HomeMy WebLinkAboutYHC concern re Condition BR Baptist Church 20166t" Upz�e l [ I --
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Vozella, Beth
From: Vozella, Beth
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:12 AM
To: Greene, Karen; Grylls, Mark
Subject: Baptist Church, 88 Old Main St.
Hi Karen and Mark -
As you know, the Historical Commission is extremely concerned about the condition of the Baptist Church located at 88 Old
Main Street and would like to move forward to have their concerns acted upon swiftly before the building goes through another
winter. To that end, the Commission has asked me to extend an invitation for you both to attend their next meeting to answer a
few questions and possibly provide some direction.
They understand that the building, in its current state, may not pose a danger/safety threat and that any repairs that may be
required to prevent further damage cannot proceed unless/until the owner expresses interest in doing so. The YHC would like
to contact the owner to discuss the situation, to encourage the repairs and to offer assistance in obtaining funding from the CPC
to finance the repairs. Attempts to determine who the current owner is, have been unsuccessful.
A few questions that I am aware of:
• When was the church last inspected and what were the findings?
• Has a response been received from the inspection request letter that was sent out on October17, 2016. If yes, from
whom? If no, what is the next step?
• What alternatives are there if the owner is unable to be identified?
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec 8'h at 3:00pm in the Hearing Room. Please let me know if you will be available
to attend.
Beth Vozella
Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292
Fax: 508-398-0836
Vozella, Beth
From: Vozella, Beth
Sent: Monday, [November 28, 2016 12:24 PM
To: Beverly Bachand
Cc: Julie Mockabee (vanguard3l@verizon.net)
Subject: Baptist Church
Attachments: baptist church-beth.doc
Hi Beverly -
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
I mentioned to Karen Greene today that the YHC would like her to attend the next meeting on Dec 81h to discuss the Baptist
Church. In anticipation (and for our own records), I am drafting a summary of what is currently happening with this
building. This draft is compiled from information obtained from the write up you submitted to Julie last month, the Form B on
file in MAORIS, the title search and the Building Dept. What I am missing are the details of all contact attempts such as names,
addresses, contact method and any responses received. is this something that you can provide?
I am hoping to pass this write up along to both Karen and Mark Grylls prior to the meeting to get them up to speed, so if you
would provide any information you have by this Friday, I'd appreciate it. Also, feel free to edit where you see fit.
Thanks Beverly!
Beth Vozella
Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292
Fax: 508-398-0836
Bass River Church
Notes as of: 11/28/16
The Bass River Baptist Church is located in the center of the town owned Historic Cemetery, at 88
Old Main Street in the Bass River Historical District. In 1824, Rev. Simeon Crowell founded the First
Baptist Church of Yarmouth and donated this land for the church. In 1826 Captain Freeman Baker,
donated $600 to build the church which was so small and unattractive it was called "The Lord's Barn".
In 1860, an extension was built and a steeple, bell and belfry were added along with clapboard siding
to make it a more attractive place to worship. In 1891, the church was raised and a vestry was added
beneath it. This is an attractive unique church with its extremely long windows and tall steeple which
was replaced when it fell in 1914. Then in 2010, the steeple was leaning and in danger of falling, so it
was removed and has not been replaced. Meanwhile, ospreys have begun nesting there during the
summer seasons and this past winter, some of its siding fell off creating an opening under the
roofline leaving it susceptible to weather and critter damage.
Needless to say, in order to preserve the integrity of this historic building, it is in desperate need of
immediate repairs. To that end, the YHC has taken an active interest and has been working with the
CPC to move forward with this endeavor.
The first step in this process is to contact the owner to discuss the situation and to offer the YHC's
assistance in obtaining funding from the CPC to finance the repairs.
Efforts have been made to contact: Need details.
Unfortunately, at this point in time, we have not been able to determine who currently owns this
building. A title search recently performed by Town Council concluded that the likely owner of the
building is The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts. To confirm this, Beverly Bachand
contacted the utility companies, but they would not reveal this information.
On October 17, 2016, the Building Department sent an Inspection Request letter addressed to the
Bass River Community Church, 84 Old Main St., SY asking for a response within 10 days of receipt.
