HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E081 iiie +� TOWN ,1I :'::,211 -4 ,. ,, n,,,,z ,,q °:A" ':::P 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-4451 0�T --- --- Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508) 398-0836 2� K /OU7-I OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTE HIGHW qY APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: Z d i�(:,,r k w,..oc v- 2. Map/Lot# ` `'i I 111- Owner(s): 1Z_Owner(s): l ovs.& # '4-Sy'4Sy tu-t e )12,./' Phone#: All applications must be su6mitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 2 v��_s 4vi.,,c;a' ZA Year built: r 4 73 Email: Preferred notification method: X Phone Email Agent/Contractor: 1<ev i.,,, 7:k. ,:../' Phone#: &1 j /:I cr C-'7 2 C Mailing Address: 140 ((c2v &r5 'oc_, k V., d, ✓04 6 tA-%ecstlf 'I- G Email: c, . 1-,3-,A,,,./- c, c o C„„, , ,A.e ` Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): / 6c.k.C.V--- \, 4 4 e ‘ . < a 4,-.4.A.c,---- -13 ,:,. , U 4-., 7 tri fit. , z, 5-kosccl0 ..vc,.k, c( ., ,-. --,,,-L- i,cs-- -k, it‘ v\ k-,-; w. 5 t cl; it T` °' `6 wt. 4.-(-1, e (c'k. t.\,:r `c= �,,� A w `�'� t o Sit. *i d d e clo u..t le cL L,O r s 1-v-L”,k -6 V,.z_,_ , t- c's- 32-'1 ,, Joe/ ct. 60 cc o‘,4,1,3 t e Lu ,+A q ‘„ f‘ 1—11'et IA ie<1 t4;kit Li/11 7v; ir5' 1;.16.- YV\(_k kdk 0. ui. t kx-6'ow (-4 b, - I.;, de )C Signed(Owner or agent): Date: > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: WI 51 2,1 f Approved Approved with changes Denied Amount ;4 Reason for denial: Cash/CK#: E2-0(12 Rcvd by: Date . -Signed: /C` /2. I Si ned: ( �, - PPALCATI N gg I #: 2,,VL--e—og' I O V5.2017 //7,/,% TOWN OF YARMOUTH / 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 �//;-/ ! Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 i*hii iii/i%/%/�i/'� OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-Jive (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): KQ r/ A -c1/4, Applicant/Agent signature: Date: i o/5(zoti Application#: 2-1--epg 3/2020 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FILING REQUIREMENTS ALL exemption applications to include color photos of the front of the house&the location of proposed work. Additional requirements (Listed alphabetically by project type): 1. Additions or other structural changes (e.g., handicapped ramps, changed window location, decks, etc. not visible from any way or public place: a) Elevations/drawings (all 4 sides); 1/4"to 1' minimum scale b) Color chips/samples for siding & roof, as well as for shutters, doors, etc. (Exception: If colors will match existing house colors, please note it on application & make sure that color photos show roof and paint color.) c) Plot/site plan showing location of changes (not necessary to changes to façade only). d)Any other information that the applicant feels would assist OKH in determining the appropriateness of project. 2. Arbors &trellises: a) Drawing showing dimensions and style. Detailed description of materials &colors. b) Plot plan showing proposed location. 3. Commemorative plaques: Please note proposed location of plaque on photos. 4. Decks not over 50% visible from any way or public place: a) Elevations providing specific information as to size of deck, style & height of balusters, location of stairs, etc. b) Color chips/samples for decking, balusters, and rails. (Exception: If color will match existing house colors, please note on application and make sure that photos show existing colors.) c) Plot/site plan showing footprint of deck against footprint of house. d)Any other information that the applicant feels would assist OKH in determining appropriateness of project. 