HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-A136 Pending ,02 • TOWN OF YARMOUTH '� ') 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 r Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below&on plans, drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S),ELEVATIONS PHOTOS,&SUPPLEME INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apps : Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residentia 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building ErAddition Iterations Reroof Garage Shed Solar Panels Other � ; �� i r— RECE1VE 2)Exterior Painting: 17(Siding Shutters I Vf Doors rim 00ther 3)Signs/Billboards: 'El New Sign Change to ng Sign AUG 2021 4)Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole ri Pool IIOther: YARMOUT NWAY Please type or print legibly: �ll OLD ' ' Address of proposed work: 2sj V\&ChUrch �/.5V. /armol �o k Map/Lot# \2-Lk 13 4 1 Owner(s): Toby CLt\& Ann \Se r 1 in Phone#: 2,03 ?.k-1(- MC-) All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 2S O\k Chuck-5V JV yea mot lot`1. 1 O10S Year built l 37 Email: "I obySor 1111 ® 0.0\. COM Preferred notification method: ID Phone aEmail Agent/contractor: A&A d�It' tM l C\r(m"sa, Phone#: 56%-5D�- 133% Mailing Address: l l I hf T��`1�(1�1cC(\ Rik.!k 025- 5 L Email: aril or 11) al (�.O4 C LCI.olitt • COm Preferred notification method: El Phone Er Email Description of Froposed Wo : WI-by\ of fkf\wr mo.ektr i>9.firoorR, rnuaroorwe. lony- Signed(Owner or agent): / Date: e/2`, /2 • Owner/contractor/agent is away= a •-p• required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) ➢ If application is approv-•, =•• ova ,ubled o a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. > This certificate is good for one year from a••royal date or upon date of expiration of Budding Permit,whichever date shall be later. • All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be evadable on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Dater t\ Reason for Denial_ Amount 4) .00 Cash/CK#: 1 L13 /� Signed: Rcvd by(,- .— 45 Days: Date Signed: A 0VlYe44, TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 4' Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings, Hearings, Time ffor Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within.fbrty-five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print):_ I C' �-� t efd Applicant/Agent signature: Date: /Z./Z 7 Application#: 3/2020 I JV VI V/ IAS\IV %JJ III OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Toby & Ann Soriero Applicant's (Owner) Name: 28 Old Church St. Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: 124 39 Abutter Information: 124 50 124 53 124 38 124 40 Application #: 8.2018 3 v r•l•r• •• v• rvu •vim••v••• v• ak Project Address: J rr11 F�/ FOUNDATION: Material: Lo rl c1 Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): ' CHIMNEY: Material/Color f,f1�- \J I flux' GUTTERS:Material/Color: /\\ 1rT\tri i_ I t) rt CD stai R e.2- — Color. I (�i l ROOF: Material:Ayrl�rEac~tun� At-. Pitch(7/12 min) 121 i? Height to �g � i SIDING: Material/Style:Front C_i Ct Oc@.t Sides/Rear. T 1 L C.C.Aar COLOR CHIPS Color. Front: Oat--- Sides/Rear. 1i'1),., -- TRIM: All windows&doors to be trimmed with: 1)G_4, 1x5 (Circle one) Material: 'Obi n \\K.