HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOIDEPARTMENT OF CONS巳RVAT書ON 生硬・寝言 高′詰:告ぐ言′- ̄字 ̄○○.-i~ ̄  ̄○○、--・--〇一一--〇〇一---臆、 〇・→ - --、臆_ ○○-__臆_臆《○ ○ _ 」_ 罷業詩誌霊書誌讐嵩豊諜覇書 infomation may be accepted into the Commissione「s’packets within the week before a meeting. Fa冊re to fdiow this Check-ist sha-l resuIt in an Ac励蒔脆訊剛noo叩fefe App解約n and w班not be advertised for a PubIic Hea血g. Refer to the鵬e軸g and fee scheduIe. Confact the Conservation O楕ce if you need assistance. 4:2-Does the property have any outstanding/expired Orders of Co輔ons? If so同ease鵬a 亡⊃′、._.,〈.、事 書__ ′-ヽ_._▲:重二__▲臆 喜子 (    ,.Request for Ce輔cate of Compliance fo「 each outstandingfexp融Orde「・ aS the Commission may not issue a new order u刷any outstanding′expired Orders have been cIosed and reco「ded. r据時l 1 origjnal appljcatjon w航chginal sjgna如es (doubJe sjded). COmPrehensive and deta固narrative of the pr。ject including existing & proposed conditions, ヽ.、書輸‥〈事;《、へ .、_,_..__ _○   ○_ __臆     ′//A COnStruCtion sequence, tyPe Of equipment, Staging locations, drainage and stormwater, erOSion COntrOIs’invasive specIeS management and altemative analysis. The narrative sha冊ocument how the prQiect meets perfo個anCe Sfandards per 310 CMR lO・0 & TOY Wetland By-aw, Chapte=43, BVW delineation sheets or othe「 suppo面ug information. /1 ′’ ヽノ  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄- ̄  ̄ ̄- ’““●‥ ●“““、〇°∴∴∴’.、 ̄’ト′i、.. ′ヽ!l riロi〇〇 〇1●願=refe「ence NAVD1988 unless otherwise noted. Landscape p-ans s圃be deta固to show proposed & existing conditions・ native species’Size and spacing. /A/OrlgInai and 7 copies of the plan' folded separate-y) right side out with細e visible. A岬ans s圃 :.二、r′ヽ輸′、タ、 hi^l′「ヽイIヽnn ‥._l___ 臆.-臆   . 100’「adius map, Cur「ent abutters list and abutters no輔cation identifying the property owners who are “、{ .へ《↓;`:__i __._ ′ヽノ′ヽ  ( 〃 ▲“〇、 一《 (《  ▲ .  __  ̄   ̄- ̄葛1葛’-ノ’-“ミプ ●’“、′∴I ̄“、ノ「、′● "J ヽノ▼"=ヽ一i、ブI 音VVilヽノ ロle to be no緬ed pe「 310 CMR IO"00. Abutters Wst must be ce輔ed bY the Town Assessor’s offlce. The Assessor’s offlce 「equires 7 days advance notice. A pdf ∞Py Of signed app輯on, SuPPOrting infomafron・ and pfan emalled to蜘. Dl重量_霊を.、 l;き■ 〇、_._;_○○ふ______」_」_ __臆  . . .P!ease Iist prqiect property’s stre料add元ss in the pdf file nam。. ’〇〇 〇二「__ ̄  ̄. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄_ ’“ ̄ r「’‘一‥しヽ㌣yu‥iiU|Jしil.=Ia.u三・ _∠臆Submit C。軸ed Mail R。。。,。t。 (.S F。。m 38。。) f。, a,一abu,t。「S. 坐をJSubmit Cer胸Ma旧Receipts fo「 Massachusetts Natural闘age and Endang。「。d Sp。。i。S Pr。g.am and Massachusetts Division of Ma血e Fisherfes. AItemativeIy, yOu may visit their websites for 《○○○○○○ふ,_臆_輸,!_ 重でt!-臆 臆臆 各  章  ̄  ̄  ̄ ̄′? ′ i ̄〇〇〇 ̄ 〇〇〇〇 ̄′  事〇〇〇′〇〇 〇〇〇ヽ.〇〇  〇〇ヽ■○○く暮t○○ラミ) lヽ′IeIectronic輔g infomlation.胴ed elecfrorica臨P-ease copy馳. 'Waterway’s jurisdiction - Any coastal pr垂cts such as・ but not limited to, docks, Pie「s, buIkheads, reVe[ments・ dredgjng and boa「dwafks s軸require submitta' of aII Notice of intent, Plans and SuPPIementaI information to the Town of Yarmouth Waterways/She鵬h Com輔ee via the NaturaI Resources offroe by ce輔ed mail or hand de‘ivery` The applicar‘t Or his/her representative must provide the Conservation o冊ce p「oof that this has been done or the冊g w冊ot be accepted. YamOuth Conse-Vatio-1 Commissio一一・月46 Route 28. South Ya‘mOuth, MA O26644492 Tel. (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288. Fax (508)-398-0836. T丁D# (508) 398-223 l Page 1 〇千2 ル勿 /Stafe軸g fee:  SePa「ate Check. Refer to Wetland Fee T「ansmitfaI Form __∠_ByLlaw軸。 fee: s。。ar。t。 check mad。 。a,a。,。 t。 T。Wn 。fYarm。U。r __∠_L。ga- ad fe。‥  se画。 ch。ck mad。 。a,abI。 t。 T。。n 。f Ya。m。u。r 坐を Please Iist pr9ject prope巾ys street address on checks. Refer to Fee Schedule at迦遡r肌ou船.ma.us/6鞄旦哩噛車型逆進 lf you are軸g with MassDEP using eDEP・ P~ease incIude a copy of the軸g co面mation with you「 applic…癒on. 〆∴ n。t  ̄  ̄--- ̄“ 〇一〇一「 「l ̄“-.’’こタ …●ヽノ●●Oiuuヽノ○○ it葛uくタ○ ○」くフ eくブill 護驚豊島謹護諾嘉驚慧語器量望遠隷 _∠DEP sha「。 。fth。 f。。 (.。f。. t。 N。I f。「m) sha,一。。 Sen, t。: Dept. of Environmental P「otection Box4062 Boston, MA O2211 . Does the proposed pr垂ct meet a!I of the applicable regu-ations of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning byIaws? Do you need to f嶋with the Ya「mouth Board of AppeaIs? If so, yOu muSt file with both boards at ● lf a vacant Iot, have you completed and received a dete「minatio= for the BuiIding Department for a lot inquiryform? 「・へ、情事詰十㌢ 「皇子当二㌧/黒こら二言黒言十・二、千二、∵十・告う士i二三十二㌧半ら一宮 Go to盟艶mQ幽・m幸二些and cIick on: - Yarmouth OnlineTown Services - Town Record Sea「ch with Weblink - Browse Our ParceI Related Documents - First letter ofstreet name to open fi!e - Streetname - Propertyaddress - Conse「vation - CIick on thefolderyou wanttoview 軸g via eDEP, a COPy Of yollr aPP'icaton, Pfan・ and att cthe「 suppor緬g面ormafron must be sent 「●置き 置〃事   ▲ _   ○○ヽ○○○○ヽ   ."ヽ   .,      -  _    _ Yamou亡h ConservatioI- Commis§ion. ] 146 Route 28. South Yamouth, MA O2664-4492 Tel・ (508)葛398-2231 Exl・ 1288 ・ Fax (508)-398-0836 ・町D# (508) 398-2231 Rev 9/202 1 4閣 Important: When f輔ng out fo「ms on the COmPuter, uSe Only the tab key to move you「 CurSO「一do not use the 「etu「n 固 Massachuse請S Department of Environmenta案Protection P「ovided by MassDEP‥ Bu「eau of Resou「ce Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 - Notice of漢ntent 丁own of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapter 143 Massachusetts Wetiands P「otection Act M.G"L. c. 131 ’§40  Ya「mouth A。 