HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransmittal_Submittal - 22 0001-07.0 (Sent and Closed)Submittal Transmittal Perkins Eastman | 20 Ashburton Place, Floor 8 Boston MASSACHUSETTS 02108 United States Page 1 of 2 PROJECT:Mattacheese Middle School: FS-CA 71010.00.0 DATE SENT:8/3/2021 SUBJECT:Elevator Sump Pumps SUBMITTAL ID:22 0001-07.0 TYPE:Submittal TRANSMITTAL ID:01185 PURPOSE:For Construction VIA:Info Exchange SPEC SECTION:22 00 00 FROM NAME COMPANY EMAIL PHONE Russell Higgins Perkins Eastman r.higgins@perkinseastm an.com +1 617 449 4067 TO NAME COMPANY EMAIL PHONE Timeo Sequeira Commodore Builders tsequeira@commodoreb uilders.com 617.614.3500 Jeff Martin Commodore Builders jmartin@commodorebui lders.com (617) 614-3500 Mike Dupuis Commodore Builders mdupuis@commodoreb uilders.com (617) 614-3500 Patrick Thompson Commodore Builders pthompson@commodor ebuilders.com (617) 614-3500 Ricky Sughrue Commodore Builders rsughrue@commodoreb uilders.com 617.614.3500 Ryan DiRico Commodore Builders rdirico@commodorebuil ders.com (617) 614-3500 REMARKS: CONTENTS QUANTITY:1 DATED:8/3/2021 NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 22 0001-07.0 - Elevator Sump Pumps.pdf ACTION: REMARKS: Submittal Transmittal DATE:8/3/2021 ID:01185 Page 2 of 2 COPIES: Andrew Hazelton (Perkins Eastman) Leah Schroeder (Perkins Eastman) Russell Higgins (Perkins Eastman) Sandra Cashen Frank Stramaglia (VAV Engineering) Peter Radzim Commodore Builders 404 Wyman St., Suite 400 Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 Phone: (617) 614-3500  Project: 21-0060 - Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School 296 Station Ave South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664 Elevator Sump Pumps SPEC SECTION:22 0001 - Plumbing (FSB) SUBMITTAL MANAGER:Patrick Thompson Commodore Builders STATUS: Draft DATE CREATED: 05/18/2021  ISSUE DATE://  REVISION:0 RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR: Harold Brothers Mechanical RECEIVED FROM:George Lampros RECEIVED DATE:  08/02/2021 SUBMIT BY: 08/02/2021   FINAL DUE DATE:08/23/2021 LOCATION:   TYPE:Other COST CODE:  APPROVERS:Andrew Hazelton (Perkins Eastman) BALL IN COURT: DISTRIBUTION: Patrick Thompson (Commodore Builders) , PMA Consultants Team Email (PMA Consultants) , Ricky Sughrue (Commodore Builders) , Aarav Shah (Commodore Builders) , Timeo Sequeira (Commodore Builders) , Paul Sekas (Consulting Engineering Services ) , Tim Sears (Town of Yarmouth) , Leah Schroeder (Perkins Eastman) , David Perry (Commodore Builders) , Jeanine Palmieri (Consulting Engineering Services ) , Mark D. Nelson (Commodore Builders) , Ian Maynard (Commodore Builders) , Jeff W. Martin (Commodore Builders) , Mark Luchini (Commodore Builders) , Russell Higgins (Perkins Eastman) , Mark Grylls (Town of Yarmouth) , Paul Genereux (Commodore Builders) , Mike Dupuis (Commodore Builders) , Ryan DiRico (Commodore Builders) , Cat Brownell (Commodore Builders) DESCRIPTION: Revised elevator sump pump submittal for review  ATTACHMENTS: S.210030-8-R1.7232021.1752.14.pdf   SUBMITTAL WORKFLOW #NAME SUBMITTER/ APPROVER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE RESPONSE ATTACHMENTS COMMENTS 1 Andrew Hazelton Approver 8/2/2021 8/23/2021 Pending   These documents have been reviewed for constructability and conformance to the Contract Documents. The Subcontractor is responsible for all field dimensions and coordination with other Subcontractors. Project Name & #: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School 21-0060 Submittal #: 22 0001-07 Reviewed by: Ricky Sughrue   Date: 8/2/2021 Commodore Builders   BY DATE COPIES TO Commodore