HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-A007 27 Longview Road Approved OKH°T Y TOWN OF YARMOUTH °x 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT C APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS DEC 1 3 2021 Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That APP I : Indicate type of Building:_ Commercial X Residential 1 Exterior Buildin Construction: New Buildin El Addition X Iterations X Rerf; IGa a � b cVED OShed F] Solar Panels Other: ___ 9 _ ___________ l)p 2) Exterior Painting: Siding Shutters -11 Coors X]Trim _00ther: ------ 3) Signs/Billboards: 0 New Si n Change to Existing Sign 4} Miscellaneous Structures: New Wall _aFlagpole Opool -00ther: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 27 LONGVIEW ROAD, YARMOUTHPORT JAN 1 1 2022 Map/Lot # 13719 Owner(s): KOSSACK_ROBERT & GRETCHEN __--- ----------- ---------- Phone #:508-272_2765 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 7 REDCOAT ROAD, SHREWSBURY MA. 01545 Year built: 1965 Email: GKOSSACK@GMAIL,COM 1& KOSSACK@GMAIL.COM _ Preferred notification method: __L__J— Phone __Email Agent/contractor: CHRIS CANNON AIA- ARCHITECT -- Phone #: 508-430_2200 —_ Mailing Address: _ BOX 201, CHATHAM MA. 02633 ------------ ----- —-------------- —_Lf�J ---i------ ------- Email: CCANNON@ARCH33.COM— ------- _ Preferred notification method: __ Phone -,__Email Description of Proposed Work: REMOVE EXISTING ROOF AND ADD SECOND FLOOR, RELOCATE 2 BEDROOMS TO SECOND FLOOR. ALTERATIONS AT FIRST FLOOR TO REMOVE BEDROOMS. NEW EXTERIOR FINISHES AS REQUIRED FOR CHANGES. NEW SLIDING DOORS AT WATER SIDE OF HOUSE AND EXPANSION OF SOME SIDE WINDOWS. _ h. 1 t�W V__ IRs. 12110/2021Signed (Owner or agent): — _—�—_ _'_. ____ Date: _ __— --------- — ➢ Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department, (Check other departments, also.) ➢ If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10 -day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. D All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: 12113/,A Amount L1 U+ 00 CashlCK #: Rcvd by: L_ 45 Days: Approved Reason for Denial: Signed: Date Signed: 1110L — APPLICATION I0L—_— _____Approved with ____Modifications ___Denied APPLICATION #: API TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI PROVED 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4 51 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 .IAN I 12022 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I nl„,YARMOUTH CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at __g) L-OrdVi e W Map/Lot CIA # W - AO. -7 Approval Date: �y I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. have read and understand the above statements. Date: �� a Signed: (Ow r/C ntractor/Agent) Signed: _16 (Chairman, OI . King's Highway Committee) HAOKH COMIdIiTTEEIApplication Forms%Slatement of Understanding 2015.docx Updated 12!2015 GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: 21 FOUNDATION: Material: POURED CONCRETE - NO CHANGE Exposure (No to exceed 18"): NOCHAN E CHIMNEY: Material/Color: TO BE REMOVED •�UV1'ITE EXTRUDED ALUM __– ____– �__—__GUTTERS: Material/Color:' DEDA E _K STYLE) ROOF: Material: ARCH, GRADE ASPHALT _Pitch (7112 min) 9112 Height to Ridge: -20.3______ Color: SLATE– SIDING: Material/Style: Front: WH CEDAR R&R EXTRAS Sides/Rear: SAME Color: Front: SAME -------------- Sides/Rear: _SAME TRIM: Ali windows & doors to be trimmed with: S 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: PVC (AZEK OR SIMILAR) Color: PAINTED WHITE DOORS: Qty: 2 NEW— Material: VINYL COATED WD Color: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): NOTED ON ELEVATIONS STORM DOORS: Qty: N.A. _ Material: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: N.A._ Mat'I: Color: COLOR CHIPS APPR®VED JAN 11 2022 Style: Color: I _ YARMOUTH KING S HIGHWAY WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front: _ {�)Left: (4) _ Right: __�4�– Rear: _ (4} _ Color: _ WHITE Manufacturer/Series: ANDERSEN WOODWRIGHT DBL HUNG ---Material: VINYL OVER WOOD____ Grilles (Required :t Pattern (616, 211, etc,) _RY6______ Grille Tye: True Divided Lite: -11 Snap -In: __ t_J__-_ Between Glass: _ Permanently Applied: Exterior _Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: - _N_A.___ Material: - Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: ----N.A ------ Style: Paneled ------ Louvered —_ Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty:___N.A. - Fixed_—_ Vented Size Calor: DECK: Size: NO CHANGE Decking Mat'I: p�k, GIb*(,Gvu4Coior: Railing Mat'I:U)tyr> Style: !Color: WALLS/FENCES* (Max 6' height): Height:_ N.A_Mat'I: _ Style: ------ --------------- Color: ----- (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. IF HVAC CONDENSOR IS ADDED IT UTILITY METERSIHVAC UNITS: Location: _` NO CHANGE--_ – Screening: WILL BE LOCATED AT SOUTH CORNER BENEATH DECK LIGHTS: Qty: ____ (4) __ Style: 2=4" RECESSED. _ Color: WHITE TRIM 2 - 12" COLONIAL LANTERNS BLACK Location(s): —SEE SOUTHWEST ELEVATIONS ------- —____—_ LIGHT POSTS: Qty: ___ N.A. ---- Material: Location(s): Additional information: Color: 2 -General APPLICATION #: 19' A LQ --7 aY TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451' `r�'"-1 0 H evft,—�w�s-mit LZ Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 V OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE DEC 13 2021 YAKMOUTh OLD KING'S HIGHWAY WAIVER OF 45 -DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Den-olition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 Meetings, Hearings, Thne for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after- such public hearing; but in any event within forty f ve (45) clays after the filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): CHRIS CANNONAIA- ARCHITECT Applicant/Agent signature: - Date 12/10/2021 APPROVED', .JAN 11 2022 YARMOUTH 3i2o2a Application #: w' A( -(-,r7 -- TOWN OF )YARMOUTH 7 TTrr OLD KING S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI Applicant's (Owner) Name ABUTTERS' LIST ROBERT & GRETCHEN KOSSACK Property Address/Location:.