Gene「a営Information l‘ P「oject Location (Note: eiect「onic filers w冊c=ck on button to iocate project site): 12 Ve「mont Avenue a. St「eet Address Latitude and Longitude: Map 16 f. Assessors Map/Piat Numbe「 2. Applicant: Robert & Les=e C. Organizatjon 9 Cyndy Lane V\lest Ya「mouth b. Cjty什OWn 41-38-30 N d. Latitude 20 02673 C. Zip Code 70-14-54 W Vigneau, d. St「eet Address M帥bury e. City什OWn (508) 612-6661 f. State BVigneau54@gma正COm h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j.主maii Add「ess 3. Property owner (「equired if d肝erent f「om appiicant): □ check if more than one owner e. City什OWn h. Phone Numbe「     上Fax Numbe「 4. Rep「esentative (ifany): Steven Piaming inc C. Company ll15 Main Street Wγ d. St「eet Add「ess Hanson e. City什OWn (781 )294-4144 5. Total WPA Fee Paid (from NOI Wletla=d Fee T「ansmitta廿o「m): $110 $42.50 $67.50 C. City什own Fee Pajd 4Massachusetts Depa巾ment of Environmental Protection Provided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resou「ce Protection - Wletlands WPA Fo「m 3 - Notice ofintent Town of Yarmouth WetIand By-Law, Chapter 143 Massachusetts Wet!ands P「otection Act M.G.L" C. 131 ' §40  Ya「mouth A“ Genera=nfomation (COntjnued) 6" Gene「aI Prqject Description: Li軸g of an existing Singie-famiIy Home in o「der to bring the dwe冊ng into f-ood zone compliance, Existing home w川be rajsed and suppo巾ed wh=e exjstjng foundation is removed and a new flood ZOne COmPiiant foundation is instalIed. Home w紺then be set on new foundation. New stairs & landings w冊be const「ucted at access points ofthe dwe冊g as indicated on the submitta- plan. 7a" P「qiect Type Checkiist: (Limited P「Oject Types see Section A. 7b,) 1.図SingieFamiiyHome 3. □ commercial/看ndust「ia1 5. □ ut輔es 7. □ Agricultu「e (e.g., C「anberries, forest「y) 2, □ Residential Subdivision 4. □ Dock/Pie「 6. □ coastai engineering Structure 8. □丁ransportation 9, □ othe「 7b. Is any po巾On Of the proposed activity eIigible to be treated as a limited p「oject (including EcoIogicaI Resto「ation Ljmited P「Qject) subject to 310 CMR lO.24 (COaStai) o「 310 CMR lO.53 (inIand)? 1 □Yes図No 盤露盤器器常盤課業鵠笠島諾器 ifthe proposed actjvity is eligible to be treated as an Ecoiogical Resto「ation Limited P「qiect (310 CMRlO.24(8)' 310 CMR lO・53(4)), COmPlete and attach Appendix A: Ecoiogicai Resto「ation Limited P「qiect Checklist and Signed Ce輔cation. 8. Prope巾y 「eco「ded at the Registry of Deeds fo「: Barnstable County a. County 33237 b. Certificate # (if 「egiste「ed land) 181 B。Bu情er Zone & Resource Area impacts (temporary & permanent) 1.図BufferZone O=ly- Check jfthe p「Qject is Iocated on-y in the BufferZone ofa Borderjng Vegetated Wetiand, iniand Bank, Or Coastal Resou「ce Area, 2. □ lnland Resou「ce Areas (See 310 CMR lO,54-10.58; if not appIicabIe, gO tO Section B.3, Coastal Resou「ce Areas). Check aI冊at apply beIow. Attach nar「ative and any supporting documentation describing how the P「Qject w川meet ail perfe「mance standa「ds fo「 each of the resou「ce a「eas aitered巾Ciuding Standards 「equiring conside「ation of aIte「native p「oject design o「 iocation. 4Massachusetts Department of Envi「onmentai Profection P「ovided by MassDEP‥ Bureau of Resou「ce Protection - Wetlands WPA Fo「m 3 - Notice o=ntent 丁own of Yarmouth Wetland By-Law, Chapte「 143 Massachuse請s Wetiands P「otection Act M.G.L. c・ 131 ・ §40  Yarmouth B“ Buffe「 Zone & Resource Area lmpacts 〈書emporary & permanent) 〈cont,d) Resource A「ea a.□ Bank b. □ Borde「ingVegetated Vvetla nd c.□ LandUnder V\fate「bodies and Waterways Resource A「ea d.□ Bo「deringLand Subject to FIooding e.□ lsoiatedLand SuPject to Fiooding f. □ Rive面ontArea Size of Proposed Aite「ation 3. oubic yards dredged S度e of ProDOSed Alteration ProDOSed RepIacement (if anv) P「oDOSed RepIacement (if any) 1. Name of Waterway (if avaiiable) - SPeCify coastaI or inIand 2. VVIdth of Rjve面ont Area (Check one): □ 25 ft.一Designated Densely DeveIoped Areas only □ 100 ft. - New ag「icuItu「a巾rojects onIy □ 200 ft. -AII othe「 p「Qjects 3. Totai a「ea of Rive面ont A「ea on the site of the praposed project: 4. P「oposed aIteration of the Rive面ont A「ea: 5. Has an aitematives anaIysis been done and is it attached to this NOi?   □ Yes□ No 6. V\fas the lotwhere theactivity is p「OPOSed c eated p「ie「‡o Augus=, 1996? 口Yes□ No 3.図CoastaI Resource A「eas: (See 310 CMR lO.25置10.35) Note: for coastal 「ive面ont areas, Please compIete Section B,2,f. above. 4Oniine Users: inciude you「 document t「ansaction numbe「 (ProVided on your 「eceipt page) Wj亀h a= SuPPiementa「y information you Submit to the Department. Massachuse龍S Department of Environmentai Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - V\letIands WPA Form 3 - Notice ofIntent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L c. 131 , §40 Town of Yarmouth Wetiand By-Law, Chapter 143 Document T「ansaction Numbe「 Ya「mouth B“ Bu情er Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & pe「manent) (COnt,d) Check a旧hat apply below. Attach narratjve and s=PPO軸g documentatjon descrjbjng how the P「Oject w川meet aIi pe面ermance standa「ds fo「 each of the resource a「eas alte「ed言ncluding Standards requiring conside「ation of aIte「native pr句ect design o「 location. Resou「ce A「ea a. □ Designated PortAreas b.□ LandUnde「theOcean c.□ Ba「「ierBeach d. [コ Coastai Beaches e.□ coastalDunes f □ coastalBanks g. □ RockylntertidaI Sho「es h.□ saItMa「shes i. □ LandUnderSalt Ponds j. □ LandContaining She=fish k□ FishRuns l.