HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence to Nov 29, 2021 Grant, Kelly From:Laurie Gallagher <laurie.gallagher@comcast.net> Sent:Monday, November 29, 2021 9:24 PM To:Grant, Kelly Cc:mkg-lmg@comcast.net; Hudson, Heidi Subject:Re: Draft Application for Administrative Review: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Thank you for your help working through all this. The slip is on 6 pilgrim and I have a letter for that and the abandoned building on 13 Sagamore. What is the issue with 11? Laurie On Nov 29, 2021, at 5:27 PM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Laurie I can see the first couple of photos only. Given the proposed tree removal and the proposed fence design within the velocity zone I am going to say you need to file for the Commission to review this proposed work. You can file a Request for Determination of Applicability. The fling forms can be found here: https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/696/Filing-Forms Here is some text from the FEMA – Free of Obstruction Requirements for the velocity zone. I don’t believe the property over the road is in the V zone. Fences and privacy walls, including walls separating one property from another, may obstruct or divert flood flow and waves toward buildings. Their potential effects on buildings, including debris generation, should be evaluated. Open fences (e.g., wood, plastic, open masonry units, metal slat fencing with generous openings) are presumed to not cause harmful diversion of floodwater or wave runup and reflection. Fences with small openings and solid fences and walls may divert flow and waves and can trap debris. Solid fences, privacy walls, and fences prone to trapping debris must be designed and constructed to fail under base flood conditions without causing harm to nearby buildings. Where building or fire codes require ground-level walls for tenant fire separation, designers should strive to satisfy code requirements while minimizing potential adverse effects from flood diversion. Please note you will need to concurrently file the Requests for Certificate of Compliance for the open Orders of Conditions on file. I see one open for 11 Sagamore and 2 open for 13 Sagamore. Thanks Kelly Grant Conservation Administrator Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext 1288 kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us From: Laurie Gallagher \[mailto:laurie.gallagher@comcast.net\] Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2021 2:24 PM To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> 1 Cc: mkg-lmg@comcast.net Subject: Re: Draft Application for Administrative Review: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Hi, Kelly, I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I can’t draw to save my life but do know how to put lines on pictures. Please review and let me know what additional information you would like. Attached are a series of photos showing: 1-plot plan for 13 Sagamore Road marked to show fence line (the fence does not need to go all the way to the water because there are tall grass/rushes/beach rose bushes that keep the dogs in from the end of the fence). 2 3 2-View out our dining room window showing the privacy we gain. 4 5 3- for 11 Sagamore Road here is the street view: 6 7 4-here is the side view. The purpose of this fence is to dampen the sound of the air conditioners up (and to make the space look neater). There will be a gap at the bottom of the fence to permit water to drain — as there are ports all around the foundation of the house to drain any flood waters. The noise from the generator is not an issue - it is 15 minutes on Sunday morning for the weekly test. The linke d imag e cann ot … Here is the example of the fence across the street that is 6 feet tall with space below. What we currently have on order does not have the lattice on the top because that would defeat the purpose. The linke d imag e cann ot … As mentioned, we will have to take down the trees along the fence line that are there now (3 pine trees and 1 pear tree). We undertake to replace these with more native plantings. I have a girlfriend who lives in Brewster who does this (she also has a vernal spring in her yard). Here are photos of the trees: The The linkelinke d d imagimag e e canncann ot …ot … Our preference for the fence on 13 is wood — and to be nice looking. I do understand about velocity, flooding, etc. Cape Cod Fence does have vinyl privacy fencing (“Nauset” - the boards are offset so if you are looking at it head-on you can’t see anything but from an angle, there is space) and if you would rather that we could do that instead of the cedar board fence. Thank you for your time and guidance. Laurie Gallagher On Nov 23, 2021, at 11:48 AM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Laurie Can you provide a sketch plan so that I can see what is proposed. The guidance changes over the years with regards to flood zone, and the requirement is most important is areas of high wave energy (VE and coastal A zone) but also some people don’t realized they need approval. Regards Kelly Grant Conservation Administrator Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext 1288 kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us From: Laurie Gallagher \[mailto:LGallagher@loomissayles.com\] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 10:11 AM 8 To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc: mkg-lmg@comcast.net Subject: RE: Draft Application for Administrative Review: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Hi, Kelly, Thanks for looking at this. Can we keep the fence as is around the generator and air conditioner at 11 Sagamore? Are you just talking about 13 Sagamore? A number of neighbors on the street have solid fences-- did this just change? Laurie From: "Grant, Kelly" <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> To: "'Laurie Gallagher'" <LGallagher@loomissayles.com> Date: 11/23/2021 10:07 AM Subject: RE: Draft Application for Administrative Review: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Hi Laurie Could you please provide a sketch plan of the location of the fence. Please note that I cannot approve a solid fence in the velocity or coastal A zone. I have attached a map that shows the flood zone. The white line is the limit of the velocity zone. The black line with the arrows is the limit of the coastal A zone. This is considered a high energy zone during coastal flooding and solid fences become a barrier to storm flow. Kelly Grant Conservation Administrator Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext 1288 kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us From: Laurie Gallagher \[mailto:LGallagher@loomissayles.com\] Sent: Monday, November 22, 2021 11:01 AM To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc: mkg-lmg@comcast.net Subject: Draft Application for Administrative Review: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Hi, Kelly, We are in range for installation with Cape Cod Fence. I've attached a draft application for your review. The question I have is for the question "Closest Distance to Resource Area". If the brackish gully in the middle of 15 Sagamore, 8 Pilgrim and 13 Sagamore is a resource it is only several feet. If it is to Mill Creek, would we measure from the proposed end of the fence to the start of the slip on 6 Pilgrim or to Mill Creek? Would it be easier if you came to come take a look? 9 Let us know your preference. Thanks for your time. Laurie Gallagher ----- Forwarded by Laurie Gallagher/FIM/Boston/LoomisSayles on 11/22/2021 10:55 AM ----- From: "Mark Gallagher" <mkg-lmg@comcast.net> To: "Laurie Gallagher" <lgallagher@loomissayles.com> Date: 11/22/2021 09:46 AM Subject: Fwd: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Mark K. Gallagher Begin forwarded message: From: Mark and Laurie Gallagher <mkg-lmg@comcast.net> Date: October 11, 2021 at 9:17:20 AM EDT To: Laurie Gallagher !! If Found Call <lgallagher@loomissayles.com> Subject: Fwd: Re: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth ---------- Original Message ---------- From: Mark Gallagher <mkg-lmg@comcast.net> To: "Grant, Kelly" <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> Date: 09/17/2020 6:46 AM Subject: Re: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Thank you very much! On Sep 16, 2020, at 1:25 PM, Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote: Hi Mark You can file an Admin Review. Here is the link https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/8210/Administrative-Review-application?bidId= Fencing in the buffer zone is an exempt activity provided that it does not constitute a barrier to wildlife movement. It is also in the flood zone and partially in the velocity zone so it will need to be as open as possible to allow flood waters to pass unimpeded. 10 You will need to provide a sketch plan with the application. Thanks Kelly Grant Conservation Administrator Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext 1288 kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us From: Mark Gallagher \[mailto:mkg-lmg@comcast.net\] Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:12 AM To: Grant, Kelly <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: Fencing Inquiry West Yarmouth Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Kelly, I am looking for information about the proper way to request review of my properties at 13 Sagamore Rd, 11 Sagamore Rd and 6 Pilgrim. We have two Labrador retrievers and we would like to put in fencing along the boundary of 13 Sagamore to the water and then on the Sagamore street side. Neither dog goes into the water so we don’t want to do anything there. What steps do I need to take to request review of this matter so I know what application process is needed and what time of fencing would be best in this environment. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Mark Gallagher \[attachment "FEMA Map screenshot.jpg" deleted by Laurie Gallagher/FIM/Boston/LoomisSayles\] 11