HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E069 TOWN OF YARMOUT 11-VARmobi.,-,n--...*?,4, ) 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 ....4c. OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I .,_.,___ FI EM/EU Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawingi,Iiii 0 tilAaphs accompanying this application. YAW/IOU-I H KING'S Type or print legibly: OLD HIGHWAY Address of proposed work: c C.../4/21eJ/-74-1- Ai------)t-lf--7- Map/Lot# I/3 .- / 2-I I 4'f, Owner(s): Phone#: All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: Year built: Email: Preferred notification method: Phone Email Agent/Contractor: zfE 8 ic/01212/...0 ._._ce-,,-7 Phone#: 59--Wo iic Mailing Address: - A3. 6OS /i.eutie-L 6.= 64)- 4/4izi.xi,sr/Z5fel 0/ Os raa f ,,, mt.) 0-26 s3"-- Email: joAlf--.0 e e 5 .,--,,z,vev-zif_s , t,-e ii-1 Preferred notification method: Phone i."- -- Email Description of Proposed Work(Additionalpaqes may be attached if necessary): (;(0.___.6 ,/- 15 P1--./c//tv 4 2-4-)91- c — Eir,f @-,-.„f f i/z1:6 + j),L7 44.4 .11.- 41'1'41 / ' To 5- ' PR .1,t,7,4,6_< /,s icier 0 t s 4--eC_ f Ff2 67---t1 /I- ,,-/ '-/- /49-147litefi.'"‘"7 ,"/' £4--,-//4o-gi 1 .P,_‘,7-_c__-i- 4L-s 4 40,L1-0 I-45 As fr---xc''14 Pr Signed (Owner or agent): Date: .;. Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. / For Committee use only: v ,r„," Date:g/r- / ' 'V`' Approved Approved with changes Denied Amount-S2 • ° C) Reason for denial: a !Li 'r • - - .-' Cash/CK#:fl 652— AUG 2 3 2021 Rcvd by: L.TTV YARMOUTH i - ,- - - -,, . • .... Date Signed: '__.4 Signed: (" 6#Ca—) APPLICATION#01—FO 6 7 , TOWN OF YARMOUTH „ ,,,,,,,,,, :,..., ,„ ,,,,,% ..,. ,„ , ,0-3 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 \r*iii+71; 1144 ) Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 -,..z ,--- OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicanrapplicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations As soon as convenient after such public hearing; hut in any event within.forty-five (45) days (tiler the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the committee shall make a determination on the application. Applicant understands that the review of this application will he scheduled as soon as the situation allows. 1 2 Applicant/Agent Name (please print): / A -41 Applicant/Agent signature: ,--c..„._, - 4•-"trier . Date: -7/74)4,270.21 Application#: ,ZEC- --DOA 3/2020 1 6 FOOT RETAINING WALL height above soil (ft) 6 depth below soil (ft) 2.5 active pressure coeff 0.33 passive pressure coeff 4 soil unit weight(pcf) 110 rock unit weight(pcf) 140 surcharge(psf) 100 coeff of friction 0.4 heel width (ft) 3.25 toe width (ft) 0.75 stem width (ft) 1.5 SLIDLNG: Lateral Active Loads: soil pressure (lb) 1324.583 surcharge trapezoidal (lb) 20.06944 surcharge distributed (Ib) 367.8611 TOTAL ACTIVE LOAD(LB): 1712.514 Lateral Passive Loads: wall weight left(lb) 773.5 wall weight center(lb) 714 wall weight right(lb) 178.5 passive pressure(lb) 1375 TOTAL PASSIVE LOAD(LB): 3041 OVERTURNING: Active Overturning Moment: soil pressure (ft-lbs) 3752.986 surcharge trapezoidal (ft-lbs) 56.86343 surcharge distributed (ft-lbs) 1563.41 TOTAL ACTIVE OVERTURNING MOMENT(FT-LBS): 5373.259 Bassive Overturning Moment: wall weight left(ft-lbs) 6445.833 wall weight center(fr-lbs) 2677.5 wall weight right(ft-lbs) 111.5625 TOTAL PASSIVE OVERTURNING MOMENT(FT-LBS): 9234.896 FS SLIDING: 1.775752 FS OVERTURNING: 1.718677 21 --Ea0C1 ........ , -,.....-...,,.................................,... >,-.,...,.... ..... ....,-.......... ,,...r."....\ c.,....) * 0 I './ • I 73? - \ --,.. ,._ er‘ i 7S) ---0 1 'es' - -,, .........ta=,.. , , ,.... ) 1 . / Vr•7 ....-..',. 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April 19, 2021 Project Design Criteria Sheet Job Number: [19631.00 Location: 5 Carriage Lane, Yarmouthport, MA Project Description: The project includes the analysis and design of gravity retaining walls constructed from stacked fieldstones at the referenced residential property. Included in the design are three options for walls based on the site conditions in those areas. Note: Coastal Engineering Company (CEC) takes no responsibility for the design of items not included within the attached calculations. . Code: International Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings (1R[ — 2015) with 780 CMR 51.00: Massachusetts State Building Code, Ninth Edition, Residential Volume amendments Design Criteria • Surcharge loading above wall = 100 psf • Spoil friction angle 30 degrees • Coefficient of friction between soil and stone = O.4O • Unit weight of stone = 140 pcf • Unit weight of soil = 110 pcf • Required Factor of Safety Against Sliding = 1.67 • Required Factor of Safety Against Overturning 1.67 44 Z ) ECAP9 4'-3" RETAINING WALL height above soil (ft) 4.25 depth below soil (ft) 2 active pressure coeff 0.33 passive pressure coeff 4 soil unit weight(pcf) 110 rock unit weight (pcf) 140 surcharge (psi) 100 coeff of friction 0.4 heel width (ft) 2 toe width (ft) 0.5 stem width (ft) 1.5 SLIDING: Lateral Active Loads: soil pressure (lb) 716.1458 surcharge trapezoidal (lb) 10.85069 surcharge distributed (ib) 278.2986 TOTAL ACTIVE LOAD(LB): 1005.295 Lateral Passive Loads: wall weight left(lb) 350 wall weight center(1b) 525 wall weight right(Ib) 87.5 passive pressure (lb) 880 TOTAL PASSIVE LOAD(LB): 1842.5 OVERTURNING: Active Overturning Moment: soil pressure (ft-lbs) 1491.97 surcharge trapezoidal (ft-lbs) 22.60561 surcharge distributed (ft-lbs) 869.6832 TOTAL ACTIVE OVERTURNING MOMENT(FT-LBS): 2384.259 Bassive Overturning Moment: wall weight left(ft-lbs) 2333.333 wall weight center (fr-lbs) 1640.625 wall weight right(ft-lbs) 36.45833 TOTAL PASSIVE OVERTURNING MOMENT(FT-LBS): 4010.417 • FS SLIDING: 1.832795 FS OVERTURNING: 1.682039 ECL) BILOWZ ASSOCIATES,INC. CHALLOkils:MIN=A:31PE DESkiN •,,,,, ‘,. '....,, , \....,, . , . / :' 'il ,• 7. . • 11 /.. .\, * 4•,,/ '''/111 0 p4A.,, itir..4.47.--• -, 1 , , -.••i„., , -T- A,Alk / V •• • /4y Alb • \‘‘ oe iw_.77......,-----'--- ( 440' , ,.... gip .__L__. \, (j SERVICE COURT / . \ A....., .) , , \ \ / 4. , , 11 ,...