図 LandSuPjectto CoastaI Storm Fiowage 4. □ Resto「ation/Enhancement Size of Proposed Aiteration P「oDOSed Replacement砕anv) Indicate size under Land Unde「 the Ocean, beIow 2. cubic ya「ds dredged indicate size unde「 Coastal Beaches and/O「 Coastai Dunes beiow 1. squa「e feet Size of P「oposed Aiteration 2. cubic yards dune nourishment Proposed ReDIacement (if anv) 1. square feet lndicate size under Coastal Banks言nland Bank, Land Unde「 the Ocean, and/o「面and Land Unde「 Waterbodies and Watervays, above 1. cubic ya「ds dredged 1700 if the p「qject is for the pu「pose of restoring o「 enhancing a wetiand 「esou「ce area in addition to the Squa「e footage that has been entered in Section B.2.b or B.3.h above, Please enter the additionaI amount here. a. square feet of BVW 5. □ p「oject InvoIves Stream C「ossings 4Massachusetts Department of Environmentai P「otection P「OVided by MassD軒‥ Bureau of Resou「ce P「otection - Wetiands WPA Fo「m 3 - Not雪ce ofIntent Town of Ya「mouth WetIand By-Law, Chapter 143 Massachusetts Wetlands P「otection Act M.G"L" C" 131 ’§40  Ya「mouth C" Other ApplicabIe Standards and Requirements □ This is a proposal for an Ecoiogical Restoratjon Limited Project, Skip Section C and COmPlete Appendix A: EcoIogica! Resto「ation Limjted PrQject Checklists - Requi「ed Actions (310CMRlO,11). Streamlined Massachusetts Endangered Species Act/Wetlands Protection Act Review l. Is any po巾on of the p「oposed p「qiec=ocated in Estimated Habita章of Rare Wildlife as indicated on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State-Listed Rare Wetiand W剛fe pubiished by the Natu「ai He「itage and Endangered Species P「ogram (NHESP)? To view habitat maps, See the Massachusetts Na如ra/ Hehtage Auas o「 go to http://maps.massgis・State.ma.uS/PRLモS丁HABMewe「.htm. a □ Yes図No Ifyes’incIudeproofofmailingorhanddeIive「yofNOlto: OnIine NaturaI He「itage and Endangered Species P「ogram Division of Fisheries and Wildlife l Rabbit HiIi Road Westborough, MA O1581 if yes, the p「。ject is aiso suPject to Massachusetts Endange「ed Species Act (MESA) review (321 CMR lO"18). To qua町y for a st「eamlined, 30-day, MESNWetlands Protectjon Act 「eview, Please COmPlete Section C.1.c, and inciude requested materia看s with this Notice of lntent (NOl); OR COmPlete Section C.2申f applicable. /f MESA suppIementaI /nfomaf/On /s not /ncluded w/th紡e NO/ by complethg Section l of約is fom, me NHESP w〃 require a sepa伯fe MESA Mg which may fake up fo 90 days to IもView “n/ess noted exceptions /n Sec的n 2 apply, See beIo時 C. Submit Supplementa=nfo「mation fo「 Endange「ed Species Review* 1. □ Percentage/acreage of property to be altered: (a) Within wetland Resource Area (b) OutSide Resource A「ea 2. □ Assesso「’s Map or 「jghトOf-Way Pian ofsite 2. □ p「Qject plans for enti「e prqiect site, inciuding wetiand resource a「eas and a「eas outside of WetIands ju「isdiction, Showing existing and p「oposed conditions, eXisting and p「oposed treelvegetation ciearing =ne, and cIea「ly demarcated =mits of wo「k事義 (a) □ prQject desc「iption (jncIuding description of impacts outside ofwetland 「esource a「ea & buffe「zone) (b) □ photographs 「epresentative ofthe site ’Some prpjects not in Estimated Habitat may be located in Priority Habitat, and 「equire NHESP review (See https:′′www.mass,gOV/ma- endange「ed-SPeCies-aCt-meSa-requ iatorv-reView). Priority Habitat incIudes habitat for state-Iisted plants and strict!y upland species not protected by the Wetlands P「otection Act. ** MESA prQjects may not be segmented (321 CMR lO.16)・ The appljcant must djsciose仙i development pians even ifsuch pians a「e not 「equj「ed as part ofthe Notice of lntent process. 4Massachuse請S Department of Environmenta! Protection P「OVided by MassDEP‥ Bureau of Resource P「otection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 - Notice oflntent 丁own of Yarmouth WetIand By-Law, Chapte「 143 Massachusetts Wetlands P「otection Act M.G.L. c. 1 31 ,釣O Ya.m。uth C ity什OWn C置Other App看icab!e Standa巾s and Requirements (COnt地) (C) □ MESA軸g fee (fee informatien avaiiable at https:l/www.mass.gov/how-tO/how-tO-制e-for- a-meSa-DrOiect-reView). Make check payabIe to “CommonweaIth of Massachusetts - NHESP” and ma〃 to NHどSP at above address Prtyects a〃e万ng JO or more acres ofIandタa/so subm什 (d) □ vegetation ∞VertyPe maP Ofsite (e) □ prdyect pIans showing P「io「ity & Estimated Habitat bounda「ies (f) ORCheckOne of肌e Foilowing l. □ prQjectis exempt什om MESAreview. Attach appiicant lette「 indicating which MESA exemption applies. (See 321 CMR lO.14, 藍豊進講諾諸盤器等常盤常書籍詩語∩二 habitat pu「suantto 31O CMR lO,37 and lO.59.) 2- □ Sepa「ate MESA revjewongoing. 3. □ separate MESA 「eview compieted. include copy of NHESP “no Take一, dete「mination o「 vaIid Conservation & Management Permit with app「oved pIan, 3. Fo「 COaSta申Qjects oniy言S any POrtion ofthe p「oposed p「oject located below the mean high wate「 Iineorin afish 「un? a.□ Notapplicabie鵜PrOjectisininland「esou「cea「eaonIy b.□ Yes 図No Ifyes言ncIude p「oof of ma冊g, hand deiivery, O「 eIect「onic de=very of NOI to eithe「: 譜豊詫言慧SSettO Rhode -s-and borde「・ and No輔Shore _ Hu旧O New Hampshi「e bo「de「‥ Division of Ma「ine Fisheries - Southeast Marine Fisheries Station Attn: Environmentai Reviewer 836 South Rodney F「ench BIvd. New Bedfo「d, MA O2744 Ema旺dmf.env「eview-SOuth@mass.gov Division of Marine Fishe「ies - North Sho「e O楕ce Attn: EnvironmentaI Reviewer 30 Emerson Avenue GIoucester, MA O1930 Email二旦mf.env「eview-nO輔@mass.gov AIso ifyes’the prQject may 「equi「e a Chapter 91 iicense" Fo「 coastaI towns in the No仙east Region, Please contact MassDEP,s Boston O冊ce. For cQaStaI towns in the Southeast Region, Please contact MassDEP’s Southeast Regionai O冊ce. c.