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492-532 Rte 28 Inflatable Park COMPLETE DRC PACKET 101321
1 Williams, Kathleen From:Williams, Kathleen Sent:Friday, October 8, 2021 11:26 AM To:Charles Adams (adams2430@gmail.com); Chris Vincent (christophervincent@comcast.net); Dick Martin (dick@dickmartinera.com); Sara J Porter (sjparch@comcast.net) Subject:October 13, 2021 IN-PERSON DRC Meeting - Inflatable Park Hi Guys, The meeting packet for the October 13, 2021 DRC IN‐PERSON Meeting at 4 PM in Room A can be viewed on line at: https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_10132021‐2313 The file is rather large so I have not attached it to this e‐mail. As the meeting is so close and there is a holiday, I am not mailing out the packets, but they are available for pick‐up at the Com Dev counter and I will also bring them to the meeting. The proposed project is a modification to the existing Inflatable park amenities and layout. In general, they are eliminating the inflatable water rides and replacing them with a permanent water slide structure, adding a wave pool, adding a “flowrider” surfing pool, and an adult pool area with bar. The “adventure park” along Route 28 will be eliminated and the inflatables displaced by the new wave pool will be located in this area. They are also incorporating two adjacent properties for expanded parking, these include the Cape Traveler and the Beachway. The motel buildings on these properties will be eliminated and they will be installing additional parking with in‐lot trees and a small building along Route 28. To make the parking to the side/rear of a “principal building” to meet the bylaw, they have added a 24’x35’ building, although the use and purpose is unclear. They originally wanted a small maintenance shed there, but staff had indicated something more substantial would be needed to be considered a “principal building”. Site: 1. Streetscape: The proposed building is located about 30’ from the road with a stockade fence and some trees shown. The building elevations show a porch, but that is not included on the site layout and will be in the front yard setback. A porch would help to improve the streetscape. Would also recommend moving back the stockade fence and possibly eliminating it in front of the building depending upon the use, and including at least a short section of sidewalk along the entrance road as people will likely walk along Route 28 to access the park. Also should not have pavement right up to the rear of the building. All plantings should be located to the rear portion of the front yard buffer to accommodate future Route 28 roadway improvements. 2. Curb Cuts: They are eliminating one curb cut which is great. 3. Parking: With the addition of all these many new spaces, it would appear that some additional handicapped parking would be needed. 4. Buffers: Need to include buffer plantings along the boundary line with the Mayflower Motel. 5. In‐Lot Trees: They have added significant in‐lot trees. The previously approved plans had shown a planted island where the rope fence is shown now. Architecture: 1. Purpose: The purpose of the building is unclear although it looks residential. Seems like it would make for good seasonal or workforce housing, but would need septic/water. We should find out more at the meeting. 2. Elevations: The slope of both the porch and building seem a bit too shallow. The porch is a nice feature. They need to provide a rear elevation and floor plans. 2 Thanks, Kathy ---------------------------------------- Kathy Williams, PE Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 (508) 398-2231 Ext 1276 kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us X X 10/13/21 4 PM 1 Williams, Kathleen From:Healy, Kieran J. <khealy@bscgroup.com> Sent:Wednesday, October 13, 2021 10:09 AM To:Williams, Kathleen; 'Andrew Singer' Subject:RE: Proposed Storage Garage Inflatable Park Attachments:Light.JPG Hello Kathy – For the Garage. Certainteed Roof Shingles Cedar sidewall shingles White Azek Trim or equivalent Outside wall sconce – see attached or similar. 36” Passenger doors 96”X108” garage doors Windows to be 6X6 with grills between glass. White vinyl or Vinyl covered wood Concrete flooring – interior open I will have a sample of the trim and roofing shingle with me. Andrew will reach out to the water park developer on the other buildings but I believe they will be very similar. Kieran From: Williams, Kathleen [mailto:kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us] Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 9:56 AM To: 'Andrew Singer' <ALSinger@singer‐law.com>; Healy, Kieran J. <khealy@bscgroup.com> Subject: RE: Proposed Storage Garage Inflatable Park Hi guys, Do you have any cut sheets and/or modified Specification Sheet? There is little information on the elevations regarding materials, windows, doors or light fixtures. Kathy ---------------------------------------- Kathy Williams, PE Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 (508) 398-2231 Ext 1276 kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us From: Andrew Singer [mailto:ALSinger@singer‐law.