HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Prepared by: 349 Route 28, Unit D W. Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 23 Glenwood Street, West Yarmouth Request for Determination of Applicability Proposed Raise and Replacement of Single-Family Dwelling Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission February 2022 Prepared for: Mark Doran 24 Glenwood Street West Yarmouth, MA 02673 BSC Job #50611.00 Engineers Environmental Scientists Software Developers Landscape Architects Planners Surveyors 349 Main Street, Route 28, Unit D / West Yarmouth, MA 02673 / 508-778-8919 www.bscgroup.com February 1, 2022 Town of Yarmouth Conservation Commission 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Attn: Kelly Grant, Conservation Administrator RE: Request for Determination of Applicability, Proposed Raise and Replacement of Single-family Dwelling, 23 Glenwood Street, West Yarmouth, Massachusetts; BSC Job #50611.00 Dear Ms. Grant and Members of the Conservation Commission: BSC Group, Inc. (BSC) is pleased to submit this Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) on behalf of our client, Mark Doran, for the property located at 23 Glenwood Street in West Yarmouth (the Site). The proposed project at the Site involves the raise and replacement of a single-family dwelling, with the proposed dwelling to be located as far away from resource areas as possible. The existing dwelling which includes a gazebo, unattached garage, and two decks. Temporary impacts to the buffer zones of jurisdictional resource areas associated with the demolition and removal of the existing dwelling will comprise of 105 square feet (sf) within the 50-100 buffer zone to Salt Marsh and 1,430 sf within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to the Top of Coastal Bank. These areas will be restored to their original grade, loamed and seeded immediately following the completion of work. The existing septic system within the buffer zone to Coastal Bank and Salt Marsh be pumped, filled with sand, and crushed, as is typical for septic system retirements. The new Title V septic system and associated components will be constructed outside of all jurisdictional resource areas. Impacts associated with the new single-family dwelling will comprise of 640 sf of the proposed paver stone patio and a portion of the dwelling within the 50-100-foot Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank. The proposed work will result in a significant reduction to developed/impervious areas within the Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank and Salt Marsh, which will provide a significant betterment to the Site in terms of the interests of the WPA and Yarmouth Bylaw. A line of sediment and erosion controls will be installed between the limit of work and the wetland resource areas prior to the start of work and will remain in place until work has been completed. All construction materials will be staged upland of all resource areas. All debris from the Site will be contained in roll-off container stored in upland areas and will be removed from the Site in a timely manner. Please see attached plans for more details. This application is being submitted in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Town of Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our office at 508-778-8919. Sincerely, BSC GROUP, INC. Hannah Raddatz Wetland Scientist cc: Mark Doran, 24 Glenwood Street, West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Yarmouth Conservation Commission • 1146 Route 28 • South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288 • Fax (508)-398-0836 • TTD# (508) 398-2231 • kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us Rev. 9/2021 Administrative Checklist Request for Determination of Applicability General Information: All filings must be made on Town of Yarmouth forms found at www.yarmouth.ma.us/325/Conservation. The filing deadline is two weeks prior to the next scheduled Conservation Commission meeting. No new information may be accepted into the Commissioners’ packets within the week before a meeting. Failure to follow this Checklist shall result in an Administrative Incomplete Application and will not be advertised for a Public Hearing. Refer to the meeting and fee schedule. Contact the Conservation Office if you need assistance. Submitting an Application: 1 original application with original signatures (double sided). A detailed project narrative to include sufficient information to enable the Commission to determine whether the proposed work will alter an area subject to protection (in hardcopy form). BVW delineation sheet(s), coastal bank calculation and other relevant material (in hardcopy form). 