5. Fences/walls/hedges/ornamental boulders: a) Site plan indicating location of proposed work with running footage and gates, if any. Also, indicate on plan any existing fences/walls/hedges. (Color coding helps.) b) Provide picture/drawing illustrating style of proposed fence or wall; type of plant(s)for hedge. (Note: Height should not exceed 4 feet.) c) Indicate materials and colors for proposed fence or wall. d)Any other information that the applicant feels would assist OKH in determining appropriateness of project. 6. Flagpoles: a) Size, material, and color of pole b) Plot plan showing location of pole relative to street/way&house/building. 7. Freshwater docks &piers: a) Plot plan showing location of dock/pier. b) Elevations/drawings of dock/pier; material/color list. c) Copies of all required licenses & permits must be submitted. 8. Roofs: a) Photos of existing roof(including photo of front of structure) b) Description of proposed roof including material, style, & color. (Sample preferred.) 9. Sheds (not more than 120 square feet): a) Elevations/drawings of all 4 sides; 1/4"to 1' minimum scale. b) Color chips/samples for painted/stained sheds & roofs, as well as shutters, doors, window boxes, etc. (Exception: If color will match existing house colors, please note on application & make sure that photos show existing colors.) c) Plot/site plan showing location of structure in relation to existing structures on property. d)Any other information that the applicant feels would assist OKH in determining appropriateness of project. 10. Window/door replacements/garage door replacements: a) List number&location of windows/doors to be replaced (can be indicated on photos). b) List manufacturer, style, color, &grid pattern of windows. c) Include photo or drawing of proposed garage door, material, and color. V5/2017 To whom it may concern; As owner of 20 Dartmoor Way, I give Kevin Fair authority to act as my agent for this building project which is an 8'x 12' storage shed. Th k.Yo u Tom Trieber 10/5/2021 NOTES - J^ \-,.. ,, • 1.DATUM IS NAVD88 2.THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED WORK ONLY AND NOT TO �/ • BE USED FOR LOT UNE STAKING OR ANY OTHER i \ �1.�`''�., PURPOSE. `� > V 3.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING is/7 ,S / DIGSAFE(1-888-344-7233)AND VERIFYING THE • • ;.- LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND&OVERHEAD UIIUT1ES `, j . --.t PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. j , / i` ✓ /� �\ 4.EXISTING SEPTIC LOCATION PER TIE-CARD ON FILE ' / WiTH TOMM. "\ ,!) N,,<.\/J./ ... , / \ ...)\ Rri, IY X. ,, ra_ LOCUS MAP S' g.. 4 \ C //� ._�- k NOT TO SCALE dipi / y o- `--,,..______—•` ASSESSORS MAP 141 PARCEL 42 AV cl.''''... ,••,,,\ -----, �� / ,�4(j , . "'rr_._\`• • PROPOSED �� / /7.--i;' BATHROOM c , ZONING SUMMARY / ,;w' �,- �• I ZONING DISTRICT: R-40 DISTRICT /,j ,i / / MIN. LOT SIZE 40,000 S.F. ^� ��� , "' MIN. LOT FRONTAGE 150' EXISTING DWELLING TOP FNDN=2s.+' MIN. FRONT SETBACK 30' / / / j116 ## I . � 1 MIN. SIDE SETBACK 20' ,,' 1 MIN. REAR SETBACK 20' 10 N MAX. BUILDING COVERAGE 25% i / % j / "' ' v- y„ LOT 43 21,250±SF • 1, SITE PLAN OF #20 DARTMOOR WAY YARMOUTHPORT, MA PREPARED FOR STEVE COOK DATE: SEPTEMBER 21,2017 02-4541 .>>-...-�``<,�.• �Ir�';1 fax 508-3&2-9880 f 0 N1I L ,c,, P%DANIEL A.\fir•,i r �n\'. ,1 OJALA \r_ 1 y-;t downCApe.com 0 .i t..:CIVIL l„ �11r.�r 03f.• 1 Iwo Cape eag/aeen g,mc. ',N.,,,,,,,,,,,,..__ `R4 ss:°` civil engineers Scale:1"=20' _'3..t 1 ``5%on land surveyors :�; 1 9,39 Main Street(Rte 6A) -- ------------ n L� I; �,;F 1_: DATEDANIEL A.OJALA,RE.,P.L.S. YARMOUTHPORT MA 02675 DCE #17-347 11-075 TAKACH.dwg 1H ° t , ,-, --...:,....:-._-.-:__ _____• ._._...„.......______...........___ . . . : - .., , . ------:____—__:„.....„___-------_---•-_-_- -----__________ ---_____ ----- ._sm,,.. . •,, 1 , \\•,. ----- . ..: .,,,,,• , / tis ..i.., L ' MI— 11111\-------- II 1—: . 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