HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-A156 ApplicationTOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED _ ff 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292--Fax (508) 398.0836 OCT 18 2021 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT�E YAMMOUTH APPLICATION FOR OLDKING'S FiIGI- CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copfe$ OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building; Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building 0 Addition Iterations Reroof Garage ShedSolar Panels Other: tV 2) Exterior Painting: IISiding Shutters 0 Doors ❑Trim Other: 3) SignsBillboards: n New Sin Change to Existing Sign 4) Misceflaneous Structures: Fence Wall IIFlagpole IIPool IIOther: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: L Map/Lot # 1 {p I Owner(s): `6*4,L Phone 4:.5_L -3t"a - 1 v All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 1F_��.�._ Year built:. Email: �'�C E-AL' v' %,A2,�-CCA,--rl Preferred notification method: Phone Email Agenticontractor: Phone #: '-Ul. qCZs'C� 1C1`S Mailing Address: EmaIIAs0c 2Mc'r_r_'k ? cwvt'�"� •0 LX-A Preferred notification method: U Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: 1 1 �c S L L- Cy—s Signed (Owner or agent): 4 . (`�h y _ Date: I h 1 X% 1'1 D Owner/contractor/agent Is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) D If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKWapproved plans MUST be available on -site forfroming & final inspections. Revd Date:.19 �61Z Amount �L CashlCK #:L$ �r � Rcvd by: CIV — — 45 Days: Date Signed: Approved Reason for Denial_ Signed: Approved with _Modifications Denied APPLICATION #' 21--A6(Q FOUNDATION: Material: CHIMNEY: Material/Color: ROOF: Material: GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): GUTTERS: MateriallColor: Pitch (7/12 min) Height to Ridge:_ Color: ECEIVE® OCT 18 2021 YARMOUTH SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Sides/Rear: COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: 1x 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: Color: DOORS: City: Material: _ Color. Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: MatT _ _ Style: Color: WINDOWS: otylsidw: Front: -5-- Left: Right: LA__ Rear: _A_ Color: Manufacturer/Series: 1 !+"A� � `'rV►rAr-q0 QNn Material: Grilles (Requlred : Pattern (616, 2l1, etc.) Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap � Between Glass: k000r Permanently -In: Applied: Exterior Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Marl: Style: Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: City: Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: Decking Mat'I: Color: Railing Marl: Style: Color: WALLSIFENCES" (Max W helght): Height: Mat'I: Style: Color: _ (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) 'Finished side of fence must face out from fenced In area. UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Color: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty, Material: Color: Location(s): Additional Information: 2-General APPLICATION #: -111=,+1I 5 (P ECEIVED TOWN OF YARMOUTH o y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 k' ,�' Telephone (508) 398-2231 Eat. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the detennination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within fo1 ty,five (45) days after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): (�X lid Applicant/Agent signature: cl� LL4k, x­ - Date: CCU l i1 3r2o20 Application #: OCT 18 2021 YARNiOUTH TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: Property Address/Location: Hearing Date: Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers only_- The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarrnouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: Application #; ECEIVE® OCT 18 2021 YAHMOUfh � PMAN Itemized Order Receipt dba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Legal Name, Southern New England Windows, LLC R E N VEWA L RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 Phone: 401-349-1384 1 Fax: 401-633-6602 1 sales®renewalsne.com ID#: ROOM: DETAILS: ECEIVED 1237OCT 18 2021 YAFIMOUT!• i Misc: Misc, TO CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT: Richard & Tracy weeks 3 Mohegan Lane Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H: (508)362-1586 C:(508)685-8746 Misc: Misc, THANK YOU!, As a reminder, it is the customer's responsibility to do any painting, staining or touch up work after installation. We appreciate your business and look forward to exceeding your expectations. Misc: Misc, PERMIT, Customer has paid for Renewal by Andersen to secure a building permit for their project. Permit fees are non-refundable once Renewal By Andersen applies for a permit. 101 living Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5°,or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 102 office Window: Double -Hung, 1: 1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Halt Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. UPDATED: 09/18/21 Page 3 / 17 Itemized Order Receipt RE��11� dba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Ri hard &Tracy Weeks Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC 3 (ulohegan Lane RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #123 OCT 18 2021 Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 erANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 H:� 5o8)362-1586 Phone: 401-349 1384 I fax: 401-633 6602 I sales@renewalsne-com 508)685.8746 OU OLD KINGS HIGHWA r ROOM: 103 office Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Halt Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron„ NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 104 bath Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Full Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 2h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 105 kitchen Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Full Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 2h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. UPDATED: 09/18/21 Page 4 / 17 111-A- 6r( 0 VEWA Itemized Order Receipt RECEIVEDdba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Richard & Tracy Weeks Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC Ulu 8 �U21 3 Mohegan Lane R E N L RI #36079. MA #173245. CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1237 O l Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 byANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, RI 