HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-A013 927 Route 6A Abutter Letter ReturnTOWN OF YARMOUTH o 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 H,�J$ Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Notice is hereby given that on Monday January 24, 2022 the following applications for Certificate of Appropriateness pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 470 of the Acts of 1973, as amended, will be heard in the order listed below beginning at 7:15pm at Town Hall at 1146 Route 28 in South Yarmouth, MA 02264 in the Selectman's Hearing Room. Specific information for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting shall be provided on the Notice of Meeting to be published on the town's website at ieast 48 hours before the meeting. Application materials are currently available through the Online Services/Town Record Search service on the town's website at: htt s:Hif. armouth.ma.us/WebLink/Browse.as x?id=904379&re o=LASERFICHE . It is recommended that all participants access and review application materials in advance of the meeting. New Items: 1. 22-AO08 John Ballas (Owner), Trinity Solar/Bruce Junior (Agent): To install 7.20kw solar panels on roof; will not exceed roof panel but will add 6" to roof height. 18 total panels located on rear roof facing away from public view at 100 Mayflower Terrace 2. 22-AO09 Nathan and Elizabeth Jenkins (Owners): To install new windows, new trim, re -side, and new chimney at 34 Weir Road 3. 22-AO10 Judy Fratus (Owner) and Sunrun Installation Services (Agent): To install rooftop solar panels and replace roof at 42 Gordon Lane 4. 22-A011 Ajay Roy (Owner) and Sunrun Installation Services (Agent): To install rooftop solar panels at 70 Old Hyannis Road 5. 22-AO12 David Henry (Owner) and Window World of Boston (Agent): To install five replacement windows at 30 Old Salt Lane 6. 22-AO13 Michael Schlott (Owner) and Matthew Anderson (Agent): To replace two signs at 927 Route 6A Questions regarding the above applications should be directed to okh@yarmouth.ma.us no later than January 21, 2022. Richard Gegenwarth, Chairman Yarmouth OKH Historic District Committee This legal notice may be viewed on-line at the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association (MNPA) website: www.masspublicnotices.org �LLJ C5 0 IAw= Q ® ® IQ / t� C ® Lq $ 2 § g �: « n 1 % �cm ¥ ` �o mok ® S j C, m . z�& . IL a V</ C, Lilt) m kJR < zku m ) 9k,«u . mmm w �Z ■ mwz « � #� o � �- � � m ■ . w , / - � b � / »» w e Ln � /%\73 F- C,4 ® LLJ �� LL- LU ��� � coxF-1 @ o ago