HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-E090d}\ TowN oF YARMouTH \CflSt 1146 RourE 28, sorJTH yARrrorJTH. uA 02664-{5r\E/ r.r.phom (5oE) 39o.z3r €{ 1a2-F.x (so8)3s€{636 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COIIMITTEE APPLICATIO'{ FOR CERNFrcATE OF EXETPNOT Applic.to.i li hrlby ,tl.(b kr h. l.3lr:rc. ol . C.rtf.rl ot El.mption un(hr S.cton! 0 and 7 of Ch.prrr ,l70 ol l..1! ot ,S73, .. m.nd.d, fo. n* g!f,o.rd wofi - drrcrtd D.to, .id on ph., dr.*tll!., o. phortr.ph. -compiyrre tl|.l Spt .1106. rE edhLdly Add@ o, propo.od w*:39 Merchant Ave., South Yannouth 127 t40 tuldd,Margaret E. Smith "**3EiEi!l_All .ppl..dd. lMi b. etnti.d by dn.r or .6oiprLd b, Lta.. nm di...pr.ovt e .ubn{t t oa .Flcrton, Mcrry rdd,B 30@ rild.n Sl.Ad. arl, w.llinoton, oc 20008 E-"r mesmith4s@gmail.com Pnlf d ndrc.ilo. ftaiod: -*o^ I-* ^*rconi,dd Cape A6socaatos lnc./Richard Bryanl PlE . 50&362-9770 M3r"s^dda' PO Bx 1858, N Eastham, MA02651 E.",t acaraoll@capeassociates.com P.dff.d notrlt lton m.lhod lr..cr d Ga ,EBed W..t l^dd$../ ry nv i. .n drd I E..rv]: Renovstion/rcnrodol proi6ct to reblild eristing sunroom on th€ rcar of tl. home, reconfigur€ kitchen, dining room halsay and beck entlenco. No p.opo6od work wll be visiu€ from lt|o sbeot, end remains wilhir th€ €xlstlng fooofut of lhe home. Andcrson 400 Scnos cas€nr€nt t doubh hung window specs on eteched phn.Photos attachcd.Colorr to malch exrrting. S€^€d (Os& d .se0:oc. 10-l t-21 ao. C6nnltt- u- onlv: ,q/rt}(^*"*i-*UCfl-Fzo2r -* ^r".,"^r,o,,r, fL-E690 TOWN OF YARMOUTH I l a6 ROIJTE 2!, SOUflI YARMOUTII, MASS CIIUSETTS Oz6arl-4lsl T.l.!ltoo. (9t) 3tt.l!l I Err.l29l r.r (JdN) 39E.{36 OLD KINCIS HIGHWAY HISTOR]C DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 4'DAY DETERMINATION Thc applicanr applican('s ege understands and agrees that due to ih. cunenr declared Narional and Slare puhlic he.lrh cm.rgencies rhe d€ieftninarion ofour Applicrrion for a CcnificErc of Appropml€ncssDcmolilior/Excmprion mly nor bc mad. whhin 45 days of thc filin8 ol such applicalion. Thc .pplicanl agr€es lo .xlad the lime fian€ within which a dcr€rmin.tion is to b€ mad. as rcqurred by lhe Old Kins s Hishway Rcrional Hisronc Disiricl Act. SECTION 9 -Mc.,int!i E or,,,Bs, fi efot Maliag Dckrninations " A\ w a\ @,waie aiefiuch public heatiry: l,tt in otv cwr t niLn, hrt -liw (45) tlawtfilt the llnry of upplic..ttion, otrithhstch lu 'qh e.sth.dpqti. t:hollu o( n' \iiti'tg, tha Connittw thollnul! a.leternirution on the .tpqlication. Applicant