□ Isthisanaquacuitu「eprQject?      d.□ Yes 図No lfyes言nciude a copy of the Divisio= Of Ma「ine Fishe「ies Ce輔cation Lette「 (M.G.L. c, 130, § 57). 4州assachuse請S Department of Environmenta看Protection P「ovided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resou「ce P「otection - WctIands WPA Form 3 - Notice oflntent 丁own of Yarmouth Wetiand By-Law, Chapte「 143 MassDEP File Numbe「 Massachusetts Wetiands Protection Act M"G・L. c. 131 , §40  Ya「m。uth C・ Othe「 Applicab漢e Standards and Requirements (COnt,d) 4. 1s any portion ofthe p「oposed p「oject within an A「ea of C「iticaI Environmentai Conce「n (ACEC)? OnIine Users: include your document t「ansaction numbe「 (P「OVidedonyour 5. 「eceipt page) Wはh a= if yes, P「OVide name ofACEC (See instructions to WPA Fo「m 3 o「 MassDEPa □ Yes図No websitefo「ACEC iocations). Note: electronicfjIe「scIickonWebsjte. Is any portion of the p「oposed p「qject within an a「ea designated as an Outstanding Resou「ce Water (ORW) as desjgnated in the Massachusetts Surfece V\fate「 Qua=ty Standards, 314 CMR 4,00? a.□Yes 図 No 6. Is any po巾on ofthe site subjectto a WさtIands Rest「iction Orde「 underthe inland Wetlands Rest「iction Act (M"G.L. c' 131 , § 40A) or the Coastal WetIands Restriction Act (M,G.L. c. 130, § 105)? a.□Yes 図No 7. Is this p「Qject subject to provisions of the MassDEP Stormwater Management Standards? a. □ Yes. Attach a copy of the Stormwater Report as 「equired by the Stormwate「 Management Standa「ds per 310 CMR lO.05(6)(k)-(q) and check if: 1. □ Appiying for Low lmpact DeveIopment (LID) site design credits (as described in Stormwate「 Managemen川andbook Vo上2, Chapte「 3) A portion of the site constitutes 「edeveIopment P「op「ietary BMPs a「e included in the Stormwate「 Management System" No. Check why the p「oject is exempt: Single-family house Emergency 「oad 「epair Sma= Residentiai Subdivision (less than or equai to 4 single-family houses o「 less than O「 equal to 4 units in multi-fam=y housing project) with no discha「ge to CriticaI A「eas, D。 Additiona看看nformation □ Thjs is a proposal for an EcoIogical Resto「atjon Ljmited P「Qject, Skip Sectjon D and complete Appendix A: Ecoiogicai Restoration Notice of Intent - Minimum Requi「ed Documents (310 CMR 「O.12). AppIicants must incIude the fo=owing with this Notjce of lntent (NOl). See instructions fo「 detajis, On看ine Users: Attach the document transaction numbe「 (PrOVided on you「 「eceipt page) fo「 any of the fo=owing information you submit to the Department. 1.図 USGS o「 other map of the a「ea (along with a na「rative desc「iption言f necessa「y) containing Su用cient info「mation fo「 the Conservation Commission and the Department to Iocate the site. (Elect「onic凧ers may omit this item.) 2.図 Plans identifying the Iocation of p「oposed activities (including activities proposed to serve as a Bordering Vegetated Wetiand [BVW] repIication area or other mitigating measure) 「elative to the boundaries of each affected 「esou「ce area. 4Massachusetts Department of Environmenfa! Protec書ion P「ovided by MassDEP: Bureau of Resource Protection - V\let営ands WPA Form 3 - Notice ofIntent Town of Ya「mouth Wetland By-Law, Chapte「 143 Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G"L. c" 131 , §40  Ya「m。uth D。 Additional Informaをion (COnt’d) 3.図Identify the method fo「 BVW and othe「 「esou「ce a「ea boundary delineations (MassDEP BVW Fieid Data Fo「m(S), Dete「mination ofAppIicab冊y, O「de「 of Resou「ce Area Delineation, etC,), and attach documentation of the methodoIogy. 4.図 Listthe tities and dates for ali plans and othe「 mate「ials submitted with this NO上 Site Plan of 12 Ve「mont Ave, West Ya「mouth,MA (2 sheets) a. PIan Titie Land Pianning, inc b. P「epa「ed By 212 8122 d. Finai RevisIOn Date WletIand DeIineation No「man G. H町PE/PLS C Signed and Stamped by l’i-10- e.Scale Report by Ken丁homson, botanist         6-1-21 5. □ lfthe「e is more than one property owner, Piease attach a listofthese property owne「s not listed on this form. 6・ □ Attach proofofmaiIing fo「 Natu「ai Heritage and Endange「ed Species Program言f needed. 7. □ Attach p「oof of ma冊g for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fishe「ies言f needed, 8.図 Attach NOi Wetiand FeeTransmittaI Fo「m 9. □ Attach Sto「mwater Repo申f needed. E。Fees l. □ Fee Exempt‥ No帥g fee-Shail be assessed fo「 prQjects ofany city, tOWn, COunty, Ordist「ict Of the Commonweaith, federa=y recognized indian tribe housing authority, municipaI housing authority’Or the Massachusetts Bay T「ansportation Autho「ity. App"cants must submit the foIIowing information (in addition to pages l and 2 ofthe NOI Wetland Fee Transm配al Fo「m) to confirm fee payment: 13871 2. Municipal Check Numbe「 1 3870 4. State Check Numbe「 Corinne 313122 3. Check date 3I312 2 5. Check date Rice 4Bureau of Resource P「otection - Wetlands WPA Fom 3 - Notice of Intent Massachusetts Department of EnvironmenfaI Protection Ftovided by MassDEP: 詩誌誌落盤認諾等豊‡雷・131・§40 語器碧 F。 