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Decision 2876
R DECISION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 11992 Application filed with Town Clerk on January 14, 1992 Case NO. 2856 Hearing Date: July 23, 1992 Applicant: Charles G. Bilezikian, Trustee of the following Trusts: Whites Path Real Estate Trust, u\d\t June 25, 1984, being Document No. 340979, noted on Certificate of (� Title No. 97546 (Lot 236, Land Court Plan 31209-J); White's Path Real Estate "' Trust II, u/d/t August 24, �, l 1984, being Document No. _ 343,358, noted on Certificate of Title No. - 97943 (Lot 237, Land Court -v r .1 v Plan 31209-J); White's Path Real Estate Trust III, u/d/t September 19, 1991, being Document No. 539354, noted on Certificate of Title No. 124,959 (Lot 241, Land Court Plan 31209-L). The Trusts address is 261 White's Path, South Yarmouth, MA (02664). Owner: The Petitioner is the Owner. Application: Application to the Town of Yarmouth Board of Appeals (the "Board") under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A and the Town of Yarmouth, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Zoning By-law (the "By -Law") seeking the following zoning relief: (a) a Special Permit, pursuant to Section 406.4 et seq. of the By - Law, to authorize within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District construction and use of an expansion, with attendant site improvements, at its existing warehouse, storage, distribution, and 01 trucking facility (together the "Project"); (b) a Special Permit, pursuant to Section 301.3.1 of the By -Law, authorizing a reduction in the minimum parking requirements of the By -Law for the Project; (c) a Variance from the provisions of Section 301.4.3 of the By -Law so as to reduce the minimum driveway separation requirements for the Project; and (d) a Variance from the provisions of Section 301.4.7 of the By -Law so as to increase the maximum permitted driveway width and dimensional requirements of the By -Law for the Project; (e) for such further relief, if any, as may be required to permit construction and use of the Project as described in a Memorandum prepared by Henry L. Murphy, Jr., dated July 23, 1992, (the "Applicant's Memorandum") and the Project Plans, being Attachment G thereto, copies of which are filed with the record of the Board of Appeals on this case. Property and Location: This Application concerns the real property, structures and improvements located at 225 and 241 White's Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts comprising in aggregate 17.74 acres of land, upon which is now constructed a 118,580 square foot warehouse, storage, distribution and trucking n facility with attendant access, parking and other fJ site improvements (the "Premises"). The Premises -are described as Parcels M3 and M226 on Town of _NZ, -Yarmouth Assessor's Map 87 and Parcel B237 on Town :of Yarmouth Assessor's Map 88. The Premises are E. a- ..._further described, respectively, as Lot 241, Land '-_Court Plan 31209-L and Lots 236 and 237, Land Court [' Plan 32109-J. LnPUBLIC HEARING C'- c"i Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, and the By -Law, notice- of a Public Hearing of the Board to be held on Thursday, February 27, 1992 at 8:15 p.m. at the Yarmouth Town Office, Route 28, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts was duly published in the Yarmouth Sun. Notice of said Hearing was also posted in a conspicuous place in the Yarmouth Town Hall and was mailed to all interested parties and abutters and abutters to abutters of the premises which are the subject of this Hearing, as certified to the Board by the Town of Yarmouth Assessors. The Hearing was convened on Thursday, February 27, 1991 at 8:15 p.m. and the Notice of Hearing was read into the record. Leslie Campbell, Chairman of the Board, noted that on February 7, 1992 the Building Inspector of the Town of Yarmouth, referred the project to the Cape Cod commission pursuant to Massachusetts Chapter 716 of the Acts of 1989, as a Development of Regional Impact. Henry L. Murphy, Jr:, 2 , 1• attorney for the Applicant advised that the Cape Cod Commission had accepted jurisdiction on this project and, on behalf of the Applicant, he requested that the matter be continued. No evidence was presented at this time. The Board then voted to continue the matter to April 16, 1992 at 7:45 p.m.. On April 16, 1992 at 7:45 p.m. the Hearing was opened and Mr. Murphy requested a continuance indicating that the Cape Cod Commission proceedings had not been concluded. The Board then voted to continue the Hearing to May 28, 1992 at 8:30 p.m. On May 28, 1992 at 8:30 p.m. the Hearing was opened and Mr. Murphy requested a continuance indicating that the Cape Cod Commission proceedings had not been concluded. The Board then voted to continue the Hearing to June 25, 1992 at 8:45 p.m. On June 25, 1992 at 8:45 p.m. the Hearing was opened and Mr. Murphy requested a continuance indicating that although the Cape Cod Commission proceedings had concluded, the Applicant desired to complete formal Site Plan review under Section 103.3 of the By -Law prior to the Hearing. The Board then voted to continue the Hearing to July 23, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. on July 23, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order and noted that the Notice of Hearing had been read to the public at the February 27, 1992 meeting of the Board. Chairman Campbell then announced the order and procedure of the meeting. He then invited the Applicant to make its presentation. Members of the Board of who were present and sitting at the Hearing were: Leslie Campbell, Chairman, Fritz Lindquist, David Reid, Joyce Sears and Jeanne Bullock. Attorney Henry L. Murphy, Jr. was present for the Applicant as were Edward J. Mullin, Director of Administration and Finance, Christmas Tree Shops, Inc., Arlene M. Wilson, A. M. Wilson Associates, Planning Consultant, Amanda MacNeill, Vollmer Associates, Traffic Consultant and Joseph Hobin, now of Penny Engineering, Inc., formerly of Fugro McClelland (East), Inc., Environmental Consultant. Mr. Murphy advised that the Cape Cod Commission had concluded its review of the project as a Development of Regional Impact, and had issued its Decision, Findings and Conclusion on June 11, 1992 (the "Commission Decision") noting that the project was consistent with the Minimum Performance Standards of the Commission's Regional Policy Plan and was approved. He further advised that the Town of Yarmouth Site Plan Review Team had completed its review of the Project and that its comments were attached to the Applicant's Memorandum. Mr. Murphy disseminated to the Members of the Board the Applicant's Memorandum dated July 23, 1992 with its attendant Petitioner's Statement, Technical Support Documentation and List of Figures and Illustrations. Mr. Murphy presented Petitioner's Statement substantially as set forth in the Applicant's Memorandum 3 and during his presentation directed the attention of the Board to certain of the attachments thereto, being the Commission Decision, Yarmouth Site Plan Review Comments, Report of Environmental Consultant, Joseph Hobin, dated March 31, 1992 and a follow up letter from Mr. Robin dated July 2, 1992,Report of Amanda McNeil, Traffic Consultant'for Vollmer Associates, Inc., Yarmouth Nitrate Loading Calculations, Fuel Tank Permits, Zoning Locus Map, Land Court Plans, Zone of Contribution Map, Composite Plans/Wells and Ground Water, Project Plans (rendering, S1 Parking & Landscape, S2 Utilities, S3 Grading, S4 Existing Contours, S5 Details and S6 Completed Perimeter Plan). Mr. Murphy noted that the Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen and the Town of Yarmouth Planning Board had indicated their unanimous support for the project. Mr. Murphy then detailed the phenomenal growth of Christmas Tree Shops, Inc., the occupant of the Premises. He noted that the Company is now at a crossroads in its growth and looking to the 21st century. He noted that warehouse and distribution capacity for the Company must be increased in order to meet the present and anticipated needs of the Company. He noted that over the course of the past year, the Project has been aired with many interested people within the Town of Yarmouth. The Petitioners have met with representatives from all agencies within the Town whom it was felt might desire input on the Project; and these include the Selectmen, Planning Board, each component of the Site Plan Review Team (Building Inspector, Deputy Fire Chief, Planning Department, Health Department, Engineering Department, Water Department), individually, and in formal Site Plan Review, residents of the neighborhood adjoining the Project and, through the Cape Cod Commission public hearing and information process, many other individuals and/or Town and County agencies and officials. Mr. Murphy noted the many financial, philanthropic and community service enhancements within the Town of Yarmouth resultant from the existence of the Company within the Town over the past twenty years and gave evidence as to how expansion of the warehouse, distribution and trucking facility will further enhance benefits to the Town. He advised that a portion of the Premises at 225 White's Path, comprising 14 acres, more or less, were rendered substantially devoid of vegetation as a result of the construction of the Cape Cod Coliseum in the early 1970's. The principal structure on the premises G_ -- C " =' 4 C\i i CL housed a professional size hockey rink and public assembly facilities seating approximately 4$00 people. It was, and still remains, one of the largest single occupant structures on Cape Cod. The premises were intensively used as the location for professional hockey games, circuses, rock concerts,'professional wrestling, symphonies and the like. In the early 19801s, the Coliseum closed. The premises were offered to the Town and to non-profit groups. It was not until -after it was apparent that neither the Town nor non-profit groups would buy the facility, that the Applicant acquired the facility for use in connection with its business. At that time the building was vacant and in disrepair and the adjoining land, previously used for overflow parking was blighted and devoid of vegetation. Following the acquisition by the Applicant, the use of the facility abruptly changed from one of intensive public usage to it's current relatively benign use as a warehouse, distribution and trucking facility. The access driveway remained substantially as previously located and the size of the building was expanded in accordance with the By -Law in the mid 198o's to an aggregate 1181580 square feet. Some additional planting took place, although a major portion of the property which is not covered by building, remains primarily devoid of vegetation. Mr. Murphy noted that since the Project is, and will be, automated with advanced, state of the art equipment, the employee to floor area ratio will approximate one employee per 4,500 square feet of floor space. He advised that the Applicant proposes that the existing building be increased in size to 270,464 square feet, with attendant site and access improvements as shown on the Project Plans filed with Applicant's Memorandum.. After hearing from Mr. Murphy, the Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals extensively questioned Mr. Murphy and the Applicant's consultants for the Project about many aspects of the proposal, including the building, the uses that would be made of the building, its size and design, the amount of land which was being used and that which was to remain left as open space, the size and design of the parking, drainage and access areas, and the effect that the expansion of the building, landscaping and improvements at the site, and its use would have on the neighborhood and the Town of Yarmouth. The Hearing was then opened for comments from the general public and for persons who wished to speak in favor or in opposition to the Application. No persons desired to speak in favor or in opposition of the Project. Chairman Campbell read into the record correspondence received by the Board of Appeals. FINDING AND DECISION On the basis of the evidence submitted to the Board, including, but not limited to, the information contained in the 5 Applicant's Memorandum, as submitted by Henry L. Murphy, Jr. dated July 23, 1992 and its attendant Petitioner's Statement,'Technical Support Documentation and List of Figures and Illustrations, which this Board hereby adopts and incorporates herein by reference as evidence for the granting of the zoning'relief requested by the Applicant, the Board finds: AC UIFER PROTECTION OVERLAY_ DISTRICT I. The Project is located within an Acquifer Protection Overlay District and, pursuant to Section 202.5 of the By -Law, is subject to the Special Permit requirements of Section 406.5 through 406.6.1 of the By -Law. 2. That the Applicant has complied with the Submittal Requirements of Section 406.5.2 of the By -Law. 3. That this Board gave due notice to other Town Agencies pursuant to Section 406.5.4 of the By -Law and did not receive any comments from the Town Agencies, excepting only as are incorporated in the Site Plan Review Team comments attached to Applicant's Memorandum. 4. That the criteria set forth in Section 406.5.3. of the By -Law have been adequately addressed in the Commission Decision and as a result of the other evidence obtaining at the Hearing and contained in the.Applicant's Memorandum. 5. That based on previous environmental site assessments performed at the Premises, there is no evidence of a significant release of oil or hazardous materials from the Premises to the sub- surface environment; that based on the current and the proposed facilities.and usage of the Premises, the potential for a release of oil or hazardous materials from the Project to the sub -surface environment does not appear likely due to the absence of floor drains in the interior work areas; the oil/water separators between the outside catch basins and the storm flow retention basin; the inner wall leak detection system and ground water monitoring wells associated with the double -walled fiber glass 6,000 gallon sub- surface diesel fuel storage tank, which tank is also monitored on a 24 hour basis by an independent alarm company; the Applicant's contract with a licensed environmental clean up company which will respond to any environmental spill or release incident on a 24 hour basis; that in the event that a spill occurs appropriate measures are in place for the proper clean up and that disposition thereof; that vandalism is not likely, since day time access to the building is restricted and the building is locked during non -operational hours; the fact that ground water lies approximately 25 feet below the site; the fact that Flax Pond, the nearest appreciable body of water to the site, is 3,000 feet away; and the fact that the most proximate public drinking water supply wells are more than 2,300 feet from the existing 6,000 diesel tank. E M 6. That the provisions of the Commission Decision dated June 11, 1992, as they relate to environmental. issues adequately reduce the potential for release of oil or hazardous materials to the sub- surface environment. ' 7. That the Project is unlikely to pose a substantial risk to the public drinking water supply. 8. That the Project does not involve the production of any potentially toxic or hazardous materials; and that if a release thereof occurred the Applicant has taken sufficient measures in a simple, reliable, and feasible manner, with sufficient control measures, to adequately address any threat to the environment which might occur were one or more of the control measures to fail. 9. That the storage at the Project of consumer goods sold by various Christmas Tress Shop outlets in manufacturer's sealed original packaging, and the subsequent distribution thereof to retail facilities, adequately conforms to the provisions of the By - Law and does not pose a threat to the environment. 10. That Nitrate -nitrogen loading for the Project will be well below permitted minimums. 11. That ground water quality resulting from on site waste water disposal and other on site operations at the Project will not violate Federal or State standards for drinking water and that the Applicant has proposed adequate measures to protect against any such intrusion. That the proposed use of the facility is not classified as a small quantity generator of hazardous waste and is therefore allowed within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District. 12. That the site's access way, roof and parking storm flow run off and/or any release of petroleum products therein or thereon will be conveyed by catch basins through sediment traps and oil/water separators to a vegetated retention basin, which sediment traps and oil/water separators are adequately designed to remove any potential contaminants before the storm flow run off and/or petroleum products infiltrates the ground water. 13. That the conditions for the issuance of a Special Permit within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District, Section 406.4 of the By -Law have been duly addressed by the Applicant to the satisfaction of the Board; and further that the Board specifically finds that the Applicant has demonstrated that no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created as a result of the granting of this Special Permit pursuant to the provisions of Section 406.4 of the By -Law; and that based upon the Findings herein Project will not cause any substantial .harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or the Town. F B. PARKING 1. The Project will be occupied by approximately'60 people per shift for an actual ratio of 1 person per 4,500 square feet of building floor space. 2. The Project parking -as proposed in the Applicant's Memorandum and in the Parking & Landscaping Plan attached thereto as "G" is in compliance with the established and/or future character of the Industrial District within which the Project is located and the Town. 3. That special circumstances exists with regard to the Project, since the actual employee per square foot ratio of building space will be one person per 4,500 square feet. 4. That the 142 parking spaces delineated on the Landscape & Parking Plan attached to the Applicant's Memorandum as "G" is adequate for the parking needs of the Project, and, subject to such conditions as may hereinafter be imposed, for proposed and potential future parking needs; and that there will be no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion resulting from the granting of this Special Permit nor, will there be any substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or the Town as a result of the granting of this Special Permit. C. VARIANCES 1. That the By -Law indicates that its purpose is to promote the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town by regulating the use and construction of the buildings and premises within different zoning districts; and these purposes will be met as a result of the improvements generated by the Project as described in the Applicant's Memorandum, and as delineated in the Project Plan and in the Commission Decision; that the proposed driveway location and construction will promote and insure the safety and convenience of persons entering and exiting the Project and those using White's Path, and will permit the present use, which is permitted in this Industrial District to continue, thus permitting the grant of the requested relief without substantial detriment to the public good or derogating from the intent and purpose of the By -Law. __1 2. That the site is presently accessed by that principal access which was constructed in the early 1970's in connection with the construction of the Cape Cod Coliseum; and further, that the modifications to the existing driveway proposed by the Applicant will adequately provide for the safety and convenience of the public and those using the Project. 3. That the distance between the center line of the Project's existing drive and the center line of the Mid Cape Racquet Club, 8 ` (the westerly abutter on White's Path), being the closest drive to the facility, is 150 feet. 4. That the application of Section 301.4.3 and 301.4.7 of the By -Law with respect to the Project, located as it is within an Industrial District, appears inconsistent with the express purpose of the By -Law and imposes a hardship, which hardship would create a hazardous and unsafe condition for such transportation as one would normally associate with Industrial usage; and further, that said hardship is specifically related to the shape and topography of the existing structure which effects the Project but does not effect generally the zoning district in which it is located. That as a result of.the findings hereinbefore set forth, the Board finds that a literal enforcement of the provisions of the By -Law would involve substantial hardship to the Applicant; which hardship is owing to circumstances relating to the shape and topography of structures located on the Premises and especially effecting the Premises, but not effecting generally the zoning district in which it is located; •and that the desired relief from the provisions of Section 301.4.7 and 301.4.3 of the By -Law can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good, or nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent and purpose of the By -Law. 5. That due to the existing location of the Project's entrance drive in relation to the driveway of the westerly abutter to the Premises, it would be necessary for the Applicant to relocate its existing driveway to the west by 100 feet more or less in order to satisfy the provisions of Sgction 301.4.7 of the By - Law; and further, that it is probably impossible to relocate the existing driveway easterly of its present location in a safe and convenient manner owing to the location of the existing building which building pre -dated Section 301.4.7 of the By -Law. 6. That the relocation of the present driveway 100 feet or more easterly of the present location will require extremely difficult turns by tractor trailers of the type normally accessing a facility such as that located on the Premises which might require such trucks to encroach upon oncoming traffic while making said turns. 7. That the shape and location of the structure and its loading doors, which were located on the Premises prior to the adoption of Section 301.4.7 (the driveway spacing By -Law) and Section 301.4.3 (the driveway width and radii By -Law), especially effect this land and not generally other land within the zoning district. On the basis of the foregoing Findings information submitted at the Hearing and as a result of the foregoing Findings adopted by this Board of Appeals, and on motion of David Reid, which was duly seconded by Joyce Sears, it was unanimously W VOTED: That after full discussion of all the issues and following the adoption of the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Board of Appeals hereby authorizes the following zoning relief, subject to the conditions herein set forth (i) a Special Permit to allow the Project which is the subject of this Application within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District pursuant to Section 406.4 et seq. of the By -Law; (ii) a Special Permit under Section 301.3.1 of•the By -Law so as to require a minimum of 142 parking spaces for automobiles at the Premises; and (iii) Variances with respect to section 301.4.3 and 301.4.7 of the By -Law so as to permit construction and location of the entry drive to the Project to be constructed and used substantially as shown on the Parking & Landscaping Plan attached to the Applicant's Memorandum as G -S filed with this Board and hereby incorporated herein by reference; and further, that construction of the Project shall conform to the Project Plans as attached to the Applicant's Memorandum (subject to any subsequent revisions which are approved by the appropriate authorities, and which are substantially similar to the Project Plans, provided that such revisions do not effect the relief herein granted). Said zoning relief is granted, with the following conditions: 1. The Special Permit granted under (i) herein so as to permit the Project within the Acquifer Protection Overlay District is granted with the following conditions: a. There shall be no repair, maintenance or washing of trucks on the Premises. b. The Applicant shall comply with the."Conditions" set forth in the Commission Decision. (which are incwrprated herein by reference) c. The Applicant shall maintain and clean the retention basin on the Premises in a reasonably appropriate manner. d. Phase I of the Project, as described in Commission Decision, must be commenced within 24 months of the date of the granting of this Special Permit, and completion of the Project shall take place in or within the time permitted by the Commission Decision, ' 2. The Special Permit granted under (ii) herein, reducing the number of parking spaces to 142 for the Project, is limited to use of the Premises as a warehouse, distribution and trucking facility with related or support facilities such as offices, restrooms or lunch rooms. Any material change in use will require a new filing with this Board. .:Z 10 N Failure to comply with any of the foregoing conditions 1 (a- d) and/or 2 shall not -affect the zoning relief herein granted, however, said conditions shall be enforceable by the zoning enforecement Officer(s) of the Town of Yarmouth in the manner prescribed by law. This Decision shall be for the benefit of the Applicant and the Owner or their 'respective tenants, successors and assigns and shall be appurtenant to the Premises. The vote of the individual members of the Board application is as follows: on the In favor: Leslie Campbell Fritz Lindquist David Reid Joyce Sears Jeanne Bullock Opposed: None Signed this 17day of Augus 1992, Clerk Chairman Filed with the Town Clerk: August 1992 11 TOTAL F. 0.1 V 0 . C •_ J J August 1992 11 TOTAL F. 0.1 CAPE COD COMMISSION 3225 MAIN STREET P.O. Box 226 BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 508-362.3828 FAX: 508.362-3136 TO: Town of Yarmouth Town Clerk, Building Inspector, Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Board of Appeals and Chief of Police: FROM: Katharine Peters, Clerk of the Commission SUBJECT: Coliseum Warehouse Expansion Development of Regional Impact Decision DATE: June 11, 1992 Enclosed please find atopy of the Coliseum Warehouse Expansion Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Decision and final approved plan which was decided by the Cape Cod Commission on May 28,1992. In addition, a copy is filed with the town clerk. Please note that although local boards may attach conditions which are more restrictive than the Commission's approval, a local approval may not be less restrictive. It is suggested that local boards reference the Commission's decision and, where applicable, attached conditions in their own approvals. Please also be alerted that a Certificate of Compliance from Commission staff is required prior to issuance of a building and/or occupancy permit. For your information, the local review time clock on permits for this proposed development, pending before municipal agencies, resumes as of 6/11/92. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Date: Applicant: Project #: Project: IM Book/Page: Lot/Parcel: CAPE COD COMMISSION 3225 MAIN STREET P.O. Box 226 BARNSTABLE, MA 02630 508.362.3828 FAX: 508-362.3136 June 11, 1992 White's Path Real Estate Trust TR92009 Coliseum Warehouse Expansion 225-233 White's Path South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Development of Regional Impact Cape Cod Commission Act, Section 12(c) Book 795, Page 105, Book 542, Page 19 87/M226, 88B237, 88/M3 DECISION OF THE CAPE COD COMMISSION The Cape Cod Commission (Commission) hereby approves with conditions the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) application of White's Path Real Estate Trust under Sections 12 and 13 of the Cape Cod Commission Act (Act), c. 716 of the Acts of 1989, as amended, for a proposed warehouse expansion in Yarmouth, MA. The decision is rendered pursuant to a vote of the Commission on May 28, 1992. The proposal calls for construction of a 151,884 square foot addition to an existing 118,580 square foot warehouse on White's Path in South Yarmouth, MA. The existing facility, site of the former Cape Cod Coliseum, is a warehouse and distribution center servicing thirteen Christmas Tree shops on Cape Cod and southeastern Massachusetts. The proposed addition would increase the total warehousing and distribution capability for the site to twenty-five stores. Most or all of the additional stores would be located off -Cape. Parking, drainage, utility and landscape improvements are also proposed for the project site. The site is zoned for industrial use, with private recreation facilities, self -storage and other light industrial uses to the east and west of the site. Route 6, the mid -Cape highway, is located directly north of the project site. Residential land use is located to the south, separated by a railroad right-of-way. The project was referred to the Commission as a DRI by the town of Yarmouth Building Inspector on February 7. 