HomeMy WebLinkAbout668 Rte 28 - Cover Patios COMPLETE DRC PACKET 042821 TC1 Williams, Kathleen From:Williams, Kathleen Sent:Monday, April 26, 2021 2:30 PM To:'Charles Adams (adams2430@gmail.com)'; 'Chris Vincent (christophervincent@comcast.net)'; 'Dick Martin (dick@dickmartinera.com)'; 'Jack McCormack (johnhmccormackjr@comcast.net)'; 'Sara J Porter (sjparch@comcast.net)' Subject:DRC Virtual Meeting - April 28, 2021 - Solar Canopies 261 White's Path AND 668 Rte 28 Captain Parkers Attachments:042821 DRC Agenda with Hyperlinks.pdf; 668 Route 28 DRC Application Materials.pdf; 668 Rte 28 Septic Engineered Plans - 2019.pdf Hi Guys,    It looks like we have the materials necessary to also review Captain Parkers Restaurant at the April 28th DRC  meeting.  Please find attached a revised Agenda which includes both 261 White’s Path and 668 Route 28, along with  the submittal materials for Captain Parkers.  The Applicant is proposing to enclose a portion of the outdoor seating  area on the east side of the building, add bathrooms in the rear of the existing restaurant, and expand the takeout  area on the west side of the building.  Please note that the proposed patio shown on the west side of the building is  not currently being proposed.    The architecture appears to blend in nicely with the remainder of the building.  No in‐lot or buffer trees are  proposed as part of the improvements, but as can be seen on the attached Septic Engineered Plans, much of the  parking and buffer areas are impacted by the septic systems.  It may be possible to remove some of the triangle  sections of the parking and add some plantings, but no trees or large shrubs so as not to damage the septic  system.  This would reduce the % impervious which is exceeding the 70% allowed with the proposed improvements.   The complete meeting packet for both projects is also available on the town website at:  http://www.yarmouth.ma.us/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_04282021‐2048     Thanks,  Kathy  ---------------------------------------- Kathy Williams, PE Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 (508) 398-2231 Ext 1276 kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us     From: Williams, Kathleen   Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:57 AM  To: 'Charles Adams (adams2430@gmail.com)' <adams2430@gmail.com>; 'Chris Vincent  (christophervincent@comcast.net)' <christophervincent@comcast.net>; 'Dick Martin (dick@dickmartinera.com)'  <dick@dickmartinera.com>; 'Jack McCormack (johnhmccormackjr@comcast.net)'  <johnhmccormackjr@comcast.net>; 'Sara J Porter (sjparch@comcast.net)' <sjparch@comcast.net>  Subject: DRC Virtual Meeting ‐ April 28, 2021 ‐ Solar Canopies 261 White's Path   Vinyl to match existingWhiteRed cedar shingles/asphalt roofing to match existingGrey/BlackAluminumAluminumWhiteWhite1x6"1"x8"1"x8"1"x8"1"x6"WhiteAzekWhiteN/AAluminumWhiteN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A BILL TO:SHIP TO: Phone:Fax: HYANNIS MA 02601-1860 508-775-7788 Londonderry Manufacturing 30 Jack's Bridge Road LONDONDERRY, NH 030532145 Phone: 6032168300 Fax: Barcode Phone:804-266-8893 Fax:8042616743 Manufacturing ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LANSING BLDG PRODUCTS/HYANNIS MA PO BOX 6649 LANSING BLDG PRODUCTS/HYANNIS MA 186 Breeds Hill Road Harvey Industries, Inc. 1400 Main Street. Waltham, MA 02451-1689 (781) 899-3500 harveybp.com Window Drawing Room Nbr:None Assigned 10000-1 1 LINE #QTY rolling Whse Delivery 1044902 None mdd 5038436 1141346 QUOTE NBR STATUS CUST NBR CUSTOMER PO SHIP VIA DATE ORDERED ORDER TYPE ORDERED BY Charge george Quote Not Ordered -Mark Dayton DELIVERY AREA LONDONDERRY MANUFACTURING DATE CREATED 4/22/2021 CLERK COUPONJOB NAME 2Of1Page 4/22/2021 4:06 PMPrinted:Last Update:4/22/2021 3:58 PM rolling Whse Delivery 1044902 None mdd 5038436 1141346 QUOTE NBR STATUS CUST NBR CUSTOMER PO SHIP VIA DATE ORDERED ORDER TYPE ORDERED BY Charge george Quote Not Ordered -Mark Dayton DELIVERY AREA LONDONDERRY MANUFACTURING DATE CREATED 4/22/2021 CLERK COUPONJOB NAME Room Nbr:None Assigned 11000-1 1 LINE #QTY 2Of2Page 4/22/2021 4:06 PMPrinted:Last Update:4/22/2021 3:58 PM PUBLIC - VARIABLE WIDTH - 1933 L.O. ROUTE 28 W W W W 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPTAIN PARKER'S PUB 668 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN APRIL 23, 2021 SCALE: AS NOTEDDRAWING #:A1 - 1PROJECT: TITLE: DESIGN: Capt. Parker's Restaurant proposed take out addition / renovation at GARY A. ELLIS N.S.B.C. inc.DATE: 05 / 30 / 2020#668 ROUTE 28 * WEST YARMOUTH * MA 141 Main Street Yarmouthport,Massachusetts 508-362-9802progress working drawings APT. PARKERSCWEST (right side) ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"P R O P O S E Dexisting FIRST FLOORM E N Up r o p o s e d a d d i t i o n12'-6" +/-icecream - take outEXIST. 