1 hardcopy of a Yarmouth Assessor’s locator map highlighting parcel(s) where work is proposed, including map and parcel numbers. Assessor’s maps can be found at www.yarmouth.ma.us/70/Assessor 1 original and 7 photocopies of the plan/sketch, folded separately, right side out with title visible. All plans shall reference NAVD1988 unless otherwise noted. Landscape plans shall be detailed to show proposed and existing conditions, native species, size and spacing. A pdf copy of the application, supporting information and plan/sketch emailed to kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us. Please put the property’s street address in the pdf file name. Local filing fee – separate check payable to “Town of Yarmouth”. Legal ad fee – separate check payable to “Town of Yarmouth”. (Refer to Fee Schedule at https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/696/Filing-Forms) A pdf copy of the signed application and plan/sketch must be sent VIA EMAIL to DEP, Southeast Region at SERO_NOI@mass.gov with a subject line showing “YARMOUTH - RDA - Street Address - Applicant Name” and copied to kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us. We must receive a copy of this email as proof that it has been sent to DEP. Submit a copy of any Certified Mail receipts (PS Form 3800) for others, such as Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, etc. Alternatively, you may visit their websites for electronic filing information. If filed electronically, please copy kgrant@yarmouth.ma.us. If the applicant is not the property owner: Please submit a signed Site Access Authorization Form; AND The owner must be sent a copy of the application via Certified Mail on the same day it is filed with this office. Please submit a copy of the Certified Mail receipt with application. CONSERVATION OFFICE x x x x n/a (salt marsh) x x x x n/a wpaform1.doc Page 1 of 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Yarmouth City/Town A. General Information Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. 1. Applicant: Mark Doran Name mdoran@ferrarine.com E-Mail Address 24 Glenwood Street Mailing Address West Yarmouth City/Town MA State 02673 Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number (if applicable) 2. Representative (if any): BSC Group, Inc. Firm Hannah Raddatz Contact Name hraddatz@bscgroup.com E-Mail Address 349 Route 28, Unit D Mailing Address West Yarmouth City/Town MA State 02673 Zip Code 508-778-8919 Phone Number Fax Number (if applicable) B. Determinations 1. I request the Yarmouth Conservation Commission make the following determination(s). Check any that apply: a. whether the area depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced below is an area subject to jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act. b. whether the boundaries of resource area(s) depicted on plan(s) and/or map(s) referenced below are accurately delineated. c. whether the work depicted on plan(s) referenced below is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act. d. whether the area and/or work depicted on plan(s) referenced below is subject to the jurisdiction of any municipal wetlands ordinance or bylaw of: Yarmouth Name of Municipality e. whether the following scope of alternatives is adequate for work in the Riverfront Area as depicted on referenced plan(s). wpaform1.doc Page 2 of 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Yarmouth City/Town C. Project Description 1. a. Project Location (use maps and plans to identify the location of the area subject to this request): 23 Glenwood Street Street Address West Yarmouth City/Town 20 Assessors Map/Plat Number 9 Parcel/Lot Number b. Area Description (use additional paper, if necessary): The exisitng site contians a single-family home with a gazebo and two decks. The house is abutted by single-family homes in all directions. A salt marsh and the top of coastal bank exists beyond the southern boundary of the Site. See attached photo pages for views of the Site and resource areas. c. Plan and/or Map Reference(s): Plan of Land Title 1/26/2022 Date Title Date Title Date 2. a. Work Description (use additional paper and/or provide plan(s) of work, if necessary): The proposed project at the Site involves the raise and replacement of a single-family dwelling, with the proposed dwelling to be located as far away from resource areas as possible. Temporary impacts to the buffer zones of jurisdictional resource areas associated with the demolition and removal of the existing dwelling will comprise of 105 square feet (sf) within the 50-100 buffer zone to Salt Marsh and 1,430 sf within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to the Top of Coastal Bank. These areas will be restored