1992. A site visit was conducted by members of the subcommittee, applicant and interested public on March 11, 1992. Due to concerns expressed by abutters at the site visit and Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 2 public hearing, subcommittee members individually made a second visit to the site and surrounding neighborhood. A public hearing was scheduled for March 23, 1992. Due to the submission of an incomplete abutters list, this heating was opened and continued until April 2, 1992, with subsequent notice provided. The April 2, 1992 hearing was conducted by a duly authorized subcommittee of the Commission in the Yarmouth Town Hall, Yarmouth, MA. This hearing was also continued to April 16 1992. At the April 16, 1992 hearing, the subcommittee voted to close the hearing and allowing the record to remain open until the close of business on April 30, 1992. Public meetings were held on May 6,1992 and May 21, 1992. At the May 6, 1992 public meeting, the record was re -opened until the close of business May 20, 1992 for the purpose of receiving additional written information on the project. Based upon testimony received at the public hearings, application materials submitted by the applicant, written material submitted by all interested parties, and supporting technical information provided by staff, the subcommittee voted unanimous'.; on May 21, 1992 to recommend to the full Commission that the proposed warehouse expansion be approved as a DRI, subject to conditions which had been agreed to by the applicant. A subcommittee report was presented to the full Commission on May 28, 1992. At this meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the project as a DRI, subject to conditions. • Informal Project Submission, White's Path Real Estate Trusts, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., dated December 9, 1991 • DRI Application, Coliseum Warehouse Expansion, A.M Wilson Associates, Inc., received February 5, 1992 • Proposed Coliseum Warehouse Addition rendering, undated • Coliseum Warehouse Fixture Layout, Goodman Engineering, Inc., dated January 21, 1992 • Parldng and Landscape Plan, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., sheet S-1, dated January 10, 1992, revised April 9, 1992, April 15, 1992, May 15, 1992 • Utility Plan, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., sheet S-2, dated January 16, 1992, revised April 9, 1992 • Grading Plan, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., sheet S-3, dated January 16, 1992, revised April 9, 1992, April 15,1992 • Existing Conditions Plan, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., sheet S-4, dated January 16, 1992 • Preliminary Details, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., sheet S-5, dated January 16, 1992 • Compiled Plan of Land, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., sheet S-6, dated January 16, 1992 • Architectural Elevations, • Location of Underground Storage Tank in Relationship to Existing Town Wellfields, Poly Services, Inc., dated March 9, 1987, revised February 2, 1988, 1 sheet • Compiled Plan and Sections through Residences, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., 2 sheets, dated March 30, 1992 • Phase I construction schematic, A.M. Wilson Associates, Inc., dated May 15, 1992 • Traffic Impact Assessment, Vollmer Associates, February 1992 • Memorandum, Coliseum Warehouse Expansion, Murphy & Murphy, attorneys at law, dated April 2, 1992, 11 pages, including Exhibits I through IX • Memorandum II, Coliseum Warehouse Expansion, Murphy & Murphy, attorneys at law, dated Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 Kl April 16, 1992, 8 pages, including Exhibits 1 through 7 • Memorandum on White's Path pavement design, Vollmer Associates, received April 14, 199.) • Commonwealth of Massachusetts Underground Storage Facility Permit application, dated May 19,1992 • Retention Basin Design memorandum, A.M. Wilson Associates, received April 6, 1992 • Fuel Tank Monitor Wells memoranda (3), A.M. Wilson Associates, dated April 16, 1992, and May 7, 1992 • Groundwater gradient map, dated June 28, 1984 • letter from Rene L. Poyant, Inc. realtors, dated April 1, 1992 • letter from Intercity Alarms, dated May 20, 1992 • Draft Decision, Murphy&Murphy, dated May 21, 1992 • letter requesting fee waiver, Murphy&Murphy, dated January 29, 1992 • letter with attachments from A.M. Wilson Associates re: underground tanks to Commission staff, dated April 30, 1992 Additional materials: • Subcommittee Meeting Minutes, dated March 23, 1992, April 2, 1992, April 16, 1992, May 6, 1992, May 21, 1992 • Cape Cod Commission staff report, dated March 25, 1992 • Cape Cod Commission subcommittee report, dated May 22, 1992 • DRI Referral Form, received February 10, 1992 • town of Yarmouth Board of Appeals application, received February 10, 1992 letter from Colonial Gas Company, dated May 19, 1992 • letters from town of Yarmouth Planning Department, dated April 30, 1992, and May 19, 1992 • letter from Association for Preservation of Cape Cod, dated April 15, 1992 • letters from town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen, dated February 13, 1992 and April 16, 1992 • letter with attachments from town of Yarmouth Engineering Department, dated April 15, 1992, and April 7, 1992 • letters from Robert C. Lawton, town of Yarmouth Executive Secretary, dated April 17, 1992 and April 24, 1992 • letter from town of Yarmouth Growth Policy Advisory Council, dated April 8, 1992 • letter from town of Yarmouth Planning Board, dated March 19, 1992 • letter from Massachusetts Historical Commission, dated January 30, 1992 • letter from Frederick Jones, chairman of Beacon St. residents, dated March 16, 1992 • letter from Theresa Stebbins, dated April 6, 1992 • letter from Jean Poole Savage, dated March 19, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Zitzmann, dated March 23, 1992 • letter from John Leahy, dated March 14, 1992 • letters from Mr. & Mrs. Sheehan, received March 16, 1992, and April 1, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Jones, dated March 25, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. McGrath, dated March 14, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Molinari, dated March 16, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. O'Neil, dated March 13, 1992 • letter from Volly Zpumeek, received March 25, 1992 • letter from Edgar P. McIlhatten, dated March 16, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Leopold, dated March 20, 1992 • letter from Charles Megargel, dated March 22, 1992 • letter from Warren Witzmann, dated March 15, 1992 Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 -June 11, 1992 El • letter from Norman Remillard, received March 25, 1992 • letter from James Hall, dated March 13, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Chandler, dated March 14, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Jackson, dated March 13, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Conner, dated March 13, 1992 • letter from Mrs. Roger Sylvester, received March 25, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Bunting, dated March 16, 1992 • letter from Mrs. Favreau, received March 25, 1992 . • letter from Mrs. Boehm, dated March 17, 1992 • letter from Mr. & Mrs. Byington, dated March 11, 1992 The application and notices of public hearings relative thereto, the Commission's staff notes, exhibits and correspondence, the transcript and minutes of the hearings and all written submissions received in the course of our proceedings are incorporated into the record by reference. TESTIMONY At the April 2, 1992 public hearing, written and oral testimony was presented by attorney Larry Murphy on behalf of the applicant. Written and oral comments supporting the project were provided by the town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen, the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce, and the Yarmouth Planning Board. Abutters to the project submitted letters and testified as to their concerns for potential environmental and valuation impacts to their properties from the proposed expansion. Commission staff reported that there were several areas of non-conformance with the Regional Policy Plan which needed to be addressed by the applicant in order to fully assess the impacts of the project. The applicant submitted revised project plans at this hearing, including a revised landscape plan, in order to address Commission staff and abutters concerns for adequate screening of the project. Questions from the subcommittee focused on the existing underground storage tank and whether safety measures should be increased in case of an accidental spill. Testimony from the town of Yarmouth Engineering Department focused on the need for additional pavement analysis of White's Path in Yarmouth, due to additional truck traffic created by the proposed expansion. The public hearing was continued to April 16, 1992. At the April 16, 1992 continued hearing, additional testimony was received regarding a pavement . analysis of White's Path by the applicant's consultant and town of Yarmouth Engineering Department. Informadon was also submitted by the applicant on existing monitoring wells surrounding the underground storage tank, a proposed upgrade of an existing alarm system, air quality analysis and revised stormwater drainage design.. Commission staff reported that the applicant had agreed to re -schedule shift times and implement a carpooling program in order to mitigate traffic impacts. Staff also expressed concern for the impact of proposed building lighting on adjacent properties and Route 6. Abutters expressed concern for the location of proposed loading doors and the adequacy of proposed landscaping designed to screen the development. At the May 6, 1992 public meeting, a letter from APCC was noted which expressed concern for groundwater protection and the environmental impacts of the expansion on neighboring uses. A second letter was received from the town of Yarmouth planning staff, which discussed regionalAocal cumulative traffic impacts and the need for adequate parking facilities in the event a change of use is Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 E•7 contemplated for the warehouse site. Commission staff provided an update on remaining issues related to the project. The applicant had agreed to provide voluntary reporting on the use of Cape Cod suppliers and sub -contractors. Landscape issues appeared to be satisfactorily addressed. The applicant had also provided a lighting detail which specified that the bulb mounting be at an angle of 40 degrees to minimize offsite glare. Additional specifications regarding the underground storage tank and monitoring wells were requested of the applicant. The written record was re -opened in order to receive this additional information. At the May 21, 1992 public meeting, the subcommittee discussed proposed draft conditions prepared by staff. At this meeting, the subcommittee voted unanimously to recommend to the full Commission that the proposed expansion be approved as a DRI, subject to conditions which had been agreed to by the applicant. The coliseum warehouse expansion qualifies as a DRI under Section 12(c)(6) of the Cape Cod Commission Act (Act) as "any proposed retail or wholesale business... development...which (is) an addition greater than 5000 square feet." FINDINGS The Commission has considered the application of White's Path Real Estate Trust for the proposed warehouse expansion in Yarmouth, MA, and based on consideration of such application, the information presented at the public hearings and submitted for the record, the Commission makes the following findings subject to Sections 12 and 13 of the Act: 1). The expansion of this warehouse will generate 390 new vehicle trips per day (185 in/185 out). Ninety-six (96) of these new trips will be tractor/trailer trucks (48 in/48 out). Thirty (30) trips per day (15 in/15 out) are between the warehouse at 225 Whites Path and the office at 261 White's Path, a 400 yard trip that does not impact area intersections other than the site drives. Consolidation of warehouse activities to 225 Whites Path will reduce by 16 trips per day traffic between the site and existing warehouse facilities in Barnstable. The Barnstable sites will no longer be required by the Applicant. 2). The increase in peak hour traffic, prior to considering allowances for alternate transportation modes and travel demand management strategies, will violate level -of -service standards in Section of the Regional Policy Plan (RPP) at the Route 6 Exit 8 off -ramps at peak times. Impacts at these off -ramps were fully mitigated and conformance with this standard achieved by scheduling work shifts to avoid morning and afternoon peak hours. 3). Minimum performance standards will not be exceeded at any other area intersections as a result of this project. In addition, the Applicant paid $20,650.00 for its portion of the cost of road improvements in the area of the intersection of White's Path and Station Avenue in 1987. 4). Based on information available at the time of application, a reduction of approximately sixty (60) new non -trailer -truck trips per day (30 in/30 out) was required to meet Section of the RPP (20% trip reduction). The applicant agreed to conform to this standard by implementing a company -wide carpooling program and promoting employee use of the Cape Cod Regional Transit Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 R Authority B -bus. 5). The project is located within a Wellhead Protection Area to four Yarmouth public water supply wells. Section of the RPP prohibits the use... storage... of hazardous materials, with the exception of retail sales and household quantities... within Wellhead Protection Areas. The project does not include the manufacturing of hazardous materials. It does involve the direct shipment of goods such as lamp oil, which are considered hazardous materials, to retail stores. These materials will be stored in sealed containers on pallets and shipped directly to retail sites as a unit. The use of these materials in this manner is in conformance with this section of the RPP. 6). Electrical forklifts are used exclusively for warehouse operations. This type of forklift poses a minor risk to groundwater during recharging operations. The applicant agreed to locate forklift recharge station(s) in designated location(s) within the building and will take adequate safety precautions during storage and recharge operations. In addition, the floor will be sealed with an impervious concrete sealer to prevent the leakage of any materials accidentally spilled inside the building. 7). The site contains an existing 6000 -gallon underground storage tank used to refuel all delivery trucks. The tank and piping are of double -walled, fiberglass construction. The tank is equipped with a leak detection system consisting of a leak monitoring unit inside the double -walled tank, which is monitored inside the building. In addition, four groundwater monitoring wells are located adjacent to the tank. These wells were visually tested by the applicant on a routine basis. However, neither the wells nor alarm system were previously monitored by public agencies. In order to provide adequate monitoring of possible spills from the tank, the applicant agreed to tie the fluid detection system alarm into a central alarm system, maintained on a 24-hour basis, and monitored by an outside contractor. The applicant also agreed to conduct routine water quality analysis of the monitoring wells and provide this data to town and county officials. 8). Section of the RPP requires that projects within Wellhead Protection Areas meet a 5 ppm standard for nitrate -nitrogen loading. The proposed expansion will result in nitrate -nitrogen loading ranging from 1.76 ppm to 2.39 ppm, depending on the formula used. This loading rate meets the required performance standard of 5 ppm within a Wellhead Protection Area. 9). The proposed expansion will create a total of forty-four net new positions to staff the facility. These jobs will be at all skill levels, and will allow for advancement within the company. 10). In order to evaluate conformance with Section 3.1.2 of the Economic Development Review Policies of the RPP, the applicant agreed to provide a report to the Commission on the use of Cape Cod suppliers and sub -contractors in the construction of the expanded warehouse. 11). A minimal amount of solid waste will be generated by the proposed expansion. In order to achieve conformance with Section of the RPP, construction and demolition debris will be removed and disposed of in accordance with the integrated solid waste management system. 12). Section 7.2.5 of the RPP prohibits unnecessarily bright lighting of a building or grounds. As proposed, lighting attached to the building would be visible from adjacent residential properties as well as Route 6, a regional roadway. To achieve conformance with this standard, the applicant revised the angle of proposed building lighting to reduce the visual impact to residential areas and Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 7 this roadway. 13). A residential zone lies directly south of the proposed warehouse expansion, separated by a railroad right-of-way. This neighborhood consists of one and two-story single-family detached homes. Section 7.2.1 of the RPP requires that the height and scale of proposed development be compatible with existing surrounding development. While the height and scale of the proposed expansion is generally consistent with other development within the Industrial zone, the proposed addition is not compatible with existing single-family development to the south. In addition, the southernmost corner of the proposed building lies within 200 feet of this neighborhood: In order to mitigate the visual impact of the proposed addition from residential areas, the applicant agreed to provide earthen berms with substantial evergreen tee planting along the southernmost boundary of the site. 14). The proposed expansion originally included two drainage basins to accommodate stormwater runoff for the proposed building and parking areas. The construction of one of these basins would have required the removal of a substantial amount of existing tree cover which would have helped to screen the development from the residential neighborhood. Due to the proximity of the proposed expansion to the residential area, the stormwater drainage system was redesigned to provide the maximum retention of natural vegetation along the southernmost boundary, and to allow additional area for earthen berms to screen the development. 15). The proposed development will be constructed in phases. The applicant will take occupancy upon completion of each phase. A partial Certificate of Compliance will be issued for each phase of the development. CONCLUSION Based upon the findings above, the Cape Cod Commission hereby concludes: The benefits of the proposed project outweigh the detriments. This conclusion is supported by the facts that the project will provide the following benefits: reduction of local truck trips between the site and existing warehouse facilities in Barnstable; implementation of a company -wide carpooling program and promotion of employee use of the RTA B -bus service; improved groundwater monitoring of an existing underground storage tank on the project site; increased protection from a spill from the underground tank through an upgrade of its alarm system; redesign of stormwater drainage basins to provide the maximum retention of natural vegetation and additional screening; the addition of forty-four net new positions to staff the facility; voluntary reporting on the use of Cape Cod suppliers and sub -contractors in construction of the warehouse; and recycling of construction and demolition debris. These benefits outweigh the following detriments: visual and environmental impact of the warehouse expansion on an adjacent residential neighborhood, which was mitigated by provision of earthen berms with evergreen planting; and an increase in peak hour automobile traffic which was mitigated by revising work shift schedules for the warehouse. The project is consistent with the Minimum Performance Standards of the Regional Policy Plan. The proposed project is not consistent with the town of Yarmouth zoning bylaws. Commission approval is granted with the understanding that it is necessary for the Applicant to seek a variance from the town of Yarmouth for driveway width and driveway separation distance. The granting of these variances, however, will not create a regional impact. Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 NO The Commission hereby approves with conditions the proposed Coliseum Warehouse expansion in Yarmouth, MA as a Development of Regional Impact, pursuant to Section 13 of the Act, provided that the following conditions are met: PROCEDURAL: 1). Plans submitted and listed in this decision shall become a part of the written decision and any changes -to these plans which are deemed by the Commission staff to be material, shall be approved by the Cape Cod Commission or its designee. 2). If the project is constructed in phases, the Applicant shall obtain a partial Certificate of Compliance, with respect to each completed phase of the proposedAevelopment, from the Commission or its designee before the local official responsible for issuing Certificates of Occupancy may issue a temporary or permanent Certificate of Occupancy for such phase of the proposed development. Conditions #5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 of this decision shall be met prior to issuance of a partial Certificate of Compliance for the first phase of the proposed development. Conditions #12, 13, 16, and 17 of this decision, shall be met prior to issuance of a partial Certificate of Compliance for the first phase of the proposed development, with respect to improvements associated with phase I of the proposed development. A partial Certificate of Compliance shall be considered a full Certificate of Compliance with respect to the phase for which it is issued. 3). The Applicant shall obtain all necessary state and local permits for the project. 4). Any use other than warehousing, storage and distribution or related support facilities such as offices, restrooms, or lunchrooms as permitted by this decision, regardless of size, shall require review by the Commission as a Development of Regional Impact. TRANSPORTATION: 5). The Applicant shall schedule work shifts at the warehouse to avoid shift changes during the morning (7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.) and afternoon (4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m) peak hour at the Route 6 off -ramps at Exit 8. 6). The Applicant shall designate an employee of the personnel department as a Transportation Coordinator. The dudes of this position shall include the promotion, enhancement and monitoring of carpooling and other alternate modes of transportation on a company -wide basis. Promotional information and employee incentives shall be developed and implemented. The Applicant shall report to the Cape Cod Commission annually for three (3) years from the date of receipt of a Certificate of Compliance regarding carpooling and alternative transportation participation by its employees. 7). Bicycle racks and locker facilities shall be provided at the warehouse site. 8). The Applicant shall work with area transit operators to implement bus stops, where feasible, at retail stores owned by the Company on Cape Cod and provide promotional literature regarding alternative transportation at these retail locations. WATER RESOURCES: 9). Provided the town of Yarmouth agrees, the Applicant shall complete stormwater drainage improvements as per the Utility Plan prepared by A.M. Wilson Associates, revised April 15, 1992, Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 -June 11, 1992 E sheet S-2. If the town of Yarmouth does not approve said plans, then the Applicant shall complete stormwater drainage improvements in accordance with the directives of the town of Yarmouth. 10). The applicant shall monitor water quality on an annual basis in the four existing observation wells, according to the standard Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection protocol. The samples shall be taken by a qualified consultant and analyzed by an EPA certified lab using method 524 for volatile organic compounds. Copies of all well sampling results shall be forwarded to the Barnstable County Health Department and the Yarmouth Board of Health. 11). The Fluid Detection alarm system for the underground storage tank shall be tied into a central alarm system and operate on a 24-hour basis. The alarm system shall be monitored by Intercity Alarms or an equivalent public or private entity. SITE DESIGN/LANDSCAPING: 12). Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any phase of proposed construction, the Applicant shall complete all Phase I grading and landscape improvements as per sheets S-1 & S-3, landscape and grading plans prepared by A.M. Wilson Associates, revised May 15, 1992, and April 15, 1992, respectively. Plant materials shall be protected from damage during site and building construction with construction fencing or other protective measures. The Applicant may obtain a foundation permit prior to completing landscape improvements for the purpose of utilizing existing fill for construction of earth berms related to these improvements. Prior to issuance of a partial or . . final Certificate of Compliance, all site/landscape improvements shall be substantially in all material respects completed as per landscape plans as listed above. Any substantial deviations from the plans as submitted shall be approved by Commission staff. 13). To reduce the visual impact of lighting fixtures on regional roadways, proposed building lighting shall be 400W Polyquad Type II/M or equivalent, with the bulb mounting installed at an angle of approximately 40, with placement according to Exhibit 4, Memorandum II, submitted by the applicant on April 16, 1992. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, proposed building lighting will be inspected for approval by Commission staff. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: 14). The Applicant shall provide a report to the Commission on the use of Cape Cod suppliers and sub -contractors prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance from the Commission. SOLID/HAZARDOUS WASTE: 15). The Applicant shall assure the recycling of construction and demolition debris to the greatest extent possible. 16). Electrical forklift storage and battery recharging shall be performed at designated location(s) within the building. Prior to issuance of a building permit for each phase of the proposed development, floor plans indicating the designated location(s) shall be submitted to the Cape Cod Commission or its designee for approval. 17). The building shall be constructed with a poured concrete floor and sealed with an impervious concrete sealer designed to prevent leakage of hazardous materials through the floor. Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 10 The Commission hereby grants White's Path Real Estate Trust an approval with conditions as a Development of Regional Impact, pursuant to Section 13 of the Act, for a proposed warehouse expansion in Yarmouth, MA. ;nod t . 999 1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts c I t /Q v Date Barnstable, ss. ^� Subscribed and swom to before me this I I day of 19 R! - Name, Notary Public My commission expires: lxplres December S. 1097 Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 11 CERTIFICATION OF PROPER NOTICE I hereby certify that the requirements of Section 5(a) of the Act regarding notice of the public hearing concerning the proposed Coliseum warehouse expansion in Yarmouth, MA, were fulfilled, as follows: 1. Notice of the public hearing appeared in the Cape Cod Times on March 9, 1992, March 16, 1992, March 18, 1992, and March 25, 1992. 2. Notice of the re -opening of the public record appeared in the Cape Cod Times on May 12, 1992 and May 18, 1992. 3. Notice of the public hearings were posted in a conspicuous place in the Commission's office at 3225 Main Street, Barnstable, MA, 02630; and 4. Copies of all documents subject to notice were made available at the Commission's office during normal business hours. PS S Katharine Peters, Clerk (n ! I GI Z Date Coliseum Warehouse Expansion -Yarmouth, MA #TR92009 - June 11, 1992 M{I. {•F•I tIW11 NOTES: FOR PHASING PURPOSES: Shaded areas are included in Phase 1. suture phase areas will be rough graded and seeded with rough grass mix or meadow mix to provide temporary soil stabilization. ::.—...—.ern.... LUIISCI/111 225 i1}IIIC�S Pall. SUa 111 1111111 Uu I h. Ala PIWSE I PUW 'IUM OF YAM3=1 BOARD OF APPFALS APPLICATION APPPP.AL)1 : ` 1 HEARING ''=n -� - '92 JAN 14 A 9 :51 D11TL:_ R� . . Z321 bps D' . IUW1t(LASUi fi •NSPEG' OR Forrest White •'�harles G.Bileiikian, Trustee Df,," ; r•;::, Wh.ite'SPdthRea;i'Estate Trust�''and of White's Aath.'Real' Estate Trust, II; and of, MM NAME: White's Path Real Estate Trust I11 ADDRESS: 261 W_ ' •• „_,South Yarmouth_ M' • C�arlgs ilez ki n Trustle of lte s at ea: • staterustt••'nd'of�' ' �.j.I2�: w lte's at ea stat Trust'I 1 and ofy" ADDRESS: 261 White' South Yarmouth- - T�K)NE 0: (508) 394-1206 rj'7� 3��� This application is for the property and/or structure located at: 225_ & 241 ti pp , 'Assessor's Map 87 Parcel M3 se Path South Yarmouth Massachutts 0261i_{_ 87 9226 _.88 8237 1114e hereby request the action checked below: 1) .Appeal. from decisionzoE:':ttie Bw lding Inspector to grant Perm and petition - your 'E 7"d for a public hearing on this action: _ 2)x_ Application for Special Permit under Sections) 301.3.1 and 406.4. Of the Yar=uth Zoning By -Law =DdJ= for a use authorized in the "Use Regulation Schedule" SectlOn(s) 202.5 (F3) to: reduce parking. red 1 ,itr im r to i hin Anuifinr Pr t rt+� n , n• led 3)_ Petition for Variance frcm the to-rrr- of the Ya-=uth Zoning By -Law to allow: missible expansion of existin, trur In order to grant Fetit'cn, a Variance of Section •301.4.3 and 301.4.7 of the By—La:r is recessa- ' - 4)' And for -such further relief, if any, as may be required to permit construction and use of the project as dastr'`^d on the plans filed with his appl ca ion. arm r _, A Est of atuLt^�'� •�t!L=n 300 eet o t e F ate_ o� the F_cre_.f, as shc.m on t::e rrest recent Assesscr's tics is attac :ed. Cccies of the Rules and Rteculations of the Ecard and a ge•^•eran in'or•;atien sheet are arailab1-ecf �S GrBil��k ado, Trust a off White's Path Real Estate Trust, and o6, White's Path Real Estate Trust.11,'an f, W7tt A; Path Real -;tatci�Srr}rst.11l* i j1J)u� urptiy ani Murphy the' ttorney I, Douglar, Murphy and 1,.nry L. Murphy, Jr. is as ree ops i e s a s a M3, M226 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 225 White's Path, South Yarmouth, MA MAP: 88 LOT: B DATE: July 14, 1992 SIX OR SEVE\'SETS OF MkNS SUBMITTED YES: x r0: PERSONS PRESENT AT REVIEW HEARI\G •1"ot?2t5T WHITE .DILA &A EEIJF . . TOL 16C01015KI 1KR2-l/IA 22 SITE PLAN' REVIEW -- &jc,E MJRp(r/ LARRV j%ap-pNy Ait1-62 EO tyII- S 0 A MORE.FSitl ,R-ZLEfrklAAl CO:L`IERTS: -nys Pea SPr(- r< FO72 A-►.✓ G-StPA .mom DF i?ti• 0.104;741AS T,REr 5hGPS' t-vIAP EG-MgQbc (L2bc r i F&-ftfZo of Vctk_S e?ol,iFr- l5 )U eyc-i,) T1qF T)j2 ilFcajA v �,., o -rH. Tt/6 4�,crx..,r✓at-o4 pngewe ' ♦ � rA VA • L / i <I ' I /► � / i/i � - I r 1 / TO 1lvsoou �i-rn�lil �4�%C- '• Glc. A AIR wx,&o-� /y- 0 aTy Fde Ir ih .f SIGNED BY: /� /� n_„ RZ4 AND ECE�VED B: A.9PLI ":T BUILDI\G DEPT.•�G//�- BOARD OF HE-ILTE DEPT. ENGINEERING DEPT. FIRE DE?T. :.'l`�g //�/�/�i f�-Acsg2� d NSG( L C(/\^A If S NdT NL�t-rw-te. tocLd(KN C4.Iv`�[Hd bsehy 2X.e*fINy A-Ocjvt �1��► 2� S„4MiT r0116R edded L�iJw,v a.,vr0. S�QW�&YJ 'Ca,wNa.re� d'LS 6-$ Cl .n JV.'rvcjtL C.da.d(.;�- 3� Na J Nv cA. YK`4 wwcA. '7?wets m.t c tie 4 t, MINUTES FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: PETITION NO: 2876 PETITIONER: White's Path Realty Trust Christmas Tree Shop Warehouse Expansion HEARING DATE: July 9, 1992 PETITIONER REQUESTS: SEE APPLICATION MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PRESENT AND VOTING: Leslie Campbell, Chairman, Fritz Lindquist, Jeanne Bullock, Ronald Schmidt, John Richards Les Campbell opened the hearing at 7:50 p.m. Attorney Larry Murphy appeared.to present the petition to the Board. We did intend to start tonight, however, there is a letter from the Engineering Department requesting that we go back to site plan review. Having been to the Cape Cod Commission and having had the delays that we have had, that were necessary under the permitting process, my client has indicated that he would just as soon get through the site plan review and we are on the agenda for site plan review on Tuesday, July 14, 1992. Hopefully we will get heard and we would like to come back in two weeks and present our case. Scheduled for July 23, 1992 at 7:OOp.m. Les Campbell read the letter from Engineering requesting that this project go back to Site Plan Review before Board of Appeals. We were informally in front of the Site Plan Review, this will be the formal site plan. Jeanne Bullock made a Motion to continue this appeal to July 23, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. Ron Schmidt seconded the Motion. Unanimous There was then some discussion as to whether this same Board had to sit but it was explained to Fritz that since no testimony has been taken that these same five members not be required to sit on this appeal. DRI APPLICATION COLISEUM WAREHOUSE EXPANSION WHITEIS PATH YARMOUTH, MA JANUARY, 1992 t 1 1 . 1 1 �,. y �. _: .• aV ..-s;.y. _: - aNvel'.,_ ^l = r `- °� `' .Dinahs Ifraa ThotherVr •'q�' ' ;JET. - _ a —' ,/o • Pmcd° '�• ` ','%� �/ %moi � try! , 101 . I�,�i',` 1 i :^ -r - r _, 19Y\ � � �.�+�- I n ' J• ,ry .'^ �•..;I r AJQrMa a HiIL' I; •Jy-�. ` `....�.. -'y„• _ - .. • .a Caoe Coa 1 kiES u4 .•per\y!C. �I9�I� 'Rsaio��^ ..�' �'w•. i'�q�i \ "j n ( . • Ul, �,� ia.,en • e �S./' .-cat a `TOW\•r MOUS P•• OIOf SI r1�y •'+;� v�h \ Ona{ T�•w •a ,�;._Yatmuu[h D.nnu I+'Q�{�p^t •o' RJiwnal Hiin Sen �� ; T - . �w •U'{ 5 i- 1 �• 11 �� a\G 1" . Pumping .yw .�.••�• •: G. 