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 8:57 AM To: Williams, Kathleen <kwilliams@yarmouth.ma.us>; 'Healy, Kieran J.' <khealy@bscgroup.com> Subject: RE: Proposed Storage Garage Inflatable Park CAPE COD INFLATABLE PARK 494, 498, 512, 518, & 526 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS OCTOBER 8, 2021 1 TITLE SHEET 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 3 SITE PREPARATION PLAN 4 LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN 5 GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 6 UTILITY PLAN 7 DETAIL SHEET SANDBAR MANAGEMENT 512 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 LOCUS MAP ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LOCUS INDEX OF DRAWINGS 349 Main Street - Route 28 W. Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 PUBLIC--VARIABLE W I D T H ROUTE 28 -- M A I N S T R E E T SPRINGERLANE4 0 ' W IDEBEVERLY ROAD 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPE COD INFLATABLE PARK 494, 498, 512, 518, & 526 WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) SITE PREPARATION PLAN OCTOBER 8, 2021 ROUTE 28 PUBLIC--VARIABLE W I D T H ROUTE 28 -- M A I N S T R E E T SPRINGERLANE4 0 ' W IDEBEVERLY ROAD 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPE COD INFLATABLE PARK 494, 498, 512, 518, & 526 WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) LAYOUT & MATERIALS PLAN OCTOBER 8, 2021 ROUTE 28 PUBLIC--VARIABLE W I D T H ROUTE 28 -- M A I N S T R E E T SPRINGERLANE4 0 ' W IDEBEVERLY ROADDD D DDD D D D D D349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPE COD INFLATABLE PARK 494, 498, 512, 518, & 526 WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN OCTOBER 8, 2021 ROUTE 28 PUBLIC--VARIABLE WIDTHROUTE 28 -- MAIN STREETSPRINGERLANE 40' WIDEBEVERLY ROADGG G G G G G G G GGGG G GGG G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G GGGG D DDD DDDDDDD SSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS349 Main Street - Route 28West Yarmouth, Massachusetts02673508 778 8919INISSUED FOR PERMITTINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCAPE CODINFLATABLE PARK494, 498, 512, 518, & 526WEST YARMOUTHMASSACHUSETTS(BARNSTABLE COUNTY)UTILITY PLANOCTOBER 8, 2021ROUTE 28 Section Thru Chamber Plan View 1. The Use Of Flexible Connection is Recommended at The Inlet and Outlet Where Applicable. 2. The Cover Should be Positioned Over The Inlet Drop Pipe and The Oil Port. 3. The Stormceptor System is protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: #4985148, #5498331, #5725760, #5753115, #5849181, #6068765, #6371690. Notes: 4. Contact a Concrete Pipe Division representative for further details not listed on this drawing. ONCE LAYER 'C' IS PLACED, ANY SOIL/MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED IN LAYER 'D' UP TO THE FINISHED GRADE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE SOILS CAN BE USED TO REPLACE THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF LAYER 'C' OR 'D' AT THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S DISCRETION. NOTES: 1.CHAMBERS SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418-16a, "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS" CHAMBER CLASSIFICATION 60x101 2.MC-4500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 3.THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE BEARING RESISTANCE (ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY) OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS AND THE DEPTH OF FOUNDATION STONE WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE RANGE OF EXPECTED SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS. 4.PERIMETER STONE MUST BE EXTENDED HORIZONTALLY TO THE EXCAVATION WALL FOR BOTH VERTICAL AND SLOPED EXCAVATION WALLS. 