to their original grade, loamed and seeded immediately following the completion of work.The existing septic system will be pumped, filled with sand, and crushed, as is typical for septic system retirements. The new Title V septic system and associated components will be constructed outside of all jurisdictional resource areas. Impacts associated with the new single-family dwelling will comprise of 640 sf of the proposed patio and a portion of the dwelling within the 50-100-foot Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank. See atttached plan for additional information. wpaform1.doc Page 3 of 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Yarmouth City/Town C. Project Description (cont.) b. Identify provisions of the Wetlands Protection Act or regulations which may exempt the applicant from having to file a Notice of Intent for all or part of the described work (use additional paper, if necessary). 310 CMR 10.02(2)(b)2 : This section of the WPA lists exemptions for minor work within in buffer zones, 310 CMR 10.02(2)(b)2.e states "the conversion of lawn to uses accessory to residential structures such as decks, sheds, patios, pools, etc. is allowed". As the bulk of the proposed work within the buffer zone to jurisdictional areas comprises of the demolition of the exisiting single-family dwellling and associated structure to be converted to lawn, this exemption should apply to the project. This proposed single-family dwelling will result in a significant betterment to the exisiting conditions of the Site, and therefore the proposed project should be exempt from filing an NOI. 3. a. If this application is a Request for Determination of Scope of Alternatives for work in the Riverfront Area, indicate the one classification below that best describes the project. Single family house on a lot recorded on or before 8/1/96 Single family house on a lot recorded after 8/1/96 Expansion of an existing structure on a lot recorded after 8/1/96 Project, other than a single family house or public project, where the applicant owned the lot before 8/7/96 New agriculture or aquaculture project Public project where funds were appropriated prior to 8/7/96 Project on a lot shown on an approved, definitive subdivision plan where there is a recorded deed restriction limiting total alteration of the Riverfront Area for the entire subdivision Residential subdivision; institutional, industrial, or commercial project Municipal project District, county, state, or federal government project Project required to evaluate off-site alternatives in more than one municipality in an Environmental Impact Report under MEPA or in an alternatives analysis pursuant to an application for a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or 401 Water Quality Certification from the Department of Environmental Protection. b. Provide evidence (e.g., record of date subdivision lot was recorded) supporting the classification above (use additional paper and/or attach appropriate documents, if necessary.) Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 70°15'0"W 70°15'0"W 70°16'0"W 70°16'0"W 70°17'0"W 70°17'0"W 41°39'0"N41°39'0"N41°38'0"N41°38'0"NDocument Path: \\bscbos\yar\Projects-YAR\5061100\Environmental\GIS\Output\Maps\MXD\ReportMaps\23GlenwoodSt_LOCUS_Map.mxdDate Saved: 1/27/2022 11:07:33 AM THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL PLANNING & INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. ALL MEASUREMENTS & LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Scale:Source: 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed23 GLENWOOD STREET WEST YARMOUTH, MA USGS Site Locus Map(page size: 8.5 X 11) 1 inch = 2,500 feet 0 1,250 2,500 Feet H Site Location kj kj kj 70°16'0"W 70°16'0"W THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL PLANNING & INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. ALL MEASUREMENTS & LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Scale:Source:23 GLENWOOD STREET WEST YARMOUTH, MA NHESP Map USGS 2008-2009 NHESP 2017 ESRI World Imagery ESRI World Topo±1:3,000 0 130 260 Feet 1 inch = 250 feet Legend NHESP Priority Habitats of Rare Species NHESP Estimated Habitats of Rare Wildlife kj Certified Vernal Pools kj Potential Vernal Pools Site Locus Date Saved: 1/27/2022 11:18:48 AMDocument Path: \\bscbos\yar\Projects-YAR\5061100\Environmental\GIS\Output\Maps\MXD\ReportMaps\23GlenwoodSt_NHESP_Map.mxd National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250 Feet Ü SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Zone A, V, A99 With BFE or DepthZone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Regulatory Floodway 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depth less than one