Question for Building: Has a response been received? If yes, from whom? If no, what is the next
Repairs cannot proceed unlessluntil the owner expresses interest: in doing so.
TOWN OF YARMOUTH Department of
1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4192 Development
Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 1277, Fax (508) 398-2365
TO: Beverley Bachand
Yarmouth Historical Commission rep to the CPC
FROM: Jennifer Copeland _/�n
CPA Administrative Assistant—
SUBJECT: 88 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth, MA
DATE: July 27, 2016
Thank you for the letter from the Yarmouth Historical Commission to the Community Preservation Committee
(CPC) in which the Commission expresses concern about the deteriorating condition of the historic building
located at 88 Old Main Street.
On June 8, 2016, the CPC reviewed the request and voted to recommend a title search of the property.
Enclosed please find Town Counsel's title search concluding that the most likely owner of the building is the
American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts.
Thank you for your interest in preserving this historic resource for our community and please let me know if
you are successful in contacting the property owner.
cc: Peter Johnson -Staub, Interim Town Administrator
Karen M. Greene, Director of Community Development
Beth Vozella, Historic Administrator
Community Preservation Committee
3 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836
TO: Gary Ellis, Chairman
Community Preservation Committee
FROM: Julie Mockabee, Chairperson
Yarmouth Historical Commission
DATE: May 17, 2016
RE: 88 Old Main St. South Yarmouth, MA
The Yarmouth Historical Commission is concerned about the condition of the building located at 88 Old
Main St, in South Yarmouth. This structure, which was built c1826, is listed in the South Yarmouth/Bass
River National Register Historic District.
The purpose of this is to address our concern and the need to preserve this property. It appears to be
abandoned and is deteriorating quickly. The YHC has been unsuccessful in determining who is responsible
for this building. Therefore, we are appealing to the Community Preservation Committee to conduct an
examination of the property for any information relative to the locus, title, encumbrances, rights, restrictions,
easements, etc.... that will allow us to move forward (including taking legal action if necessary).
Please direct any questions you may have to Beverley Bachand, YHC representative on the CPC, as she is up
to date and spearheading our crusade to save this building.
Anything the CPC can do to assist us will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Copeland, Jennifer
From: L.J.Murphy Law <ckurra@cape.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 9:28 AM
To: Copeland, Jennifer
Subject: Fw: 88 Old Main Street, Yarmouth
Attachments: 88 Old Main Street Yarmouth.pdf
I have attached with this email the results of the research performed by my Title Abstractor in
connection with the property at 88 Old Main Street in South Yarmouth. As you will note, it appears
that based upon the research there is a deed going back to May 30, 1890, whereby the building and
the land that the building was located on was conveyed to the Massachusetts Baptist
Convention. That entity merged with the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts in 1969. It
would appear that that entity is the most likely owner of record of the building.
Please let me know if there is anything further that you need.
Lester J. Murphy Jr.
Attorney At Law
1380 Route 134
PO BOX 1388
East Dennis, MA. 02641
TEL: (508) 385-8313
FAX: (508) 385-7033
Email: I!murphylaw@verizon.net
From: Michelle Fo a
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 6:33 AM
To: L.J.Murphy. Law
Subject: Re: 88 Old Main Street, Yarmouth
Hello Jay:
Attached please find correspondence and materials regarding 88 Old Main Street. Also attached is an updated
Chris will be stopping by your office this afternoon, and will have the hard -copies for you then.
Thank you,
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:12 PM, L.J.Murphy Law <ckurra@cape.com> wrote:
Thanks a bunch, Michelle!