____ 27 LONGVJEw Hearing Date: YARMOUTHPORT 1 I LL Z" � ` .' DEC 13 2021 YARMOUTH APPROVED i JAN � 2012 Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of and on ari public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across thb streetAr uTh the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers-II&NAiHIC��,n� OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent~' applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.varmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: 137 9 137 10 137 13 (maybe) 137 14 137 6 V 137 7 137 8 V Application #: 8.2018 3 9 t`. p DFr HWAY N K C:) N Q7 U O] apPR D n JAN Y 2022 _ YAFiM('):j-rp 1 1219121, 3:53 P M 137.55 �. s,'` 137.22 137.17 137.19 �,' 137.18 `137.23 R� 137.25 137.36 QrGQr R ■ L a �ED ..z„Ra,� f DEC 13 2021 L 137.12 137.15OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 137.24 137.13 137.3 137.14 137.4 137.11 137.10 137.5 \ 137.9 / 137.6 137.8 137.7 c APPR- OVE® JAN 11 2022 YARMOUTH L 1371 131 r 1 Please use this signature to Certify this list of properties OQUINN ELIZABETH OQUINN ELIZABETH A TR directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at.. 252 ALBION ST27 Longview Rd., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 0 WAKEFIELD, MA 018$0 ong Assessors Map 137, Lot 9 1371 141 ! 1 / LACROIX MICHEL K Andy M chado, Director of Assessing 4 LESLIE LN YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-2240 December 20, 2021 1371 81 I ! TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISION 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 PPRO Eb r 1371 61 1 1 AN 1 1 2022 DYETT E GRANGER III �f 24 LONGVIEW DR YAR1V10UTH YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-2220 OLD KINr'� F II! llin 1371 71 1 1 HANSCOM GEORGE P TRS HANSCOM DOROTHY C TRS P0BOX 156 WESTWOOD , MA 02090-0156 i1 7 Gc� 1371 10r 1 I BIONDO JOCELN DYETT 51 ASH BREEZE COVE ST AUGUSTINE , FL 32095 _. RECERIN E® 1371 91 1 1 2 0 2021 KOSSACK ROBERT E TR LOLD KOSSACK GRETCHEN I TR ,MOU'I �+ 7 REDCOAT RD G'S HIGHWA`r SHREWSBURY, MA 01545 1371 81 I ! TOWN OF YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISION 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4463 PPRO Eb r 1371 61 1 1 AN 1 1 2022 DYETT E GRANGER III �f 24 LONGVIEW DR YAR1V10UTH YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-2220 OLD KINr'� F II! llin 1371 71 1 1 HANSCOM GEORGE P TRS HANSCOM DOROTHY C TRS P0BOX 156 WESTWOOD , MA 02090-0156 i1 7 Gc� AA LA yY46, �fut.t Our 3o�+.i. -MLlft fau: M1l •iY!-3B ,_::.te6 01 '- E 11 i. M r'ai�.ti. I - y,yii� , - - rY � •.Y /l MAA. AlIF1!t&i'4WA'%0 gal .q1TIWPA- Andersen . Table of Sizes ............................. 144 Specifications.. .......................... 146 Custom Sizing ............................ 145 Grille Patterns ............................ 145 Door Details ........................ 146-147 Joining Details ............................ FRENCHWOODOGLIDIN Combination Designs ................. 181 u_ Product Performance ................. 194 PATIO DOOF Table of Sizes ............................. 144 Specifications.. .......................... 146 Custom Sizing ............................ 145 Grille Patterns ............................ 145 Door Details ........................ 146-147 Joining Details ............................ 148 Combination Designs ................. 181 u_ Product Performance ................. 194 CUSTOM SIZING it f3) increments C tnerrscns n dare°;{hews dre 1, 111 mows y � ,�LL1 aw FRENCHWOOW GLIDING PATIO DOORS FEATURES Frame 0 The sill has an extruded aluminum track, with a stainless steel cap that resists stains, rust and denting' A thermal barrier reduces conductive heat loss and limits condensation on the inside. The sill has an attractive wear -resistant, heat -baked finish in a neutral gray color. (1111 All basic exterior frame members are covered with a rigid vinyl sheath that maintains an attractive appearance while minimizing maintenance. Q Wood frame members are treated with a water-repellent preservative for iong-lasting' protection and performance. Interior frame trim pieces are unfinished Pirie. Oak and maple veneer and prefinished white interior options are available. Factory -assembled two -panel doors are available and arrive at the jobsite ready to install. Unassembled doors are also available and require jobsite assembly, O' A flexible vinyl weatherstrip at the head and side jambs provides a positive seal between the frame and panels, Panel © The exterior of the wood door panel is protected with a low -maintenance urethane base finish in white, Sandtona. Terratone or forest green. Q Panel interior surfaces are unfinished pine veneer. Unfinished oak and maple veneers are available as options. Low - maintenance prefinished white interiors are also available on units with white exteriors. 0 Dual ball-bearing rollers an door panels provide smooth gliding operation with self-contained leveling adjusters, O IPP. i s Mort€se-and-Tenon Joints 700,00 Panel joints are mortise -and -tenon with patented dowel construction for maximum strength, Flexible Seal N ttti4 � A full-length combination weatherstrip/ interlock system provides a flexible seal at the meeting stile. White Sdndtore po� 7rh;tY %rratone Forest Maple Oak Green NaHually a-.,:Unqrg raralians Ir gi,a n, colo, art, texture of wool make rack ileo one of a kind. All w3W interiors are Anf ";shed unlzss prefinished white ,s specified. HARDWARE FINISHES lLiL_C.. 3 2021 Antique Block B•ignr Brass Dass JANrPa�tklae Gold Dust Oil Rubbed %lished Bronze Chrome silicol. bed glazed finished with an ittterior wood stop. Cil Additional g}ass options are available, .::x. Contact Andersen VARand U # your supplier. KN �BrDt�ttcegtass Atemovable translucentfilm helps shield W� r�- the glass from damage during delivery o Lovt-E4*tempered glass and construction and simplifies finishing • Low -E4 Heattock+tempered glass at the jobsite. +Lai Sun tempered glass Patterned Class • Lovr-E4 SmartSun" tempered glass + Low -F4 SmartSun Heattock Patterned glass options are available, tempered glass See page 12 for more details, EXTERIOR INTERIOR White Sdndtore po� 7rh;tY %rratone Forest Maple Oak Green NaHually a-.,:Unqrg raralians Ir gi,a n, colo, art, texture of wool make rack ileo one of a kind. All w3W interiors are Anf ";shed unlzss prefinished white ,s specified. HARDWARE FINISHES Antique Block B•ignr Brass Dass Brushed D stressed Distresscd chrome Bronze Nickel Gold Dust Oil Rubbed %lished Bronze Chrome satin Stone White Nickel Distressed brave and ai rubbed txorze are'I *W !inishes that will _Mange weh time and use. GLIDING PATIO DOOR HARDWARE OPTIONS••Fioidr:amedencles""", hc,n J t� : r . � r• � F 1 I Yume ENGIW ANVERS" tFfWBURY° COVINGTON' WHITMORE' ALBANY TRIBECA® Distressed Bronze Distressed Nickel Distressed Bronze Brig -11 Brass DiEtressed Nickel Ott Rubbed Bronze Artiq,re Brass Antique grass Antique Brass Black stone Satin Nickel Bright Brass Brushed Chren Bright Brass Oil Runbea Bronze Bright Brass Oil Rubbed Bronze Gold Oust White 011 Rubbed Bronze Satin NicW Stone 4V hite Polished Chrome Satin Nickel are z cEst T!it e:a and Albany Parthar� n 3s adh ` Visit ersenwirldows.conVvrdrraniy for details, oewCerr�atec dt.'able finish. Other hBrcvrara is said lo.Vdi arae. Hardware sold separah;ly. ;Aix-srd-notch intQia-ant? mtk inr si1M, Arxr fin; zr gginns are Printing limita!iors prevent exact replication er rnbm and tinishm,, See yntrr Ardei supplier rot actual color and finish samples Bright brass and sal r r ckal finishes lealtar a 'Ci iii—died! *Wiii _ 142 Andersen• Locking System Reachout Locking Hardware The unique Andersen" reachout locking hardware pulls the door panel snugly into the jamb for a weathertight seal and enhanced security. Blinds -Between -the -&lass Blinds-between-lhe-glass are available for select gliding patio door sires when ordered with Low -E43 tempered glass and a pine of prefinisbed white door interior and any of our four exterior colors. White h` (13) aluminum slat blinds come mounted between two panes of insulated glass fit a dust -free environment. Blinds are magnetically controlled and can be tilted, raised and lowered using low profile controls. Smooth, simple operation allows for customized light and privacy control. Available in 3368, 33611, 6068, 60611, 12068-4, 120611-4 door sizes. s or more information about glass, patterned glass, art glass and grilles, see pages 12-14. For more information about combination designs, product performance, installation instructions and accessories, see pages 181.211 or visit andersenwindows.com. ACCESSORIES Surd Sc,'.01 Frame Extension Jambs Standard jamb depth is 4 91rr` (116). Pine, oak or maple veneer or pre -finished white interior extension jambs are available in Yi {1.51 increments between 5 r/rc` (129) and 7'4" (181). Threshold 01 r+ An oak or maple threshold is available fortinishing the interior of the sill, Ramped Sill Insert Ramped sills in oak or maple provide smooth transition from interior to exterior and can be used with a refractable insect screen but not a gliding insect screen. Check with focal and federal officials to determine if product meets accessibility codes. Sill Support An aluminum sill support is designed to lock into a channel under the sill and tie back into the wall. This will offer support to the outermost sill section when needed Available in neutral gray finish. Hardware Exterior Keyed Lack 1 A six -pin key cylinder lock is available in finishes that coordinate with hardware. This lock allows the gliding door to be locked and unlocked from the exterior. Auxiliary Foot tock DEC 1 3 2021 Security Y ,:... _ul,-, Provides an extra measure of security when the door is in a locked position, tock can be set so the door is fully closed or partially open to provide a secure venting position. Available in all hardware finishes. Insect Screens All insect screens have a long-lasting' I-rberglass screen mesh with a charcoal finish, and frames are color matched to the exterior of the dear unless otherwise specified. Gliding Insect Screen Patented square -corner joint construction adds considerable strength to the frame members. The insect screen is available for both two -panel doors and four -panel doors. Gliding insect screens have IJelrin° injection -molded bottom rollers with self- contained leveling adjusters, providing smooth operation. Interior and exterior pulls and latch are provided. Retractable Insect Screen The retractable insect screen is installed on the exterior of the door and opens side to side across the width of the opening. When the insect screen is not in use, it neatly retracts into a small canister mounted on the exterior of the door. The retractable insect screen canister is available for two -panel patio doors in our four standard exterior colors. Please note, retractable insect screen track reduces clear opening height by 1 1 Vor WE sensors are available in five colors. See page 15 for details. Qpen/Closed Sensors Wireless open/closed sensors are available in lour colors. See page 15 tar details. Glass Andersen Art Glass Andersen art glass panels come in a variety of original patterns. Available for stationary panels, sidelights and transoms. See pages 173-174 for details on Andersen art glass. Visit andersenwindows.com/artglass for details and pattern information. Grilles Grilles are available in a variety of configurations and widths. For patio door grille patterns. see page 145. Sidelights & Transoms Andersen Frenchwood� patio door sidelights arid transoms feature elegant lines that match our Frenchwood gliding patio doors. They feature- pine, oak, maple or prefinisbed white interior options, plus our tour standard exterior colors. Stationary units can also be selected for use as sidelights. See pages 159-162 for details. Exterior Trim This product is available with Andersen exterior trim. See pages 175-180 for details. CAUTM; 'Oo nAfaint 400 Series oatip dors with white, i Sandtore.I °ores_ l vem. Irk ttq{j�p�hiick exi [okra. J 1s 1AVl li �tJ (. L Arsdmv s riot warrart Linn: adhesion a parl"anmottom inn,s;�}�P aint wery u other facle6,fb%M !s . - , , an =erra:eno ;.dor using 4ualtkrn 1 -based a Ip:ea paim.. • For vinpr pa nting inViuctim and prepana'ior, conlad rear Andersen supplier. • Do not pint wreath strip. • Creoo',-eased stains shmW rod come in contact oath Andersen prAds. • Ab-mil*tteanas or olaitwi cantmn:ng cmresive mkents shoAd not be used an Andersen products. 25). Visi: anderse'1 nir cows.com, warranty for details. Anjerser pat v doers are not intended for use as ent,ance coos. Dimersicas in parentheses are in milrinieters. -t)elrin' is a registered Iracemark of F.I. du Ponl de Nemours and Company. M,t•(� 143 FRENCHWOM' GLIDING PATIO DOORS Three Patio Door Heights =� all vW v ©FWGxx68 i� f 13FWGx x611 'r,, DEC 1 3 2021 For all four -panel gilding patio doors, add '/4" (6) to the "Minimum Rough opening" height dimension. APPROVEU Table of Frenchwood' Gliding Patio Door Sizes Scale 1/8" (3) 1'-0" (305) — 1:96 JAN 11 2022 Door Dimension 2' 8" 4'-11 fig' 4'-11 IX (813) {1505) (1505) #2972) YARMOUI"Id Minimum 2'-83/x' 5'-0" 5'-0' 9'-93/4" OLD KING'S l-IIGFJVUAY_ Rough Opening (R32) (t 52,11) -- (1524) (2991) _ Unubstructed Glass 21 1/8" 21 SSR" 21114" 211 R' (single panel only) (537) (537) (537) (537) ii ( �I m i I Custo-sze loors are available in 1/S" (3) 3 heights -� y .- H increments. See page 145 for custom sizes and specifications. FWG2968S F*05068L FY1165068ft FWG1DU68-1" FW029611S FWG50611L FW050611R FW0100611-4' Viewed from the exterior. Arrow indicates FWG79805 FWG5US01. FNIG501M FWO1D08{1.4e direction of panel operation. Stationary (S) 11'-9" _ Door Dimension 3'-2'' S'-11 sit' S' -k144' (r-965) t (1910) (lRtO) (3581) �- doors can be used as an individual unit or Minimum 3'-23/4" 6'-0" 6'-0' 11'-93/4" as a side#fight. Two -pane) doors are available Roagh Opening (984) (1829) (1829) (3600) factory assembled and arrive at the jobsite Unobstructed Glass 271/8' 271/1" 271/e' 271/A" (singly- oa4el nnly) (689) {689) (689) -� (689) ready to install. J Grille patterns shown on page 145. 1 , 3 heights i -► ` �'. � +- 68- FWG33805FW0608QLFW060R 80R8FWG1200.4 5 L * ' boarDimenson 4.2" 71-11'/4' T-1144' 15'-9" (1270) (2419) {2419) (4801) Minimum 4'-23/8" 8'-O" 8'-0" 15'-93x4' Rough Opening (12891 (2438) (2438) (4820) Unobstnlcted Glass 1 391'8' 3914" 39 r/s' 391/9" _ IsinfIe*anal ontyl (994) (994) - (994) (994) 3 heights i F- FWG4368S FW1380681. FWG8D689 FW043611S FWG80611L FW080611R FWG4380S FWG9080L FWG80SOR FW616068-4' fWG160611-4' FWG16080-4° •'Door Dlmansion' always re'ers to otrside frame to frame dimension. •'Minimum Rough Opening' dimensions may need to be Increased to allow for use of building wraps, flashing, sill panning. bracilets. fasteners or other Items. See pages 21D-21.1 for more details. -D"llemiuus in prenrhese� ore m iniihmetem •Add ;.'-' (5) to the 'lt+nimim Rooph Opens t?, hei&t oimeRSIOn fat 1ou,-oanef cools 144 Andersen"'s z- 3 .'A i y Tables of Sizes ....................... 50-56 Specifications ........................ 54-61 Custom Sizing..............................62 Grille Pattems..............................63 Window Details ...................... 63-64 Joining Details .............................. 65 Combination Designs ................. 181 Product Performance ................. 194 CUSTOM SIZING in A' (3) mcremenis Q mcimcns n parc-dfieses are o n€ctcrs. -A-N? WOODWRIGHV DOUBLE-HUNG FULL-FRAME WINDOWS l 0 FEATURES JAN 1 1 20 © Frame Or) EXTERIOR 4TEH R f9�1�sl 1; r 11 '�' �, O Perera—Shield" exterior cladding- ly d . the frame— beautifully. Best of all, i'siovr — y" maintenance and never needs painting: ID For exceptional long-tasting' Q - _. performance. sill members are White Carvas Sandtone Terratone Pine White constructed with a wood core and a Fibrex� material elrter€or. © Natural wood stops are available O in pine, oak, maple and prefinished Ir Forest Dar, Black Maple oak white. Wood jamb liners add beauty and Green Bronze authenticity t0 the window In[eflef, Nalu'aliy =urr rtg vaiiat ons in gran, cohr and texture of wood make each window Q A factory-applied rigid vinyl flange on ane of a kind. A€1 wood intedws arc urflnlshef unk:ss prclinished whites speciried. the head. sill and sides of the outer frame Q High-Performance glass helps secure the unit to the structure, options include: HARDWARE FINISHES Q Multiple weatherstrip systems help # Low-Ed" glass provide a barrier against wind, rain • Law-E4 HeatLocl" glass0 M and dust. The cambinatiun of spring • Low-E4 Sun glass tension vinyl. rigid vinyl and flexible bulb • Low-E4 SrnaRSun` glass weatherstripis efficient and effective. • Law-E4 Smaf;Sun Heattock glass Anticvw slat. Bright Brushed 3istressed Disi. -ssed Brass Brass Chromc Bronze Nickel © For units vrith white exterior color, Tempered glass and oilier glass options are exterior jamb liner is nhite. For all other available. Contact your Andersen supplier. units, the exterior jamb liner is gray. A removable translucent Irlm helps shield the glass trans davaage, du-'ittg delivery - Sash and construction and simplifies #inishkng Gold Dust Cit Rubbal Pobshed Sa;i r stone White © Balancers in the sash enable at the jobsite. Bronze Chrome Nicael Ccnt{actors to screw through the jamb Jr,lrossed t ionze and od Tubbed tnwi ! are'living' fnisncs'Eai wril riingr w 1) i�rrc ::nr, usr. during installation without interfering Patterned Glass with the window's operation. Patterned glass apt" ate available. DOUBLE—HUNG HARDWARE Wood Jamb Liner See page 12 for more details. STANDARD Locl. & Keeper Hardware A-Mique Brass I Black I Bright Brass Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze "}. Distressed Nicke# 1 Gold Dust I oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chrome I Satin Nickel I Stone I White Q OPTIONAL DOUBLE-HUNG HARDWARE © RAWTIONAL Bar Lit- fund Lift Finger Lifts Standard look and keeper design provides Q Natural wood sash interior with classic an easy tilmo-clear. feature integrated into charmer detailing. Available in pine, oak, the lock. 