02917 YARM OLJI h H: (508)362-1586 rug noo��xuun�uKo Phone: 401-349-1384 1 Fax: 401-633-6602 1 salesCrenewalsne,com OLD h D KIN's HIGHWAY C: (508)685-8746 1 '{{ DETAILS: 106 dining Window: Gliding, Double, 1: 1, Passive / Active, EJ Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Standard Color Extra Lock, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 2w x 5h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5", colonial, clamshell or 1x4 flatstock. Picture frame or Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 107 living Window: Double -Hung, 1: 1, Full Frame, Exterior White, 108 living Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misr. NEW int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. UPDATED: 09/18/21 Page 5 117 7jffFAjFrA Itemized Order Receipt dba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England RECEIVED Richard & Tracy Weeks Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC 3 Mohegan Lane RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #129CT 18 2021 Yarmoulh Port, MA 02675 erANDERSEN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfietd, RI 02917 H: (508)362-1586 Phone: 401-349-13841 Fax: 401-633-6602 1 sates0renewaisne.m PAJMC: (508)685-8746 ISHIGFHWAY OLD KING rROOM: 109 master Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2 5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 110 master Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 111 master Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. _Arl'! o UPDATED: 09/18/21 Page 6 / 17 AM Itemized Order Receipt RECEIVED dba: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England O C T 18 U 2021 Richard & Tracy Weeks Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LC LV I 3 Mohegan Lane RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm #1 37 YARMOUTH Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 brANDER$EN 10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, R1 02 917 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY K (508)362-1586 R1119 tl10',IOp� l A W 11Fn,Yflf tt Phone: 401-349-1384 1 Fax: 401-633-6602 1 sales®renewalsne. cum C: (508)685-8746 ROOM: 112 master Window: Double -Hung, 1 A, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 113 spare Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2 5" or 3.5",or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 114 spare Window: Double -Hung, 1:1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 3h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5%or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. 2.1n�6(y UPDATED: 09/18/21 Page 7 1 17 RECEIVED FARFA Itemized Order Receipt OCT 18 2021 dha: Renewal By Andersen of Southern New England Legal Name: Southern New England Windows, LLC YMMOUI F3 RENEWAL RI #36079, MA #173245, CT #0634555, Lead Firm i<ING'S HIGHWAY brANDERSEN Hunan wean wa MOM10 Reservoir Rd I Smithfield, Rl02917 Phone: 401-349-1384 1 Fax: 401-633-6602 1 sales@renewalsne.com Richard & Tracy Weeks 3 Mohegan Lane Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 H:(508)362-1566 C: (508)685-8746 115 bath Window: Double -Hung, 1: 1, Full Frame, Exterior White, Interior White, Glass: All Sash: High Performance SmartSun Glass, No Pattern, Tempered Glass, Hardware: White, Screen: Fiberglass, Half Screen, Grille Style: Grilles Between Glass (GBG), Grille Pattern: All Sash: Colonial 4w x 2h, Misc: NEW Int. STANDARD Casing - Pine, 2.5" or 3.5%or 1x4 flat Traditional, stool and apron., NEW Ext. Casing - Composite (Bright White), Picture Frame or Traditional, Includes sill nose. WINDOWS: 15 PATIO DOORS: 0 SPECIALTY: 0 MISC: 3 Renewal by Andersen is committed to our customers' safety by BEi�A complying with the ruler and lead -safe work practices specified by the EPA. UPDATED: 09/18/21 Page 8 / 17 ❑ocu5ign Envelope ID: E361136E-693C-4ECA-B3E5-lBEC24BFA07F Amendment to Purchase Agreement Renewal •-'' WINDOW REPLACEMENT This document serves as a legally binding Amendment to an original Purchase Agreement between the Customer(s) and Southern New England Windows LLC d/b/a Renewal by Andersen of Southern New England. All Terms and Conditions of the original Purchase Agreement are still in full effect and this document serves ONLY as a supplement to the original Purchase Agreement. By signing this Amendment, Customer is agreeing to the addition/ subtraction of work to be performed and is agreeing to the "New Purchase Agreement Amount" as stated on this document. Customer Name(s): Richard and Tracy Weeks Job Address: 3 Mohegan Lane City: Yarmouth Port , MA 02675 Original Purchase Agreement Date: 9/18/21 Renewal by Andersen Job #; 17_21_28274 Original Purchase Agreement Amount: RbA Project Consultant: Paul McLean LN .r Amount added/subtracted from the original Purchase Agreement*: New Purchase Agreement Amount: OCT 18 2021 Additional deposit amount needed from Customer to proceed with project*: YARMOU'rH OLD KINGS HIGHWAY Additional payment notes: None needed ❑ Check box if the new Payment Terms include an adjustment to an existing GreenSky account & LOAN IS ACTIVATED AFTER ADJUSMENT *If you are NOT using a financing plan offered through GreenSky, total deposit amount collected must be at least 33%of the New Purchase Agreement Amount. All additional monies that have not been paid as a deposit will be added to the final amount owed upon the substantial completion of this project. All future invoices shall be payable by check or cash if not financed. # of units ADDED or CHANGED to original Purchase Agreement: 0 Description of units and/or work to be added or changed: windows are changed to "black" color inside and out. # of units SUBTRACTED from original Purchase Agreement; 0 Description of units and/or work to be subtracted: Subtract the color "white" to all the windows. RbA Sales Rep Signature: 0 Date: 10/2/21 Customer Signature: fillAd AMI `rV Date: 1012121 21-A-t:7f o to 4PIPPOw �II RECEIVED D OCT 1 S 2021 t I�� 7' A �y 1 t ,ice ~')s A 101 living Window - 30.00W x 56.00H 0 EXTERtOfl �6INfERiiM I �J H I 0 4�J 0 VI M F } Southern New England Windows LLC 090tiZens- Renewal By Andersen Permit 10 Reservoir Rd 57-12/115 Smithfield, Rl. 02917 401-450-0704 PAYTO THE ORDER OF Town of Yarmouth 0 b ##40.00 0 Forty and 001100#####r#k###R#***#*RYk#####a#*#**#*#k######k*#**##R#iF####*#*k#***#k#k####******k#k#####****#***«!Y####*****k** DOLLARS Town of Yarmouth 19 C MEMO i FRI L AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ` lie 0267L,10 1:0LL5001201: 2366 129 L0 RECEIVED OCT 18 2021 -A-1 c�( o