HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E082TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, I\4A 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 ExL't292-Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. AoenVContractor:'/JtE Phone #: Mailing Address:'*au/4 Preferred notiflcation method: Description of Proposed Work (Additional paqes mav be attached if necessarv): 2L ;"rktl {;rq' ,rrJ Signed (Owner or agent): lm .^.r. v*/ l(y i / lrl ge r @ Ao L .C?rrt Preferred notification method: y' Phon" 17 -5ao7 Owner/coitractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building D€partment. (Check other d€partments, also.)This certmcate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expi.ation of Building permit, whichevei date shail be tater. For Committee use onlv: Approved with changes """n,"*0,{01Rfhv\P o"," ",nn"o, lo /'1 hl sisned;ba ol"il u*,1 ApplrcAroN#: )l-@Z? Tvpe or print leoiblY: Address of Owner(s): All applications muqt be Mailing address: Map/Lot# g116g "n **&tfrfi'L)L4 h approving submittal of application. vear t:uin, / ft l X 4pror"o APPROVED ocr 0.7 2021 ' YAAMOI}1h- '' -- __--:-'-.-. :. --'.,-. -----\ ^ r.? - .- ---; l ; ,1 ,) tfr., tL -*\ -L- s rHE STRUCTUR€S SHOWN W€R€ LOCATEO ON THE ?ROUNOou -Ze=-=Z__z_a_a:4 .HIS SK€TCH IS FOR H-Or PIAN PURPOSES OIYLY AA/O SHOULONOT 8E USED FOR ANY s_ -L\ o"\ \ ll ,/-o Iil zt. Vt't A r'p FDat, I '.7.ot/ lf'..t il 1..o , "..r. .ll - e.-r, '. ll o.-..€ zo-= ,lt',1*a : 2-tsJ.-l G . e4 rSa.'pr : 3o' S,! o€ : ,g.4.-'L : zo. ll ll or11 euru I1), (-il"I PL , frlASS. OTHER P-UPYPOSE .eZ-z% PR1JECT No.-T3 ../Z 4 ,-az ' l/.. t- ,z BARNSrABLeivilGce, (617) 362-813:1 D SURVEY }ULIANIS I 3261 MAii\ sr/roure on VILLAGE, MA 02630 z'7 z : z"zoa f! r, "e) o: ?r, ,/.e r)) -b .!,. lrt -.:+-\ tz 5_ i>ec zb , CON ;: *:F*-- TI!lI ra rlrr*-(t j , a+' O Orivett Cap€ ^ Perfect for rearonal rtorage of beach gear. fiehin8 equipmeht. biket and more!a ,teep lol12 pitch with 6 5" walk on front and back creatinS ample 5toraSe room for the included 48"deep loft. Shedr 12'and lett come with (l) door and (l) window on the front wall. Shedr 14 or larger come rtandard with (2) windowr. Pi.tured buildinSr may contain optionr and upgrades that affect cortr of rheds and lmall buildingr. Pleare inquire for mor€ information. hicint il rubject to change without notice. A. l2'xl6 Quivett Cap€: B. 8 xl4 Quivett Cape: C. S xto Quivetl Capei D. l0 xl6 Quivett Cape: E. 12 xl6'Quivelt Cape 6'x8 ...............S3.255 6'xr0 .............. $3.495 8 x8' ............... $3.495 8 x10 ..............53.970 8 xr2 ..............s4.460 8 x14 .............. J5.250 8 xl5'..............55.730 ro'x10 ............$4.680 10 x12 ............ s 5.090 r0 xr4 ............ t5.930 1o'xr6"........... J6.690 r0'x20 ............ s8.085 r2 xr2 ............ $6.250 r2 x14 ............ $6.990 r2 x16 ............ $7.980 ................ PluJ Tax : PINEHARBOR.COM Oettef 0u ainge by De.ign : I Angellka lgoe '- :: .t-:' 8 x 14 Quivett - Knight.pd{ l.:-r - August 11 ,2021 at 2:58 PM Dear Ms. Knight, B F- NFFNOVED ocT 0 7 zozl +l YARMOUTH apppnygpt OcT 0 7 2021 Y/TRIViCU I il a\,\ \") ro \ l3 )eIttQ </a,/ o -ol\a Ct. .-.e \o\o /E o w /e,c ttr/ 149.40.1 149.40.2 149.25 149.4 APPROVED ?cT 0 7 2021 YAFT,lOUTH '149.54 145.62 149.57 149.56 149.65 149.73 149.76 Property Map 1 inch - 191 feet Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information.10/6/202r 149.29 149.38 149.26 1 49.53 From: Sent: To: Subject: RICHARD GEGENWARTH TTII-IIIII> Thursday, october 7, 2021 10:10 AM Old Kings Highway RE: 9 Loch Rannoch Way Exemption Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verifr if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Good, thank you Kyle. I approve of the shed design and its location. Richard On 10/07 /2021 8:42 AM Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard, They lightly shaded outlined the area where the shed is going, lcircled it in red so it's easier to see. Thanks, Kyle APPBOVED OcT 0 7 2021 From:'RICHARD GEGENWARTH' lmailto:trltIIII Sent: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 5:53 PM To: Old Kings Highway <o kh @yarmouth.ma. us> Subject: Re: 9 Loch Rannoch Way Exemption Will it be in the right rear corner or the left? lt wasn't drawn on the plot plan. On 10/06/2021 2:08 PM Old Kings Highway <ekh@yArmou!h.$A.!S> \wote: