HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 River St MACRISMassachusetts Cultural Resource Information System Scanned Record Cover Page Inventory No: Historic Name: Common Name: Address: YAR 323 Robbins, Capt. Alexander House 24 River St City/Town: Yarmouth Village/Neighborhood: Bass River Local No: 326 Year Constructed: c 1835 Architect(s): Architectural5tyle(s): Federal Use(s): Single Family Dwelling House Significance: Architecture Area(s): YAR.H: South Yarmouth - Bass River Historic District Designation(s): Nat'I Register District (5/2911990) Building Materials(s): Wall: Wood Clapboard; Wood Foundation: Brick The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. 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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www,sec.state-ma.us/mhC This file was accessed on: Monday, March 02, 2015 at 4:31: PM FORM B - BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston 4. Map. Draw sketch of building location in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. Indicate north. W 0 0 d Bap. R ch. d ti— Main -Main Street C3 Morning Dr. I 30M-5-77 R 10 i � V e r S t r e e t (over) ! In Area no. Form no. 426 Yarmouth own (Bass Riverl ddress 24 River Street Private residence esent owner Thomas E. Armstrong! Source Sight le Federal Architect Pale yellow Exterior wall fabric—clapboard. 1 story barn wit' Outbuildings (describe) shed addition Narrow two story desig. Other features w a larcle two story e back addition leading to summer kitchen. Main entrance is i de ted in porch on street facing side. There are 6 6 nd 6 3 w' nd_ ows,a Altered Extensive Datepre-1900 Moved Date 5. Lot size.. one acre or less x Over one acre Approximate frontage 351 Approximate distance of building from street 5' 6. Recorded by Don Elrick Yarmouth Historical Organization Survey Date Jamuary 1984 * brick foundation. There are eye brow windows on back addition. Thi addition has another continued extensir with chimney. 7. Original owner (if known) Captain Alexander Robbins Original use Homestead Subsequent uses (if any) and dates 8. Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural Education Religion ArcMtecturai X Exploration/ Science/ The Arts settlement invention Commerce Industry Social/ Communication Military humanitarian Community development x Political Transportation 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) This house, an original to this part of River Street, differs from many other ,houses nearby in that it was probably not moved from elsewhere. on the 1858 map it stands out, virtually alone on its side of the road from main Street down to its site. it is in fact the first house on the road which can truly be considered an original part of that section called the "Lower Village". The village, an area of ship masters, salt manufacturers and others who generally took their living from the sea, seems quite old; and there is even a chance that it may pre -date the rest of Bass River, (although this is not likely). If not, then the growth of the "Upper Villager° and this place were simultaneous to a large degree. Herein this house Captain Alexander Robbins lived and here his wife, Deborah, one son and three daughters waited for his returns from the sea. These were heralded first in their village, so close to the mouth of the river. Robbins would be gone for long periods on numerous foriegn voyages and when he was sighted his family would be some of the first to know. The captain's commands included the three Masted schoone Henry B. 6lithington and later the off shore schooner `Martha N. Hale, The fact that Robbins was still living in the house when he died in 1893 is enough to allow us to credit him with numerous additions all dating from before his demise. After his wife died in 1903 their children continued to Own the house and passed it on one more generation before it went out of the family. 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) A. 1858 Tri—County Map, Walling, Boston B. 1880 and 1907 Atlases of Barnstable County, Walker, Boston C. Deed book 1226, p. 47, Barnstable County Probate Building D. VYesterday' s Tide", Florence 117. Baker, 1941