From: `Fleet Messenger
P= 0. Box 0000
IR 508.246.0733 Fax: 508-664-0269
Lester J. Murphy, Jr., Fsq, July 9, 2016
1380 Route 134
East Dennis, MA 02641
Re: 88 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth
Bass River Community Baptist Church
Dear Attorney Murphy:
Per your request, ] have conducted research relative to the Bass River Community
Baptist Church, located at 88 Old Main Street, in an effort to determine ownership of the
A review of historical records online indicates that the Baptist church (alk/a First
Baptist Church) was built between 1824 — 1826. An excerpt from Cane Cod Library of
Local History and Genealogy. ]Volume 11 provides very helpful information about the
origins of the building;
"The Baptist church in South Yarmouth was organized in 1824. The structure itself dates
back to the year 1826, when it was built at a cost of $600.00, the whole amount being
paid by Rev. Simeon Crowell and Capt. Freeman Baker, the former being the first pastor
I was able to locate a deed from Freeman Baker, et ux, to the Massachusetts
Baptist Convention, dated 1890, conveying "a certain parcel of land in the southerly part
of Yarmouth together with the meeting house standing thereon... being the same premises
used and occupied by the First Baptist Church of said Yarmouth as a place of public
worship and formerly conveyed to Baker and Crowell, the grantees being their only
lawful heirs." Said deed is recorded with the Barnstable Registry in Book 188, Page 276.
I ran the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, but was unable to locate any
conveyance out from 1890 forward. A Google search of the Massachusetts Baptist
Convention shows that they merged with The American Baptist Churches of
Massachusetts in 1969. 1 did not locate any conveyances by the latter.
Unfortunately, it is at this point that I hit a dead end. My assumption, based on the+
information I was able to locate, is that the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts,
as successor to the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, may be the owner of the church
. I reviewed the deeds and materials the Town of Yarmouth provided, and found
that none of them apply to locus. I did not locate any items of record that would indicate
any ownership of the building by River of Life Ministries, Bass River Community Baptist
Church, or Marluce Lourenco. The items provided by the town are actually for the parcel
which abuts locus on the north, known as 18-20 Wood Road, shown on Plan. 1471143,
and have no connection to 88 Old Main Street.
Enclosed herewith are copies of the historical notes and deed 1881276.
The Town of Yarmouth owns the land located at 88 Old Main Street; as conveyed
in 1948 by the Baptist Cemetery Association of South Yarmouth, recorded with the
Barnstable Registry of Deeds in Book 739, Page 322. A better description of locus is
provided in the deed conveyed in 1916 by the heirs of Simeon Crowell and Freeman
Baker, being the "land under and surrounding the Baptist Church in South Yarmouth" by
deed from the Baptist Cemetery Association of South Yarmouth, Mass., recorded with
the Barnstable Registry in Book 354, Page 122. (Per the description contained in said
deed, the church building was not conveyed.)
Once you have had the opportunity to review the enclosed materials, please let me
know if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
Michelle Fogarty
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Yarmouth. 1890. History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Chapter XVII. Page 58 of 79
' Rev. Simeon
1 t Crowell, born in
May, 1778, the son
. of Abner and Ruth
,. (Nickerson)
Crowell, departed
"s this life in August,
=1848. Abner
w'm V Crowell, the father,
died on board a
prison ship in
Newport harbor
three months before
the birth of Simeon,
leaving his family
destitute. The
pressing needs of
the family and his
tender regard for
_�_�-••. �.,�,.. ,��t his mother induced
L _ the subject of this
sketch to early
brave the hardships of a sailor's life. He rose rapidly to the
position of master and by the
application of his characteristic energy, made success his
reward. At the age of thirty-six he left the sea to engage in
the manufacture of salt, which he continued until his
After leaving the sea he was impressed with a sense of
duty in the direction of special Christian work, and
yielding to this impression, he entered the ministry, being
ordained at his own house. The Baptist church received his
life-long labors. He married Charlotte Clark of Harwich
(now Brewster), an estimable lady, whose efficient
assistance, especially in his pastoral work, can never be
measured. They reared four children: Charlotte, born June,
1803, died March, 1877; Mary, born February, 1806, died
December, 1886; Simeon, born January, 1808, died
http://capecodhistoty.us/Deyo/'YarTnouth.htmi 7/1 W2016
Yarnouth. 1890. History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Chapter XViL Page 59 of 79
September, 1849; and Ruth H., who was born January,
1810, died October, 1851. Of these children, Charlotte and
Mary lived and died unmarried. Simeon, in May, 1841,
married Desire Crosby of Brewster, and died without
issue. Ruth H. married Barnabas Sears, jr., and of their four
children three died in infancy; Simeon, the youngest, died
at sixteen in the manner mentioned in the biography of his
Rev. Simeon Crowell has left the record of a faithful
citizen in all public and private acts. He won the
confidence and respect of the entire community, and was
many times called to serve his town in responsible
positions. As a minister and teacher he was untiring in his
devotion to his Master, declaring the counsels of truth
whenever occasion presented, and sowing that gospel seed
which has brought forth an hundred fold.
turgis Crowell, son of Elkanah, was born in 18 and
fall ped sea from 1832 to 1874, being master een
years. a was married in 1858 to Emily, dau ter of Elisha
and Poll Baker. She died in 1859. He ma ed again in
1874, to Su n J., daughter of Freeman d Patience Baker.
