62 Pleasant St MACRISMassachusetts Cultural Resource Information System P co, rd Inventory No: YAR.427 Historic Name: Common Name: Little White House, The Address: 62 Pleasant St Cityliown: Yarmouth Village/Neighborhood: South Yarmouth Village; Bass River Local No: 253 Year Constructed: c1780 Architect(s): Architectural Style(s): Colonial Use(s): Parsonage; Single Family Dwelling House Significance: Architecture; Religion Area(s): YAR.H: South Yarmouth - Bass River Historic District Designation(s): Nat'l Register District (0 512 911 9 9 0) Building Materials(s): Wall: Wood; Wood Shingle The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. Efforts are ongoing and not all inventory or National Register records related to this resource may be available in digital format at this time. The MACRIS database and scanned files are highly dynamic; new information is added daily and both database records and related scanned files may be updated as new information is incorporated into MHC files. Users should note that there may be a considerable lag time between the receipt of new or updated records by MHC and the appearance of related information in MACRIS. Users should also note that not all source materials for the MACRIS database are made available as scanned images. Users may consult the records, files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, open M -F, 9-5. 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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Massachusetts Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, Massachusetts 02125 www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc This file was accessed on: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 1:38: PM FORM B - BUILDING (MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL C01MIMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston 4. Map. Draw sketch of building location in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. lndi;;ate north, Akin Avenue Wing Avenue Q 37M-7-77 p a xa t S t r e e t In Area no. Fur in no. South Yarmouth ass 62 Pleasant Street Little White House �nt use Private residence I Style Georgian Architect Exterior wall fabric -shite mod.iles 2 small buildLh6v Outbuildings (describe) _jA!p �T# g_ __X_, _rgtj_ Difficult to define house type Other features._Mjtk two of original structure. There are two main _Qatzanggg -9n the xfont facing e a t -Street. __ _n _g_� Contral chimney and chimney in front addition. Altered X Date 13 a 'Moved, X Date 1960's a 5. Lot sizc� R one acre or less X Over one acre v Approximate froutage_ e r Approximate distance of building from street 35' 6. Recorded by-. DoA Elriok Organization Ya=outh Historical Survey 0 Date- October 1979 nt owner Shirley C. Florian asof1978 iption- a. 1780 sight 7. Original owner (if known) Original use Subsequent uses (if any) and datesye al�c�uir 7E�53 – rflic3€�nc sir�c� S, Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural Education X Religion X Architectural X� Exploration/ Science/ The Arts settlement invention Commerce X industry Social/ W_ Communication Military humanitarian _ X Community development X Political Transportation X- 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) This building was moved at least twice from, the time of its construction. Up until 1853 however, it is not lmown who liven in the house, or when specifically it was built; so prior to that date the structure may have seen additional moves. In 1853 or there abouts, when the new Methodist Church was constructed., this house was situated near or next to that church at its site on Plain Street. There it served as the parsonage and housed the "New Methodist"s" first minister, the Reverend Henry Aston. He served only two years and left to be replaced by a succession of very pious fellows. It is not known when, but soon after and probably no later than 1875 this housed o eed road leading to the Magnesia .factory owned by .Franklin Fearing and D.K, Akira. Off of Pleasant Street it sat closeby where it sits today and housed Noah Morgam and family who were beneficiaries of Mr. Akin's great Quaker hospitality and kindness. Now, Noah Morgan has a story and it represents this Quaker kindness. It is also -typical, therefore a good historical anecdote and worthy of retelling. About 1560 David K. Akin and his second wife attended a Friends Meeting in South Carolina, There an old man who was dying and repentant asked the Akins if they would tare in three slaves, for he was setting them free. The Akins, of course, agreed and the three boys, Noah and his brother Eli and their cousin, Dempsey Ragsdale were taken north by a doctor friend of the old roan. That trip in itself is a story, coming at a violent time in U.S. history when the lines between Abolitionist and anti–Abolitionist were harshly drawn. On their way to New York they encountered dangers from other travelers with definite ideas about freed slaves, but were sale and sound upon their arrival at Bass River. There the ins took the two brothers and David Kelley took Dempsey; to 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) A. Yesezkzls Tide.Florence W. .Luker, 1941 B. Shirley C. l'lorian, Scallop Drive, West Yarmouth 0. Yarmouth Vital Records, Marwick, Rhode Island, 1975 D. Forms #4s 166 INVENTORY FORM CONTINUATION SHEET MASSAGIUSETTS H I STORI CAI. C H SS I ON Office of the Secretary, &,xton Community: Form No: Stir' - Yarmouth 25 ( . a River Property` me : , z Indicate each item on inventory form which is being continued belc3w. raise, educate and love them. The boys learned and grew and Noah particularly prospered. He married a girl from New Bedford and settled into this house with his wife and two children. Here across from the Magnesia factory Noah cultivated Akins large garden and became a weU liked member of the community. In later years Noah moved. to New Bedford with his family and became a mariner. He eventually was master of numerous deep water vessels, one of which, the Oliver Ames, was the largest two masted schooner on the coast. The house at one time had Noah Morgan's name but later it was known as the "Kittle White House". Situated on the former estate of Dr. D.M. Sedam at the beginning of this century, it eventually was moved about 1960 to make room for the construction of that larger home's garage. The house is presently on the corner of Pleasant Street and North Cove Landing a, little up from the iedam house which is right on the river. Staple to Inventory form at bottom