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A. M Wilson Associates Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS COLISEUM WAREHOUSE EXPANSION - DRI ' SECTION PAGE ' 1) APPLICATION INFORMATION - DRI Form 1 ' - Certified Abutters List 6 - Fee Worksheet 8 - MHC Project Notification Form 11 ' - Locus Maps * USGS 16 * Zoning 17 * SCS Soils Map 18 & 19 ' - Certificates of Title 20 - Proof of Local Agency Filings 27 - Impact Assessment Form 28 2) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Perimeter Plan 33 2.1 Legal Data 34 Existing Conditions Plan 36 ' 2.2 Existing Conditions 37 2.3 Existing Development and Infrastructure 47 - Grading and Drainage Plan 50 ' 2.4 Proposed Development 51 - Utilities Plan 52 - Detail Sheet 53 - Parking and Landscaping Plan 55 1 3) IMPACT ASSESSMENT - Water Resources 57 - Coastal Resources 62 ' - Wetlands 62 - Wildlife 62 - Economics 65 - Transportation 69 ' - Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials 70 - Housing 71 - Historic Values 71 ' - Aesthetics 72 - Local and Regional Impacts 74 911 Main Street 508 4281450 Osterde, MA 02655 FAX 4201856 LIST OF FIGURES 1 - USGS Locus Map 13,16 ' 2 - 1854-1856 Geological Survey Map 14 & 48 3 - Zoning Map 17 4A- USDA/SCS Soils Map for Yarmouth 18 4B- USDA/SCS Interim Soil Study/Barnstable County 19 5 - Surficial Geology Map 38 6 - APCC Map 39 7 - MacConnell Vegetative Cover Mapping 41 8 - 1988 ZOC Map 43 9 - Surface Waterbody Drainage Basin and Contamination Source Map 44 10 - Fuel Storage Permit 56 11 - CCC NO3 Calculation Summary Sheet 58 12 - Town of Yarmouth NO 33 Calculation Sheet 57 U 13 - Most Current Water seage 60 ' 14 - MDF&W/NHP Habitat Map 63 PLANS ' Rendering Cover Sheet ii Parking and Landscaping 1 of 6 55 Utilities Plan 2 of 6 52 Grading Plan 3 of 6 50 Existing Conditions 4 of 6 46 Detail Sheet 5 of 6 53 ' Perimeter Plan 6 of 6 33 APPENDIX A - KV Soil Logs B - Design Information for Existing Septic System ' C - Nitrate Loading Calculations D - Drainage Calculations E - Vollmer Associates Memo and Miscellaneous Traffic Information F - IEP Hazardous Materials Assessment n TOWN OF YARMOUTH H46 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YAMIOUTH MASSACHUSETTS N664 Tcicphone (508) 398-2231 January 31, 1992 Attorney Larry Murphy Attn: Karen 243 South Main Street Hyannis, MA 02601 Dear Karen: Application #2876 for White's Path Real Estate Trust and Trust II and III was filed with the Board of Appeals for the Torn of Yarrrouth on January 14, 1992. I am sending a copy of said application. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 398-2231 ext. 285• Respectfully, n Deborah.R. David Secretary Boated of Appeals 4 BOARD OF APPEALS 'Ta OF XARc KMII 5 BOARD Or APPEALS APPLICATION ' APxEAPJIr, DATE: Cn '97 JAN 14 A 9 :51 1'� Lll1P. C Sc�' i is ii �l• r• ,. ' 1UY(N CLE'kK i<'FtEASW fir • IIJG I,NSPECIiOR . .... • . , • :' Forrest White Charles G'eilaiiklano Trustee pf., :,•' ' White'; Path Real' Estata Trust, a;d of Whi'te's Oath.•Real Estate Trust.I and of' MER NAME: White's Path Real Estate T ust III ' AMRZE.SS: 6 ' z ki n Trust of I..' .� • Wh�ie?s �at�i ea.�s[ae frust,' ndand'of pmTIOCIER PlAME: � c , ea state ru•t ' AWFESS: 261 White's P South _Ya rrI- "' ' 7ELEpjLyE (508) 394-1206 — application is for the property and/or structure located at: 225 & 241 This app ro Parcel M3 • _.._.._... ' Assessor s Map 87 M 26 P' Path South Yarmouth Mas h ► g7 88 8237 x/We Beeby zequest the action :checked below: 'rhe ding Inspector. to gran pe Buil decisiamo :t .'1i .APl��-..f�- i:�zd g public hearing on this action:' and petition* yoizEoor a ' 2) Application for Special. PerT1ut jdforsaUse er cn" authorized E the Use �r the yo==uth Zoning BY -Law (lax '202.5 (F3) to: reduce parking. Regulation schedule" SectiOn(S) r red led I -Law 3) Petition for Variance from the terir� of the Ya*Tlnuth Zoning BY missible to allow: ...� Arive AV MOT L_LrJ4LLL&�- 1* na Variance of Section 301.4.3 and 301.4 .7 of the In orde_. to grant Petition, 4)Y And for -such further rellef, if any, as may be c qtic� d to permit construction and use of 35 project as described on the plans filed with heetis ap0p �re Fe=:JMte_r of. the prcpe=y, A list of atutters :•ith=n Jsens ,s Macs is attac::ed. ' - =cult AS se_scr - sl:c:.n on t::e rrbs � r__-• Cccies of tie RLL1_es and Recula[_ons of the Bcard and a 5enerJ_ in. or.,ation ' sheet are a�:ailable •frc;n C .1311 ikianp S tee of r'f- Charlas C,.Bilezikian, Trustee of, White's Path Real Estate Trust, and of, • White's Path Real Estate Trust.ili4n• t, W Path Real Late st.111 ' BY: the' ttorney 'jjJ urpliy and Murphy J. DougIs$ Murphy and ry L. Murphy, Jr. 6 JhN '23 '9Z 11:273 TOWN CF `W.MOUTHEUB:�-� tis.0.01 •�� T`O WN. O F 'YAR C� iV�OUTH N � 1196 ROUTE 28 SOUTH lAlt3fp(;TH LLS ►U.SL1SS.1CHWETTS 0266-i TTi� M w�ew�4 Tc1cphone(508)398-2331 ASSESSORS CERTIFICATION FOR ABUTTERS LIS^ From: bv',-�a 'Sv�ly Date: Subject Name; 4 '! m ;3,Q t,, S` cn 3 ' Subject Address: 8fs g�)3'-7 To Whom It May Concern, Subject Map T Subject Lot This is to certify that the attached list is a ccmnlete list or abutters within the required radius of the subject lot. List of Direct abutters List within 300' radius Other Number of labels Number of hard copies ectfully, Matthew J. urowi Deputy Assessor - P lease list the date needed by: Comments: 20" o (D ASSESSOP-S �ndum y : Certified I Abutters List las E. Kelley 345 Long Pond Drive t -n Yarmouth, MA t^ .37 Lot L2 Mid -Cape Racquet Club 193 Whites Path 02664 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 87 Lot M2 tr ahel Labet e Labet & Michael G. 12 Springside Avenue IMHartford, CT 06108 87 Lot Z149 John F. Leahy Labet 158 Beacon Street / South Yarmouth, MA 02664 V flap 87 Lot Z150 P- 1 F. Stifflmire, Jr. Beacon Street I.�, th Yarmouth, MA 02664, / Mao 87 Lot Z152 Lorraine A. Boehm �1 Beacon -Street uth Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 87 Lot Z171 rles E. Chandler Ve rie T. Chandler o Beacon Street uth Yarmouth, MA 02664 'rtao 88 Lot N147 7romas A. McGrath rtrude M. McGrath a6 Beacon Street Routh Yarmouth, MA 02664 ap 88 Lot N144 1olly Z. Zepurneek 75 Beacon Street south Yarmouth, MA 02664 tap 88 Lot N233 'Darren A. Witzmann 1_rna M. Witanann 199 Beacon Street South Yarmouth, 14A 02664 map 88 Lot N141 John Sears, Jr. 13 4Jest Great Western Road South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 88 Lot S1 John W. Senuta Ruth J. Senuta P.O. Box 502 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 87 Lot Z153 Colonial Gas Company P.O. Box 1005 Hyannis, MA 02601 Map 87 • Lot T5 Ula rI" U. of iecIKia 1, 41 arc CGB Reaaflelty Trust 7,, 69 Houthp Street Yannouthport, MA 02675 V-`'�`� David M. Byington Helen Jane Byington 170 Beacon Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664Vl' Map 87 Lot 2148 Vernon Jackson Kathleen t4. Jackson 152 Beacon Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 87 Lot Z151 Robert A. Eisenbeis M.E. Eisenbeis, W.C. Novak 135 Cedar Hills Circle Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Map 87 Lot Z170 7 Town of Yarmouth 1146 Rte. 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 87 Lot J1 Plulford W. Bunting Frederick R. Jones Betty L. Bunting Constance B. Jones 169 Beacon Street 202 Beacon Street South Yarmouth, VA 02664 V/ South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 88 : Lot N232 Map 88 Lot N143 John T. Sheehan GeorgeE. Zitzmann Mary P. Sheehan Lauren B. Zitaaann 190 Beacon Street 49 Ruella Drive South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Naugatuck, CT 06770 Map 88 Lot N145 Map 88 . Lot N146 Jean Poole Savage Francis Marzocchi' 143 Astor Way Roseline Marzocchi South Yarmouth, MA 02664 / 3724 Yardam Drive Map 88 Lot N234 V Map 88 Lot N140 Paul J. Molinari Lock. -Up Cape Cod Associates Lena M. Molinari c/o Robert Soudan 550 Frontage Rd. 205 Beacon Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ���/// MapNor88iLot 22 60093 Map 88 Lot --N142 Map 88 Lot 0227 Sylvia Keith Kirk Giffen Robert Leupold Trust 6 Billings Gate Road Jerusalem Road 560 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ,,fir- 560CohJerussset, MA 02025 Map 87 Lot 2239 ; :✓� Map 87 Lot Z240 C! A.M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428.1450 TO Board of Health Engineering Department Sita Plan RPVipw , Forrest White Board of Appeals 1146 Route 28 Town Hall South Yarmouth, MA 02664 L [EUTE12 oIF Va RSUMOUTR& OAT[ 3/04/92 '°� N°' ATT[NTION fIG Christmas Tree Shops 1 (each) Attached please find Supplemental Traffic Information >' WE ARE SENDING YOU EX Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 (each) Attached please find Supplemental Traffic Information relative to Christmas Tree Shops DRI Application. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS below: ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ 19 ❑ ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO —, SIGNED: Arlene If enclosures are not as noted kind( notify us at once. Wilson 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Addendum 2: Schedule of Fees Worksheet (A) Pursuant to Section 6(d) of the Act, the Commission shall charge the following fees: (i) Filing Fees (a) Residental .Developments (Fee based on number of lots or units,' whichever is greater) $250 base fee, plus: First 50 lots or units - $25/lot or unit Next 50 lots or units -$50/lot or unit Over 100 lots or units - $75/lot or unit (b) Non -Residential Developments Subdivisions of land for non-residential uses, $200 base fee per lot plus: $ 200.00 Ten (10) cents per square foot of interior floor area or outdoor area directly - related to the business operation (including outdoor storage or displays, but no$15,188.40 including parking areas) except as otherwise provided below; new 151,884 sq. ft. $50 per acre of landscaped areas directly related to the operation of a business (including but not limited to golf courses, driving ranges and playing fields but not including landscaped buffers); Five (5) cents per square foot for improved outdoor areas up to one acre (including but not limited to swimming pools, tennis courts, and.miniature golf courses). $200 per acre for outdoor improved areas in excess of one acre or any part thereof; Two and one half (2.5) cents per square foot for gravel pits and other mining and extraction activities. (c) Wastewater Treatment Plants Fees are based upon gallon -per -day design capacity: Fifteen (15) cents per gallon for the first 20,000 gallons; Ten (10) cents per gallon for the next 20,000 to 40,000 gallons; Five (5) cents per gallon for each additional 1,000 gallons. 5 1 1 1 (d) Waste disposal facilities including but not limited to facilities providing for: Incineration, transfer stations, recycling, composting, stump dumps, and construction and demolition debris disposal: Fees are based upon ton -per -day design capacity: _ 0 Forty dollars ($40) per ton for the first 200 tons; Fifteen dollars ($15) per ton for each additional ton. (e) Modifications to DRI approvals Ten percent (10%) of the DRI review fee paid for the initial approval, or five - 0 hundred dollars ($500), whichever is greater. (f) Water dependent, uses including but not limited to docks, piers and revetments. Twenty-five (25) cents per square foot. 0 (g) Other Two -hundred (200) dollars. - 0 (B) The applicant shall be responsible for the actual cost of publishing notice of the public hearing. The applicant will be billed directly by the newspaper. (C) Municipalities within Barnstable County and federal agencies, in those instances where such municipality or federal agency is an Applicant for a proposed development, shall be exempt from the fees charged by the Commission. ' (D) The Commission may, at its discretion, grant an Applicant a partial or complete waiver from any of the fees set forth in this Section. Such waiver may be granted where the Applicant has demonstrated that the review fee as applied is unreasonable because the fee ' charoed is not directly related to the administrative and technical costs required tor Ine Commission to carry out its responsibilities under the Act. A waiver may be granted on the basis of hardsFlp—where the Applicant cemon5fEatesin writing, that payment of the review ' fee set forth in the schedule above will result in the project being economically infeasible. Such demonstration must include a Pro Forma and any other information the Applicant may chose to provide to support his or her request for a waiver. Total Fee $15,388.40 0 I� 10 -.-. � 'i�..•n..,✓'-�M�,�:ni',r:°:•'-� .j _iirZw:�41!....-t�ii.w+Gyr.,n a. i:�:-�.. d.^.... `.f•:'n:r.'.•tir� c -.w+ -•o.•? til �r ;..�..•�L.� • .'�.v Y�•lj-l..•:W-!NM�r:i•}`1. t•_ _i.1• _ .- ..]: /:•-G'1••/(. C' •_.- .♦:"•. .r ... .•. � •_ . l '- --- - • _ -_ - •,• - . _ • ' - - R MITTAN DVICE 5-39 E A I 110 WHITE'S PATH REALTY ESTATE TRUST 261 WHITE'S PATH 13003.7 l » SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 IJ• .. CHECK l T Qht and40�100 DOLLARS AMOUNT IJ PAY Fi ftPPn Th TO DER F dr Pd E�-ch1 Y — DATE TO THE ORDER OF DESCRIPTION CHECK NO. I BANK OF BOSTON THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON (� 114L300L711' 1:0 1 1000 3901:530 2952811' �- -- - IJ -:i •.'a: �?• <': .+:IY , -. •�rTr.j �.?:..1r' •Dv::.--� ..- .M.'� � .E � - :`^l • c. ��. rte_... r�:-J.J.�. •:.i�.:. t .:�I ��� � .. ..i.'n-��:'. �... - ... ... IJ U I� Addendum 3: MHC Project Notification Form 1 ' MASSAcIlU5 ,.S HISTORICAL COMMISSION 8o Boylston Street, ROOM 310 Boston, MA 02116 PROJECT NOTIFICG.TION FORM ' Coliseum Warehouse Expansion Project Name ' Location/Address 225-233 White' P City/Town Yarmouth, MA 02664 ' rrojec%,JepsMatl Real Estate Trust I, II & III Name Attention: Ed Mullin ' Address 761 Ai 1111-, P Yarmouth MA 02664 -City/Town/Zip/Telephone (508)394-2314 ' \gcncy license or funding for the project (list all licenses, per=its, approvals, grants or other entitlements being sought fro= ' state and federal agencies). ) Acenev Nanc 'h�^�c of Licrnse c' °un'" n rscecL !� No State or Federal Funding and no State or Federal Permits ' are required for this project. ' Project Description (narrative) Construction of a +151,884 s.f. addition to an existing ±118,580 s.f. warehouse together with prov9sion of additional parking, drainage improvements, upgraded ' utilities and landscaping at a site of +17.74 AC. The existing building is the former Cape Cod Coliseum which was constructed in the •1970ss. An addition to that building was constructed in the 1980s. ' Does the project include demolition? If so, specify nature of de=olition and describe the building(s) which are proposed for demolition. ' NO Does the project include rehabilitation of any existing building? If so, specify nature of rehabilitation and describe the building(s) which are proposed for rehabilitation. ' NO VA 11 ' Addendum 3: MHC Project Notification Form APP£N01% A (cantinucd) ' Does the project include new construction? If so, describe (attach plans and elevations if necessary). Yes. Construction is limited to an addition to a building of +20 years old. 1 1 1 12 To the best of your knowledge, are any historic or archaeological properties known to exist within the project's area of potential impact? If sa, specify. No. No historic or cultural materials have been found on the site during previous construction activities. Approximately 14 acres of the site.was disturbed through removal of vegetation and grading into and below the subsoil when the Coliseum was built. There is the total acreage of the project area* essentially no opportunity for materials to be left +17 % ac in context at this site.* Woodland+�_ acres Productive ResoSirces: Wetland 4—acres Agriculture Uacres Floodplain —U acres Forestry 7 acres Open Space acres Yining/Extraction 0 acres Developed 425 acres Total Project Acreage+ 7I .7a acres What is the acreage of the proposed new construction? ++ 165 acres includes building, parking, access, drainage and landscaping }That is the present land use of the project zrea? Warehousing w-nat has been the previous land use of the project area? Place of public assembly; i.e. the Cape Cod Coliseum. Prior to that use, the site had been timbered during the early part of this century. The 1854-1856 maps of Yarmouth show no habitation in the area of the site. Please attach a copy of the section of the USGS quadrangle zap which clearly =arks the project location. See Fig. 1. - i Noti*ication Fora has been submitted to the MHC in Th s Projec- compliance with 950 CHR 71.00. A,�IL Wilson Assoc' es, Inc: signature of erson sutmitting this fora Name Arlene M. WIlson Address ^11 ftiin ctrPot city/sawn/zip Osterville, MA 02655 Telephone (5081428-1450 rJ REGULATORY AUTHORITY 01 ate *Additionally previous timbering activities early in the century also disturbed the now forested section. 950 CMR 71.00: M.C.L e. 9. a. 26-27C as amended by St. 1988. G 254. L!a��'fT'. •!=•.�47 i. .•0...ea.�. �� :1-''•a•.�.•'' :? M �,c• t r•• '', :rJ� S"1 • ^ ..i C \�-.�/.' + �'� �� ..a/evet• ':^ ._ ' �'^ ' _ ' .� .Dinaha / '�•lfiaa ThaciterCcj ''(/i ' .- .• a =� '] a Pon ' r.m 'Paad •V 0 •w. Pmt_ a•L'." „J":•—•c '�' .r..•r•T.� � � � air �. /� /•� \,,•1 j 1 .�Qi ft _ ' .. • � _ �, . �\c, oI EPCHANGc o Iy1fE5 •�� �� Cage - a .'• ♦• iY^.aur_ In �1' _ •.1 1 �_ • ♦ � � L'��i. r ~~ \ .v �\� ►� _ • Pvmo,nq,.. �.. 7 div Cat PO'7ta TOWN wOUSP•• e`I CAO! ( (• •.^:\�^w •l t,j\ .. "7 ^' r1 t: 07LQ. • .t��:v' f �,._ 1 . k Q� Cat •,L �10. •, + �"1. 7 j"�'•�� •"O 'i\��_\ac �y, �_ =a..", � /r �� PO'na��+ �.� _ i ►• �� '?" ^ai ! Tom. ,, _ :. ��; V-1V Y0' Yarmcuih ign Sc 'L_>•t +iNn lv��� . : �TePond Hitn ScnPvmo,nq`,lsY6. .ata 1 Pie _=um0,114 �1 asr / �.w�. 1� Cny >. A�\,/'A• �y s'.�. _ �QTt� a .i ta` �R..•Z '.rrr io r 'ka ^�••''�t�, PO cm • J�, i « Awa y' _ ,''�e,�` q�`' - / "`. aasi.River PJM • � •� ice'• • t • r �'", � o' i YO � �,� i .1�• Tdal Ftatl__�I J �• KaiL / v i ;:•?ins, / ch am 1\ �� •./ ,moi yl„ C;,, Sta �• ?. It, ��1► - ,\ •N.• rc- `6 ' _ ib ^,01 • Illi 1 // � ;. �J'/w Z a � r ��.-. �l\ i I From: USGS Topographic Quadrangle Dennis, Ma A.M. Wilson F i g u r e 1 Assaciates Inc. 2. 1 Ct._:,. Tr.eo ShODSfC011cPlrn Expansion SENDER'I also wish to receive the • Complete items •t and/or 2 for additional s•rvicas., following services (for an extra ' • Complete items 3. and 44 & b. f this tone so that we can fee): • Print Your name and address on the reran• o 1: Addressee's Address return this Card to You. • .Attach this form to Che front of the madaeea or on space• back if space r does not permit- Z, ❑ Restricted Delivery ' m • wnte "ReturnRece�Ot RaauutW" on the maJpieu blow the article number m Nlv o v •The Ream Reenot Fee will provide You the xpneture of the person deliver Consult postmaster for tee. V U.1 o to and the data of de6r•rY• 4a. Aruefe Number M m 3: Artcle Addressed to:- _m -i.•- t.— Sf+. a•. f'.^.,"_"�7nwy, +•t r••!'R/'': 71'ni.F •. _ ` .. - t:� v� hi+:.•_..."t: r. "^� s r,_ rz. rs z._:..... g�' ab: Service Type 7 Massacnuset'.s Historical Camlisston s;;ry..n: c: :�'r•W'J�tYMj �a �p� 31� ❑Registered 0 Insured o m r= 80•Boylstor. Street, ❑ COD Si MA 02116 ® Cartfied ' W E w� c Boston, Express Mail ❑ Return Receipt for ¢t19 Merchandise h„ o 7. Date of Delivery C o = _ G `- W�• s f --- -- dd ssee's Address (Only if requested r to 5. Sionature (Addressee) d e s paid) +� o w ¢ Vwp} ¢ wpn UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE h L w W w in r 6. Signature IA9ent1 61 in m W z •. F' w H W F" � W. PS Form 3 v 1990 Quscpo:tset-2e7 D EST1C RET • _ ¢`" _ .. _ _ _ PENALTY FOR -PRIVATE W v�v�� W . w _cc_USC, 330Q•,.w �;_a-',p; . ia:-. r ..` -.- •`' �� ... d M.....•_.. - ..k..iv. �.._i-. _+ :%'T.}`: •e�.,.:r1:.•�w^i.�i ..�:..�r r.4 .. - tt J lK 61 • 4 „ a W a, W r y p � -•• Print your name, address and 71P Code here ' K .. - ;• _; � • � �' .: -, Cape. Cod -''Commission 1 •` - 3225 Main Street ii �t Zi i; �.' .o-�[• Barnstab.l'e; MA 02630 W W1 all ..[,- ; i • • : `' ' • ' ' : ' tom-.. y;?{s'P'• , 4,..,'•.'. - 'r?"*' '•,'— � �. :..'. .�[s-'-•Ci:.`��S"�T'ti3..L.•h�':1:F"r i.Ur� i�i �'�. yt y�1J� .f:— ��ati�4t, ., j•( .. 1 _.,. �.j'If.�'I��rr•._^"'"F'.'a"sa.�:; ,•,.,.. ..n^'-'� "•- - M1Li �_^ 10. �•'Y+��1N_1.Fy��•••�C�_iYp�(�LY,••T"._-^.^,wry^• 1 0:%09/92 16:11 'US08 991 =911 SAN"rUCAET DIST 0002 January 30, 1992 r•��v v • � � fS�, Mr. Ed Mullin White's Path Peal Estate Trust I, II & III 261 White's Path Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Coliseum Warehouse Expansion, Yarmouth, MA FEB — 3 'I Dear .`4r. Mullin: J Thank you for supplying the Massachusetts Historical Co=ission with a Project Notification Form, received January 28, 1992, concerning the proposed construction of an addition at an existing warehouse on White's Path in Yarmouth. (� After review of M11C files and the materials you submitted, it has been determined that this project is unlikely io affect significant historic or archaeological resources. No further review is required in compliance with �JSection 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (36 CFR 800) and J M.G.L. Chapter 9, sections 26-27C, as amended by Chapter 254 of the Acts of 1988 (950 CMR 71.00). -U If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at this officc. elye?94 5 , �� �,�� Diana E. Prideaux -Brune i Preservation Planner ll cc: Yarmouth Historical Commission Cape Cod Commission Nfassachuseu,, Himorlcal C oR1mis,;irjn, AldiUi S. 1NICDonouCh. F.xen:tive Director, Jtate.1-fi orir Fr:'s<-r,,aricr n'/t, 16 ' R7.• r\� . �r�.T�7- z .- .O = 1/• - .i:e • _009• e_(�.. ��= —4. � „ .✓.. ^>;"�:.•' + ' �' ..r .w rr�.-...i'- b - o., _ -Qit vim. •�.� a--l'�i: �`� _ •_v i,4ja; .ply `�� ,� Y� =J� �7 .4.raii3= i/i p ••���"_''i`:! .`. y Lam; �` i�. a. i.^ :Cr,vd. '� 'I. G F n- '• .D'hnaa .•.Pond ; ' .lfua Thather�s. �"�: ' -' Je•. Y ��a»r:; .\rY^u t �i/�_ ,Pard 4 ^�� P=j '� ;•x �'ti .^�`'- :: • r. . �_� 1 - J {Tl y /. n r• }... t I l,' ! iii •'_ll/^ Y �.. I D • �, r•-j'• •^ G ,.a it :— / h : v /9H.. Q � ±. a� j' / ' �� 1 i ! /...'0! t�9;. � / ,� Q ,� . •� . �: � �'�'a�\Colo - . ' rry. i Ri w iii If li - '•=`� I t-�� - -- • 0 ppRCHAN v • /, ` \: � MOTES ATN 5` Ci De Cod'� .► I• ,�'Y &Caber- .O i ! ,� ,•� A i �`�.•V*," fl iowen u otm Cat _ r o _ �. -' 11 " 1 • •PumpinE�\. `I �"1 ,_ Lo Ir '� •tir '..st 'Pond • ' TOWN NOU52•• I :PIZ OAOI , ' % U l� '�\ •Y ' •••••••••��� ' Yermourh IHnnu � _ I I F o nDt n�� ' yid L I I Aur Regional High Sch mm���,': _ 1 ,/• v PuDQ w gevmOrnQ' '+•'� w�./7Nrro '" $ - ��4 . ��-+k�� `v ' r j l,aba7t8 •i t,. u .�. �A�r o *d'. •, to Pond 9' i YOT' ^ Tidal Flat /I TIP lo '; � D w. � r ::Pin � , �• .� ! •` ,+ i-.�i•'__ ¢rL •:� Fire Jdscbe'e _ -J 3 �( \ ` ti.•��. !\ �• Ste >b anklet // t " From: USGS Topographic Quadrangle Dennis, Ma _1 A.M. Wilson F i g u r e 1 i, Associates Inc. 17 R-20 t SETUCKE FOLLINS 1 /SaOHS� ppNO J"� I G vtE�a ` R-40 N R-40F '4T ' wfSTE sr Ra ' ROUTE 6 HIGHWAY MIDCAPE CEhT�4 / la°° � 2'i o F°,LgOp wEsi LINE q0°� `IR 300 ' TRt°L ZONE / 63 WEST .. N LINE TOWN MOUSE I / Lc )QOfO — -r tl�i ' /• UNE roNo ►5� sr°l� Q ' R-15z z •r )NO O� GOLF t ^ p _ - - C011s 3E tFrom: Town of Yarmouth Zoning Map Figure 3 ' A.M. Wilson Associates Inc. ': _I ��'.' :r�� .if �:?'� �:*�r.. r :'-�i �yJ'• Y' lR ('Xt•� .�..'� �1e' R'�7 /� � V_<``Y 7/�:MY fjt "�1 �['� .i'tw'y� � lr S_L Y �.I 7 �•�� �`�� ♦moi.: -�' � �' �. r/��- + .. � �- �.:...r . . � pQs 19 From: USDA/SCS Detailed Soil Map for Yarmouth 51 -Carver Sands 212- Paxton Series Fovea E•3 Doc. No. 340,978 Zrangfer Certificate of ELitie. Ca. No. 97546 r: 20 F'rutn 'Transfer Certificate No. 77545 Originally Registered July 24, 1984 in Registration Houk 795 Page 105 for the Registry District of Barnstable County. E' i)i!5 i!5 to Certifp that Charles G. Bilezikian, Trustee of the Whites Path Real Estate Trust under a Declaration of Trust dated June 25, 1984 being Document No. 340,979, of 261 Whites Path, South, Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts 02664, is O L the owner(s) in fee simple. of that land situated in Yarmouth tL in the County of Barnstable and Cumnwnwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Lk ' E Northerly by whites Path, nine hundred one and 42/100 (901.42) feet; � O Northeasterly by Lot 227, seven hundred thirty-one and 38/100 (731.38) C x ' feet; V Southeasterly by a portion of land now or formerly of the Trustees of the L New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, Debtor, t+. ' six hundred fifty-six and 06/100 (656.06) feet; and d Southwesterly by Lot 8, nine hundred twenty-four and 72/100 (924.72) feet. All of said boundaries are determined by the Court to be lo- cated as shown on subdivision plan 31209-H dated March 30, 1979, drawn by Thomas E. Kelley, Surveyor, and filed in the Land Registration Office at Boston, a copy of which is filed in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in r.and Registration Book 542 Page 19 with Certificate of Title No. 67139 and said land is shown thereon as LOT 226. Said land is subject to the rights granted in an easement given to the New Bedford Gis c Edison Light Company at al, dated July 20, 1972 being Document No. 163,074. Said land is subfeet to a taking of Whites Path by the Town of Yarmouth, dated April 7, 1965 being Document No. 95,840, entered upon by said town on January 26, 1966 being Document No. 102,901. And it is further certified that said land is under the operation and provisions of Chapter ISS of the General Laws. and that the title of said Charles G. Bilezikian, Trustee as aforesaid, to said land is registered tinder said Chapter, subject. however, to any of the encumbrances mentioned in Section forty-six of said Chapter. which may be subsisting WITNESS. WILLIAM I. RANDALL. Esquire. Judge of the Land Court, at Barnstable. in said County of Barnstable the twenty-fourth day of July in the year nineteen hundred and eighty-four , at 2 Attest. with the Seal of said Court. r,.d r,,..•. r... V. .. o'clock and 13 minutes. sptwr.Itn_t.�&Ca� I II .I . II SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND III YAIMOUTII M 3.1209 Theemn E. Kelley, Surveyor March 300 1979 I Z 4 • t � 8 w J 4 p 0 226 v V�•e ,'O i � 7 � I r s � t 7 ' 1 OA1 4 � e. J.. • �' I� w • • �� 1 :1 \19 w • N y... 0f• . • Z"s • • t� 4 1 i o 13 a •.. t`r'y _ ��' i .phi. t: i i Subdivision or Lot f Shown on Plan 31209 Filed With Cert, of Title Ito. 33388 Registry District or Barnstable County ,Seperale certl/jcates of title mayy le Issued for land •• r.. JAOIM Aeflarl eJ.�.4/i.zZ5•ZZZ.¢a4,2 ZA.___...__..«. _��'• Cip•fpvl sid�i f:�S�� B the Court y ; �; . ' . LAND' RIGgqJSyyTRATJON OfflCEby' uJ4 /•YJ. .. '•Stir✓ 4 o/fAO p4e lfl��9 - 1.: •e' 11LWadblry.�+��'�01�: t: • I�w Lf1S1 f100••f.le � 21 the owner(s) in fee simpl:. ' of that land situated in Yarmouth 'in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as fulluws: 1- 1 1 And it is further certified that said land is under the operation and provisions of Chapter 185 of the General Laws, and that the title of said Charles C. Bilezikian, Truetoe as aforesaid ' to said land is registered under said Chapter. subject, however, to any of the encumbrances mentinnrd in Section forty-six of said Chapter, which maybe subsisting, '' ` t WITNESS. WILLIAM 1. RAN DALL. Esquire, judge of the Land Court, at Barnstable. in said County of Barnstable. ' the twenty-fourth day of August in the year ninetern hundred and eighty-four at 3 o'clock and 19 minutes. ' Attest, with the Sea] ui said Cour[, Land Court Case No. 31209 Certificate D.K. No. 343 357 — Erall5fer of (TLitle. Ctf. No. 97943 r22 Fran[ Transfer Certificate No. 97546 Originally Registered July 24, 1984 in Registration Buck 795 Page 106 for the Registry Ui%trict of Barnstable County. ' Vji5 i5 to Certify that Charles G. Bilezikian, Trustee of White's Path Real Estate Trust 11 under a Declaration of Trust dated August 24, 1984 being Document No. 343,358 of 261 White's Path, Yarmouth (South), Massachusetts 02664, is the owner(s) in fee simpl:. ' of that land situated in Yarmouth 'in the County of Barnstable and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as fulluws: 1- 1 1 And it is further certified that said land is under the operation and provisions of Chapter 185 of the General Laws, and that the title of said Charles C. Bilezikian, Truetoe as aforesaid ' to said land is registered under said Chapter. subject, however, to any of the encumbrances mentinnrd in Section forty-six of said Chapter, which maybe subsisting, '' ` t WITNESS. WILLIAM 1. RAN DALL. Esquire, judge of the Land Court, at Barnstable. in said County of Barnstable. ' the twenty-fourth day of August in the year ninetern hundred and eighty-four at 3 o'clock and 19 minutes. ' Attest, with the Sea] ui said Cour[, Land Court Case No. 31209 1 1 1 1 1 SU BUIYISION FLAN OF LAND IN YARMOUTH Thomnn R. K0110Y , Survoyor July 5, 1994 z"tq C l 00"3 227 237 X900. B2� I a, V 236 3/2 0 9 3Q y2 5a• ry 9 Gy. - g0*•.' 21 Cerp' Nd a6�gC N L Pinq No. 3j2p9 Subdivision of Lot 226 Shown on Plan 3120911 Filed with Cort. of Title No. 67139 RoCistry District of Barnstable County Separate certificates of title may be issued for land shownhereonas. �cLs 236 ck237............... By the Court. a ,1✓yuai le, /984 RBcor ar. Abutters are shown as on original decree plan. Copy w part M pan _mm Id— LAND REGIS71TAlION OFFICE AUG. 16, 1904 Scale of Ift, peon 1G0 hot to an inch —_ Lows A. Moon. Engmasr la Court _ I 23 �ji} l.� •c�� ;,1; MAJEhSKI ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED,• formerly Mid -Cape Racquet !f "� Club Inc, a Massachusetts Corporation having a principal place of business at White's Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. n. For the full consideration of THREE HU' DRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND �'�:I�:.l.$�•,i�.^;, AND NO/100 ($.325,0,9(1:00)7paid,' �• ('�_ 117 Grant to CharlesGEilerikian, Trustee, White's Path Real Estate'' Il�uE.•;��� Trust III, under Declaration of Trust dated as of September 19 11 1991, filed with the Barnstable Registry District of the Land Court as Document No._53c3ra of 261 White's Path, South Yarmout. +ilhPs'j�II Massachusetts WITH QUITCLAIM COVENANTS) the land situated on Whize's Path, in 4,,Yarmouth (South), Barnstable County, Massachusetts, being more jif�jy�+:ll: particularly described as foilcws: 1 1 :t EEDS REG 01 �BARNSTABLE 424BA000 14:54 EXCISE TAX Being LOT 241 as shown on "Subdivision Plan of Land In Yazmouth, Down Cape Engineering, Surveyors, Feb. 23, 1986," a copy of which said plan is filed with the Barnstable Registry District of the Land Court as Land Court Plan 31209L. Said plan is a subdivision of Lot 239 as shown on Land Court Plan 31209K. This conveyance does not constitute all or substantially all of the assets owned by MAJEWSKI ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, For title see Certificate of Title No. 10301x. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said MAJEWSKI ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, has caused these presents to be signed in its name and behalf by Eugene W. Majewski, its President and Treasurer, this 2S[f,9 day of ovP� 1 1991. ""'• •.,�G ':,. MAJEWSKI ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED %t!; ••• by Eu ene W.NAlewskIf President and Treasurer COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss. �Jov% T , 1991 Then personally appeared the above named Eugene W. Majewski, President and Treasurer, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of MAJEWSKI ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED. 1 iia •/,,•\•��.. �l ,a y/ 6ha.rko rrort�ary Pub(Y1'c' Xalvlei J. rC tie r My Commission : Ex ires p' r;�g P 24 5Z [1 f1 1 1 1 1 \J or SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LAND IN YARMOUTH Down Cape Engineering, Surveyors Feb. 28, 1986 AY CAPEfR00le 6 — Joo.D0W1dejHIGHW INID ed. f6o.0010de1 PATH WHITES N 840 eo" E Q w N 240 C" L r to F "� Z s�• ,J, I W O WN_ r"• m ti I DETAIL fNO SCO/e 1 DETAIL (No Sco, c ZD�O• r' ,9 56Z2T 36 Zo rt 6 31209L '24 �• N � l 238 $' ' 338.66 W 131 IOf co'PanY10010, 7� s 87Ut��d Koifrood Subdiv1sian of Lot 239 The t4sw k ,Ne" Hoye^ Shown on Plan 31209K Filed with Cert. of Title No...... Registry District of Barnstable County Separate certificates of title may be issued for land shown hereon as. Lo.t s... 2.40..9.241 ............... By the court. A?RA /3,19.66 p' A y 't Roc rder. Vj KN r0„n LCE 7). JJIIo ]1, Abutters are shown as on original decree plan. Co—Illsdino/py o/ pert plan -- LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE APR /J, 1986 scale of tills plan /10 leaf to an inch Louis A. Moors, Engineer lof LOurt N1 27 RECEIPTS Yarmouth Board of Appeals Received from A. M. Wilson Associates, Inc. 1 copy of Coliseum Warehouse Expansion DRI Submission by: date Yarmouth Site Plan Review Received from A. M. Wilson Associates, Inc. 1 copy of Coliseum Warehouse Expansion DRI Submission by: date W ' DRI Application Form Section C: Assessment of Potential Impacts Please answer each question (YES/ NO/ NA) in the space provide to the right of the question. The applicant shall submit documentation in a report format which addresses all the questions asked below. The Commission Staff will review this Section, the Regional Policy ' Plan's Minimum Performance Standards and Other Development Review Policies with applicant in a pre -application conference. Please Note: A full traffic, hydrogeologic and/or environmental impact study may be required based upon impacts from your project, as identified by Commission. A Water Resources: Yes 1. Is the project located in a public water supply well zone of contribution (ZOC), as shown on CCPEDC (1988) ZOC map or other updated Commission -approved Zone II map? (See Fig. 8, pg. 43) ' fly 2. Is the project within 300 feet or within a previously defined recharge area of any surface water body ? Yes 3. Will the project generate or convey stormwater? If yes, indicate the type of disposal system and the expected quantity for annual, 10 year and 100 year ' storm events. (See Appendix D). No 4. Might the project results in significant changes in drainage patterns? Yes 5. Might the project result in the introduction of any pollutants, including sediments, into marine waters or groundwater? ' (See Sec. 30, pg. 57 and 70) 13 Coastal_ Resources: No 1. Will the project impair.or enhance existing or traditional public access to the shoreline? 