They have tw daughters: Alice Mau e, and Annie S. By
his first wife he d one son,
Elish . S., who died
February,1872, ag thirteen ye s.
William P. Davis, son f J es Davis, was born in 1$16,
in New Bedford, and ca Yarmouth at the age of four
years. He was engaged ' sal aking un'11858, when he
entered the Yarmout atianal ank as assistant cashier.
He became cashier n 1875, at the nth of Amos Otis. He
has filled the of ' e of town clerk sin February, 18. He
married PeA.,
. Crowell. They have fo r children.
yh'illiam o has been in the bank with 's father since
1866; Ab Hannah H. and Lucy W.
Ed'y1ard S. Ellis, son of George W. E. and Sar (Story)
was born in 1856, at Boumedale. He has bee Station
for the Old Colony Railroad Company since \
—two years at Bournedale, and since then at
Yarmouth. He spent five years in California prior
http://capecGdhistory.us/DeyolYannouth.fitmt 7/10,12016
Yarmouth. 1890. History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Chapter XVII. Pace 31 of 79
' 1eele,1877; George E. F 879; A. McCord,
1880; Edward i eorge W. Wright, 1883, S.
H. Day and Jos . George, - .Arbuckle, 1886;
W. E. r, 1887; George E. Dunbar, since 1
The South Yarmouth Baptist Church was organized
November 20, 1824, as the First Baptist Church of
Yarmouth. The first church edifice was built in 1825, and
the present one rebuilt in 1860. Simeon Crowell was first
pastor until his death in 1848. The society united with the
Congregationalists a few years in service, when in 1859
settled Stephen Coombs as pastor; in 1860, A. W. Ashley;
1862, William Leach, 1860, A. E. Battelle;1867, J. C.
Boomer, 1870, John A. Baskwell;1872, William Hurst, 1876,
J. H. Seaver; 1877, F. B. Joy; 1883, Orange J. Scott, who was
dismissed in 1885; and 1888, O. F. Waltze, until the spring
of 1889, when he was dismissed. There is now no settled
A chapel was built about 1860 at South Yarmouth by
David Kelley. This he has since furnished and maintained
as an undenominationai place of worship, free to all, and it
has proved a Bethel to many.
ols.—Yarmouth has never been behind t athcr
towns i county in appreciating thea ntages of
education for enpfe. The comm school system was
not an imported idea, ' etnr ou the wants and
necessities of the inhal?itan a earliest official
recognition of this fact a to s found in the record
of 1693, when a corn ee was "appa?td to agree with
some fit person t each school," which was done "in
squadrons " ering all parts of the town. Mr. Jo Miller,
son of th econd minister, had previously taught a pr'
schoo a house near the spot where the North side
sc of house now stands. Dea. Joseph Hawes, soon after
he revolution, was a famous teacher. The history of the
public schools in this town is a history of all the schools in
http:Ucapacodhistory.us/Deyo/Yarmouth.htmi 7/10/2016
United States beaartment Of the Interior
National ParK Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuation Sheet
Section ilUfTlpBr 7 gape 7
South Yarmouth/Bass River Historic District,
Yarmouth, Massachusetts
the automobile's rise during that period. Additionally, other dwellings were
updated with Craftsman elements. The David Sears house, 214 Main Street (ca.
