HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 9.24.2021
Grant, Kelly
From:Grant, Kelly
Sent:Friday, September 24, 2021 10:46 AM
To:'Jocelyn Biondo'
Subject:RE: 7 Leslie Lane dock lisence sect 91 recorded
Hi Jocelyn
That’s great news! Thanks for sending through a copy.
So moving forward you will just need to comply with the following:
Have the floats removed seasonally so they are not stored on the salt marsh vegetation
Be sure that the float size is compliant with the plan
If you need to carry out maintenance/replacement then you need to file a permit application with the
conservation commission.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: Jocelyn Biondo \[mailto:jocelynbiondo@gmail.com\]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 4:30 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: 7 Leslie Lane dock lisence sect 91 recorded
Hi Kelly,
I found the permit and liscence for the dock looks like was recorded with the registry of deeds in 1995. License
5002. Please see attachments update your records for me.
Thank you!!
Jocelyn Biondo
(daughter of deceased Edmond G Dyett)
On Fri, Feb 12, 2021, 1:34 PM Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote:
Hi Jocelyn
Thanks for the update. I do not have anything else on file for the property. This is not unusual as it predates the
regulations. If you wish to make any changes to dock or replace any components in the future, you will need to go
through the permitting process under the Wetland Protection regulations. The state will also require the structure to
be licensed under Chapter 91.
Kelly Grant
Conservation Administrator
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext 1288
From: Jocelyn Biondo \[mailto:jocelynbiondo@gmail.com\]
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 4:38 PM
To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: Jocelyn work Biondo <Jocelyn.Biondo@prudential.com>
Subject: Re: Violation Notice received today
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Hi Kelly,
I saw that Jennifer at Beacon notified you that the docks were removed.
Bummer this will be an additional $600 a year for me. But is what it is. :( thanks for helping me to understand
and rectify the situation.
I was not able to check my basement at the cape house since unable to make it North do to travel restrictions
for my job. I plan on going to the house in May 2021 and will look in boxes to see if i can locate the dock
papers. Were you able to find anything on your end? My parents have had the dock since cerca 1964-1968.
On Wed, Oct 28, 2020, 8:54 PM Jocelyn Biondo <jocelynbiondo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Kelly,
I received a certified letter today saying that the dock company places my docks on the wetland area on my
property. ( 7 Leslie Lane in Yarmouthport) and I have until tomorrow to rectify it.
I was hoping that you might provide a phone number that I can call you to better understand what is needed,
and possibly I can have more than one day to rectify.
Thank you
(If I see an area code with 508 I will be sure to answer, but any other phone number I don't recognize we
would miss each other. So please email me and I will call you.)