HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed0 R Prepared by and return to: Cushing & Dolan, P.C. Totten Pond Road office Park 375 Totten Pond Road, Suite 200 Waltham, MA 02451 Page 1 of 5 Doaz1s3-59r967 12-03-2018 12226 Ct F �' 218059 B'ARNSTAPLE LAND COURT REGISTRY Uk 31703 p:!3 43 591938 12----03--2018 a 12; 49P MASSACHUSETTS QUITCLAIM DEED WE, JACK S. LEE and AUDREY L. LEE, husband and wife as Tenants by the Entirety, both presently of 43 Autumn Drive, South Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, FOR CONSIDERATION PAID AND IN FULL CONSIDERATION OF TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, Grant to JACK S. LEE and AUDREY L. LEE, Trustees of the LEE FAMILY TRUST under Declaration of Trust dated V&hV yr L3 , 2016, see Trustee's Certificate pursuant to M.G.L. c. 1 44 § 35 recorded herewith, said Trust presently of 43 Autumn Drive, South Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, all of our right, title and interest in the premises known as 43 Autumn Drive, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts, further bounded and described as follows: PARCEL I (registered land) LOT 249 PLAN 30561-B (Sheet 6) No title exam was prepared. For our title reference, see deed dated NLM��ti and recorded herewith. PARCEL II (unregistered land) NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Horace F., Reynolds, as shown on plan hereinafter mentioned, 62.02 feet; EASTERLY by a Way, 63.25 feet; and Bk 31703 Pg44 #59938 Page 2 of 5 SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Bertha C. Bassett, 82.05 feet. Being shown as a triangular shaped parcel of land originally located on "Subdivision Plan of Land in South Yarmouth, [bass. Property of Rebecca P. Hosking Scale V'=40' August, 1962" duly recorded in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 174, Page 127, Said triangular shown piece of land is on the extreme Westerly side of said plan and the remaining land next to Lot #14, as shown on said plan, after the insertion of a way known as Autumn Drive. Subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, easements, reservations, restrictions, appurtenances and other matters of record, if any there be, insofar as the same are .in force and applicable. Containing 1,941 square feet of land more or less, No title exam was prepared. For our title reference, see deed dated n_clluj�t, �3.n�0i� and recorded herewith. PARCEL III (unregistered land) NORTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Rebecca Hosking, there measuring 82.05 feet; SOUTHEASTERLY by Autumn Drive, so-called, there measuring 47.50 feet; SOUTHERLY by Lot E-1 owned by Stagelands, Inc., there measuring 97.60 feet; and NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Alice B. Davis, there measuring 108.17 feet, containing 6,640 square feet more or less. The above -described parcel is referred to as LOT E-2 and is a portion of LOT E as shown on plan entitled "Plan of Lots of Benjamin Grassi, Tr. In South Yarmouth, August 2, 1958" duly recorded with Barnstable County Deeds, Plan Book 150, Page 31. Together with a right of way as appurtenant to each of the lots to use the ways shown on said plan in common with others entitled thereto for all purposes for which ways are commonly Bk 31703 Pg45 #59938 Page 3 of 5 used in the Town of Yarmouth and together with and subject to such easements and rights as may be in force and effect and applicable to the premises hereinabove described. No title exam was prepared. For our title reference, see deed dated pj and recorded herewith. [The balance of this page is left blank intentionally.] Bk 31703 Pg46 #59938 Page 4 of 5 WITNESS our hands and seals this 2016. day of —XU,lY1LL" , F2EY L . LEE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACRUSETTS On this _ 3 day of APueA o /--* ^ , 2018, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared JACK S. LEE, '-r-US*, proved to me through s factory evidence of identification, which is ' oto identification 0 personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document in my presence, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document(s) are truthful and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief and acknowledged he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. My Commission Expires. TObp E. LUTSKY Notary Name: Notary Public ' Common"ffiih of Massachusetts ,, t My Commission Pwres June 3, 2022 Page 5 of S - W,' a.y= i Tr-0,7ZF-j0 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS On this 1S day of , 2018, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared AtMREY L. LEE,, proved to me thr h satisfactory evidence of identification, which is hoto identification [] personal knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document in my presence, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document(s) are truthful and accurate to the beast of her knowledge and belief and acknowledged she signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. My Commission Expires: Notary Name: TODD E. LUTSKY 4 Notary Public CommonweairhofMassachusatts t My Commisslan 50ras June S, 2022 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DOS John F. Meade, Register SARNSTABL.E COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS A TRUE COPY, ATTEST JOHN F. lti SADE., REGISTER