only.Any changes or deletions by the customer not shown or charged herein will be billed 12 Whites Path-Suite 6,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 separately.5O';.DEPOSIT DUE AT TIME OF ORDER(full amount if under$100),balance due Phone:508-398-9100 Fax:508-398-1760 upon time of installation.I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ALL TERMS. INITIAL Email: rama-svermouth.cn.net PRINT: DATE. www.signarama-syarmouth.com THIS ORIGINAL DESIGN AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGN'A'RAMA AND ITS USE IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN.THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGN'A'RAMA OR THROUGH PURCHASE. DATE PROOF CUSTOMER INFO CONTACT INFO 7/13/2021 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 COMPANY: PHONE. CONTACT PERSON: 1:46:08 PM E-IVIa(lpr4 Called NO PROOF STREET: FAX. REQUIRED CITY: STATE ZIP: EMAIL t File Name:The_Bamstable_ENTANCE carved sign.fs DESCRIPTION Folder Name:\\Hp-backuup\BACKU P\F EXI_F ES\T\The Barnstable •. a v S ',. . -. ! \ n 1 rMi Z y. ..,.. lit MAIN ENTRANCE ,.-A-INtL Y 1.- ifii..7.•...0,.. ,':-::' :::.:,'' MAIN ENTRANCE 1 j: '",::,L,1):*.te•-••:' CO is .- << CO 1 • 36 in____ , •�_� .\I` r -,....n...n�.,- _ , THIS RENDERING IS INTENDED AS A SAMPLE ONLY.COLOR,TEXTURE,MEASUREMENTS,AND ACTUAL APPEARANCE MAY VARY SLIGHTLY FROM COMPLETED WORK AND IS CONSIDERED NORMAL&USUAL. Please check layout(artwork,spelling,dimensions)and fax back with signature.ProductionI • I HAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS&HEREBY FULLY UNDERSTAND THE `fir cannot begin until written approval is received.Additional charges will be applied for any changes Srgnarama CONTENT OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED that are needed after approval is received.SIGN*A*RAMA is not responsible for any errors in n,eway togrow your businoss. AND APPROVE THIS PROJECT TO BEGIN spelling,layout,or dimensions that have been approved by the customer.This proof is for listed CUSTOMER APPROVAL SIGNED BY: items only.Any changes or deletions by the customer not shown or charged herein will be billed 12 Whites Path-Suite 6,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 separately.SO%DEPOSIT DUE AT TIME OF ORDER(full amount if under$100),balance due Phone'508-398-9100 Fax:508-398-1760 upon time of installation.I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ALL TERMS. INITIAL Email:ccsar@verizon.net PRINT: DATE: www.s i g n s ra m a-s ya rmo u th.co m THIS ORIGINAL DESIGN AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF SIGN'A'RAMA AND ITS USE IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN.THIS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIGN'A'RAMA OR THROUGH PURCHASE. SIGN SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: I/5 6?/1i/1 S ( —6 [1 Year Built: Check one: New Sign Addition/Alteration to Existing Sign COLOR CHIPS I- Freestanding [Affixed to Building For Affixed Skins: Style of mounting fixture: . CneuJna - dt,?erfiy ]I) Color: Size of sign: 2 (o Material: /-f U J Lettering: Style et ffl( ,le f Color(s): G6 (ea -C/rTl11es(_ Please note sign placement on elevation(s) and attach full-color mockup(s) of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For Freestanding Signs: Style of signboard: C U P P . Material: 1_)H (�. Size: '76 I 1.) Color(s): R)aC 1L. Lettering: Style (ihiZO9 . Color(s): lri) ok_ l V" Posts: Material -)0 .11.."9 T Color(s): 5cAti,y/.(r Height to crossbar(not to exceed 6'): Single-faced: Double-faced: Please note sign placement on plot plan and attach full-color mockup(s)of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For All Signs: Lighted: Yes I I No Type/placement of lighting: 1 Qu 1i f���j `9 57/N ' 4441/441, Screening of Lights: Additional information: 2-Sign APPLICATION#: SIGN SPECIFICATION SHEET Prosect Address: C-//5 /)i/ iN Year Built: Check one: Ek-N-.-Jew Sign Addition/Alteration to Existing Sign COLOR CHIPS Fq-Freestanding Affixed to Building For Affixed Signs: Style of mounting fixture: Color: Size of sign: Material: Lettering: Style Color(s): Please note sign placement on elevation(s) and attach full-color mockup(s) of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For Freestanding Signs: Style of signboard: j\I?ek 15 J Material: Nat'. Size: , � )U Color(s): >✓4 Gie Lettering: Style n Color(s): �r-D dI 1,e4 Posts: Material rOdaR —l-t'L Color(s): Height to crossbar(not to exceed 6'): /t Single-faced: Double-faced: Please note sign placement on plot plan and attach full-color mockup(s) of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For All Signs: Lighted: H Yes No Type/placement of lighting: Screening of Lights: Additional information: 2-Sign APPLICATION#: TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: S 6 '(\Cic-CM\C� ( Ac Property Address/Location: (Tom m nAe GI - _�rn � ` Hearing Date: ici ) 2.4a Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: /q //2 Abutter Information: 1( 3 // /C It f 3 3(0 . ) 11-13 gLl / t-/ 3 //i9 / L/ 3 1/ 3 1q 3 /(/ g Application#:'.2 12 S 143/ 84/ / / 143/ 86.1/ / / JOYCE PATRICK H JR PETERSON JAMES TR JOYCE ROBERTA M 1911 BOXWOOD TERR 32 CHARING CROSS RD THE VILLAGES, FL 32167 SOUTH DENNIS , MA 02660 143/ 112/ / / BARNSTABLE COUNTY MUTUAL INS CO PO BOX 339 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties YARMOUTH PORT , MA 02675-1560 directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 915 Route 6A, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 143/ 113/ / / Assessors Map 143, Lot 112 JASIE JOSEPH C JR ,A 71//a.(1/ � JASIE JEAN C 16 APACHE DR Andy ,'chado, Director of Assessing YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-2103 7/23/21 143/ 148/ / / KUNHARDT DANIEL B KUNHARDT JANE M 11 MADISON CIR GREENFIELD , MA 01301 143/ 149/ / / BOUGEROL ELIZABETH CIO HOWARD DREW D SR 14 WEST ST PAXTON , MA 01612 143/ 111/ CA/ / CHAPTER TWO LLC CIO IVANA LIEBERT P 0 BOX 206 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 143/ 111/ CF/ / ENRIGHT SEAN K TRS ENRIGHT SHARON M TRS 94 SISTERS CIR YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 143/ 111/ CH/ / ORENSTEIN ROBERT I THE ORENSTEIN FAMILY IRREV TRUST 20 FAIRLAND CIR SOUTH DENNIS , MA 02660 143/ 111/ CM/ / S2)/* l I 20.a \ 0 CARVER HERBERT TR CARSON TRUST �� PO BOX 309 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-0309 143/ 111/ CY/ / LINDAUER JOSHUA TR THE CAPE HEALTH FIRST TRUST 923 ROUTE 6A UNIT Y YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675