5' SLIDING WINDOWSMENU BOARDON EXIST. DOORADD 12" COUNTER AT TAKEOUT WINDOWS EXIST. EXHAUSTTAKE OUT WINDOWSEXIST. SIDING AND TRIM TO REMAIN EXIST. RED BRICK KNEEWALLEXIST. H.C. RAMPPLANTING BED BEYONDA251A251EXTEND EXIST. ROOFMATCH ROOF SHINGLESAWNING WINDOWSANDERSEN or EQ.MATCH NEW SIDING AND TRIMTO EXISTING (VINYL)EXISTING WAITING AREA WILL BECOME NEW ICECREAM / TAKE OUT AREADISH WASHING AREAT A K E O U T A R E AENTRYexist.R E S TA U R A N T e x i s t i n g e x i s t i n g B A R EXIST. FIXED WINDOWEXIST. FIXED WINDOWEXIST. 5' SLIDING WINDOWSICE MAKERRAMPexist.EXIST. 5' WINDOWW/ MENU BOARDEXIST. DOOREXISTING WINDOW ROLL UP p r o p o s e d IN EXISTING WAITING AREA2 SINKS B.DWIN NEW LOCATIONEXIST.ICE CREAMEXISTING BRICK KNEE WALLUNDER NEW COUNTERS "?"3'0" x 6'8" DOOR INSTALL NEW WINDOW REMOVE EXIST.12'-6" +/-9'-0" +/-p r o p o s e d a d d i t i o np r o p o s e d a d d i t i o n P A T I O42' x 16'p r o p .6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"OPTIONAL PICNIC TABLESLIMIT OF EXISTING PARKING POSSIBLE HOSTESS STATIONPLANTING BEDproposed3'-0"3'-0"EXIST. RED BRICK FLOOR TO REMAINSLOPEWALL, WINDOW REMOVE EXIST.& BRICK KNEE WALLF L O O R P L A N 1/4" = 1'-0"P R O P O S E DADD 12" COUNTER AT TAKEOUT WINDOWSMATCH FINISH FLOOR MATERIALTO EXISTING (RED BRICK) EXIST. EXHAUSTA251A251S11A CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE existingCONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE (?) existingEXISTING FOUNDATION WALLS6'-0"6'-0"WITH 6"x6"-10"x10" W.W.M. ON CLEAN OVER COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE 4" THICK POURED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR WITH 6 MIL VAPOR RETAINER FLOOR IN PROP. ADDITION :CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE W/ RED BRICKFINISHED FLOOR TO MATCH EXISTING AREATHICKEN SLAB (+/- 12") AROUND PERIMETERBOTTOM TO +/- 18" BELOW GRADE8'-9"(3) 1 3/4" x9 1/2" LVL BEAMON TOP OF P.T. 2x6 SILL10" DIA. CONCRETE SONOTUBESON CONCRETE 28" DIA. "BIG FOOT" FTG.ATTACHED TO WITH SIMPSON POST BASESFOUNDATION PLAN1/4" = 1'-0"S11A LIMIT OF CONC. SLAB 12'-6" +/-9'-0" +/-NORTH (rear) ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"P R O P O S E Dp r o p o s e d a d d i t i o n9'-0" +/-e x i s t i n g s t r u c t u r e ON BIG FOOT FOOTINGCONCRETE SONOTUBESEXTEND EXIST. ROOFMATCH ROOF PITCHMATCH NEW SIDING AND TRIMTO EXISTING (VINYL)MATCH SOFFIT SIZE / TRIMTO EXISTING PLANTING BED - 3' WIDE 18'-0" +/-p r o p o s e d p a t i o & p l a n t i n g a r e a proposed first floorproposed first floorp r o p o s e d a d d i t i o n9'-0" +/-e x i s t i n g TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 1/4" = 1'-0"S11A s t r u c t u r e top of plateSITE ADJUST EXTEND EXISTING ROOF STRUCTURE2x ROOF RAFTERS @ 16" O.C.PLYWD. SHEATHING & ROOF SHINGLESINTERIOR FINISH TO MATCH EXIST.EXIST. FIRST FLOOR3'0"x6'8" DOORPROP. SITE ADJUSTWALL, WINDOW REMOVE EXIST.& BRICK KNEE WALLFRAME CASED OPENINGAWNING WINDOW1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING,HOUSE WRAP & SIDING 2x6 EXTER. STUD WALLS W/ TO MATCH EXISTING(3) 1 3/4" x9 1/2" LVL BEAMON TOP OF P.T. 2x6 SILLTO 10" DIA. CONCRETE SONOTUBESON CONCRETE 28" DIA. "BIG FOOT" FTG.ATTACHEDW/ SIMPSON POST BASESWITH 6"x6"-10"x10" W.W.M. ON CLEAN OVER COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE 4" THICK POURED CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR WITH 6 MIL VAPOR RETAINER RED BRICK FINISHED FLOORTO MATCH EXISTING AREAALUMINUM GUTTERON SOFFIT TO MATCH EXISTINGLIMIT OF EXIST. BLDG beyond p r o p o s e d a d d i t i o np r o p o s e d a d d i t i o n SIMPSON H 2.5 HURRICANECLIPS @ EVERY RAFTERTHESE PLANS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE 9th EDITION / 140 MPH WIND ZONE