HomeMy WebLinkAboutDYIMS PE Site report 20210929 Architect: Perkins Eastman DPC Distribution: Commodore PMA Consultants Sandra Cashen Mark Grylls File ARCHITECT’S SITE OBSERVATION REPORT DATE OF VISIT: 09/29/2021 PROJECT: Dennis Yarmouth Intermediate Middle School 286 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, MA 02664 DATE OF ISSUE: 10/04/2021 PROJECT NO: 71011 WEATHER CONDITIONS: SUNNY AND CLEAR; MID 70s ARCHITECT: Perkins Eastman, DPC 20 Ashburton Street 8th floor Boston, MA The purpose of the Site Observation Report is to record general observations of the work in progress at the time of the Architect’s visit. WORK IN PROGRESS: 1) Steel erection, deck installation, and detailing 2) Moment welding 3) Concrete placement and placement prep 4) Underground plumbing work in Area B. 5) Site electrical work in general 6) Ongoing survey and layout work by Brennan 7) Fenagh is on site for 3rd party rebar inspections and steel inspections. FIELD OBSERVATIONS: PE visited the site on 9-29, in order to review ongoing progress with the steel erection, deck installation, site work, foundation installation, insulation installation, etc. 1. RBO completed the balance of the footing prep on 9-28. Work completed this week includes the interior footing at A10.8/S.4, the base for the wall at the auditorium lobby and lobby corridor [B.14 from S.1 to U.2], and interior footings along B12 from S.1 to S.8. (See attached photos as well as GPI field reports.) 2. Stellar Steel has completed steel erection at area C, not including bar joists, and at the time of observation the crew was in the process of erecting steel at the north side of the gym on line J.7 and at the locker room area north of the gymnasium (see photos). 3. Stellar steel is in the process of installing metal deck at area C, and deck stud installation has been completed at area D (see photo). Commodore reports that by the end of next week decking installation and detailing should be complete for both C and D. 4. At the time of observation the welding crew was making moment welds at the NW corner of area C (see photo). 5. Backfilling of areas A and B interior (up to structural fill level) is ongoing ahead of steel erection. The backfill inside the footings has been completed at the adaptive PE area, and RBO is in the process of installing the crushed stone pad at the gym area (see photos). 6. The base plate has been installed at the remediated pier at lines K/B.24. 7. Marguerite has prepped the forms and rebar for the last pour at the auditorium lower bowl area, and is in the process of preparing for the footing placement on line B14 (auditorium lobby corroder foundation wall), and adjacent interior footings in Area A (see photo). Foundation work is nearly complete overall. 8. During shop drawing review PE picked up the fact that the wall at the brick return for the Mattacheese entrance (at the corner of Q and B.21—see attached photo) was placed 3” too far to the west (because that is what was drawn), so GAC issued a drawing to correct this by padding out a 4” brick shelf here that is pinned into the existing wall (Bulletin 18). PE asked Commodore to hold off insulation and backfill here pending this correction. REPORT BY: ABH Page 2 of 3 PROGRESS PHOTOS AREA OFF OF LINE Q WHERE BRICK SHELF MUST EXTEND INSTALLED FOOTINGS AT LINES W AND A.14 PREP FOR FOOTING PLACEMENT ON B.14 (WITH FRAME OF AREA C IN BACKGROUND) BACKFILLED INTERIOR AT SE OF AREA B MOMENT WELDING AT E-C.4 REPORT BY: ABH Page 3 of 3 ERECTED FRAME AT EAST LINK (FROM WIXON COURTYARD LOOKING EAST) COLUMNS BEING ERECTED AT SOUTH SIDE OF GYM (LINE J.7) PLACING COLUMN J/B25 ON ANCHOR BOLTS DECK INSTALLATION IN PROCESS AT C-D WEST LINK INSTALLED DECK STUDS AT AREA D    Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 9/27/21, Sunny, High 60’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________    FOOTING PREPARATION:      THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                                Activity for Monday, September 27th,  2021, Area “ A “      Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can vary from  location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.    THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION   COMMENTS  Isolated a10.8/S.4 F 4.0 24.2 Complete      Photos refer to Footing # a10.8/S.4     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 9/27/21, Sunny, High 60’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Excavating    Preparing Subgrade         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 9/27/21, Sunny, High 60’s                                                                                                                Caseyville, Il 62232                _________________________________________________________________________________________________        Placing Crushed Stone    Compacting Crushed Stone     Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 9/28/21, Overcast, Mid 70’s                                                                                                            Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________  FOOTING PREPARATION:    THE SEQUENCE OF PROCEDURES ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL INSTANCES OF PREPARATION, AND ARE AS FOLLOWS:   Excavate to six inches below proposed Bottom of Footing Elevation   Compact the exposed subgrade, Piers now revealed – with a heavy vibratory plate compactor   Place six inches of 3/4” Crushed Stone upon the Prepared Subgrade   Compact said Crushed Stone   Crushed Stone Base now ready for Footing installation                                            Activity for Tuesday, September 28th,  2021, Area “ A “   Footing Subgrade Compaction / Preparation Detail :  The soil matrix encountered at subgrade elevation largely consists of uniform sands and fine sands with scant traces of  non‐plastic silt. Therefore, the proper in‐situ compaction of this material is largely dependent on the relative moisture  content of the soil. Since the encountered materials are of native, (natural) deposition the water content can vary from  location to location. Each situation must be evaluated to determine that the proper soil compaction techniques are  utilized vis‐à‐vis the moisture content of the soil. In other words, it may be necessary to moisten some areas with  supplied water in order to certify proper compaction in these circumstances.    THE FOOTING LINES AND SPECIFIC FOOTINGS, ACCORDING TO THE SCHEDULE BELOW WERE PREPARED THIS DAY:  FOOTING LINE  FROM – TO  FOOTING  COORDINATE  FOOTING  SIZE and TYPE  BOTTOM  ELEVATION   COMMENTS  b14/P – b14/V b14/S.1 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  b14/P – b14/V b14/S.5 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  b14/P – b14/V b14/S.8 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  b14/P – b14/V b14/T.2 F 5.0 23.2 Complete  b14/P – b14/V b14/U.2 F 6.0 23.2 Complete  Isolated b12/S.1 F 10.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated b12/S.5 F 9.0 23.0 Complete  Isolated b10/S.8 F 5.0 23.2 Complete    Construction Note: Footing Preparation for Buildings A, B, C, and D is now complete.    Photos refer to Footing # b12/S.1       Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 9/28/21, Overcast, Mid 70’s                                                                                                            Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________      Excavating    Compacting Subgrade         Earthwork Monitoring, Daily Field Report                                                                                      Geotechnical Partnership, Inc.  Dennis‐Yarmouth Intermediate School                                                                                                                      File No. 1814‐02   Field Representative: Francis E. Sviokla                                                                    Earthwork Contractor: Robert B Our Co., Inc  General Contractor: Commodore Builders                                                                 24 Great Western Rd., Harwich, MA 02645  404 Wyman St.,    Suite 400, Waltham, MA 02451                                       Pier Installer: CNC Foundations, 8251 Bunkum Rd.                Date on site: 9/28/21, Overcast, Mid 70’s                                                                                                            Caseyville, Il 62232                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________    Placing Crushed Stone    Compacting Crushed Stone