'nap€e or prefinished white. Law-maintenance sash exterior provides Antique Brass 1 Blade I Bf,ghtBrass I Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze I Distressed Nickel long-lasting protection and performance. WATCH Gold oust I Oil Rubbed Bronze I Polished Chome I Satin Nickel I stone I white Sash Exteriors on mosl units include .................... Fibrex material. Performance Grade (PG) Upgrade CLASstC SERIES" Q Sash joints simulate the look of Pertormance upgrades are available for Bar Lift F,Z ,rt H I Finger Lifts traditional mortise-and-tenon construction select sizes alluring these units to achieve inside and out higher performance ratings, Performance Grade (PG) Ratings are more comprehensive Glass than Design Pressure (DP) Ratings for stone I White Silicone bed glazing provides superior measuring product pe formance. Use of weathertightness and durability. this option will subtract -4' (16) from clear { opening height. Cowa* year Andersen CONTEMPORARY ESTATE a supplier for availabIdy. fw up-io-da[e Bar Lift r rand Lift Firmer Lifts performance informatiars of individual c products. visit andersenwindows.com. +— - ---- •^^ Visit andersenwindows.corwwarranty Visit andersenwiodaws.com/coastal for for details. fiortqua Btass I Black I Bright Brass Antique 8'ass I Bright Brass Me information on Stormwatch Protection, Brushed Chrome I Distressed Bronze Brushed Chrome I Dist*rsedBicnze Di Hardware sora seta atety_ Distressed Nickel I Cotd Dust Distrossed Nickel I at Rubbed Brorze Dimersipns in parenthcscs are €r meilime[c^s, pg RLbbed Bronze I Polished Chrome Polished Chrome I Satin NOWPrinting limilations prevent exact •ej*calior. or colors ann IinishHs, Salix Nickel I Stone I White See your Andersen supplier to, actual color and (wish samples. Bold name d-wes finish shown. n 48 �'� -; t 0 Andersen. Shapes Woodwright' windows are available in the following shapes. Double -Hung .s Arch Double --lung Unequal -eg Arch Double -bung a 5pringlire- Single -Hung Sash Options` g .R �I1 - (l ,fir Cottage Reverse Cottage For more information about glass, patterned glass, grilles and TruScene insect screens, see pages 12-14. For more informal= about combination designs, product performance, installation instructions and accessories, see pages 181.-211 or visit andensenwin(lows.Cot F. ACCESSORIES sold Separately Frame Extension lambs Standard jamb depth is 4 Yz" (114). Extension jambs are available in unfinished pine or prefinished white. Some sizes may be veneered. Factory -applied and non -applied interior extension jambs are available in 'he' 0.5) increments between 5/k" (133) and 7 As' (181). Extension jambs ran be iactoty-applied to either three sides (stool and apron application) or four sides (picture frame casing). Pine Stool ■ s A clear pine stool is available and ready for finishing, The Woodwright stoof is available in 4 Mc' (116) for use in wall depths up to 51/," (133), and 6 9/r (167) for use in wall depths up to 7 'A' (181). Works with 2 ye" (57) and 2 t/i (64) wide casings. Shown on 400 Series tilt -wash double -hung window, Hardware Window Opening Control Device Kit A Window Opening Control Device Nit is available, which limits sash travel to less than 4' (102) when the window is first opened. Available factoty applied or field applied in stone and white. Security Sensors Open/Closed Sensors Wireless open/closed sensors are available in four colors. See page 15 for details. C 1 3 2021 Storm/insect Screen ; Combination Unit" A self -storing storm window combined with an insect screen provides greater energy efficiency, while allowing ventilation when needed. Constructed with an aluminum frame, single -pane upper and lower glass panels and charcoal powder -coated aluminum screen mesh. Available in white, Sandtone and Terratone to match product exteriors. Canvas, forest greed, dark bronze and black available by special order. Combination units can improve Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Outdoor Indoor Transmission Class (oITC) ratings - Ideal for projects near airports. busy roadways or other noisy environments, for example. adding a combination unit to a 400 Series tilt -wash double -hung (3862) unit with Low -E4" glass will improve its STC rating from 26 to 32. Contact your Andersen supplier for additional STC and OITC rating information. Insect Screens Insect Screen Frames Choose full insect screen or half insect screen, Half insect screen (shown above) allows ventilation without affecting the view through the upper sash. Frames are available in colors to match product exteriors, TruScene® Insect Screen Exclusive Andersen TiuScene insect screens provide over 50% more clarity than our conventional insect screens for a beautiful unobstructed view. They allow mote fresh air and sunlight in, while doing a better job of keeping out small insects. Conventional Insect Screen Conventional insect screens have charcoal powder -coated aluminum screen mesh. Grilles Grilles are available in a variety of configurations and widths, For double -hung grille patterns, see page 62, Exterior Trim This product is available with Andersen APPROVE® exterior trim. Seepages 175-180 for details. JAN 11 2022 YARMOUTH • Painting and staining meyeause damage to ngrc r'ryt. • 0o cot paint dee series windows with white, camas. Sandtone, lorast green, daA brorre or block ederar row. • Andersen don not wamard V* zdhrsion or padarmance of l nmcama-appl ed paint over vrrio QK 1AW tXtkn-Coated sr.rlaces. • dati series windtms in Terratone cola may be pa:ntcd any color b1titerthan Tettatonc color using tuakty rift -based or lata paint. • For dnd painting iatirttctiorni and morstion, c"ad your k1darser supplier. • N rot paint waatfieratm • ueasale-based stairs ahaald nue carne in contact with Witsen picduns- • Abrasor dcaners rK saiuliuns containing oerrosm sohents sWi;rd no- be used on Andersen products. Shown on 400 Series fin -wash duubrrhung wiriduws. `• Uo net add combination units to windows with Low -F:4 Sun glass, urilms wndcw *ss is lempered. Combination units may also reduce the uveran clear uperable atua of the wirdow. See yuu• lo -al code official rot egress requirements in you• area, oirmerrsic'rs in parentheses are irr millimeters. LLQ cl 49 WOODWRIGHT"DOUBLE-HUNG FULL -FRAME WINDOWS� Table of Woodwright' Double -Hung Window Sizes Scale 1/8"(3) - V-0" (305) - IM Windnvi Dimension Minimum Hough Open€ng Unaostructeo GlaSS (lor:e salt only) k� W N 00 ! rn 1'-9 5/s" 2'-14' 2'-5 5/9" 2'-7 5+2' €549) (651) j(752) (803) '-101/s 2'•21/s' 12'-61/9 2'-81%' (5621 (664) (765) (816) 15 +/d" 19 5/9" 123 bm 25 MA" 1397) (498) (6001 r65]) CUSTOM WIDTHS 16 1/2" to 45 s!s" APP: Notes on the nextp � a also a i ,to his �,%111rY_ .at 2'-g 5/8" 11 541" J A 3'-X/s" 20 2? 