- Color. W II'11k-1--- �. Color 0, 1 )1\2 1►�m- i�`1` y '6C 1 DOORS: Qty: 3 Material: W ts{�� 6J 0• Style/Size(if not listed/shown on elevations): ^1 $ r, 31 C. V j" STORM DOORS:Qty. Niik Material: VOA Color. IA E A " GARAGE DOORS: Qty: Marl: Cil n\b tL_ C . + Style: ``. Color. k'r(k WINDOWS: Qtviside:_Front 2- Left 1U Right 1` " Rear. 5 Color: + Manufacturer/Series: )\f\L icf;lt 'k U %ALS Material: Ci7111' OS to-- r itlt Grilles(Required: Pattern(616,2/1, etc.) 131 a Grille Type:True Divided Lite: Snap-In: _ Between Glass: ] Permanently Applied: Exterior ID.Interior to it1011.\I)S& i STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Vi!h Material: i t Color IA vo451,'`-Wt{ dkita_ ,} tip' SHUTTERS: Marl: 1�� ti )0,—. Style:Paneled ,` Lowered Color tf3yf Mf\ i x.` .- 1461i \A = '5 SKYLIGHTS: Qty: 14)h Foxed Vented Size Color. ,, DECK: Size: 1 X 2$ Decking Mart \'ka I\Ao Color. k�4 x-t0\--- Railing Mari: 14)k Style: Color: WALLSIFENCES* (Max 6'height): Height l J fk Mat'i: Style: Color: (Show running footage&location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS:Location: CX\St-1 NI Screening: IA)1k LIGHTS:Qty. S Style: 0'c11 (,\ Color. Location(s): 10C311 €qii5L-, C96\O— LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Color. Location(s): Additional information: 2-General APPLICATION#: umwa rfx'I l"y^ 4. '.[ '' ' ''''...- ''''' :'' 1'' 101=01:.- — r ONEW REAR ELEVATION 5GALe 114"-1'-b' ■ t Mil �::. Wiz: ? I, EXIST,*RIMAE STATION NEW LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ' • ALe 1/4"-1'.0" PRELIM PLANE 05-22.2021 .. OS-16-2021 AAM ARCHITECTURE&DESIGN 5 AnAaALIDCAxvl;R aoNNaA[A MA a®o.ao6la d�►. ORIERO RE5IDENG "'"' 6 HIGHFIELD DR.,SANDWICH,MA 02563 �D OLD CHURCH ST.YARMOUTH PORT.MA --- ""'""' 0 ili 505.566-9338 AMORINGOAAMCAPEARCHTTECT.COM — MINNEW REAR&LEFT SIDE ELEVATIONS p all____ -----—- — -- _ _____ _ _._ ______ , s___. it, ....__ 20,-.,-,. ,_ ,,, —r- 2,, — tea_. *----- --/N----4--lk . 4 1 I '- ' .1"II: j.„1, i .; ; _ _ _ ONEW PERSPECTIVES I. , \ I _._=__ ,_____ l tom -=----......;,4„..;,....7.;.:. - PRS'LIM PLANS 08.22-2021 08-18-2021 ,IL AAM ARCHITECTURE&DESIGN 50RIERO RESIDENCE 111././. `DAMALEXANDER IMMO MQWNO4 MA OLD CHURCH 5T.YARMOUTH PORT,MA 0 6 RICHFIELD DR.,SANDWICH,MA 02563 - ill 508-566-9338 AMORINGOAAMCAPEARCHITECT.COM am NEW EXTERIOR PERSPECTIVES < '1/4... ,.../ „4- ... t• MarlSTONE VENEER 4111111k-----CUSTOLA OM CUP CHIMNEY ,i6f4 I 1=g a NoM ASPHAST ARCHIM1011 RN-Irrit.E ROOMS*SINNOLES AT ALL MTN. 1 .. AND NEIN moor AREAS , S 'XII ' s '----- yarn CEDAR SIDE144.1. 1041140.LES TO MATCH ERWIN& 11111 =MM. I .4.. u.... .., ..__ \.._1X rIC.PAINTED CORNER SOAP911. . I R.. TO MATCH ERWIN, _ .--- Neel ANDERSEN 400 SERIES 0 NY FRONT ELEVATION NON PROW DOOR UN rr LYNDON*TO MATCH EXISTI N6 ExISTINS AC CONDENSER RANTED FINISH WITH WILT OUT HEAD TRN bGA i/4.l,4 MATC44 OWN* NEW SCREEN PANELS WITH PAINTED PVC TRIM OIAS NEN PAINTED CLAPROARDS TO MATCH EASTINS —Nom STONE VENEER / CHIMNEY ,110 ' 1 •-•----------;--- -- ' I I AL Ah. r— -,..r f I in - . -, ,—- / i 1 1 , b Y l'••••-- . Z 1 -0 R ...—......„. .-..