1`10 2. Is the project a water -dependent use as defined in the Regional Policy Plan? No 3. Is any part of the project located within a FEMA V zone? No 4. Is any part of the project located within a FEMA A zone? N_ 5. Is any part of the project located on a barrier beach? 1 W* ' No 6. Is any part of the project on or within 100' landward of a coastal bank or dune? If so, is the bank or dune eroding? Is any part of the project located within 100' of coastal wetlands or waterbodies? If so, describe any anticipated impact to these areas from the proposed project. Will the project discharge stormwater to coastal waters or wetlands? Is construction of piers and/or docks proposed? No 10. Does the project propose any dredging or beach nourishment? If yes, providing information on quantity and quality of materials to be dredged/placed, method of dredging/nourishment, proposed disposal sites/nourishment sites, and proposed timing of dredging/nourishment. N/A 11. Describe any mitigating measures that will be taken with regard to erosion control, public access, stormwater management, etc. tb 1. Do any wetlands (as defined by the RPP), vernal pools, or waterbodies exist on or within 300 feet of the project site? (These areas should be shown on plans) N/A 2. If yes, describe any anticipated impact to these areas from the proposed project, including any work within 100 feet of these areas, and describe mitigating measures that will be taken including erosion controls, undisturbed buffers, revegetation, etc. (Note that the RPP prohibits most alteration of wetlands and requires a minimum 100'* buffer area) ' No 1. Is the project located within the habitat of a rare plant and wildlife species as identified by the Natural Heritage and Endanger9d Species Program? Is the project located within another critical habitat areas as identified by APCC ' maps? (These maps are available at the Commission's office) If so, demonstrate that development will not adversely affect such habitat. ' No 2. Will the project alter an existing undeveloped site? If so, provide a general wildlife and vegetation assessment of the site consistent with Commission guidelines. E. Economic Development: ' Yes 1. Will the products and services of the project provide for a need in the community? (See Sec. 3.0, pg. 65) 1 2 1 • r ' 30 YPS 2. Will the project provide employment opportunities for the community/region ' (break down the number of expected employees into full-time, part-time jobs, year round or seasonal and salary levels)? (See Sec. 3.0, pg. 65) No 3. Is the proposal a redevelopment of an existing site? Yes 4. Will the project provide other social benefits to the community? ' See Sec. 3.0, pg. 65) Yes 5. What will be the change in the property's assessed land value with the proposed development? See sec. 3.0, pg. 65) ' X 6. What is the net change in the local government fiscal flow (revenues less operating expenditures and annualized capital expenditures) with the proposed ' development?See sec. 3.0, pg. 65) F. Transaortation: ' Yes 1, Is the proposed project on or adjacent to a regional roadway? White's Path is designated a "local road of regional significance", however, it directly services 2. Pr ic% teiesUmai es oO�� alt I�n$i� �ae�P4i4�fr ltVe (Existing, Increase ' and Total). (See Appendix E) X 3. Indicate the distance from proposed site drive(s) to the nearest intersecting street(s) (centerline to centerline). (See plan sheet 4 & 6, pg. 46) X 4. Describe the design of the proposed access, internal circulation and road(s) serving the site. Include information on road geometries, signage, traffic control, speed limits, approach grades, sight distances, parking and emergency vehicle access. (Show'tletails on site plan.) (pg .s5t90 'and31 of 6 x 5. What alternate modes of transportation or management strategies are being considered for this project? (Include walkways, bicycle paths, van pools,. etc.) ' (See Sec. 3.0, pg. 69) X 6. Provide other available information relevant to the traffic impacts of this project. (Such as level -of -service, delay and accident data) ' ( See Appendix E) No 7. Does the project involve or affect a railroad, airport, or other means of transportation? G. Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials: ' Yes 1. Might the construction of, or use of, the proposed project involve the use, storage, treatment, transportation or disposal of any hazardous material or hazardous waste in any quantity, e.g., oils, fuels, acids, solvents, pesticides? If ' so, describe the types, amounts, methods of use, storage, treatment, transportation and disposal of such materials or wastes. Explanation and source: (See -Sec. 3.0, pg. 70) 3 1 ' YPS 2. Has the site previously been used for the use, generation, storage, transportation, release or disposal of hazardous materials or wastes? Explanation and source: (fuel storage - see :Fig. 10, pg. 56) Yes 3. Has a 21E site investigation been prepared? If so, summarize the findings. See attached H. Affordable Housina: N/A 1. What will be the sale price and/or rent for the affordable units? ' N/A 2. What will be the sale price and/or rent for the remaining units? ' N/A 3. Indicate the breakdown in bedroom size for the affordable units. N/A 4. Where will the affordable units be located within the site? 1 1 1 1 _Ug_ 5. Do you have an affirmative action plan for marketing the available units? N/A 6. Will the project provide special needs housing? I. Historic Values: No 1. Will the project have a significant impact on any historic or archaeological sites identified by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC)? The proponent must provide evidence (by hand delivery or returned certified mail) of filing a Project Notification Form with MHC. N/A 2. If yes, locate any sites on a plan and explain what measures will be used to minimize or mitigate the impact. No 3. Are any structures on the site on the Massachusetts or National Register of Historic Places? = No 4. Are any structures on the site eligible for inclusion on the Massachusetts or National Register of Historic. Places which have not received such designation? No 5. Is the site located within a National Register, Regional or local Historic District? Is the structure a contributing structure to the district? X 6. Describe building size, density, architectural style, building materials and colors. Is the character and scale of the proposed project consistent with developments near the site and describe how will this project be architecturally beneficial to the region? (See rendering, pg. i and pg. 72) Yes 7. Is the character and scale of the proposed project consistent with- developments near the site. See-. Sec. 3.0, pg.74) 4 31 I • r , 1 32 ' I Aesthetics and Cultural Values: Yes 1 • Will the project involve outdoor illumination? ' X 2. How will the proposed project include measures to minimize the visibility -of utilities, propane tanks, trash dumpsters, electric distribution lines and poles, tetc. from the roadway or nearby residences. See Sec. 2.4, pg. 51, and 3.0 pg, 72) Yes 3, Are all signs proposed to be located on-site? ' X 4. Describe the type, intensity and coverage of outdoor illumination. X 5. Will the project increase noise or vibration levels generated (short term and/or ' long term) from the site? Short term construction noise ( devious icon lai is from Long term - no. ��88 s cons 1Q. X 6. What is the amount and percent of change in the existing natural vegetation? ' (See Py, 45, 54 & plan sheet 1 and 4 of 6) X 7. ' Amount of proposed open space to be preserved? (See .Plan. 1 & 4 of 6, pg. 55 & 46) t X a. Discuss how the open space will be maintained and describe its character and use. (See Sec. 2.4, pg. 51) No 9. Are there any properties whose views are blocked, degraded or improved by the ' proposed project? X 10. What are the distances from which the project is visible? Will the project be ' visible from regional viewpoint? Will the project be visible from the water? (see sec. 3.0, pg. 7L) NO 11. Will the project alter a natural or scenic view? ' K Local and Regional Impacts: ' Yes 1. Does the project conform to municipal plans? Yes 2, Will this project provide benefits to the municipality(ies) and/or county in ' - relation to the purposes of the Cape Cod Commission Act as set forth in Section 1(c) of the Act: See sec. 3.0, pg. 65) The purpose of the Cape Cod Commission shat! be to further: the conservation and preservation of natural -undeveloped areas, wildlife, flora and habitats for ' endangered species; the preservation of coastal resources Including aquaculture;- the protection of groundwater, surface water and ocean water quality, as well as the other natural resources of Cape Cod; balanced economic growth; the provision of ' adequate capital facilities, Including transportation, water supply, and solid, sanitary and hazardous waste disposal facilities; the coordination of the provision of adequate capital facilities with the achievement of other goals; the development of ' an adequate supply of fair affordable housing; and the preservation of historical, cultural, archaeological, architectural, and recreational values..." ? 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mid—Ca M/D CAPE Hick,.. N/r Cmunan.9olth 01 Mossochu9.tis (RaAcood) A—=, Lfi� O I.eY. YJ R Y2I9 Aa..eYy ee IM RIJr Zone Industrlol SNand R.plY.nwf. .I Ff JO• Sf 00• R.. JO• A9a.aSl. iJdh/ G.anp. JSS flood Insurance Rote Moo ' L.o.. LAa NMN n"d Ian. — C P.,4 / 25WIS 00040 Note Le19 Cant P/sl. J17091L 317093 N J1909( M D. z M At A. t Adpf�M. M A Rudd % r Of Oalaa MI b Y.f R.pwlf M Agwl S.vq f>A nl. fiwa6 , Th* Lockup Lope Cod Anoc. C8304J KEY •— �— 1N IERNM L07La[S .ATLM [A$[M[NIIINII KNINET[R ILY.V(R/I (INE P.wl.n. MII 90o�Pul P.1..nac L.M C~1 C... J1209 C. IIIgf* Of nu. J979" c.N9a.1f of nu. 07943 Ce Iftd1# or n" flow$? w.}Lt nu. Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Pa th Sou th Yarmouth, Ma. 9WYm tl�ll. While's Path Real Estate Trust I &Jr A.M. Wison Associates Inc oil f s`w 00. /WA mass . -QU 109 DI..1.9 nu.: Compiled 'Plan Of Land sar. r—so• 9 so Iaa 13o rm 0.1e .IN't ! 1991 D.9 M. S6fli.4' R.NC D,. - Jve SN..1 6 0 6 den N. 20 -USO s.3 34 2.0 Plan Information 2.1 Legal Data a & b) The applicant and owner are the same for this project. They are: *White's Path Real Estate Trust *White's Path Real Estate Trust II *White's Path Real Estate Trust III The Address for all three entities is: c/o Ed Mullin Christmas Tree Shops 261 White's Path Yarmouth, MA - 02664 c) Plans for the project have been prepared by: *A. M. Wilson Associates, Inc. 911 Main Street Osterville, MA 02655 ' *Goodman Engineering, Inc. 1001 Southbridge St. Worcester, MA d) The property is zoned INDUSTRIAL with dimensional and intensity requirements as follow: min. lot area . . . . . . . 40,000 s.f. frontage . . . . . . . 100 ft. front yard . . . . . . . . 30'ft. side yard . . . . . . . . . 10 ft. rear yard . . . . . . . . . 30 ft. building coverage.. . . . . 35% The entire parcel is within the Industrial District. The parcel does not abut a property with a different zoning classification. e) A property line plan of the project site has been provided as sheet 6 of 6 of the plan set (pg. 33). f) see plans as filed with this Request; Sheet 1-6 of 6 (pgs. 33, 49, 51, 52, 54). I g) The site is bounded by White's Path on the north, a public way with a layout of 601. h) Abutting owners are: East: The Lockup Cape Cod (a self storage mini warehouse complex) South: Commonwealth of Mass. (META/Railroad layout) West: MidCape Racquet Club (a health and tennis center) North: White's Path, a public way i) Existing water and utility easements are shown on the sheets 2 and 4 of 6. (See pgs. 51 and 33.) j) The plan dates are shown on the plans; 1/10/92 for the Engineering set. --VIM/II. o / Mid—cape Roquat cub CIOJo17 , M/D CAp,, /w Y ROUE 6 R. All. 91 ft -i,= two•••-• / � LwnM � Lwe.M In. -. - _ I Joapo• a _ I I I I of all s.ea roNoulft \ cM•rL.MY Locus Moe A.'s Y4 17 7s.d. NJ f W228 A.n.nr1 Yap b I.red 82J7 Zone Industdat setbaal Regl. .eta F~# IT Slake to' Rer M. ALO.keeN SuLdr/ C.•a.,e JJ1 Let 7h. .17.157 Sr h1dN1 Aro /115410 Sr (EWSWO) Site Co4ercae 7}PC ARu z 0.9,mm/ 1145e0 s7 max pe•ef 114.487 w ALOX d.1417.110 sr M&S op. spoee reeds!. oar ON Told e17.U7 SF /0001 Flood Insurance Rats Mao Leara, LI`. MN11 Iteked Zw. — C 7Td / 25WIS 0001C ♦ � I ♦� , 3� 1 1 I ny fie Lockup Cape Cod Assx / 1 4-. =43E Zsrl i t I✓ 1 ti �'S 18.5g0 5 / I I I '• " .�,r i 1 1 1 • r it r^' I • p ' I S 1 i1L� r.•w e' New 1 1 231-36* 1 1 1 \ Ms / rM,...• 4Nf..d Co.fewe---7•K-_- . I 1 �. '�i ` y.• --- _�.^ -_-- --•'• - � 41.fM/Wr.r,.fe 117 ♦ a ' • `� c ♦\ ♦ ' 1 ri _-��:1 i� ���:. ="�,� 1'1,1 J. I DiCiCi \ / 1 -% '�}.% "�� • I 1741& Flee a re, Ra.NIf1.1Ilupeeee c..rr w > ♦ `/ %i -/ `Ili IIII 7r Me Net le M NM f.r L+e..tr t`+Ifeel 7�imdrA.fWt-Men Lame w • a . ^ • ;1 ! ♦ /it 41W i-^ pphlll ; sr.0 r eem N..,.dlr...rf. 7r ""a",\ / 141"1( ( 71 IIII L I M1a Red 4.1.1,w nv.L or rhner L RMp /r.Aeeeeed L.ed S1.• w O.ted 9/V/90 M. A"U dMd Mbe/afa ed Rr Mean Aaeachttee Me UlFrikeued Nf/1fh. CaNM CceYYrl W i _ _ 20 Mla. Mbtr NILRY Ls.arrwt J 1 N UfOW re N WrRd b ore /Wd %b 471 S 717]7]5 " r To Cae.wetlen. BENCHMARK f 717375' r S 747J'/3' r MN ea.rd fend Ont -.0141' N/6-' CornrrlonwNth Of Massachusetts (Ro&wd) R."ana MIw1eK Land C.1 Can J1209 Ca,mate or 17110 /17748 cartMnte or nae /9791] can„xete or nue /IOJov 1 Coliseum ' ` 1 1� 225 ti Path South Yarm ou th, Mo. 1 1 1111�ry�Lr..3-`^� 1 I � I II el Y+ 7..d � • M/D CAp,, /w Y ROUE 6 R. All. 91 ft -i,= two•••-• / � LwnM � Lwe.M In. -. - _ I Joapo• a _ I I I I of all s.ea roNoulft \ cM•rL.MY Locus Moe A.'s Y4 17 7s.d. NJ f W228 A.n.nr1 Yap b I.red 82J7 Zone Industdat setbaal Regl. .eta F~# IT Slake to' Rer M. ALO.keeN SuLdr/ C.•a.,e JJ1 Let 7h. .17.157 Sr h1dN1 Aro /115410 Sr (EWSWO) Site Co4ercae 7}PC ARu z 0.9,mm/ 1145e0 s7 max pe•ef 114.487 w ALOX d.1417.110 sr M&S op. spoee reeds!. oar ON Told e17.U7 SF /0001 Flood Insurance Rats Mao Leara, LI`. MN11 Iteked Zw. — C 7Td / 25WIS 0001C ♦ � I ♦� , 3� 1 1 I ny fie Lockup Cape Cod Assx / 1 4-. =43E Zsrl i t I✓ 1 ti �'S 18.5g0 5 / I I I '• " .�,r i 1 1 1 • r it r^' I • p ' I S 1 i1L� r.•w e' New 1 1 231-36* 1 1 1 \ Ms / rM,...• 4Nf..d Co.fewe---7•K-_- . I 1 �. '�i ` y.• --- _�.^ -_-- --•'• - � 41.fM/Wr.r,.fe 117 ♦ a ' • `� c ♦\ ♦ ' 1 ri _-��:1 i� ���:. ="�,� 1'1,1 J. I DiCiCi \ / 1 -% '�}.% "�� • I 1741& Flee a re, Ra.NIf1.1Ilupeeee c..rr w > ♦ `/ %i -/ `Ili IIII 7r Me Net le M NM f.r L+e..tr t`+Ifeel 7�imdrA.fWt-Men Lame w • a . ^ • ;1 ! ♦ /it 41W i-^ pphlll ; sr.0 r eem N..,.dlr...rf. 7r ""a",\ / 141"1( ( 71 IIII L I M1a Red 4.1.1,w nv.L or rhner L RMp /r.Aeeeeed L.ed S1.• w O.ted 9/V/90 M. A"U dMd Mbe/afa ed Rr Mean Aaeachttee Me UlFrikeued Nf/1fh. CaNM CceYYrl W i _ _ 20 Mla. Mbtr NILRY Ls.arrwt J 1 N UfOW re N WrRd b ore /Wd %b 471 S 717]7]5 " r To Cae.wetlen. BENCHMARK f 717375' r S 747J'/3' r MN ea.rd fend Ont -.0141' N/6-' CornrrlonwNth Of Massachusetts (Ro&wd) R."ana MIw1eK Land C.1 Can J1209 Ca,mate or 17110 /17748 cartMnte or nae /9791] can„xete or nue /IOJov ney.t nus Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path South Yarm ou th, Mo. FlVNY A mitis Path Real Estate Trust I kZ AA Whon IaC el Y+ 7..d Ddne.J m wu 706-170-14M aa..y TWO Existing Conditions Plan SCda 1'-10' 41 820 ljoRT 0.1a an 10. IM1 Del Na OW v Mom D.a .e AVl 4 ell J Na 105616sheet i(a 37 ' 2.2 Existing conditions a) Setting/Geology - The USDA Soil Conservation Service maps the site (Fig. 4A & B, pgs. 18 and ' 19) as altered portions of a Carver Sand soil complex. Such materials tend to have rapid to excessively rapid percolation characteristics. ' They have limited top and subsoil development. They are excessively droughty (non -water retentive). Consequently, infiltrative drainage ' design and infiltrative wastewater disposal have high function potential. United State Geological Survey maps the site on the Dennis Surficial Geologic Quadrangles (Fig. 51 pg. 38). This geologic mapping shows the site to lie within the southern limit of Sandwich Moraine ' Deposits and Harwich Outwash Plain Deposits. The Sandwich Moraine deposit areas includes the present building site. These deposits are clayey t and silty tills which may be stratified with sand and gravel deposits and contain occasional large boulders. The Harwich Outwash Deposits are gravelly in the north section and mixed with till including local beds of silty or clayey material and large boulders. This mapping is somewhat contradictory to the USDA/SCS mapping. It t indicates that one might expect drainage capacity to be spotty., Potential for wastewater and drainage flow renovation would be much greater under these sedimentary conditions than would be ' expected in common Carver Soil complexes. The site is an inland one; neither abutting nor t adjacent to any coastal features. It does not abut or contain any waterbodies or wetlands. Sediments at the site and on abutting properties have such rapid infiltration characteristics that they do not allow for the formation of vernal pools and none are present at the site or on abutting parcels. This fact is shown on mapping by APCC (Fig. 61 pg. 39) and has been confirmed by 1 field investigation and interview. 33 _ —Qi1W�� _�.. • -. yo �'�- a-i•'�y' � _ Y-, y: 11% ��F _•�� •�-� `= �'C�. �1 "Q ,moi"i 5 QS wix � r' ♦ a QS.. • � Q � Q• •s \S/; 11L ro 'C�3Ayn y( i.•a�i 4 1. 1; -aryl •'J �' \ ••��' {.. �,�-' N :.::. •SP1. .y /ir QQ !_�^ T..:l .-- a•.. QSSSI ,� � � 6:41- �.J": � 41. I_�J •iY ' / 1-b Pis/. ,:'.• D 3�O1T -,ii .y' rb�.r v s � � .'i't .$it,Q.tn � � Dt1W,lI -01 bi 1r1ryra J of o r O� �W O BH -74 r. J i aft\ phw R M UJ T H13bnd ` . „ � i sir `�` ,. a ``'1• � rr � \;�•• ' r i Yarmauth-Damie. a •'� �S•^ — r •• ar p� (. • Basiwal u4n 5th- .1 • — -' 6� Y r�N33 Turtu1 pVim. ` • N �• • •� •• :i •w ,� .y '�. • a. mid^ as IYI • •' ^ :' f a N.c rut 7�. QS • i , Pumpr Q ,`' �',e': /i • • .e. .+�-� tea" '+v. r 4�i w �QS L :� •"c• F"�•s 'ert`�`� .•r o'3 'Sand and Gravel I Lr- ' From: USGS Surficial Geologic Map ' Dennis Quadrangle Figure 5 A.M. Wilson Associates ' Inc. �9 From: Cape Cod j Critical Habitats Atlas by APCC, 1990, Map 8 Pw Figure 6 A.M. Wilson Associates Inc. 40 ' b) Topography - Site specific topographic information has been provided in 1' interval contours on the existing conditions plan. The site is relatively flat. The retention basin to ' the rear of the property was excavated in accordance with requirements of the Town of Yarmouth. ' c) Vegetative cover - The vast majority of the site is devoid of any significant vegetation. Prior to development of the Cape Cod Coliseum in the 1970s, ' the site was vegetated with second growth pitch pine/mixed oak forest. The trees average ±30 years old and were of relatively uniform height ' (fig. 71 pg. 41). Approximately 14 acres were stripped of vegetation and levelled for construction of the Coliseum and its associated ' parking areas. The topsoil and much of the subsoil was removed at that time. There has been no significant regrowth of vegetation. When the site was acquired by the current owner, an addition was constructed. The Town restricted revegetation due to fear of nitrate contamination ' by fertilizers. Consequently, mature or significant plant specimens are restricted to the street trees planted -at the front of the building. ' at that time, and the fringe of native pitch pine at the property line. A three and one half acre parcel to the west of the existing parking area has been added to the site. It is vegetated with second growth pitch _ pine and mixed oak cover, now averaging ±40 ' years. Because of the droughty nature of the soils, extreme depth to groundwater and limited topsoil development, as -well as the lack of maintenance of the stand itself, the trees have ' not been able to reach optimum growth either in height or diameter. ' The shape of the forested area is predominately linear, averaging 100' in width over ±600' of its ±940' length. It is abutted by a developed lot to ' the west and a rail track to the south. The parcel would have relatively low wildlife value due to its high edge to area ratio, its uniform ' topography and lack of water. 41 [1 ' Fran: Mass. Map Down Vegetative Cover Mapping Dennis Quadrangle U%ss Amherst t 'A.M. Wilson Figure 7 Associates ' Inc. I 42 ' d) Hydrogeologic Features - The area water table, Zones groundwater flow direction and of Contribution for nearby public drinking water supply wells have been mapped by USGS in con- ' junction with the former CCPEDC (fig. 81 pg. 43). Mapping has been recently reviewed by the Cape Cod Commission without significant change for this ' vicinity. That mapping shows the site to lie within Zones of Contribution for wells to the northeast and southeast. Water table elevations are ±15' MSL, or ±25' below the surface. This is ' confirmed by soil logs included in a 1984 K -V Associates report (Appendix A). Groundwater flow is mapped as predominately easterly but with a ' somewhat radial component to the northeast at the north side of the site and to the southeast toward the south side.of the site. This is also ' confirmed by the K -V study. In 1988 IEP prepared a Water Resource Protection Plan for the Town of Yarmouth. That report ' mapped, among other things, drainage basins for surface waterbodies and then known sources of contamination. The subject site is not included ' in the drainage basins for the nearest surface waterbodies, Flax Pond (±30001) and Lilly Pond (±40001) (fig. 91 pg. 44), nor does that report ' list the site as a known or potential source of groundwater contamination. Available aerial mapping shows the site to contain ' no wetlands or waterbodies. On the basis of field investigation and research, none apparently exist _ within ±300' of the sites. Drainage is currently contained on the site and recharged to the ground through a series of catch ' basins on the west side of the building and a retention basin to the southeast of the building. Lands to the west and south are somewhat higher than the site, ensuring flows cannot run overland ' in those directions. Although land to the east is lower than the subject site, grading acts to ' prevent overland flows offsite in that direction. 43 From: USGS/CCPEDC Zone of Contribution Map 1988 A.iVI. Wilson Associates Inc. 44 ' From: Draft Water Resources Protection Plan for Town of Yarmouth by IEP 1988 ' A.M. Wilson Associates ' Inc. 45 e) Land Use and Cover Types 1) Current Development Lot ' Tyne -_ Acreage Developed ±100% ±14.2 Open Space* +'63% ± 8.9 Wetlands 0 0 1 Wetland Buffers 0 0 ' Floodplain 0 0 Tidelands 0 0 Productive 0 0 Resources ' Other 0 0 * All of the "Open Space" on the current site ' has been altered. 2) In -Fill Lot Added for this Project ' Type -_ Acreage ' Developed 0 3.57 _ Open Space* 100$ 3.57 ' Wetlands 0 0 •Wetland Buffers 0 0 ' 0 Floodplain 0 ' Tidelands 0 0 Productive 0 0 ' Resources Other 0 0 1 A...rr•. All e7 /sore MJ At Yue Arowe.l MT Y /rad e237 i•WM/ Iy LL �— — MID mIndus APEH ,Sa /Cyy � m.. lo' 'J nim 730 .1y1yi'+r. e.(.'- L/4C 6 AJe.IM IWire [e.ra/. Jai. �Q• .,•.�,—� ati. a[eti, Ar.. 111114500 Jr (Ldtw� p. Pp(/I �- Site Covel �+ F� �. • .w.7rr. ,.°I.t7` -..-. _ �_ .=f. i TtvT AREA s J 1 �^fri'K •�___ rr�u.«r 1 - .ry^�-.n i hJ. n -r • / I � , y""'•-"•��twrniarorX. r..--.-)_ Nlr+l 1143:0 Sr 1811 k ill 01067 ar All Nln.e 387.210 w ries .• t i ,1,- �.._- / 1 1 y a cpm Aeeve I -r r I 1 it a trrr o..• IYr / 1 11 I •W747• I.warre cl 0 s ® /�'` ,l 1 1 ) / �' /ter/ 11 m 11 I 1 r i� •► fatd 1/71/27 SF Ia04i 0 9D I I l MID Mid -Cape Raquel Club t t7ood Imumnte Rats Alan 1 I- , \ r -r t of ! % I 1 CIOJ017 f 1 ` \%` vr"'a Ln0 Ll...taw rl..e Z.. - C P. / =W15 ow- LV w- 1 � i It The Lal Cape Cod As"M Cil C ZS') •, 9 , \'�� lsr � � 1- � g,78O S t I , i r w 1 jhrr lr\ I ; I 1 h N y6t97 i 1 i i ``. i. . -/.,,i.1 •.+ ,-- - - / A, I [.bfb, rwrrlur, Adel r---•e--- 1r•ir^r L,Murr L.orAwy pa \•.�- 1 �•_ -- Gdtws Rlbn Note 1 1 1 �4I•'• _��11i r. J;.: Are nw 7•/ prrN ul Mw o 017 •% °i n `�•• ��A rl ' ' - I I �, I I I I / .. Me Md L M Mwe rr C..rbsbn. $Y ." y�_- /•j. i. %° - - VIII) / t •\ 4.•1'" ' y �-•••:- ,II / Cd All Canatl' Sn..n A. o L.e rri 'ice.. 1. I / c..0 V r rrr 1. aal A. a Lr d w • S 1 \ . - • Ol i!, •' �' - 1.11 1 ! , r sora r..ne.a, Y.uedwwlu /r eN1.1 if ill „ t path Al L.tet. o.at sr rb"S. L i.e, Plow d Lrre Sul alta RA1/r0 . .• \ ` 1111,1`.,, Yl `_.-'--_-• -- __- '2'.._iJ ;'il , Me A"Iblll nde wb /ell By AAL 01. A.wWlw 17th LYrervF.d 1,leww Cl Caet•w, Ce4 t Tw.Mwa eblr. Me OMNI b..bn O, 6. 10' eW. Ill lXlrty Leven..( A8 Lnh w To Se brtr d w a. (NW Tn./ S 742J'IS• w 47S." 10600 To Cep,Welbn BENCHMARK J 717J73• w J 742373' w I01 fared rune O..-1692• N/r Cr.ne wwedN Of Massachusetts (Ro&wd) bwlmc r� lesser Rel.ren,ec Lrre ill Celle, J1109 CrfMvl. O/ 11th, jM734S ertl of paw p7w [rtawl. of Rb pal Ill Till Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarmouth, Ma. PWD Ill White's Path Red Estate Trust I kms' AIL New ASSOC 43 inc. m eve ee.l w.wAu ems 7a"7ill 0re.wy nu« , Existing Conditions Plan reds 1•-r0• s e 120147 0.11 14 Iger I Dl X. ow. 0r.ct IN Ars Sht 4 N 0 X, 203/10 0 47 ' 2 3 Existing Development and Infrastructure a) Existing Features - The existing conditions plans is page 4 of 6, in the accompanying plan set ' (pg. 46). The existing building is a rectangular structure covering ±1181508 s.f. Existing access and parking areas are paved and cover ±111,347 ' s.f. Topography is shown on the plan. It ranges from a high of ±47' in the northwest corner of the site adjacent to White's Path and the Mid -Cape ' Racquet Club, to a low of ±37' along the easterly side of the site. This pattern excludes the excavated detention basin to the rear of the existing building which has a bottom elevation of ' ±28'. b) Roads and Access - The site is serviced by a ' single access onto White's Path: a 24' wide paved road within a 60' layout running along the north side of the site. 1 is included the Roadway geometry information on plans (pg. 46, sheet 50 of 55). The building is currently accessible from all sides for emergency ' purposes, however, there is no constructed access. c) Utilities - The existing septic system servicing ' the site was designed in accordance with Title 5 and Town of Yarmouth regulations. Its location at the front of the building is noted on the plan. Original design information is shown in Appendix ' B. The site is serviced by Town of Yarmouth drinking t water supply with a 20' wide easement that rings the existing development. Gas, electricity, and telecommunications all run underground from ' White's Path along the east side of the existing access drive to the northwest corner of the building. ' Drainage, as noted previously, is self-contained. Catch basin and retention basin locations are ' noted on the project plans. d) Other Developed site Features - Existing parking. and circulation areas as well as loading docks and ' diesel fueling facilities are shown on the plan. [J 1 48 ' e) Historic/Archeoloaic Features - To the best of our knowledge there are no historic or archeologic features or finds on the site or in the vicinity of this site. The site is not adjacent to wetlands or waterbodies. Its uniform relatively level topography provides no attractive location ' for trails or encampments. The 1854-56 geological survey map for Yarmouth (fig. 21 pg. 49) shows no dwellings or commercial uses in the vicinity. L L TVf V-1 2-S 4 to VIP ILI, i .016 Ll/d-Cop* Rapuat aut, CIOM17 Y O .J r? t ✓ M/D CAPE y/CyW q Y - P h Loot Nlr Canmw•vdN 07 Maesodlusett• (R°9iood) pled Ae Or sown n re Be paw Corsa seed Locus Man A•ww'e Yee 17 praae YJ A u729 A.w..r'e Yq Be Perad 67J7 Zone Industrial AMa.i Rpa9anwfs ftv a" rlwt Ja' I Jzr 9a. lD• 542• Row 5D s70• A9e.a•le idbhy Grail. JU LN Are 77IMP Sr eNYp Ae 114500 F Cdfn� own ee. Sr .eee Lel Co..." 274"4 X IOO.5eJ5i I.Odbo M.Ot M' Mae J5• P""e" PJ k. 1.5 wast Per Fa.ntel•e Pr Shia Esnnated" Or tnwel•e. Pr 9-A rte Of Si.aee pewee - 125 01 9 4 deeds•, SO—) flood Insurance Rate Man Lecue Lw. Wil.•. /lead 7w. - C peed d 15=3 O004C Me Lockup Cape Cod ARaoa C&V4J 120end Newwd seer D" e k. s° YJ' TO BLDG cat PrP.eoe.es Gtd. ed. `et Q ele.e/ Oe We Gld me", In Ce Notes E be O C.~* seen N••.en W. -war✓ e. ensue retia Cm Sed paw 'A. INP Ml 01 Lend N • pc ur s..M V.&L Yevaae..wtte for WWI" Psa Red Estate nv.l eP n.... [ Xr0 IwM1.elwd Lewd 5u ,w Ogled e/71/DO MO Addewd rWd teak Prhvm d e7 AA M.en Awowbtee ^e See sleet 2 row Can.rrveaen Naree R•"ons Rdrweae Lend Grt Caw J1209 C•Nevt• Or nu. /97540 CrOReet. Of 170. /9790 CrOeeel. Or nos /105017 Project nuc Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarmouth, Ma. wrPdn la Nhlts's Path Red Estate T7ust I k4 PW ALL Wimn Auodatas Mc hl IJr fM aA.hwAu wsL 504.17�1tl0 OIM a ll0c Grading Plan sea. Pr do' • f170 150 r¢7 O..• bow. fd. 1997 oN M. O P.1 G59.e f]hed� GPJ O aew JVA Sheet Jer 6 A6 N. 205610 so 51 t2 4 Proposed Development [For this section please refer to the set of accompanying t plans, sheets 1-6 of 6 as shown pgs. 55, 52, 50, 46, 53, 33]. ' a) Grading and Drainage - Because of the topography of the site and its environs and the fact that additional intermittent earthen berms are being built together with excavated drainage basins, we ' believe no additional erosion control materials will be required. ' b) Buildings and structures - Please see attached plans. ' c) Non-structural Improvements - All parking and circulation areas are required to be paved due to the warehouse/trucking use of the site. Paving will be bituminous asphalt. Emergency access will ' be provided as a grass surface with a hardened base suitable to support the weight of emergency vehicles as shown on the detail sheet 5 of 6, (pg. 53). There is no open outdoor storage of materials. '. d).Access - The Town By -Laws, together with the location and arrangement of the existing building, allow only one vehicular access to the site. The applicant is proposing to redesign this access with 50' radii so as to more easily accommodate trucks servicing the site. This radius will help _ to ensure that trucks can remain in their own lane ' when accessing or egressing the site. Primary vehicular parking areas will be segregated from truck access and parking by construction of a ' planted island. A gate will secure truck loading, circulation and fueling areas from the employee and visitor parking areas. White's Path currently serves as access for the industrial district through which it passes. Although used as a bypass road by some local ' residents; it does not service any residential neighborhood for primary access purposes. There are no sidewalks and none are proposed by the project. e) Proposed Utilities - No significant changes are proposed for gas, electric, or telecommunication ' purposes. Any changes or modifications to the lwanN INH Nr i,fee u 9718 sync TANK t i �4a V1 �D �i uw-CMM, Rawat aue- 003017 f•P vL Ito) TO BE INSTALLED LEVEL k STABIL SYSTEM PROFILE - NOT TO SCALE - .M ,.. pft- w� a f, riJ' ff ,-J)R rr. Y Maas. wY e.u. .. M fwh.lasM (a.. teas -v, >) AMD CAPE H/CHW _ AY - Rouz 6 K'hite s IMI.wtN 4.fM-, aeCIN i�a rAwdNF la.a.ae Pea Pr V'Yy "J'aa1r f.aYe 1• e � � r r � 1 f fasF raw{ { 1\ L gaff, 4 CON-DRUC770N NOTES UK Owd feMd C W aM MW [tMDn A M CDIh D lK.1gn{ S (MINK M11f{ YR Is MAK1Ma MYa VM1'I W [N - MANHOLE AND COYER IWOUGHT p YMY\ V NYl[[ R0� ylrw sRa.w.b{ rP 1aw- r•YDv'.R D\I r MC A Y MR- nD w x IW Ct M CaY1.Cli .1 x eK Y nre.Rb 1MI DYYMM w fvCYK V1YfI .K.11Mf nn+ A [K.wb w +'i1[Po+M TO nNLSHED GRADE Fw r Mayr, 1.n faew. w 1..11 w4D.1% lace • x VIYn [OIOw{ .1 Y ND- ,:o•o-Yi. amR afll 10N Hach TO D'IDYaDr'C a W Ml. Ml w IeR> DMx n0 aI M CG+M.LTI .t LL.