-„. , . 7,7... ......,...,.......7 ..7.7. ....,.,,..,....,„......„_,,_,. I \ * /•, 1 . .,.,,. ....J,,,,,........,,......,,.:,,. “....., ....,.. ,,,... ..........., ‘ ' iiPMfAtillW / ,11,I,N ‘, 440, TW..78.4.1. N.,,_ \-•.\\ .4 I I illit ' I'll h bt, , ,,, ., • . ,.• ,... --•,,......•..„ \ : 7,,,-zrnilgy:iica,:i,:d ,:i.motithport,NIA ___ I>WEIJING PL.- ',...9 ) ,I.RVICE COURT S \ , e' ?,..... ..,..,...., .,, ,,..... ...,...,,,., , LA-1.2 L _ 5D-{7,331kri, (Z/E.'-7 Pq t\dt WPCIA— t r 431 (317'Hell, I . , . . it) , 144 1 0 frAqc 12 ./11::1 17 '71 /8 —73 1 1\ ui- dall .„...,,„,,e,......1.....0.... COAS IAL engineering co. _ April 19, 2021 Pr:ject No. C19631.00 E.B. Norris 6- Sons Inc. Attn: Craig Ashworth 138 Osterville W. Barnstable Road Osterville, MA 02655 VIA EMAIL: cashworthiDebnorris.com , Re: Structural Calculations Relative to Gravity Retaining Wall 5 Carriage Lane, Yarmouthport, MA Dear Craig, At your request, please find the attached engineering calculations prepared for the referenced property as needed for building permits and construction. Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Coastal Engineering Company, Inc. EMAtic 7x„ 74560 3 ) _ ...- , . /k V 13 N05603 ''s 10 tV A L C'/4.‘->•' Nicholas (Cole) Bateman, RE. Senior Structural Engineer Enclosures D:\DOC\C19500\19531-No physical foider\Doc-Out\24021-04-19 Letter.doc 4 . 1 Jenn Hatch From: Rogers, Grayce <GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 9:15 AM To: Craig Ashworth Cc: Jenn Hatch Subject: RE:Application for certificate of exemption for retaining wall, 5 Carriage Lane, Yarmouthport Hello Craig, As we have returned to in person business, please mail a copy of the application to the Historic Division. Thank you, Grayce Rogers Office Administrator Old King's Highway Committee/ Historical Commission 508-398-2231 Ext. 1292 From:Craig Ashworth [mailto:cashworth@ebnorris.com] Sent:Saturday,August 14, 2021 2:02 PM To: Rogers, Grayce<GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc:Craig Ashworth<cashworth@ebnorris.com>;Jenn Hatch <jenn@ebnorris.com> Subject:Application for certificate of exemption for retaining wall, 5 Carriage Lane,Yarmouthport Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you g g are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. ......................... .........,.. ..: :•:::..;,...;,..,., .:x}r a}• .;, .. ....k ..#.,... .}}.?5 YK9*l4•�'0.oci¢?+�C�ufiiR.?�i#Y2%tb'�� ixi?? i�73NR !:•..+kY•+'•i�:ii�dc�ic?3826,3cY?2a. }ate}�tiq:? }.}U2o;?'b.�?'t;':;.;tDc*?..�}}k�%yc}naL•fft32 •.2.�'?r`W&.A�taAl'J19f }.23•Si?#`yR?4NG»}s?r'r'•�f9D'1G�A`A`2 :;R'�:�'?fot��'?vi9•X�'2?S6 sa i,c.{%? 2..Y+.t'ej?K}}h..}•�N4.%.c}w.....,v::v.,c...kw•:ivw2K:w:7Q::�R.gh „c::?9..�k}X•�p.+.Jt3"?�.•.,•,wk`3&}d.�i:L..v„6,Lek.,,,.24kY. .^?A,.�`9?o4�F76!u:c.e^,.Y:"++3�4�"`.;...'.2k�ko1Sti6Wt..3?•.. Hi Grayce,Attached is what I believe is a complete Package for the proposed retaining wall. Please do not hesitate to call if there are any questions. Thank you, Craig Craig Ashworth, President E. B. Norris&Son Inc. Cell 508 243 5588 1 t22Lo°'I