Builders Page 1 of 1 Printed On: 08/03/2021  11 :28 AM Submittal #22 0001-07.0 22 0001 - Plumbing (FSB) VAV International, Inc.  400 W. Cummings Park, Suite 4700 - Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 Tel (781) 935-7228 Fax (781) 935-1822 www.vavint.com J:\2017 Jobs Folder\2017-046 (Mattacheese Middle School) Perkins Eastman\Documents\Submittals\Plumbing\Sent\220000-07 – Elevator Sump Pump Submittal Review 08-03-2021.doc SUBMITTAL REVIEW Project Name: DYIMS Location: 296 Station Ave., South Yarmouth, MA 02664 VAV Project #: 2017-046 Discipline: Plumbing Item: Elevator Sump Pumps COMMENTS: 1. Coordinate electrical requirements with electrical. 2. Coordinate BMS interface with ATC Sub-Contractor. SHOP DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. X APPROVED AS NOTED. APPROVED AS NOTED. RESUBMIT ITEMS NOTED. APPROVED AS NOTED. RESUBMIT FOR RECORD. REVISE & RESUBMIT. REVIEWED. NO APPROVAL REQUIRED. NOT REVIEWED. By: Frank Stramaglia Date: 08/03/21 CHECKING IS ONLY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DIMENSIONS TO BE CONFIRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOB SITE; FOR INFORMATION THAT PERTAINS SOLELY TO THE FABRICATION PROCESS OR TO TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION; AND FOR COORDINATION OF THE WORK OF ALL TRADES. Submittal 210030 — Dennis Yarmouth School Subject : Plumbing Equipment To Ricky Sughrue Commodore Builders rsughrue@commodorebuilders.com Return To George Lampros Harold Brothers Mechanical Contractors Inc. Mobile: 781-871-2111 glampros@Haroldbros.com Copy To tpavidis@haroldbros.com Number : 210030-8 Spec Section No : 22 00 01 Submittal Rev No: 1 Submittal Number: 8 Date Sent : 6/11/2021 Type : Submittal Revision Method Sent : Email Reason For Sending : For Approval Status : To Be Submitted Details Line No Item Copies Date Reference No Description 001 Product Data 1 7/23/2021 Part 2 - Products Section 2.7 - Fixtures and Equipment Notes Resubmittal for Elevator Sump Pump - Per Engineers Comments Please return submitted items by 6/25/2021. Signed By:__________________________Dated: 6/11/2021 Specifications subject to change without notice Industrial Flow Solutions Operating, LLC • 104 John W Murphy Drive, New Haven, CT 06513, USA • 860-399-5937 • www.flowsolutions.com Triplex Vertical Float Probe Dwg: DS-B14-005 Rev: - Date: 4/21 BUILDING TRADES | CONSTRUCTION | MINING | UTILITIES | WASTEWATER TRACTION MINDER™ ELEVATOR SYSTEM PACKAGED SOLUTION TO ADDRESS ASME 17.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR TRACTION (ELECTRIC) ELEVATORS Traction Minder™ Elevator System Traction Minder creates newfound ease when ensuring the right components are specified to meet application and code requirements for traction elevators. A robust portfolio of packaged solutions also accounts for the growing demand to implement BACnet into BAS/BMS systems—conveniently offered with other system components in a single part number. Selections can now be completed with an increased level of confidence that field-proven components, from a single, trusted source, will create the right balance between functionality and cost in a life/safety application. A list of Traction Minder part numbers, included on the back page, provide the pump, control panel and floats to meet 50, 100 and 150 GPM (as specified by ASME 17.1) at the specified distance (feet). This package approach—which was inspired by the industry’s acceptance of Oil Minder® in hydraulic elevators—maximizes operational efficiencies from specification to installation. Designing a plug-and-play, application-specific answer to pumps and associated equipment in