{I N a <y01MKb IJ Wn IC,M ! afaYa ID. MO- tl. tYaww W IwaW. ' Y1RM w la.aK .fYw WIY VM yM �� ee a.a[ tw L DOW= H x [PR.CM wW. a KfIwW w e a. 1•r•C /VCT m+1Y1 IP1 W CCYw- M.1 r 001{1Y11C1W1 TY,1c Dr Y LATER or PEASTONE M[ YYYw/ w M VwII V Y IP Y✓1.�.i.acu.'a aLDOa rMVIM M1ft MC x ..IlCwf L IWK [Ya C Y Yw. aI0 A M Ice- : e M1 p w aLLwb a Day Na 3/1'- 1 1/S• WASHED STONE .orS r. Yaanwr unua[+ aaM YCa tOALD KLO.PR Po D C.GCYK R.In•D». w YC V1N+ Mar. P Imf Keva ..r ns. M YRa r .ff1a11ara/ F.1. K If m"mal 1{ f1 M COaIe 1 aa K1aICK{ M I., z a+.aua u11m tare w f.1Yua w awew aF x W.. la .. fM .0 M aR .aIVY/ W 2&r f1ml 0*1 SIX . .. YC fan W I w K. Y! Cx V M a14 ICn Y Ina YYY- a I.fYfl pYaa aa..I W cf DI M afw O . WM a,'af I of w a'd V s r Y.IDVD n MaDIF.S YNn Dll , Of {RYCAal a MG ee.aeew- 11 wa, ayM KreD NOTTOM EL wxPl' /CIIr .V . M KYYt•.T al Dw.aC f.aiw.Y Y f 1\nn1 O V1Vnl Cpwyf[C C. YM IRNIIK aWaC.R+A w \1 W n.o0 afafPt MGa a F.10 alaDx{ w {YRf LEACHING PIT M111e M .•I.aw...1 aw DVM I.r�a NM[ Gawk M .[.... a.1P IM W. Po K \D M NI.AKtn Dl'•lL a afalsa e/7' fIM 11P{, M .I.+MI.. MIC {IIa- I.p•y[D f1 M a.Cl•9 aWC K aOM1 N DML IDY li r /IIDRGIaf W YY.\y� ' eff w M IODYD YlCln a f. qw.n R/1 f.a. MrY IIIh1- car.C\CD N P/P.i aaV f+1 Dr.a A v FHL a M{.0 M (vIR.CIn ID . FW11 - Spelt Tall acaa FW a teams f1P. Ie W[ CY YnY.Mw .N/1 a r.OMD a' IM.rlw Po ve ame Mr M ra 1-em•au-w. m rasceta MM Irn r ar/ fa{1f.0 v .r he .Iwa.clPn 450 a M MAKIaI 6 aFa.lall IPfaff. Y./ ..ab. M .Yl P DF te•Pa sre.lnl Awn #0 l of is &ealsr wra..a W rualb.a.ama w \. ala P W [M1a4 M... f.le1K. w"MM IW 1\KM Y IIah la.f ac M.1 W PP Fla N IN I.W M la Yl YaN1D FW a a"f MIM r YOA PSC N a. D( Cale Pee Was Staff ER O.,p 1 F. [b.lYlKllal P IMa1 YfGIMY 1 su u Hoaaaa Ac Faun M wP.cln FW Sus an GFI anaaNr Po crl.aw M Yr Yah es iPVKI n..1 eel Han a Y.lcawcb 1 .IHaa fat re Po ef ww.m /ef.- Mn'9 M FM Yas w Y.f. V 1 NM •Y•QY\ aaY a Po .YM ae,a le1. me " !IO .. K Ca.a11YlC1.D ce CYC/ 1N IMIaet Hn r Y[ Po a He KVa wane a fur Meaften- AMD CAPE H/CHW _ AY - Rouz 6 K'hite s IMI.wtN 4.fM-, aeCIN i�a rAwdNF la.a.ae Pea Pr V'Yy "J'aa1r f.aYe 1• e � � r r � 1 f fasF raw{ { 1\ Y lrlw/ t. .' P.Y wI CafM ease. Ara U F lw.e .was • Poad Pas IYY.. Yaa-w aasr 119.580 5.F 0 4 L gaff, 4 � yDl.e c'T� UK Owd feMd e Y lrlw/ t. .' P.Y wI CafM ease. Ara U F lw.e .was • Poad Pas IYY.. Yaa-w aasr 119.580 5.F 0 4 L gaff, BEN P.asw/ VaV V a.J).fe OI xfoa~ Telae I Ja w UK Owd feMd e � h F Yea» fasr 1 -mw o � o, o Q N/i Cc nYNw,n=th Of slaeeewJhaeette (JTf14eeo a xN a al �' a.Nx a1rM1 ,JON FJ/ L =-a' ,.JJN r Coin . nu a js =13 asJtN fMMf e rji o 4J)x - L gaff, BEN P.asw/ VaV V a.J).fe OI xfoa~ Telae I Ja w UK Owd feMd ""M FJIx rAi 1 -mw Ma YRI.W ..I K 1. w YY.VIl9 N C,n.a W.. RIDV N/i Cc nYNw,n=th Of slaeeewJhaeette (JTf14eeo T f Cam w 3 4 YM I[1Rla WYY. W. a YVvaO [PI•{ L., ^'< ace NP.efL - n Dwf cf Y Ya. nrl M w.0 PVAD D1b[ e.Yl a 1111[ A a C a W Ml. Ml w IeR> N Y M 11Y"� Red Estate Trust I k4 fa W. M... Mt Or. Ir. l.'1 ID K tl. tYaww W IwaW. ' Y1RM w la.aK .fYw WIY VM yM �� ee a.a[ tw KWWM CMJICR.rf-CLM. a 41DaM 6"Off Nxmf` IJK I1IM.CY1 a -Y A YH.01M [OJK) l v I K P.w11[D We M Mffa W N x\ NM an afa K N /M 1eN Drva.YIP llna M as N r.efaL rji o 4J)x - L gaff, BEN P.asw/ VaV V a.J).fe OI xfoa~ Telae I Ja w UK Owd feMd ""M FJIx Doe -41a"' 1 -mw Ma YRI.W ..I K 1. w YY.VIl9 N C,n.a W.. RIDV N/i Cc nYNw,n=th Of slaeeewJhaeette (JTf14eeo The Ledrup Core Cad Anna Ce3043 8� I I ' tfr.ef p.Mt al I i i Y, H•' 1 jail To ALDG. ax I^ r - J Y v Ir...as1 r af.•an few �>e I •fee. ue' I j0' IIYf� [eal\alf r^Y Yeo a ..+10 p' a\w .w AMHe I ee w.YWwsD + ..Vv ce YYDKV1v YM.3f W ..K . I nw M +W •Yw.' 4+Rwv M M w,D• w. . face a Guam .1 x mafF ,P t Fw truce Cpfl .. 1+01 ..w IRnln W. LAH'a r IVHaam I. ID M f0fm aW K..R N[Y a fee 0.w..w0f CM. He Ma YRI.W ..I K 1. w YY.VIl9 N C,n.a W.. RIDV f.W ..V . of D f.,\n aM he aae'P..! a.AveS YI M MY .1... M MRe !W ., III M W.IMCAe i NY- Cam w 3 4 YM I[1Rla WYY. W. a YVvaO [PI•{ L., ^'< ace NP.efL - n Dwf cf Y Ya. nrl M w.0 PVAD D1b[ e.Yl a 1111[ Mr1 K WMP. Va" P ./r.aO a W Ml. Ml w IeR> • 1W.L Red Estate Trust I k4 fa W. M... Mt Or. Ir. l.'1 ID K tl. tYaww W IwaW. ' Y1RM w la.aK .fYw WIY VM yM �� ee a.a[ tw KWWM CMJICR.rf-CLM. a 41DaM 6"Off Nxmf` IJK I1IM.CY1 a -Y A YH.01M [OJK) L .1 W bIC P wwerC KRace 110f. MIM Lm w am Tall DV IW IfWM O Ka. W .1 ware./kA Orifi K P.w11[D We M Mffa W N x\ NM an afa K N /M 1eN Drva.YIP llna M as N r.efaL Plan L IWK D ala* Ya reMe 1. Day Na fa ear ff a nal w Deme (ince K YCI aM 11MF•CMe N ' M /Mawr sue el lterM Ya4 CY M IeY[. MW r...Ot A Zone Industrial I,-wP /wax 1u.. ate. "'Ho'c" R.yeeanwlK Ptedd.d I., z SLT cd. 10' 2&r Rei w s7.0' Aee.+11e Iuldhi Grw Sir let Sha MIM! s Nfek, AM 116580 sr fhd Tit set efld n6nd Insurance Rate Alan L/ae Lt., wpb, Plawd lahe - G Peed / 7500!5 00010 Dee1p1 Mr. Nylon AnalYsla ' 15 aPD/PrDee ar JO /LeGDD - Spelt Tall R.WMIInf+ a30 wo a 1jaS w 875 Gd Use 1.5!70 cd Tart L.Dd1110 le R.vY/Y\ISIfa 450 flr.d an Prva <j YJe/laat'I . sre.lnl Awn #0 l of is &ealsr Nttan keewase Of LO GI Leedlk, rMflr Prows" Cale Pee Was Staff ER O.,p 1 LI. as + �J'- 110 Sr a E5 Cd/Sf 775 MRD - me". - ,r57 -las IF r Lo u/5r 7n Sus an GFI Total as fe{. aw e j Pae w 707 GPO fiYth7 OYfaaefl I.Yl1fYA{a Yr 4Yfn, It�eef (uas. P,Mw.II x,( Eddat Leedloe m Caruft fD of Tale 11107017 Eftotho Leedlk, Catch OWN tae}ct me: Pnierd Catch se.k Grew seek a1 'T an Proposed Deawf hpeeed Dan11e,/ Maple White's PrY,e/.d Davao LA. (ar affe M -D- LJe/Ik/ Cenlfble Sh..w Naafe ew C .afw F :{e I.ff' M. W Led o Sap ralnaet aa./eakfeett/ ass wMei Path Aed 41st. Th e6 Ar Beerw L RreJ PrvaAlula\d Land 5w fa'ar 0et.d e/11/s0 And Addahod field she PrMRed BY AJL neee Aeeede(r be plw,wld Ualo.e csnder crNlfoe Dew Tdpha a. faster. Md L 601141 Leeefieff Of N Utlttfee To M Melfbd k The fled Prrr To senst'vetten. eDMNala •Yet fate�O \ M1.1.weec Lead Gast Ceee JIJW CaMeeef. or Bta' /977M Caruft fD of Tale 11107017 CerDeODID Of TIN/ /10017 tae}ct me: Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path South Yarmouth, Mo. 1e A Nhlte's Path Red Estate Trust I k4 A.N. whan Associates Inc. of few low ware./kA Orifi II►•42144,O Drva.YIP llna utility Plan 1 ieda 1'as /0' D ala* Dna .IeG fit int Day Na SEA feel M U.1 O.D - ftY.e OT N e Joe Mac 10161 oZ I -I RAY( NIU DNAIT / \ 110 YC MIIN [LLL tl01l/MLx MNi i• 1'r AS REWAIIIII TLH OINK 1 W 1:111' ; _ / ••11�1'f: AYIISIY1111 It 10I.-0 MAN) —7A 1_ SY 0111x ^-MONK •Y p'EIIMO /—AnHIM ALL "IIS I:K WE Y :..JTj—SEI � 1 MNl) %MxWK I L I MM SOE wa[S M; ! 11 FAIN SEL DAFT t •1 4MY• 3' SUMP1•' �NIIYMUY 1RAr 1• IME RIME) S- YI11. I Ii PRECAST C011CRETE CA1CI1 8ASI11 M20 F7111 AIIRSIIMIM IIIM - INI IY SCALL NOIR .YL 1 ONE Or lA.Odf • M/a• la OMS •rlRx WI.MwI. IY MIrvA 1 M•t !i =ua Ma W014 BIn,ANDUS CONCRETE BERM -"110•WL- SAM, CYr EXISTING NTIAIYAIS IW HENT SEK JFIT•r!: C1Ih EIE SUN FIT -AN ANrID✓Eu NOT Mw xN.LN A{YHALT.YMT Ad ALLM ITY✓1 17 _ T. —4 +•• I I • • A - �...•=as-$£•.rte•^ �r • I'z='.I, waaza ••li ___I :SS f"y J l�• _ _ .. izzz_11a=w1 �- M' __ yzr�.'zNaxwl� 1 i N I � • • • .. T'moi nEY: •..............��' • T rt xM•v.e. —S• i � cLIN VIEW 1 I y `yI1EENl- 1 1 TY - OW MEETFRAME TE n..lEt w•CE L Opx;tm SIA811'" f Itl ��• � .C• 1 iFAYE r EE LES M EED :F xCF :ILR wNIG) T^—rtlf SHRU t E rncvo'r/ ! MINING ^I. G� �McntAR K_ xwTS a• • MINI •RI IIHLY Y 1 ulr_....•.• - YElSt L -EMBER .'L. .•w•r rwlr- wrt MOT OlfilET � -H,E u.l•.YAI U sEE cc-:A.I CgoIc ecCTpN NEW A-4 IOUBLE GRATE CATCH _ASIN M70 M- How • • •CT TD )uLL 4tD ^•ula� � •— � (J N M <.aL MIY M 11YY L1I+ Y n•r FaT _�1, t� �INIa a. 011. 24 T Ise .•. t CRUSMIM GRAVEL j 6 i SE SHUT yyytr _+arta:' • j .. La. L WIMCTED SIlWLLDE • p 'D Sy(S FIRE ACCESS LANE 1 MICAL KCTIDN CATS S.-, TAI IRS w M u- YM1NI IIYII l LJ -1 LSJ url .n- �I 1j—IIIA/rllrsYN IVY aY[ MI n F1rM MINY! YfI11Y MO T wA If NO•MO W Y•HI W PY( Ir WAI • r r S/.• • ../r aFr M TYPICAL PRECAST DRAIIJ t1ANIlOLE IY A. fY Iir•YY • • rL�l r 41 fa IIIA r11I1 '-+ ✓Y bYW4 a1I•I MI a"AMr/( flN.a I Iva "AMI •,r •WN• T 7 I 141 1rT (JiC55 SEC 21 NEW 110. R OAUOA 4000 MEI 46 CN•AMIN HEYCOI IYDt PRDIDtl[Df OIAIILMIDIR Ml AIq•IDI To �I` [L•St0 is ED i1AR TD TwwUD {- ;� AND tfi)LD SIR tORON N10fM�«+ OWMST ON 1OSLIL 1ARES SEEDED TO NulcM GAUSSES WTIMK M[DSY ODARM SMID AHD M.DK WLVD1 SNIA65 SES DIVIDING IUN FOR WIDTH VEGETATED DRAINAGE BASK N 1 NTS CWW09[Df OMN LM ESN(= fMNNCD q•f{ TD •( L911LD { II•D fEFLLA EL -11 r Er,RI L-3 `1 D'liplwil" J OM✓OST ON IOtlOL w11MK Il1lry [D•IOL SAND '11 AND "ME SELMO NANN;cIIAuxRH Ns SxuS SE[ rM1AMN I RAN IDN MOTH VEGETATED DRANAGE BASN N 2 • MTt ISA 1 1 R•M•MAc IMCYr NM 4CNI NM NAAA . I. R•IrYle•c G MN 1 I-NNl•1+I •,t Coliseum` Warehouse • - 225 . . MLLMIfv 1'rr Y, nt Yr1Y pLN MAX ([COxx N -ro-ruc MH.r I .1WYwM1 OM-MMINM MYIIIYI Mc= 1NIC•11 (p[, r•Mr\ ..MANMVI cww N w ' YTU• NO w141 SWARMS - Inc. MI YM SFYI CM .r rNrnr Mn VMVu tiMc WN r[rM. •=..1 SEE ME WEEit I -47 Dv11' 1 -x -W • r r S/.• • ../r aFr M TYPICAL PRECAST DRAIIJ t1ANIlOLE IY A. fY Iir•YY • • rL�l r 41 fa IIIA r11I1 '-+ ✓Y bYW4 a1I•I MI a"AMr/( flN.a I Iva "AMI •,r •WN• T 7 I 141 1rT (JiC55 SEC 21 NEW 110. R OAUOA 4000 MEI 46 CN•AMIN HEYCOI IYDt PRDIDtl[Df OIAIILMIDIR Ml AIq•IDI To �I` [L•St0 is ED i1AR TD TwwUD {- ;� AND tfi)LD SIR tORON N10fM�«+ OWMST ON 1OSLIL 1ARES SEEDED TO NulcM GAUSSES WTIMK M[DSY ODARM SMID AHD M.DK WLVD1 SNIA65 SES DIVIDING IUN FOR WIDTH VEGETATED DRAINAGE BASK N 1 NTS CWW09[Df OMN LM ESN(= fMNNCD q•f{ TD •( L911LD { II•D fEFLLA EL -11 r Er,RI L-3 `1 D'liplwil" J OM✓OST ON IOtlOL w11MK Il1lry [D•IOL SAND '11 AND "ME SELMO NANN;cIIAuxRH Ns SxuS SE[ rM1AMN I RAN IDN MOTH VEGETATED DRANAGE BASN N 2 • MTt ISA 1 1 R•M•MAc MF 0[IP•Y R•IrYle•c Fn).rl Tmr Coliseum` Warehouse • - 225 . . Wh'ifets Path South Yarmouth, Mo. ' Ixr•Nm IDIa KhRe s Path ' Red Estate Trust I dcX pw A.M. Wilton AnOclalet Inc. MI YM SFYI oNwANNAM It" 611-4Ih1450 D1•Int Mur: Details Scrr i•• M1. 11IRT Dv11' 1 -x -W Wt Mr. DMI CN CN.rA' ao.N• c1I SM.t S N AFl Mr t0•EO S3 54 ' municipal water service for fire flow purposes will be constructed in accordance with requirements of the Fire and Water Departments and fire underwriters. No changes to that system are ' required for consumptive drinking water uses at the site. ' f) Energy Distribution - There will be no changes to the existing diesel fuel facility which is properly licensed (fig. 10, pg. 56) and has a leak ' detection system. g) Landscaping - Most of the site currently is unvegetated or has very sparse herbaceous ' groundcover. The proposal at hand will introduce a variety of plant covers so that, except for impervious surfaces,'there will be minimal ' unvegetated ground. Flat areas to the north and east of the building will be seeded with a mix of herbaceous materials such as "Central Park" grass seed, "State Wildflower Mix" as used on roadsides ' by the MDPW or other droughty meadow herbaceous seed mix. The mixes will require no fertilization or irrigation after initial installation and only ' occasional mowing, except where a more traditional "lawn" look is advantageous such as immediately adjacent to parking lots and building entrances. ' Street trees required by Town By -Law are to be adjacent to and within the parking lot. Drought tolerant species such as Pin Oak, White Oak, Tulip Tree, Plane Tree, and Locust are recommended for ' this purpose. Earthern berms are being constructed adjacent to ' the rear property line to assist in sound modulation as well as to provide some visual barrier. Recommended plantings are limited to dense growing evergreens in the shrub and overstory layers such as Spreading Juniper, Japanese Yew, Canadian Hemlock, Spruce, and White ' Pine. Canadian Hemlock is also recommended as a screen for detention basins which will be lined with ±6" ' of compost or loam and seeded with a meadow mix. h - k) Please see attached plans, sheets 1-6 of 6, ' pgs. 55, 52, 50, 46, 53, 33. MID CAPE y/GyW r �+•..�, ,.., % A Y _ ROUTE -6 /Oath � NrN SMHt Q feh.N • y.rn-, nr. i i tr ✓ 1 `,, � : l� _ � fir/ � i � ”. Q �4..••N a ave � / � .4-n., Nov. rN �s 2 nec o- f....r� Yid -Cape Ropuet Cub CIOJOI7 * ,t We"r ° a! S'. E.1 -1n...... re.. . ee c,. Ar1r C. n,,,n.edM Or ldassodwoctts (Raprcad) Saum rs+no.N �1 -u.: Yds„a�� ��Suaau �•^ • I M• t� 1'•IOST Locus At= Ae"rt.ia Nov e7 pert.• ✓J Or ✓226 Aeeeeeri map k parr✓ 07JI lone Indust S.m"A R.pr.n"t: rtant JO SINN 10' Rer X. Aae.elle NdoOt CNcewo JU Lot SW 77z"I 91 f.ld.t Attie /14,350 Sr (hYtnB) gr,0ee Y I•.oeo+.71 I� Lot Gyres• NI, E Ioos-J3s 8090,9 ttetpnt jr ✓. JY pr.nded 7.3 Soec+N N Emodeve, per 9h0t Eeliooted we Of LNWIWWe pr Shirt 64 - Aleeaed . 713 Ml Undroto." Won., Ccm CAto.lr Ga n �t7B.3B` ST 1 _ w • AN Wine. To 0e .rh5ed Y She F -✓d An0c J i Proposed 5lte Co.eraae !ir-1 s P nsr - Bkeelhf .vr. 77ae0, J n Whites Path ~ p,yh0 e r SLri I I a wyew C.. New. l: - f. '• r. 71Oi / . ray r e0r �Ir re..e Manua pl"Nd AN 9a.n 1 1 O I I wee"d n3 ser •rah l •�r n 77sa1 IOOni Gear CI.1 e.r...e r Ge..e rwre s' nc t a ..�•. ..r 41.. Me' At OMr DYWo" rover to De S"d.d to +, . w .w se' [ween �' N (Y. Hr• •, / i / / / bNder Yb (✓e" Nd M.r .Ii 7p.) s 2 z _ eC fii . z� � O Sanrr- 1 �r • 1 1• r� 0p♦ a 4t Mr. lJ ey Frw..•w.w.n _ \ i rew.nr .n ran Agri^` E.1 -1n...... re.. . ee c,. Ar1r C. n,,,n.edM Or ldassodwoctts (Raprcad) Saum rs+no.N �1 -u.: Yds„a�� ��Suaau �•^ • I M• t� 1'•IOST Locus At= Ae"rt.ia Nov e7 pert.• ✓J Or ✓226 Aeeeeeri map k parr✓ 07JI lone Indust S.m"A R.pr.n"t: rtant JO SINN 10' Rer X. Aae.elle NdoOt CNcewo JU Lot SW 77z"I 91 f.ld.t Attie /14,350 Sr (hYtnB) gr,0ee Y I•.oeo+.71 I� Lot Gyres• NI, E Ioos-J3s 8090,9 ttetpnt jr ✓. JY pr.nded 7.3 Soec+N N Emodeve, per 9h0t Eeliooted we Of LNWIWWe pr Shirt 64 - Aleeaed . 713 - II ! II `. I I : The loclup Cope Cad Asa 1 0043 I I � I I II II II • II II mod Insurance Pate Mea Lec.e LYl WMY need )", - C Ian✓ 0 750013 0004C prove." 7' C..N, reN@� prop." N..UcA pre Wood lgnl of b prop.red nand.. ban R �. hap." CN ONed Spec. Antes We plan O For p,,,ffInq pe,e,. ay And wet To Be W" re, Crrtntctbe. ENI., C.nddtene 5M /Ire" U*", CNmpa" rt". `Ar B.lt' Av+ N land Y SWM ra•mWal ✓"rddh."rtr Tr 0041.4 peN R,d Lrtel, TM t a, r -once E. e..ey hOloreena' Land S✓wAr DNtof 0171190 And A"handl rod t prr Od B7 A.Y. els" A.ccet" Fc i Ml Undroto." Won., Ccm CAto.lr Ga Om, Of Spores Spear) \ 1 _ hapct DUN, Coliseum AN Wine. To 0e .rh5ed Y She F -✓d An0c 225 Proposed 5lte Co.eraae !ir-1 s I I nsr - Bkeelhf .vr. 77ae0, JSDs Whites Path ~ p,yh0 1!1050 SLri I I More, (p. Space 7717ef 71Oi / . ray r e0r �Ir re..e Manua pl"Nd AN 9a.n �e10L At. fp" 3poce I I wee"d n3 ser •rah l raw 77sa1 IOOni - II ! II `. I I : The loclup Cope Cad Asa 1 0043 I I � I I II II II • II II mod Insurance Pate Mea Lec.e LYl WMY need )", - C Ian✓ 0 750013 0004C prove." 7' C..N, reN@� prop." N..UcA pre Wood lgnl of b prop.red nand.. ban R �. hap." CN ONed Spec. Antes We plan O For p,,,ffInq pe,e,. ay And wet To Be W" re, Crrtntctbe. ENI., C.nddtene 5M /Ire" U*", CNmpa" rt". `Ar B.lt' Av+ N land Y SWM ra•mWal ✓"rddh."rtr Tr 0041.4 peN R,d Lrtel, TM t a, r -once E. e..ey hOloreena' Land S✓wAr DNtof 0171190 And A"handl rod t prr Od B7 A.Y. els" A.ccet" Fc i Ml Undroto." Won., Ccm CAto.lr Ga Cort~, Or BM /97.-446 Crtolcele Or Too d,7MJ Towhon4 ,.t M. Ne OKOK LOC~ O/ hapct DUN, Coliseum AN Wine. To 0e .rh5ed Y She F -✓d An0c 225 White's To Cane"Cten Sou th Yarm ou th, RNWN,j lot ripe -An Or. "No Ort. ' / I Whites Path loweG E.p me 0, som / A.M. Ksan Associates / M 17' OC .bmleN d Omr OynlNry Caner✓ 7e II / . ray r e0r �Ir re..e Manua pl"Nd AN 9a.n And Landscape Plan N'" C" t 2h , to B. h"t" a —Ia— 1�6 ISO PST l 0.9 M' Atop" •o. A.repe D"all Aha•f S.M A' t Gear CI.1 e.r...e r Ge..e rwre s' nc Rhe+ 41.. Me' At OMr DYWo" rover to De S"d.d to +, . w .w se' [ween Rovph O -,"r ('Crb. port Y^I bNder Yb (✓e" Nd M.r .Ii 7p.) s 2 z _ eC fii . z� � O Sanrr- R.e✓"r .x ata o Relreneor land Court Cee, 31"t Cort~, Or BM /97.-446 Crtolcele Or Too d,7MJ GrdA"to 0/ Oho poll hapct DUN, Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarm ou th, Mo. RAO R Whites Path Real Estate rrust I &II A.M. Ksan Associates Inc. vi No, Docneo&A Q= W6 -42b -I -SO Ore.hn9 nbe, Parking And Landscape Plan a —Ia— 1�6 ISO PST 0wc d 10. 1917 0.9 M' CP.1 l..A Gear CI.1 Dro.- AY.& Sia I sr f bo nc Z0 0 60- ' aCI l" DI t "C 2SV.itct7' yr -local l vRo--i 1Y01--� : rx,r-• nv +KL, 'is =Acl �Yrvrooa x = a� Ole t,�IIII11iD11�LtE' �� 1I� C}�I�iS�tICI�LI�Ef�� �� "' • ° Department of Public Safety—Division of Fire Prevention •�_ � 1010 CUh1hI0NW):A1.Tti AVE., BOSTON ' D/B/A Christmas Tree Shops REGiSTitATT IGov own o Undergrotnd: 61000 gallons diesel....l�flrinvllthy.r:1.?.................... Anzil.11........... 1s...?... ' Charles G. Selezikian Trus. Icor gr To -n) Maw) This is to certify that. llltE:s.P.at1�.F.°al..c'T.l7lR..T.[11St....................................has, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 148, Section 19 of the General Laws, filed with me a certificate of registration set- ting forth that Charles G. Selezikian trus-„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,is the holder of the license granted 1M+; s'Pa” *Estate T. st......... I. s , L „ ......102... for the lawful use of the building(s) or other tructure(s) rite'sRatti, S..... Yarnxwtfl:. h:�................................................................ i situated or to be situated at.....lf.............. Isl.r.l and Nun,lcr) au related to the KEEPING, STORAGE, NIANt1PAC1'URE Oil S1 1L Or f -t -AM MABT;ES QR EXPLOSIVES. ............. Town clerk '='Q"`j"j' end OtOcid Talr) hoses A certificate of registration must Le filed un or before Apr1l610Qt of enell year, (THIS REG1STILA'i'IUN ti1UST BE CONSPICUOUSLY 1205'1'EU ON '1.11x. 1111LAUSES.) t — ---- --------------------------------- ---- Figure 10 57 3.0 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS a) Water Resources - 1) The site is mapped as lying within a Zone of Contribution to several Municipal Drinking Wells located to the northeast and southeast of the site (fig. 81 pg. 43). Mapping includes water table, groundwater flow direction and Zones of Contribution for nearby public drinking water supply wells and was prepared by USGS in conjunction with the former CCPEDC. Mapping has been recently reviewed by the Cape Cod Commission without significant change for this vicinity. Water table elevations are ±15' MSL or +25' below the surface. This is confirmed, as previously noted, by soil logs included in the 1984 K -V report (Appendix A). Groundwater flow is mapped as predominately easterly but with a somewhat radial component to the northeast at the north side of the site and to the southeast toward the south side of the site. This is also confirmed by the K -V study. Because the project is in a groundwater sensitive location, NO3 loading has been calculated. The Town of Yarmouth uses a different calculation methodology than does the Planning Commission. Both sets of calculations are provided (fig. 11 & 12, pgs. 58 and 59). The project NO3 production ranges from 1.76 ppm to 2.39 ppm depending on the formula used. It is important to remember that although the proposed building has a large footprint, its employee to area ratio is exceptionally low due to the use of the facility and the state of the art computerized and mechanized warehouse tracking system used at the site. Consequently, wastewater generation at the faciity is also low: at 15 gpd per employee; only 1800 gpd for the 17.74 acre site. NOTE: -Actual water useage for the existing facility (fig. 13, pg. 60) shows that the flow should be expected to be less than half that number. ' A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428.1450 Z' CZ—(j SHEET NO. OF R -z CALCULATED BY 041 GATE � CHECKED BY DATE 1 �S' ./ f Ii I T��.✓._ -� �.].~.'t . / (I i T/y% - II ' !i77IiIIiIII,� _.�x ! I rt I RF,..� 11117 r.lr=�.._�. T�^ L i �� � J• � 1 y� Le v 1.�i�1�J� -a I I Ir4C� m�� IIIIIIII� I II ILII I- w � I II II III III I ��III��I 11 i i l l l i iv1 I �III(I II!�1 it 1111111 I I=E 1 I ►, 1 1 1 I 1 i r';,' J,Fj 71 i•:: __. li: X41 'Jf t:-r.Ii��'�JIP: :�-�^�'_.._•.. rl ------------------------ 006 --V---------r------- —006 .11 IZ 13 ��— p.e 59 ,Y - lt:a tl9uC i:, ----- ;•---'---- , ------ ---- - -?Jr;_ _' ------ I ------ ---- -`- .__ . sasa; . tct'a,. ' , - ' — _.---------!--------'. I• ----- l�tq:: _______________ 7 . __ _i i ; 'Ism 12A. itcoo'_ r•—___._ _r__---;------_--_ _ ____ ___________ ' 1----_::" aaa --------;1�--------»--- :1 Ilhlyt: _-----•----------------- -- ------t---------- ----- : 11'vu9 sq i�1 i --------;.__---•--- - -------:----•-----, ?Imeat 3tea. ---- _ ---------- --------- ---""'_—• »_ .. Q ' . .-------------- ---- _ --._______ ------ , stagy 1 - s::: 9 - sic? s . , 3Z•r stagi -,• ---------:----------I- -::Za11 load taL n J »i• _r,— ::a. 11�17t1 1 ww-»--«w1•� : + staff 1» -;----_ 1 t ► I ' cx 1 st:q -:E" laza. IL!?tt 3 F + , 3 0�3� ,ZZ� i ; 1Z 1 :scai ' Tv _---- _-- • 1 i(M. 18it IoU. ---;-----_---- (IND sq 't1 f 9 110 1 !� t r 1 •T ---• , 1 , sq•Z3 r—--------� Y , -- ': ---f--- -- ::a: pet1; star l i°•- t7 S:a:at,E =1 i:ns. i 1 ' y��8 3,8� i '. (z;tyt+ - ? /G 3.3 YYa� _ ------------' ------•------------------- i i"a 1 SERVICE ADDRES;, IWOKNa 88QUzmx WHITES PATH +-2--pJARa acre ' 18 071 00010407' eR"vINi TOWN OIC' YARMOUTH—WATER DEPARTMENT WATE SILLS THAT REAIAIN UNPAID AFTER THIRTY (30) DAYS Ft( 31 DATE F ISSUE ARE SUBJECT TO TERMINATION OF SERVICE ANiZllt ' COL CTIUN PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN OF YARAIOUTII WATRM91 U SE T Mt2 I9tli . PREVIQUS M 'R GALLONS DIN(% IiKAOINRCONA'UTt1I;i'IQ7v- to 53,04 5300 A >'RRIonr• 4000 � p & USAGE y buts O.K. GIL �l l' r0 r CHARGE 0.00 { CHARGES f i 324.00 ' 720.00 Figure 13 I Q .. ,. FRT. ' SPRINKL HYDI O.K. to Pcy h 'CONSERVE Dcto Pald Ck. u 8/12/91 ; 'M ou Wqlhh-WATER AFTER 8 PM 0.00 { CHARGES f i 324.00 ' 720.00 Figure 13 I 61 2) Distance to surface Waters - In 1988 IEP prepared a Water Resource Protection Plan for the Town of Yarmouth. That report mapped, ' among other things, drainage basins for surface waterbodies and then known sources of contamination. The subject sites are not ' included in the drainage basins for the nearest surface waterbodies; Flax Pond (±30001.) and Lilly Pond (±4000') (fig. 91 pg. 44) nor does ' that report list the site as a known or potential source of groundwater contamination. Available aerial mapping shows the site to ' contain no wetlands or waterbodies. Based on field investigations and research, none apparently exist within ±300' of the sites. ' 3) stormwater - Drainage calculations are provided for the proposed project for 10 and 100 year events. (Appendix D). The Town of ' Yarmouth requires design for a 20 year event. Those calculations are also included. The drainage system will accommodate each of those events onsite. The Town of Yarmouth requires the use of ' retention basins for projects in Zones of Contribution. The provided.design collects all but a minimal amount of the parking lot drainage and runs it through a hydrocarbon separator before discharging it to a basin. The waste material$ from the separator will ba pumped and removed from the site by a licensed hauler on a regular basis (at least semiannually). The detention basins will be excavated from native material, lined with ±6" ' of compost and/or topsoil and planted to meadow type herbaceous materials by seeding. They will be allowed to succeed naturally except in the area within ±50' around the outlet ' structure and on the basin bottom which will have to be kept clear of shrubs and trees for maintenance purposes. ' All manholes will be provided with sumps to trap sediment prior to flows entering the ' hydrocarbon separator and basin. 62 4) Changes in Drainage Patterns - The project will not result in any significant change in drainage patterns. 5) introduction of Pollutants - As noted above, the project has been designed to limit potential for groundwater contamination. Revegetation of the site will help considerably in this regard. overall Nitrate -Nitrogen loading is at acceptable levels of 1.76 - 2.39 ppm. The hydrocarbon separator and trapped manholes will also mitigate against possible groundwater contamination. No changes are proposed to the diesel fuel storage facility which has a double walled fiberglass tank and a leak detection system which includes monitoring wells and alarm systems. b) Coastal Resources This section is not applicable to the project. c) Wetlands - There are no mapped or apparent wetlands on the site or within 300' of the property. There are no mapped or apparent vernal pools on the site or within 300' of the site. (fig. 6, pg. 39). Because of the droughty nature of the soils, the excavated detention basin does not retain water for more than a few hours after average rainfall events. d) Wildlife and Plant Habitat 1) Rare Habitat'- The region including the site has been mapped for general vegetative cover and for rare wildlife and plant habitat by: UMass Amherst, Mass. Division of Fish and Wildlife's Natural Heritage Program (fig. 14, pg. 63); and APCC (fig. 61 pg. 39). No rare habitats are mapped on the site or within ±3/4 mile of the site under any of these programs. 2) Habitat Alteration - Because the Coliseum property in particular was cleared of vegetation in the late 1960's or early 1970's and because much of the plant cover has not regenerated, the site's value as habitat is significantly diminished. The vast majority of the site is devoid of any significant 61 - From: MF&W/NNP Atlas of Estimated Rare Habitat 1991 Edition A.M. Nilson Associates Inc. 64 vegetation. Prior to development of the Cape Cod Coliseum,*the site was vegetated with second growth pitch pine/mixed oak forest. The trees average ±30 years old and were of relatively uniform height (fig. 71 pg. 41). Approximately 14 acres were stripped of vegetation and levelled for construction of the 4,500 seat Coliseum and its associated parking areas. The topsoil and much of the subsoil was removed at that time. -There has been no significant regrowth of vegetation. The site was acquired by the current owner in the early 1980s and converted to warehouse. An addition was constructed in late 1980$ The Town restricted revegetation to limit nitrate contamination by fertilizers. Consequently, mature or significant plant specimens are restricted to the street trees planted at the front of the building and a fringe of native pitch pine at the property line. A three and one half acre parcel to the west of the existing parking area has been added to the site for this project. It is vegetated with second growth pitch pine and mixed oak cover ' now averaging ±40 years. Because of the droughty nature of the soils, extreme depth to groundwater and limited topsoil development as well as the lack of maintenance of the stand itself, the trees have not been able to reach optimum growth either in height or diameter. The shape of the forested area is predominately linear, averaging 100' in width over ±600' of its ±940' length. It is abutted by a developed ' lot to the west. The parcel would have relatively low wildlife value due to its high edge to area ratio, its uniform topography and lack of water. ' Observations of area wildlife during field investigations have been limited to: ' grey squirrel eastern cottontail ' eastern chipmunk english sparrow bluejay american crow 65 Area road kills observed include: raccoon ' striped skunk virginia opossum ' Replacement of existing unvegetated areas with meadow type vegetation will provide breeding habitat for ground nesting birds as well as ' forrage and breeding habitat for a variety of small mammals. The introduction of large dense canopied conifers in shrub and overstory layers at property limits will provide cover and ' resting habitat for small mammals, songbirds and larger common birds of prey. Overall habitat impacts are anticipated to be minimal to beneficial. e) Economic Development ' 1) Need for Products and Services - The facility is a warehouse and distribution site servicing 13 existing stores of which 7 are located on Cape Cod. The facility is currently at capacity and offsite space is being leased to compensate for additional current need. At ' build out, the.•facility will service up to 25 stores. Most, if not all, of the additional sites will•be located off Cape. ' In order to continue to service the current retail outlets of the proponent efficiently, it is necessary to limit warehousing to single ' site to the greatest extent possible. It is the efficiency factor of this computerized warehouse operation which allows the firm to ' retail high quality, diverse goods at very competitive prices; the trademark of the operation. ' Christmas Tree Shops currently employs over 1,600 persons, of which 550 are employed in its Cape Cod retail outlets. Another 61 persons ' are employed at the main administration offices and 60 at the adjacent warehouse facilities. Its employment history is directly related to its market sales share. Upgrading, enlarging and centralizing the warehouse will enable continued high sales volume at the retail outlets due to pricing structure and consequent ' continuing local and regional employment. G� 2) Employment - With regard to staffing, expansion of the warehouse will create jobs and career opportunities, both of which will have a positive economic impact for the surrounding community. ' It is anticipated that each of the two shifts at the expanded warehouse facilities will require the company to hire 20-22 new employees. These ' new positions will be at all levels of employment, from entry level through supervisory and assistant managerial jobs. ' It is the intent of the proponent to staff the facility through a combination of recruiting from outside the Company and internal promotions. To fill new positions, they will recruit from ' the existing labor pool in the surrounding area, thus providing a stable source of employment as well as steady income for employees. In addition to year-round positions, they anticipate filling a number of temporary jobs at various times of the year. ' Warehouse expansion will also create career paths so that employees can progress in the organization. These opportunities for upward ' mobility mean that employees can improve their economic status (and that of the community), and contribute to providing the Company with a stable, experienced workforce. Relative to providing Human Resource support for an increase warehouse workforce, this need has been anticipated. Another staff member has already been hired. Expansion of the workforce will increase payroll, and employee participation in benefit programs such as health insurance, paid vacations and holidays, and retirement plans. The recent addition to staff will provide adequate support in processing and administering all programs. 3) Redevelopment - The site is an addition to an existing developed site. The goal is to meet 67 the full potential of the existing site rather than developing a completely undeveloped site elsewhere. It would fall under the "unfill" development category of the RPP. The construction at Christmas Tree Shop's facilities has always employed local suppliers ' and workers to the greatest extent possible. This construction project will continue that tradition. 