5.REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING AND INSTALLATION: ·TO MAINTAIN THE WIDTH OF CHAMBERS DURING SHIPPING AND HANDLING, CHAMBERS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL, INTERLOCKING STACKING LUGS. ·TO ENSURE A SECURE JOINT DURING INSTALLATION AND BACKFILL, THE HEIGHT OF THE CHAMBER JOINT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 3”. ·TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ARCH SHAPE DURING INSTALLATION, a) THE ARCH STIFFNESS CONSTANT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6.2.8 OF ASTM F2418 SHALL BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 500 LBS/IN/IN. AND b) TO RESIST CHAMBER DEFORMATION DURING INSTALLATION AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES (ABOVE 73° F / 23° C), CHAMBERS SHALL BE PRODUCED FROM REFLECTIVE GOLD OR YELLOW COLORS. 24" (600 mm) MIN* 7.0' (2.1 m) MAX 12" (300 mm) MIN100" (2540 mm) ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS 12" (300 mm) MIN 12" (300 mm) MIN 9" (230 mm) MIN D C B A *TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, INCREASE COVER TO 30" (750 mm). DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MIN PERIMETER STONE (SEE NOTE 4) EXCAVATION WALL (CAN BE SLOPED OR VERTICAL) MC-4500 END CAP SUBGRADE SOILS (SEE NOTE 3) PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) 60" (1524 mm) **THIS CROSS SECTION DETAIL REPRESENTS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION. PLEASE SEE THE LAYOUT SHEET(S) FOR PROJECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPE COD INFLATABLE PARK 494, 498, 512, 518, & 526 WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) DETAIL SHEET OCTOBER 8, 2021 ROUTE 28 310 SF APRON 1745 SF WATER AREA 12955 SF WATER AREA 4580 SF APRON AREA OF NEW DECK AND FEATURES AREA OF EXISTING DECK AND FEATURES TO REMAIN 02673 508 778 8919 349 Main Street, Route 28 W. Yarmouth, Massachusetts Plan View1 Date: Designer: Model:Drafter: Scale: Page: This document is copyright and the proprietary information herein are the sole property of WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. and may not be reproduced or distributed without prior consent of WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. The proposal layout shown is a concept only and may be subject to change.1 OF 3 42186E1 1"=20'-0" L.Z. K.T. Jul 13, 2021 42186 SK-16 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, United States Cape Cod Family Resort WP expansion 2022 A B C D E Manta 55 Master Blaster Flatline Loop Giant AquaTube Colorado Drop Slide 313.5 40.0 6-person Raft 578.3 40.0 1-2 Person Inner-Tube 239.6 39.0 Body Slide 405.9 39.0 1-2 Person Inner-Tube 406.7 39.0 1-2 Person Inner-Tube LENGTH(ft)HEIGHT(ft)VEHICLE 0 SCALE 1"=20' 10 20 40 FEET A B C D E EL. 0.0 Ft. T.O.DECK RUNOUT LANE EL. -1.0 Ft. WATER LEVEL P O O L DEPTH 3'-6" REQUIRED WATER EL. 39.0 Ft. T.O.PLATFORM T O W E R Front Elevation View2 Date: Designer: Model:Drafter: Scale: Page: This document is copyright and the proprietary information herein are the sole property of WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. and may not be reproduced or distributed without prior consent of WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. The proposal layout shown is a concept only and may be subject to change.2 OF 3 42186E1 1"=20'-0" L.Z. K.T. Jul 13, 2021 42186 SK-16 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, United States Cape Cod Family Resort WP expansion 2022 Left Elevation View3 Right Elevation View4 0 SCALE 1"=20' 10 20 40 FEET Isometric View5 Date: Designer: Model:Drafter: Scale: Page: This document is copyright and the proprietary information herein are the sole property of WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. and may not be reproduced or distributed without prior consent of WhiteWater West Industries Ltd. The proposal layout shown is a concept only and may be subject to change.3 OF 3 42186E1 L.Z. K.T. Jul 13, 2021 42186 SK-16 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts, United States Cape Cod Family Resort WP expansion 2022 Cape Cod Inflatable Park Building 492 Main Street, West Yarmouth, MA aquaticgroup.com This drawing is the property of Aquatic Development Group (ADG), Inc., Cohoes, N.Y. The use of this document is restricted to the conveyance of information to customers or vendors of ADG, Inc., which reserves all proprietary rights hereto. No other use, duplication or reproduction in whole or in part may be made of this document except upon the written consent of ADG, Inc. The information conveyed herein is intended exclusively for the project identified by the title block and receipt by the owner, architect, engineer or contractor on this project is evidence of their acceptance to these conditions of restricted use. Planning/Design Engineering Manufacturing Construction Concept & Elevations Sheet Concept & Elevations Date October 5, 2021 N © 2021 Aquatic Development Group Scale 3/8”=1’ 0 1’5’ One Inch ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL SUPERSEDED 10/13/21