5 5,.. 3 9 My I (854) 3 (3051 RM J f (1057) (1159) 101/5"LK ' I G3'-lO 116" (867) "(9 { 1 (1172) 27 W 29 /a" 313ia' 35 =/a" 39-1m, (702) (752) (803) (905) (1006€ ti W i❑ Ill -SNI El t I til I! �❑E:� 91 WDH18210 WDH2O210 WDH24210 WDH26210 WDR2821D WDH210210 WDH30210 WDH34210 W01438210 l B❑ II M DE' i �Ell c WDH1832 WDH2O32 W{ON24243.'2 WOH2632 WDH2832 WDH21032 WDH3032 WDH3432 WDH3832 -1 [F]j El 17FI Lr_� WD11,11836 WOH2O36 WOH2136 WOH2636 WDH2836 WDH21036 WDH3036 WDH3436 WDH3836 �0... Ed j I_s WDH18310 WDH2O310 N€DN24310 WDH26310 WD11128310 WOH210310 WDH30310 WDR34310 WD11138310 f-11-�PNEEF- P1 �- IL Lill I LI --- j! WDH1842 WDH2O42 WDM2442 WDM2642 WDH2842 WDH21042 WOH3042 WDH3442 WDH3842 Eli,FDA ❑ I I I� II----- � I❑_ ❑-_____h WDH1846 WDH2O46 WD92446 WDH2646 WDH2846 WDH21046 WDH30460 WDH34460 WDH38460 E '❑! ❑i!I '► ❑ '_ ❑ l ! ! i❑❑ L L WDN18410 WDH2O410 WDH24410 WDH26410 WDV12841[0 WDH210410t' WDH304100 WDH34410C WDH384100 Fr WOH1852 WDH2O52 WDH2452 WDH2652 WOH28520 WDH21052e WDH30520 WDH3452e WOH38520 II � ❑I'I i❑ � � ,Ili❑� '❑! � I �I❑'� LJ❑� ❑L� I' WDH1656 W0142O56 WDH2456 WDH26560 WDH28560 WDH210560 WDH30560 WD1134560 WD1138560 v' } 1 ❑� �W I .i ' I rIL— Li WD918510 WDH2051O W1)H2451O0 WDH2651O0 WD11128510� WD02105100 WD111130510e WDH345100 WDH385101) �! I WDH1862 WDH2O62 WDH24620 WDH28629 WDH28620 WDH21062° WDR30620 WDH34620 WDH38624 2:3 cottage or 3.2 "me Wilage sash ratio aailahle for all vadtts and rai6u Sit la*5 tot NiAiINS wiih COLD& Or ie,eme cottage sa%I a e a, aila5te at a n de rse nw I n d o w, t on i/ S I4l ng. CuslOm MOT'WS — V-4 y:' €4191 to 3'-9 y." (1159) CUSTOM HEIGHTS — 3'•0 y." 19371 to 6'-0 1/." (1553) IiL Collage Reverse Coltap I� ❑ I❑ I € ;I ii !� I q tom - 50 `��' 1 Andersen, JAN 11 2oze Combination Designs ................. 181 Product Performance ................. 194 CUSTOM SIZING Is' n ' (3) incre3news C me,mirns npaafwAhese5 are n null.nteters. ,p -A) Cl FRENCHWOOD" HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS 0 FEATURES Frame 0 The sill is made with three-piece construction. The subsili is made of fibrex" material, and the sill step is solid oak. The exterior sill member is made of extruded aluminum with an attractive wear -resistant, heat -baked finish in a neutral color, This combination of materials combines durability and low maintenance with excellent insulating characteristics, ifl All basic exterior frame members are fiberglass reinforced composite. which maintains an attractive appearance while minimizing maintenance. 0 The exterior frame members are attached to a water-repellent preservative - treated wuod subtrame for long-lasting protection and performance.The subframe is grooved to accept extension lambs. Panel ©' The exterior of the wood door panel is protected with a long-iasting' urethane base finish in white, Sandtone, Terratone or sorest green. © Panel interior surfaces are unfinished pine veneer, Unfinished oak and maple veneers are available as options. Low - maintenance prefinished white interiors are also available. Hinged inswing operating panels are left- hand active, right-hand active or twe-panel active -passive jamb hinged. © A factory -applied, one-piece compression -type rubber weatherstrip continues in one ptafte around the panel to provide maximum effectiveness against water and air infiltration. The comers of the weatherstrip are welded to eliminate gaps between the panel and the tramelsill slioulder. Mortise -and -Tenon Joints White grain, cAnrard roxturu Mortise-and- telton joints prevent panel sag and maintain d r operation. 0 Mortise -and -Tenon Joints White grain, cAnrard roxturu Mortise-and- telton joints prevent panel sag and maintain smooth operation. Adjustable Hinges Adjustable hinges are standard on inswing patio doors and have ball-bearing pivots for smooth, frictionless movement. Features easy horizontal and vertical adjustment, .� Plus quick. -release teature for easy panel gold dust irwO. removal. This release feature is ideal for transporting large units rip stairs or to other hard -le -reach areas. Gold dust finish is standard on wood interior doors. For units with prelinishad white interior, white is standard. Also available in finishes that coordinate with hardware, gp 11 2022 0 Panels are silicone belt A I:w i� i DSC .l 3 2021 Patterned Glass and Patterned glass options are available, See page 12 for more details. 5 op ions induk Low-E4a tempered, Low -E4 Neati-ock° tempered. Low -E4 Sun tempered, Low -E4 SmartSun. tempered and Lew -E4 SmartSun HeatLock tempered glass, Additional glass options are available. Contact your Andersen supplier. A removable translucent film helps shield the glass from damage during delivery and construction and simplifies finishing at the obsite. EXTERIOR Hardware Multi -Point Locking System The multi -point locking system, with ti a hook bolt above ` - and below the center dead bolt, provides ` a weathertight seal and enhanced security. INTERIOR Profinisned white interiors are only „vagable on units wttlt wn!o exteriors, Natuiatly occurring variations in white Scndro�e Fine White grain, cAnrard roxturu of wood mate each doer ono of a Kind. All wood interiors are unrinishcd unless protlnlshrd white eratone ' erest M,.nplc Oak Green HARDWARE FINISHES Anfique elacl'. Brigh' Huis,-e4 Distressed 131stressed 31ass Brass Ch,xne 3rorze Nickel Gold List (id