traction elevators has led to the following features: • SE/SV series pumps, featuring a vortex impeller design, have become the standard for elevators • NEMA 4X control panel with HOA switch, pump run light and a dry contact (high water) for connectivity • Three floats (on, off and high water) are pre-assembled at the factory to minimize labor • Ability to further customize with control panel features, main disconnect and/or junction box with 8-pin connector Traction Pump Control Floats (3) HP Voltage Phase Rated RPM Discharge Head Head Head Weight Height WidthMinder Full-load (inches) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (lbs.) (inches) (inches)PN Amps @ 50 @100 @ 150 GPM GPM GPM WSE40/115/1 SE-40/115/1 CB-1000/120/1/15/2 741-009-1-XXX 0.4 115 1 5.2 3,450 2” 11” 24 15.59” 9.09” WSE50/115/1 SE-50/115/1 CB-1000/120/1/15/2 741-009-1-XXX 0.5 115 1 8.0 3,450 2” 22’ 29 16.57” 9.09” WSE50/208/3 SE-50/208/3 CB-2000/208/3/2.5-4/5 741-009-1-XXX 0.5 208 3 3.1 3,450 2” 22’ 29 16.57” 9.09” WSE50/230/3 SE-50/230/3 CB-2000/230/3/2.5-4/7.5 741-009-1-XXX 0.5 230 3 2.8 3,450 2” 22’ 29 16.57” 9.09” WSE50/460/3 SE-50/460/3 CB-2000/480/3/1.6-2.5/15 741-009-1-XXX 0.5 460 3 1.4 3,450 2” 22’ 29 16.57” 9.09” WSE100/115/1 SE-100/115/1 CB-1000/120/1/15/2 741-009-1-XXX 1.0 115 1 12.0 3,450 2” 35’ 9’ 40 19.53” 9.09” WSE100/208/3 SE-100/208/3 CB-2000/208/3/4-6.3/5 741-009-1-XXX 1.0 208 3 4.4 3,450 2” 36’ 14’ 40 19.53” 9.09” WSE100/230/3 SE-100/230/3 CB-2000/230/3/4-6.3/7.5 741-009-1-XXX 1.0 230 3 4.0 3,450 2” 36’ 14’ 40 19.53” 9.09” WSE100/460/3 SE-100/460/3 CB-2000/480/3/1.6-2.5/15 741-009-1-XXX 1.0 460 3 2.0 3,450 2” 36’ 14’ 40 19.53” 9.09” WSV200/208/1 SV-200/208/1 CB-1000/208/1/15/2 741-009-1-XXX 2.0 208 1 12.2 3,450 2”/3” 52’ 35’ 14’ 77 20.94” 15.35” WSV200/230/1 SV-200/230/1 CB-1000/230/1/15/3 741-009-1-XXX 2.0 230 1 11.0 3,450 2”/3” 52’ 35’ 14’ 77 20.94” 15.35” WSV200/208/3 SV-200/208/3 CB-2000/208/3/6.3-10/5 741-009-1-XXX 2.0 208 3 6.9 3,450 2”/3” 52’ 35’ 14’ 77 20.94” 15.35” WSV200/230/3 SV-200/230/3 CB-2000/230/3/4-6.3/7.5 741-009-1-XXX 2.0 230 3 6.2 3,450 2”/3” 52’ 35’ 14’ 77 20.94” 15.35” WSV200/460/3 SV-200/460/3 CB-2000/480/3/2.5-4/15 741-009-1-XXX 2.0 460 3 3.1 3,450 2”/3” 52’ 35’ 14’ 77 20.94” 15.35” WSV300/208/3 SV-300/208/3 CB-2000/208/3/6.3-10/5 741-009-1-XXX 3.0 208 3 8.8 3,450 2”/3” 64’ 47’ 26’ 79 21.73” 15.35” WSV300/230/3 SV-300/230/3 CB-2000/230/3/6.3-10/7.5 741-009-1-XXX 3.0 230 3 8.0 3,450 2”/3” 64’ 47’ 26’ 79 21.73” 15.35” WSV300/460/3 SV-300/460/3 CB-2000/480/3/4-6.3/15 741-009-1-XXX 3.0 460 3 4.0 3,450 2”/3” 64’ 47’ 26’ 79 21.73” 15.35” WSV500/208/3 SV-500/208/3 CB-2000/480/3/14-20/15 741-009-1-XXX 5.0 208 3 16.6 3,450 3”/4” 74’ 61’ 48’ 123 24.92” 18.50” WSV500/230/3 SV-500/230/3 CB-2000/230/3/11-16/7.5 741-009-1-XXX 5.0 230 3 15.0 3,450 3”/4” 74’ 61’ 48’ 123 24.92” 18.50” WSV500/460/3 SV-500/460/3 CB-2000/480/3/9-13/15 741-009-1-XXX 5.0 460 3 7.5 3,450 3”/4” 74’ 61’ 48’ 123 24.92” 18.50” WWW.STANCORPUMPS.COM | 203.268.7513 © copyright 2020 Stancor, L.P. BACnet Ethernet ARCNet IP MS/TP BACnet INTEGRATION BACnet functionality is available on all Traction Minder models to combine plumbing and HVAC equipment into the same channel for alarms, fault codes and operating schedules. The integrated hardware/software implementation allows the control panel to communicate with any protocol, with IP and MS/TP being the most popular. The following messaging is offered with the standard BACnet package: • Oil fault • High water alarm • Pump run status A “BAC” suffix is added to the end of the PN to indicate BACnet capability. TECHNICAL DATA TRACTION MINDER™ SYSTEM COMPONENTS TECHNICAL DATA