HomeMy WebLinkAboutNancy Berry Email - 10-25-21Hi All, Just realizing the expansion of this new parking lot not only put more lights in place but also puts 18 parking spaces in clear view from my front windows.
The ramp is still on the West side of the building. This is really upsetting. In the Historic District meeting the ramps were to be moved off the building.
That needs to change. Who do I speak to?
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 5:27 PM nancy berry <berry42067@gmail.com<mailto:berry42067@gmail.com>> wrote:
I found the correct links. Thank you, I still do not now what the lighting program is. If someone knows please send. Best, Nancy Berry
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 5:19 PM nancy berry <berry42067@gmail.com<mailto:berry42067@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi again, I am also missing the proposed parking lot lighting schedule as well as the building lights. At the meeting the presenters said because this is a medical office the light have
to be kept on all night. That is not true. Please send proposed lighting. Also no one ever confirmed the ramps are coming off the west side. During historic district meeting they were
to be taken off the design and moved to the rear of the building.
Also why is there a walkway out cut out in front leading to the street in the site plan which appears to no longer be online. What is that for?
Please send site plan for new parking tomorrow morning. Thank you. Nancy Berry
On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 1:32 PM Flett, Dawn-Marie <dflett@yarmouth.ma.us<mailto:dflett@yarmouth.ma.us>> wrote:
Hi Nancy,
Here is a link to the most recent plans (to my knowledge):
Your comments and concerns about the lighting can be emailed to either me or Celina Villa and can be submitted until 12 noon on the day before the meeting (Wednesday 10/27 in this case).
The hearing was continued from its original date of 9/23 to allow the Conservation Commission to review the project.
You are also welcome to attend the meeting in person.
The zoning article will be on the Special Town Meeting warrant, so you will have an opportunity to speak to the issue then as well as to vote on it.
Thank you,
From: nancy berry [mailto:berry42067@gmail.com<mailto:berry42067@gmail.com>]
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 11:19 AM
To: Flett, Dawn-Marie <dflett@yarmouth.ma.us<mailto:dflett@yarmouth.ma.us>>; Rogers, Grayce <GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us<mailto:GRogers@yarmouth.ma.us>>
Subject: mail for 125 Main change zoning
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Hi Dawn, I just called Kathleen Williams--she is away. I do not agree with the news zoning for the parking lot. It will create too much light. No way. Who can I speak to? I was out of
town for a family funeral. Please advise. Nancy Berry 508 367 1903
Also no one ever sent me the revised plans for the bank showing the ramps off the west side. Please send today. Nancy