4) Other social Benefits - The Christmas Tree Shops, Inc. and its employees have been intimately involved in fostering and promoting social and human services, health, cultural, educational, and athletic services and events within the Cape Cod communities. Because the project will greatly enhance the stability of the Company, it will help to ensure the continuation of participation in these areas. The following listing is representative of current social benefits in which the company and its employees participate. The list is not intended to be all inclusive. As with any enterprise, the level of involvement in any particular area may differ from year to year. * The Company employs individuals from Nauset Workshop. It may be possible to utilize some of these persons to perform tasks at the project site. * The Salvation Army raises substantial sums from sites owned/operated by the Company. * The Company assists in sponsoring "Pops By The Sea". * Company employees and managers participate as coaches and the Company sponsors or promotes youth sports programs and related youth activities of all types. * The Company is one o two primary sponsors of the "Hyannis Hear and Sole Classic", a road race which benefits the American Heart Association. ;f3 * The Company sponsored development of a coloring book, proceeds of which benefit the Thornton Burgess Society. * In kind contributions are provided by the Company to the Wellfleet Audubon and the Kiwanis Club. * Company employees and managers participate as directors, trustees, agents and/or volunteers with organizations such as: - Cape Cod Hospital - Visiting Nurse Association - Hospice - March of Dimes - New England Fellowship for Rehabilitation - Cape Cod Counsel of Churches - Mass. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children - Special Olympics - Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Boy Scouts - Riverbend School - Cape Cod Symphony - Cape Cod Museum of Fine Arts - Cape Cod YMCA - Cape Cod Community College Foundation The Company, its management and employees also support a myriad og agencies providing services to the Cape community through financial contributions. 5) Assessed Land Value - The change in assessment will result from increase in building size. The increase is estimated at $4,000,000.00. No significant changes are anticipated in the value of the land. Because the project is located in an industrial district and does not directly abut any less intensive zoning district, no changes in abutting land values are anticipated to result from the project. 6) Net Chancre in Municipal Fiscal Flow - No significant change is anticipated. 69 ' f) Transportation 1) -Road Classification - White's Path serves as ' the only access for the site. It is classified by the Cape Cod Commission as a "local road of regional significance - Class C". ' 2) Traffic Estimates ' (See attached memo from Vollmer Associates dated 12/20/91; Appendix E). 3) Distance to Streets ' (see attached plans sheet 4 of 6, pg. 46). ' 4) Access and Circulation - As noted previously, the existing site driveway is being redesigned with a 50' radius. This is important to accommodate the design vehicle (WB55), a tractor ' trailer with average dimension 60'x8.51. The improved radius will allow accessing and egressing trucks to remain in appropriate lanes. ' White's Path has recently been completely reconstructed. Roadway design and geometry was done to facilitate truck traffic in the industrial district. The owners of the site participated in the improvements through levy of a betterment assessment.. ' 5) Alternative Transportation - The following are intended to be implemented to minimize traffic ' flow, but at the same time give employees a number of convenient travel options: ' Car Pooling: The proponent.will use extensive communication programs to encourage car pooling , with emphasis on cost savings, ' convenience and the environment, and provide assistance for employees in joining and setting ' - up pools. Also, they will have reserved parking spaces set aside for car pools. T Bicycles: Bicycle racks will be installed in ' secure areas, and this form of transportation will be communicated as a healthy alternative to driving cars. B Bus: The B Bus is already utilized at ' this location. The proponent will encourage increased utilization, and provide information for employees. There is the possibility of adjusting the warehouse work schedules to more easily accommodate its use. 6) Traffic Impacts - No LOS deterioration is anticipated to result from this project. (See ' Appendix D, Vollmer Associates). 7) Other Public Transportation - No other transportation mode will be involved in servicing the project. G. Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials 1) Use. Storage, and Transportation - Certain of the retail household goods stored at the site such as lamp oil and candles could be considered to be hazardous materials. They are, however, stored in small unopened containers with the manufacturers seal intact. Shipping cartons are not opened on a routine basis. No hazard is considered to be posed from these prepackaged retail household goods. Cleaning materials are also stored and used at the site in small quantities. Amounts of materials would likely not exceed the aggregate amount for a residential development of 17.7 AC. and may well be significantly less. These are also not considered to be problematic. tA recent inventory prepared by IEP (Appendix F), describes the building and storage ' facilities. project require housing. tI. Historic Values 1-5) Impact - No sites or finds of historic or ' archeological significance occur at or near the site. The site exist in an area of Yarmouth which showed no development and no servicing roads on the 1854-1856 mapping (fig 21 pg. 48).. There are no known archeological sites within 1/2 mile of the locus. Because the site lack proximity to wetlands and waterbodies and because there were better Y}unting grounds ' around the hill line running northeast of the site and including German Hill, it is not 71 During construction there are a number of t materials which will be used which can be classified as hazardous. These include concrete waterproofing or sealer, form sealers, and paving materials. Although classifiable in storage and transit forms, none of the products are restricted for construction purposes. ' Normal precautions will be taken. 2) Previous Uses - The site contains a properly licensed diesel fuel storage tank as previously ' noted. 3) 21E Assessments - Site assessments have been performed several times at the site. All have found no cause for concern. ' 4) Solid Waste - Because materials are rarely uncrated at this facility, very little solid waste is generated. This will continue to be the rule of operation at the site. A small dumpster currently services the site. It requires emptying less than once a week. H. Affordable Housing This project does not contain any housing component. It has been recently noted in published materials that there appears to be a considerable housing inventory available in the event any new employees hired as a result of this project require housing. tI. Historic Values 1-5) Impact - No sites or finds of historic or ' archeological significance occur at or near the site. The site exist in an area of Yarmouth which showed no development and no servicing roads on the 1854-1856 mapping (fig 21 pg. 48).. There are no known archeological sites within 1/2 mile of the locus. Because the site lack proximity to wetlands and waterbodies and because there were better Y}unting grounds ' around the hill line running northeast of the site and including German Hill, it is not 71 72 likely that the locus would have been a preferred.use site or habitation site for ancient peoples. Further, major disturbances ' of the site in conjunction with construction of the Mid -Cape Highway, White's Path, the Coliseum and other buildings and industries in the area, as well as the railroad would have ' greatly diminished potential to find artifacts in context. The significance of the sites for these interests is, therefore, minimal. 6) Building Description - The building additions will occur on the east and southsides of the existing building. The additions will match ' the existing building in height, enclosing a single story space. The building has a flat -roof with concrete and masonry facing, partially in the interest of fire protection. The building is unpainted. The color can be characterized as stone or pale warm grey and buff. The building is within an industrial zone of predominately warehouse type buildings of varying scales. The proposed architectural design is suited to the area. 7) Character and Scale - As noted above, we believe the building design and character are suited to the industrial district within which it is located. Although larger than many of its neighbors, its location, and the fact that ' the primary public view is from a major highway with a 55 MPH speed. limit, help to make the scale consistent with other district uses. ' J. Aesthetics and Cultural Values 1) outdoor Illumination - outdoor lighting is ' required as much of the trucking at the site is done at night, thus minimizing traffic impacts. As this is not a residential ' neighborhood, impacts are minimal. 2) Minimize storage and Utilities - Utility services for the site are underground and will remain so. There is a single small outside dumpster. Beyond that, outside storage is limited to truck trailers. The project does ' not directly abut a residential neighborhood. 1 It is separated from the residential area to 73 1 the south by a railroad layout and track ' approximately 100' in width. The rail line is higher than the subject site. The grade change provides protection for the residential area. The lack of vegetative cover in the rail ' right-of-way currently allows a degree of visibility for the site from residences which directly abut that right-of-way. In order to ' mitigate that aesthetic impact and reduce the potential for noise impacts, the project proposes construction of intermittent earthen berm to be vegetated with overstory and understory coniferous plants. 3) signs - There is a single site sign to be located on the property. -4) Lighting Intensity - Please refer to building ' plans. 5) Noise and Vibration - There will be an increase in daytime noise levels during ' construction. Since the site is located in an industrial area, impacts of this short duration increase should be minimal. No change in ' post -construction noise levels are anticipated. 6) Vegetative Change - As discussed previously, the majority of the currently developed site is barren. About 1 1/2 acres, or 8% of the site will be converted from second growth forest to shrub and grass lands. However, an additional 3.5 acres or almost 20% will be vegetated which is now devoid of significant vegetation. 7) Open space - Approximately 43% of the site will be vegetated open space. 8) Open Space Use - The open space will include required buffers, landscaped front yard and vegetated retention areas. There can be no public use of the open space in industrial ' zones for safety and security reasons. 9) Views - The project will not block or degrade views by others. 10) View Distances - The major public vantage ' point of the site is the Mid -Cape Highway to the north. There is no rest area nearby on the road. Consequently, the view is through the 1 1 t 1 1 strip of second growth forest and across White's Path from vehicles moving at 55 MPH. 11) View Alteration - Although the view of the site will include more building mass, the area or neighborhood currently is dominated by warehouse -type buildings. We believe the visual impact change will not be significant. R. Local and Regional Impacts 1) Conformance with Municipal Plans - The Christmas Tree Shops' White's Path properties lie in an Industrial Zone (fig. 3, pg. 17). The zone runs from the southerly side of the layout of the Mid -Cape Highway to the Penn Central Railroad Right of Way. Within the Industrial district "trucking and warehousing" is an allowable use provided that "...such use is not hazardous by reason of potential fire, explosion or radiation nor injurous or detrimental to the neighborhood by reason of dust, odor, fumes, waste, noise, vibration, or other noxious or objectionable features, nor -harmful to surface or groundwater." Appertinent uses are also allowed under the conditions listed above. "...all but minor work and storage shall be conducted within a building sufficiently sound -insulated to confine disturbing noise to the premises." The current building is designed to meet this criteria. Dimensional requirements for the District are as follow: min. lot area . . . . . . . 40,000 s.f. frontage . . . . . . . . . 100 ft. front yard . . . . . . . . 30 ft. side yard . . . . . . . 10 ft. rear yard . .. . . . . . 30 ft.* building coverage . . . . . 35% *50' where lot abuts a residential district All dimensional requirements are met by the project. 74 75 Special criteria apply in the Aquifer Protection District. Under Section 406.5.5, the project is -required not to exceed 5ppm NOg at the downgradient property line. In addition, the use of infiltrative drainage structures is severely restricted in favor of vegetated retention basins. Again, the project meets or exceeds these criteria. Parking requirements are set forth in Section 301.5 of the Bylaw. Industrial uses listed in Section F of the classification schedule (includes trucking and warehousing) require one (1) space per one (1) occupant. Business uses from sections I, J, K, L, M & O (including "miscellaneous business") require one (1) space per two (2) occupants. The relevant footnote states: - "Where parking spaces are based on occupancy, occupancy loads shall be tabulated in accordance with the Massachusetts Building Code". For uses not elsewhere classified, the parking requirement'is "as determined to be adequate by the Building Inspector in consultation with the Site Plan Review Team. Parking requirement may be reduced upon unanimous recommendation of the Site Plan Review Team or by Special Permit•from the Board of Appeals." The Massachusetts Building Code Table of occupancy lists: business area . . industrial areas. storage area . . It goes on to say: . .1/100 s.f. gross . . .1/200 s.f. gross . . .1/300 s.f. gross -' "conflicts: Where there are special requirements for specific occupancies and users which differs from general requirement herein prescribed, such special provisions shall take precedence." Parking requirements calculated on the basis of the MBC Table of occupancy would be clearly excessive for the project. We are applying for zoning relief on this point. Because we project a maximum of 60 employees per shift at .the facility, we are providing 125 parking spaces. This will be sufficient for the worst case scenario of each employee driving his own vehicle to work and everyone from two shifts being at the site at the same time. 2) Project Benefits - Clearly the benefits of the project as previously noted are many. The construction of the facility will provide for onsite economic growth in terms of increase permanent employment opportunities and increased tax revenue with very little need for increased municipal support services. Further, the construction of the facility will help to maintain existing employment and tax base in the proponent's retail outlets located in municipalities throughout the region. The project impacts on the environment are particularly benign because of its unusual location and lack of physical or visual access to wetlands, waterbodies, habitat of concern, and -tourist locations. Consequently, we believe it meets the purposes of the Act and the criteria of the RPP. 192aw44/csp 76 APPENDIX A 1S, INC. SAT E Str Falmouth, Ma 1 ,,cion urface Elevation Top of Well Elevation - rJ 40 1 Depth and mle Depth SOIL DESCRIPTION creep om To • I oc � l 9bloJ U L= �u � Test' Pit Number Date Project Number L ' --(, ' lompletion Depth Below Grade 3� 7 Water Table Elevation N �, I Sample Soil REMARKS Number Porosity oportions Used.: Type Well Screen Inspector • .. new • -� 7C�/ C!1^/ �r'TES, INC. ori St., Falmouth, Ma 1 -c-�c L L C cation y _ i;,, �IaJUIL� LL-=�u 1 Test' pit Number Date Project Number (�-ZL-S4- Completion Depth Below Grade Lo lj (, l Top of Well Elevation Water Table Elevation _ urface Elevation i r" t (0` � Ao Sample Depth SOIL DESCRIPTION om To Depth Sample Soil and REMARKS Number Porosit• screen length v5, Type Well Screen I Inspector Proportions Used: _ o col crl"I � n roi �E)UUL�= MATES, INC. Test' Pit Number ' St Falmouth, Na •� Date Project Number Completion Depth Below Grade .J,ocation r JJ� 3U _ -. • y n M To of Well Elevation Water 'Table Elevation urface Elevation p i Depth. Sample Soil 'REMARKS Number Porosit ample Depth' SOIL -DESCRIPTION, screen length rom To. *7 .� 1 I -i i C hnVA �• vS - c1� Proportions Used. Type Well Screen Inspector nvi ;[gTES, INC. 07 - -St., Falmouth, Ma Test' Pit Number "n Date Project Numbe:- Completion Depth Below Grade ,,,cation 0 � • `% Cil f Jk.� ,j'., "' ;% To of Well Elevation Water Table Elevation Surface Elevation P �q Depth Sample Soil ^d :...REMARKS . Number Porosi. ample Depth SOIL-DESCRIPTION screen length ?rom To .-v i r � i c r1 . (•. (: C Proportions Usea: I Type Well Screen ... nrw A11CV/ rn/ Inspector" C\-r.V�-� 0 1 a bo� • 7 p^2.� - Loc- C' . S )t\o �I I p7:opO rtions Used. C ^ V Type Well Screen Inspector Test' Pit Number J_ Falmouth, Ma . ' Date Project Number C_ __- Completion Depth Below Grade 3o � To of.Well-Elevation P Water Table Elevation face =Elevation. l a 0 _ r r., Depth Sample Soil le Depth SOIL ^i screen REMARKS i;.. ,. ... .. Number.- , Porosity . .DESCRIP,TION.,, - length r _ ..: . ;om To. - Il ,tel e ll..; - . a _ _ C\-r.V�-� 0 1 a bo� • 7 p^2.� - Loc- C' . S )t\o �I I p7:opO rtions Used. C ^ V Type Well Screen Inspector T -Es, INC. �OD0= Ou A:Test' Pit Number -3 ' Falmouth, Ma ' Date Project Number L . L l� • 2(o -54 • Completion Depth Below Grade cation So rface Elevation Top of Well Elevation Water Table Elevation i '-7' ., D epah Sample Soil 3 ple Depth SOIL DESCRIPTION screen REMARKS Number Porosity r m To length -7 5b ----------- i IL iJ I t Inspector Proportions Used: Type Well Screen 7 TES, INC. St., . Falmouth, Ma cation �urface Elevation / �uo C, C, G Top of Well Elevation iJ Test' pit Number Date Project Number :ompletion Depth Below Grade Water Table Elevation Sample I soil Number Porosit• CA ,tie. �• 'SC�r\�. — til o �s.� �,k ctC-cam,-� stla-� sacs`.. CwPi�J •.ti ' t5 .o l[o. ornnye _5e-c,a^ coat•:.e. .. SA79-i -c J ' {�Ar4 titigCri/5 Proportions n Inspector' Used: Type Well Scree Depth REMARKS mple Depth . ;-. . •. SOIL DESCRIPTION ...7._" __ .. screen length rom To `` r.- Sample I soil Number Porosit• CA ,tie. �• 'SC�r\�. — til o �s.� �,k ctC-cam,-� stla-� sacs`.. CwPi�J •.ti ' t5 .o l[o. ornnye _5e-c,a^ coat•:.e. .. SA79-i -c J ' {�Ar4 titigCri/5 Proportions n Inspector' Used: Type Well Scree i 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 a 1 C :><—A1(-17 000 ,00 F)cg—sc:s Qe 497) 3,iy/Gx�X� = 1�3•�0 377. Sc��F�c�L�9 490, iv ,� /ossa o x 4A -/—.s - 4 022.4. SC 2Y>GP�//.0,5�e u (/S9C7 r -->Q �G.��T •�/C//�FETE�Zir4� . . I RECEIVED Nov 5 1986 POLY sLr�vICES +,nRr.FSTER. MA 01" l ;11iO7,SASL KELLEY CO. ENGINEERS — SURVLYUItS 346 LONG 1.OND OIUVP_ SOUTLI YAIL1.IOUnI. MASS. `� 02664:�� �� i5 t&,,v,477oxi 1 Eft :�Ta.C.. P c�oPo:G� i46.. = q'Ac fes',► =Tc �• _• � t7- Al 7-5 2S67.oe r a 73_2 — (�atc.)i zG / 4' >�'ZSv = //Z� _gg414 ��,s•�: _= 3-3a (3/40 � L 1CI'..I.1.HY Co. 1'iltl�tA� SUILVGY L'NC;1NaltS — 1IIUVL' Nt) 34GLONC:1c�IvtASS. SI�V•I.11 YAIINUU'Cli. v Cape Cod ,. Ready Rix Concrete Co. Main OIIice: P.O. Box 199, noutc GA • 617/255.4600 b!R 1 O,tcans. Massachuscus 02653 • 617/775.4679 CONCRETE PLANTS IN HYANNIS AND ORLEANS -/rIRs 7if�ola �, 1 TV�-jJ, 77, �£ ✓ � 1 1 1 ` s, a 14Pb b p RerewecL RVAA I OF-1 V-e-UAy 1 to/tb/66 8y NGt.�1 Crn Si�e� 0 iW 4:'1Z CA� ICn (i � (P.C� (nom �. il•c' t i t N rTOP Or•ryVrt DATION 0" CAST IRON 12 •• ; OR SCHEDULE EO P.V.C. FIP_E ' PITCH 1/4 PE.•`.• SOIL LOG pp DATE /.��:S� ... TIME.Z.lf/%... ' TEST HOLE I TEST HOLE_ 2 ELEV.Q-.... ELEV........... Cva' a�/iyE.� A/0 -WATER ENCOUNTERED SENV AGE_ POSAL SYSTENJ SEPTIC TANK ...60.0.0.. GAL. APPROVED .............. BOARD OF HEALTH DATE.......... ................ •AGENT OR INSPECTOR 6' SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. . V SCHEDULE 40 PIPE - MINIMUM P====% PIPE - MINIMUM PITCH I/s PER!FT. R PITCH 1/a PER.FT. � tvvf�S EL..• �#si0. : • INVERT. -EL Ho 37..F6 U a U • LEACH /CIRCULAR P!T PRECAST • J LEACHIU( a PIT t••INv�Ri73 DIST. ELF'T"t�• EL. • vERT B07C IrrvrRAr /U wo 3/w4SHED2 ��.5.� •. W STONE SDS Z% Jf'—B'DI4, --i 4�CW E).S.GS. MEi:00, Dla.—+1 I pCQ�IDN/T�2 u/EL w- _ .. GROUND WATER- //•/`P��• IY1TNESSED 'BY: • BOARD OF HEALTH ENGINEER NOTE: SEPT=Dr-' I=� BOXES 70 BO'!E'S T^ HEAVY L E. DESIGN / DATA: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS W,AA^^?^^G�� ��r•`• ..,,/� TOTAL ESTIMATED FLAW 'Y*!�d ... GALLONS/ DAY a2yZ&( BOTTOM LEACHING AREA ��3•�� . SOFT. /PIT J SIDE LEACHIIIG AREA,.�./37� - So.Ft/ PIT GARBAGE DISPOSAL .)✓0,..�p.(50%AREA INCREASE) TOTAL LEACHING AREA . T./O'�O, , SO.FT JPE- P/T) PERCOLATION RATE ....Tk!<!• • ... MINz/INCH LEACHING AREA PER PERCOLATION RATE�41cc,/,,OSO.FT. 4GL17 -/,0515.6 p. PETITIONER L�JS:�✓5�` /moi`•:-"'✓S� tNOW.t E . U. NUMBER OF LEACHING PITS ... - •� • • • TNObTAS E. KELLEY ' e ENGINEER — SURVEYOR i •r - 345 LONG POND DRIVE P. STs -ra SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS e P�2./°iT.. 02664 Df.. r - 3c '\—INvF ' • EL..K•G7. I .•. SOIL LOG pp DATE /.��:S� ... TIME.Z.lf/%... ' TEST HOLE I TEST HOLE_ 2 ELEV.Q-.... ELEV........... Cva' a�/iyE.� A/0 -WATER ENCOUNTERED SENV AGE_ POSAL SYSTENJ SEPTIC TANK ...60.0.0.. GAL. APPROVED .............. BOARD OF HEALTH DATE.......... ................ •AGENT OR INSPECTOR 6' SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. . V SCHEDULE 40 PIPE - MINIMUM P====% PIPE - MINIMUM PITCH I/s PER!FT. R PITCH 1/a PER.FT. � tvvf�S EL..• �#si0. : • INVERT. -EL Ho 37..F6 U a U • LEACH /CIRCULAR P!T PRECAST • J LEACHIU( a PIT t••INv�Ri73 DIST. ELF'T"t�• EL. • vERT B07C IrrvrRAr /U wo 3/w4SHED2 ��.5.� •. W STONE SDS Z% Jf'—B'DI4, --i 4�CW E).S.GS. MEi:00, Dla.—+1 I pCQ�IDN/T�2 u/EL w- _ .. GROUND WATER- //•/`P��• IY1TNESSED 'BY: • BOARD OF HEALTH ENGINEER NOTE: SEPT=Dr-' I=� BOXES 70 BO'!E'S T^ HEAVY L E. DESIGN / DATA: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS W,AA^^?^^G�� ��r•`• ..,,/� TOTAL ESTIMATED FLAW 'Y*!�d ... GALLONS/ DAY a2yZ&( BOTTOM LEACHING AREA ��3•�� . SOFT. /PIT J SIDE LEACHIIIG AREA,.�./37� - So.Ft/ PIT GARBAGE DISPOSAL .)✓0,..�p.(50%AREA INCREASE) TOTAL LEACHING AREA . T./O'�O, , SO.FT JPE- P/T) PERCOLATION RATE ....Tk!<!• • ... MINz/INCH LEACHING AREA PER PERCOLATION RATE�41cc,/,,OSO.FT. 4GL17 -/,0515.6 p. PETITIONER L�JS:�✓5�` /moi`•:-"'✓S� tNOW.t E . U. NUMBER OF LEACHING PITS ... - •� • • • TNObTAS E. KELLEY ' e ENGINEER — SURVEYOR i •r - 345 LONG POND DRIVE P. STs -ra SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS e P�2./°iT.. 02664 Df.. r - 3c APPENDIX C S ' A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428-1450 jCB SHEET NO. Of a"z CALCULATED BY ��% �' — DATE CHECKED BY DATE JY/.LC .+�aouctm+�.ca+w,,,.owi.ieae.n�arKmuraoei�matio , At .+�aouctm+�.ca+w,,,.owi.ieae.n�arKmuraoei�matio ' A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street CSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 ' (508) 428-1450 SHEET CALCULATED BY CHECKED Z OF 3 DATE DATE . /ROOULT Ad,,,�,Yc 4ae, Ya aw,. h 0� n9M[ TOLL mFt,�6Aalq it i -� -;- ; �._ _ _�!���,�,Ir� I i i1;e-, .; II I -�. .1 11 ... (� I 71— ' !_ lG.e`._.J lr-�-��t E_� I i .. _ (1 1 I' i l�l- I l l i l l l i t !11!1!!1 ;z,�.��u4�c,�-�I II �IIIIIIIIIII i 1 1 *-3 143L T QQOQ��I ►� ! 1 ! ! I I}_ ! Ilil!I! I IIiiIIIII�IIIII Ililiiillli!�il�lli�lill 1 ! I II G li lilll i ■ . /ROOULT Ad,,,�,Yc 4ae, Ya aw,. h 0� n9M[ TOLL mFt,�6Aalq JOB ' A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. SHEET NO. %qOF 911 Main Street CALCULATED BY DATE OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 ' (508) 4281450 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE {{ I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I ! I I 1 1._. -... I w. _ _.__--- j i (llllilllll I' I I 1 I l I l I. I I ��_-- I y/ cu r^. •.s"�/Ltro�v 0;,e I _Q1 _CC1D S_GCQ ; II1111;11�111 (III II 1!111 LL IIIIIIii�l I,IIII II I`�21 .r�� i I I 1 II11 VIII 11111!1!1 1!1111 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1--•^-i--^i I I I 1 I I 1 I ! I ! oMpp,,[TEW;;i /I,f.G. M-0101 TaOMA04TOUFMF["W-MM :h _1 yy._� Il::'al ':' �:-P.i'11)IJ If'{ �tJ'�..•��r�r•.37�Qr PLok _(Z �:t:q zz ., Ii:SL:•, .:: r.•'i:.._ .ice/i�/�/ ` + 7uG i? ------ ---- -!-------- ------------ �_ { : -z-------------- ----:--------------------- -:- -- --- , 19/•-- ---------- z 0 ---------_. _•_--------; -------- °------ j 5vaii t -------------- b b ; • yi:::y2n t� t.r.l----------' _•__-__ tipITV,_«_-.___-___«-____-__.i__- w iasn it:s, i1CCC aq :!------------------------- ------ ----- -i- ; _------- --------------- : ------ -- /G 3 "6 w -;------------------------.�--«; ; l — . ---- --- 3I21. tjvuS S�------- - --------_-_'—_ _—w«--;----_-•--; -_-.------ I I`--/7 ----_r__w--------------- ---_.•___I_-_--_-___ _ ~ '------_ _----_, S N: (..•bL rr�r• ili VY �•= t-: -_-• «w-______ w-__-_ i 1 --`/,� a::i. .i :-ap i ! 5.;1 �z• /9 ; 7GM/i-------1 •-w«._. 1- t_ Scapi _ _•.--«---!--------w�- -1' 1 Ca^:aI — :t3T •,...------_-; —I---------- w -=-t-------'— -- Ste = + Stip at'; i = p ` 1 • : ? adil./gtt w t -__ �.r.S ' ; plb 13 ; s: --__w_ --- __-- 1 ___-______w«_____-------i - t+ .. �; .ss4i7C$ it:a• ' '5:37; / $ ; + ' r ----i- 1 + r t jot r , -- -�------- •- r ;o._ 1 /o. 90 DISI 1 ; '•:: 3=Le:7:C=5 iL:'_S ; ��:* 1�i lfi , fZS..Sstag AB; ' • : •total :ets:aus area. _ 1 at:_s• ;Step is ! S°._ �8 3,8� ; _ -------- ------- ' 1 1T ��Lz gltiS..a w _ ' w g :ta33 i . ' 5:33 :T ---- -- -------•---------'------------;--- --- i- ' 3 ; APPENDIX D A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428-1450 JOB :Z. SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE I 1;1h Z CHECKED BY DATE , Lr —10 I Deg G c JT I a;oJ T. 91'U tu 1-1-4-.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Tl - -,*" I it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c, 0 cv .0 IGIle,^ �1, (AA orp- 0 —7— ............ - - ---- 7-1 .. ...... I i 7-7717— A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES INC. 911 Main Street OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428.1450 JOB SHEET NO. 2- OF CALCULATED BY DATE yL CHECKED BY DATE -F71 -F q, .1 _i , , WA, . . . . . . . . . . . . . )?cA id gkij (.f � -f- 7 I I 1 :1 �1- � � -i- t i l i I I 1 i T A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428-1450 JOB Z.s%S, o SHEET NO. 3 OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE Imm= &mt.� m4m uomI ftom mumu wsnmn _T_LT I 0,Lu,JAl' _H+ LL Eav Iva VoL cumoA Lit cv�c So -1 —1-01 7 l7i 7- — 0.7 I o;) w llz ................_ 97 - i- �,,'y�3 -i�_- t -l - iiia ��, — s� - -t— — I Its? 3 7 t)3 i- I i i{--��Ii77 T Imm= &mt.� m4m uomI ftom mumu wsnmn NVorksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff Project Cu lis up% W Ad94buSE By C4�y Date Location W4#TE3 IA -01 yk^O U I Checked Date Circle one: Present DevelopedIA/ 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name and hydrologic group (appendix A) J 'Cover description/ (cover type, treatment, and hydrologic condition; percent impervious; unconnected/connected impervious area ratio) 1 CN —L Area 0 acres ❑ mit ❑ X Product of CN x area C. cv d .0 W Cn 1 N a» v 1 N w 7,ZO„ C CpARKc.G !�T Ra�F 5$ S ,, SO 1450 Co�T��,� �7, Z z 1/ Use only one CN source per line. Totals total product 517,21 Q CN (weighted) total area RI Use CN 2. Runoff Frequency yr Rainfall, P (24—hour) in Runoff, Q .............................. in (Use P and CN with table 2-1, fig. 2-19 or eqs. 2-3 and 2-4.) Storm 11 Storm 02 Storm 03 /0 2,15, /00 '418" 5.?r 7,ZO„ 2. of.o 3 6� 01 S ,, D-2 (210 -VI -TR -55, Second Ed., June 1986) 0 1 ' iect Location Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method ' Circle one: Present Developed By Date 1v Checked Date 9k //j fr C 1. Data: ' Drainage area .......... g Am= Oleg mit (acres/640) G•9�'�' ' Runoff curve number .... CN - 8 / (From worksheet 2) Time of concentration .. Tc = hr (From worksheet 3) /&A"UAD"T""' GA's'{` � ' Rainfall distribution type L (I, IA, II, III) Pond and swamp areas spread throughout watershed ...... _ percent of Am ( acres or mit covered) ' 2. Frequency ............................... 3. Rainfall, P (24-hour) ................... 1 Initial abstraction, I ................. (Use CN with table 4-1.) S. Compute Ia/P ............................ 6. Unit peak discharge, q ,,,,,,,,,,, ' (Use Tc and Ia/P with exhibit 4-�) 7;, Runoff, Q ............................... (From worksheet 2). Pond and swamp adjustment factor, Fp .... (Use percent pond and swamp area with table 4-2. Factor is 1.0 for zero percent pond and swamp area.) Peak discharge, qp ...................... (Where qp = quAmQFp) yr in Storm 01 Stora V"2 Storm ria l0 Z S 100 in 0.0477 ,C�2,G ,OGS csm/in 1 God e to 6(<' in /do /-0 /. 0 cfs I 19-g-31 z<-.13 1 -,2,4 (210•VI•TR•55, Second Ed., June 1986) 1 1 Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known C Project By.4 Date I Z�I7L Location Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed -4 I HfWfffffffWffff HffffffffoffWWffffffaofo HfffWfff.fffff�H■ffff.f Wf W Wff.f.HfOffH WffffHffgfffr ff■HfHfWffHHfWfffHWff fHWffffH HHfffHfHfffWWffHWfW HWH ■tf�fffffffffWf.HtWHffHfffWWfa HfffffffffffffffffHHW fHfffWff fffffff pp ff ffpp■ W fHffRfH WffHW ffififfW fHfHffH OffffMO W W �f ffffHfffff ff fffWff�fff� WfHWf fWWWHWHH® W WHHffHf.OHf�fHfff� ■ WfffHffff Wfffffffffff.•HffffffW W ■ W fgff ff fHffHfff �fff f ff® faffHfHffHffHW WmfWf W fffWffff®Wff fffffffWf�H ffffffaffa��f W W WfW W fHfWfW�HfffffffW fWffffff�fWfW® ffWWWffHWffH� fW.WW®fW.ffffW Detention basin storage 1. Data: Drainage area .......' Am ' .010q mit Rainfall distribution type (I, IA, II, III) ' L 2. 3. 4. 1st 2nd stage I stage Frequency ...... yr /Q Peak inflow dis- charge, qi .... cfs 0 (From worksheet 4 or 5b) Peak outflow dis- charge, qo .... cfs �•�° 6z &Jq Lo0 5. Compute q ........ i 1/ 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo. V 6. Vs ................ .1210 r q0 (Use 4 with figure 6-1) i 7. Runoff, Q ...... in Z,S� (From worksheet 2) 8. Runoff volume, I b Vr .......... ac -ft (Vr - QAm53.33) 9. Storage volume, 3 Vs .......... ac -ft ( V(Vs)) ��� EG. 3S si0tJ6F%.9S do F1. Vs-rV r 10. Maximum stage, Ema Z. (From plot) C}4EcIC fKS�"r`In"^^ a" PetFkw�%A-) Gk lz 33.0 (210 -VI -TR -55, Second Ed., June 1986) rpm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known Project By C, Date ��Z- Location (� Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed V FYS �f A — • 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• I 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y,:Ty-�` �1. {-:• 1 . • 1 • 1 1, 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 •. 1 I 1 1 1 r•-•. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 , • 1 I 11, I 1 1 1 1 •• 1 �, 1 1 I 1 • 1 1 I 1, ,• 1. i. 1 t 1 1 1 r1 � • -�1 1 I I 1 r-'-- -r_ •— 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ ----I 1 1 . . �- �I _• --rte-1 -- I 1 1 1 1 1 - -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I , 1 Detention basin storage 1. Data: Drainage area .........A ' •01091 mit Rainfall distribution type (I, IA, II, III) r1st t2nd ta a sta e 2. Frequency ...... yr 2� 3. Peak inflow dis- charge, qi •••• cfs (From worksheet 4 or 5b) 1/ 4. Peak outflow dis- charge, qo .... cf. S. Compute qo 4 ...... 1 11 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo. 6. IFS ............... .ZZB r qo (Use —with figure 6-1) i 7. Runoff, Q ...... in 3.bb (From worksheet 2) •,8. Runoff volume, Vr .......... ac -ft Z:1 (Vr . QAm53.33) 9. Storage volume, Vs ac -ft A V Rk a= 35 S -W LLW �gSJk;4 (Va Vr(-s)) r C 10. Maximum stage, Em,.