Signaturesand Subm肘alRequirements l he「eby ce噂under the penalties of pe申y that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying Pfans' documents' a=d suppo軸g data are血e and complete to the best of my know-edge・両derstand that the Conservation Commission w岬ace notification of this Notice in a loca- newspape「 at the eXPenSe Of the appIicant in acco「dance with the wet-ands regulations` 310 CMR lO.05(5)(a). 1 fu曲er ce噂under pena-ties of pe画y that aII abutters were notified of this app圃o岬rSuant tO the requirements of M"G.L. c. 131一§ 4O. Notice must be made by Ce鴫ate of Ma臨g or in writing by hand delivery or certified ma陸turn receipt 「equested) to aIl abutters within lOO feet of the p「operty冊e Ofthe p「Qject Iocation. / erty Owne「 (if d緬 Two copies of the completed Notice of -ntent {Form 3)両uding supporting p-ans and documents, tWO COPies of the NOi Wetfand Fee T「ansmittal Fo「m, and the city/town fee payment, to the Conservation Commission by ce輔ed mai- o「 hand deIivery- One copy of the completed Notice of -ntent (Form 3)言nc-uding supporthg plans and documents, One COPy Of the NOI Wctland Fee Transmittal Fo「m・ and a copy of the state fee payment to the MassDEP Regional O楕ce (See lnstructions) by ce輔ed mai- o「 hand de-ivery. lf the軸Cant has checked the ・一yes・・ box in any part of Section C言tem 3, above, ref鉦o that SeCtion and the instructions for additiona看submittal requi「ements. The original and copleS muSt be sent sirnl埴aneous-y. Failure by the applieant to se=d copies in a timeIy manner may resu-t in dismissaI of the Notice o帥tent. 聞州assachuse龍S Depa巾ment of Environmental Protec宣ion 精読詳謹言嵩器註。 m Massachuse請S Wetlands P「otection Act M.G,L. c. 131 , §40 一mp。.,。n,: Wh。n A〃 Applicant lnformation 霊墨器富1"l LocationofPr壇ct‥ key to move you「 Cu「SOr - do not use the 「etum 固 To calcuiate 輔ng fees, refe「 to the catego「y fee =st and examples in the instructions for 輔ng out WPA Fo「m 3 (Notice of lntent). 12 Ve「mont Avenue a. St「eet Add「ess 13870 C. Check number 2"l Appiicant MaiIjng Add「ess: Robert & Les!ie V\lest Ya「mouth b. City什own $42.50 Vigneau, j「 b. Last Name C, O「ganizatjQn 9 Cyndy Lane e. City什own (508) 612-6661 3. Property Owner (ifd肝e「ent): ’lsame’’ f. State BVigneau54@gmail"COm j. Ema= Add「ess e. City什OWn B。 Fees Fee shouId be calcuiated using the fo=owing p「ocess & wo「ksheet, Please see hs血c書ions before ff〃加g out wo爪sheef. Step冊ype of Activity: Desc「ibe each type of activity that w冊occu「 in wetiand resource area and buffe「 zone. Step 2/Number of Activities‥ ldentify the numbe「 of each type of activity. Step 3/indjviduaI Activfty Fee: ldentify each activity fee f「om the six prqiect categories listed in the instructions. Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee‥ MuItipiy the number of activities (identified in Step 2) times the fee per category (iden珊ed in Step 3) to reach a subtotal fee amount, Note: ifany ofthese activjties a「e in a Rive面ontA「ea in addition to a=Other Resource Area or the Buffer Zo=e, the fee per activity shou-d be mu-tiplied by l ,5 and then added to the subtotaI amount. Step 5什otal Project Fee: Determine the total p「Qject fee by adding the subtotai amounts from Step 4. Step 61Fee Payments: To caicuiate the state share ofthe fee, divide the total fee in haif and subt「act $12.50. To CaIcuiate the cityItown sha「e of the fee, divide the totaI fee in haif and add $12.50, Massachusetts Department of EnvironmentaI Protection Bureau of Resou「ce Protection - Wetlands NO案Wet看and Fee Transmitta看Form Massachuse龍S WetIands Protection Act M.G.」. c. 131 , §40 B。 Fees (COntinued) Step IIType of Activity Category十a: Wo「k on a SingIe Famiiy Lot Step 2INumber Of Activities 「 Step 3Ilndividual Activity Fee $110 Step 5什otal Prqject Fee: Step 6IFee Payments: Total P「Oject Fee: State sha「e off冊g Fee: City什own share of帥ng Fee: Step 41Subtotal Activity 戸ee $110 $110 $110 a. Total Fee from Step 5 $42.50 b. 1/2 TotaI Fee less $12.50 $67.50 C. 1/2 Total Fee plus $12.50 C。 Subm配a看Requirements a.) Compiete pages l and 2 and send with a check or money order forthe state share ofthe fee, Payabie to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Department of EnvironmentaI Protection Box4062 Boston, MA O2211 b.) To the Conservation Commission‥ Send the Notice of lntent or Abbreviated Notice of lntent; a COPy Of this form; and the cityバown fee payment. 丁o MassDEP Regional O怖ce (See lnstructions): Send a copy ofthe Notice of Intent o「 Abb「eviated Notice of Intent; a COPy Of this form; and a copy of the state fee payment" (E-凧e「s of Notices of Intent may submit these eIectronica=y.) NOTICE OF INTENT NARRATIVE (12 Vemont Ave, W. Yarmou血) Introduction This Notice of Intent is創ed under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40, and the Town of Yamouth Wetlands By-Law. Robert & Leslie Vigneau (the Owners & Applicants) submit this Notice of Intent for modifications to an existing single-family home. Project Site Description 皿e PrQject Site is iden舶ed as Map 16, Lot 20 on血e Town ofYamouth Assessors Maps. The Site ∞ntains approximately 7500 s.f of land located at the end and on the easterly side of Vemont Ave. The property is bounded by residences along Vemont Ave to血e South and West, and by undeveloped town-OWned land to the North and East・ The property is surrounded On thee sides by tidal marsh with a fringe red maple swamp. The property is relatively level w血 all site grades ranging between elevations 4 - 7 feet, based on NAVD88 datun. The entire PrOPerty is Iocated within FEMA FIood Hazard Layer Zone AE, identified as elevation l l feet. The land is presently developed with an existing single-family home serviced by typical residential uti距es, a raised septic system, a deck and patio’a Shed, graVel driveway, and maintained lawn and landscapre areas. The rear yard is encompassed by a brush line that nms along the edge of the lawn and separates woodland areas from the developed portion of血e land. 