foot or with drainage areas of less than one square mileZone X Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood HazardZone X Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to Levee. See Notes.Zone X Area with Flood Risk due to LeveeZone D NO SCREEN Area of Minimal Flood Hazard Zone X Area of Undetermined Flood HazardZone D Channel, Culvert, or Storm Sewer Levee, Dike, or Floodwall Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance 17.5 Water Surface Elevation Coastal Transect Coastal Transect Baseline Profile Baseline Hydrographic Feature Base Flood Elevation Line (BFE) Effective LOMRs Limit of Study Jurisdiction Boundary Digital Data Available No Digital Data Available Unmapped This map complies with FEMA's standards for the use of digital flood maps if it is not void as described below. The basemap shown complies with FEMA's basemap accuracy standards The flood hazard information is derived directly from the authoritative NFHL web services provided by FEMA. This map was exported on 1/27/2022 at 12:54 PM and does not reflect changes or amendments subsequent to this date and time. The NFHL and effective information may change or become superseded by new data over time. This map image is void if the one or more of the following map elements do not appear: basemap imagery, flood zone labels, legend, scale bar, map creation date, community identifiers, FIRM panel number, and FIRM effective date. Map images for unmapped and unmodernized areas cannot be used for regulatory purposes. Legend OTHER AREAS OF FLOOD HAZARD OTHER AREAS GENERAL STRUCTURES OTHER FEATURES MAP PANELS 8 B 20.2 The pin displayed on the map is an approximate point selected by the user and does not represent an authoritative property location. 1:6,000 70°16'13"W 41°38'58"N 70°15'36"W 41°38'32"N Basemap: USGS National Map: Orthoimagery: Data refreshed October, 2020 TOWN OF YARMOUTH BAYVIEW BEACH TOWN OF YARMOUTH AV E N U E GLENWOODVERNONRUSSO R D.STREETPARK ST.PA R KSTREET VERNONGROVEMALFA ROADALGONQUINHIGHLAND WAVERLY ST.STREE T G L E N W O O D STR EETFLAKEYA R D LANEBAYVIEW STREETWINDMILL LANE STREETGROVESTONE AVENUERACHEL R D.1059 51 43 1116 12211156 17151171-3 175622 28 273151 2632 36 44 50 52 62 64 2226303440 48 50 54 5633154415 18 8112022199 766 68 1915945 33 232115563 56 7118157 5962521731174 GLENWOOD 7 FLAK E Y A R D 914779(TOWN)(TOWN)(TOWN)(PRIVATE)(TOWN)(TOWN)(TO W N ) (PRIVATE )(COUNTY)(PRIVATE)(PRIVATE)(P R I V )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TOWN O F Y ARMOU TH TOWN O F B ARN S T A B LE LE W I S B A Y P/O 20-56 P/O 20-47.1 P/O 28-58.1.1P/O 20-65P/O 28-161 P/O21-1P/O21-19P/O 21-16?? 75 0.11 AC 77 0.14 AC 78 0.16 AC 81 0 . 0 6 A C 82 0.11 AC 83 0.11 AC 84 1061 0.16 AC570.07 AC128 0.09 AC 129 0.09 AC 141 0.1 AC 142 0.09 AC 64 0.10 AC 63 0.10 AC 60 0.12 AC 59 0.09 AC 45 0.09 A C 510.17 AC58.1.1 89.20 AC 15.1 2.07 AC 16 2.28 AC 56 1.38 AC 37 1.01 AC 161 1.72 AC 43 0.79 AC 86 0.60 AC 23 0.64 AC 28 0.68 AC 34 0.57 AC 22 0.56 AC 87 0.51 AC 3 0.52 AC 16 0.49 AC 2 0.49 AC 18 0.43 AC 58 0.48 AC 27.1 0.61 AC 30 0.57 AC 1 0.44 AC 19 0.42 AC 62 0.40 AC 13 0.41 AC 33 0.42 AC 88 0.43 AC 73 0.38 AC 89 0.35 AC 85 0.39 AC 21 0.37 AC 12 0.32 AC 35 0.37 AC 66 0.33 AC 44 0.37 AC 54 0.31 AC 72 0.24 AC 26 0.39 AC 31 0.37 AC 9 0.33 AC 18 0.43 AC 50 0.33 AC 52 0.31 AC 53 0.30 AC 46 0.30 AC 11 0.23 AC 20 0.31 AC 47.1 0.47 AC 6 0.27 AC 65 0.34 AC 8 0.32 AC 7 0.28 AC 69 0.26 AC 76 0.27 AC 36 0.28 AC 29 0.26 AC 19 0.24 AC 1 0.25 AC 67 0.22 AC68 0.22 AC 17 0.21 AC 152 0.49 AC 80 0.17 AC 41 0.19 AC 55 0.16 AC 79 0.21 AC 27.2 0.18 AC 24 0.16 AC 40 0.17 AC 32 0.18 AC 49 0.16 AC 71 0.18 AC 70 0.13 AC 15 0.28 AC 39.1 0.13 AC 74 0.13 AC 48 0.12 AC 25 0.12 AC 153 0.13 AC 42 0.10 AC 1 0.36 AC TAX MAPTOWN OF YARMOUTH BARNSTABLE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS DATE OF LATEST MAP REVISION: 9/22/21 INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS FOR ASSESSING PURPOSES ONLY. NO LIABILITY FOR ERROR IS ASSUMED BY THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. 100 0 100 20050 Feet «SHEET 20 28 2120 29 Photo 1: View of the southern face of existing dwelling, deck and gazebo at 23 Glenwood Street Facing northwest Photo 2: View of the northern face of existing dwelling and corner of northeastern deck at 23 Glenwood Street Facing south Site Photographs 23 Glenwood Street West Yarmouth, MA 10/8/2021 Page 1 Photo 3: View salt marsh from 18 Rachel Road (property to the southeast of the Site). Facing south Photo 4: View of the front yard at 23 Glenwood Street with existing dwelling and garage. This is a general location of the proposed dwelling with attached garage Facing southeast Site Photographs 23 Glenwood Street West Yarmouth, MA 10/8/2021 Page 2