1870; #45-A-9) is a vernacular three -bay cottage built on traditional lines;
of special interest are its early 20th century features including pergola
porch and window sash with narrow vertical panes over single panes. Another
interesting remodeling is 87 Main Street (ca. 1860; #36-J-4), which appears to
have originated as a Greek Revival sidehall. It now sports a towered Queen
Anne bay and a Craftsman wing with overshot verandah and fieldstone chimney,
In addition to its fine collection of residences, the district also includes
small number of institutional and commercial structures. The most pzominent
are its three churches. The Friend's Meetin House, 58 North (fain Street
(1809; 853-L-8; photo #l), is an austere 1 112 -story, clapboard -clad building
closely associated with the earliest history of the district. Separate male
and female entrances th t. faga onto the adjoining cemetery are accentuated by
a flushboarded portico.1 The Bass River Communit Baptist Church, 88 Main
Street (1826; 844-T-12; p oto T-1-27, stands at the opposite wast) end of the
district, and is also accompanied by a cemetery; the entire property is
encircled by a granite Post and iron rail fence. The building itself is a
simple 1 1/2 -story structure wi.h entrance and steeple situated on the gable
end; much of its original character has unfortunately been hidden under
recently applied artificial siding. The South Yarmouth Methodist Church, 322
Main Street (1652; $53-D-4), is located near the intersection of Bridge and
Main Streets, It is a 2 1/2 -story clapboard structure with entrance and
steeple centered on the gable end. It, features Greek Revival details,
includin four paneled pilasters supporting the pediment/gable and three-part
Like most 19th century communities, the village of South Yarmouth originally
had many more commercial activities than at present. Despite their small
numbers, the remaining buildings are varied in original date and use. One of
the most prominent is the 2 1/2-sturyStandish Opera House, 250 Hain Street
(ca. 1875; #45-B-3), which has been vacant and hoarded up for many years. It
faces gable end to the street_ and features a Greek Revival porch with fluted
Doric columns, an Italianate bracketed cornice, and a band of queen Anne
decorative shingles. The former BassRiver Savin s Bank, 1368 Bridge Street
(ca. 1870; d53-2-14), is an important anchor in this part of the district. It
is a two-story structure enclosed by a hip roof with Italianat_a brackets and
fronted by a porch with elaborate carved posts, brackets, and valance.
Substantially simpler, and more typical, are the former Cooper Shop, 27 Union
Street (ca. 1840; 853-Z-8), and Blind Reuben's Store, 146 Main Street ca.
186#44-W-1; photo 1118). Both are one-story shingled structures, and
Reuben's Store, which remains in commercial use as a carpenter shop, retains
its gable -end entrance flanked by display windows that may date to the early
20th century.
regenerate theology and our associatiunal principles not unh ser m ip:vt but pxniadarly srrengrhen And equip us for miLuse:r in
rheae runes. 0 Perer 2:9)
American Baptist Churches, USA is one of the historic mainline denomination with its national oflite in Valley Forge,
Penrtsvivam'a American Baptist Churches, LSA is successor to the American Baptist Convention which was the successor to
the Northern Baptist Convention which originatul as a loose federation of Baptist churches in the continental United States
that became a national entity of cooperating Baptist churches in 1814 with the establishment of that was known as the
Triennial Conventional of Baptist Churches. The Southern Baptist Convention broke away from the Convention in 1845 over
the issue of slavery with the Baptist churches in the North favoring abolition. These Baptist churches of the north continued
in sonic form of the Triennial Convention throughout the remainder of the 19's century becoming incorporated as the
Northern Baptist Convention in 1914.
American Baptist Churches, USA is composed of thirty-four (34) regions across the country. The American Baptist
Churches of Massachusetts is one of these regions, and the region has 8 associations. The American Baptist Churches of
Massachusetts is the successor to the Massachusetts Baptist Convention organized 1,tay 26, 1802 The region is composed of
two hundred fifty-six (2256) local congregations.