皿e exis血g bordering vegetated wetland (BVW) is Iocated beyond the lawn and has been de血eated with nunbered flagging as indicated on the submittal plan. The property contaius an exis血g single-family cape-Style home that was built in 1966. The home was constructed on a poured foundation approximately 4 feet in height. EncIosed within the foundation is an exis血g crawI space with a predomirmtly earthen floor. The easterly most rear comer of the foundation is showing sigus of uneven settling with foundation cracks evident. The fuma∞ and hot water heater for the home are presently located within the crawI space. 皿e Site does not fall within a Zone H aquifer protection dis正ct. According to the most recently Published on-1ine ed誼on of the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas, the en血e Prqject Site is Iocated outside of a Priority Habitat of Rare Species and Estimated Habitat of Rare Wildlife and no cer描ed Vemal PooIs are located on or a句acent to the Site. Due to血e proximity of血e resource areas to the presently developed site, any PrOPOSed work will invoIve work within the lOO-foot bu鮮dr zone as well as work within the 50_foot buifer z。ne. Wetland Resource Areas Wetland resource areas on the PrQject Site are su助ect to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Chapter 13l, Section 40) and the Town of Yamouth Wetlands By-Law.皿e Wetland resour∞ areaS are defined by the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act reg山ations (310 CMR lO.00) as follows: >   Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVWs): As defined by 310 CMR lO.55(2), BVWs are freshwater wetlands that border on creeks, rivers, StreamS’POnds, and lakes. The boundary of BVW is detemined by the presence of 50 percent or more of wetland indicator plants, Saturated Or inundated conditions, and hydric indicators (including soils). >   Land Subject to Coastal Storm FIowage (LSCSF): As defined by Yarmouth Wetland Protection Regulations. 2. 10, LSCSF’s are areas subject to coastal flooding during moderate and SeVere Weather conditions. The boundary of LSCSF,s shall be the releva血lOO year stom elevation referenced in the latest available FIood Insurance Rate Maps provided by FEMA. The prQject site does not fall within 300 feet of a m到or estuary and is therefore not subject to the Perfomance standards outlined in 2. 10 (3). Work Description within the Buffer Zone and Land Subject to Coastal Storm FIowage The puapose of the proposed work under this Notice of Intent is to protect the existing dwelling from damage by flooding and coastal stom flowage. The applicant desires to raise the existing dwelling above the flood zone hazard elevation of l l feet. To accomplish this, a neW flood zone COmPliant foundation will be installed in place ofthe existing foundation. The new foundation is to be constructed so that the top of the foundation is above the existing flood hazard elevation. Work will include removal of existing exterior house features including entry stepsAandings, deck, OutSide shower, bulkhead’Chimey, and foundation plantings. Existing utilities will be temporarily shut off and discomected/capped. Materials staging and stockpile areas wi11 be located within the existing gravel driveway and outside of the 50-foot buffer zone as much as feasible. Holes will be cut in the existing foundation and steel I-beams wi11 be inserted to support the house. The house wi11 be jacked up and temporarily supported by cribbing. The existing foundation will then be demoed and removed from the site. New concrete footings and foundation walls will be fomed and poured. The interior ofthe foundation will be graded, and a basement floor poured・ The foundation will be back則Ied, and the dwelling will be lowered back OntO the new foundation in its former location. Stone walls will be constructed in宜ont of the new foundation to facilitate access to the raised dwelling while providing a planting area to SOften the elevation change. Bluestone steps and patio wi11 be constructed to provide access to the front entry door. The rear deck will be reconstructed at 6-inches below the first-floor elevation and wooden stairs will provide access to the deck. A doghouse style bulkhead will replace the fomer steel bulkhead at the rear of the foundation. New plantings will be installed along the driveway side of the foundation to replace the fomer plantings. A flower bed with Plantings in front of the stairs/patio will serve as replacements for the fomer foundation Plantings in front of the dwelling. After construction is completed’it is anticipated that minor site grading and reseeding will be necessary to repair and re-eStablish lawn areas. Other than the front entry changes, nO Changes to existing grades are proposed. Mitigation Measures The proposed prqject includes construction activities within the lOO’and the 50’bu餓井ZOne a BVW resource area and within Land sul)ject to coastal stom flowage. The design plans include PrOVisions