HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E076d}A TOWN OF YARMOUTH \ii&E-..] 1i46 RourE 28, sourH yARMourH, MA 02664-44s1\ig7 Telophons (5o8) 3s8-2231 Ext.l292-Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMM] APPL]CATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hsroby made for the issuance ol a Certllicate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapier 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as de3cribed below and on plans, drawlngs, or photographs accompanying th13 appllcaton. TrDa or orlrit laolblv: Addrws of propG€d work: Q!Ds(s): All applicltion. must b6 submittcd own.r or aocotr|prnhd by lottcr from own!r rpproving rubmlttrl ofappllcrtlon. Maillng address: -Year built: Prefsned notfi cation method:Pholre U-/Emall Aq6nUConlrac'tol: Malling Mdross: Email: \A \13 L\ docx?- srsnod(onc,orss.",l &{, 0.'t-..00 ^^^Crl- o","' q I ,- la\ > Owner/cont6ctor/agent 6 awae that a pemit may be Equired from the Building Depanment. (Check other departrn€nb, also.)> Thb certfcel€ is good tor on6 ,€ar flom approvel date or upon dale of e4iration of Buildlng Permit, which€v6r det6 ahall b€ lal€r For Commltlee usc onlv: Dat€: b Amounr lO Ca6hrcK RcYd by: u, Qbl?8 I\P TSflH st9#[tsilEL u"pr-ot*l.\Qlr [(-1 o*" ,,n""0, loh fe I sisned:tn olr^)d ^*l APPLICATION #: AI -EO1b Ptpne *:'\.1. ?3.^, ..1Q5n etnrr #: 9t-: t.r-t(-O.C)pc., TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 2t, SOUTH YARMOUTI|, MASSACHUSETTS 02664.4451 Telcphore (508) 398 -2231 F,,:L 1292 trrx (50t) 3984836 OLD KING'S HIGIIWAY IIISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WATVER OF 45-D,AY DETERMINATION The applicanUapplicant's agent urdentands and agrees that due to the curr€rlt declared National and State public health emergencies the detem nation of our Application for a Certtficate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such applicatioD. Thc applicant agrees io extend the time frame witlin which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic Districr Act. SECTION 9 -Mcetings, Eeorings, Time lor Making Delermbtdions "As soon as convenienl after atch public heaing; but in any event within forty-five (45) days afier the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in witing, the Commiftee shall make a delermination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/AgentName(pleaseprint)'4{,* Ca}al\6aa, Applicant/Agent signature:+<.out",Q I rr \f\ ?t-eot, APPROVED ocr 0 4 202r YARMOUTH 312020 Applicalion #' YOU R PROFESSIONAL.CLASS PRODUCT fipf"g"ylfli[:.i:::.x";,, Legacy 2o-Gauge Smooth Steel Entry Door OUTSIDT U.F.<to. (u.s/t-P) Solar H..t 6ah Co.md6t0.21 0.00 QUOTE INFORMATION APPROVE ocr 0 4 202t YABMOUTH tNstot 0.00 DETAILS Lc!.cy Slngla Entiy Door ln Fr.mGsrlrr Frlmc 20 Minute Fire Rated Door Left Hand lnswing - lnside Looking Out 006 Style 20-Gauge Smooth Steel Door Vallis Red lnside and Outside HrrduuarG AllHardware in 5atin Ni(kel Finish Fire Rated Georglan Lockset Fire R.ted Thumbturn Deadbolt Frrmc TUFTEX Smooth Sandpiper Beige Alumrnum Frame Cladding - Loose on Unit Vallis Red lnside Frame 1 Tube ofSandprper Beige [.4ill Finish ZAC Auto-Adjusting Threshold Satin NickelSpring Eommer Hinges Security Plate INFORMATION AND WARNINGS On inswing doors with brickmold cladding and brickmold that is shipped loose, Provia recommends that caulkihg be applied where the brickmold meets the fullwood frame. For your convenrence, a tube of color matched caulking has been selected automatically.ao.r.cr yourdel.rtorstztng and pnctnS. slztNG HANDING 4,'-''Tia-'7 rr,-'iL >7 lrJ ' .t!' .l lf .:,:, .1 i l"\, a. ..: ..,.j':; .i}. ,'L'. I ' trl'- ..ru t, .-' l:tr Nt-I I----:1, I ,\ From: Sent: To: Subject: 'RICHARD GEGENWARTH' <r.gegenwarth@comcast.net> Monday, October 4,2021 3:26 PM Old Kings Highway Re: Exemption Applications Hi Kyle, The answer is yes to all 4 requests. Richard On 1010412021 ll:31 AM Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard. We have four exemption applications for you to review: 2l-E,076: Replacing an entry door at 148 Kates Path 2l-80772 Replacing a patio door - not sure if you need any information on the new door as all they provided for a description was 'white exterior' 2l-80782 Replacements signs for Sunflower Market Place 2t-8079 Please let me know if you need any additional information for any of these. Thanks, Kyle [-pPPg This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. delete this email.