Rubbed Polished Satm Stone white 1110117e Chrome Nickel pistressod bronze and oil rubbed brorze are'tivvi-ie hirshes that will change with time and use. HINGED PATIO DOOR HARDWAREOPTIONS'F;.w,,5nwde„r,,finshshown, YUMA, Distressed Bronze Distressed Nickel ENCINO` Distressed Bronze flistressed Nickel ANVERS' COVINGTON" Bright Brass j Antique Brass Oil Rubbed Bronze Bright Brass Satin Nickel Oil Rubbed Bronze WHITMORE` Antique Brass Bright Brass Oil Rubbed Bronzy Satin Nickel Wsit3rr details. Hardware sold separately. Dimensions in parentheses are it millimeters. "FSB' is a registered tradernark of Frarz Schneioer Srakel Gmb" & Co. TRIBECA` Stone white NEWBURY' Antique Brass Bright B+ass Brushed Chrome Oil Rubbed Bronze Polished Chroma Satin nickel ALBANY Black Geld Oust i Stone i White FSB" HARDWARE Satin Stainless Steel Kxard-f­,�t•r interior and exterior style and finish opticrs are ava fable. brght brass and satin nickel finishes feature a to -year limited warranty. Tribes and Albany hardware are rine die cast with powder -coated duraak finish. Other hardware is solid forged crass. Printing I mi!atiorrs arevent exact replca!ion of colors ant' finishes. Sae your Ande•sen supprior for 3clual ruler and finish samples. ISO �g NoO Ande" rseni: WVP R, _QV i i -I Blinds -Between -the -Glass Blinds-between-the-giass are available for select hinged patio door sizes when ordered with Low -E4* tempered glass and a pine or prefinished white door interior and any of our four exterior colors. White 1/." (13) aluminum slat blinds come mounted between two panes of insulated glass in a dust -free environment, Blinds are magneticaliy controlled and can be tilted, raised and lowered using low profile controls. Smooth, simple operation allows for customized light and privacy control. Available in 2768, 27611, 3168, 31611, 5068, 50611, 6068, 60611, 9068, 90611 door sizes. CAUTION • Painting anc staining may cause damage to rigid vinyl. • no not paint 40 Series galia doors with white. canvas. Sendlone. forest d'een. dark bronze or Mel, exbericr calors. • Andsrsen does no; warrant The adhesian cr pe'lprmance of hpneown:r-applieA paiit Aver vinyl or other factory -coated surraces. • 40 Series pal o doors in Tenalone color rr ay be painted ani cola lighter than feiralona color Grine 416liq Ad -nosed or later pant. • car Y4 peinting instructions end prepa•atwn. colracl your Andersen supplier. • 00 nol paint v.eaftsirip, • Creosate•hasad stains should not come in contact with Andersen products. • Abrasive cleaners or solutions coctaining corrosive s*ois shauld oat be used on Andereen products. ' Exterior extension jarmn for lunged inswing pa'.in dn:xs rnusr tpe aopried Wore nstAing rule ripening. 1 i5n andcrscnwinduws.ccrriMarra-ily for details. Andersen patio doo s are nos mended (or use as enlran�e doors, uimensions int parvmWl ns are in m llimeters. 'Delrin" is a reeistered -racema k e F.S. rix. Ponl rte NBrya UN anc Ur^pa(iy. Fc, more information about glass, patterned glass, art glass and grilles, see pages 12-14. For more information about combination designs, product performance, installation instructions and accessories, see pages 151-211 or visit andersenwindows.com. ACOS i ORtES M�a��Fy Frame OLt �_�"D KI"N^G'S H?C;f interior Extension lambs Standard jamb depth is 4 She" (116). Pine. oak or maple veneer or prefjnished white extension jambs are available in 1/le' (1.5) increments between 5'Xf' (129) and 7 fS' (181). Interior extension jambs on inswing units will restrict the full opening of door. Exterior Extension Jamhs- Exterior extension jamb system is available forthe following wall thicknesses: 5 114" (133), 6 51ir" (167) and 7 5h6v (192). In walls over 4 U.' (114), the exterior sill extender and exterior extension jamb system allow the unit to be installed flush to the interior, so the hinged doors will open flat against the interior wall. Colored -matched to the exterior of the finished unit, this system provides a law -maintenance, finished exterior appearance. An extended double - insect screen track is available for jamb - hinged doors that require gliding insect screens, Exterior extension jamb kits are available with or without the double -insect screen track, Threshold An oak or maple threshold is available far finishing the interior of the sill. Sill Support An aluminum sill support is designed to lock into a channel under the sill and tie back into the wall. This wilt offer support to the outermost sill section when needed. Available in neutral gray finish, Ramped Sill Insert Ramped sills provide smooth transition from interior to exterior. Shown with a Frenchwood' gliding patio door. It cannot be used with hinged or gliding insect scfeens. Check with local and federal officials to determine if product meets accessibility codes. !,Hardware D�Lc Exterior Keyed lack j i A six�Tfn �ylin8er lock is mrihme ul styles and finishes that coordinate with 1 hardware. This lock f allows the hinged patio door to be locked and unlocked from the exterior. Handle Extension Extends interior door I ON, handle an additional 1' (25) from the door = ' interior panel to accommodate blinds or shades. Kit includes one handle extender and spindle. A second extender may be added to increase the length an additional 1' (25) to a 2' (51) total extension. Extenders are available in linishes that coordinate with hardware. Strike Plate Extensions Bright brass, antique brass, polished chrome, oil rubbed bronze, brushed chrome and satin nickel strike plate extensions are available for the following wall thicknesses: 5114' (133), 6 She' (167),7 Ile" (181) and 7 5h6' (192), Construction Look This hardware can be used on all Andersen, hinged doors to help secure the structure during the construction phase of the project. H features an undersized escutcheon plate, which makes on-site finishing easier, Panel Stop This hinged door panel 0— stop helps prevent wall y damage when opening the inswing door. Available in finishes that coordinate with hardware. Grilles Grilles afe available in a variety