for the implementation of erosion and sedimentation controIs prior to the start of COnStruCtion to protect血e surrounding envirorment. Erosion controIs wi11 be maintained until COnStruCtion has been completed and a11 disturbed areas have been stabilized with appropriate ground cover. FIood vents in the new foundation at existing grade will allow flood waters to PaSS t血ough the new foundation resulting in an improvement over existing conditions without flood vents. The home’raised above the flood zone with utilities relocated to the first floor, Will lessen the likelihood of damage to the dwelling during moderate and severe stom events. Summary The Applicant proposes to raise an existing dwelling above the flood hazard elevation by removmg and replacing血e existing foundation with a flood zone complia血full foundation. Work will take place in the previously developed lOO’and 50’bu節er zone to a BVW resource area. Implementation of erosion and sedimentation controIs, Prior to, and throughout the COnStruCtion phase of the PrQject will prevent adverse impacts to the resource areas. No wetland resource areas will be altered or otherwise adversely impacted by the proposed work. The Applicant respect餌Iy requests that the Commission issue an Order of Conditions allowing the PrQject to proceed as described in this Notice ofInte血and on the submitted Site Plan. 園田 一一  一     、地   ̄  ̄すさで一 畳国賢二こ ∴了冨 諸 宣、 1国国 肇孟春 ●  〇 〇〇 ● 串∵〆〆 重器国 〆   -  ̄  塾_ -、㌧〆 ノ′ -…へご寧楽 艶 ー\ \」山一⊥-〈〆 12 VERMON丁AVE WESTYARMOU丁H, MAO2673 March 3, 2022 16I 18/ / / WA!NWRIGHT STEPHEN E TRS STEPHEN E WAINWRIGHT REV TRUST 16 RACE POINT RD LACONIA. NH O3246 16I 1 9/ / / MORIN KEVIN R 鵬OR間ロAWN朋 218 TOW量R RD しUDLOW , MA OlO56 22/ 426/ / / TOWN OF YARMOuTH l146 ROUTE 28 SOuTH YARMOuTH 〕 MA O2664 4 61 231 I CARBONI WAYN岳E CARBONI KATHRYN A 8 MOCKiNGB!RDしN FRANKLiN. MA O2O38 1 6/ 32/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH l146 ROU丁重28 SOuTH YAR珊OUTH , MA O2664 16I 22.1I l WILSON JEREMY J ZOGAL書S CHRISTINE ANDしISA 16 VERMONT AVE, WEST YARMOuTH , MA O2673 1 6I  20/ / / VIGNEAU ROBERT E JR ⅥGN昌A嬉し盲Sし脂朋 9 CYNDY LN Ml」しBURY , MA O2527 22/ 425/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH l146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA O26644463 Please use this signature to certify this =st of properties abut船g within lOO- of the pa「ce=ocated at: 12 Vermont Ave., West Ya「mouth, MA O2673 Assessors Map 30工ot 4 Chado, D活ector of Assessjng March 4, 2022 NO¶FICATION TO ABUT「ERS UNDER THE MASSACHUSET「S WETしANDS PROTECTION ACT & TOWN OF YARMOUTH WETしAND BY-しAW, CHAPTER 143 In accordance with the second paragraph ofthe Massachusetts GeneraI Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, you a「e hereby no輔ed ofthe fo=owing: A. The name ofthe app=cant is Robert & Leslie Vigneau′」r・           臆 B"  丁he appIicant has刑ed a Notice of冊ent with the Yarmouth Conservation Commission, Seeking Permission to remove,帥, dredge o「 aIter an Area Subject to Protection under the Wetlands Protection Act (MGL c. 131 s" 40 &Town ofYamouth Wetiand By-Law, Chapter 143), G. H. 丁he address ofthe Iotwhere the activity is proposed is臆臆12 Vermont Ave, W. Yarmouth Proposed work is Raising existi∴ng dwe冊唱tO meet fIood zone comoliance Copies ofthe Notice of lntent may be examined at the Yarmouth Town HaiI atthe Conservation Commission o靴e between the hours of9:00 a.m・ and 4:00 p.m・ Mondav thru Friday. For more information, Cail (508) 398-2231 ext. 1288. Copies ofthe Notice of冊ent may be obtajned from eitherthe applicant o「 app=cant′s representative. AppIicant’s phone numbe「 OrApplicant’s representatives phone number (781) 294-4144 information regardingthe date′ time and place ofthe public hearing may be obtained by ca…ng the Yarmouth Conservation Commission office at (与08) 398-2231 ext. 1288 Person sending this notification (appIicant, rePreSentative or other〉 Name LandPIanning,Inc. Address lll与MainStreet Town Hanson zip O2341State MA Telephone  (781) 294-4144 NO丁ES: ● Noticeofthe pu帥c hearing, incIudingdate,timeand place w用be pub=shed at leastfive (与〉 days in advance in a newspaper ofgeneral circuIation. ● Noticeofthe pubIic hearing′ inciudingdate′timeand pIacewi∥ be posted intheTown HalI not less than forty-eight hou「s in advance. ● You mayaIso contactthe Southeast RegionaI O冊ce ofthe Department of Environmental Protection at (508〉 946-2800 for more information about this appIication. $鶴錫餓∂四囲囲 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Ifthe applicant is not the property owner, Please submit this fom with your application. The owner must be sent a copy ofthe application on the same day it is乱ed with伽s o触ce, Property Address: 12 Vemont Ave’West Yamouth, MA O2673 Assessors Map/Lot:Map 16, Lot 20 I (we) hereby authorize the individual members of the Yamouth Conservation Commission and its agents to enter upon the referenced property for the purpose of gathehng infomation regarding the application刷ed with the Commission pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. Ch. 13 1, S. 40) and/or the Yamouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw (Chapter 143). If other than owner? Please state whether tenant? agent? Or Other: MailingAddress: 9 CyndyLane Phone: Email: Date: 3/7/2022 Millbury, MA O2527 cel量: (与08) 612-6661 BVigneau54@gmail・ COm Yamouth Conservation Commission. 1 146 Route 28. South Yamouth, MA O2664-4492 TeL (508)-398-2231 Ext. 1288. Fax (508)-398-0836. TTD# (508) 398-2231 聞物αnd De杭eaきio加雪印Or巨6〃/2021 」2 Vemo庇Ave, Wes亡yo朋ouれ勅A Land Plaming Inc. 1 15 Main Street Hanson, MA O2341 INTRODUCTION Kemeth Thomson (Botanist/Wetland Scientist) delineated the site on May 5, 2021. The PrOPerty is O. 1 8 acre and has a single family home and developed landscape. The PrOPerty is surrounded by tidal marsh with a fi.inge red maple swanp. Two culverts, One located to the south the other to the north ofthe house, flow east into salt marsh that in tum drains southwest under Shore Road to Lewis Bay. A large upland bem was Iocated behind the house separating two areas of salt marsh, A sma11 depression, Wetland flags Cl to C4, is too small to regulate as Isolated Land Su在iect to H00ding and was populated by arrow-WOOd・ The fringe red maple swamp was populated with red maple, arrOW- WOOd, and high bush blueberry while the salt marsh was dominated by common reed. Soils are mapped as Ipswich, Pawcatuck and Matunuck Peat. These very deep, level, Very POOrly drained soils are in tidal areas that are subject to daily inundation by salt water. They are a句acent to shore areas and brackish ponds. The entire property is located within FEMA FIood Hazard Layer Zone AE, See attached Firmette. Massachusetts wetland resources iden砥ed during the delineation include: > Bank > Bor虎ring Vegetated Wetlands > Sblt脇rsh > Land Su在iect to Coastal storm用ow略e WETLAND DELINEATION Kemeth Thomson (Botanist/Wetland Scientist) identified and delineated wetlands Subject to regulatoryjurisdiction under Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) or the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L., Chapter 13 1 , Section 40. Fieldwork was conducted on May 5th, 2021. The predominance ofhydrophytic Vegetation’eVidence ofhydric soils, and wetland hydroIogy were used to define the boundary of vegetated wetlands following the Interim Regional Supplement to the 1 987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: No血central and Northeast Region, January 2012, and the 1995 MA DEP Delineation Manual Guidelines. Salt Marsh was Ken T7tomson, Botmisf, 5zue脇ndsqgmail.com 78I 929 I203 且 We亡land De杭e融on Repor亡高月/々02I ヱ2 Vermo庇Ave, 1/履s亡甑rmo機的勅A flagged Al to A4, Bl to B13, Cl to C4 and Dl to D12. MassDEP datasheets were developed for wetland flag #D7. MassGIS OLIVER REVIEW - 5/4/2021 The following data layers are associated with the site under review. Pre§ent Absent □  因 □  図 □  図 □  図 Natural Heritage Certified Vemal PooIs Potential Vemal PooIs Estimated Habitat Priority Habitat Ground Water Protection □  図 Interim Well Head Protection □  因  Zone 2 Surface Water Protection □  図  Zone A □  因  Zone B □  図  Zone C WetIands 図 □ DEPWetlandLayer □ 因 PerennialStream(USGSQuadbluelinestream) □ 図 2005HumanAlteredArea/WetlandChangeLayer FIoodplain 図 □ FEMAFIoodHazardData-ZdneAE,別料aiionJINA胸88 □  因 □  因 Out Standing Resource Waters (ORW) ORW Area of EnvironmentaI Concern (ACEC) ACEC WETLAND REGULATORY REVIEW FederaI Wetlands The U.S. Amy Coxp of Engineers regulates the delineated vegetated wetlands as “W窃ers Q/the脇ited States” under Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Act and the Corp’s Massachusetts General Pemit Regulations 33 CFR 320-330 Massachusetts Wetland Resource Areas Performance Standards Wetland resource areas on the site regulated under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Chapter 13 1, Section 40) and its Regulations (3 10 CMR lO.00) include: Ken Th0mSOn, Botm勘5uetZmds@gmail.com 781 929 I2032 Wetland De航eαfron Repor亡_ 6/Z〃O2I ヱ2梼rmo庇Ave, Wesき陶rmout心, MA Ban応are likely to be significant to public or private water supply, tO grOund water SxpPly, tO flood control, tO StOm damage prevention, tO the prevention of pollution and to the protection of魚sheries and wildlife hal)itat. Bank is defined as the first break in SIope. Bor虎ring Vegetated W訪anc* (BVW) are likely to be significant to public or private Water SuPPly’tO ground water supply’tO flood control, tO StOm damage prevention, tO PreVention of pol山ion, tO the protection of宜sheries and to wildlife hal)itat. The boundary of Bordering Vegetated W訪andris the line within which 50% or more of the Vegetational community consists of wetland indicat町plants and saturated or inundated COnditions exist. Bordering Land Subiect to H00ding (BLSF) provides a temporary storage area for flood Water, flood control and stom damage prevention・ BLSF likely to be significant to the PrOteCtion ofwildlife habitat including all areas on the ten year floodplain or within lOO feet of the bank or bordering vegetated wetland’Whichever is further from the water body Or WaterWay ProVide important food, Shelter, migratory and overwintering areas, and breeding areas for wildlife. Salt Marshes are significant to protection of marine fisheries, Wildlife habitat, and where there are she11fish, tO PrOteCtion of land contaihing shellfish, and prevention of pollution and are likely to be significant to stom damage prevention and ground water supply. A l OO-foot buffer zone extends landward from the limit ofthe Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW) and salt marsh. Ifyou have any question please contact my office. S incerely, プ形銘 々:/二子←_ Kemeth Thomson Botanist Ken ThOmSOn, Botm勘5uetJands暗mail.com 78I 929ユ2033