HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E067A-A1 ApprovedTOWN OF YARMOUTH l146 trOUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTII, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-,1451 Telephone (g)8) 39a-2231 Ext,1292 Fax (5G) 398-0E36 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMNdITTEE AMENDMENT FORM ("MINOR CHANGE REOUEST"} A minor change request must be submitted within one year of the original approval date or while the work is still in progress. Only a mlnor change may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application. PLEASE TYPE OR PBINT LEGIBLY originar Apptication#. )l- 26A1A Original Approvat oate: fu4osl ,1.?, gbet Address of proposeowo*: (lttO NO+linqtv,n i)rtsC Mailing address: emait. iK.tahcn €, r,'xn.co.l,r Preferred notification method:-phone/ Emait -US Mait ase ontractor,?nr l-hri,O. t /-t Prlu*f pnone#: Srer4io JBoo enall: laXa C lrT harfu .to*t preferred norification method: - Phone J Email Please describe proposed change(s) and attach plans/photos (as necessary): Signed (Owner or Agent) X npproveo oy oxH Reason for Denial: Al-Eoa 11t2015 AMENDMENT # Owne(s): \ l2lr4r.l r nnone *: 5O8.73J. O 3{ t) New C/A required? _Yes _No sisnedoKHchairm, kz qhr/{<l er4o,l ,litnN /asrtrors aP--61-Ptrab -[- a'rtxJ prltlct -HDtrttia aErau*|-,4-s:-.&-k-,L ,tDD rort: -!lAJBt'A) N .si a fI Ef,\'(-**;a \ ttf:,trst ae @ll,l'l* PpttogrD E4fttartl..rr,',,e arul ,Ltt8ltw: tt' iptanc cr.6 tItrtN'LE) rrat ,ott,o.r"rrfir IPL,, 'o' ,Drtct uI,r: Cf D,{I,': 4E arxrre ful @r-rg Nrzta t"(#e "i'ieo s fui r !) }. '; Fffi,,''I il "?oj: t i!ti- s.**'J t W t -- .r )' il. :'' I Pedicini, Kyle From: Sent: To: Subject: 'RICHARD GEGENWARTH' < r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Wednesday, September 22, 2021 1:43 PM Old Kings Highway Re: FW: 66 Nottingham Drive Amendment It would appear that the new location would not cause the shed to be more visible than the first location. So I would allow the change. Richard On 09122/2021 12:07 PM Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard, We also have a request for a minor change for you to review. Not sure if you've seen this yet because Grayce told the applicant she would forward to you. I have also attached the original application. Please let us know if you approve of this request. Tha nks, From: Rogers, Grayce Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 \2:O2 PM To: Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma. us> Subject: FW: 66 Nottingham Drive Amendment Kyle email originates outside ofthe organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verifu ifunsure. this email.