��•J (From plot) (210 -VI -TP. -55, Second Ed., June 1986) D- Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known G Project By —1 ' Date L7 yy Location Q �q Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed 1 1 1 t • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • r� 1 1 • 1 r l t 1• y� j � I r l l 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T1••-�-� • 1•II I t 1 1 t 1 1 1 I ++I i 1 1 1 1 1 , • r I t • 1 • r t, 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 rT i1 1 1 I • t • t 1 1 , I I t 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1. t= . 1 1 i • 1 1 1' 1, 1 ; 1 1 � 1, 1 1 1; 1; -' �r1 �� • -_ 1 1 � 1�• r r• 1 1• 1 1 !• 1 r• •1 1 1 1 1�»_1 t I lt I x•• 1 1 1 1 1 11 I t j� 1 I � t i 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 I •1 r l f 1 I r r t �� ��-7 � � � � 1 1 1 1 1 1• r �. Detention basin storage 1. Data:010 ail Drainage area .......:Am Rainfall distribution type (I, IA, II, 1II) - r1st tad tate sta e 2. Frequency ...... yr X00 3. Peak inflow dis- charge, qi •••• cfs (From worksheet 4 or 5b) 1/ 4. Peak outflow dis- • charge, qo .... cfs EZ, 3S •. � q5. Compute qo ........ i 1/ 2nV stage qo includes 1sc stage qo. 6. vs ................ •tS� r q (Use 4 with figure 6-1) 1 7. Runoff, Q ...... in SA�� (From worksheet 2) g. Runoff volume, 2.g� Vr .......... ac ft (Vr-•QAm53.33) 9. Storage volume, O� Vs .......... ac ft V (Vs - Vr(7s)) r 10. Maximum stage, Emax (From plot) (210-VI•TR•55. Second Ed., June 1936) ' A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street ' OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428.1450 JOB SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE nru c PAM=IabI�W_GNW 01411, T. Ors MO* TOLLFNFI FWMM .10 � _.. _.._...� --II _ _ �_ }— lr� .. ......FT C R . — Tla s IA -i— - l_ f4Lu 77 __ PAM=IabI�W_GNW 01411, T. Ors MO* TOLLFNFI FWMM A. M. WILSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 911 Main Street ' OSTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02655 (508) 428-1450 JOB Z.OSGS.O SHEET NO. '�A OF %, / CALCULATED BY r - DA < I=S 4 Z CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 'PgOwmP�W-&P N 01111. TOO," "ad Tmmu"*msU0 Tb��11 4E.U._.fil._.......pc'F�' _: .'!.._ 'Cu._MM��F—_yrr.E Na'_ _L_ IlI....CsF ms r- 110—L 3 3 so I _ I si 7_ 1 SI,7 o l _ 35 I I .. _ I 410 ._ _I_�s_ .s _�._.. 275 z r,�li2 93 653 I I Z 3,1 3 I .. 0 x.63 I �IIil1►I 1--i F1��l- 'PgOwmP�W-&P N 01111. TOO," "ad Tmmu"*msU0 Worksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff Project By T Date q L Location Q f� Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed�- 1. Runoff curve number (CN) Soil name and hydrologic group (appendix A) .Cover description (cover type, treatment, and hydrologic condition; percent impervious; unconnected/connected impervious area ratio) CN 1/ Area (@acnes C4 ❑mi - ❑ x Product of ON x area N c:i v a E: i' N m w �i oO w 6 •A PAU6l CD�ak�� loT /,PAF 3.9�� 5,33" G A �a.� ��a,����► /, 47 V-33 1/ .t_. ..t.. .e rm en,.rre nor line. Totals total product 53Q7•s( �1�, Use CN CN (Weighted) total area (x,35 2. Runoff Frequency .........................;.... yr Rainfall, P (24-hour) in Runoff, Q .............................. in (Use P and CN with table 2-1, fig. 2-1, or eqs. 2-3 and 2-4.) Storm 01 Storm 02 Storm 03 loo L%,�� s•'jSr ',Lp I 3,01' 3.9�� 5,33" D-2 (210 -VI -TR -55, Second Ed., June 1986) Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method iect _ By -C4L Date (jq 4z Location Checked Date ' Circle one: Present Develope �i�'Sr�k Z 1. Data: C Drainage area .......... Am . .01 mit (acres/640)LO & Runoff curve number .... CN = 0 q (From worksheet 2) Time of concentration .. Tc . _ %i� hr (From worksheet 3) 10OU"-(F4'"'1a`o� Rainfall distribution type - (I, IA, II, III) Pond and swamp areas spread throughout watershed ...... = percent of Am ( acres or mit covered) 2. Frequency ............................... 3. Rainfall, P (24-hour) ................... Initial abstraction, I ................. (Use CN with table 4-1.) 5. Compute Ia/P ............................ yr in Storm 41 Storm 02 Storm U3 /0 Z s 1 CNS s,7 zo in I .3cl:%)1 .,543 .T�t 6. Unit peak discharge, q csm/in (Use Tc and Ia/P with exhibit 4 �) 7. Runoff, Q ............................... (From worksheet 2). 8. Pond and swamp adjustment factor, Fp .... (Use percent pond and swamp area with table 4-2. Factor is 1.0 for zero percent pond and swamp area.) 9. Peak discharge, qp....................... (Where qP a quAmQFp) D-1 I in lob 1 3,51 1 5,33 cfs I 19 .11 1 2 G.3Z ��.o (210 -VI -TR -55, Second Ed., June 1986) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f j P t L ' 6a: Detention basin storage, S o .; •: Worksheet l •• outflow discharge (qo) known �� x peak ■ By Date . _'Drainage -area ....... Am ' • -'"'x'z'.n- ll distribution W���WWL MMEME r qo (Use 4 with figure 6-1) YQ•--- Checked Date 1 ipresent Developed 3,09 r ♦moi-� tt11Wt�W Wa�aa� ^s - -_;�?.:�+�ti:,�=•.r Detention basin storage - _ onoun ammMIaa�o�m�W V v�O •• MEN��W�/fir �� ■��sitM�N vt EEMn�/niOWW�tt/Wv� ■ si���s����W�\1 ■�aWW1�WERNMEMAMENEMd® ttttE . _'Drainage -area ....... Am ' • -'"'x'z'.n- ll distribution W���WWL MMEME r qo (Use 4 with figure 6-1) YQ•--- 11 1 III) ' _G 1 0 Runoff, Q ...... in 3,09 MOMMEo tt11Wt�W Wa�aa� ■ a AM �r EMMEM"mWa�aa�� mW mm �WWtWWm a Wf�W�tf �W � Wua��W��ormW���oWaam =MMKKK M ""z = : W�MYtW�OtW sta e 8 Runoff volume ,. O_ WMtWvMEEMERNME ®W� / io7 OEM�a�aW Vr 53.33) . Frequency ...... �WW��t�m�mm %0 (V - QA r m 3. Peak inflow dis- —771 9. Storage volume, •� n. Vs ac -ft v charge, qi .... cfs /it? .......... (From worksheet 4 or 5b) 1/ V (Vs . Vr(7s)) ®0� ME ^s - -_;�?.:�+�ti:,�=•.r Detention basin storage - _ •• 6. V ,,, r t7 2 V . _'Drainage -area ....... Am ' • -'"'x'z'.n- ll distribution r qo (Use 4 with figure 6-1) t9Pe� (I. IA, II. 11 1 III) ' _G 1 7. Runoff, Q ...... in 3,09 1st 2nd (From worksheet 2) ""z = : sta a sta e 8 Runoff volume ,. / io7 •�c:'�.' Vr 53.33) . Frequency ...... yr %0 (V - QA r m 3. Peak inflow dis- —771 9. Storage volume, •� n. Vs ac -ft v charge, qi .... cfs /it? .......... (From worksheet 4 or 5b) 1/ V (Vs . Vr(7s)) ' 4..- Peak outflow cis - charges qo ... cfs R• 3b 1qo 5. ComputeLo ........ j6o 1 lo. maximum stage, Emax 36. (From plot) 1/ 2nd`stage qo includes 1st stage qo. Ir 21o•VI•TR•55, Second Ed., June 1986) [on L 1 1 1 1 1 Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known Project By --- 42 Location �a Checked Ary Circle one: Present Developed �1i -Pr Date Date Detention basin storage 1. Data: .0 m12 Drainage area ....... Am Rainfall distribution type (I, IA, 11, 111) 1st 2nd stage S talzel 2. Frequency ...... yr ss 3. Peak inflow dis- charge, qi •••• cfs 7b•3Z (From worksheet 4 or 5b) i/ 4. Peak outflow dis- charge, qo .... cfs �.��b q0 Sy 5. Compute ........ q 1 1/ 2nd stage q0 includes 1st stage qo. 6. Vs ................ L �z r q (Use o with figure 6-1) q- 7. Runoff, Q ...... 1n 3•S 7 (From worksheet 2) a. Runoff volume, IV .......... ac ft (Vr - QAm53.33) 9. Storage volume, s' Vs .......... ac -ft V (Vs . Vr(Vs)') r 10. Maximum stage, Emax 37• (From plot) (210•VI•TR•115, Second Ed., June 1986) IM i�i�iu=inisiont�msi ovu 0m m�m��mmmmm�/®sima mim�pMtNEil/ iim�mmmm* sllmtstt�As/mdmsi��sisi�Om mm�p �s�■O��nsll��tt�m��tits�if�l��o m� m��am�msimmmmm�sim�maa m m��simmmmmmamm:ma �m�mmmam�m��mwmmo m��simmmmm��sammmmmmmszma m�immmm�mmmm� msimmnumm�mmmn� mms�m�m� mm�� mmmmmmm �m�mmo� tW�mpm�m�mm' �mamm®mom' smmmmmm�m® mOQr Detention basin storage 1. Data: .0 m12 Drainage area ....... Am Rainfall distribution type (I, IA, 11, 111) 1st 2nd stage S talzel 2. Frequency ...... yr ss 3. Peak inflow dis- charge, qi •••• cfs 7b•3Z (From worksheet 4 or 5b) i/ 4. Peak outflow dis- charge, qo .... cfs �.��b q0 Sy 5. Compute ........ q 1 1/ 2nd stage q0 includes 1st stage qo. 6. Vs ................ L �z r q (Use o with figure 6-1) q- 7. Runoff, Q ...... 1n 3•S 7 (From worksheet 2) a. Runoff volume, IV .......... ac ft (Vr - QAm53.33) 9. Storage volume, s' Vs .......... ac -ft V (Vs . Vr(Vs)') r 10. Maximum stage, Emax 37• (From plot) (210•VI•TR•115, Second Ed., June 1986) IM Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known Project Location x Circle one: Present Develape By ca Date 1 Lti l7/. Checked Date 1 Detention basin i storage s 1. Data: t 6. V ..........'...... Drainage area ....... Am ' •01 mir q Rainfall distribution�� (Use with figure 6-1) type (I, IA, II, III) - _E' i 7. Runoff, Q ...... in 1st 2nd (From worksheet 2) stage I sta e- r B. Runoff volume, Vr .......... ac -ft 2,0 2. Frequency ...... yr X00 (Vr QAm53.33) 3. Peak inflow dis-9. Storage volume, charge, qi cfs 3 6.0 Vs ........ ac—ft REQ%J%Pz (From worksheet 4 or 5b) 1/ (V V Vs)) PIEL.�q� ST+P,16F•�fj%� c r(V 4. Peak outflow dis— .So r charge, qo .... cfs 67. �0 10. Maximum stage, E�x _ (From plot) 5. Compute Lo........ Sq q 1 ' 1/ 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo. (210-V , -TR-a3 Second Ed., June 1986) I WO ■■■■■■■■■■Y■OO■■■■■■■■m ■■_■■■■■m■■sa■a■■■■a■■■W■Q■ �a�■w■■■■m■■■■■■■ ■■■■■s�tW■■����� ■■m■■�■■m■■■■■■m ��■��q■■�■■�■■�■p■tom■■�■■■�■N �■�i�■■ ■■■■■■oiiii■ii■■■ii�iiii��■■■ �iii■mm■a ■ m W W■■■■ W■■WOQ■m■■■■ W W■■■■ m■o■■Om■im■■ p■m■■■■ ■■■■■■■ W ■mm■■■ EMM KKXMMNMN�� W■■■■■■■B■m■■W■Wm m�ma■®■m■■■m' ■Oa■W W�■■■■iW1iO ■■■■■■■it■giit00■■■�' 1 Detention basin i storage s 1. Data: t 6. V ..........'...... Drainage area ....... Am ' •01 mir q Rainfall distribution�� (Use with figure 6-1) type (I, IA, II, III) - _E' i 7. Runoff, Q ...... in 1st 2nd (From worksheet 2) stage I sta e- r B. Runoff volume, Vr .......... ac -ft 2,0 2. Frequency ...... yr X00 (Vr QAm53.33) 3. Peak inflow dis-9. Storage volume, charge, qi cfs 3 6.0 Vs ........ ac—ft REQ%J%Pz (From worksheet 4 or 5b) 1/ (V V Vs)) PIEL.�q� ST+P,16F•�fj%� c r(V 4. Peak outflow dis— .So r charge, qo .... cfs 67. �0 10. Maximum stage, E�x _ (From plot) 5. Compute Lo........ Sq q 1 ' 1/ 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo. (210-V , -TR-a3 Second Ed., June 1986) I WO DRAINAGE AREAS ... M/O CAPE- y/GyW AY , ROij74- B es o _ it / r rn t�rr.r . 1 7r v�MIot--G.p. Rapl.t flub •, aa"17 — A •}"• . eY U. -J Arrewl Ya e7 f.... WA 927/ .Iw..It Y' d R..el 82J.- Zone 277Ione 1ndU3 MQ! ate.rr jo, Ur AID, rr..t i0 I Rrsr JO• B7.0 • ,ue..er. B.N1.B C.r.r.,. Jig Let Su. msec Sr BYsahy Area 11ASM Sr (&Awt) rfr,eee s!e•�..er.a2 Let Ce ... W. l x 1oav-= "N v ~t Jr Mar if fr..rer. U so. Rw Lw"q Fr RL" El a tee No of Em.re rw 9JR - di IP ^- ----�a -sem- GFtPss"2 C's."0, / as 1 .• � er 1* d � .�""'� \..1 I � � •. ( i . I t7eeA !neurnce Rate Alo C "'"y, �,_- . t/""1 '• t I. I Pd, 27001) Doo.c � ., . 1 1 1• 11 1 I. . �.. 1 . .. q' i Irl 1\ lit` Itv w rf B,o !r ,t tt ,i�9 • 1 1 t: ; utit,1 I I The IOdav CMe ".•Ae r t u'L''t re yp S.f : {`I )Jot� ; .. '1'' C&3043 4 Fj aB ,,. r'e � ao0 II KEG ROOF 2 ' 11 1'• I ;' 1k �7 Ir W. , Je0• L.N 1 .• 7FIef li •' I I •" 1 . 1 .. ,. .. cs a fwr to Rgi.e. V rA3f1N '•'1 Q• 1 1 Pr YN. Ceevet. /e1 (Jw neM J) 1 1 'I 1 \ / ' • I ' ' laaaad l.� rrrrr 1 1 1 ,•""1 ++ ' fAthl cwt... -eo--� 1 .I,.Y wr..rl ON `rrrrrr r'+^ +� I R.►...1 Cwte...spot B" ". " .. •; I 1 I rrrr +r . ,'I•, +err • .... .. A at,. e.wr . %I BLDG CDC' •• /f.pe+e D.rYeGM /eret• ■O r..es. 17., T 1 •� r / u►'t I {Illi .r - _ ! •.. .1 �` . [ °r +. /% %� / sr''^- Pre It..1rJ - _ *• f.�•�•9 Cweuwe 9r.rw Y.r Y.t. ` \/ 'Si Jr t i'i...x, 1 - / C.r.,M P. A. "I' f1.r Of Led a / r♦ \i / www f tlrr. rr . . . \ 1 �� �.e /� / 11 \ _ _ I } •..r YI Po& rwrew0. IIV4 Of rh fe/ .Mei A-4 RM GM. -9 B7 et" 8 C K - r1. A"' L. 49..090'o.eMB/7y NN ,oras rw .art f.law.e I7 ` rf.1 Nw of B.rM /1 7e B. IDf Ctew Cede. S.rl Q.-.QIr N/r Comwoew.dtb of Mo.,.eAu,ette (Reboot) 01 l Lw4 C.,t Cervi J1700 C.Y... @ of DW 09734 ' C.fm.ele or Fw. 0790 C.Olkew of Bw /167017 - Jta. Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path South Yarmouth, Ma. .• t:tem t. wteS Path Red Estate T/uat I &Z AAL VA= AAS data •t Ml llr 7t" 70&.Q" a MANAGE .,J r APEAS Ur. t'- er . e e 1 1>Q R7 Oer. M r 1„1 0.10. 0 G/•1 lYe O awe lYB b w. 26Ma0 7w..t J.1 7 1 I APPENDIX E ' VOLLMER ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS -LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS -PLANNERS 1 MEMORANDUM To: Ed Mullin - Christmas Tree Shops December 20, 1991 From: Mindy MacNeill MAI Re: Christmas Tree Shops Warehouse Expansion Yarmouth, MA ' The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit recent traffic count data obtained by Vollmer Associates, and to provide further analysis of the potential traffic impacts of the proposed warehouse expansion on the roadways adjacent to the site. Vollmer conducted 24-hour, manual turning movement counts at the White's Path/Site ' .Drive intersection on December 11-12, 1991 (6 P.M. Wednesday - 6 P.M. Thursday); these counts are attached. All turning movements were counted and vehicles were classified as automobile, light truck, or heavy trucks (anything bigger than a single unit truck). ' These counts are summarized below: Existing CTS Warehouse (117,000 SF) • Daily Traffic Summary ' Auto Lt. Truck Heayy Truck Total Enter 119 2 39 160 Exit 108 1 35 144 Total 227 3 74 304 This 24-hour count substantiates our earlier assertion that the ATR's were over -counting trips to the site (See 11-24-91 memo) by approximately 40 - 75 percent. Review of the directions of approach and departure of all trips shows the predominant ' movement is to/from White's Path to the west (approximately 60%). Vollmer also did a license plate survey between 8 AM - 6 PM to monitor multiple trips made by autos, particularly those trips which were made between the warehouse and office. Approximately 18 percent (26 trips) of trips made between 8 AM - 6 PM appear to be trips made between the CTS warehouse and CTS office building (located at 261 White's Path). These "internal" trips do not pass through the Station Avenue/White's Path intersection. ' 354 1 I 1 t 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ed Mullin December 20, 1991 Page 2 The estimated number -of AM peak, PM peak and daily new trips associated with the 270,000 SF warehouse expansion has been estimated using the actual trip rates for the existing CTS warehouse. A total of 39 AM, 95 PM,. and 702 daily new trips are expected. The classification of these new trips by vehicle type is as follows: Comparison of the number of new trips generated using site-specific rates to standard I.T.E. rates for warehousing indicates that the site-specific rates are slightly higher on a daily basis (702 vs. 650), but are much lower during the AM (39 vs. 182) and PM (95 vs. 207) peak hours. This will further reduce the previously anticipated impact of the proposed expansion on White's Path, Station Avenue and their intersection during peak travel periods, which was minor in any case. Heavy truck traffic comprises approximately 259o' of existing daily traffic to and from the site; the majority of heavy truck activity occurs outside peak travel periods. I.T.E. trip rates do not provide a classification by vehicle type. The trip figures summarized above assume future trips to the site will occur in the same percentages as existing conditions. The new peak hour trips were distributed to the Station Avenue/White's Path intersection, and traffic operations were evaluated for peak summer and off-peak season conditions. The analysis results show no discernible change in operations is anticipated. 354 Auto Lt. Truck Heavy Truck Total AM Enter 14 0 14 28 Exit 2 0 9 11 Total 16 0 23 39 PM Enter 37 0 7 44 Exit 51 0 0 51 Total 88 0 7 95 Daily Total 524 8 170 702 Comparison of the number of new trips generated using site-specific rates to standard I.T.E. rates for warehousing indicates that the site-specific rates are slightly higher on a daily basis (702 vs. 650), but are much lower during the AM (39 vs. 182) and PM (95 vs. 207) peak hours. This will further reduce the previously anticipated impact of the proposed expansion on White's Path, Station Avenue and their intersection during peak travel periods, which was minor in any case. Heavy truck traffic comprises approximately 259o' of existing daily traffic to and from the site; the majority of heavy truck activity occurs outside peak travel periods. I.T.E. trip rates do not provide a classification by vehicle type. The trip figures summarized above assume future trips to the site will occur in the same percentages as existing conditions. The new peak hour trips were distributed to the Station Avenue/White's Path intersection, and traffic operations were evaluated for peak summer and off-peak season conditions. The analysis results show no discernible change in operations is anticipated. 354 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I APPENDIX F o c?n c. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS • PLANNERS • ENGINEERS January 13, 1992 Mr. Edward Mullin Christmas Tree Shops 261 Whites Path South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664 RE: Oil and Hazardous Material Issues Related to 225 Whites Path ISouth Yarmouth, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Mullin: Enclosed are six copies of a report which summarizes IEP's observations and the environmental history of the above -referenced site in South Yarmouth. We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing environmental consulting services to the Christmas Tree Shops. Please do not hesitate to' contact me should you have any questions or comments or require further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, IEP, Inc. Joseph S. Hobin VN ' Senior Geologist JSH/jtc Enclosures I [1 I ' Sextant Hill . 90 Route 6A • P.O. Box 1840 • Sandwich, MA 02563 • (508) 888.3900 • FAX: (508) 888-6689 OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ISSUES RELATED TO 225 WHITES PATH SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS ' This report summarizes the environmental history and January 6, 1992 observations related to 225 Whites Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts (hereinafter, the "Site"). The Site is an approximate 14.17 acre parcel of land which has been occupied by a Christmas Tree Shops' storage warehouse since 1984. Prior to 1984, the Site and warehouse building was the Cape Cod Coliseum, which was built in 1972. The Cape Cod Coliseum was an ice arena which was also a site for events such as concerts and the circus. Prior to 1972, the Site was a vacant wooded lot. ' IEP's January 6, 1992 Site visit was performed at the request of the Christmas Tree ' Shops. The reason for the visit was to observe and make suggestions regarding the merchandise stored in and the operation of its main warehouse facility, and to assure the Christmas Tree Shops and any other interested party that ,no obvious release or potential serious release of oil and hazardous materials exists at the Site. The visit was not due to any fecent oil or hazardous material 'release or incident at the Site. Prior to January 1992, IEP prepared two Massachusetts General Law chapter 21E Site Assessments of the Site for the Christmas Tree Shops. IEP's first assessment was ' performed during the summer of 1987. This first assessment included: Site observations, municipal research, installation of ground water monitoring wells, field testing of subsurface soils, ground water sampling and laboratory analysis using EPA Method 624. In the 1987 21E Report, IEP concluded the following: "Based upon a review of the site history, subsurface explorations, analyses of soil and ground ' water samples for volatile organic compounds and the specific circumstances of this particular site, it is the opinion of IEP, Inc. that the site is unlikely to generate ' liability under Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 21E". IEP's second assessment was performed during the summer/fall of 1990. The second assessment included: Site observations, municipal research, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) research, and United States Environmental Protection Agency ' (EPA) research. In the 1990 21E Report, IEP concluded the following: "Based on "1C. Ina &WIRo ,vLNTAL sciuvnm • PLANNERS • ENGINEERS January 1992 current Site conditions and observations and research performed during this assessment, IEP is of.the opinion that Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection regulatory action relative to the Site is unlikely". This current report was prepared by Joseph S. Hobin, IEP Senior Geologist. The January 6, 1992 Site visit was performed by Mr. Hobin in the presence of Edward Mullin, Christmas Tree Shops' Director of Administration and Finance. Refer to the attached Schematic Site Plan for approximate Site dimensions and locations of some of the discussed Site features. The Site receives municipal water service. There was no observation or record of any on -Site or near -vicinity water supply wells. The Site lies within the zones of contribution to six Town of Yarmouth public water supply wells. The site's domestic septic system is located under the paved area west of the warehouse storage building. The paved area is used for parking and trailer access to the warehouse's loading docks. Numerous catch basins are located in the paved area. These catch basins are connected to dry wells. A diesel fuel pump is located at the Site's southwestern corner. 'This pump is connected to an underlying 6,000 -gallon diesel fuel storage tank. This underground tank, which was installed in September 1987, is a double -walled, fiberglass tank equipped with an inner wall leak detection system connected to a leak monitoring unit observed inside the warehouse. According to Mr. Mullin, this state-of-the-art -monitoring unit, which includes an audible alarm is checked daily by warehouse personnel. In addition to the leak detection system, four ground water monitoring wells are located around the tank. According to Mr. Mullin, the fuel pump is used only during the day to fuel the Christmas Tree Shops' diesel tractor trucks. Mr. Mullin was unaware of any fuel loss, improper handling, or releases associated with the tank. IEP did not observe any evidence of oil or hazardous material releases around the fuel pump or other areas of the Site's outside environment. The on -Site warehouse building covers approximately 118,580 square feet. It is a slab -grade, high ceiling building with a concrete floor. The building is heated by natural gas. The only on -Site underground storage tank is the above -referenced 6,000 -gallon diesel fuel storage tank. The building's northwestern corner is occupied Oil and Hazardous Materials Issues .2 Related to 225 Whites Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 1 C fp._ ENVUWNMEN AL SCEN S • PLANIN is - ENGLNURS January 1992 by a two -floor office area. The remainder of the building is utilized for the warehouse storage of consumer goods sold by the various Christmas Tree Shops outlets. No manufacture of goods takes place on the Site. Mr. Mullin provided IEP with a computer printout of the type of goods -stored on -Site. These goods include ' items such as: candles, dinnerware, crystal glassware, china, clocks, frames, wall hangings, housewares, cleaning products, kitchen and bath goods, cosmetics, food ' stuffs, silk flowers, wicker furniture and baskets, lamps, lamp oil, luggage, hardware goods, batteries, books, stationery, school supplies, toys, paper goods, Christmas decorations, and summer goods. Based on IEP's review of the printout and ' observations of the warehouse's stored goods, the majority of the goods contain no oil or hazardous materials. The lamp oil, some household cleaning products, hardware products, and batteries are or contain oil and potentially hazardous materials. However, since there is no manufacture of goods and all items remain in ' the manufacturer's original packaging, and these items are those that are routinely found in any normal household, IEP is not overly concerned. ' The goods arrive and depart from the trailer docks and are transferred by battery powered fork lifts to and from the rows of high rise shelving which occupy the majority of the building. These state-of-the-art, computer guided, fork lifts are maintained by an outside independent vendor. The company's only internal ' maintenance performed is the battery charging. The charging area was observed, and there was no evidence of a release of oil or hazardous materials. The Christmas Tree Shops' diesel tractor. trucks are maintained and serviced off -Site by an independent vendor. The only floor drains in the building are located in two ' bathrooms situated in the office area. IEP did not observe any evidence of oil or hazardous material releases in the warehouse's interior. ' According to a record on file with the Yarmouth Board of Health, on September 30, 1987, an unknown quantity of hydraulic fluid was spilled on the paved truck ' loading area west of the warehouse building. According to the record, the spill, which affected an area approximately 6 to 8 feet by 15 feet was contained and cleaned ' up with Speedi-Dri. According to Mr. Mullin, the hydraulic fluid which spilled from an independent truck was less than a quart, and it was cleaned up ' immediately. Oil and Hazardous Materials Issues tRelated to 115 Whites Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 03 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 I i C ■ 'nes ENVIRONMENTAL SCENRsfs • PLANNERS • ENGINEERS January 1992 Other than the above -referenced hydraulic fluid spill, both Mr. Mullin and Martin Sarkissian; (Christmas Tree Shops' Manager of Corporate Distribution) were unaware of any past on -Site incident or release of oil or hazardous materials. In addition, previous local, state, and federal research also did not identify any other past on -Site incident or release of oil or hazardous materials. In summary, based on the January 6, 1992 Site visit and environmental data acquired during IEP's two previous Site assessments, IEP made no observations indicating a significant release of oil or hazardous materials from the Site. Respectfully submitted, IEP, Inc. /josep/S.AHobin Senior Geologist Oil and Ha=dous Materials Issues Related to 225 Whites Path, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts •4 J Y t k , t , I - 1� - , Py i f' Y t - e r ice.• � .. } r S ,, � ^•" . r r ,c 1 , P - > �.� . :! . ._.... -+T •. __'.{ _Lrr^l , �X.-:% Y�`, i.___. I ry r'-MrG1+^n•rr.1. / 1. , � , • +^ .. ,. :' .: �. � ' c _ _,+., • , „tf J . T 1 i / \ e -_ <`.. _; _,. _. -r -. _ r F — he ✓v r • � r its,_ f k .' t I ,.. � - .. .._ a"^ -._ .; \ ,r _.� 5 t n `. 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M__.v,J a: .i: ` 3 .. � � r2rr ; f \ k I _ INDEX _ I SHEET 1 PARKING & LANDSCAPE SHEET 2 UTILITIES SHEET 3 GRADING „ ,- SHEET 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET 5 DETAILS SHEET 6 COMPILED PLAN OF LAND t I { _ Mid—Cape Raquet Club C103017 Proposed Cedars 5' 0. C. 0 All Slopes To Be Covered _ With Erosion Control And Seeded As Soon As Po.ssble. Existing 8rtum1nous Bean 4q 782'. Proposed astalm wdt ,d B Spaces i 36 SPAStrPm91 Pi Landscape Notes 1.) Evergreen screening on constructed berms: J.) Plantings on berms adjacent to White's Path may include Overstory plants may include any of the following any of the materials listed in note ,f1 above. They may also Canadian Hemlock, Carolina Hemlock, Austrian Pine, include any of the following deciduous materials: Norway Spruce, Eastern White Pine, Douglas Fir or Zelkom Horsechestnut Tulip Tree, Sycamore Maple, Scots Pine Tree Of Heaven, Ameri an Beech, Pin Oak, White Understory plants may include Oak, Red Oak, or simif r overstory plants; Autumn Any full size cultivar of Chinese Juniper, Japanese Olive, Russian Olive, H neysuckle, Buckthorne, Viburnum, Spreading Yew, Common Juniper, Autumn Olive, Sweelfem, Broom, S ceberry, Bayberry, Lowbush Buckthome Blueberry or similar sp cles Plant selection is to be mode on the basis of ovailibility 4.) Recommended shade trees far passenger vehicle lot include: and stock quality at the time of installation. Monocultured London Plane–tree, No ay Maple, Sugar Maple, stands of overstory plants are to be avoided. Trees should White Oak or similar species. Drawing Title: be grouped in stands of no less than 5 nor more than JO And / of the some species installed in a double staggered row. 5.) Hemlock or other overstory oni(ers to be planted as shown Trees are to be miniman 8' of installation and should be placed Dwg No: ^ J J I Sheet 1 of 6 r t 12' O.C. dependent on the size and type of material. 6.) All other disturbed areas to be seeded to rough grasses Understory shrubs should be clustered between overstory ("Central Park" Typ.), Meadow Typ.) or slmtlar. Mix (Mass Wild Flower Mix" plants to provide maxbnum screeneing at the time of is , N �Loa maturity. Typical spacing 5'o.c. for 2 gal. materials. sed 1 ,O 2.) Infill evergreen plantings may be selected from any of the species listed In note fl above. Trees should average 4' at installation and should be Installed so as to minimize damage to existing plant materials. H1yq y _ RovT E6 Gyhite a5' (60.0p• ftde ) a ' Proposed Privet 9 A A A GI A acn A Ime t' t 44 Nate# 41 rope .s-($ee Lond 24 1,7i3 A p A m N� s 2 7 SFaae toted / r� 05 ed eeeasln // 0 / Ptograina Care Shall Be Taken Proposed 6' Choinlink Fence 0 Elev. 37.0 To Maintain Existing 0 Vegetation 1 a Proposed Evergreen To Be Planted Amidst Existing Trees. (See Landscape NoH*2) Path Existing 4 Leaching Pits Pits O OD-�-Existing D–Box / @ Existing t / Peo'?fees 7a 9e Retained Sms ble• EXistinpas Existing Septic Tank lnsofaf prop osed Bike Rock v 0 0 N 0 O n pjesel utnP Match Existing Bit. Berm l a►t£ Dray guildirn 1 Existin S F 4/15/92 Aad Landscape Antes �\ Care Shalt Be 4 \Token To Malrealn Existing Vegetation II See Landscape I i Note * 3 d01t0n 1 pro os 8 4 s. F. I i 1 151, Proposed 374 Riprap (See Sheet 5) Proposed Bituminous Pavement With Berm Existing Chainlink Fence To Be Maintained N/f" Commonwealth Of Massachusetts (Rallroad) Proposed Evergreen Screening (See Landscape NoteMl) Proposed W South Yarmouth mar IVe,f4n S Rood Route 6 efil es Path eta C�tral a/road •.` P `rr Cnnla• f 13AD T, LOCUS MOD Assessor's Map 87 Parcels M3 & M226 Assessor's Map 88 Parcel 8237 Zone Industrial Setback Requirements: Front 30' Side 10, Rear 30' Allowable Building Coverage 35X Lot Size 772,861 Se - Building Area 118,580 SF (Existing) 151,884 SF (Proposed) 270,464 SF TOTAL Lot Coverage 270,454 X f00X=35.Y 772,861 Building Height 35' Max 35' Provided 1.J Spaces Per Empleyve Per Shift Estimated No. Of Employees Per Shift = 6 No. Of Spaces Provided = 125 (Including 4 Handicap Spaces) oposed Slte Coveraae TYPE AREA MQ Building 270,464 35. OX Paving 163,060 21.1X Altered Open Space 223,786 29.OX Woodland 115 551 14.9X 43.9X Total Open Space Total 772,861 100.OA The Lookup Cape Cod Assoa C83043 Flood Insurance Rate Mao Locus Lies Wlthln flood Zone - C Panel 1 250015 0004C Legend Proposed 2' Caliper Tree Proposed Evergreen s Proposed Light Pole �x Proposed Handicap Spaces Proposed Carpool Spaces R General Notes I) 7h1s Plan Is For Permitting Purposes Only And Not To Be Used For Construction. Z Existing Conditions Shown Hereon Were Compiled From 'As Built' Plan Of Land In South Yarmouth, Massachusetts For Whlte's Path Real Estate Trust, By Thomas E Kelle) Professional Land Surveyor Dated 9/21/90 And Additional field Work Performed By A.M. Wilson Associates Ina 3) Underground Ufllltles Corridor Contains Gas, Telephone, Water, And Electrla Location Of All UfAifies To Be Vertfied In The field Prior To Construction. Revisions: a►t£ Dray guildirn Relocate Drainage Basin Existin S F 4/15/92 Aad Landscape Antes 118,580 � 1 1 Proposed Catch Basins 010 – 1116 To Be 1 Double Grated. Certificate Of Title 1103017 Project 'ntie: 1 Wareh o u s e 1 --12' Wide x J60' Long x 4' Thick Path Concrete Pad To Replace 1 Existing 8' IWde Concrete Pad PREPAM F0F (See Sheet 5) Real Estate Trust I &Z / MST, f� R, C,A.M. Vlson P JOLLY �T CIVIL No. 35ESS1r / 911 uchn Street n / ostwaelk 02,655 ill / Drawing Title: / And / Plan Scale: 10= 60' 0 60 120 150 FEET O *0 Dwg No: ^ J J I Sheet 1 of 6 r Check: QP.4 000 Job No: 205650 O� 000 is , N �Loa N Zfi O sed 1 ,O Pr Proposed 374 Riprap (See Sheet 5) Proposed Bituminous Pavement With Berm Existing Chainlink Fence To Be Maintained N/f" Commonwealth Of Massachusetts (Rallroad) Proposed Evergreen Screening (See Landscape NoteMl) Proposed W South Yarmouth mar IVe,f4n S Rood Route 6 efil es Path eta C�tral a/road •.