The American Baptist Churches Of Massachusetts
Continuing the Massachusetts Baptist Convention
The Boston Baptist Bethel City Mission Society
Baptist Missionary Society
in Massachusetts
Organized May 26, 18C2
Massachusetts Baptist Convention
Organized November 10, 1824
Bethel Union
Organized in 1843
Boston Baptist Bethel Society
Organized in 1845 (incorporated 1952)
On July 19, 1969
Massachusetts Baptist Convention and Boston Baptist Bethel City Mission Society
merged to form
The American Baptist Churches of Massachusefts
City Mission Society
In 1835
Organized in 1898 (incorporated 1888)
Baptist Missionary Society
in Massachusetts
In 1921
Massachusetts Baptist Convention
merged under the name of
Boston Baptist Bethel Society
Massachusetts Baptist Convention
City Mission Society
i merged to form
Boston Baptist Bethel
City Mission Society
On July 19, 1969
Massachusetts Baptist Convention and Boston Baptist Bethel City Mission Society
merged to form
The American Baptist Churches of Massachusefts
Vozella, Beth
Vozella, Beth
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:43 AM
Beverly Bachand; Duncan Oliver (oliver02675@comcast.net); Frederick C. Fries (phredfll
@verizon.net); Janice R. Norris(JaniceRacineNorris@comcast.net); Julie Mockabee (vanguard3l
@verizon.net); Sarah R. Horne
Gina Lombardi (sicilyms@comcast.net)
Baptist Church - 88 Old Main St.
Baptist Church 88 Main St..pdf
Hi everyone,
I delivered the attached memo to Jen Copeland today. She will be presenting to the Community Preservation Committee at the
June 8th meeting.
Have a great day!
Beth Vozella
Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tei: 508-398-2231 X 1292
Fax: 508-398-0836
Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836
TO: Gary Ellis, Chairman
Community Preservation Committee
FROM: Julie Mockabee, Chairperson
Yarmouth Historical Commission
DATE: May 17, 2016
RE: 88 Old Main St. South Yarmouth, MA
The Yarmouth Historical Commission is concerned about the condition of the building located at 88 Old
Main St, in South Yarmouth. This structure, which was built c1826, is listed in the South Yarmouth/Bass
River National Register Historic District.
The purpose of this is to address our concern and the need to preserve this property. It appears to be
abandoned and is deteriorating quickly. The YHC has been unsuccessful in determining who is responsible
for this building. Therefore, we are appealing to the Community Preservation Committee to conduct an
examination of the property for any information relative to the locus, title, encumbrances, rights, restrictions,
easements, etc.... that will allow us to move forward (including taking legal action if necessary).
Please direct any questions you may have to Beverley Bachand, YHC representative on the CPC, as she is up
to date and spearheading our crusade to save this building.
Anything the CPC can do to assist us will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
1146 route 28, South Yaa mouth, MA O2664
508•-398•-2231 ext. 1260
October 17, 2016
Bass River Community Baptist Church
84 Old Main Street
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Re: Inspection Date — 09/19/16 — 09/19/17 Fee: $ 50.00
Pursuant to the provisions ofthe Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR, Section 110.7 and Table
110, you are required to apply for a Certificate of inspection for the building located at 84 Old Main
Street, South Yarmouth, MA 02664, and dba Bass River Community Baptist Church.
Please Note: The 8'h Edition of 780 CMR requires that churches be inspected annually, rather than the
five-year cycle that had previously been in effect. Please be advised, starting in January 2013, that the
annual inspections of churches and all houses of worship will require a fee of $50.00.
Please complete the enclosed application and return it with the appropriate fee payment to the Town of
Yarmouth Building Department, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664. Checks should be made
payable to the Town of Yarmouth.
IMPORTANT: One (1) re -inspection to confirm the, abatement of any violations listed during the
initial inspection will be included in the initial fee if the abatement is completed during the time
period (typically 10 days) listed on the Inspection Report. Additional re -inspections will cost S80
each which is payable in advance of the re -ins reetions, --- -
Unless otherwise requested, inspections will be performed unannounced. Typically the following
elements / systems are inspected: fire protection equipment, means ofegress, including emergency lights,
exit signs, egress doors & hardware, clear path of travel, adequate lighting and occupancy total. Also,
the building shall be maintained and adequate housekeeping provided to insure public safety. Rooms
such as basements and attics are included. Violation details will be provided in the form of a Violation
Notice and may delay the issuance of your certificate and/or license, if applicable.
Finally, applications and fees must be received within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter. Failure to
comply may jeopardize your license where applicable, and/or the occupancy of the building.
Very truly yours,
Mark Grylls
Director of Inspectional Services/
Building Commissioner
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