---, , 1 jp1 i 1 I'imil mu mil iiii iiii1 1,- ,, p _ _,__il II ,ii 1 1 ii PANTED PVC SON NEW P rf X IFT AT COLUMNS WITH CEDAR 0 14 COMPOSITE 4, NEI"!RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SMINSLE EAU *APAR!DOORS 1X PVC PANTED CORNEA WARDS SGALe 110.V& TO MATCH DESTINE ROO OVERMANS AT DOOMS WREN STAND/IS SEAM METAL ROOPIN• 0 :1021 ... ADAM ALEXANDER HOMING AAA.itA RInfroolills 411.. AAM ARCHITECTURE&DESIGN SORIERO RE5IDENCE WNW. •••••••,....... r- 6 RICHFIELD DR.,SANDWICH,MA 02363 25 OLD CHURCH 5T,YARMOUTH PORT.MA - 0 MI 508-366-9333 AMORING@AAMCAPEARCHITECT.COM am NEYNI FRONT&RIGHT SIDE ELEVATIONS Yarmouth, MA ".% OCCAS 4NOT TO SCALE I PLAN IOOK 356 PAGE 65 �- -- g DEID TOOK 31.503 PAGE 90 ASSULSORIE MAP 124 PARCEL39 APPX1L WOOS 43 Norm.oLporof LEGEND .,,. I 1 5MIN,IONRMMY) AIRmounw System Ito elCanosnilaro S12.• _FW603(MVO■) E%ISTINO CONNUR I ----E1 PROPOSED CONTOUR / •... ......:f'G w:..."... .u4. EKISTINOIPOTGMOE " ce I i4Np P4F PROPOSEDSPQf GRADE —YI— WATER SERVICE UNE I _ —0— OVERHEAD UTILITY SERVICE O ipHI —I— UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVICE f,ll w1en 1ST 0 �-e— GAS SERVICE UNE 6 TEST HOLE/PORING LOCATION I NSI., dr•.... 0 +) B rt SEPTIC TANK n ' (' , ESDJ' - 01 DISTRIBUTION BOK ISA SOIL#-— C t� .-:1�,� _� _ n J. - .� ___ �re RESERVED D FOR FUTURE SORPTION EM II i?"12 7L--- I-. S.R.ro ---'^ �n7 O. UTILITY POLE ••~_--'6.2' 1iV'� I(J g ® CATCH ION eKBT-- s e SMP Parcel 39 %( b' FIRE HYDRANT ( ) WELL I i / ii I. I AM MAN Arm.19,602@B ® DRAINAGE MANHOLE XIL....__7•.............._________ �� ■ CONCRETE POUND,FOUND �1'� v . - _.._..-� 9i/ --1— TOP Of SANK M I 11 —. LIMIT OF WORK /" �,,. FENCE I \E' V---- �,/ - j�.-... EDGE OFCLFARING ���,,,,,,���//• WATER GATE w..4 `..4---' ..... '' �N OUTSIDE SHOWER • \ fEKI/ting Dr.inge Easement / W BULKHEAD -- — k-1--— DAMARIS DRIVE 6,0'Toy/kw/iv; / 7 — — — ----- — — — --- — ZONING INFORMATION: / DISTRICT MD / SMACKS / •RON1 SOrorl SDC. 20 PM MAR 20 WI' MAX.l3MMGE.23% COVERAGE: Ann M.&Tobia P.Soriero -WAWA 75.302360 44 PRINCE STREET,UNIT 311,BOSTON,MA 02113 .1331 MO RIO Pt PROPOSED SITE PLAN SHOWING ADDITIONS E lies COYDURC (IID/EEK600700%.,.2y ERwDeeDADOITK1n x236363 28 OLD CHURCH STREET,YARMOUTH,MA 02675 PIKIPOWn61eEM0.'. El3O.E2N)/19e06.1W%.U.I%t +4B Si J.M.O'REILLY&ASSOCIATES,INC. 1,'•X` P E.3e.eli 9%d%.a109•La 1343.67.(I...1••• 0 20 40 60 "PARC' ""Wp%w Ml iirra"u SCALE 1".6D' (IXB)pUI-111110 o■L.. ■n..MSe,W 0301 (eae)m-Ilw Am DAR'. SEW. et -DISC3. AM NUMMI ID 1MO IMO-0B55 a.\4A.DE3\Sw,.o-US42309[hurt,'13 nrmwnpwt\0WSG01S.PreLM SIN Plan 7.u2021 WOG 7-232021 As Noted ,Z... M b yR - . '°a:°.3`.", --sar -- - .,..,....; `-'o- . .- . 7?/' vi ' . i .. 4 WINDOWS• N . ; , \Anaersen. ,. . ' . ,.. _ .. .) , -",:fyt .- .,„,...-c7•,, . .f-- - 'je, o ...,-.:-. - • . ,.. ,.. -,.,..e . . v07 ,..to ; . .. 400 SERIES Tie..', ,.. ;.. , .,•,. • 200 SERIES .. .L.,— x. ;.--.. t. .), ,-- / WINDOWS & DOORS ,, •. r,,„4/**,. ti.• /or %-,..-.., ,,• ../- , 2G0U1I7D-E18 . ... , • _. „.. PRODUCT . It . .,, •••44 . ' • :•,.., 4' FOR PROFESSIONALS Ilibk , 0 . 11 41111 1111! i 0 l ' - . 4i , . ... .l 111 '-1.41-• - a . .... ,....... ..• I 11 I I , 11111 -'; '1 --z -='- : tili. . t r ......,..7--.. Or" ill komlow l': : . , — ' .4,:f„. , I .