` P `rr Cnnla• f 13AD T, LOCUS MOD Assessor's Map 87 Parcels M3 & M226 Assessor's Map 88 Parcel 8237 Zone Industrial Setback Requirements: Front 30' Side 10, Rear 30' Allowable Building Coverage 35X Lot Size 772,861 Se - Building Area 118,580 SF (Existing) 151,884 SF (Proposed) 270,464 SF TOTAL Lot Coverage 270,454 X f00X=35.Y 772,861 Building Height 35' Max 35' Provided 1.J Spaces Per Empleyve Per Shift Estimated No. Of Employees Per Shift = 6 No. Of Spaces Provided = 125 (Including 4 Handicap Spaces) oposed Slte Coveraae TYPE AREA MQ Building 270,464 35. OX Paving 163,060 21.1X Altered Open Space 223,786 29.OX Woodland 115 551 14.9X 43.9X Total Open Space Total 772,861 100.OA The Lookup Cape Cod Assoa C83043 Flood Insurance Rate Mao Locus Lies Wlthln flood Zone - C Panel 1 250015 0004C Legend Proposed 2' Caliper Tree Proposed Evergreen s Proposed Light Pole �x Proposed Handicap Spaces Proposed Carpool Spaces R General Notes I) 7h1s Plan Is For Permitting Purposes Only And Not To Be Used For Construction. Z Existing Conditions Shown Hereon Were Compiled From 'As Built' Plan Of Land In South Yarmouth, Massachusetts For Whlte's Path Real Estate Trust, By Thomas E Kelle) Professional Land Surveyor Dated 9/21/90 And Additional field Work Performed By A.M. Wilson Associates Ina 3) Underground Ufllltles Corridor Contains Gas, Telephone, Water, And Electrla Location Of All UfAifies To Be Vertfied In The field Prior To Construction. Revisions: a►t£ Dray 4/09/92 Change Mounds Relocate Drainage Basin Add Riprap 4/15/92 Aad Landscape Antes 5/1552 Landscape Note !ia References: Land Court Case 31209 Certificate Of 77t1e 197546 Certlflcate Of 77t/e 197943 Certificate Of Title 1103017 Project 'ntie: Coliseum Wareh o u s e 225 White's Path Sou th Yarm o u th, Ma. PREPAM F0F Whlte's Path Real Estate Trust I &Z SHOF4l4; . .., MST, f� R, C,A.M. Vlson P JOLLY �T CIVIL No. 35ESS1r Inc. TEPk°,� 911 uchn Street n q 1Utq /i ostwaelk 02,655 ill 508-428-1450 Drawing Title: Parking And L an dscap e Plan Scale: 10= 60' 0 60 120 150 FEET Date: Jan. 10, 1992 Dwg No: ^ J J I Sheet 1 of 6 Design: CP.&LdVS. Check: QP.4 Drawn: #LV.a Job No: 205650 I Finished Floor 36.46 MANHOLE AND COVER BROUGHT \ TO FINISHED GRADE / 1,500 Cal. H-20 Loading SEPTIC TANK FINISH GRADE TO BE INSTALLED ON A �-LEVEL do STABLE BASE. - 4" P. V. C. (TTP) ;T TWO FEET !!Z LAID LEVEL 33' i0l ft/ft SYSTEM PROFILE - NOT TO SCALE - BOTTOM EL = JI.80 NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES 600 Gallon INCURRED AS A RESULT OF UTILITIES LEACHING PIT OMITTED OR INACCURATELY SHOWN. 2' Stone 10' Min. Tank -81d BEFORE PLANNING FUTURE CONNEC- W/ 1TIONS, THE APPROPRIATE PUBLIC ENGI- 0' Min. Leach Pit -B/d 20' Min. Leach Pit -Leach Pit NEERDEPARTMENT SHALL BE AG CONTACTED AND THE PROPOSED UTILITY WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED. DIG SAFE NUMBER 1-800-322-4844. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING ALL DEMOLITION, REMOVAL AND LAWFUL DISPOSAL OF ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. .-Jtlfity P,!e C,gPE H/GH _ Relocated S/ �� �O, / `F Lr9ht pafe9n - catch ting) V L+ tet t` Bosln (� Gos liaOch �> ^Tel Pe,y 1, ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE COM- 5. LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE MONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, -MANHOLE AND COVER BROUGHT DEPARTMENT PE PUBLIC WORKS, 'STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGH - TO FINISHED GRADE WAYS AND BRIDGES', 1988 EDITION, AND FlED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR LATEST AMENDMENTS UNLESS LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. OTHERWISE NOTED. 225 2. DO NOT SCALE PLANS 2' LAYER OF PEASTONE Proposed Drain Line (see Note 28) D ENGINEER AND RECEIVE WRITTEN 3. WHILE WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF AN P . EXISTING UTILITY, REFER TO THE FOL- 3/4• - 1 1/2• WASHED STONE LOWING; ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN WERE COMPILED ACCORDING TO 26. FOR .DRAIN MANHOLE COVER, DESIGN AVAILABLE RECORD PLANS OM THE 35' VAR( US UTILITY COMPANIES AND AND PUBLIC AGENCIES 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. VIDING DUST CONTROL FOR ALL EXCAVA- SEE CHAPTER 370, ACTS OF 1963, MASSA- THE WORD 'DRAIN' CENTERED ON THE CHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS. WE ASSUME BOTTOM EL = JI.80 NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES 600 Gallon INCURRED AS A RESULT OF UTILITIES LEACHING PIT OMITTED OR INACCURATELY SHOWN. 2' Stone 10' Min. Tank -81d BEFORE PLANNING FUTURE CONNEC- W/ 1TIONS, THE APPROPRIATE PUBLIC ENGI- 0' Min. Leach Pit -B/d 20' Min. Leach Pit -Leach Pit NEERDEPARTMENT SHALL BE AG CONTACTED AND THE PROPOSED UTILITY WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED. DIG SAFE NUMBER 1-800-322-4844. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING ALL DEMOLITION, REMOVAL AND LAWFUL DISPOSAL OF ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. .-Jtlfity P,!e C,gPE H/GH _ Relocated S/ �� �O, / `F Lr9ht pafe9n - catch ting) V L+ tet t` Bosln (� Gos liaOch �> ^Tel Pe,y /�r •.vrergafe /���j Propood S Ea 660 , Ftotdo lY/der 1 Existing Septic System �£x/st/n9 "1'a'ronf ITh 1 Taken From Plans Of 1 o o Record And To Be 1 a 1 1�Malntained. Existing 4 Leaching Pits pJA C81 �4u 11W .. R=43.20 o z Existing 0 -Box / o m 1=40.70 m� �> j° / �• 0 i Proposed CBs 3-9 Are 1 o w `' c� / / o Existing Leaching Catch Basins !� m 1 - o Existing Oean Out / QTest Wel! Which Are To Be Replaced W y m s o With Solid Catch Basins �y �' N n / / n ® .... o CBs 1� o , `1� m -A / / / / / c \ _ M o / Existing Drainage Spouts To , 1 CBJ R=41.35 , o_ 1 600 Gat Leach. Pit (7yo%cc) o 1 R=41.28 1=38.85 m 0 / Subsurface Leaching To Remain I j 1=38.45 1 o D DMH9 r2i o_ o I=38.37 �� o Existing Septic Tank J R=40'0 G /=1754 Ei g p / -` 1=38.00 B/d S= 01 1=36 6 I=J792 O O. -C64 w Idol \ 1 a ! 3 - Stone Trench r R=41.02 Frees CB7 0 \ dv d 1 0�l I 152'1 x 10'w x 5'd =38.04` W T Mid -Cape Raquet Clubs R=40.87 er a I , I (See Derail Sheet 5) =37.96 ,/=38.38 CB6 ~ Transform , 1 J, ©D 1 DMHS 1 _ \ c __ ec.H R=40.0 D 1-3759 R= 1 0 1 \ a m. 1 1=J6.92 Bid lT J6.7t I p C103t717 RB4r.7 0 vim. o l 2,.{C'�.S�x (EXistme) *t ` i I I=J7.6 4� ` J it \ 0 3 , I N 1=37.61 1 / CB81 A x \ � 0 1 1 Proposed 2000 Gal. . ` ` \ L , DMH7 R=1770 R=40.0 i On Seperator W/ x i_�. .,1=35.20 Aft Existing Leaching Pits And Catch 1 >, I=36.84 �. o_ \ 1=38.0 B/d H l-16.7 Baffle . \ i W Basins Are To Be Filled Copped 1=37.10 12� T1 b R=42.5 !:r_ And Paved Over Unless Otherwise 1=3702 1=37.31x i 0- m Noted. - z_ ,n d 1=37.14 Exist. Hydr t C89 0 1 x �� 8° IW c 3 R=J7 70 ro m 1 _ g W em Chaim""k \ r=J4.98 1 Addition m l=34.89 `� n.. ILO; T2 fdon \l ; Pio o1e884 5.F• FO^C6„y °t°' `% \- m z 1 5 b The Lockup Cape Cod svi'9 c~,Conc. r O �S.iFn C830431=36.26 g 3 pad o tin0CrrdorN a = xI85 g ` a DMH6 C510 O ` m P=40.0 0 O o o a , 1=38.00 Bid v i R=37.65 J4.44 a l D £0 1 m m .� 1=1792 Q r=J4.J6 o a u 1 m m 7 C611 R=37t 1V FIV i I=J4.09:. b m o Proposed Catch Basins #10 - #16 D I=J4.001* o M M To Be Double Grated 1 N Proposed dD00 Gal. O 3 ' \ O% Se® eratdl_ W offle Rim=78 _ O o o 1 �-Existing Hydrant I 3 \ o_w 1 1 Test Well 1 1 1=32.J9 c 1=32.12'. D D }1,38 CB12 m m rc!e'--i ��� e9e a e 300 R 32.5? rcinciP " anr Archi{ect roPasee Basin //� 1=12.44 C813 xi..tir9 R -c ���� _ e Verlfed BY Dralnog R=J7:65 E ! Are To B H5 Exlsting Hydrant I=7286 \ �� grains DM_4GL' 1=3 .78 �a -'i ' o x Locations Of Root RMH4 -00 1 3� E�veld _ 0 1= All Outlets Into Basins l0 m =; DMH3 11 3� 92 1s3' 28.2 TO BLDG. COR. To Have Erosion Protection CB I4 0 ` A R,37.5 Bld I% Proposed 6' Cholnlink (See Sheet 5) R=3765 o O 3 `_ D =37 8 d 1y31 58 Fence ® Elev. J70 0 0 R 325 8l 1�3 5p \� 1=1320 _ / 1=13.12 N: l O D� o j�31.990 31.50 • D� 0>0 H1 1.31-9 O 00" •A o in R$37.80 Bid_ a Manholes % i s 1=37.27 0815 to m 1,32-5 2 t Droinc t .� tic 1=37.19 R=3765 Z. a 1,32• ed Roo / s!: SepAbcve) 1=33.54 CB16 C) Pro °s I D C818 x�. ProFF� hee R=37.65 / Ys Stone Leaching Trench Diesel /=33.46 _ p if R=37.50 1=31.18 / i Dump n J=3388 D I=3500 o W/600 Gal. Leaching Pit S,. 1=31.10 i 78'! x 10'w x 5'd D 12� (See Sheet 5) 1 Existing -D 2' i o 1=30.98 I I 3y (To Be Maaintained) ov \m CB, 7 i 1=30.90 ' m R=3750 / i t--2 Stone Lead; Trenches o f o 1=34.61 i W/600 Gal. Le:r`ing Pit 1=34.53 i 927 x 10'w x 5'd (See Sheet 5; 20' Water Easement W/12' Alcan VIENCHMARK 7EX Barad Found E/ev.w401,98' N/F Commonwealth Of Massachusetts (Railroad) 18. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 5. LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES ARE 12. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL EXIS- APPROXIMATE ONLY AND ARE TO BE VERT- SHALL HAVE A DIAMOND PATERN WITH TING DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING UTILITY FlED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PAVED OR LANDSCAPED SURFACES. ALL LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 225 REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE 6. Proposed Drain Line (see Note 28) D ENGINEER AND RECEIVE WRITTEN THE UTILITY COMPANIES MUST BE NOTI- LA246 OR APPROVED EQUAL INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. FlED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT LEAST 48 THE OWNER SHALL DESIGNATE AREAS 26. FOR .DRAIN MANHOLE COVER, DESIGN HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 13. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PRO - 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE VIDING DUST CONTROL FOR ALL EXCAVA- ASSEMBLED. NO STORAGE AREAS BEYOND THE WORD 'DRAIN' CENTERED ON THE TION AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS BY FOR MAINTAINING ADEQUATE RECORDS THOSE INDICATED BY THE OWNER SHALL SPRINKLING WATER OVER THE AFFECTED OF THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL 0 60 120 1 0 FEET AREAS. NO OTHER METHOD SHALL BE WORK INSTALLED. Desi n: CP.d dVB. - APPROVED. 8. ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, AND GAS UTILITY 14 AT THE COMPLETION OF HIS OPERATIONS, SIZES, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOR CLEANING THE SITE, INCLUDING ALL REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, OF ANY CONSTRUC- PLANNING BOARDD AND REVIEWED AND 28. ALL DRAIN PIPE (12", 18", 24') TO BE TION RELATED DEBRIS. APPROVED BY APPROPRIATE UTILITY LEACHING AREA AND BACKFILL WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CLASS 4 COMPANIES. 15. ALL FINISHED SURFACES SHALL BE GRADED 9. WATER PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS AND SMOOTHLY AND EVENLY. THE ACTUAL WATER PRESSURE TO BE 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE PROVIDED AT THE BUILDING SHALL BE STORM DRAIN LINES AND SEWER LINES, FOR MAINTAINING AND PROTECTING ALL DETERMINED BY OTHERS. COMPLETED OR ONGOING WORK. ANY 10. AN EIGHTEEN (18) INCH MINIMUM VERTI- DAMAGE TO WORK SHALL BE REPLACED CAL SEPERATION MUST BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO A QUALITY BETWEEN WATER LINES AND SEWER THAT BOTH JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR FROM EQUIVALENT TO OR BETTER THAN THE LINES. IN ADDITION, ONE FULL LENGTH OF EXISTING WORK AT THE CONTRACTOR'S WATER MAN MUST BE CENTERED ON ONE OWN EXPENSE FULL LENGTH OF SEWER LINE SO THAT 17, ALL SAWCUTS SHALL BE MADE CLEAN ALL JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR FROM THE WITH FINISHED SURFACES. AND ALONG LINES SO INDICATED ON THE SEWER AS POSSIBLE 24. DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGE TO THE SURFACES ADJA- 11. AT ALL POINTS OF INTERSECTION OF CENT TO SAWCUT EDGES WHEREVER THE WATER LINES AND SEWER LINES, BOTH THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN BY LEBARON ADJACENT WORK IS TO REMAIN. PIPES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF CUSS MODEL 246. THE FRAMES SHALL PROVIDE A 150 PRESSURE PIPE AND ARE TO BE PRE- SSURE TESTED TO ASSURE WATERTIGHT- Setback Requirements: Provided /�r •.vrergafe /���j Propood S Ea 660 , Ftotdo lY/der 1 Existing Septic System �£x/st/n9 "1'a'ronf ITh 1 Taken From Plans Of 1 o o Record And To Be 1 a 1 1�Malntained. Existing 4 Leaching Pits pJA C81 �4u 11W .. R=43.20 o z Existing 0 -Box / o m 1=40.70 m� �> j° / �• 0 i Proposed CBs 3-9 Are 1 o w `' c� / / o Existing Leaching Catch Basins !� m 1 - o Existing Oean Out / QTest Wel! Which Are To Be Replaced W y m s o With Solid Catch Basins �y �' N n / / n ® .... o CBs 1� o , `1� m -A / / / / / c \ _ M o / Existing Drainage Spouts To , 1 CBJ R=41.35 , o_ 1 600 Gat Leach. Pit (7yo%cc) o 1 R=41.28 1=38.85 m 0 / Subsurface Leaching To Remain I j 1=38.45 1 o D DMH9 r2i o_ o I=38.37 �� o Existing Septic Tank J R=40'0 G /=1754 Ei g p / -` 1=38.00 B/d S= 01 1=36 6 I=J792 O O. -C64 w Idol \ 1 a ! 3 - Stone Trench r R=41.02 Frees CB7 0 \ dv d 1 0�l I 152'1 x 10'w x 5'd =38.04` W T Mid -Cape Raquet Clubs R=40.87 er a I , I (See Derail Sheet 5) =37.96 ,/=38.38 CB6 ~ Transform , 1 J, ©D 1 DMHS 1 _ \ c __ ec.H R=40.0 D 1-3759 R= 1 0 1 \ a m. 1 1=J6.92 Bid lT J6.7t I p C103t717 RB4r.7 0 vim. o l 2,.{C'�.S�x (EXistme) *t ` i I I=J7.6 4� ` J it \ 0 3 , I N 1=37.61 1 / CB81 A x \ � 0 1 1 Proposed 2000 Gal. . ` ` \ L , DMH7 R=1770 R=40.0 i On Seperator W/ x i_�. .,1=35.20 Aft Existing Leaching Pits And Catch 1 >, I=36.84 �. o_ \ 1=38.0 B/d H l-16.7 Baffle . \ i W Basins Are To Be Filled Copped 1=37.10 12� T1 b R=42.5 !:r_ And Paved Over Unless Otherwise 1=3702 1=37.31x i 0- m Noted. - z_ ,n d 1=37.14 Exist. Hydr t C89 0 1 x �� 8° IW c 3 R=J7 70 ro m 1 _ g W em Chaim""k \ r=J4.98 1 Addition m l=34.89 `� n.. ILO; T2 fdon \l ; Pio o1e884 5.F• FO^C6„y °t°' `% \- m z 1 5 b The Lockup Cape Cod svi'9 c~,Conc. r O �S.iFn C830431=36.26 g 3 pad o tin0CrrdorN a = xI85 g ` a DMH6 C510 O ` m P=40.0 0 O o o a , 1=38.00 Bid v i R=37.65 J4.44 a l D £0 1 m m .� 1=1792 Q r=J4.J6 o a u 1 m m 7 C611 R=37t 1V FIV i I=J4.09:. b m o Proposed Catch Basins #10 - #16 D I=J4.001* o M M To Be Double Grated 1 N Proposed dD00 Gal. O 3 ' \ O% Se® eratdl_ W offle Rim=78 _ O o o 1 �-Existing Hydrant I 3 \ o_w 1 1 Test Well 1 1 1=32.J9 c 1=32.12'. D D }1,38 CB12 m m rc!e'--i ��� e9e a e 300 R 32.5? rcinciP " anr Archi{ect roPasee Basin //� 1=12.44 C813 xi..tir9 R -c ���� _ e Verlfed BY Dralnog R=J7:65 E ! Are To B H5 Exlsting Hydrant I=7286 \ �� grains DM_4GL' 1=3 .78 �a -'i ' o x Locations Of Root RMH4 -00 1 3� E�veld _ 0 1= All Outlets Into Basins l0 m =; DMH3 11 3� 92 1s3' 28.2 TO BLDG. COR. To Have Erosion Protection CB I4 0 ` A R,37.5 Bld I% Proposed 6' Cholnlink (See Sheet 5) R=3765 o O 3 `_ D =37 8 d 1y31 58 Fence ® Elev. J70 0 0 R 325 8l 1�3 5p \� 1=1320 _ / 1=13.12 N: l O D� o j�31.990 31.50 • D� 0>0 H1 1.31-9 O 00" •A o in R$37.80 Bid_ a Manholes % i s 1=37.27 0815 to m 1,32-5 2 t Droinc t .� tic 1=37.19 R=3765 Z. a 1,32• ed Roo / s!: SepAbcve) 1=33.54 CB16 C) Pro °s I D C818 x�. ProFF� hee R=37.65 / Ys Stone Leaching Trench Diesel /=33.46 _ p if R=37.50 1=31.18 / i Dump n J=3388 D I=3500 o W/600 Gal. Leaching Pit S,. 1=31.10 i 78'! x 10'w x 5'd D 12� (See Sheet 5) 1 Existing -D 2' i o 1=30.98 I I 3y (To Be Maaintained) ov \m CB, 7 i 1=30.90 ' m R=3750 / i t--2 Stone Lead; Trenches o f o 1=34.61 i W/600 Gal. Le:r`ing Pit 1=34.53 i 927 x 10'w x 5'd (See Sheet 5; 20' Water Easement W/12' Alcan VIENCHMARK 7EX Barad Found E/ev.w401,98' N/F Commonwealth Of Massachusetts (Railroad) 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO HIS UTMOST 25. FOR SEWER MANHOLE COVER, DESIGN t� Existing Hytfrant (None Proposed) References: TO PREVENT THE TRACKING OF SOIL INTO SHALL HAVE A DIAMOND PATERN WITH ^ Existing Leaching Catch Basin `•X Certificate Of Title #103017 PAVED OR LANDSCAPED SURFACES. ALL THE WORD 'SEWER' CENTERED ON THE Proposed Double Grated Basin CB15 225 SUCH TRACKING SHALL BE CLEANED AT COVER IN 3 -INCH HIGH LETTERS, LEBARON Proposed Drain Line (see Note 28) D Yarmouth, THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN EXPENSE. LA246 OR APPROVED EQUAL White's Path 19. THE OWNER SHALL DESIGNATE AREAS 26. FOR .DRAIN MANHOLE COVER, DESIGN k �•i r.R.n�J�y �ti � t�►ry � A.M. fI11.4on 4, ` nL WHERE MATERIALS MAY BE STORED AND SHALL HAVE A DIAMOND PATTERN WITH 911 ASSEMBLED. NO STORAGE AREAS BEYOND THE WORD 'DRAIN' CENTERED ON THE 508-428-1450 Drawing Title: THOSE INDICATED BY THE OWNER SHALL COVER IN 3 -INCH HIGH LETTERS. LE13ARON Scale: 1'= 60' +...+ 0 60 120 1 0 FEET BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO COM- LA246 OR APPROVED EQUAL Desi n: CP.d dVB. - Check: CP.J PLETE HIS OPERATIONS. 27' SINGLE CATCH BASIN FRAME AND GRATE 20. WASHED CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE FREE SHALL BE LEBARON LF246 OR APPROVED OF ALL DIRT, DUST AND FINES. EQUAL. 21. EXCAVATE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IN 28. ALL DRAIN PIPE (12", 18", 24') TO BE LEACHING AREA AND BACKFILL WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE -CLASS 4 CLEAN GRAVEL OR COARSE SAND. OR SMOOTH INTERIOR POLYETHYLENE 22. AT ALL POINTS OF INTERSECTION BETWEEN (HANCOR HI -Q OR APPROVED EQUAL) STORM DRAIN LINES AND SEWER LINES, ONE FULL LENGTH OF SEWER UNE MUST BE CENTERED OVER THE DRAIN LINE SO THAT BOTH JOINTS WILL BE AS FAR FROM THE DRAIN AS POSSIBLE- OSSIBLE23. 23. RIM ELEVATIONS SHALL REMAIN FLUSH WITH FINISHED SURFACES. 24. ROUND MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS SHALL BE CAST IRON MANUFACTURED TO THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN BY LEBARON Zone Jndustrlal MODEL 246. THE FRAMES SHALL PROVIDE A 24 -INCH DIAMETER CLEAR OPENING. Setback Requirements: Provided Front 30' 32.7' Side 10' 28.2' Rear 30' 87.0' Allowable Building Coverage 35X Lot Size 772,861 SF Building Area 118,580 SF (Existing) 151,884 SF (Proposed) 270,464 SF DOTAL Flood Insurance Rate Mav Locus Lies Within Rood Zone - C Panel # 250015 0004C Design now. Dew]2a Anabgls Title V For FactoryAndustria/ Plant 15 GPD/Person x 30 Person=450 GPD Septic Tank Requirement: 450 GPD x 150% - 675 Gal. Use 1,500 Gal. Tank Leaching Facility Requirements.- equirements:450 450GPD Based On Perc < 2 Min./Inch Use Sidewall Inflltration Of 2.5 Gals. F Bottom InfiRration Of 1.0 Gal. SF Leaching Facility Provided: 2 - 600 Gallon Pits W/2' Stone Eft. Depth = 3.5' Side = 3.5' x 27T5'- 110 SF x 2.5 Gal./SF-275 GPD Bottom = 11(5) = 78.5 SF x 1.0 Gal./SF-78.5 GPD 353.5 GPD Total = 353.5 GPD x 2 Pits = 707 GPD Notes Exlsting Conditions Shown Hereon Were Compiled From 'As Built' Plan Of Land In South Yarmouth, Massachusetts For White's Path Real Estate Trust, By Thomas E. Kelley Professional Land Surveyor Dated 9/21/90 And Additional Reld Work Performed By A.M. Wilson Associates IRC. Underground Utilities Corridor Contains Gas, Telephone, Water, And Electric. Location Of All Utilities To Be Verified In The Field Prior To Construction. Revisions: Existing Watergate Legend tt 4/09/92 Add Leaching Trenches t� Existing Hytfrant (None Proposed) References: Existing Leaching Pit ° Certificate Of Title 197546 ^ Existing Leaching Catch Basin `•X Certificate Of Title #103017 Proposed Catch Basin C66 J Coliseum Proposed Double Grated Basin CB15 225 Proposed Drainage Manhole Path Proposed Drain Line (see Note 28) D Notes Exlsting Conditions Shown Hereon Were Compiled From 'As Built' Plan Of Land In South Yarmouth, Massachusetts For White's Path Real Estate Trust, By Thomas E. Kelley Professional Land Surveyor Dated 9/21/90 And Additional Reld Work Performed By A.M. Wilson Associates IRC. Underground Utilities Corridor Contains Gas, Telephone, Water, And Electric. Location Of All Utilities To Be Verified In The Field Prior To Construction. Revisions: DATE DFSC11111p7m 4/09/92 Add Leaching Trenches Revise Drainage Basin References: Land Court Case 31209 Certificate Of Title 197546 Cert/flcate Of Title 197943 Certificate Of Title #103017 Project Title: Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarmouth, Mo. PIRWAR D FM White's Path Real Estate Trust I &Z k �•i r.R.n�J�y �ti � t�►ry � A.M. fI11.4on 4, ` nL r rn Associates 1" Inc. 911 Yafi Street #1,110 Oster !e/AIA 02855 508-428-1450 Drawing Title: Utility Plan Scale: 1'= 60' +...+ 0 60 120 1 0 FEET Date: Jan. 16, 1992 Dwg No: Sheet 2 o 6 Desi n: CP.d dVB. - Check: CP.J Drawn: J. VB. Job No: 20565.0 rExs "ID 0'4PE H/G _ - 44gtJ HSA Y _ RFU �f Test Well - Mid—Cape Raquet Club C103017 'h 44. \\ \ k�1 __ - 44:2 Prop 47.O0-- ---c — — . S (60 t wall -47— k 14 =` r Fc , �`£x/sting yet Pad. - a m - - E?7sting-4 Leaching -Pits — — a• ° CB1�: v O Existing D -Box ' Rim=43.21 m — o — — — _ Q''— awcuf Existing 3 Ede Of Pavement-,,, 9m OO Existing l a2—Pr ��d lJCB41 35 _ Existing Septic Tank 1 4r R1T� 1 1CB3 m_41.28' I 1 i c94 Rim�41.02 er 41 � � �m�0 Tran 1 � Oec. / h Rim�4067 i6 (Existing) w \ % I 3770 r 1 / Rim' 1 I 40.6* E St. Hydra s I Sr 70 i I �,,d B9J:37. \\ .I ed AdditjOn 1 l �; W/Z 1 \\ \ i P�0 51,88 S FI°°/ Eley 1 I Fy1+9 Gateso I l 1 1 t Fin �` BLjildin 11 °{Ch' Eris 3 xistin onL Pad C \ \ istin 58� 5.F EX 1 5 \ j18, E1 ,q.2.2 i m I Rim= T In. F1' 1 11 1 GB10 m F ` 0 0. I 1 ; K11'' 1 f j I Call I II I 0 1 12' Wide x 360' Long x 4' Thick 1 ® 37.6 Concrete Pad To Replace Existing 1 I Test Wei I I ce 2 ® 8' Wide Concrete Pad (See Sheet 5) I \ I I Or used si , O 1 X37"65 0 I Rim 3y 30" 1 CB13 £x{sting Hydrant I J l �37.65 I o I ' e Proposed 6' Chainiink Io RC1314— Fence ® Elev. 37.0 1 / \ 1 / \ SawEut Existing I / .. %%"a^S^°1c' \x._42.2 Edge Of Pavemen 37.65RIM a �� \ \na OP D I ' i . I ° used LOSeP1 / P _ � Q aid 1 � I rep � p1�mP c 7e 0 /� %/ // i AP 818 Rem=37.5 '�X 37.6 Rim=37.5 \ \ Rim= 916 CB17 i �: 38 �4.0 -- -- 45.0 4.11 �A BENCHMARK TEK Bound Found E7evm40.98' N/F' Commonwealth Of Massachusetts (Rallrload) �3UN "� 1992 Hydrant TO BLDG. COR. L.VVLIQF MMM Assessor's Map 87 Parcels M3 tic M226 Assessor's Map 88 Parcel 8237 Zone Industrie! Setback Requirements: Provided Front 30' 327' Side 10' 2a2' I Rear 30' 87.0' Allowable Building Coverage 35X Lot Size 772,861 SF Building Area 118,580 SF (Existing) 225 151,884 SF (Proposed) Path 270,464 SF TOTAL Lot Coverage 270,464 X f00.'�35X 72 Building Height 35' Max 35' Provided Park 1.Spaces Per Employee Per Shift Estimated No. Of Employees Per Shift = 6 No. Of Spaces Provided = 125 (Including 4 Handicap Spaces) Flood Insurance Rate Map Locus Lies Within flood Zone — C Panel 1250015 0004C Cod Assoc Legend Existing Contours - Proposed Contours —� Proposed Spot Vev. 37.50 Proposed Catch Basin 1 J CB Proposed Double Catch Basin p CB Existing Conditions Hereon Were Compiled From 'As Built' Plan Of Land In South Yarmouth, Massachusetts For Whife's Path Real Estate Trust, By Thomas E. Kelle' Professional Land Surveyvr Dated 9/21/90 And Additional field Work Performed By A.M. Wilson Associates Ina See Sheet 2 For Construction Notes This Plan Is For Permitting Purposes Only And Not To Be Used For Construction. Revisions: DALE DE71of! 4/09/92 Relocate Planted Mounds (South) Relocate Drainage Basin, Add Riprop 4/15/92 Add Mounds To N.E. Comer References: Land Court Case 31209 Certificate Of 77tle 197546 Certificate Of 77t/e #97943 Certificate Of Title #103017 Project Title: Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarm o u th, Ma. PREPAM FM White's Path Real Estate Trust I &-Y 'rc+ tiN A.M. Wilson `P.JXY Associates y 9,1',MRr,a �, t Inc.911 Main �a 09tw"de/1dA�026 5 508-428-1450 Drawing Title- itle:Grading Grading Plan Scale: 1'= 60' 0 60 120 150 FEET Date: Jan. 16, 1992 Dwg No: ^ v` Sheet 3 of 6 Design: C.P.J. J. V.B. Check: C.P.J. Drawn: J.V.B. Job No: 2.056.5:0 Revisions: DATE DC er"OH References: Land Court Case 31209 Certificate Of Title 197546 Certificate Of rtle #97943 Certificate Of rifle 1103017 Project Title: Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarm o u th, Ma. PREPARED iM White's Path Real Estate Trust I &Z HoF+k�,�c. A.M. ��/iISDn 2 CHPUSTOP44Eq sN ►►�P. 61VIL Associates No. 35&54Y Inc. F 911 MOM Street OstervEle/AIA 02655 508-428-1450 Drawing Title: PRELIMINARY Exis tin g Conditions Plan Scale: 1'= 60' 0 60 120 150 FEET Date: Jan. 16, 1992 Dwg No- o:Desi S4 Sheet 4 of 6 Design: n: Check: Drawn: .LY.B. Job No: 205650 PIPE SIZE VARIES 12:' 18" SEE SHEET 2 T I' MIN. • 'so. Of' �1-� AND GRATE (TU BE SET IN FULL BEDOF MORTAR) --BRICK LFVEUNG COURSE AS REQUIRED ron GRADE ADJUSTMENT (2 MIN. -5 MAX.) L} ,1 ... rRowDE 'v" orENlrac y7 MORTAR ALL JOINTS ',•I LNORMAL I ,; \-PIPE SIZE VARIES WATER is LEVEL IN sump 3' SUMP..} (ALUMN SEE DIETUM TRAP 1 MIN. 61 I PRECAST CONCREIE CATCH BASIN H20 WITH ALUMINUM TRAP — NOT TO SCALE — . � FINISHED GRADE EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1-1/`1 TOP COURSE 2-1/2" BINDER COURSE _ BITUMINOUS ,a 2 CONCRETE BERM 4.�.o'Pey.�o i•7v oY• .o Y. o 12♦ GRANULAR BASE is w w a 0. . e• s o COMPACTED SUBGRADE (SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL) BITUMINOUS CONCRETE BERM - NOT TO SCALE - 1 20' 4" TOPSOIL AND SEED 4 GRADE TO DRAIN I% SLOPE TO BLDG. 8"CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE / 7�_��� L COMPACTED SUBGRADE FIRE ACCESS LANE TYPICAL SECTION NTS FLARED ENO SECTICN - STONE RIP -RAP I (7;`PICALI I r 9"D•'A. MIN. PUCK SIZE 18."MIN. DEPTH ON 6 " SOTFUGNE VEL CY7 a4HED -'-------IC'-WIDE' OUTFALL—• I I PLAN VIEW OUTLET EROSION PROTECTION DETAIL NTS NEW ENGLAND REPROGRAPHICS 8 SUPPLY CO. 147976 SAW CUT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT.SEAL JOINTAT EDGE OF CONCRETE SLAB WITH AN APPROVED HOT POUR RUBBER ASPHALT JOINT SEALER. (TYP.) •: - 0„ I - . 4 I D 4 I I I i LII E. . l L LI_II E L_! T !� _ Et Ell �C \12'W06X 6"LEEP •1'-�l V2' '� L CDh'CPSE TeESxCABB(x1VcPnJ.6) OB S 45'I rsFLAN VIEW —;r NEENAH TURNPIKE INLET FRAME ANO DOUBLE GRATE ='- i !/�' OR ECIUAALENT FIrVSHED CP.ACE CONCRETE SLAB(TYP. ) I' MIN J =' = IO° FF.AME TC EE EET IN jl PUL'_ SED OF MCF.TAR y ` !PE SIZE VARIES I SEE SHEET 2 PROVIDE WV r OPENING Mly I.,.1 MORTAR ALL JCWTS 6:•-- SQUARE NOTE BRICK LEVELING COURSES MAY BE LISEC AS REQUIRED TO AWUSTFRANE;—I I I FFECAST CHAMBER d'X4� AND GRATE TO =" FINISHED GR.ME s, NO, OUTLET TO HAVE ALUMINUM -RAP. SEE DETAIL) CROSS SECTION VIEW A -A nnr ini P7 =PATF (-ATCH EASIN H2O PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN -� �— CEMENT MORTAR OUTLET PIPE SIZE VARIES 12" 18'; 24' SEE SHEET 2 CONCRETE CATCH BASIN `NITH.TRAP NOT TO SCALE i 2 OF 16 GA CORR. ALUM. PIPE £L BOW /�- (2) 1 1/2" DIA. HOLES CONTINUOUS WELD AT JOINT 16 GA CORR. - ALUM. PIPE LWPOW 2'-0. -_ L CATCH BASIN TRAP -NOT TO SCALE- EL. = 41.0 CANADIAN HEMLOCK 12'O.C. ALL AROUND PERIMITER- (UP 1PER LEVEL) 7 10U YR. FLOOD EL = 37.7 25 FLOOD EL. = 35.9 PROPOSED 6' CHAN LINK FENCE (LOWER LEVEL) EL.= 37.0 FINISHED GRADE TO TOPSOILED 6" AND SEEDED SLOPE (ARIES FROM 2:1(LOWER) BOTTOM WIDTH fi' COMPOST OR TOPSOIL TO 4 ((UPPER LEVE VARIES SEEDED TO ROUGH GRASSES NATURAL MEDIUM COARSE SAND AND NATIVE WOODY SHRUBS SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS SHEET 3 /C(�CTATCrI F'1F'1 A IA 1 w !ter n w nu . " MANHOLE FRAME & COVER FINISHED ROAD GRADE OR CAST IRON I GROUND SURFACE BTCK LEVELING COURSE r7�r FRAME TO BE wT'IN AS RECUIRED FOR GRADE FULL BED OF MOR:AR ADJJSDIENT (2 MIN. -5 MAX) MORTAR BED ' BRICK AS REQUIRED FRAME AND COVER TO ,�. ADJUST TO GRADE (6'- MAX) !"!SHED GRACE 2'-0'- 4'-0• FILTER FAEP.0 PEASTONE FILTER PRECAST CONC. TRANSITION MIRAFl 14CN 1R EQUAL LAYER (2') SECTIONS DESIGNED FOR H-20 LOADIND (MIN.) VARIES n:r a;:a' ° -> c-•-: ;:'••••:•- • ; CIA. VAF'ES 20" CIA, j -- CIA. •M91tS MULTIPLES OF 1'.2'.3'.4'. d'-18' 12"-18'• 5' k 6' RISER SECTIONS FILL MORTAR JOINTS INSIDE I N1AVAILA�•/ "�.. TH HYDRAULIC CEMENT BLE 4 _ (NON -SHRINKING MORTAR) PRECAST CONC. BARREL •. 3 , ' SECTIONS DAMPPROOF COATING TO BE / CLAM- ---� aCRUM_ APPLIED TO OUTER SURFACE •: SONE 4'-0" 3'•4' OR 4.5' PRECAST (WASHED(, .. CONC. BASE SECTIONS• PIPE SIZE VARIES , AVAILABLE � ' . SEE SHEET 2 . Pipe � S' M!n. 3/4" - 1 1/2' Crushed Stone' 10'-0" , TYPICAL PRECAST DRAIN MANHOLL ErECAST CON(= LFACH1NQPIT (boo GAL—) - NCT TO SCALE - �C�CsC��vLs� CUM' 8 1992' 2' PE/ LAYER VARIES 12" SLOTTED ALUM. PIPE 3'1 6' I 2' I 1 Live! � RIP RAP SECTION NTS EXISTING SIOPes To Be Planted a Covered With Erosion Control ASAP 38.0 �— HEMLOCKS PLANTED 12' O.C. ALONG TOP LEVEL SECTION. I A I ' DATE DESCRIPTION • •• "•/ 12'- 0' O E'O I O O 12' SLOTTED ALUMINUM PIPE KITH 00.' o ! o '- • . °3/4 1" X 4' SLOTS ON BOTH SIDES. - t-1/2' DA0•o WASHEj ". •° o STGIE. • 17'-0. -- • ° 'O I• o ° '-- -.- . 24" ALUMINUM �� FINISH GRADE OR EQUAL . .. ,• ` ' •• LAYER TRAP +'waLE� � \ • 2 • 1 0 o PRELIMINARY Details SEE DET � O D � D ♦ ♦ s Date: 1-16-92 10' L_._ 4.0' SECTION A - A Drawn: C.P.J. TYPICAL LEACHING TRENCH - NOT -0 S^..ALE - � 6' Conc. OUTLET 24" 70 BASIN Support Strop ' ; 24 •N 7-10 (t)p Ic°l) (SEETRDETAIL) 6'-0" 1 2 5-8 8 Y 4-0 Depth ugUID LEVEL ; /B,' CROSS SECTION VIEW NO, OF GALLONS 4000(H20) AND 2000* NOTE- DIMENSIONS FOR 2000 GAL. (111 /1IUATPP CFPFRAT R TANK ARE SHOWN WITH ASTERICK EL. = 41.0 CANADIAN HEMLOCK 12'O.C. ALL AROUND PERIMITER- (UP 1PER LEVEL) 7 10U YR. FLOOD EL = 37.7 25 FLOOD EL. = 35.9 PROPOSED 6' CHAN LINK FENCE (LOWER LEVEL) EL.= 37.0 FINISHED GRADE TO TOPSOILED 6" AND SEEDED SLOPE (ARIES FROM 2:1(LOWER) BOTTOM WIDTH fi' COMPOST OR TOPSOIL TO 4 ((UPPER LEVE VARIES SEEDED TO ROUGH GRASSES NATURAL MEDIUM COARSE SAND AND NATIVE WOODY SHRUBS SEE GRADING PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS SHEET 3 /C(�CTATCrI F'1F'1 A IA 1 w !ter n w nu . " MANHOLE FRAME & COVER FINISHED ROAD GRADE OR CAST IRON I GROUND SURFACE BTCK LEVELING COURSE r7�r FRAME TO BE wT'IN AS RECUIRED FOR GRADE FULL BED OF MOR:AR ADJJSDIENT (2 MIN. -5 MAX) MORTAR BED ' BRICK AS REQUIRED FRAME AND COVER TO ,�. ADJUST TO GRADE (6'- MAX) !"!SHED GRACE 2'-0'- 4'-0• FILTER FAEP.0 PEASTONE FILTER PRECAST CONC. TRANSITION MIRAFl 14CN 1R EQUAL LAYER (2') SECTIONS DESIGNED FOR H-20 LOADIND (MIN.) VARIES n:r a;:a' ° -> c-•-: ;:'••••:•- • ; CIA. VAF'ES 20" CIA, j -- CIA. •M91tS MULTIPLES OF 1'.2'.3'.4'. d'-18' 12"-18'• 5' k 6' RISER SECTIONS FILL MORTAR JOINTS INSIDE I N1AVAILA�•/ "�.. TH HYDRAULIC CEMENT BLE 4 _ (NON -SHRINKING MORTAR) PRECAST CONC. BARREL •. 3 , ' SECTIONS DAMPPROOF COATING TO BE / CLAM- ---� aCRUM_ APPLIED TO OUTER SURFACE •: SONE 4'-0" 3'•4' OR 4.5' PRECAST (WASHED(, .. CONC. BASE SECTIONS• PIPE SIZE VARIES , AVAILABLE � ' . SEE SHEET 2 . Pipe � S' M!n. 3/4" - 1 1/2' Crushed Stone' 10'-0" , TYPICAL PRECAST DRAIN MANHOLL ErECAST CON(= LFACH1NQPIT (boo GAL—) - NCT TO SCALE - �C�CsC��vLs� CUM' 8 1992' 2' PE/ LAYER VARIES 12" SLOTTED ALUM. PIPE 3'1 6' I 2' I 1 Live! � RIP RAP SECTION NTS EXISTING SIOPes To Be Planted a Covered With Erosion Control ASAP 38.0 �— HEMLOCKS PLANTED 12' O.C. ALONG TOP LEVEL SECTION. I A I ' DATE DESCRIPTION • •• "•/ :'11_717 FABRIC O E'O I O O 12' SLOTTED ALUMINUM PIPE KITH 00.' o ! o '- • . °3/4 1" X 4' SLOTS ON BOTH SIDES. - t-1/2' DA0•o WASHEj (NOTE SLOTTED PIPE TO BE LVD •° o STGIE. • LEVE WHEN BETWEEN LEACHING • ° 'O I• o ° PITS OTHERWISE PIPE IS TO BE A LArJ O .005 FT/FT SLOPE) Whites Path FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI 140N FINISH GRADE OR EQUAL . .. f 2" PEASTONE . LAYER o a +'waLE� � \ • Ostervilie/MA 02655 0 0 • o o , o o PRELIMINARY Details Scale: 1"= N.A. � O D � D ♦ ♦ s Date: 1-16-92 10' L_._ 4.0' SECTION A - A Drawn: C.P.J. TYPICAL LEACHING TRENCH - NOT -0 S^..ALE - Revisions: DATE DESCRIPTION 4-9-92 BASIN, LEACHING TRENCH RIP RAP, OIL/ WATER SEPERA70R References: Project Title: Coliseum Warehouse 225 White's Pa th Sou th Yarm o th, Ma. PREPARED FOR: Whites Path Real Estate Trust I &= f I SH OF CHRIS A.M. Wilson CIVIL m Associates U 9 •a y Inc. sfo_ +'waLE� � \ 911 Main Street Ostervilie/MA 02655 617-428-1450 Drawing Title: PRELIMINARY Details Scale: 1"= N.A. 0 FEET Date: 1-16-92 Dwg No: �� Sheet 5 of 6 Design: C.P.J. Check: Drawn: C.P.J. Job No: 2.0565.0 Revisions: DATE DESdtlPTiON References: Land Court Case 31209 Certificate Of 17fle 197546 Certlticate Of 77t/e 197943 Cert/frcate Of Title 1103017 Project Title: Coliseum Wareh ouse 225 White's Path Sou th Yarm o u th, Ma. PREPARED FOR: Whites Path Real Estate Trust I &Z A.M. Vilson Associates Inc. 911 Main Street 0stw&e/MA 02655 508-428-1450 Drawing Title: Compiled Plan Of -Land Scale: 1'— 60' 0 60 120 150 FEET Date: Jan: 16, 1992 Dwg No- o:Desi S6 Sheet 6 of 6. Design: rt Check: RAC Drawn: %t VB. Job No: 2.0565.0 i EAST EjLljv,,-MGN PRv^PcS ADDSi(iN �yti'�• 15 O 02�GiKAL �_:L�.NC+ i - y -T i PRv^PcS ADDSi(iN �yti'�• 15 02�GiKAL �_:L�.NC+