HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-21 4 Bayview - Solar Canopies COMPLETE DRC PACKET1 Williams, Kathleen From:Williams, Kathleen Sent:Tuesday, September 14, 2021 1:54 PM To:Charles Adams (adams2430@gmail.com); Chris Vincent (christophervincent@comcast.net); Dick Martin (dick@dickmartinera.com); Sara J Porter (sjparch@comcast.net) Cc:Grylls, Mark Subject:DRC Comments - 4 Bayview Street Attachments:091621 DRC Agenda and Materials.pdf Hi Guys,    Please find attached the DRC application materials for solar canopies at 4 Bayview Street over the hospital employee  parking lot. I am still awaiting a section/detail of the solar canopies themselves.   The DRC meeting is being held in  person on September 16th at 4 pm in Room A of Town Hall (masks will be required).  Please note that Dick is unable  to attend, so we need Sara, Charlie and Chris to attend to have quorum.    Planner Comments:  1. In‐lot Trees:  Although the application indicates no in‐lot trees will be impacted, it is very difficult to see how  this will be true.  There are several trees in the parking lot which are dead or appear dead now.  Many of the  trees are shorter in size at this time and it is difficult to see how the trees will get adequate sunlight once the  solar canopies are installed.  The ultimate size of the tree canopy should be compared to the opening  provided between the solar canopies to avoid significant trimming of the tree branches.  If the trees die, it is  unlikely new trees could be planted without having the same fate.  It would be helpful to have input from an  arborist on the viability of these trees living when the solar canopies are installed, and what modifications  would be necessary for the trees to have a reasonable chance for survival.  Relief may be needed from the  ZBA regarding in‐lot trees.    2. Buffers:  5 trees in the western buffer are shown to be removed and nothing replanted (they appear to be  dead).  This will eliminate any buffer trees in this location which were included as part of a previous ZBA  decision.  Although there is additional hospital property to plant some buffer trees in this area west of the  proposed solar canopies, the area is on the west side of the hospital fence and appears to be utilized by the  abutting property owner at 18 Bayview.    3. Ground Equipment:  The location for one of the pieces of ground mounted equipment looks like it is in an  emergency access to the northern section of the parking lot (has a gate with no parking signs although not  shown on the site plans).  Another piece of equipment appears to be located on hospital property, but on  the west side of the fence where there is encroachment from the abutting property owner at 10 Bayview  Drive.  There are also four proposed utility poles which I hope they will explain in more detail at the  meeting.    Thanks,  Kathy  ---------------------------------------- Kathy Williams, PE Yarmouth Town Planner 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 (508) 398-2231 Ext 1276 DOHW OHW OHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWWWWW E E E E E E E E EDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 508 792 4500 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 349 Route 28, Unit D 02673 IN TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF LAND 4 BAYVIEW STREET WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) EXISTING CONDITIONS AUGUST 16, 2021 1) THE EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON DEPICT THE SUBJECT SITE AS IT APPEARED DURING A FIELD SURVEY CONDUCTED BY BSC GROUP, INC. BETWEEN JUNE 23, 2021 AND JULY 21, 2021. 2) THE ABOVE MENTIONED FIELD SURVEY IS BASED ON AN NAD 1983 HORIZONTAL DATUM AND NAVD 1988 VERTICAL DATUM (TEMPORARY BENCH MARKS (TBM) SET) AS DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. 3) THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE TAKEN FROM LOCATIONS OF SURFACE STRUCTURES AND SUBSURFACE INVERT MEASURMENTS (WHERE INDICATED) DURING THE AFOREMENTIONED SURVEY BY BSC GROUP, INC. AND ALSO RECORD INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY UTILITY COMPANIES OWNING FACILITIES. 4) THE LOCUS PARCEL IS PARTIALLY WITHIN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AE AS SHOWN ON F.I.R.M., TOWN OF YARMOUTH, 25001C0569J DATED JULY 16, 2014. 5.) THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO NUMEROUS FORMS OF RELIEF FROM THE YARMOUTH ZONING BOARDS OF APPEALS (LATEST BOOK 25666, PAGE 232) UTILITY NOTE LEGEND OHW 1) RECORDED IN THE BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS DEED BOOK 4094, PAGE 148 PLAN BOOK 382, PAGE 68 (PARCEL 1) PLAN BOOK 672, PAGE 92 2) ASSESSOR'S REFERENCE 36-93 DOHW OHW OHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWWWWW E E E E E E E E E EE 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPE COD HOSPITAL PHOTOVOLTAIC 4 BAYVIEW STREET WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) SITE PLAN AUGUST 16, 2021 SYSTEM DOHW OHW OHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWWWWWW E E E E E E E E E 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 IN ISSUED FOR PERMITTING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CAPE COD HOSPITAL PHOTOVOLTAIC 4 BAYVIEW STREET WEST YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS (BARNSTABLE COUNTY) TREE PLAN AUGUST 16, 2021 SYSTEM 349 Main Street - Route 28 West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673 508 778 8919 PREPARED FOR: NextGrid, Inc. P.O. Box 7775 #73069 San Francisco, CA 94120 4 Bayview Street, West Yarmouth CAPE COD HOSPITAL SOLAR PROJECT ISOMETRIC RENDERINGS Proposed Canopies #1, 2, 3 and 8-12 Proposed Canopy #4 Proposed Canopy #5 Proposed Canopies #6 and #7