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HomeMy WebLinkAbout246A Pleasant St MACRISMassachusetts Cultural Resource Information System Scanned Record Cover Page Inventory No: YAR.421 Historic Name: Matthews, Henry House Common Name: Address: 246A Pleasant St CityfTown: Yarmouth VillagelNeighborhood: South Yarmouth Village; Bass River Local No: 176 Year Constructed: c 1780 Architect(s): Architectural Style(s): Colonial Use(s): Single Family Dwelling House Significance: Architecture Area(s): YAR.H: South Yarmouth - Bass River Historic District Designation(s): Nat'l Register District (512 911 9 9 0) Building Materials(s): Wall: Wood Shingle; Wood Clapboard; Wood The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. 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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state. ma. uslmhc This file was accessed on: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 4:03: PM FORM B - BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMIMISSIO T Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston 1^<` -1. Tia. Draw sketch of building location in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. Indicate north. IO" Pbertco*�4.� _3ivate Drive Carrie Lame ■•••rrr o (inner) 37M-7-77 1 In Area no. Form no. rrc- Yarmouth Baas_— ss 246A Pleasant Street nt use pari-vate residence owner George E. Robertson tion: 1780 e aight and oral Architect front --clapboard Exterior wall fabric sides -shorn lts_ Outbuildings (describe) Other featuresd6 Cie w/front dower, doorway is classic Geare�an w pilasters transom and. lantern, ar eal side extension of 3 Widows and on entrance way on left facing side, ehi � arm bat�i main section and addition - Altered X Date 'Moved Date 5. Lot size One acre or less X over one acre Approximate frontage_ 45 feet Approximate distance of building from street 60 feet 6. Recorded by Donald. �Lric� Organization va=outh Historical 21L-, elf _ Date LL1_y 26 1 7. Original owner (if known) Original use d.4elling, house Subsequent uses (if any) and dates srcr rrsa;7'rce 8, Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural Education Religion Architectural Exploration/ Science/ The Arts settlement invention Commerce Industry Social/ Communication 'Military humanitarian Community development Political _ Transportation _ 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) After the .lndians, the land in this part of the, "Lower Village", belonged to the Matthei: and Baker fm- flies. 1n th-is case Henry Iratt'he ;s t,as probable' one of the earliest owners of this &felling house. Ile €,=as a coastal captain c:=, the sloop, "Mar; -Francis" . Cr_ the 1880 reap H. Yatthew*s estate seems quite large, and with a. grist mill marked can the property to the .river, quite industrious. Tris Georgian. was, according to the present mmer and -the obvious ancient detail in the foundation, never moved. It seems therefore, "hast people populated this area along the river as early as the late 1700fs. Henry Kattlzews, considerinZ hds apprcxitme..te date of death, sometime after 18010, did not build this house, but it was probably a relative of his, another I atthews or perhaps a Baker i4ho raid. Early on the house -•as expanded so that a holf Cape became a full Cape, that ha.d an ell created to extend back into an outshort type back addition. All ancient in appearance and hidden behind centuries of growth. Additional owners of the house include, Charles Hen y Davis ,who prior to the first decade of the century, Lived no -t door Ln the "House of the Seven Chimneys". 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) 1. 1880 and 1907 Atlas' of 3axmstable County, Geo.T1. ;Walker, Boston 2. 1858 1'ri.-Comty Flap, henry F. 74albing, Boston 30 George E. Robertson, 246A Pleasant Street, Bass niver 4. Deed 3ooks 877 pg 32= 190 pg 215; 272 pg 187; Ba'- is -table Co€mty Probate Building