-. _____ MORE WAYS TO MAKE L_ T TI A M F HAPPEN . MORE VARIETY. SEVEN EXTERIOR COLORS SIX INTERIOR OPTIONS ■ White Camas Sandtone Te^a one Pine Whine Maple Oak .- E� Interiorroptions vary by ■ productcttype. Fcrest Green Da-x Bonze Back Dark Bmnze' Blsdr' EXCEPTIONAL INCOMPARABLE EXTERIOR TRIM HARDWARE SELECTION OPTIONS Andersen lets you choose from a broad range ! II 4 Andersene exterior of hardware styles and finishes, including a new trim installs in about spoon lock design for double-hung windows and i 41 five minutes. Plus, it's the most extensive hardware collection of any "'" "" available in 11 colors i patio door manufacturer. and a variety of styles. 1 Pages 12-15 Pages 8-9 t t MORE REPLACEMENT SOLUTIONS. From insert double-hungs to flangeless casements to custom-size bay windows and patio doors, Andersen has the answer to any replacement problem.Pages 6-7 INSERT& REPLACEMENTTT WINDOWS ---- .-:._.. � CUSTOM-SIZE WINDOWS --- --- '' & PATIO DOORS , li CUSTOM- t 400 SERIES 17 FRENCH W OO D —AiiiGLIDING PATIO DOOR . t CUSTOM-SIZE 400 SERIES ;i TILT-WASH 1 _ DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW f_ '.;- ' '- 400 SERIES 400 SERIES 400 SERIES W000WRIGHT' TILT-WASH REPLACEMENT DOUBLE-HUNG DOUBLE-HUNG CASEMENT WINDOW INSERT WINDOW INSERT WINDOW Additional custom-size products available. 'Dark Bronze and Black interiors are only available with Dark Bronze and Black exteriors respectively. Printing imitations prevent exact color replication.See your Andersen supplier for actual coke samples. rD SPECIES ' A ; . r n choose frorn three wood species Because the gram patterns and color IFIS ral good will vary_ your dn(r will have a -a-kind texture,mart tth and personality. ilable in I)ouglas Fir,Saple Mahogany y4" ' N ;,1;i ( .},yetis (i...,,,..'`, r 77130 RP 77144 RP 77132 FP 77664 FP Shown in Douglas fir Shown in nootka cypress Shown in sapele mahogany •. glas fir will, with optional shaker sticking optional shaker sticking 1GLAS FIR f0.: i ' N , , dill"Mil ` Y -0n VI o' •ELE MAHOGANY o A> a C • Izo ,,. 1* Y , 77684 RP 77660 FP 77944 FP Shown in nootka cypress with Shown in sapele mahogany Shown in nootka cypress with 77703 77663 sidelight with optional shaker sticking sidelight and optional P-516 glass. 'z,,•-•••';;,•.:..;'...: Privacy Rating 5. .TKCYPRESS ..vorr_.;,t,, RP 1-7/16"INNERBOND°DOUBLE HIP-RAISED PANEL FP 3/4"FLAT PANEL -3NVd -3NVd DNIIVd SSV1D 4 EN I ZiSLL 03SIVH 1V13 hal ADVAIdd IA .INV h%. I NV LAJ (SNOIldO/NOD t1000NOSdWIS 33S)1101113N1 5N011410 V000 ' 6 6ul�lDi s Jaloys louop.do puo 1y611aP1s 1y6i a is $!:-; ,.‘4:41,4,- I P �08LL '•,0.x.' 66SLL Wm-41,1 soISnop Li!uMo4S 41IM Jg sol6no ui uMo4S .r Y «,� dd 86SLL J POSLL i � r `w 1` ,3 ,r fie' 2y�,a���yy.ky 4 *--.8" :.0.444:,...:',,, .:0----,i-----. S . (I 1 ., 1 i iill k III Ill . 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' 111 1111111al HHIL JH 4 l' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1- r [..... .... .0 ..... __, .. ...... g le 0 1 '='..::',.•'''.,,,iii NM - w° .sem .:.: ... .•-r-.. .moi�.,.. ,. - t. �`R i.:ii t .. _..._ a .µ. .. .ROW;.fir.. _ .: r;_ / - h 04 I D Q Door feedback.overheaddoor.com/Visualizer.aspx?specifies=Overhead_Door\Images\Single_4_8&se1=554719(365754,365754,365674(3644644,365754),-1,-1,-1)&size=8x8