of configurations and widths. For patio door grille patterns, see page 155. Jnsfa Screeds SII inie tjscreens ave a long-lasting" 3%lass screen tiesh with a charcoal 'and frames. are color matched to the exterior of tf&;door unless otherwise specified. Gliding Insect Screen Available for all two- and three -panel doors. Features Delrin' material injection molded bottom rollers with self-contained leveling adjusters. A doohte-insect screen track is required for two -panel active -passive or passive -active doors. Gliding insect screens are not available for A' (1219) wide doors. Insect screens are shown on page 14. Double -insect Screen Track i An extended insect screen track is required for two -panel active -passive or passive - active hinged doors that use gliding insect screens. Hinged Insect Screens Available for single -panel hinged doors and two -panel active -passive or passive - active doors. Insect screens are shown on page 14. Security Sensors VeriLocke, Sensors VeriLock sensors are available in five colors. See page 15 for details. Open/Closed Sensors Wireless openlctosed sensots are available in tour colors. See page 15 for details. Glass Andersen Art Glass Andersen art glass panels come in a variety of original patterns. Sae pages 173-174 for details on Andersen art glass. Visit andersenwfndows.comlartglass for details ana pattern information. Sidelights & Transoms Andersen Frenchwood patio door sidelights and transoms feature elegant lines that match ourfrenchwood hinged patio doors. See pages 159-162 for details. Exterior Trite This product is available with Andersen exterior trim. See pages 175-180 for details. A)31 151 FRENCHWOOD" HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS Table of Frenchwood' Hinged Inswing Patio Door Sizes Scale t/6" (3) = 1'-0" (31)5) — 1:96 Door Dimens on 2.0 112' 4'-0" 4'-0" (62UJ (1219) (1219) Mlnimlam 2._1" 4'.1' 4' 1' Rough Opening (634) (12A2) (1242) Unobstructed Glass 13 t/1" 131/1" 13118" (smgc panel only) (336} 1 (336) (336) 3 heights FWH2168S FWH21611S FWH2180S , FWH4168APLR FW1114166PALR FWH41611APLR FWH4161IPALR F"4180APLR FWH4180PALR Door DimenSian 2'-61/a' 2'-6 1/6" 2'-6 t/s' 4'-11 1 -C 4'4114' 4'-11 1/4' (765) (765) {765) (1504) (1504) (1504) Minimum 2'•7" 2'-7" 2'-7" 5'-0' 5'-0' 5'-0" Rough Opening (787) (787) 1787) (1524) (1524) (1524) Unobstructed Giass 187"', 187/8" 18 ?•a' iB7A 187/8' 187/a" !single panel miy) (479) (479) 1 (479) (479) (479) 1 (479) DIEC 13 2021 Custom -size doors are A��} available in 1/8" (3) ' �' Bran increments. Seepage JAIL 11 2022 YARMOUTH KtI�ICa' -MIGW (1504)(1504) (816) Minimum 2,-9" (1524) (1524) 18 ?'p" 197/8" (479) (479) 3 heights_Ju' ILI FWH2768S FWH276BAR FWH27BBAL FWH5068SS FNH506MSR FWN5068SAL FWH5068APLR FWH5068PALH FWH27611S FW027611ARFWN27611AL FWH5061ISS FWH50611ASR FWH50611SAL FWH50611APLA FWH50611PALR rWH2780S FWH2790AR FWH2780AL FWH50BOSS FWH5080ASR FW1150805AL FIVHb080APLR FWH5080PALR T_A fwu" T -A 1'e" F'_Q Va" 5'_Q I'.r' R'ZTAI (816) 2'-81/5" Door Dimension (816) Minimum 2,-9" Rough Opening (838) UnobsUuoedGlass 207/'" (single panel orly') (530) T_A fwu" T -A 1'e" F'_Q Va" 5'_Q I'.r' R'ZTAI (816) (816) (1607) (1607) (1607) '9 2 •y. I 5,-4' 5,-4. T-4- (530) (838) I (1626) (1626)(283 y 1626 ) 20W/ 207/8" 20/x 207/s' 207J8" 1 i53 (530) {5301 (5:iU1 15301 T-31/4' 5'-3 tW 160 7) (1607) 5'-4" 5'.4- (1626) (1626) 20 7/5" 20 7/8" (530) (530) 3 heights LL I FWH2980S5 FWH2980ARHFWH2980AL FWR548OSS FWH5480ASR FWH5480SALASR L FWH5480APLRR FWH5480PALRR 155 for custom sizes Ono specifications. 5tatlonary (S) doors can be used as an individual unit or as a sidelight. In additicin to venting door panels shown in table, other standard configurations are available for two - and three -panel doors. Grille patterns shown on page 155. 31-0 IAS' 3'-0 48" 3'-0'-/8" 51-11114" 5'-11 1/4" 5'41 1/4" 51-11114, 51-111/4, Dnor Dimension (918) (918) (918) (1810) (1810) 1 (1810) (1810) (1810) Minimum 3'-1" 3'-1" 3' 1" T-01 61•0" I 6'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0" Rough Opening (940) (940) (940) 11829) (1829) (1829) (1829) (1829) Unobstructed Glass 2474-1 2414' 24 7/s' 24 7/8' 24 7,a' 24 7s8 ' 24'/8' 24 7/8' single pane! arly} (632} (632} (632) (fi32} (632) (632► (632) (632) 3 heights FWH3180SS FWH318GARR FWH3180ALL FW8608OSSS FWH680ASRR FWH OWSALL FFWWH6080APLR FWH6080PALR • "Door N-rienslon' always Wers to owside frame to frame dimension. •'Minimum Rough Opening' dimensions may need to 4e increased to allow for else of building wraps, naWng. silt panning, brackets, fasteners or other items. See gages 210.211 for more details. • Damensinnx in parewhr,rs air ,n mi36meiers, 152 ZAUnent Hles\ OSSaC a i es\Rossack-I 2OY21 - '_iL=iLz� okh.pin EI :—H T— m RI @n m G) > (D> T— Z m Cn m m 1 u) In > z -0 m m > ;10 cn Iff Iff -r 4K _H =IT -Tl- -a E :j -E- (0 -n x 0 o H H 11 > z m n: 1—il—EO O I—II—F 0 m r cn E E_ E -E= - IT -IT -T E -II -Il DT1 TEE 46 E-11-11 E-li- 11 J_H_J7 H I IMI[N L m m z X X m m m m z m 0 0 L/)z 11 VL z --1 m z m 6) > (/) G) X ZZ- ]I -T[ -T[ -0 0 z 0 0 --1 C �o Z: 0 m:* o if H -A- m Ct) z �E CG) m > C() -1 90 XOO 0 Po 0 m Q;� 0 0 On m n 0 T n 0 O >i rn m 0 z C� 0 c 0 o 0 3: ` O id z x� z '� G 9 'T' 71 ;q CD 0 Xo cD =7 — 4� C) 0 C� 0 o4el @ > 0 --1 C: ID 0 tTj c')w Z (n C=D 411r, z T z 0 w 0 C� Z o > La;nent Hes ossac a !es ossac - - okh.pIn IL E E E m X D z m GJ C7 m n m x m O ME - z TI fl 4 1 IHllllgllll ILlliglglq Iglglqlql , _ II !1111 11gl `I!1Ilii il!rli� ''I!lihiil�!' ji!.! f14T!I!�Ij [I',€11[P.,E�', N I I € I i= IV HIM `#O Y �O 1 Y - m v "3 , Ili' it€ $Uq O _ 0 m n D 1 cn x 1 n I I mmz X X m m X W 2 mmz G1 XXm z 65F UW I TF 7 m {zj Z O Q m*oa b 0 m m�0 z 00 m 0 0 67 O o > m N m mD O On N m v z O a �-com J O �l O 47 I7 W aim -! o U) rr O V]O r" Iv in o c-) CD W o Z W len I es ossa es ossac - n IT I— C _H z IIII 'I'I D .:I' II III 'I 111111 I� i' Illi) r'.!il Ii IIIrI i'II II I I'I I1'i IT TF —Z Illnll�I llli131 CmC N C j IIII IIiI 'I III '1'13 I''ll r C ? ... _ r� -',I: it -- .. 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