undcrsrands thlt th€ rcvicw of rhis application will bc s.hcdulcd as soon as thc Appricanr As€nr Name (pr"""" p,i,,.),!ich14 Bryant &il A44a,t Applican/AB.nl siSndrure D^..1O-1',1-21 ev3o1o [PFmvED ocT 19 2021 N4o(Ja.l -.F9(J OF1a'iZ. EY 4s, o^ (OHQt-ooz IaFz dAaar!d & f1\7rst(loor ?lan E: =\i./ ffi ocT 1 I i:?1 Zx, f'la to be burll up )ro mat<h cr ft., of dtntq rm & ex,Ltvtq?mn l' -, oa*" otc h ent^1, -l I wa' l#W;an?nn l NEW; Kttzhen :--tt_-l-[---- JI l] ( 2) NEW Vclux *\l*+' ffi tltt2 El A -A ?i!F2;>;e l'roo trr antr tu!d 0).nog okA 8n7l2l ,o A1 -dlf; t".,ffi ;BGvsL:; \ ocr1s2021 i@: s56l-.Fo r\ ,;lOHea 9AHH 44, OA (BHQt-ooz taFz a OraO rI]& IJ & fi\S^*ElevaLron WIN2'W 1CATSULE 9f\LE TIPY PEMAtrx' @ Al.lgV RSON400*w CAtEll\Evr AOiDtO6A @ AAIPER'N 1@rEW5 CA*lt\El.tf rwko6a 6t -or | 6t -8| @ ANPE@N 100tEw,cA9etw\(cR2r,2' to *" tr'-, A" @ NI?ER*N 4OO 'ERE' CA'EMTNT cx2,,'-rt",r'-o3" @ N)WRflN 4<)() tE?85 oAtEZ AtNd fw26rto 2'-a f," * 1'-o 3" @ N.'IWRfrN 1@'atr'oola-e Al 6 fw26uto 2'-a f," * 1'-o L', o T l t T I '*t:d H!E>ae tro cl C)t! € c Gt 8127m JO A3 AFF Eq{;'g u. t I ocT 1 I Z0?1 iErf, r.'.E l..4 rGir*#I w:r jt *(,Fr< _"-+:.+gL. Grr /-q-i r -,q_:_Ll *-.*l-J*.u*JI.^'**l-4**' .;' | | o-' + nbtEd +-- R-.+.1*'.- =.:?-! h4,H 4 .e <.->- <S_:g lftsLr*.E:. !!!+*: -;:flRrtaf u*n'r' .i ,;11! .iil,' .{n \ '/ir--ffiffi:/ / (h\G*-6c<r+-+arLG rarir a-€<!-\r aF-. 6 &!6iQ-*aarE \===t:,",,!...- ^ft.z+ i>- i4, \Z,iL .-:-----y'-.\ Hre, _.i^€: r"t*'-Aadsr 5)ng€f \'cv1t:-!-. 9 - .29-F3 r@ac:-fet-u\Y-r IJ-.". -. -- ?\. srrr.r-rrl \ I *..4.:r+168 lao MAe o,S- )o-qr- - 1 ''.'-' f,.*#\w ASAA _ ?.8 rrEL5 I ?5 t+! r'.a€$ YARMOU1H l I { ? ii. --rzr Neft&wo% APPEoVED jct 19 2021 , ,.. APPROVED Ocr 1 I 2021 YARMOUTH \-\ = I ,1 II mmvEnl nrrffieol oci 1 I 2021 |E@ T%ffiJryL 'F3 I ffi I OcT192021 i YAAMOUTH }<ING'S HtGI- II . +\ " -J -.:, [,r F---.---....--.-ppnovrol ] oci rszozr I II From: Sent: To: Subject: RICHARDGEGENWARTH -, Tuesday, October 19,2021 1:47 PM Old Kings Highway Re: 39 Merchant Ave Exemption I am very familiar with this house and understand what they are planning. I support the changes. I approve of this as a COE. Richard On l0ll9l202l l:10 PM Old Kings Highway <okh@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Richard, Please see attached for an exemption application for work not visible from the street at 39 Merchant Ave. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Kyle APPROVED This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to veriff if unsure. delete this email.